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Thread: The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated both the Clinton and Obama Administrations

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    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated both the Clinton and Obama Administrations

    The companion thread article was in August 2006 where some met with the Muslim Brotherhood.

    It is common knowledge that the Iraq Study Group led by James Baker and Lee Hamilton (D) has advocated the insanity of opening direct negotiations with Syria and hell-bent-for-nuclear weapons Islamofascist Iran on a political solution for Iraq. The Sunday Times report makes the obvious connection to such a scheme since these ongoing negotiations failed, at least in part due to the Ba’athist leadership and their Sunni Islamofascist allies

    After the 2004 elections the Iraq war lost it's savor with the Left wing media. They used it as a battering ram against the Bush Administration falling approval numbers approaching the 2006 elections. Couple this with an anti-immigration uprisings started by the La Raza in the spring. Approaching the 2006 elections the hand writing was on the wall and the Administration made many changes to appease the lowering approval numbers in the media of the Administrations handling of the War on Terror.

    As the Bush Administration let more progressives in
    the Left has a documented Unholy Alliance with Islam

    My explanation is Bush had a few bi-partisan progressives working in his Administration reaching out any way possible to
    the vindication of George W. Bush of going after WMD in Iraq.

    Companion Thread:

    Report: Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the U.S. government

    Thursday, September 16, 2010 INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING

    President Clinton meeting with Abdul Rahman Al Amoudi in the 1990s. PBS/

    WASHINGTON — The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the U.S. government as part of the movement's drive to promote holy war against the West, a report said.

    So far, the government was said to have done nothing to stop the Brotherhood infiltration. The report by the Center for Security Policy cited the success of one Brotherhood operative in gaining access to the White House under both Democratic and Republican administrations.

    "Relying on Brotherhood operatives for 'outreach to the Muslim community,' let alone appointing them to influential government jobs, is a formula for disaster," the report said. "It gives prominence and legitimacy to enemy agents engaged in covert and not-so-covert acts of sedition. It facilitates their penetration and influence over the intelligence, law enforcement and national and homeland security agencies responsible for discerning and defeating such threats."

    Titled "Shariah, The Threat to America," the report said the Brotherhood, with headquarters in Egypt but heavily financed by Saudi Arabia, has dominated Muslim politics in the United States.

    The report, prepared by teams headed by former Deputy Defense Undersecretary William Boykin and former Defense Intelligence Agency director Edward Soyster, said the Brotherhood oversaw everything from Hamas fundraising to training for FBI agents assigned to the Muslim community.

    "As a result of this modus operandi, the Muslim Brotherhood is not only to prevent any appreciable challenge to its efforts to dominate the Muslim-American community," the report, released on Sept. 15, said. "It is also able to exercise effective control over nearly all the Muslim organizational infrastructure in the United States, including most of those Muslim-American groups that are nominally outside its network. In any event, the latter pale by comparison in terms of their influence to those U.S.-based Islamic groups that are Ikhwan [Brotherhood] operations."

    The report cited Abdul Rahman Al Amoudi, an Eritrean native who in the 1990s became executive director of the American Muslim Council. Under the administration of then-President Bill Clinton, Al Amoudi helped develop guidelines for government dealings with the Muslim community and often met senior White House officials, including National Security Advisor Anthony Lake.

    Later Al Amoudi met George W. Bush during his successful campaign for president in 2000. In 2003, Al Amoudi was arrested and prosecuted on charges that he served as a senior financier for Al Qaida.

    "His arrest and conviction should have sent shockwaves through the U.S. intelligence community, particularly its counterintelligence units, since Al Amoudi's blown cover provided a reality check on the extent of shariah's stealth jihad in this country, and how badly we have been penetrated," the report said. "Here was, after all, proof that an Al Qaida and Hamas operative had enjoyed access to the most senior levels of the American government."

    Instead, the White House simply relayed high-level access to other Brotherhood leaders in the United States. The report cited a decision by the Defense Department to grant responsibility for military chaplains to the Islamic Society of North America, regarded as the largest Brotherhood front in the United States.

    "In the absence of a serious effort to understand the true nature of shariah and the determined campaign being mounted to insinuate it into this country, together with an aggressive counter-intelligence operation aimed at defeating such influence and penetration operations, it is predictable that the next Al Amoudi will be able to do vastly more damage than did the original," the report said.

    The report said U.S. intelligence and security agencies have been prevented from properly analyzing the Brotherhood threat. Analysts could jeopardize their careers should they employ "accurate language to define the enemy threat doctrine," the report said.

    Under President Barack Obama, the Brotherhood was believed to have gained even greater influence. The report cited White House counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan, an enthusiastic supporter of Saudi Arabia who has denied any Islamic threat and called for a U.S. dialogue with the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah.

    "Indeed, it is hard to overstate the danger associated with the president of the United States having as his top advisor in these sensitive portfolios someone so severely compromised with respect to shariah and the threat it poses," the report said.

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    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the U.S. Government

    Muslim Brotherhood 5 step plan to takeover the USA from document released yesterday

    ''Sharia: The Threat To America"

    Read the report...

    Found in an FBI raid in 2004 in a hidden sub-basement of a Hamas members home in Virginia - page 71

    From page 73-74...

    The Muslim Brotherhood’s ‘ Phased Plan’

    We know from, among other things, the Elbarasse trove of MB documents, that the goal of destroying Western Civilization from within is to be achieved by the Brotherhood in accordance with a “phased plan.” The plan is a stepped process modeled directly after Sayyid Qutb’s Milestones and the shariah doctrine of progressive revelation.

    One such document is an undated paper entitled, “Phases of the World Underground Movement Plan.”

    It specifies the five phases of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement in North America. They are described,together with comments about the Ikhwan’s progress in realizing each goal as follows:

    Phase One:
    Phase of discreet and secret establishment of leadership.

    Phase Two:
    Phase of gradual appearance on the public scene and exercising and utilizing various public activities (It greatly succeeded in implementing this stage). It also succeeded in achieving a great deal of its important goals, such as infiltrating various sectors of the Government. Gaining religious institutions and embracing senior scholars. Gaining public support and sympathy.

