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Thread: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

  1. #381
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Lets be clear here, the Hawaii Gov said there's a notation written in the official records.

    The below picture is quite likely the authentic Hussein birth cert or equally as valid.

    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  2. #382
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

  3. #383
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    I'm wondering about something... is Mal a "Birther".

    I wonder if he is gay too.

    (I'm being funny. I am not a "birther" per se, but I think that people should prove their citizenship if they are going to run for certain offices. On the other hand, I don't call people GAY or Queer or any of those other terms EITHER. Only the Left does that)
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    I never really cared or thought this was an issue until I read about his social security number. Now I wonder.

  5. #385
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    I wouldn't say I'm a birther. I'd say I'm a "Prove it holmes".

    I'm also not gay.

    There is no Birth Certificate. Obama was not born here. Grandma probably called it in to be sure her new Grandson would be a citizen.


    During an interview on the KQRS morning radio show on January 20, Mike Evans, a long-time friend of Hawaii governor Neil Abercrombie, shared a conversation he had with the governor the day prior. The reader is advised to judge for himself the credibility of Evans' account, but he sounds convincing.

    Evans, Honolulu born and now a Hollywood-based celebrity journalist, claimed that Abercrombie had promised him that he when he became governor, he planned to find absolute proof that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    When Evans spoke to Abercrombie on January 19, Abercrombie reportedly told him that he searched the relevant Hawaii hospitals using his powers as governor, and concluded, according to Evans, "There is no Barack Obama birth certificate in Hawaii, absolutely no proof at all that Obama was born in Hawaii." After Abercrombie made such a fuss about finding the birth certificate, Evans concluded of his friend that he has "got some egg in the face."

    Curiously too, when Evans asked Abercrombie when he first encountered the young Barack Obama, Abercrombie reportedly said, "I remember him playing in a T-Ball league," when he was roughly five or six years old.

    The reader may recall that Abercrombie had told the Los Angeles Times just before Christmas, "Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, ‘I was here when that baby was born.'"

    A few days later, Abercrombie clarified to Mark Niesse of the Associated Press that he didn't exactly see Obama's parents with their newborn son at the hospital, but that he "remembers seeing Obama as a child with his parents at social events." Of course, Obama Sr. had left for Harvard four years before young Barack was T-Ball eligible.

    In the Obama rabbit hole, things do seem to get progressively curiouser and curiouser.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  6. #386
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    And another interesting one.


    HAWAII GROUND REPORT: Could Hawaiian Governor Neil Abercrombie not be as incompetent and foolish as he appears, but orchestrating a deliberate birth certificate recovery dead end to cover his own papakole? UPDATED: Mystery solved! Reason Obama will not release birth certificate is because his name is legally written “Barry Soetoro” on it.

    Posted by kevindujan01 under HillBuzz, Kevin DuJan | Tags: Barry Soetoro, Lolo Soetoro adoption of Barack Obama, Obama birth certificate, Why won't Obama release his birth certificate? |
    [583] Comments
    The reason Obama will not willingly ever release his birth certificate? Because he is legally listed as "Barry Soetoro" on it

    Here’s an interesting Ground Report from Hawaii that contains an ingenious theory about Hawaiian Governor Neil Abercrombie’s bizarre backtrack on releasing Obama’s birth certificate.
    Remember, Abercrombie promised that once he was elected Governor he would prove Obama’s birth certificate existed because he would march down to the Hall of Records and demand its production from the archives…and he would then hold it aloft in the gentle Hawaiian breeze, high above his balding pate, for all the world to see, thereby producing the document Obama has spent millions to keep hidden.
    Well, after he was elected, Abercrombie strangely acknowledged no original birth certificate could be found for Obama in Hawaii, but that there were “handwritten notes” that he was born on the island of Oahu in 1961. Abercrombie did not claim he saw the actual birth certificate.
    But, now he’s claiming it’s illegal to produce the birth certificate even if he did find it, because Obama refuses to let the public see this document.
    None of this makes any sense until you read the Ground Report below, and get a new take on what’s going on in Hawaii regarding the single greatest current mystery of the 21st Century (“Why Won’t Obama Just Release His Birth Certificate?”…which is also a question the lamestream national media refuses to ask):
    Dear HillBuzz,
    Regarding the whole Obama birth certificate controversy, I believe Hawaii has a big problem.
    Recently, when asked about the subject, newly-minted Speaker of the House John Boehner replied “The State of Hawaii says he was born there and that’s good enough for me.” His reply was brilliant.
    It reminded everyone that it’s not the Speaker’s job to sort out the mess (it should have been addressed by the Dems, the election officials, and the media during the campaign), but it also, clearly, put the onus on the State of Hawaii. Around the same time Neil Abercrombie, the new governor of Hawaii, waded into the mess wanting to clear everything up for the president. Instead, he has only added to the confusion by admitting there doesn’t seem to be a birth certificate only a handwritten notation in the archives. (Which could quite possibly have been generated by Obama’s grandparents as a way to register the birth if Obama was born somewhere else.)
    Personally, I believe the governor is an intelligent well-intentioned man who acted without thinking it through. Rush Limbaugh believes there may be some angle to what the governor did. If there is, then I believe it was a “cover your papakole” move on the part of the governor. He doesn’t want to be the one left holding the blame when, finally, the American public says “Enough! Just show the damn birth certificate already!”.
    He can honestly claim the deception and obstruction happened before he took office and when he tried to find the truth he was told he didn’t have legal access to the birth records. So he’s off the hook, but the incumbent state officials may not get off so easily. Lastly, there is information on several blogs about a court case that may have been filed in New York State Court called Strunk v. Paterson. I’ve heard that a state judge recently ruled — based on evidence — that Obama is NOT a natural born citizen. The court documents go into all of the birth certificate topics, including the Indonesian adoption.
    The fact that Obama was adopted by Indonesian Lolo Soetoro in the 1970s, and his name was legally changed to Barry Soetoro at that time, is most likely the reason he is spending millions of dollars to hide his birth certificate. He never filed the papers to change his name back to “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.”, so any birth certificate produced by the state of Hawaii would list him as “Barry Soetoro”.
    It’s easy to see why he never wants this to come to light. Aside from the legal ramifications of this, how would the American people feel about Obama lying to them about his NAME all this time? And if he lied about something as simple as that, what else has he lied about? It would open a whole host of new questions for most people about this man of deliberate mystery.
    Just wondered if you knew anything about any of this. I find the court documents hard to read and I have no way of checking their authenticity. People need to stop claiming Obama was not born in Hawaii and start focusing on that adoption name change. That’s probably what Neil Abercrombie ultimately encountered that’s made him backtrack on all this.
    Think about it: when the adoption went through, the law required Obama’s birth certificate to be changed to reflect his new name, which became, and remains, Barry Soetoro. So if Abercrombie went looking for anything in the Hall of Records with “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.” on it, he wouldn’t find anything besides those scribbled, handwritten notations in the archives (since those would not have been changed with the adoption, as who would have thought to do that?). The actual birth certificate says “Barry Soetoro” on it.
    That’s why Abercrombie couldn’t locate it.
    And why Obama won’t release it.
    Mystery solved.
    Tag in Kaanapali, Maui
    I honestly and truly believe this solves the entire mystery.
    It is seriously this straightforward.
    * Obama was indeed born in Hawaii in 1961
    * Obama was indeed adopted by Lolo Soetoro in the 1970s
    * Obama’s name was indeed changed to Barry Soetoro in the 1970s
    * Obama’s birth certificate was altered per Hawaiian law to reflect his new name in the 1970s
    * Obama never changed his name back to “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.” — most likely because he used “Barry Soetoro” on all of his student aid applications for college, and probably received foreign student grants and admissions assistance playing off his years living in Indonesia
    * All the records, transcripts, documents, and paperwork Obama continues to hide from the public is all hidden because it lists his name as “Barry Soetoro” on all of it.
    * Obama will not allow his birth certificate to be released because it lists the “wrong” name on it: Barry Soetoro
    It is as simple as this, folks.
    UPDATE: You know what, I really and truly do think we just solved the greatest mystery of the 21st Century so far.
    I honestly and truly do.

    When I read that Ground Report from Tag, all the pieces just fit together.
    It makes total sense — and Abercrombie’s behavior is rational only when you see it through the lens we’ve filtered all this through.
    Abercrombie heads into this believing there is indeed a birth certificate from 1961 in the Hall of Records with the name “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.” on it. That’s why he was so full of bluster when speaking about all this originally. Obama has been lying about this for his entire adult life, so of course Abercombie was lied to as well. Obama knew Hawaii’s laws would prevent Abercrombie from releasing the birth certificate, and also from telling anyone that his name is not legally “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.”. Anyone who sees the birth certificate is prohibited by law from talking about it…and no one wants to be the person who comes forward and admits the document says “Barry Soetoro” on it.

