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Thread: Egypt is collapsing!

  1. #741
    Senior Member BRVoice's Avatar
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    Hosni Mubarak's speech to the Egyptian people: 'I will not... accept to hear foreign dictations'
    Thursday, February 10, 2011; 4:50 PM
    The Washington Post

    Here is the transcript of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's speech to his nation Thursday evening, translated from Arabic by Federal Document Clearing House:

    In the name of Allah, the merciful, the compassionate, dear fellow citizens, my sons, the youth of Egypt, and daughters, I am addressing you tonight to the youth of Egypt in Tahrir Square, with all of its diversity.

    I am addressing all of you from the heart, a speech from the father to his sons and daughters. I am telling you that I am very grateful and am so proud of you for being a symbolic generation that is calling for change to the better, that is dreaming for a better future, and is making the future.

    I am telling you before anything, that the blood of the martyrs and the injured will not go in vain. And I would like to affirm, I will not hesitate to punish those who are responsible fiercely. I will hold those in charge who have violated the rights of our youth with the harshest punishment stipulated in the law.

    I am telling families of the innocent victims that I have been so much in pain for their pain, and my heart ached for your heartache.

    I am telling you that my response to your demands and your messages and your requests is my commitment that I will never go back on to. I am determined to fulfill what I have promised you in all honesty, and I'm determined to execute and carry out what I have promised without going back to the past.

    This commitment is out of my conviction of your honesty and your movement and that your demands are the demands - legitimate and just demands. Any regime could make mistakes in any country, but what is more important is to acknowledge these mistakes and reform and correct them in a timely manner, and to hold those responsible for it accountable.

    I am telling you, as a president of the country, I do not find it a mistake to listen to you and to respond to your requests and demands. But it is shameful and I will not, nor will ever accept to hear foreign dictations, whatever the source might be or whatever the context it came in.

    My sons and daughters, the youth of Egypt, dear fellow citizens, I have announced, without any doubt, that I will not run for the next presidential elections and have said that I have given the country and served the country for 60 years in public service, during wartime and during peacetime.

    I have told you my determination that I will hold steadfast to continue to take on my responsibility to protect the constitution and the rights of people until power is transferred to whomever the people choose during September, the upcoming September, and free and impartial elections that will be safeguarded by the freedom - the call for freedom.

    This is the oath that I have taken before God and before you. And I will protect it and keep it until we reach - we take Egypt to the safety and security.

    I have given you my vision to get out of this current situation, to accomplish what the youth and the people called for, within the respect for the legitimacy and the constitution in a way that will accomplish security, and security for our future and the demands of our people, and at the same time will guarantee a framework of peaceful transition of power.

    Through a responsible dialogue between all factions in the society, with all honesty and transparency, I have given you this vision under commitment to take the country out of this current crisis, and I will continue to accomplish it. And I'm monitoring the situation hour by hour.

    I'm looking forward to the support of all those who are careful about the security and want a secure Egypt, within a tangible time, with the harmony of the broad base of all Egyptians that will stay watchful to guard Egypt and under the command of its military forces.

    We have started a national dialogue, a constructive one, that included the youth who have called for change and reform, and also with all the factions of opposition and of society. And this dialogue resulted in harmony, and preliminary harmony in opinions that has placed us on the beginning of the road to transfer to a better future that we have agreed on.

    We also have agreed on a road map - a road map with a timetable. Day after day, we will continue the transition of power from now until September. This national dialogue has -- has met and was formed under a constitutional committee that have looked into the constitution and what was required - and looked into what is required, and the constitution reforms that is demanded [inaudible].

    We will also monitor the execution - the honest execution of what I have promised my people. I was careful that both committees that were formed - to be formed from Egyptians who are honorable and who are independent and impartial, and who are well-versed in law and constitution.

    In addition to that, in reference to the loss of many Egyptians during these sad situations that have pained the hearts of all of us and have ached the conscience of all Egyptians. I have also requested to expedite investigations and to refer all investigations to the attorney general to take the necessary measures and steps - decisive steps.

    I also received the first reports yesterday about the required constitutional reform - reforms that was suggested by the constitutional and law experts regarding the legislative reforms that were requested. I am also responding to what the committee has suggested. And based on the powers given to me according to the constitution, I have presented today a request asking the amendment of six constitutional articles, which is 76, 77, 88, 93 and 187, in addition to abolishing article number 79 in the constitution, with the affirmation and conviction that later on we can also amend the other articles that would be suggested by that constitutional committee, according to what it sees right.

    Our priority now is to facilitate free election - free presidential elections and to stipulate a number of terms in the constitution and to guarantee a supervision of the upcoming elections to make sure it will be conducted in a free manner.

    We - I have also looked into the provisions and the steps to look into the parliamentary elections, but those who have suggested to abolish article number 179 in the constitution will guarantee the balance between the constitution and between our security and the threat of terror, which will open the door to stopping the martial law, as soon as we regain stability and security and as soon as these circumstances -- circumstances assure the stability.

    Our priority now is to regain confidence between citizens among themselves and to regain confidence in the international arena and to regain confidence about the reforms that we have pledged.

    Egypt is going through some difficult times, and it is not right to continue in this discourse because it has affected our economy and we have lost day after day, and it is in danger -- it is putting Egypt through a situation where people who have called for reform will be the first ones to be affected by it.

    This time is not about me. It's not about Hosni Mubarak. But the situation now is about Egypt and its present and the future of its citizens.

    All Egyptians are in the same spot now, and we have to continue our national dialogue that we have started in the spirit of one team and away from disagreements and fighting so that we can take Egypt to the next step and to regain confidence in our economy and to let people feel secure and to stabilize the Egyptian street so that people can resume their daily life.

    I was a young man, a youth just like all these youth, when I have learned the honor of the military system and to sacrifice for the country. I have spent my entire life defending its land and its sovereignty. I have witnessed and attended its wars with all its defeats and victories. I have lived during defeat and victory.

    During the victory in 1973, my happiest days were when I lifted the Egyptian flag over Sinai. I have faced death several times when I was a pilot. I also faced it in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and elsewhere. I did not submit nor yield to foreign dictations or others. I have kept the peace. I worked towards the Egyptian stability and security. I have worked to the revival in Egypt and the prosperity.

    I did not seek authority. I trust that the majority -- the vast majority of the Egyptian people know who is Hosni Mubarak, and it pains me to what I have -- what I see today from some of my fellow citizens. And anyway, I am completely aware of the -- what we are facing and I am convinced that Egypt is going through a historical -- a historical moment that necessitates we should look into the higher and superior aspirations of the nation over any other goal or interest.

    I have delegated to the vice president some of the power - the powers of the president according to the constitution. I am aware, fully aware, that Egypt will overcome the crisis and the resolve of its people will not be deflected and will [inaudible] again because of the - and will deflect the arrows of the enemies and those who [inaudible] against Egypt.

    We will stand as Egyptians and we will prove our power and our resolve to overcome this through national dialogue. We will prove that we are not followers or puppets of anybody, nor we are receiving orders or dictations from anybody -- any entity, and no one is making the decision for us except for the [inaudible] of the Egyptian [inaudible].