    Establishing a shadow government (secret) within the Government.

    Phase Three:
    Escalation phase, prior to conflict and confrontation with the rulers, through utilizing mass media. (Currently in progress)

    Phase Four:
    Open public confrontation with the Government through exercising the political pressure approach. It is aggressively implementing the above-mentioned approach. Training on the use of weapons domestically and overseas in anticipation of zero-hour. It has noticeable activities in this regard.

    Phase Five:
    Seizing power to establish their Islamic Nation under which all parties and Islamic groups are united.

    This document offers a chilling operational insight into the mindset, planning, and vision of the Islamic movement in North America.

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  3. #3
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the U.S. Government

    Phase Three:
    Escalation phase, prior to conflict and confrontation with the rulers, through utilizing mass media. (Currently in progress)

    Phase Four:
    Open public confrontation with the Government through exercising the political pressure approach. It is aggressively implementing the above-mentioned approach. Training on the use of weapons domestically and overseas in anticipation of zero-hour. It has noticeable activities in this regard.

    Phase Five:
    Seizing power to establish their Islamic Nation under which all parties and Islamic groups are united.

    This document offers a chilling operational insight into the mindset, planning, and vision of the Islamic movement in North America.

    Stop them NOW.

    They do NOT want to get into a fight with the American people. They want to browbeat us and guilt us into submission.

    That won't happen either.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the U.S. Government

    Frankly...connecting these dots could give Ruby Ridge and Waco a whole new meaning...

    Companion Posts:

    Off to Mecca with Eric Holder's Blessing

    by Mona Charen

    The village of Berkeley, Ill., 15 miles west of Chicago, is small enough to proclaim its population (5,245) on its welcome sign. It is also small enough to escape mention in the national news - most of the time.

    But the village, which, according to The Washington Post, is majority African-American and Hispanic, has attracted the attention of the U.S. Department of Justice. The department is suing the Berkeley School District on behalf of a former teacher.

    Here are the facts: Safoorah Kahn, 29, was hired to teach middle school math in November 2007. According to her lawyer, she was happy in her job, which included preparing sixth- through eighth-graders for state tests, and running the "math lab." After nine months on the job, Kahn requested a three-week leave of absence in order to perform the hajj - the pilgrimage to Mecca that all Muslims are obliged to undertake at least once in their lives if they can afford it.

    Employers are required by law to honor requests for religious accommodations provided that they do not impose "undue hardship" on the employer or other employees. Berkeley officials maintained that a three-week absence in December - which would have denied the school its only math lab instructor right before exams - was unreasonable and was not covered by the teachers' union contract. They denied her request. Kahn decided to make the trip anyway and submitted her resignation.

    She also submitted a letter of complaint to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, charging that the school board's refusal to grant the 19-day leave amounted to religious discrimination.

    "They put her in a position where she had to choose," her lawyer, Kamran A. Memon, told the Post, and this revealed "anti-Muslim hostility."

    The town's former mayor disagreed. "The school district just wanted a teacher in the room for those three weeks," said Michael A. Esposito. "They didn't care if she was a Martian, a Muslim or a Catholic."

    Now the Justice Department has taken up her case. Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Thomas Perez explains that he took the case in part to combat "a real head wind of intolerance against Muslim communities" and that Kahn's lawsuit seeks to ratify the "religious liberty that our forefathers came to this country for." Perez has spoken before of his belief, shared by Attorney General Eric Holder, that "our Muslim-American brothers and sisters" have been the victims of a post-9/11 backlash.

    Now we see how Perez and Holder can assert that Muslim-Americans are suffering a "backlash." If they can see religious discrimination in Kahn's case, it's no wonder they see it under every mattress.

    Reality check: Many first-year employees get no vacation days or time off. Teachers, depending upon their union-negotiated contracts, may get some. But to suggest that refusing a three-week leave at a crucial time of the school year is "discrimination" is just perverse. It's reaching to find a base motive for an obviously sensible decision.

    Kahn's departure to fulfill a religious obligation that she has a lifetime to satisfy left her students bereft at a critical time. Doesn't Islam also forbid breaking a contract or leaving children in the lurch? Besides, Kahn is 29. The next scheduled hajj that will fall during a school vacation will be in eight years. Kahn will, God willing, be fully capable of making the trip then. But why accommodate your students and your employer when you can sue?

    The selfishness of Kahn's behavior was so blatant that even The Washington Post was moved to look for other motives in the Justice Department's decision. "The Obama administration has gone to great lengths to maintain good relations with Muslims - while endorsing tough anti-terrorism tactics."

    This is the same month in which the Obama administration admitted that it won't be closing Guantanamo after all. And President Obama has deployed unmanned aerial vehicles pretty aggressively over Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    Is this a way to placate Muslim-Americans who may be unhappy about the war on terror?

    It may be. Or it may just be another example of the reflex to genuflect before all claims of discrimination - no matter how baseless. The United States government is asking for back pay, reinstatement, and money damages for Safoorah Kahn. When you elect a liberal Democrat to the White House, this is what you get.

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    Default Re: Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the Clinton and Obama Administrations

    Holder Sues So Muslim Teacher Can Make a Pilgrimage to Mecca

    Fire it up 253

    U.S. Sues on Behalf of Muslim Teacher

    Critics of a U.S. Justice Department lawsuit on behalf of a Muslim teacher in Illinois say it is politically motivated.
    U.S. sues on behalf of Muslim teacher

    WASHINGTON, March 23 (UPI) -- Critics of a U.S. Justice Department lawsuit on behalf of a Muslim teacher in Illinois say it is politically motivated.

    Government lawyers filed the religious discrimination suit in December on behalf of Safoorah Khan, The Washington Post reported Wednesday. Khan quit her job in Berkeley, a suburb of Chicago, when she was refused time off to make a pilgrimage to Mecca.

    Critics say Khan was requesting a three-week absence, well beyond the usual accommodation to employees' religion, and the Justice Department should not have become involved. They suggest the Obama administration filed the lawsuit in an effort to reach out to U.S. Muslims.