    No one wants to be Salman Rushdie, with a fatwa declared on his head by Obama cultists who will do everything they can to destroy the person who brought their Lightbringer down. No one wants the violent thugs at Daily Kos coming after him…or the White House abusing its power to destroy that person in other ways, using the government against him.

    Abercrombie goes about on his search and only comes up with some handwritten notes that say “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.” on them. That’s because when his adoption paperwork was filed, and his birth certificate was changed to say “Barry Soetoro” on it, the clerks in the Hall of Records didn’t think to change all those notations as well. It was not a computerized system. Everything was written in CURSIVE in most cases. Not even typed. When the records were computerized in the 80s or 90s, those handwritten notes were logged somewhere, and when Abercrombie searched for Obama’s name, those were the only documents that ever turned up.

    Because those notations are the last time he was ever legally named “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.” on anything. His legal, real name is in fact “Barry Soetoro”.

    Knowing him, I can also imagine Obama putting “Barry Soetoro” on all of his college application paperwork, because it’s exotic sounding and Indonesian and he wanted foreign student grants and admissions preference. When he got to campus, he quickly saw that it would be more politically advantageous for him to coopt a black, not Indonesian, identity, so the chameleon in the White House started listening to Jeremiah Wright’s speeches to pickup the black preachers affected speech…and started having everyone call him by his original name again, “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.”, because it sounded blacker than Barry Soetoro, and to get ahead in the niche he was carving for himself, Obama needed to be blacker than a Barry Soetoro ever could be.

    That’s why no paperwork has ever been released for him.
    No transcripts from college, because those all say Barry Soetoro on them (his legal name).

    No records from when he was a lawyer, because those all say Barry Soetoro on them (his legal name).

    No documentation of any kind, because those all say Barry Soetoro on them (his legal name).

    Behind closed doors, I imagine he has shown all these documents to people at various times in his life, where he’s stood before them and explained his name change in the 70s and said something to the effect of, “But my real name is Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. That is my identity”. I bet he then launched into accusations of racism against anyone who challenged that, in the slightest. The officials would be satisfied with his explanation and let him do whatever he wanted, because they didn’t want him to call them racists.

    This seems to be how he’s operated his entire life.
    And it would all come crashing down, permanently, if ever anyone came forward and admitted his name was legally written as Barry Soetoro on his birth certificate because he stupidly never legally petitioned to have it changed back to Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. once he was an adult, and no longer found it advantageous to be Barry Soetoro any more.
    The mystery is really solved.

    The answer really is this simple.

    That’s why Abercrombie has backed off. He’s using the “Obama doesn’t give permission for it to be released” excuse to protect himself, but the fact is that there IS NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE for Barack Hussein Obama, Jr…but there is one for Barry Soetoro, the person he became when Lolo Soetoro adopted him in the 70s.

    When this all ultimately does come out — in our lifetimes — just imagine the nightmare that’s going to unfold. Would everything Obama did as president be nullified, because there is no such person, legally, as “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.”? Or, would records just be retroactively changed to record him as “Barry Soetoro” in everything.

    Can “Obama” legally use his stage name on official documents like this?
    What think you?
    UPDATE: 610am CST 1/23/11
    Okay, I really think I’m right about this now.
    Not even five minutes after filing this story, cross-published it on their site, too.
    It’s like “The Peacock Brief” here in Boystown at Buzzquarters this morning — the little gay political website in Chicago the Left and Cocktail Party GOP establishment hates so much has come up with a theory the MSM either couldn’t put together or deliberately wants to ignore…like John Grisham’s Darby Shaw in “The Pelican Brief” book (or, the rather entertaining movie with still-top-of-their-games Julia Roberts and Denzel Washington).
    My friends and I here in Boystown have been going around and around on the Mystery of the Hidden Birth Certificate for months, over rounds of rainbow-colored frozen drinks at Sidetrack here in Boystown, texting and emailing our friends all across the country constantly about this. For the longest time we thought the reason Obama didn’t want his birth certificate shown was because maybe his father was listed as Muslim on it…but that was shot down when we learned that Hawaii didn’t list parents’ religions in 1961 on their birth certificates.

    Then, I thought maybe his father was listed as Arab, and not black, on the birth certificate, since polygamist Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was only 1/4 black and 3/4 African Arab…possibly making the birth certificate list Obama as a “Caucasian Arab”, because his mother was 100% Caucasian and his father was an African Arab. But, my friend Tag in Hawaii has a boyfriend who was born in 1960, and that guy swears child’s race is not recorded on birth certificates.

    So, that just left time to think about what could be on that document that Obama does not want revealed.

    I’ve known since the very beginning that David Axelrod astroturfed the whole “Birther” movement as an excuse for the media to ignore calls for Obama to produce his birth certificate. This is the oldest trick in the political book: if you don’t want your critics to ask about something, set the stage so that if they try to, you can used Alinsky polarizing/name-calling tactics against them.

    As in, start asking WHY Obama won’t show his birth certificate — which is a ridiculous thing to refuse to show — and instantly the media calls you a “Birther!” and accuses you of buying into the conspiracy that Obama was born in Africa or maybe Vancouver. It was a great strategy on Axelrod’s part that kept the truth from being revealed for over three years now.
    All of those conspiracy theories about Obama not being naturally born were ginned up to keep people from ever focusing on the more mundane, less sexy truth: that Obama failed to change his name BACK to Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. after it was changed to Barry Soetoro in the 1970s.

    He tried gaming the system by applying for college and all of his financial aid and special treatment with an Indonesian name, but then also wanted to use the blacker sounding “Barack Hussein Obama” name when that suited him to.

    And look where it got him.

    The whole house of cards is just built on Obama’s birth certificate never seeing the light of day and revealing his actual name to be BARRY SOETORO.

    There’s a whole RumpledSnakeOilSalesman Rumpelstilkskin vibe to all of this.
    Shouting Obama’s real name from every rooftop you can might just magically make this entire presidency go away.

    It’s 630am now here in Chicago, so I will leave you to ponder the legal ramifications of what happens to the nation when it’s proven the man who took the Oath of Office on January 20th, 2009 is not legally named “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.”, the way he’s been claiming he is.
    Maybe if John Grisham is up at this early hour he can chime in a little on that.
    UPDATE: 702am CST 1/23/11
    If no one can find a birth certificate for Barack Hussein Obama, JR. in the Hall of Records in Hawaii — not even the Governor — then can anyone find the following, or determine definitively that they do not exist:
    (1) Paperwork related to Obama’s name change to “Barry Soetoro” in the 1970s when he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro.
    (2) Exact date of Obama’s adoption by Lolo Soetoro, which would be the date he became “Barry Soetoro” legally
    (3) Exact date adoption was recorded by State of Hawaii
    (4) Duration of time “Barry Soetoro” was used as Obama’s name, which we know includes the entirety of his life in Indonesia after the adoption was finalized, until he mysteriously was shipped back to Hawaii to ostensibly live with his grandparents, but was more or less raised by Frank Marshall Davis.
    (5) Timeframe where “Barry Soetoro” started using the name “Barack Hussein Obama, JR.” again officially.
    (6) Date of legal name change back to “Barack Hussein Obama, JR” from “Barry Soetoro” — if indeed he ever filed to have this done
    (7) Date the required legal announcements were posted in newspapers announcing the name change from “Barry Soetoro” to Barack Hussein Obama, JR — if indeed Obama actually changed his name back, and fulfilled the requirement to place these notices in the paper

    All the newspapers in Chicago have these legal notices in the back. Foreclosures, name changes, notices of this or that or the other, bankruptcy filings. As far as I know, every state requires notices to be filed in a set number of newspapers when certain legal proceedings happen. I can’t imagine Hawaii didn’t have this requirement too, in the 1980s and beyond whenever Obama would have changed his name back from “Barry Soetoro”, if indeed he did that. Pick up even the Gay Chicago Magazine here in Boystown and on the last few pages, there are tons of these legally required announcements.

    If Obama did indeed change his name back from Barry Soetoro, then why can’t anyone produce one of the legally required announcements from a Hawaiian paper noting this court proceeding?

    Hey LexisNexis users and lawyers…can any of you research name changes in Hawaii and track down a record of Barry Soetoro changing his name to Barack Hussein Obama, JR.? If indeed this happened, there should be a record of it, right?