    We will prove that with the spirit and the resolve of the Egyptian people, and with the unity and steadfastness of its people and with our resolve and to our glory and pride.

    These are the main foundations of our civilization that have started over 7,000 years ago. That spirit will live in us as long as the Egyptian people - as long as the Egyptian people remain, that spirit will remain in us.

    It will live amongst all of our people, farmers, intellectuals, workers. It will remain in the hearts of our senior citizens, our women, our children, Christians and Muslims alike, and in the hearts and minds of all those who are not born yet.

    Let me say again that I have lived for this nation. I have kept my responsibilities. And Egypt will remain, above all, and above any individuals -- Egypt will remain until I deliver and surrender its -- it to others. This will be the land of my living and my death. It will remain a dear land to me. I will not leave it nor depart it until I am buried in the ground. Its people will remain in my heart, and it will remain -- its people will remain upright and lifting up their heads.

    May God keep Egypt secure and may God defend its people. And peace be upon you.

    Transcript copyright 2011, Federal Document Clearing House

    Saint Paul in the Ephesians 6:12

    "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

  2. #742
    Senior Member BRVoice's Avatar
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    Red Alert: The Egyptian Military's Options
    February 10, 2011

    The decision by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak not to resign seems to have shocked both the Egyptian military and Washington. CIA Director Leon Panetta spoke earlier as if his resignation was assured and a resolution to the crisis was guaranteed. Sources in Cairo spoke the same way. How the deal came apart, or whether Mubarak decided that transferring power to Vice President Omar Suleiman was sufficient cannot be known. What is known is that Mubarak did not do what was expected.

    This now creates a massive crisis for the Egyptian military. Its goal is not to save Mubarak but to save the regime founded by Gamal Abdel Nasser. We are now less than six hours from dawn in Cairo. The military faces three choices. The first is to stand back, allow the crowds to swell and likely march to the presidential palace and perhaps enter the grounds. The second choice is to move troops and armor into position to block more demonstrators from entering Tahrir Square and keep those in the square in place. The third is to stage a coup and overthrow Mubarak.

    The first strategy opens the door to regime change as the crowd, not the military, determines the course of events. The second creates the possibility of the military firing on the protesters, which have not been anti-military to this point. Clashes with the military (as opposed to the police, which have happened) would undermine the military’s desire to preserve the regime and the perception of the military as not hostile to the public.

    That leaves the third option, which is a coup. Mubarak will be leaving office under any circumstances by September. The military does not want an extraconstitutional action, but Mubarak’s decision leaves the military in the position of taking one of the first two courses, which is unacceptable. That means military action to unseat Mubarak as the remaining choice.

    One thing that must be borne in mind is that whatever action is taken must be taken in the next six or seven hours. As dawn breaks over Cairo, it is likely that large numbers of others will join the demonstrators and that the crowd might begin to move. The military would then be forced to stand back and let events go where they go, or fire on the demonstrators. Indeed, in order to do the latter, troops and armor must move into position now, to possibly overawe the demonstrators.

    Thus far, the military has avoided confrontation with the demonstrators as much as possible, and the demonstrators have expressed affection toward the army. To continue that policy, and to deal with Mubarak, the options are removing him from office in the next few hours or possibly losing control of the situation. But if this is the choice taken, it must be taken tonight so that it can be announced before demonstrations get under way Feb. 11 after Friday prayers.

    It is of course possible that the crowds, reflecting on Mubarak’s willingness to cede power to Suleiman, may end the crisis, but it does not appear that way at the moment, and therefore the Egyptian military has some choices to make.

    Saint Paul in the Ephesians 6:12

    "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

  3. #743
    Senior Member BRVoice's Avatar
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    # SultanAlQassemi Al Jazeera: Meydan Tahrir Friday Prayer Imam collapses while delivering his sermon 3 minutes ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Al Qaradawi: 30 years are enough for you Mubarak, now leave the presidency. I call on the protesters to maintain their peaceful protests 7 minutes ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Al Qaradawi: Mubarak is personally responsible for the protester's deaths. I call upon the army to support this revolution. 9 minutes ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Highlights from the Qatar based Egyptian Islamic scholar & televangelist Al Qaradawi (exiled for decades) in sermon today on Egypt 10 minutes ago via web

    # Al Jazeera English AJEnglish Reminder: You can follow the latest updates from our teams across #Egypt on our list: 11 minutes ago via web

    # AJELive AJELive Reminder: You can follow the latest updates from our teams across #Egypt on our list: 11 minutes ago via web

    # arabist arabist Unrest in Egypt: Strange ongoings | The Economist 13 minutes ago via twitterfeed

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi BBC Arabic: Egypt Supreme Military Council's 2nd statement was read from the State TV building by a news anchor unlike the first statement 16 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    # AJELive AJELive Egypt army declared that they will ensure a free and fair elections and constitutional changes. #Egypt 19 minutes ago via web

    # AJELive AJELive Latest images from #Egypt 19 minutes ago via Twitpic

    # AJELive AJELive Egypt army says emergency law will end as soon as the current situation is stable. #Egypt 20 minutes ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi BBC Arabic: Egypt Military affirms importance of free elections and that none of the "honorable" protesters will be persecuted 22 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    # Ayman Mohyeldin AymanM #egypt supreme military council says it'll guarantee free presidential elections & end of emergency laws Who is running egypt? #tahrir 23 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi BBC Arabic: Egypt Military says the State of Emergency will be lifted when security improves and stresses on constitutional changes 24 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    # AJELive AJELive The youth protest movement; their demands, and how they interact with old-school opposition. #Egypt 24 minutes ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi BBC Arabic: Egypt Military warns of tampering with Egypt's security 26 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    # Evan Hill evanchill My article on the youth protest movement; an analysis of their demands, and how they interact with old-school opposition. 28 minutes ago via HootSuite

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Reuters: Egypt military issues second statement saying to lift state of emergency according to situation - TV 30 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    # Al Jazeera English AJEnglish Nokia and Microsoft join forces: World's biggest mobile phone maker to use Windows Phone software in a bid to re... 30 minutes ago via twitterfeed

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher #Egypt army calls for return to normal life 32 minutes ago via web

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher #Egypt army will make the legislative changes neccessary to ensure a free and democratic presidential election. 32 minutes ago via web

    # Hossam عمو حسام 3arabawy The second statement by the Armed Forces Council is BS. All promises in the future. I'm heading to Tahrir #Jan25 32 minutes ago via Echofon

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher #Egypt army to act as guarantor of Mubarak reforms: statement 33 minutes ago via web

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher #Egypt military makes new statement - promise fair and free elections later this year 33 minutes ago via web

    # Al Jazeera English AJEnglish Latest update from the #Egyptian Supreme Council of Armed Forces live on #AlJazeera now: Watch our live coverage here: 36 minutes ago via web

    # Shadi Hamid shadihamid Protest by presidential palace. They can't get any closer than entrance of nadi helioplis #jan25 40 minutes ago via Twitpic

    # Breaking News BreakingNews Iran electronically jams the BBC's Persian language TV broadcasts over coverage of Egypt unrest 41 minutes ago via