    "It sounds like a very dubious judgment and a real legal reach," said Michael Mukasey, who served as attorney general in the cabinet of former President George W. Bush. "The upper reaches of the Justice Department should be calling people to account for this."

    Thomas Perez, the current assistant attorney general for civil rights, said the department is trying to defend "the religious liberty our forefathers fought for."

    Kamram Memon, Khan's lawyer, said she wanted to make the pilgrimage, which all Muslims are supposed to do at least once in their life, and had been unable to afford it. He said she would have had to wait at least nine years for the period of the hajj to fall during a school break.

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    Default Re: The Muslim Brotherhood infiltrated both the Clinton and Obama Administrations

    Friday, March 25, 2011
    Eric Holder defends decision to sue school so Muslim teacher can take 3 weeks off to go to Mecca

    An update on yesterday's post: Sharia compliant: Obama's DOJ sues Chicago school for not letting Muslim teacher leave for 3 WEEKS to go to Mecca

    DOJ Sues Over Muslim Teacher Denied 3 Week Mecca Vacation

    From The Washington Post (HT: a2m2): Justice Department sues on behalf of Muslim teacher, triggering debate
    Safoorah Khan had taught middle school math for only nine months in this tiny Chicago suburb when she made an unusual request. She wanted three weeks off for a pilgrimage to Mecca.

    The school district, faced with losing its only math lab instructor during the critical end-of-semester marking period, said no. Khan, a devout Muslim, resigned and made the trip anyway.
    The school's fatal problem here was that they denied the mental superiority of a genetically engineered mind hell bent on world domination. KHAAAAAAAN! The above rational was not good enough for Obama's puppet Eric Holder:
    Justice Department lawyers examined the same set of facts and reached a different conclusion: that the school district’s decision amounted to outright discrimination against Khan. They filed an unusual lawsuit, accusing the district of violating her civil rights by forcing her to choose between her job and her faith.

    As the case moves forward in federal court in Chicago, it has triggered debate over whether the Justice Department was following a purely legal path or whether suing on Khan’s behalf was part of a broader Obama administration campaign to reach out to Muslims.
    For Eric Holder, and Obama, justice is not blind.

    A stone's throw away from that school, there is this also in the Chicago area: Controversy over creationist Libertyville teacher.

    So why isn't Holder suing on behalf of the Libertyville teacher who may lose his job because of his faith?

    Does he not have to choose between the two there also?

    Ironically, Obama is making sure there is religious liberty in Mecca, but not in Libertyville USA.

    Exit question #1: How's that Muslim outreach going for ya, O?

    Exit question #2: Is NASA back from exploring the Muslim world yet?

    A Bill O'Reilly segment on the controversy indicating that Eric Holder is defending the decision:

    Attorney General Eric Holder Defending Muslim

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    Default Re: The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated both the Clinton and Obama Administrations


    American Conservative
    The Obama Administration secret meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood three months ago underscores the very present danger of Shariah Law in our United States of America. It shows Mr. Obama’s commitment for Shariah Law to infiltrate our democracy.

    At the height of the Egyptian revolution a few weeks ago, the Obama administration sent a representative to Cairo to discuss the fall of Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood, a group dedicated to Islam’s global spread.
    The Egyptian government informed that a diplomat at the United States Embassy in Cairo secretly met with a senior leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Egyptian intelligence official said his government has information of a meeting that took place on January 31 between Issam El-Erian, a senior leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, and Frank Wisner, a former U.S. Ambassador to Egypt.

    The Obama Administration dispatched Wisner to Egypt to report to the State Department and White House a general sense of the situation in the embattled country. At the time, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for an “orderly transition” to democracy in Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood is the main opposition group. This week, the Muslim Brotherhood is running candidates in over one-half of the Egyptian political seats available.

    But does anyone truly understand how bad the Muslim Brotherhood really is? Even within our own administration? They are dedicated to the overthrow of all political governments by Shariah Law, the Islamic Law. That’s why we must really OPPOSE such “junkets” to dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood and their likes. That’s why we must make sure that our Congress will insure that Shariah Law does not govern in our own court system. That’s why we strongly support H.R. 973.

    U.S. Congressman Sandy Adams (R-FL), along with 54 cosponsors – all Republican, has introduced H.R. 973. The House Committee on the Judiciary referred the legislation to the House Subcommittee on the U.S. Constitution. We must get behind this bill with every force and power! Our U.S. judicial system is at stake here. Shortly, Shariah Law may be accepted in YOUR courtroom. Already, several U.S. towns have accepted the use of Shariah Law in their courts! This is outrageous. There are 19 lawsuits that were filed in 12 states to assert Shariah Law into our U.S. Court system!

    The enemy adheres to an all-encompassing Islamic political-military-legal doctrine known as Shariah. Shariah obliges them to engage in jihad to achieve the triumph of Islam worldwide through the establishment of a global Islamic State governed exclusively by Shariah, under a restored caliphate. That’s the bad news.

    The good news is that millions of Muslims around the world, including many here in America, do not follow the directives of Shariah, let alone engage in jihad.

    Since 9/11, we know that we are at risk.

    Obviously, since 9/11, most Americans are aware that the United States is at risk by violent jihads.

    “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, and seize them,

    Beleaguer them and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war…”
    (Qur’an 9:5)

    Very Few Americans are aware of the diversity and success to date of such efforts to have Shariah Law infiltrate the United States, let alone the full implications of the mortal threat this totalitarian doctrine represents to our freedoms, society and government. Fewer still understand the nature of the jihad being waged to impose Shariah here.

    Yet, al Qaeda and other fanatical Islamist groups who perpetrate terrorist acts are not the most dangerous threat. These threats cannot bring America to submit to Shariah, just by themselves. It takes an “infiltration” from “the enemy within.” Inserting Shariah Law into the American society and culture takes a more subtle, well-organized component operating within our borders!

    Whether you like it or not, our great country is being OVER-TAKEN by Shariah Law!

    Exactly what is “Shariah?”

