Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
You know, the longer this drags out and the more information that comes out, the more I am suspecting this might be the Axis lighting another brushfire rather than an actual push for freedom. Savage definitely brought some interesting points to light on his show in regards to this.
As usual, I can't get real intelligence sitting at work other than text. /sigh

I have this horrible feeling this was instigated high up in the US and the "Brotherhood" was given money and help to get this started.

Ruining Egypt is a gem in a crown.

Egypt has been our ally for a LONG time, and we've trained them, given them massive amounts of money, weapons, munitions, airplanes and training. I've spent some time there (in the late 70s and early 80s so I am not familiar with more modern things first hand).

Egypt has probably MORE people than all the other middle eastern countries put together - if not more, then pretty close.

They OWN and CONTROL the Suez Canal. This is a very tight canal, with locks and adds roughly 20 days to countries moving oil and supplies from the Mediterranean to the Arabian Sea.

The ability to close off those locks is a massive military advantage against pretty much anyone - including Europe, and certainly not forgetting the United States.

Having Egypt under the control of the Muslims will be a very, very bad thing for the United States, for Europe and for the Israelis.

If we don't do something soon and we allow this to continue - regardless of Mubarak's "status" as a "dictator" we are going to lose a very important region.

Do I advocate interfering with "democracy"? Yes, in this case I do.

Not violently though.

The people need to stand down and let him finish his term and work to have him ousted at the elections....