    # Evan Hill evanchill Obviously giving Suleiman his powers is not the sole demand of the youth, or the opposition, but it was a key plank. 42 minutes ago via HootSuite

    # Evan Hill evanchill Based on reports/statement from Egypt amb to US, sounds like Mub did what ppl wanted - give pwr to Suleiman - just didnt take symbolic exit. about 1 hour ago via HootSuite

    # WSJ Middle East WSJMidEast Egypt in Chaos as Mubarak Refuses to Go about 1 hour ago via twitterfeed

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi BBC Arabic Radio reporter in Egypt: Five million protesters expected in Cairo. There is a great deal of anger. about 1 hour ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Al Arabiya: Omar Suleiman asked Prime Minister Ahmed Shafik to appoint a Deputy Prime Minister for dialogue with opposition about 1 hour ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi BikyaMasr: Elbaradei to CNN: “Suleiman is an extension of Mubarak. They are twins. For the sake of their country, they should go.” about 1 hour ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi BikyaMasr: Elbaradei to CNN: Mubarak “is gambling with the future of his country” in order to stay at the helm about 1 hour ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi AP: Ben-Eliezer told Army Radio on Friday that Mubarak knew "this was the end of the road" & wanted only to "leave in an honorable fashion" about 1 hour ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi AP: Israel's Binyamin Ben-Eliezer spoke to Mubarak before his speech: Mubarak wants honorable exit about 1 hour ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Spiegel Int'l: Cairo demonstrator "We will see how the army reacts when we storm Mubarak's palace" about 1 hour ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi ZDF: German Foreign Minister Westerwelle on Egypt: world expects that "democratic change begins now. Not some time in the future, but now" about 2 hours ago via web

    Saint Paul in the Ephesians 6:12

    "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

  4. #744
    Senior Member BRVoice's Avatar
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    # SultanAlQassemi MT @camanpour Senior egyptian official tells me Mubarak has left Cairo. He left last night after speech to nation 4 minutes ago via web

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib There are now leaders from 3 countries in the world officially asking Mubarak to step down: Turkey, Maldives, Denmark #jan25 #egypt 4 minutes ago via web

    # Sarah El Sirgany Ssirgany RT @ElFoulio: More protesters have joined pres palace protest, ppl excited and cheering #jan25 6 minutes ago via TweetDeck

    # Hossam عمو حسام 3arabawy Protester tells me: these r presidential guards here, but they erased their signs so as not to b identified. #jan25 7 minutes ago via Mobile Web

    # weddady weddady For my fellow activists: the real engines behind media are the producers behind the camera, meet @ElizabethMayo 8 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    # Sarah El Sirgany Ssirgany RT @moftasa: Another pic from Salah Salem. Palace may be surrounded now by protesters in all directions. 8 minutes ago via TweetDeck

    # Sarah El Sirgany Ssirgany RT @alaa: @Ssirgany but the time when protesters could accept concessions is before wednesday of the camels 8 minutes ago via TweetDeck

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Page grab of Al Jazeera saying that 2 mil protesters are marching in Alexandria (not making it up) 9 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    # Sarah El Sirgany Ssirgany RT @alaa @Ssirgany no, non protesters may have accepted it if he didn't use such defiant bullshitty tone & showed some semblance of respect 9 minutes ago via TweetDeck

    # Breaking News BreakingNews Mubarak and his family have left Cairo, sources tell NBC News; Israel TV says they're going to Sharm el Sheik in southern Egypt 9 minutes ago via

    # Evan Hill evanchill The crowd heading to the presidential palace is now easily 2000 or 3000 9 minutes ago via Seesmic for BlackBerry

    # Mona Eltahawy monaeltahawy Good talking to @weddady behind the scenes at CNN. Good to have face time after so much tweet time on #Egypt revolution. 10 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Al Jazeera reporter: Two Million protesters marching to Ras El Teen Presidential Palace in Alexandria (Pop. 4.1 mil) [Is that possible?] 10 minutes ago via web

    # أبو كار Sarahcarr @3arabawy The 1st floor soldiers have been there with pointed guns for at least the past 3 days 11 minutes ago via YoruFukurou in reply to 3arabawy

    # Hossam عمو حسام 3arabawy tanks in front of the tv building. 1st floor soldiers have stationed machine guns pointed in our direction. #jan25 12 minutes ago via Mobile Web

    # أبو كار Sarahcarr lol like an angry gf RT @Dima_Khatib: Danish Primer Minister asks for Mubarak to step down, says Mubarak is history #egypt #jan25 #denmark 12 minutes ago via YoruFukurou

    # weddady weddady RT @ElizabethMayo Got the best compliment from @weddady today-said I was the calmest TV producer he's met.Or @ least that's what I heard 12 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    # Jan25 Voices Jan25voices LPC #Tahrir: Those who have taken over share common background with #Mubarak: theft and corruption, only on a lesser scale. #Jan25 12 minutes ago via web

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib Danish Primer Minister asks for Mubarak to step down, says Mubarak is history #egypt #jan25 #denmark 13 minutes ago via web

    # أبو كار Sarahcarr RT @occupiedcairo: Barricades between Tahrir and Maspero broken. Ppl now entering area en masse #jan25 14 minutes ago via YoruFukurou

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib Organisers in Alexandria tell Al Jazeera correspondent there are now 2 million protesters. #jan25 #egypt 17 minutes ago via web

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher Egypt Tv estimated 10 thousand protesters now around the Presidential Palace #Egypt 17 minutes ago via web

    # weddady weddady Talking to @monaeltahawy about the shifting perceptions in the US about the revolution in #Egypt #Jan25 18 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    # Hossam عمو حسام 3arabawy those stationed in front of TV building r not Presidential Guards, they r Paratroopers. #jan25 20 minutes ago via Mobile Web

    # Jan25 Voices Jan25voices LPC into #Tahrir: Numbers continue to grow.#Mubarak insulted his people last night by saying we were carrying out a foreign agenda. #Jan25 22 minutes ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi You know you're in trouble when: Iraq embassy in Cairo urges Iraqis to return home 24 minutes ago via web

    # Hossam عمو حسام 3arabawy Maspero - LIVE at 25 minutes ago via Bambuser

    # Hossam عمو حسام 3arabawy Tahrir - LIVE at 25 minutes ago via Bambuser

    # Al Jazeera English AJEnglish Our web team continue to bring you the latest developments from #Egypt on our live blog: #jan25 #mubarak #tahrir 25 minutes ago via web

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher @Dima_Khatib Ap Egypt-Europe-lead 26 minutes ago via web in reply to Dima_Khatib

    # Breaking News BreakingNews West Ham soccer club selected as preferred tenant for Olympic Stadium after 2012 London Games - BBC News 26 minutes ago via

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib @AlanFisher I cannot find this news about Danish PM anywhere.. 31 minutes ago via web in reply to AlanFisher

    # Ali Abunimah avinunu Just went by Egypt embassy, Amman but I missed demo apparently. Couldn't get there earlier! #Jo 32 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher Danish PM ``Mubarak is history, Mubarak must step down" 33 minutes ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Al Arabiya: tensions rise front of Orouba Palace in Heliopolis. There are 3,000 protesters there. 34 minutes ago via web