    The Arabic word “Shariah,” according to one modern English-language student textbook on Islam, “literally means a straight path (Qur’an 45:18) or an endless supply of water. It is the term used to describe the rules of the lifestyle ordained for us by Allah. In more practical terms, Shariah includes all the do’s and don’ts of Islam.”

    The United States is under attack by foes that are openly animated by what is known in Islam as Shariah (Islamic Law). According to Shariah, every faithful Muslim is obligated to wage jihad. Shariah Law must not be permitted in our court system.

    The most important entity promoting Islamic supremacism, Shariah, and the caliphate through -at least for the moment – non-violent means is the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood defined this form of warfare as “civilization jihad” in its strategic document for North America, entitled Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group, which was entered into evidence in the 2008 United States v. Holy Land Foundation terrorist trial.

    The Muslim Brotherhood logo to help achieve global Shariah.
    The Muslim Brotherhood’s internal documents make clear that civilization jihad is subversion waged by stealth instead of violence only until such time as Muslims are powerful enough to progress to violent jihad for the final conquest.

    Those who work to insinuate Shariah into the United States intend to subvert and replace the Constitution (itself a violation of Article VI) because, according to Shariah, freedom of religion, other civil liberties enshrined in the Constitution, and the rule of man-made law are incompatible with Islam,

    Yet this is the very same organization that Obama administration officials SECRETLY met with this year!

    According to national security experts, “The Brotherhood has succeeded in penetrating our educational, legal and political systems, as well as top levels of government, intelligence, the media, and U.S. military, virtually paralyzing our ability to plan or respond effectively.”

    Given the gravity of this threat, it is simply astounding that the United States has neither developed nor adopted a genuine strategy for defeating Shariah’s designs, and the Muslim Brotherhood’s efforts to realize them.

    For starters, we must make sure that Shariah Law is not indoctrinated into our legal system. Will you please help us to thwart this initial phase of attack by the Shariah Law advocates?

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    Default Re: The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated both the Clinton and Obama Administrations

    Companion Thread:

    U.S. shifts to closer contact with Egypt Islamists

    By Arshad Mohammed | Reuters - 1 hr 38 mins ago

    BUDAPEST (Reuters) - The United States will resume limited contacts with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton confirmed on Thursday, saying it was in Washington's interests to deal with parties committed to non-violent politics.

    While Clinton portrayed the administration's decision as a continuation of an earlier policy, it reflects a subtle shift in that U.S. officials will be able to deal directly with officials of the Islamist movement who are not members of parliament.

    The move, first reported by Reuters on Wednesday, is likely to upset Israel and its U.S. supporters who have deep misgivings about the Brotherhood, a group founded in 1928 that seeks to promote its conservative vision of Islam in society.

    Under president Hosni Mubarak, a key U.S. ally, the Brotherhood was formally banned, but since the ousting of the secular former general by a popular uprising in February, the Islamists are seen as a major force in forthcoming elections.

    "We believe, given the changing political landscape in Egypt, that it is in the interests of the United States to engage with all parties that are peaceful, and committed to non-violence, that intend to compete for the parliament and the presidency," Clinton told reporters at a news conference.

    "Now in any of those contacts, prior or future, we will continue to emphasize the importance of and support for democratic principles and especially a commitment to non-violence, respect for minority rights, and the full inclusion of women in any democracy," she added.

    Clinton would not say whether the Obama administration had already begun such contacts or at what level it planned to deal with the group.

    On Wednesday, a senior U.S. official disclosed the decision to Reuters, saying that where U.S. diplomats previously dealt only with group members in their role as parliamentarians, a policy he said had been in place since 2006, they will now deal directly with Brotherhood officials.


    In Cairo, a spokesman for the Islamist group said it would welcome any formal contacts with the United States as a way to clarify its vision, but no such contacts have yet been made.

    "We welcome such relationships with everyone because those relations will lead to clarifying our vision. But it won't include or be based on any intervention in the internal affairs of the country," spokesman Mohamed Saad el-Katatni told Reuters.

    "Until now no contacts have been made with the group or the party," said Katatni, who is also secretary-general of the Brotherhood's new Freedom and Justice political party.

    "This relationship will clarify our general views and our opinion about different issues."

    There is no U.S. legal prohibition against dealing with the Muslim Brotherhood itself, which long ago renounced violence as a means to achieve political change in Egypt and which is not regarded by Washington as a foreign terrorist organization.

    But other sympathetic groups, such as Palestinian Hamas, which identifies the Brotherhood as its spiritual guide, have not disavowed violence against the state of Israel.

    The result has been a dilemma for the Obama administration. Former officials and analysts said it has little choice but to engage the Brotherhood directly, given its political prominence after the fall of Mubarak.

    Clinton sought to play down the shift, which former U.S. diplomats viewed as all but inevitable given the group's political heft and the fact that with parliament dissolved after Mubarak's toppling, U.S. diplomats had to find another way to justify dealing with Brotherhood officials.

    "The importance here is that this is not a new policy, that it is one that we are re-engaging in because of the upcoming elections, but there will be certain expectations set and certain messages delivered," Clinton added.

    "We hope that the move toward democracy that is taking place in Egypt will actually result in the kind of inclusive, participatory political system that we would like to see."

    Widely regarded as Egypt's best organized political force, the Muslim Brotherhood is expected to do well in parliamentary elections that are scheduled for September.

    But it has said it does not want a parliamentary majority, nor will it field a candidate for president.

    Egypt's military rulers, who took over on Mubarak's toppling after massive street protests against his authoritarian rule, have promised a presidential vote by the end of 2011.

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    U.S. recognizes Muslim Brotherhood

    The rise in the group's political prominence makes contact necessary, U.S. official said. | AP Photo

    By TIM MAK | 6/30/11 6:22 AM EDT

    The U.S. has decided to formally resume contact with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood group - which does not recognize Israel – in a move that could further alienate some Jewish voters already skeptical of President Barack Obama, it was reported.

    One senior U.S. official said the Brotherhood’s rise in political prominence after the forced departure of former President Hosni Mubarak earlier this year makes the American contact necessary.