    Can anyone find SOMEONE in Hawaii in the 1980s who changed his or her name legally in the state…and see if that person filed any sort of notice in the newspapers back then announcing that change? Is there a court record of that person’s name change?

    Because if we can establish this is the PROCEDURE for changing names, then we can ask lots of questions about why there’s no record of Obama ever having done this.

    To my knowledge, changing his name back to BHO after the BS adoption name change is never mentioned…in a narcissistic tome chock full of loads of other BS though.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Mal, so you know, that was all in jest.

    I said something about the military guy who was in the military and was getting kicked out. I said "he's probably gay too" in the same vein that a Leftist would add such a phrase to completely discredit a person.

    It was completely in Jest (and I was referring to that when I made the crack at you in the same way).

    I know you're not, and to be honest, I don't care if someone is gay or not.

    What I care about is that people get the facts. And Obama seems intent of preventing that
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  8. #388
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    Oh but maybe I'm gay. Let me think about that for a second.

    Nope. Not gay.

    As for captain zero, he's got some splainin to do.

    World nutz daily has a new one up.

    Hawaii official now swears: No Obama birth certificate

    Signs affidavit declaring long-form, hospital-generated document absent

    Posted: January 24, 2011
    8:48 pm Eastern

    By Jerome R. Corsi
    © 2011 WorldNetDaily

    Former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams has now signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. in Hawaii and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi'olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama having been born in their medical facilities.

    Notary seal on Timothy Adams' affidavit

    Adams was employed at the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division from May 2008 through September 2008.

    His position was senior elections clerk, overseeing a group of 50 to 60 employees responsible for verifying the identity of voters at the Absentee Ballot Office. It was in this capacity that Adams became aware of the search for Obama's birth-certificate records.
    See the movie Obama does not want you to see: Own the DVD that probes this unprecedented presidential-eligibility mystery!
    "During the course of my employment," Adams swears in the affidavit (viewable in full as part 1 and part 2), "I became aware that many requests were being made to the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division, the Hawaii Office of Elections, and the Hawaii Department of Health from around the country to obtain a copy of then-Senator Barack Obama's long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate."
    As he inquired about the birth certificate, he says, his supervisors told him that the records were not on file at the Hawaii Department of Health.

    "Senior officers in the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division told me on multiple occasions that no Hawaii long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Senator Obama in the Hawaii Department of Health," Adams' affidavit reads, "and there was no record that any such document had ever been on file in the Hawaii Department of Health or any other branch or department of the Hawaii government."

    Tim Adams, former senior elections clerk for Honolulu

    In a recorded telephone interview, Adams told WND that it was common knowledge among election officials where he worked that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate could be found at the Hawaii Department of Health.

    "My supervisor came and told me, 'Of course, there's no birth certificate. What? You stupid,'" Adams said. "She usually spoke well, but in saying this she reverted to a Hawaiian dialect. I really didn't know how to respond to that. She said it and just walked off. She was quite a powerful lady."

    Moreover, Adams was told that neither Queens Memorial Hospital nor Kapi'olani Medical Center had any records of Obama's birth at their medical facilities: "Senior officers in the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division further told me on multiple occasions that Hawaii State government officials had made inquires about Sen. Obama's birth records to officials at Queens Medical Center and Kapi'olani Medical Center in Honolulu and that neither hospital had any record of Senator Obama having been born there, even though Governor Abercrombie is now asserting and various Hawaii government officials continue to assert Barack Obama Jr. was born at Kapi'olani Medical Center on Aug. 4, 1961."
    "We called the two hospitals in Honolulu: Queens and Kapi'olani," Adams stressed. "Neither of them have any records that Barack Obama was born there."

    In 2009, WND documented that Obama and his supporters had first claimed he was born at Queens Medical Center in Honolulu, before the story changed to Kapi'olani Medical Center in Honolulu.
    After WND's report on the two conflicting hospitals, online news sites including the United Press International and scrubbed their websites to eliminate any reference to Queens Medical Center, substituting instead that Obama was born at Kapi'olani Medical Center without explaining the discrepancy or the correction.

    Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie

    In 2010, then-candidate for governor Neil Abercrombie was involved in an Obama birth controversy when he read a letter at a Kapi'olani Medical Center centennial dinner in Honolulu that supposedly was authored by President Obama, claiming Kapi'olani as his birth hospital.
    As WND reported, the letter read by Abercrombie and initially displayed on the Kapi'olani website turned out to be a computer-created likeness of a letter using HTML code, the building blocks of Internet websites, not an actual paper letter.
    The White House has still not confirmed it wrote or sent the letter.

    Moreover, Adams claims, the Hawaii government was engaged in a cover-up designed to tell the American public through the Obama-supporting mainstream media that Obama was born in Hawaii, even though no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Obama could be found on record in the Hawaii Department of Health.

    In the affidavit Adams swears, "During the course of my employment, I came to understand that for political reasons, various officials in the government of Hawaii, including then-Governor Linda Lingle and various officials of the Hawaii Department of Health, including Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the director of the Hawaii Department of Health, were making representations that Senator Obama was born in Hawaii, even though no government official in Hawaii could find a long-form birth certificate for Senator Obama that had been issued by a Hawaii hospital at the time of his birth."
    Adams further swears his supervisors told him to quit asking about Obama's birth records.

    "During the course of my employment," Adams states in the affidavit, "I was told by senior officers in the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division to stop inquiring about Senator Obama's Hawaii birth records, even though it was common knowledge among my fellow employees that no Hawaii long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Senator Obama."

    "I can go get my long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate," Adams told WND. "And so I don't understand, this whole controversy should have been settled three or four years ago in about five minutes."

    Nor does Adams feel the short-form Certification of Live Birth is authoritative documentation proving that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    "My basic assumption is that he wasn't born there," Adams said. "Certifications of Live Birth were given to people who were born at home, or to people who were born overseas and whose parents brought them back to the islands. If his parents were U.S. citizens, or if one parent was a U.S. citizen, as was the case with Obama, the family would apply for a Hawaiian birth certificate when the parents came back from overseas. That's normally how you would have gotten on [a Certification of Live Birth] in the 1960s."

    WND has reported that in 1961, Obama's grandparents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham, could have made an in-person request at the Hawaii Department of Health for a registration of a Hawaii birth, even if the infant Barack Obama Jr. had been foreign-born.

    In the past few days, Abercrombie has represented that there is a registration of Obama's birth in the state archives.

    But the state registration of birth in 1961 theoretically could prove only that the grandparents had registered Obama's birth, even if Obama was not born in Hawaii.
    Similarly, the newspaper announcements of baby Obama's birth do not prove he was born in Hawaii, since the newspaper announcements could have been triggered by the grandparents appearing in-person to register baby Obama as a Hawaiian birth, even if the baby was born elsewhere.

    WND has documented that the address reported in the birth announcements published in the Hawaii newspapers at the time, 6085 Kalanianaole Highway, was the address where the grandparents lived.

    WND has also reported that Barack Obama Sr. maintained his own separate apartment in Honolulu at an 11th Avenue address, even after he was supposedly married to Ann Dunham, Barack Obama's mother, and that Ann Dunham left Hawaii within three weeks of the baby's birth to attend the University of Washington in Seattle.
    Dunham did not return to Hawaii until after Barack Obama Sr. left Hawaii in June 1962 to attend graduate school at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass.

    It's possible the yet-undisclosed birth record in the state archives that Abercrombie has discovered may have come from the grandparents registering baby Obama's birth, an event that would have triggered both the newspaper birth announcements and availability of a Certification of Live Birth, even if no long-form record exists.
    WND has confirmed with Glen Takahashi, elections administrator for the city and county of Honolulu, that Adams was indeed working in their elections offices during the last presidential election.

    "We hire temporary workers, because we're seasonal," Takahashi told WND.
    Adams told WND he supported Hillary Clinton during the 2008 presidential election campaign.

    He described himself as a libertarian who wants less government spending, fewer laws that restrict personal freedoms, more adherences to the Constitution and an end to foreign wars.

    "I'm interested in individual liberty and upholding the Constitution," he said. "I want to get American troops out from foreign countries, and I want to see the federal budget balanced."

    He said he might be inclined to support former-Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee or former-Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney in 2012 to run against President Obama, but he has not yet made up his mind.

    "It depends on how fiscally conservative Huckabee and Romney turn out to be on economics," he said. "But from what I know right now, they would probably be better than Obama."
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  9. #389
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Mr. Adams... you're going to disappear I'm afraid. Wow.