    # Hossam عمو حسام 3arabawy protesters here in Maspero r denouncing Osama Saraya and Magdi El Daqqaq 35 minutes ago via Mobile Web

    # Evan Hill evanchill Now the crowd of around 1000 is heading back toward the presidential palace 35 minutes ago via Seesmic for BlackBerry

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Breaking Al Arabiya: Mubarak & his family left Egypt for a break. (Arabic link from Al Arabiya 35 minutes ago via web

    # Nicholas Kristof NickKristof Growing crowd at Cairo presidential palace could be a flashpoint. Lots of soldiers and tanks there, determined to protect it. 35 minutes ago via web

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher Arabic channel now saying Mubarak has left for undisclosed location - that could be Sharm to get him out of Cairo 36 minutes ago via web

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib More protesters heading from Tahrir to Presidential Palace #jan25 #egypt 36 minutes ago via web

    # Hossam عمو حسام 3arabawy protesters in Heliopolis Salah Salem road r blocked in front of the Air Force Command 37 minutes ago via Mobile Web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Al Arabiya: Reports that Mubarak has left Cairo through Almaza Airport (dedicated for domestic flights) 38 minutes ago via web

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib Rumours by media outlets keep saying Mubarak left Cairo, probably to Sharm El Sheikh. #jan25 #egypt 38 minutes ago via web

    # Al Jazeera English AJEnglish Demonstrations continue across #Egypt with groups moving towards the palace. Updates from #Cairo & #Alexandria 38 minutes ago via web

    # Shadi Hamid shadihamid Tahrir square feels like a self-governing entity #jan25 #egypt 39 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

    # Shadi Hamid shadihamid Big march on talaat harb st. Maybe over 2500 ppl... #jan25 39 minutes ago via Twitpic

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher One Arabic news channel is reporting Mubarak has left the country. No confirmation - people shouldn't get too excited 39 minutes ago via web

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib I think the army won't choose sides really until pushed to do that by revolution. What is it going to take? #jan25 #egypt 42 minutes ago via web

    # Jon Jensen jonjensen Hung out with a citizen watch group a few nights ago for @DailyNewsEgypt #Jan25 #Egypt #Tahrir #Mubarak 42 minutes ago via Twitter for Mac

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib Ten thousand protesters surrounding State TV headquarters are blocking access to building. No entry, no exit #jan25 #egypt 42 minutes ago via web

    # Evan Hill evanchill Two big protests linking up in ramses square right now, one heading into the square seems to have convinced everyone to stay 43 minutes ago via Seesmic for BlackBerry

    # arabist arabist New on Arabist: Recent reporting 43 minutes ago via twitterfeed

    Saint Paul in the Ephesians 6:12

    "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

  5. #745
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    I see someone hanging from a Jib in the near future.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  6. #746
    Senior Member BRVoice's Avatar
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    # SultanAlQassemi Al Jazeera: More than 50,000 protesters demand Mubarak steps down in Qina (490km/300 miles from Cairo. Pop: 200,000) less than a minute ago via web

    # The Daily News Egypt DailyNewsEgypt Al Arabiya reports Mubarak and family left Cairo to unknown destination from military airbase in the suburbs: Reuters less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

    # AJELive AJELive Egyptians hold 'Farewell Friday'- Protesters' new push to force Mubarak to step down may test the military's loyalties: 1 minute ago via web

    # lyse doucet bbclysedoucet We r looking into reports Mubarak and family may have left Cairo. Conflicting reports #egypt #jan25 3 minutes ago via ÜberTwitter

    # arabist arabist Suleiman's birthtown RT @ArabRevolution: BREAKING: More than 50,000 protester in Qina. via Al Jazeera Arabic #Jan25 #Egypt #Tahrir 3 minutes ago via YoruFukurou

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Al Jazeera: More than 20,000 anti-Mubarak protesters marching to local council bureau in Arish (344km/214 miles N.E. of Cairo. Pop: 140,000) 3 minutes ago via web

    # Dima_Khatib The rest of the world asks for "change", "transition", etc in Egypt.. or doesn't utter a word #jan25 #egypt less than a minute ago via web

    # AJELive AJELive In last few mins, barbed wire barrier on 6th of October bridge removed & protesters making way to area around state TV: 2 minutes ago via web

    # The Daily News Egypt DailyNewsEgypt About 5,000 are protesting now on the street leading to the Presidential Palace, in front of Heliopolis Club main gate. #jan25 half a minute ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Breaking Al Jazeera Arabic: Sources say that Mubarak has left for the UAE (Al Jazeera Arabic link to tweet 1 minute ago via web

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher The Alan Fisher Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @hugorifkind @riy 1 minute ago via

    # luelabie: Al Jazeera: Snipers on top of presidential palace in Alex while people approach #jan25 #egypt #alexandria
    Friday, February 11, 2011 7:57:00 AM

    # iglooo101: RT @NadiaE: How to spot a fellow tweep at a protest: he's the other geeky looking dude frantically thumbing his cell phone buttons #jan25 #egypt
    Friday, February 11, 2011 7:58:13 AM

    # Desert_Dals: Couldn't a caretaker govt draft a new constitution rather than all this wrangling about tweaking current one? #Egypt #Jan25
    Friday, February 11, 2011 7:58:47 AM

    # bjenn: RT @H_eba: BBC states from confirmed sources that #Mubarak has headed to the UAE #jan25 #egypt
    Friday, February 11, 2011 7:59:04 AM

    # salemp: "When you touch their money, you touch the bone." - TYT Extended Clip February 10, 2011 via #egypt #jan25 @theyoungturks
    Friday, February 11, 2011 7:59:37 AM

    # TruthWitness: European stocks drop on #Egypt #jan25 #EU
    Friday, February 11, 2011 8:00:40 AM

    # Nisreens: Amnesty International: government is attempting to persuade protesters to go home by warning of chaos and destruction #egypt #jan25
    Friday, February 11, 2011 8:03:02 AM

    # muni3: RT @yvonneridley: #jan25 #Egypt Keep on rising keep on resisting - the world is with you (apart from Bliar, Berlesconi & Israel) and we respect your courage
    Friday, February 11, 2011 8:03:18 AM

    # FTNiazy: RT @SherineT: Crowds heading out of #tahrir in all directions,this protest is turning into sit ins around cairo #egypt #jan25
    Friday, February 11, 2011 8:03:30 AM

    # Peggybinn: RT @marwame: A journalist on AJA saying that there are now 20 million Egyptians demonstrating now all over #Egypt. #jan25
    Friday, February 11, 2011 8:03:55 AM

    # AmyMarieDC: RT @Messrologist Confirmed: Almazza Air Force Base The Presidential Airbus left For UAE this morning. #Jan25 #Egypt
    Friday, February 11, 2011 8:04:42 AM

    Saint Paul in the Ephesians 6:12

    "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

  7. #747
    Senior Member BRVoice's Avatar
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    Toad do you have some information about these two tweets:

    # bjenn: RT @H_eba: BBC states from confirmed sources that #Mubarak has headed to the UAE #jan25 #egypt
    Friday, February 11, 2011 7:59:04 AM

    # AmyMarieDC: RT @Messrologist Confirmed: Almazza Air Force Base The Presidential Airbus left For UAE this morning. #Jan25 #Egypt
    Friday, February 11, 2011 8:04:42 AM

    Saint Paul in the Ephesians 6:12

    "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

  8. #748
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    You have received this Red Alert as a member of our free email list. To access further analysis of the situation as it develops, become a full subscriber.