    “The political landscape in Egypt has changed, and is changing… It is in our interests to engage with all of the parties that are competing for parliament or the presidency,” said the official, who confirmed the news to Reuters on condition of anonymity.

    The Muslim Brotherhood - founded in 1928 to promote a conservative version of Islam in politics, culture and society – has previously had some communication with the U.S. through Brotherhood Members of Parliament who had been technically elected as independents. U.S. diplomats had been instructed only to deal with Brotherhood members in their role as Members of Parliament.

    The decision to resume contact with the Muslim Brotherhood group may worry members of the Jewish community and Israeli officials, Reuters reported.

    POLITICO’s Ben Smith wrote yesterday about the increasing anxiety of center-left Jewish Democrats who are losing faith in Obama, most recently because of the speech in which he called for the country’s 1967 borders to be the basis for peace talks, with “land swaps.”

    Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Mohamed Saad el-Katatni told Reuters that no American contact with the group has yet been made, but he added: “We welcome such relationships with everyone because those relations will lead to clarifying our vision.”

    In recent years, the Muslim Brotherhood has asserted that it renounces violence. The group is not considered a foreign terrorist organization by the United States – but organizations sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood, like Hamas, have not renounced violence against Israel.

    Egypt will hold parliamentary elections in September, and the country’s military government has promised an election for president by the end of this year.

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    Default Re: The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated both the Clinton and Obama Administrations

    WTF is wrong with the current administration?

    They don't get traditions? They don't understand what the HELL an ALLY is?
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated both the Clinton and Obama Administrations

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    Is the Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrating the American Government?

    Over the past few months, the Blaze has explored the Muslim Brotherhood’s increasing influence here in America and abroad. This week, CBN’s Erick Stakelbeck produced a new report that touts the shocking allegation that the radical group has already begun working its way into the American government.

    Stakelbeck describes the Brotherhood as “the first modern terrorists and the forerunner of al-Qaeda.” Following 9/11, the al-Qaeda became somewhat of a household name in the United States. But while most Americans are familiar with the infamous radical Islamic cohort, many likely don’t know a great deal about the Brotherhood.

    Below, watch Stakelbeck’s most recent news report, which makes a number of startling claims about the group’s apparent goals and mission here in America:

    Following the Arab Spring, which has led to intense turmoil as well as the uprooting of governmental structures in the Middle East, the Brotherhood has purportedly used unrest to gain precedence in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria and Jordan. In his report, Stakelbeck discussed the notion that America is on the list of governmental targets that the Islamist group seeks to infiltrate.

    Former FBI Special Agent John Guandolo explains that the Brotherhood is already ensuring that its influence and power seeps into American government. ”Their goal is primarily deception, manipulation and intelligence gathering,” Guandolo says. He continues:

    “What we’re seeing not just inside the White House, but inside the government entities, the national security entities, the State Department — is a strong push by the Muslim Brotherhood to get their people not just into operational positions, but policy positions — deeper, long term, bureaucratic positions.”

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    Obama’s Muslim Adviser Blocks His Meeting With Persecuted Maronite Christian Leader…

    Middle Eastern Christians are on their own until we take back the White House.
    (AINA) — An influential Muslim adviser to the White House who has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood has succeeded in canceling a meeting between President Obama and the leader of the persecuted Maronite church in Lebanon, according to the Beirut news agency el Nashra.

    The Arabic-language report cited an unnamed U.S. source who said Dahlia Mogahed, “the highest adviser on Arab and Islamic Affairs in the State Department,” sought to block a White House meeting with Patriarch Beshara Rahi, according to a translation by blogger El Cid at

    The report said the move heeded a request by top leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt who want the U.S. to back the Islamist Sunni movement opposing Iranian Shiite influence in the region.

    Maronites number about 1 million in Lebanon and more than 10 millions worldwide. About 1.5 million are in the U.S.

    Along with her role on the White House Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, Mogahed is a member of the advisory council of the Department of Homeland Security. She has testified before the Senate on engagement with the Muslim community. She is senior analyst and executive director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies, where she led major surveys of Muslims worldwide that routinely concluded the vast majority of Muslims are moderate.

    Mogahed was a leading voice in the Leadership Group on U.S.-Muslim Engagement that issued a 153-page advisory report calling for dialogue with Hamas and engagement with opposition parties in Egypt, including the Muslim Brotherhood.

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    Default Re: The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated both the Clinton and Obama Administrations

    By Dr. Laurie Roth
    October 28, 2011

    The insertion of radical Islam, largely Muslim Brotherhood is happening through out the Middle East and in parts of Africa. The latest method of intrusion and radical Islamic take over is with ‘Arab Spring’. Those Islamics marching for democracy were simply used and muted by the Muslim Brotherhood’s plans for total take over.

    Things are going as planned and Obama and his handlers couldn’t be happier. Global controls, regulations and rules combined with encroaching Fundamentalist Islam is the double barrel shot gun that threatens to take down America, Israel and the West. Right now, it is attempting to transform the Middle East into an Islamic radical, Muslim Brotherhood zone.

    I recently interviewed Rev. Lainie Dowell, an author and political activist who has studied in depth Barack Obama, Islam and the African nations push to create the United States of Africa. She said from her research that this had been going on since the 1960s and she believed that Barack Obama wanted to be the head of this after he destroyed America. Kadafi, who we assassinated recently was the known pick to run this 55 state confederation and emerging super power.

    Interestingly, Sher Zieve, another hard hitting commentator also told me that she had seen an interview on You Tube with Van Jones, talking to school kids. When asked by a child what Obama would do after he was done being President, Van Jones said Obama might rule the world. This was quickly scrubbed but not before many heard those words from his own lips. So… America simply a stepping stone to worldwide control?

    What have we seen from Obama

    It is not a paranoid ‘tin helmet’ or racist moment that I have noticed Obama’s submission and devotion to Islam. Almost immediately when getting into office Obama gave Islamic radical and terrorist group Hamas over 900 million dollars. We saw Obama’s first trip to Saudi Arabia, where he bowed down low to the Saudi King.