    Someone will go after him now.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  10. #390
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Game-Changer! Arizona To Pass 2012 Eligibility Law
    January 25, 2011

    It could be a game-changer.

    A plan in Arizona to require presidential candidates to prove their eligibility to occupy the Oval Office is approaching critical mass, even though it has just been introduced.

    The proposal from state Rep. Judy Burges, who carried a similar plan that fell short last year only because of political maneuvering, was introduced yesterday with 16 members of the state Senate as co-sponsors.

    It needs only 16 votes in the Senate to pass.

    In the House, there are 25 co-sponsors, with the need for only 31 votes for passage, and Burges told WND that there were several chamber members who confirmed they support the plan and will vote for it, but simply didn't wish to be listed as co-sponsors.

    The proposal, which also is being taken up in a number of other states, is highly specific and directly addresses the questions that have been raised by Barack Obama's occupancy of the White House. It says:
    Within ten days after submittal of the names of the candidates, the national political party committee shall submit an affidavit of the presidential candidate in which the presidential candidate states the candidate's citizenship and age and shall append to the affidavit documents that prove that the candidate is a natural born citizen, prove the candidate's age and prove that the candidate meets the residency requirements for President of the United States as prescribed in article II, section 1, Constitution of the United States.

    The critical phrases are "natural born citizen" and the requirements of "article II, section 1, Constitution of the United States," which imposes on the president a requirement not demanded of other state and federal officeholders.

    At the time the Constitution was written, many analysts agree, a "natural born citizen" was considered to be a citizen born of two citizen parents. If that indeed is correct, Obama never would have been qualified to be president, as he himself has confirmed his father was a Kenyan subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom, making Obama a dual citizen with Kenyan and American parentage at his birth.

    Other definitions have called for a "natural born citizen" to be born of citizen parents inside the nation.

    There have been dozens of lawsuits and challenges over the fact that Obama's "natural born citizen" status never has been documented. The "Certification of Live Birth" his campaign posted online is a document that Hawaii has made available to those not born in the state.

    The controversy stems from the Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, which states, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

    The challenges to Obama's eligibility allege he does not qualify because he was not born in Hawaii in 1961 as he claims, or that he fails to qualify because he was a dual citizen, through his father, of the U.S. and the United Kingdom's Kenyan terroritory when he was born and the framers of the Constitution specifically excluded dual citizens from eligibility.

    There are several cases still pending before the courts over Obama's eligibility. Those cases, however, almost all have been facing hurdles created by the courts' interpretation of "standing," meaning someone who is being or could be harmed by the situation. The courts have decided almost unanimously that an individual taxpayer faces no damages different from other taxpayers, therefore doesn't have standing. Judges even have ruled that other presidential candidates are in that position.

    The result is that none of the court cases to date has reached the level of discovery, through which Obama's birth documentation could be brought into court.

    Obama even continued to withhold the information during a court-martial of a military officer, Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, who challenged his deployment orders on the grounds Obama may not be a legitimate president. Lakin was convicted and sent to prison.

    Burges told WND she's asked the proposal to be assigned to the Government Committee.

    "I think every American should consider it of prime importance to ensure that all candidates for the highest elected position in our nation meet all constitutional requirements," she told WND. "We do not accept the federal government's unconstitutional treatment of states as one of their extended branches."

    The Arizona bill also requires attachments, "which shall be sworn to under penalty of perjury," including "an original long form birth certificate that includes the date and place of birth, the names of the hospital and the attending physician and signatures of the witnesses in attendance."

    It also requires testimony that the candidate "has not held dual or multiple citizenship and that the candidate's allegiance is solely to the United States of America."

    "If both the candidate and the national political party committee for that candidate fail to submit and swear to the documents prescribed in this section, the secretary of state shall not place that presidential candidate's name on the ballot in this state," the state plan explains.

    The governor's office is occupied by Republican Jan Brewer, who has had no difficulty in bringing direct challenges to Washington, such as a year ago when lawmakers adopted provisions that allowed state law enforcement officers to enforce federal immigration law. The state's move prompted an immediate court challenge by Washington.

    WND also has reported that similar efforts are under way in Montana, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Texas:


    Under Montana's plan by Rep. Bob Wagner, candidates would have to document their eligibility and also provide for protection for state taxpayers to prevent them from being billed for "unnecessary expense and litigation" involving the failure of 'federal election officials' to do their duty.

    "There should be no question after the fact as to the qualifications [of a president]," Wagner told WND. "The state of Montana needs to have [legal] grounds to sue for damages for the cost of litigation."

    Wagner's legislation cites the Constitution's requirement that the president hold "natural born citizenship" and the fact that the "military sons and daughters of the people of Montana and all civil servants to the people of Montana are required by oath to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States and Montana against enemies foreign and domestic."

    But there are estimates of up to $2 million being spent on Obama's defense against eligibility lawsuits. There have been dozens of them and some have been running for more than two years. So Wagner goes a step beyond.

    "Whereas, it would seem only right and just to positively certify eligibility for presidential and congressional office at the federal level; and whereas, it is apparent that the federal authority is negligent in the matter; therefore, the responsibility falls upon the state; and whereas, this act would safeguard the people of Montana from unnecessary expense and litigation and the possibility that federal election officials fail in their duty and would ensure that the State of Montana remains true to the Constitution," says his proposed legislation.


    In Pennsylvania, there was excitement over the GOP majority of both houses of the state legislature as well as the governor's office.

    Assemblyman Daryl Metcalfe told WND he is working on a proposal that would demand documentation of constitutional eligibility.

    He described it as a "problem" that there has been no established procedure for making sure that presidential candidates meet the Constitution's requirements for age, residency and being a "natural born citizen."

    "We hope we would be able to pass this legislation and put it into law before the next session," he said.

    He said any one of the states imposing such a requirement would be effective in solving his concerns.

    "I think the public relations nightmare that would ensue if any candidate would thumb their noses at a single state would torpedo their campaign," he told WND.


    Rep. Mark Hatfield has confirmed to WND that he will have a similar proposal pending.

    He had introduced the legislation at the end of last year's session to put fellow lawmakers on alert that the issue was coming.

    "I do plan to reintroduce the bill," he told WND. "We'll move forward with trying to get it before a committee."

    In Georgia, Republicans hold majorities in both houses of the legislature as well as "every constitutional statewide office," he noted.

    "I would be optimistic that we can [adopt the legislation]," he said.

    Hatfield said if only one or two states adopt such requirements, it readily will be apparent whether a candidate has issues with eligibility documentation or not. And while he noted a president could win a race without support from a specific state, a failure to qualify on the ballot "would give voters in other states pause, about whether or not a candidate is in fact qualified," he said.

    "My goal is to make sure any person that aspires to be president meets the constitutional requirements," he said. "This is a first step in that direction."


    WND reported on a bill prefiled for the Texas Legislature by Rep. Leo Berman, R-Tyler, that would require such documentation.

    Berman's legislation, House Bill 295, is brief and simple:

    It would add to the state election code the provision: "The secretary of state may not certify the name of a candidate for president or vice-president unless the candidate has presented the candidate's original birth certificate indicating that the person is a natural-born United States citizen."

    It includes an effective date of Sept. 1, 2011, in time for 2012 presidential campaigning.

    Berman told WND he's seen neither evidence nor indication that Obama qualifies under the Constitution's requirement that a president be a "natural-born citizen."

    "If the federal government is not going to vet these people, like they vetted John McCain, we'll do it in our state," he said.

    He noted the Senate's investigation into McCain because of the Republican senator's birth in Panama to military parents.

    Berman also said there will be pressure on any lawmaker who opposes the bill, since voters would wonder why they wouldn't want such basic data about a president revealed. And he said even if one state adopts the requirement, there will be national implications, because other states would be alerted to a possible problem.

    "If Obama is going to run for re-election in 2012, he'll have to show our secretary of state his birth certificate and prove he's a natural-born citizen," he said. "This is going to be significant."

    Berman said he's convinced there are problems with Obama's eligibility, or else his handlers would not be so persistent in keeping the information concealed.

    A year ago, polls indicated that roughly half of American voters were aware of a dispute over Obama's eligibility. Recent polls, however, by organizations including CNN, show that roughly six in 10 American voters hold serious doubts that Obama is eligible under the Constitution's demands.

    Other state plans also might be in the works but unannounced yet. Officials with the Denver-based National Conference of State Legislatures said they were not tracking bills in development.

    But Orly Taitz, the California lawyer who has worked on a number of the highest-profile legal challenges to Obama, said efforts are under way now in Missouri and Oklahoma, too.