    Red Alert: The Egyptian Military's Options

    February 10, 2011
    The decision by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak not to resign seems to have shocked both the Egyptian military and Washington. CIA Director Leon Panetta spoke earlier as if his resignation was assured and a resolution to the crisis was guaranteed. Sources in Cairo spoke the same way. How the deal came apart, or whether Mubarak decided that transferring power to Vice President Omar Suleiman was sufficient cannot be known. What is known is that Mubarak did not do what was expected.

    This now creates a massive crisis for the Egyptian military. Its goal is not to save Mubarak but to save the regime founded by Gamal Abdel Nasser. We are now less than six hours from dawn in Cairo. The military faces three choices. The first is to stand back, allow the crowds to swell and likely march to the presidential palace and perhaps enter the grounds. The second choice is to move troops and armor into position to block more demonstrators from entering Tahrir Square and keep those in the square in place. The third is to stage a coup and overthrow Mubarak.

    The first strategy opens the door to regime change as the crowd, not the military, determines the course of events. The second creates the possibility of the military firing on the protesters, which have not been anti-military to this point. Clashes with the military (as opposed to the police, which have happened) would undermine the military’s desire to preserve the regime and the perception of the military as not hostile to the public.

    That leaves the third option, which is a coup. Mubarak will be leaving office under any circumstances by September. The military does not want an extraconstitutional action, but Mubarak’s decision leaves the military in the position of taking one of the first two courses, which is unacceptable. That means military action to unseat Mubarak as the remaining choice.

    One thing that must be borne in mind is that whatever action is taken must be taken in the next six or seven hours. As dawn breaks over Cairo, it is likely that large numbers of others will join the demonstrators and that the crowd might begin to move. The military would then be forced to stand back and let events go where they go, or fire on the demonstrators. Indeed, in order to do the latter, troops and armor must move into position now, to possibly overawe the demonstrators.

    Thus far, the military has avoided confrontation with the demonstrators as much as possible, and the demonstrators have expressed affection toward the army. To continue that policy, and to deal with Mubarak, the options are removing him from office in the next few hours or possibly losing control of the situation. But if this is the choice taken, it must be taken tonight so that it can be announced before demonstrations get under way Feb. 11 after Friday prayers.

    It is of course possible that the crowds, reflecting on Mubarak’s willingness to cede power to Suleiman, may end the crisis, but it does not appear that way at the moment, and therefore the Egyptian military has some choices to make. Read more »

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  9. #749
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    Hanging from a jib? lol

    Me maybe.

    I see him hanging from the yardarm....
    Libertatem Prius!

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  10. #750
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    # Dima_Khatib Al Arabiya: Mubarak & his family have arrived to Sharm Al Sheikh #jan25 #egypt 3 minutes ago via web

    # BreakingNews Report: Mubarak has left for the United Arab Emirates - Al Jazeera half a minute ago via

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib I am not confirming anything here. I am just telling you what Al Arabiya is saying.. #jan25 #egypt 2 minutes ago via web

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib Al Arabiya TV says it does not know whether Sharm El Sheikh is final destination of Mubarak & his family #jan25 #egypt 2 minutes ago via web

    # AJELive Unconfirmed reports that Mubarak has left Cairo with his family - rumours that they gone to Sharm el-Sheikh- more soon: 2 minutes ago via web

    # AaronBBrown: RT @justimage: All soldiers on other side of fencing at tv bldg look sympathetic to protesters. Very emotional scene. #jan25 #egypt
    Friday, February 11, 2011 8:23:33 AM

    # neilcocker: Reports coming through from all over that Mubarak has left #egypt and that his talk last night was pre-recorded #jan25
    Friday, February 11, 2011 8:24:06 AM

    # Al_Ali_Family: @Nivin_Ashraf I still don't see WHY or HOW did al arabia hv the speech before it was announced, ?????? #Jan25 #Egypt #Tahrir
    Friday, February 11, 2011 8:24:39 AM

    # CineversityTV: RT @lubzi: حلوة RT @starofisis: Hey Obama: The people of Egypt are showing you what the 'audacity of hope' looks like! #tahrir #egypt #jan25
    Friday, February 11, 2011 8:26:00 AM

    # aiayad: @ayaabdullah of course we have an agenda! keep our country free and clean from the filth that are controling it now. #egypt #tahrir #jan25
    Friday, February 11, 2011 8:26:56 AM

    # Jan25 Voices Jan25voices LPC: Protesters continue moving in large groups towards #Mubarak palace in Heliopolis. #Jan25 #Egypt less than a minute ago via web

    # Egypt Photographer degner Massive protest stretches along the corniche of #Alexandria. Going to Raisaton. #jan25 #Egypt 2 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    # bbclysedoucet Senior official confirms Pres & Mrs Mubarak have left Cairo for Sharm #jan25 #egypt less than a minute ago via ÜberTwitter

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib Revolution today is going after state institutions, not just in Cairo and Alexandria.. everywhere there are protests #jan25 #egypt 1 minute ago via web

    # Jan25 Voices Jan25voices AJE: Hundreds of thousands of protesters trying to march as closely as possible to Palace in #Alexandria. #Jan25 #Egypt 2 minutes ago via web

    # Sarah El Sirgany Ssirgany RT @DailyNewsEgypt: NDP spokesman Mohammed Abdellah to AFP: Mubarak left with his family; "he is in Sharm El-Sheikh” #jan25 2 minutes ago via TweetDeck

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib 80 thousand protesters on their way to Presidential Palace in Cairo, say witnesses on Al Jazeera #jan25 #egypt 2 minutes ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Al Jazeera: 80,000 protesters march towards Al Orouba Presidential Palace in Cairo 2 minutes ago via web

    # Shadi Hamid shadihamid State TV also surrounded by tanks and troops, so not going to be overtaken anytime soon #jan25 2 minutes ago via Twitpic

    # The Daily News Egypt DailyNewsEgypt NDP spokesman Mohammed Abdellah to AFP: Mubarak left with his family; "he is in Sharm El-Sheikh” #jan25 3 minutes ago via TweetDeck

    # Al Jazeera English AJEnglish As Egyptians hold 'Farewell Friday', we continue to bring u the latest news from our teams on the ground: #Egypt #Jan25 3 minutes ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Video of corrupt NDP tycoon Ahmed Ezz playing the drums in 1987 in a boy band 3 minutes ago via web

    # Jan25 Voices Jan25voices AJE: Showing view across Nile, protesters streaming across bridges towards #Tahrir and TV Building #Jan25 3 minutes ago via web

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib I believe Alexandria is witnessing the biggest protests since the beginning of #jan25. They look massive #egypt 5 minutes ago via web