    We then saw Obama stand against Israel and for Turkey when Israeli commandos confronted the Turkish armada taking supplies to the Gaza. Israel had intelligence that the Turkish ships weren’t just delivering food and medicine but also weapons and potential terrorists. They were right. Terrorists on their list and weapons were discovered yet the sold out news and Obama looked the other way as they rebuked Israel….again.

    The attacks and insults have continued against Israel as the kiss up to Islam has grown. We saw Hillary and Biden practically get their knickers in a twist when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu planned to go ahead and build homes on their own sovereign property. These weren’t remote ‘settlements’ as the media and Obama manipulated, but 5 minutes from downtown Jerusalem. There was nothing ridiculous, extreme, or remote about their building projects. It was simple anti Semitism and Islamic controls that couldn’t possibly have this. Obama played it perfectly… for a Muslim that is.

    Just when the insults against Israel about blew me down, it got even more arrogant.

    Obama started pressuring Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to go back to the 1967 borders. That was not just absurd of Obama but also would expose Israel to deadly attacks and make them indefensible. Thankfully, Israel said no thank you.

    Bringing it all the way home with Arab Spring, Libya, Egypt.

    What was touted by Obama as an American duty to defend desperate freedom fighters in Libya, transformed quickly into an illegal war, breaching the 1973 war powers act. Obama bypassed our congress, bowed down to the UN and started spending billions while putting our troops in harms way. Soon we learned the freedom fighters were linked with Al Kae Da, so it was in large part, bad guys fighting bad guys. Kadafi had not been attacking America, or our interests. We didn’t even get oil from him, so why in God’s green earth did Obama put us there? I think it was to establish more rigid Muslim controls world wide. He knew once Kadafi was gone, rigid sharia would rule and it has. Oh….but first we had to get rid of Kadafi, so we found him and assassinated him.

    Interestingly, from Rev. Lainie Dowell’s research on the emerging United States of Africa, she found that Kadafi was to be the first President of this new super power, now he is gone. Gee…..isn’t it convenient that Kadafi is gone. I wonder who might end up being the President of the United States of Africa now?

    Obama has quickly supported the Muslim Brotherhood, why?

    Just as soon as Egypt and President Hosni Mubarak’s rule was being challenged by protestors as Arab Spring unfolded, Obama immediately backed the Muslim Brotherhood which had been circling their radical wagons to control what was moderate Egypt. Now Muslim Brotherhood has taken over, dozens of Coptic Christians are being threatened and murdered, Christian churches are being burned to the ground and Sharia controls are growing. Oh yes, threats to Israel.

    Through out the Middle East, the financed and organized Muslim Brotherhood is taking over, using the planned ‘Arab Spring’ to push their dominating Islamic force forward. This whole thing was long ago planned.

    According to Jihad Watch, President Obama’s own father, Barack Obama senior was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood for 30 years. Bringing it home even further, Obama has at least 3 high level Muslim Brotherhood members working for him. One is a key speech writer for Obama and another, Azizah al-Hibri heads the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom.

    With all this emphasis on come together, Muslim brotherhood, Arab spring democracy values, I just had to review what Muslim Brotherhood stood for and their beliefs.

    Muslim Brotherhood in a snapshot

    They were started by Hassan al – Banna in 1928 after the collapse of the Ottman Empire. They oppose secular behaviors in Islamic nations, huge supporters of strict Sharia law. Their motto: “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

    They sanction, even demand jihad from their followers. In 2004 a fatwa was put forth by Sheikh Yousef Al-Quradhawi saying it was the obligation of all Muslims to abduct and kill U.S. citizens in Iraq.

    They are known to work in all schools, Colleges, run for office and infiltrate themselves into Government. Well, they are certainly doing well aren’t they? They are working for our President in influential positions.

    Counter-Intelligence expert, Prof. Clare Lopez stated that Islamist allied operatives appointed by Obama are undermining U.S. security policy. This is aimed at co-opting America’s foreign policy in the Middle East.

    From 1928 on the Muslim Brotherhood has formed and financed many Islamic terror groups including Al Kae Da. Their dream is a world wide caliphate.

    Obama is a useful pawn playing right into their hands. Our Republic is in danger.

    There should be zero Islamics working in high level positions anywhere near the President and authority because if they are traditionally Islamic they must submit first to Sharia law and the Qur’an, not the constitution. That isn’t Islamaphobia or persecution.

    That is a fact.

    It should even be more of a no brainer for a U.S. President to not even consider hiring someone who is a member of an Islamic terrorist group like Muslim Brother. Apparently, like Father like son.

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    Default Re: The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated both the Clinton and Obama Administrations

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    Terrorist Hamas “Joining” The Muslim Brotherhood

    Posted on January 4, 2012 by creepingIn the latest report on Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh’s first trip outside the Gaza Strip, Jordanian media is reporting that Haniyeh was In the Sudan where meetings were held to discuss Hamas “joining the Muslim Brotherhood. According to a Maan News Agency report:

    LONDON (Ma’an) — Hamas leaders are holding meetings in Sudan to discuss joining the Muslim Brotherhood, the London-based Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper reported Saturday. Some 59 members of Hamas’ Shura Council met in Khartoum to discuss creating a separate branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine, the report said. Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh met Muslim Brotherhood chairman Muhammad Badie on Dec. 26 during his visit to Cairo. A Hamas delegation, including Haniyeh and Hamas chief Khalid Mashaal, is in Khartoum and met Sudanese President Omar Bashir on Thursday. In October, a Muslim Brotherhood delegation visited the Gaza Strip for the first time. The party had been curbed by US-aligned Hosni Mubarak but it has been empowered by a strong showing in elections since the president’s ouster. “

    In fact, the Hamas charter already states states that it is ” is one of the wings of the Muslim Brothers in Palestine” and an early media report indicated that shortly after Hamas took over the Gaza strip, Muslim Brotherhood representatives were present to review Hamas military formations.