    She said the bill is expected to be successful in Missouri where there is a GOP majority in the legislature, and in Oklahoma, where last year a similar plan failed by only one vote in the state Senate.

    She encouraged residents of Tennessee, New Hampshire, South Dakota, California, Maine, New Mexico, South Carolina, Virginia, New Jersey and Iowa to contact their lawmakers, as there has been some interest expressed.

    "We need eligibility bills filed in each and every state of the union … as it shows the regime that we are still the nation of law and the Constitution, that the Constitution matters and state representatives and senators are ready to fight for the rule of law. During the last election there were some 700 more Republican state assemblyman elected all over the country, as the nation is not willing to tolerate this assault on our rights and our Constitution any further," she said.

    Last year, several other states listened to proposals that could have had an impact on eligibility documentation. In New Hampshire, officials wanted to require candidates to meet the "qualifications contained in the U.S. Constitution." In Oklahoma, lawmakers heard a plan to let voters decide the issue, and in South Carolina, the plan was to prevent candidates from being on the ballot unless "that person shows conclusive evidence that he is a legal citizen of the United States."

    Further, several other states discussed requirements for candidates, but they did not specifically address the Article 2, Section 1 constitutional compliance, so it's unclear whether they would have addressed Obama's situation.

    There also was, during the last Congress, Rep. Bill Posey's bill at the federal level.

    Posey's H.R. 1503 stated:
    "To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President to include with the committee's statement of organization a copy of the candidate's birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution."

    The bill also provided:
    "Congress finds that under … the Constitution of the United States, in order to be eligible to serve as President, an individual must be a natural born citizen of the United States who has attained the age of 35 years and has been a resident within the United States for at least 14 years."

    It had more than a dozen sponsors, and while it died at the end of the last Congress, there are hopes the GOP majority in the House this year will move such a plan forward.

    There also is a petition, already signed by tens of thousands, to state lawmakers asking them to make sure the next president of the United States qualifies under the Constitution's eligibility requirements.

    "What we need are hundreds of thousands of Americans endorsing this strategy on the petition – encouraging more action by state officials before the 2012 election. Imagine if just one or two states adopt such measures before 2012. Obama will be forced to comply with those state regulations or forgo any effort to get on the ballot for re-election. Can Obama run and win without getting on all 50 state ballots? I don't think so," said Joseph Farah, CEO of WND, who is behind the idea of the petition.

    An earlier petition had been directed at all controlling legal authorities at the federal level to address the concerns expressed by Americans, and it attracted more than half a million names.

    For 18 months, Farah has been one of the few national figures who has steadfastly pushed the issue of eligibility, despite ridicule, name-calling and ostracism at the hands of most of his colleagues. To date, in addition to the earlier petition, he has:

    * erected billboards around the country demanding, "Where's the birth certificate?":
    * produced a 40-page special report on the subject;
    * produced a 60-minute documentary video primer on the issue;
    * manufactured yard and rally signs to bring attention to the topic;
    * pledged to donate at least $15,000 to any hospital in Hawaii or anywhere else that provides proof Obama was born there and given you an opportunity to raise the amount;
    * created a line of T-shirts you can wear to appearances by the president to raise visibility of the issue;
    * created a fund to which you can donate to further the kind of investigative reporting into this matter only this company has performed over the last two years;
    * launched a line of postcards you can use to keep the issue alive;
    * distributed thousands of bumper stickers asking, "Where's the birth certificate?"

    Farah says all those campaigns are continuing.

    "Obama may be able to continue showing contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law for the next two years, as he has demonstrated his willingness to do in his first year in office," he wrote in a column. "However, a day of reckoning is coming. Even if only one significant state, with a sizable Electoral College count, decides a candidate for election or re-election has failed to prove his or her eligibility, that makes it nearly impossible for the candidate to win. It doesn't take all 50 states complying with the law to be effective."

  11. #391
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Turns out that Mike Evans misspoke on the KQ morning show. He now claims he never actually spoke with the governer of Hawaii.

  12. #392
    Senior Member Kosciuszko's Avatar
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    Default "Berry Soetoro's (aka. BHO) birth certificate found in Mombasa"

    A mystery man whose zip code in Chicago was 60606 does have a b.c. from Mombasa. If you give me your hotmail adress I will send you the e-mail with all the relevant documents. Below is the explanation why BHO "b.c." from Hawai is a forgery.

    P.S. Sorry, these pics do not upload into the hotmail because "they are blocked for you safety" according to It must be really hot contraband.

    "Barry Soetoro a.k.a. Barack Obama Exposed Finally

    The letter below has been sent to me by a local Republican activist. Looks like the Supremes or Depublicans will never touch this with a ten foot pole. We do not want the hot summer of 1968 again, right?
    Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 11:50 AM

    ----- Original Message ----- Subject: IMPOSTER IN THE WHITE HOUSE

    And the High Court has a copy.

    Here it is, folks! The document we have been waiting for! Now if only SOMEONE in Congress or the Supreme Court will act on this!

    Spread this around.....if these documents are as authentic as they certainly seem to be, Obama is NOT qualified to be our President and he sits in the White House illegally!

    This is what Obama has spent almost $2M (so far) to hide.

    Here's a close-up of the top of the document where you can plainly read his name and his parent's names, etc....

    A British history buff was asked if he could find out who the colonial registrar was for Mombasa in 1961.
    After only a few minutes of research, he called back and said "Sir Edward F. Lavender Note the same name near the bottom of the photo above.
    Source(s): Kenya Dominion Record 4667 Australian library."

    And heres a close-up of the bottom of the document where you can read "Coast Providence of Kenya " and the
    official signature of the Deputy Registrar.....

    The above document is a "Certified Copy of Registration of Birth", but below is a copy of the actual Certificate of Birth... >>

    the real-deal legal kind of certificate.

    The Mombasa Registrar of Births has testified that Obama's birth certificate from Coast Province General Hospital in >>

    Mombasa is genuine. This copy was obtained by Lucas Smith through the help of a Kenyan Colonel who recently got it>>

    directly from the Coast General Hospital in Mombasa , Kenya . Here it is.....

    Note the footprint!!

    The local Muslim Imam in Mombasa named Barack with his Muslim middle name Hussein so his official name on this certificate is Barack Hussein Obama II.

    The grandmother of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. reveals the story of his birth in Mombasa , Kenya , a seaport, after his mother suffered labor pains while swimming at ocean beach in Mombasa

    "On August 4, 1961 Obama's mother, father and grandmother were attending a Muslim festival in Mombasa , Kenya .
    Mother had been refused entry to airplanes due to her nine month pregnancy. It was a hot August day at the festival so the Obamas went to the beach to cool off. While swimming in the ocean his mother experienced labor pains so was rushed to the Coast Provincial
    General Hospital, Mombasa, Kenya where Obama was born a few hours later at 7:21 pm on August 4, 1961(what a sad day for the USA!). Four days later his mother flew to Hawaii and registered his birth in Honolulu as a certificate of live birth which omitted the place and hospital of birth."

    Letter from Kitau in Mombasa , Kenya ......

    "I happen to be Kenyan. I was born 1 month before Obama at Mombasa medical center. I am a teacher here at the MM Shaw Primary School in Kenya . I compared my birth certificate to the one that has been put out by Taitz and mine is exactly the same. I even have the same registrar and format. The type is identical. I am by nature a skeptical person. I teach science here and challenge most things that cannot be proven. So I went to an official registrar today and pulled up the picture on the web. They magnified it and determined it to be authentic. There is even a plaque with Registrar Lavenders name on it as he was a Brit and was in charge of the Registrar office from 1959 until January of 1964. The reason the date on the certificate says republic of Kenya is that we were a republic when the "copy" of the original was ordered. I stress the word "copy". My copy also has republic of Kenya . So what you say is true about Kenya not being a republic at the time of Obama's
    birth, however it was a republic when the copy was ordered.

    The birth certificate is genuine. I assure you it will be authenticated by a forensic auditor. We are very proud Obama was born here. We have a shrine for him and there are many people who remember his birth here as he had a white mother. They are being interviewed now by one of your media outlets.

    Fortunately they even have pictures of his parents with him immediately after his birth at the Mombasa hospital with the hospital in the back ground.

    It will be a proud day for us when it is proven that he was born here and a Kenyan became the most powerful man in the world.

    I encourage anyone to come here and visit. I will be happy to take you and show you the pictures at the hospital myself as well as
    my document and many others that are identical to what Taitz posted. God Bless. Kitau"

    So, how much more proof do we need?

    Well, Here it is...

    WELL, HERE IT IS....