    # Sharif Kouddous sharifkouddous Was at #Tahrir earlier. Packed and thousands more streaming in. On @democracynow with @anjucomet now. Watch: 5 minutes ago via Echofon

    # Jan25 Voices Jan25voices LPC at Palace: Protesters peaceful, discussions between protesters reminiscent of the dialogues that take place in #Tahrir #Jan25 #Egypt 6 minutes ago via web

    # Shadi Hamid shadihamid Worth noting that all the major regime arteries are being protected by the military. Not exactly a neutral role #jan25 6 minutes ago via web

    # Shadi Hamid shadihamid Here's the street leading up to State TV. Massive numbers #jan25 8 minutes ago via Twitpic

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Both Al Jazeera & Al Arabiya now report that Mubarak & family are in Sharm El Sheikh 8 minutes ago via web

    Saint Paul in the Ephesians 6:12

    "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

  11. #751
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    Anger in Egypt as Mubarak clings to power
    President Hosni Mubarak and his family had left Cairo to an unknown destination from a military airbase in the suburbs, according to Al Arabiya television.
    By Ramadan Al Sherbini, Correspondent
    Published: 06:58 February 11, 2011

    Cairo: The Egyptian presidency is to make an "urgent and important" statement shortly, state television said on Friday, after a ruling party spokesman confirmed the president had left Cairo for Sharm Al Shaikh.

    Earlier, Al Arabiya television reported that President Hosni Mubarak and his family had left Cairo to an unknown destination from a military airbase in the suburbs. It did not give a source.

    Al Arabiya had initially reported "news" that Mubarak and his family had left Egypt.

    On Friday afternoon, demonstrators had thronged Cairo's Tahrir Square , chanting against President Mubarak.

    They reacted with fury Friday after the military threw its weight behind President Mubarak's attempt to cling on to power despite massive nationwide protests.

    At the same time as a statement was read out on state television, an army colonel read out the same message - in which the military high command endorsed Mubarak's reform plans - in front of Mubarak's palace in Cairo.

    Protesters gathered outside the palace, many of whom had hoped the military would intervene to chase the 82-year-old strongman from office, erupted angrily and one grabbed the officer's microphone to denounce the move.

    "You have disappointed us, all our hopes rested in you," he shouted, as the crowd began to chant slogans calling for Mubarak to be put on trial.

    "No, no, this is not a coup," the colonel protested, insisting that the army would not take power itself, but would work to ensure that the popular will was reflected in the civilian regime's programme.

    In central Cairo's Tahrir Square, the epicentre of the revolt, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators had already begun Friday prayers when the statement was released, and were not already aware of its contents.

    The imam leading the prayers fainted towards the end of his sermon, but not before he had called on the army to "act in a way that will be acceptable to God on judgement day."

    Egyptians had gathered outside President Hosni Mubarak's palace on Friday to call for his removal from power, the army did not try to stop them and one demonstrator said they planned to take over the building.

    "Down, down Hosni Mubarak," chanted the protesters, who numbered a few dozen.

    Protesters had walked to the presidential palace in the Heliopolis suburb of Cairo on Thursday after Mubarak said he had handed presidential powers to his deputy, Vice-President Omar Sulaiman, among other steps that did not meet their demands.

    "We will march to the palace and oust Mubarak, and we know the world is on our side," said Nurhaan Ismail, a protester, 34.

    Meanwhile, the state news agency reported that Egyptian military leaders have held an "important" meeting and plan to issue a response, as protesters enraged by President Hosni Mubarak's latest refusal to step down, mass for new demonstrations.

    Mena says the chief commander and defense minister, Field Marshal Hussain Tantawi, chaired a meeting Friday of the Armed Forces Supreme Council and the military will issue important statement to the people afterward.

    Mubarak squashes speculations

    Mubarak gave most of his powers to his vice president but refused to resign or leave the country late Thursday, causing widespread anger and promises for a new push against him.

    Hardly had Mubarak finished his televised address Thursday night when thousands of protesters, congregating in Al Tharir Square for 17days, chanted in unison: "We will not leave until he leaves."

    In the 17-minute address, his third since the eruption of unprecedented massive protests against his 30-year rule, Mubarak transferred his powers to Vice President Omar Suliman and ordered the amendment of five constitutional articles.

    "This man has lost the ability to listen to his people. He insists on clinging to power despite the repeated demand for him to step down immediately," said Mahmoud Khedr, 22, who has been camping out in Al Tharir Square for 15 days.

    "Mubarak is still manuvering. His claim of transferring power to vice president is yet another ploy on his part. He can regain these powers whenever he wants," he added.

    In his address, Mubarak reiterated his resolve to stay on until his term ends next September, saying he wants to ensure "a smooth and peaceful transfer of power". He also vowed to tough punish those involved in killing protesters.

    "If there is anybody to be punished for those killings, he must be Mubarak himself," said Shawki Al Sayed.

    "Mubarak is the supreme commander of the police, who ordered killing those protesters", he added, as other angry protesters chanted: "We all go to the (presidential) palace in the afternoon."

    Groups of the protesters have said they will march on to the presidential palace in Heliopolis in eastern Cairo as part of what they call the Friday of Defiance.

    With inputs from agencies

    Saint Paul in the Ephesians 6:12

    "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

  12. #752
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    # arabist Yes of course. Have only 140 characters! RT @abeerallamFT: @arabist and and and and and 3 minutes ago via YoruFukurou

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Al Jazeera breaking: Egypt State TV: An important & urgent statement will be issued by the Egyptian Presidency shortly 3 minutes ago via web

    # arabist arabist Demand should now be for Mubarak to remove Suleiman as VP and appoint someone independent and popular (Moussa?), and give him full power 4 minutes ago via YoruFukurou

    # arabist arabist It's owned by his frontmanRT @blakehounshell: Mubarak doesn't own the whole place there in Sharm; it's a golf course where he has a pad 6 minutes ago via YoruFukurou

    # The Daily News Egypt DailyNewsEgypt Army throwing biscuits, water bottles and juice to anti-regime protesters near the Presidential Palace. #jan25 #mubarak 8 minutes ago via web

    # Breaking News BreakingNews Two days of clashes between Southern Sudan army, rebel faction have killed nearly 140, mostly civilians- military 8 minutes ago via

    # Shadi Hamid shadihamid Ok, now for the usual daily question: where in the world is Mohamed ElBaradei? #jan25 #egypt 8 minutes ago via bitly

    # arabist arabist They should get the governor RT @Sarahcarr: From a friend in Assiut: no police, no army, people throwing stones at the NDP HQ #jan25 9 minutes ago via YoruFukurou

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher Senior ruling party official tells Arab TV channel Mubarak delegated his authorities to vice president last night & he is now in charge 9 minutes ago via web

    # Shadi Hamid shadihamid Well, if a military coup happened last night, no one here in Tahrir seems to be aware of it #jan25 #egypt 9 minutes ago via bitly

    # arabist arabist @3arabawy Do you know what factory no. 63 manufactures? 9 minutes ago via YoruFukurou in reply to 3arabawy

    # Sarah El Sirgany Ssirgany RT @Sandmonkey: People are peacefull but very angry. This is interesting. #jan25 10 minutes ago via TweetDeck