    In 2007, a Hamas journalist acknowledged the role that the “international Muslim Brotherhood” has played in providing funds for the purchase of weapons and in 2008, an Israeli TV station reportedreport has documented the Hamas fund-raising activities of the Union of Good, a coalition of Islamic charities linked to the Brotherhood that provides financial support to both the Hamas “social” infrastructure, as well as its terrorist activities. Previous posts have also discussed the worldwide campaign orchestrated by the global Brotherhood against Israeli actions in Gaza during the 2008-2009 conflict with Israel.

    Anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli incitement in Hamas media is commonly reported.

    Previous posts have reported on other aspects of Haniyeh’s first trip outside of the Gaza Strip including the visit to the headquarters of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and his presence in Turkey for meetings with the Turkish Prime Minister and where he reportedly received a standing ovation from members of Erdogans AKP members at the Turkish parliament that Muslim Brotherhood “representatives” had traveled to Gaza from Egypt through the open border to meet with Hamas.

    Hamas is supported financially and politically by the global Muslim Brotherhood and a NEFA Foundation Remember, CAIR is Hamas, according to a federal judge.

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    Obama’s Disastrous Islamist Outreach

    Posted on January 12, 2012 by creeping

    Keep the previous three posts in mind as you read via Obama’s Disastrous Islamist Outreach | FrontPage Magazine.

    A front page article in the New York Times on January 5th reported what has been obvious since Obama took office. The administration has sought to “forge close ties” with the Muslim Brotherhood – “an organization once viewed as irreconcilably opposed to United States interests.”

    Senator John Kerry, the Massachusetts Democrat who is chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and recently joined with the ambassador to Egypt, Anne W. Patterson, for a meeting with top leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood’s political party, compared the Obama administration’s outreach to President Ronald Reagan’s arms negotiations with the Soviet Union. “The United States needs to deal with the new reality,” Senator Kerry said. “And it needs to step up its game.”

    That is a ridiculous analogy. Reagan negotiated with the Soviet Union, but never waivered from his belief that the Soviet Union was an evil empire whose ideology must be defeated. The Obama administration’s outreach to the Muslim Brotherhood is based on its mistaken belief that it has reformed in a way that brings it much closer to the Western model of a pluralistic party committed to individual freedoms.

    To the contrary, when push comes to shove, the Muslim Brotherhood’s dominance of the civil government in Egypt, by virtue of its parliamentary election victories, will mean the imposition of sharia law and jihad against infidels. Nothing the Obama administration is trying to do through its aggressive overtures, including recent high-level meetings with Muslim Brotherhood officials, will change that fact. Jihad is embedded in its history, as evidenced by the violent Islamic jihadist organizations such as Hamas that it spawned. And let’s not forget that it was the Muslim Brotherhood that gave Osama bin Laden’s former deputy and current leader of al Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, his start.

    Jihad remains in the Muslim Brotherhood’s DNA. Its motto includes the words: “Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” The Brotherhood’s new offices are emblazoned with its emblem of crossed swords.

    The Obama administration’s ostensible rationale for engaging with the Muslim Brotherhood is that it is simply bowing to political reality. Based on the results of Egyptian parliamentary elections so far, the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party looks set to play a dominant role in Egypt’s new parliament and in the civil government to which Obama administration officials are pressing Egypt’s military to hand over the reins of power. But, in fact, the Obama administration is not simply being reactive. It helped bring about what is now unfolding in Egypt by throwing Egyptian president Mubarak under the bus and lending its hand to legitimize the false image of the Muslim Brotherhood as some sort of alternative moderate advocate of peace, pluralistic democracy and freedom for all Egyptians.

    At the same time, in order to find a face-saving way out of the quagmire in Afghanistan in which the Obama administration finds itself after escalating the war there while simultaneously announcing a timetable for withdrawal, the administration is pursuing talks with the Taliban. It is using an untrustworthy Muslim Brotherhood connection to do so.

    The Obama administration evidently swallows the propaganda put out by the Muslim Brotherhood for the benefit of gullible Western governments and opinion leaders or does not care one way or the other whether it is true. For example, the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party head, Mohamed Mursi, said that while his Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated party uses “Islam as the basis of our party which means that our general framework is Islamic sharia,” they “don’t issue religious rules in individual cases.” Mursi also said that “All political forces and intellectuals in Egypt, regardless of their political and religious allegiances, will take part in writing the constitution.”

    These are comforting words to the Obama administration, reinforced further by the Muslim Brotherhood agreement to an 11-clause declaration of principles known as the “Al-Azhar Document around the future of Egypt.”

    Al-Azhar is Egypt’s 1,000-year-old seat of Islamic scholarship, which Obama referred to as the “beacon of Islamic learning” during the 2009 speech he delivered there to the Muslim world. Muslim Brotherhood members attended Obama’s speech, by the way, at the invitation of the Obama administration.

    The Al-Azhar Document is intended to serve as a guiding framework for the constituent assembly that will be in charge of drafting Egypt’s new constitution. This document, which was read on national television on June 20, 2011 by Al-Azhar’s Grand Imam, Shaykh Ahmad al-Tayyib, purportedly commits Egypt’s intellectual, religious and civil political elite to establishing an open democratic society in Egypt that respects the right of “other divine religions’ followers to appeal to their religions in their personal issues.”

    But there is a big catch. The Al-Azhar Document’s first clause stipulates that “the modern and democratic state” it has in mind would operate “in accordance with the true Islamic aspects.” It goes on to say that “Islamic jurisprudence is the main source for the legislation.”

    True democracy, which respects the freedom of all its citizens, is inherently inconsistent with “Islamic jurisprudence” that is based on Islamist supremacy and sharia law. While the Al-Azhar Document pays lip service to granting some measure of freedom of expression, it does so only within the strict confines of Islamic principles and morals.

    The Obama administration is trying to deceive the American people into thinking that Islamism – whether the Taliban or Muslim Brotherhood flavor – is anything other than our ideological enemy. The administration may not be able to stop either the Taliban or the Muslim Brotherhood from eventually taking control of Afghanistan and Egypt, respectively. But actively helping them along, as the administration is doing, recklessly jeopardizes the security of the American people and the cause of freedom everywhere.