    Lolo Soetoro, Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro, baby Maya Soetoro, and 9 year old Barry Soetoro.

    This registration document, made available on Jan. 24, 2007, by the Fransiskus Assisi>>

    school inJakarta, Indonesia , shows the registration of Barack Obama under the name>>

    Barry Soetoro made by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro.

    Name: Barry Soetoro
    Religion: Islam
    Nationality: Indonesian

    How did this little INDONESIAN Muslim child - Barry Soetoro, (A.K.A. Barack Obama)>>

    get around the issue of nationality to become President of the United States of America ?

    PART 2:
    In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama's qualifications for the presidency, the>>

    group "Americans for Freedom of Information" has released copies of President Obama's>>

    college transcripts from Occidental College ...

    The transcript indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a>>

    foreign student from Indonesia while an undergraduate at the school. The transcript was released>>

    by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the>>

    Superior Court of California . The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial>>

    aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program.>>

    To qualify for this scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship.>>

    This document provides the smoking gun that many of Obama's detractors have been seeking ->>

    that he is NOT a natural-born citizen of the United States - necessary to be President of these>>

    United States. Along with the evidence that he was first born in Kenya , here we see that there is>>

    no record of him ever applying for US citizenship.>>

    Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation>>

    of Obama's campaign spending. This study estimates that Obama has spent upwards of $950,000>>

    in campaign funds in the past year with eleven law firms in 12 states for legal resources to block>>

    disclosure of any of his personal records.

    Mr. Kreep indicated that the investigation is still on-going but that the final report will be provided>>

    to the U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder. Mr. Holder has refused comment on this matter. [/quote]

    Last edited by Kosciuszko; April 3rd, 2011 at 03:48.

  13. #393
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    Default Re: "Berry Soetoro's (aka. BHO) birth certificate found in Mombasa"

    his HA birth certificate says he's muslim. That's it. However, enough to NOT get him elected in 2008.

  14. #394
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    Default Re: "Berry Soetoro's (aka. BHO) birth certificate found in Mombasa"

    It looks like the Kenyan birth certificate has been around for a while. You can catch a glimpse of it in the video below. It was dissmissed by the 'Kook Left' because 'it does not even get the country right'. I respectfully disagree. The name of the country on the certificate reads: 'Coastal Province of Kenya' (as opposed to 'North Eastern Province of Kenya').

    The 'Coastal Province of Kenya' is evident at the bottom of the Kenyan document but is 'accidentely' not framed in the video. The video below is therefore another commie lie constructed to look as a solid liberal opinion.

    The actual analysis of BHO's fraudulent 'live birth certificate' from Hawai below.
    Last edited by Kosciuszko; April 3rd, 2011 at 03:58.

  15. #395
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    Default Re: "Berry Soetoro's (aka. BHO) birth certificate found in Mombasa"

    Obama’s ineligibility: conspiracy and cowardice

    Lawrence Sellin Saturday, April 2, 2011
    Unless I am mistaken, it has always been a Constitutional requirement that a Presidential candidate be a natural born citizen. That is, the candidate must be born in the US of parents who are US citizens at the time of birth.

    According to that definition, Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen and, therefore, has never been eligible for the Presidency.
    How could he have been nominated by the DemocraticParty, placed on ballots in all 50 states, certified by the Electoral College and sworn into office by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
    Did I miss some important event somewhere along the way to the 2009 inauguration? Are we not using the natural born definition anymore? If so, who decided that? Was the Constitution amended in secret?

    Actually, none of that happened.
    What I think did happen was that many people got caught up in the euphoria and glamor of electing the nation’s first African-American President. The left wing of the Democratic Party saw it as a possible way of achieving long-term power. The main stream media, which is a shill for the Democrat Party, put its full weight behind Obama. Finally, the Republican Party may have been intimidated into cowardice by political correctness, fear of press ridicule and their own love of power and privilege.
    So, rather than deal with the troublesome requirement of natural born citizenship, it appears that some individuals may have intentionally decided to sidestep the Constitution, while the vast majority of those who knew better, simply acquiesced.
    A conspiracy of silence remains in effect today

    A conspiracy of silence remains in effect today. One can only conclude that rather than face the truth, our political leadership has chosen to enter the 2012 election cycle as if nothing is wrong.
    What the sorry excuses for statesmen don’t realize is that by not facing up to such an issue both then and now, they have irreparably damaged the foundation of our republic. A precedent has been set that the Constitution may be invoked when it is politically expedient to do so, or just as easily ignored by the same criterion.
    On the Democratic side of the aisle, there are some, who believe that they are blessed with only noble intentions and possess bound volumes of the truth. Any opposing views are not only wrong, but they are evil or stupid. It is acceptable, therefore, to express rage and fling insults at anyone, who disagrees with them. The end, to dramatically transform the US according to their left wing ideologies, justifies the means.
    On the Republican side of the aisle, there are some, who are simply weak and cowardly.
    It appears that the majority of our political leadership and the main stream media, probably for different reasons, have decided not to address the issue of Obama’s ineligibility.
    Those who may be guilty will do anything they can to prevent discussions and investigations of his eligibility because it could lead to substantiation of their complicity in the greatest political fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.
    Unlike them, the American people do not fear the truth and are intent on upholding the integrity of our Constitution. If what I wrote above is true, then what our political leaders and the main stream media have done is nothing less than tyranny by taking it upon themselves to subvert the people’s Constitution.
    SupremeCourt Justice Hugo Black stated: “Our Constitution was not written in the sands to be washed away by each wave of new judges blown in by each successive political wind.”
    Abraham Lincoln said: “Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.”
    To our temporary employees in Washington, D.C. – On which side of history do you wish to be?
    You have only a little time left to decide
    Last edited by Kosciuszko; April 3rd, 2011 at 11:43.

  16. #396
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    Default Re: "Berry Soetoro's (aka. BHO) birth certificate found in Mombasa"

    Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND and WND Books, the publisher of "Where's the Birth Certificate?" "Therefore, we have a strategy for promoting this book far and wide – going right over the heads of the hopelessly biased and politically correct press. But we need your help to pull it off."
    A series of television ads are now in production to ensure this book cannot be spiked by the Big Media. WND needs to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to air these commercials on television networks and stations throughout the country.

    "You can view the first TV spot right now and help us spread it across the Internet long before the book is even available," says Farah. "Put it on your websites, your Facebook pages, send it to your friends by email and make sure they know how to donate to the cause – the cause of truth in the matter of Barack Obama's eligibility for office."

    ################################################## ########


    Another presidential hopeful wants Obama eligibility proof

    Says during interview: 'I'd produce birth certificate. End of discussion'

    Posted: April 02, 2011

    12:00 am Eastern

    By Bob Unruh
    © 2011 WorldNetDaily

    Herman Cain

    Businessman and possible 2012 GOP contender Herman Cain says he understands why people want President Obama to bring out some proof of his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office.
    He said in an interview with he respects people who believe Obama "should prove he was born in the United States of America."
    He was responding to a question about billionaire Donald Trump's flamboyant challenges to Obama to just produce his birth certificate and close the issue.
    He said Trump was "not off base, just like the people who have been challenging his place of birth the last couple of years."
    The interview:

    Cain continued, "It's just not an issue that I have studied enough to have a view on one way or another. I've been on the radio for five years fulltime. That wasn't an issue, quite frankly, that I spent a lot of time studying. And I respect people who believe he should prove his citizenship."