    # Shadi Hamid shadihamid Western diplomats say top #Egypt military commanders have told them that they will not use force 10 minutes ago via bitly

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib I would not get too excited about this Sharm el Sheikh trip.. Could be his new home as a laid back president #egypt #jan25 10 minutes ago via web

    # Mona Eltahawy monaeltahawy Terrific to talk strategy and share excitement over #Egypt revolution with @weddady. Now off to 2-hr special w Brian Lehrer/WNYC. 11 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib Mubarak is still the president, still commander in chief of the armed forces, whether in Cairo or Sharm el Sheikh #jan25 #egypt 11 minutes ago via web

    # Sarah El Sirgany Ssirgany Biscuits RT @asirgany: Thrown from the army to us 11 minutes ago via TweetDeck

    # Jan25 Voices Jan25voices LPC to Palace: There are a huge number of women in #Tahrir, but they seem to be underrepresented in coverage. #Jan25 #Egypt 11 minutes ago via web

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib But doesn't Mubarak spend a lot of time in Sharm el Sheikh anyway? It is not that big a deal, really ! #jan25 #egypt 12 minutes ago via web

    # Ali Abunimah avinunu Revolutions are much better than wars. 12 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher From AJE's correspondent in Liberation Square "There is big banner saying THANK YOU ALJAZEERA signed by 25th January revolutionary youth 12 minutes ago via web

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib I was saying that Egyptian TV is using " presidency " not "president " or "vice-president" .. interesting #jan25 #egypt 3 minutes ago via web

    # Jan25 Voices Jan25voices AJE Analyst:Regime claim of trying to follow constitution is a tactic to buy time. Const. never been treated as sacred doc in #Egypt #Jan25 5 minutes ago via web

    # Shadi Hamid shadihamid If anything can be said abt last 2 wks, it's that both US & Egypt have propensity for releasing impenetrable public statements #jan25 7 minutes ago via web

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib State TV: Important and urgent announcement by Presidency of the Republic.. shortly.. (shortly = up to how many hours?) #jan25 7 minutes ago via web

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher #Egypt Tv says statement from 'Presidential Palace' expected shortly 8 minutes ago via web

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher #Egypt state TV confirms Mubarak has left Cairo for Sharm el-Sheihk 8 minutes ago via web

    # evanchill Two helicopters circling over the presidential palace less than a minute ago via Seesmic for BlackBerry

    # FouadRakha: URGENT STATEMENT from "The Office of The President" can B ONLY 1 of 2 things: FINAL WARNING or FULL RESIGNATION! #Egypt #jan25
    Friday, February 11, 2011 9:42:13 AM

    Saint Paul in the Ephesians 6:12

    "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

  13. #753
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    # FouadRakha: now.. it's just a matter of how long they can keep going... #Egypt #jan25
    Friday, February 11, 2011 9:43:50 AM

    # ibo_ayyad: Shortly or like yesterday !! Shall I wait for another bullshit to be said !!#egypt #jan25
    Friday, February 11, 2011 9:43:48 AM

    # elZahrawi: Couple of helicopters flying over the protesters here! #Egypt #Jan25
    Friday, February 11, 2011 9:44:46 AM

    # ObsoleteDogma: Suleiman? RT @ArabRevolution: BREAKING: Two helicopters land in the presidential palace in Cairo. via Al Jazeera Arabic #Jan25 #Egypt
    Friday, February 11, 2011 9:45:05 AM

    # Nicholas Kristof NickKristof "Important statement" expected imminently from Egyptian presidency. Let's hope it's more pathbreaking than previous ones. less than a minute ago via web

    # AJELive Military helicopters arrive at Cairo's Presidential Palace ahead of expected statement - more details soon: half a minute ago via web

    # Evan Hill evanchill Protesters climbing electricity posts, crowding tram lines outside posh heliopolis club near presidential palace less than a minute ago via Seesmic for BlackBerry

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher Al Ahram - Plane carrying President Mubarak, alone and not with family arrived in Sharm Al Sheikh during Friday prayers. #Egypt 1 minute ago via web

    # SultanAlQassemi Al Jazeera: three helicopters land in the courtyard of Al Orouba Palace in Cairo 2 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    # Al Jazeera English AJEnglish Another statement expected shortly from the #Egyptian Presidency. Tune in: (via @AymanM) #tahrir #jan25 #mubarak 2 minutes ago via web

    # AJELive AJELive Military helicopters arrive at Cairo's Presidential Palace ahead of expected statement - more details soon: 4 minutes ago via web

    # ninjafeline: RT @Eowyn9: v @Jan25voices AJE: Caller at TV Station.We are here in numbers to convince reporters and workers inside to come and join us. #Jan25 #Egypt
    Friday, February 11, 2011 9:47:38 AM

    # elizabethijoma: Democracy and the western world, daily looking more like 'some animals are more equal than others'...#Egypt #Jan25 #Tahrir
    Friday, February 11, 2011 9:48:04 AM

    # amnotreallyme: RT @TheReal_Mubarak: I've never seen so many shoe bottoms. #Egypt #Mubarak #jan25
    Friday, February 11, 2011 9:48:58 AM

    # Deepak_Minhas: helicoper flying above #egypt 's prez palace. also, a press release to come shortly from prez palace. could the two be related? #jan25
    Friday, February 11, 2011 9:50:07 AM

    # Jan25 Voices Jan25voices AJE Analyst: Strange that State TV reports Foreign sources say #Mubarak has gone to Sharm. No solid indications. #Jan25 #Egypt 3 minutes ago via web

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib It was back on 4 February but I missed it then. So here it is: Thousands in #Malaysia protested against Mubarak #jan25 3 minutes ago via web

    # Ali Abunimah avinunu Mubarak enjoys the seaside. So what? Who doesn't especially this time of year? 3 minutes ago via Twitter for Mac

    # Evan Hill evanchill The army barriers on this street prevent anyone here from actually getting anywhere near the palace 3 minutes ago via Seesmic for BlackBerry

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Denmark's Prime Minister Rasmussen "Mubarak is history, Mubarak must step down" - "Mubarak made a huge blunder yesterday" 1 minute ago via web

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher Trying to pull together our latest report on #Cairo but the siutation is changing so fast it's hard to know where to start #Egypt 2 minutes ago via web

    # Hossam عمو حسام 3arabawy protesters in Tahrir r flying kites on high altitudes to harass the military helicopter #jan25 half a minute ago via Mobile Web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi European Union on Egypt: "The time for change is now" less than a minute ago via web

    Saint Paul in the Ephesians 6:12

    "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

  14. #754
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    From the BBC Arabic: Hossam Badrawi, Secretary General of the ruling NDP "I will be announcing my resignation from the NDP within hours"

    Saint Paul in the Ephesians 6:12

    "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

  15. #755
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    Is there anything in FOX or CNN about Mubarak going to Sharm El-Sheik and about this announcement from the Egypt's Presidency Office Rick?

    Saint Paul in the Ephesians 6:12

    "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

  16. #756
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    Egypt TV - President Mubarak has Resign

    The Supreme Military Council is now in charge of Egypt.
    Last edited by BRVoice; February 11th, 2011 at 16:05.