    Read it all

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    Janet Napolitano Gives Top-Secret Security Clearance To Muslim Brotherhood

    House Judiciary Committee uncovers that head of the Department of Homeland Security – Janet Napolitano – has given top secret security clearance to members of the Muslim Brotherhood. And not only does she appear largely uninformed, she looks like she doesn’t really care.

    I am quite sure that when the log is removed off of the Janet Napolitano-run Department of Homeland Security, the amount and number of creepy, crawling things that will come to light will tantalize and disgust even the most jaded Washington watcher. From Jihad Watch: Homeland Security is on the hot seat. Back in October 2010, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano named the devout Muslim Mohamed Elibiary to the Homeland Security Advisory Council. The Texas Department of Public Safety now says that Elibiary may have been allowed to gain access to a highly sensitive database of intelligence reports, and then allegedly shopped some of the material he found in that database to a media outlet for a story about “Islamophobia” in the Public Safety Department.

    Who else is the devout Elibiary shopping sensitive intel to? Mohamed Elibiary was one of the speakers at a December 2004 conference in Dallas entitled “A Tribute to the Great Islamic Visionary,” that is, the Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of Iran and the violent Muslim global revolution to install a universal Islamic government.

    When Rod Dreher of the Dallas Morning News challenged him about his appearance at this conference, Elibiary threatened Dreher, writing: “Expect someone to put a banana in your exhaust pipe.” I warned about Elibiary’s appointment back in 2010.

    It is bad enough that Napolitano appointed Elibiary to the Homeland Security Advisory Council in the first place, but it gets even worse. When questioned last week by Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, at the U.S. Immigration and Enforcement hearings, Big Sis, Janet Napolitano (with the most disturbing hairdo and hair color that I have ever seen), admitted that she has been giving secret clearance to Muslim Brotherhood-tied operatives here in the U.S.
    It was jaw-dropping testimony. Looking like a character in a John Waters film, Janet Napolitano is either clueless or complicit, or outright lying to cover for her Muslim Brotherhood appointments. Napolitano denies being aware of a Muslim Brotherhood-tied operative whom she swore in.
    Rep. Gohmert does a spectacular job pressing Napolitano on her knowledge of the story of Mohamed Elibiary. Gohmert asked if she was aware of Elibiary’s activities, and she said she was not. The congressman then further pressed Napolitano on her knowledge of Elibiary’s support for the Ayatollah Khomeini. Again she feigned concern and professed ignorance.

    This is the head of the Department of Homeland Security claiming ignorance about an important manifestation of the most dangerous threat to the homeland, the global jihad and Islamic imperialism and expansion. All of her answers indicate that she is being led by her not inconsequential nose by those who seek in their own words to work toward “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house.” source – Jihad Watch

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    Default Re: The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated both the Clinton and Obama Administrations

    Companion Posts and Threads:

    Obama Bypasses Congress, Gives $1.5 Billion to Muslim Brotherhood

    by AWR Hawkins 1 day ago 161 post a comment

    During a trip through Colorado in December of last year, President Obama spoke of his intention to implement his economic policies with or without the approval of Congress. Said Obama, “And where Congress is not willing to act, we’re going to go ahead and do it ourselves.” It now appears that such a mindset applies not only to economic matters but to the distribution of foreign aid as well--in particular, foreign military aid for the Muslim Brotherhood, who now hold the reigns in Egypt.

    Congress has restricted and, in fact, halted military aid to Egypt until and “unless the State Department certifies that Egypt is making progress on basic freedoms and human rights.” After all, Christians and other practitioners of non-Islamic religions have had a tough go of it there. And of course, many Egyptian officials harbor such hatred toward the U.S. that one of the candidates for the Egyptian presidency has openly referred to America as the “infidel country” in media interviews.

    Nevertheless, the news breaking now is that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will soon announce that President Obama will “resume funding for Egypt’s military, despite Congressional restrictions and objections from human rights and democracy advocates.”

    Even Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-VT), a man with whom I’ve never agreed on anything, sees the foolishness of this endeavor: “I believe [sending the aid] would be a mistake. The new [restrictions were] intended to put the United States squarely on the side of the Egyptian people who seek a civilian government that respects fundamental freedoms and the rule of law, and to clearly define the terms of our future relations with the Egyptian military.”

    Who knows; perhaps the Obama administration can also circumvent Congress and give the Iranians some nuclear materials or give Hamas some advanced weaponry? I know both ideas sound crazy, but they’re no crazier than giving $1.5 billion in military aid to the Muslim Brotherhood.

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    Default Re: The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated both the Clinton and Obama Administrations

    "military aid" to them?????

    Ok, this is just stupid.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated both the Clinton and Obama Administrations

    Officials from Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood at White House

    9 hours ago 71 post a comment

    White House officials held talks with representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood in Washington this week, as the Islamist group threw itself into the fray in Egypt's presidential election.

    The meeting on Tuesday with low-level National Security Council staff was part of a series of US efforts to broaden engagement with new and emerging political parties following Egypt's revolution last year, a US official said.

    The White House pointed out that Republican Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain, and other US lawmakers and officials had also met with Brotherhood representatives in Egypt and elsewhere in recent months.

    "We believe that it is in the interest of the United States to engage with all parties that are committed to democratic principles, especially nonviolence," said National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor.

    "In all our conversations with these groups, we emphasize the importance of respect for minority rights, the full inclusion of women, and our regional security concerns."

    The Muslim Brotherhood's political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party, said on Saturday it would nominate Khairat al-Shater, a professor of engineering and business tycoon, to contest Egypt's first presidential election since a popular uprising ousted Hosni Mubarak last year.

    The Islamists, who control parliament, had repeatedly said they would not put forward a member for the election in order to mitigate fears that they were trying to monopolize power.

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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  20. #20
    Literary Wanderer
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    Default Re: The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated both the Clinton and Obama Administrations

    "We believe that it is in the interest of the United States to engage with all parties that are committed to democratic principles, especially nonviolence," said National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor.
    I'm sorry. What?!

    Are our people really this ignorant, stupid and self destructive?

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