    Barack Obama

    He continued that there is a very simple way for such issues to be resolved.
    "If I were president and someone were challenging me on that, I'd produce my birth certificate. End of discussion, so that it doesn't remain a big distraction," he said. "I know there are people who have dug up some facts on this side, some people who have dug up some facts on [the other] side."
    "I, frankly, have not looked at all the facts."
    He earlier leveled another type of criticism against Obama.
    He said Barack Obama's long list of incidents in which he disregards America's Christian heritage may be intentional.
    "I have been able to get the pulse of the American people of not only what's in their head but what's in their heart," Cain told CBN News Correspondent David Brody in an interview. "What's in their heart is they love this country. They love the values upon which this country was founded, and they don't like it when the president omits 'endowed by their Creator' from reciting the Declaration of Independence."
    Brody asked Cain, "Do you believe that was intentional by the president?"
    "I believe it was intentional because he did it three times, two of which I know about, and a friend of mine actually knows of a third one," Cain answered. "With all of his teleprompters, how could you not put that in there? No. I believe it was intentional."
    (Story continues below)

    As WND has reported, Obama has an established record of omitting references to the Divine: prompting a letter from the Congressional Prayer Caucus for incorrectly replacing the nation's motto of "In God We Trust" with "E pluribus unum" in a speech at the University of Indonesia, omitting the phrase "endowed by their Creator" from documents submitted to the United Nations, drawing criticism for omitting the same phrase three times in a little over a month and, by WND columnist Chuck Norris' count, dropping "their Creator" a total of seven times in a two-month span last year.
    Cain, a radio talk host, WND columnist and former CEO of Godfather's Pizza, is one of only a few GOP potential candidates to announce formation of an exploratory committee to seek possible nomination for president in 2012.
    The issue of Obama's eligibility has been in the news since before his election. There have been a multitude of lawsuits and other challenges over his eligibility under the Constitution's requirement that a president be a "natural born Citizen."
    Many contend that means a child of two U.S. citizen parents, and Obama's father was a Kenyan national when he attended college in the U.S. He later returned without any effort to become a U.S. citizen.
    Other challenges contend Obama was not born in Hawaii as he claimed, suggesting an out-of-the borders birth, and resulting ineligibility. The "certification of live birth" from Hawaii that his campaign released is a "short form" summary of a birth record that does not necessarily indicate a Hawaiian birth.

    Last edited by Kosciuszko; April 4th, 2011 at 03:11.

  17. #397
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Merged your thread with the already long running thread on Obama's birth certificate and eligibility.

  18. #398
    Senior Member Kosciuszko's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    Merged your thread with the already long running thread on Obama's birth certificate and eligibility.
    Excellent idea. Barry Soetoro's (BS) presidential reelection campain aimed at collecting one billion (!!!) has started today. Therefore, it is probably a good time to revisit the issue of his citizenship at this time as well. Donald Trump so far is the only politician who is willing to talk about "where is the birth certificate?". In case Trump fizzles out and nobody else wants to pick up the fumbled ball, we have to start taking about it again and support Joseph Farah efforts to promote Corsi's book.

    By the way BHO's legal name is most likely Barry Soetoro, since there are no legal documents showing that he ever changed the name back to Obama after being adopted in Indonesia!

    It was noted that number 11 and its multiples ('11' has satanic connotations) recurs endlessly (he is the 44th President who was declared the President at 11 AM, etc, etc) in BS's life.

    I wonder what the upcoming November (11/11/11) might bring us?

    Last edited by Kosciuszko; April 9th, 2011 at 14:02.

  19. #399
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    The unraveling of Barry Soetoro, a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama II

    Trumping up the constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama

    By Doug Hagmann & Joseph Hagmann

    Friday, April 8, 2011

    To those who are now speaking out about the Obama eligibility matter, I can think of no better statement than the one uttered by a very frustrated Officer John McClane, played by Bruce Willis in the movie“Die Hard.” In order to get the attention of a police officer oblivious to the carnage taking place inside of the Nakatomi Plaza building after making a very cursory inspection and finding nothing amiss,McClane tosses the body of a terrorist from an office window window onto the windshield of the police cruiser and fires at the police car, yelling “welcome to the party, pal.”

    I suspect that this statement accurately reflects the sentiment of numerous individuals and groups who have been fighting in the real world trenches for full disclosure of all of Barack Hussein Obama’s records, including his birth certificate, for the last three years. People such as Commander Charles Kerchner (retired) and Attorney Mario Apuzzo, Pennsylvania Attorney Philip Berg, Reverend David Manning of Atlah Ministries, and numerous others who have spoken out and taken their valiant fight for full disclosure of Obama’s records to the nation’s courts, only to be struck down for lack of standing or other arbitrary judicial opinions.

    Due to the recent public statements by billionaire businessman turned reality television star about the birth certificate issue, the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama has gained equal amounts of renewed interest and contempt by the American media and a vocal segment of the American public. The latter display of contempt is nicely displayed by some recent interview clips, including the priceless Meredith Viera interview of Donald Trump where she can hardly hold back her disdain of Mr. Trump and the entire eligibility matter, and Donald Trump’s appearance on “The View” last month.

    On “The View,” Mr. Trumpwreaked havoc among the cadre of women co-hosts when he merely mentioned the lack of a legitimate birth certificate provided by Obama. Lacking any coherent or intellectual rebuttals to Trump’s claims, a not-so veiled accusation of racism was leveled against Trump by “The View” co-host Whoppi Goldberg, while Barbara Walters expressed discomfort with the matter by simply wanting to change the topic.

    “Welcome to the party, pal”

    During the last three years, there have been numerous individuals, authors, investigative journalists, and others (and I consider myself among them) who have been mocked, ridiculed, belittled or ignored by Obama supporters, the liberal media, and the political left for even suggesting that this issue has any merit whatsoever.

    Perhaps even worse, conservatives on the right, including some high profile media personalities, have joined with the left in the same vitriolic ridicule of us so-called “Birthers,” a pejorative term ascribed to those who are merely asking for yet-unfurnished proof that Barack Hussein Obama is constitutionally eligible to occupy the office of the President of the United States.

    It has been only after Donald Trump began to ask the same questions others have been asking for the last three years that the matter appears to have morphed from a fringe topic into legitimacy. For example, Rush Limbaugh, who has kept this topic at arm’s length, has taken delight of the Viera interview, although it’s difficult to discern whether Mr. Limbaugh is more delighted at Mr. Trump’s steam roller approach and Viera’s reaction, or that the issue is being finally exposed in such an unlikely venue. Because Mr. Limbaugh has the ear of millions every day, I tend to gravitate to the former.

    To those who are now beginning to pick up the topic because of the exposure by Donald Trump, I can only say “welcome to the party, pal.”

    With all due respect to Donald Trump, he has not “legitimized” the eligibility issue, as the matter far exceeds the existence of the birth certificate and has adversely affected the lives of many patriotic Americans who have long fought for full disclosure of all of Obama’s records. Promising to be the “most transparent” president in history, Barack Hussein Obama is the most deliberately opaque president who has withheld many more records than his birth certificate. Not only has he withheld his records, he has fought to keep them hidden from public view, amassing legal fees that some claim to exceed a million dollars of his own money, and perhaps twice that amount if pro-bono and other legal work is counted.

    Also as a result of his refusal to disclose his records, a respected military physician is presently serving time in Leavenworth for refusing to obey deployment orders until he was satisfied that the orders he was given were constitutionally legal. LTC. Terry Lakin, an honored veteran with 18 unblemished and distinguished years of service, lost his legal battle and remains behind bars as Obama’s first political prisoner in the war for truth.

    While many may question the methods and venue in which LTC Lakin chose to take up his battle, no one can question his motives.

    “The biggest scam ever”

    Both Messrs Trump and Limbaugh have stated that if Obama is determined to be ineligible to hold office, it is the “biggest scam ever” perpetrated.

    Indeed, and that statement itself might be an understatement.

    I urge those reading this and those who are pursuing the truth to avoid “battlefield myopia” and not merely cling to the existence or lack thereof of the long form, authenticated birth certificate. The issue is much greater than the birth certificate or where Obama was physically born, as he could have been born in the Lincoln bedroom during the Kennedy administration and still be ineligible to hold the office of president under Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution. Our founders determined that future presidents must be born to two parents who are both U.S. citizens.

    Clearly then, the place of Obama’s birth is merely one concern, while the citizen aspect of his parents remains another.

    But the scam goes much deeper. Reviewing only the admissions of Barack Obama, we are told that Obama was born to U.S. citizen Stanley Ann Dunham, legally adopted by a foreign national named Lolo Soetoro, had taken the name Barry SOETORO, and was given Indonesian citizenship. He was raised as a Muslim in Indonesia, and attended a school there that accepted all faiths. At one point, Barry SOETORO moved to Hawaii to reside with his grandparents after Lolo SOETORO and Stanley Ann DUNHAM divorced. Obama completed high school as Barry SOETORO Much is missing from his early years, including a legal name change from Barry SOETORO to Barack Hussein Obama II. Absent of any document to show the legal process of a name change within the U.S., it is likely that the man sitting in the Oval Office is, in fact, Barry SOETORO.

    The above would also serve to explain the discrepancies with his social security number and region of issuance, a matter we are very familiar with in our capacity as licensed investigators. The reasons we have seen published concerning the allegations of the association of multiple social security numbers with Barry SOETORO and Barack Hussein OBAMA has always bothered us, but not necessarily for the reasons often published.

    After careful and extensive analysis, it appears that many of the numbers and name variations associated with Obama are what we would describe as “database chaff.” It is not uncommon for database repositories to erroneously associate different numbers, addresses and sometimes names to an individual. The reasons for this are many and beyond the scope of this article, but it happens.