    Saint Paul in the Ephesians 6:12

    "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

  17. #757
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    Mubarak is out.... the crowd goes wild! (Literally)
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  18. #758
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    FNC is reporting that Suleiman has personally stated that "Mubarak has stepped down".

    Reports coming from several reporters, and there is nothing "official" as of yet.

    The VP stated it, but there is no "official" word to the press yet. Just words from the Ministry of Information.
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    # avinunu Revolution removed dictators from Tunis to Cairo in less than one month. Powerful! 1 minute ago via Twitter for Mac

    # Hossam عمو حسام 3arabawy We need to lift all restrictions on establishing labor unions and political parties. #Jan25 1 minute ago via Echofon

    # Sarah El Sirgany Ssirgany Egyptians you did it. Everyone in Tahrir, Alex, Suez, and all cities across Egypt, you made change happen. #jan25 1 minute ago via TweetDeck

    # Hossam عمو حسام 3arabawy We need to prosecute the murderers & corrupt officials who ruled us. We need 2 dissolve rigged parliament. We need to abolish emergency law 2 minutes ago via Echofon

    # arabist arabist The new rules of Arab politics: It's like baseball, three speeches and you're out! 2 minutes ago via YoruFukurou

    # Mona Eltahawy monaeltahawy Is he gone?? Seriously?! Good riddance #Mubarak! Now the regime can follow him too! Yalla #Egypt! #Jan25 2 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    # lyse doucet bbclysedoucet cheers are going up from the streets, from offices, from the square #jan25 #egypt 2 minutes ago via web

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib حصني مبارك : باي باي إلى الأبد إلى الأبد ... كم أنتم عظماء أيها الشعب المصري الصامد الشجاع #egypt #jan25 2 minutes ago via web

    # Jan25 Voices Jan25voices LPC at palace: All cheering.#Jan25 #Egypt 2 minutes ago via web

    # Nic Robertson NicRobertsonCNN Chanting in Tahrir square deafening.. this time in celebration.. they crowd has got what it wanted #Mubarak to step down #Egypt 2 minutes ago via web

    # Al Jazeera English AJEnglish Pakistan extends US man's detention: Police reject US embassy worker's claim of self-defence in killing of two P... 3 minutes ago via twitterfeed

    # Hossam عمو حسام 3arabawy The strikes must continue. RT: @Firas_Atraqchi: Will military now call on people to disperse? Yep! #jan25 3 minutes ago via Echofon

    # Breaking News BreakingNews Live video: Tahrir Square erupts with cheers after news of Mubarak resigning. Watch: 3 minutes ago via

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi UNBELIEVABLE. THE EGYPTIANS REALLY DID IT. 3 minutes ago via web

    # lyse doucet bbclysedoucet VP and Pres out, Supreme Council army taking over #jan25 #egypt 3 minutes ago via web

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib Mubarak a démissionné .. l'armée a le pouvoir #jan25 #egypte 3 minutes ago via web

    # Ali Abunimah avinunu It's a good sign that they did not try to install Suleiman at least. They knew that would not fly. 3 minutes ago via Twitter for Mac

    # Nicholas Kristof NickKristof Senior generals may plan to rule Egypt the same way as before, Mubarakism without Mubarak. People will never accept that. 3 minutes ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi Exact words: Omar Suleiman: Mubarak has resigned. He has delegated the responsibility of running the country to the Supreme Military Council 4 minutes ago via web

    # Hossam عمو حسام 3arabawy Gunshots in Nasr City. Everyone is celebrating. #Jan25 4 minutes ago via Echofon

    # Nic Robertson NicRobertsonCNN tahrir square erupts in cheers as they hear President Mubarak has resigned 4 minutes ago via web

    # Sarah El Sirgany Ssirgany HE STEPPED DOWN 4 minutes ago via TweetDeck

    # Hossam عمو حسام 3arabawy We scored big victory everyone. But we should not stop the protests and the strikes until the rest of our demands r met. #Jan25 4 minutes ago via Echofon

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib Mubarak demite como presidente y delega presidencia al ejercito #egipto #egypt #jan25 4 minutes ago via web

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi See picture of Omar Suleiman announcing Mubarak's resignation 4 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

    # The Daily News Egypt DailyNewsEgypt Mubarak has assigned the Supreme Council of Armed Forces to run the country before stepping down. #jan25 4 minutes ago via web

    # Jan25 Voices Jan25voices VP's very brief statement has indicated power transfer to Army High Counsel. #Jan25 #Egypt 5 minutes ago via web

    # Breaking News BreakingNews Vice President Suleiman says Mubarak has resigned from the presidency 5 minutes ago via

    # Al Jazeera English AJEnglish Breaking: Omar Suleiman announces that Mubarak has resigned - #egypt #cairo 5 minutes ago via web

    # Ali Abunimah avinunu Omar Suleiman said: Mubarak has decided to resign, and hand over running of country to High Council of the Armed Forces. #Jan25 5 minutes ago via Twitter for Mac

    # Dima Khatib أنا ديمة Dima_Khatib Hosni Mubarak has resigned, has delegated presidency to the army, said Omar Suleiman #jan25 #egypt 5 minutes ago via web

    # Hossam عمو حسام 3arabawy Now the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces is running the country, says Omar Suleiman. #Jan25 5 minutes ago via Echofon

    # arabist arabist I'm a kilometer away and can hear the cheers from Tahrir. Mubarak is gone, Suleiman says Army Council is in charge. Champagne! 5 minutes ago via YoruFukurou

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher Army council now in charge of country 5 minutes ago via web

    # AJELive AJELive Omar Suleiman announces that Mubarak has resigned! #Egypt 5 minutes ago via web

    # Jan25 Voices Jan25voices VP: President mubarak has decided to relinquish presidential position. Military forces to run country. 5 minutes ago via web

    # The Daily News Egypt DailyNewsEgypt President Hosni Mubarak steps down - VP Omar Suleiman on State TV. #jan25 6 minutes ago via web

    # Alan Fisher AlanFisher Mubarak resigns and gives power to army council 6 minutes ago via web

    # lyse doucet bbclysedoucet Mubarak has left power - VP #jan25 #egypt 6 minutes ago via web

    # Ali Abunimah avinunu Mubarak has decided to resign and has given power to High Military Council to run the country. 6 minutes ago via Twitter for Mac

    # Hossam عمو حسام 3arabawy Mubarak has stepped down, says Omar Suleiman. #Jan25 6 minutes ago via Echofon

    # Sultan Al Qassemi SultanAlQassemi WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW 6 minutes ago via web

    Saint Paul in the Ephesians 6:12

    "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

  20. #760
    Senior Member BRVoice's Avatar
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    Default Re: Egypt is collapsing!

    Full statement from Vice-President Suleiman:

    "In the name of God the merciful, the compassionate, citizens, during these very difficult circumstances Egypt is going through, President Hosni Mubarak has decided to step down from the office of president of the republic and has charged the high council of the armed forces to administer the affairs of the country. May God help everybody."

    Saint Paul in the Ephesians 6:12

    "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

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