    Accordingly, an investigator is well advised not to take the information obtained from a proprietary database at face value without first analyzing the information, tossing out the chaff and concentrating on the rest, which we have done. Additionally, we have found and concur with others on this matter that the social security number associated with Obama that was issued from the SSA region in Connecticut is troublesome, but again, not necessarily for the reasons as publicly stated by others.

    As we have been investigating this matter for some time (see our investigative report 1 and report 2 in PDF format for important background information), it has become apparent that at some point, the individual known as Barry SOETORO began using the name Barack Hussein Obama II. Based on our investigative findings, it was at about this same time period that the Connecticut issuance of the social security number appeared and became “attached” to the name Barack Hussein Obama. It can then be reasonably reconciled that Barry SOETORO became Barack Hussein Obama while he was a young man in New York following his mysterious trip to Pakistan on a passport that was likely not issued by the U.S.

    Trump’s curious statements

    As long-time investigators dealing with large corporations, we have the distinct advantage of knowing other professionals in the industry. Although we have had no contact with Mr. Trump’s investigators nor are we connected in any manner to Mr. Trump’s organization, team or efforts, we are aware of the identity of at least one who is actively working on the Obama birth certificate mystery. We are also familiar with that investigator’s associates and their areas of inquiry, so we have a fairly good understanding of what is taking place behind the scenes - and there is plenty taking place behind the scenes.

    NOTE: We will be talking about this in depth on the upcoming episode of CFP Radio’s “The Hagmann & Hagmann Report” on 8-10pm EST, Saturday, 9 April 2011. Program details follow this report.

    In advance of that show, however, we should address two rather curious statements made by Mr. Trump during one recent interview. When talking about his investigators in Hawaii who are looking into Obama’s birth certificate issue, he stated that “you wouldn’t believe what they’re finding.”

    Mr. Trump also stated that in his experience on Wall Street, he is familiar with frauds of all types, and has seen some very sophisticated frauds over the years. Well, we do have a very good idea of what is being found or verified as having been scrubbed from the records.

    In our investigation, we found that the scrubbing and altering of records pertaining to Obama began well before he became an Illinois state senator in the 1996 election cycle. The “scrubbing” or alteration of records did not begin or end with Obama, but also extended to his mother and other associates as well. In fact, a very large and extremely relevant part of the investigation of Barry SOETORO, or Barack Hussein Obama II as he is known, revolves around his parents, step father, and grandparents. and extends from the U.S. mainland to Hawaii and other points across the globe.

    Meteoric rise to power was well planned

    To understand how a virtually unknown politician from Illinois could rise to occupy the most powerful position in the free world in less than a decade after he became a state senator, one must take a few steps backward to understand the complete picture, and that Obama was selected long before he was elected to become president. Problems with his background were numerous, however, including but not limited to his parental lineage and place of birth. These problems became apparent through a private vetting process by his own handlers, or those who are known as the “power elite” in the latter half of the last century. His handlers were and are globalists of the highest order, extending from George Soros to those above him on the proverbial pyramid capstone of globalists.

    The globalists had direct and indirect ties to the Dunham family and in particular, Obama’s mother. Consider, for example, that Peter F. Geithner (father of Obama’s Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner), worked for the Ford Foundation and oversaw the work of Obama‚Äôs mother, Ann Dunham, while she was developing “microfinance programs” in Indonesia.

    In brief, Obama’s mother set up a large loan system in Indonesia akin to the savings and loan structure of the 1970s and 1980s. To gain a better understanding of her activities in finance, despite her background in anthropology, recall the BCCI scandal of the late 1970s. In fact, some of the same “players” who existed then continue to exist in Obama’s circles.

    Our investigation into her activities and those close to Obama are continuing and will be the subject of a separate article, including how Obama as president fits into the communist China agenda in terms of global finance. Meanwhile, it’s important to take a few more steps backward in history to understand that the scrubbing of inconvenient records is not new.

    Fast Rewind: Senator Joe McCarthy & the relevance to today

    The majority of Americans alive today do not recall the WW II postwar era beyond the revised history contained in textbooks that rarely reflect the truth of that time. Today’s well-coiffed but intellectually deficient anchors who deliver the news to ordinary Americans know little to nothing of the gritty reality of the origins of the “cold war” between the U.S. and the former Soviet Union, and the infiltration of communist agents into American government. It is that very infiltration that has paved the way for Obama.

    Mention, however, the name of former Senator Joe McCarthy and watch as they recoil in disgust, having been taught that the inquiries of Senator Joe McCarthy is a black chapter in the history books of America. Since the 9/11 attacks, some of these news anchors and pundits have actually described the vetting of Muslims for sensitive positions in the U.S. as a throwback to “McCarthyism,” while few actually using that term know the true history of communist infiltration in key government positions in the postwar era.

    The truth is that communist infiltration of and through the U.S. government, particularly the State Department, was and remains a legitimate threat to America. A 106-page confidential memo dated 3 August 1946, written by State Department official Samuel Klaus, detailed the alarming levels of communist infiltration into American government. It was that memo that served as the basis of Senator Joe McCarthy launching an investigation into the threat to America from within. It was through the efforts of McCarthy that a Senate subcommittee chaired by Senator Millard Tydings requested and eventually received a copy of that memo.

    As noted by M. Stanton Evans, author of Blacklisted by History, that memo would mysteriously vanish from our nation’s records. Mr. Evans notes that this historic memo is not in the legislative panel file of the Tydings panel, located in the National Archives of the U.S., and was also removed from the files of Samuel Klaus, the author of the memo, from the National Archives in March of 1993, nearly a half century after it was issued.

    As painstakingly revealed by M. Stanton Evans in his extensive work Blacklisted by History, important documentation well beyond the Klaus memo relevant to exposing the level of communist infiltration into the U.S. government is not limited to government sources such as the National Archive, but also to private data sources and repositories. He lists a number of instances where records were scrubbed and consequently, created a much different and much less accurate picture of that era of U.S. history.

    This topic is as relevant today as it was during the time of Senator Joe McCarty, if not even more relevant. One only has to look at the reported communist, Marxist and socialist ties in Obama’s lineage and inner circle to understand the impact of missing records.

    One would do well to use the voluminous work of M. Stanton Evans as a template to understand how Americans have been deliberately misled by the media and some members of our own government into believing that the communist and socialist objectives, launched in the postwar era, have led to where we find ourselves today.

    The removal of the Klaus memo from his file in March of 1993 was as deliberate as the refusal of government officials, complicit with the media moguls of today to address the lack of bona fides of Barack Hussein Obama. In fact, one could consider them an extension of the same.

    What it all means

    Based on investigative findings that are not discussed in the media, it would appear that the selection and election of Barack Hussein Obama was indeed the greatest scam ever pulled off against the American people. The above provides just a small portion of the critical issues surrounding Obama’s eligibility, identity and his place in U.S. and world history. The story is much larger than a single piece of paper, but that paper, if properly authenticated, will serve as the thread that will unravel the larger tangled web of the Obama legend.

    To those who have just awakened to the constitutional crisis we are facing at the hands of this president, we’d like to say once again, “welcome to the party, pal.”

    Douglas J. Hagmann & his son, Joseph Hagmann, both investigators, researchers and contributors to Canada Free Press, host a weekly radio program on CFP Radio called The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, broadcast live every Saturday from 8:00-10:00 p.m. ET. In it’s fifth week, the program has gained in popularity, and has become one of the ten most popular radio shows on the BlogTalk Radio platform. This week’s program will be providing additional details about the problems with Obama’s eligibility to occupy the White House.

    Doug Hagmann & Joseph Hagmann Bio

    Doug Hagmann & Joseph Hagmann Most recent columns Copyright © Douglas Hagmann

    Douglas Hagmann, founder & director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, and a multi-state licensed private investigative agency. Doug began using his investigative skills and training to fight terrorism and increase public awareness through his website.

    Doug can be reached at:
    Joseph Hagmann earned a degree in business administration, marketing and management and holds several law enforcement related certifications. He has completed over 6,000 hours of field investigation and covert surveillance operations, specializing in surveillance and counter-surveillance operations.He is presently the Director of Field Operations (DFO) for the Northeast Intelligence Network.

    Joseph can be reached at:

    Will the rule of law be dictated by the whims of the political elite and the MSM or by the Constitution?

    The coming meltdown of Barack Obama

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Man, where are the damned Leftists Conspiracy Theorists now? LOL

    The world is a fucked up place lately.
    Libertatem Prius!

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