Quote Originally Posted by michael2 View Post
Of course, you did not mention the other possibility that a document can be BOTH fake and from the Government-disinformation...

That's my take on the whole UFO thing-cooking up stories of LGB's to shroud real and very terrestrial secret programs, either for interests of national security and/or to hide a Foreign Power's dominance in their own secret program...And old Technology at that, dating from 1930's and 40's German secret projects.

And what you just said is utter nonsense.

The government didn't make up the document to cause disinformation.

This is a pretty typical "he said, she said" thing. It's pretty easy to accuse someone of being a "disinformation officer" for the US Government with neither proof or back up.

The actual documents (the MJ12 documents) were found in film form out side some guy's door. He either had them developed or they were already (I forget which, if you want to know the history, read the book by Friedman because he documents it reasonably well, but there are still questions about how they got there...) and he contacted the FBI if I remember right and told them about the find.

But not before he made copies of the material and hid it himself or passed it on to others. Just in case.

If there's a conspiracy there it's among the guy who kept the alleged classified documents and the other people who continued to pass the information back and forth.

Think about this for a moment.

if someone left something laying on your front porch and you had "no interest whatsoever" in whatever the material was about - and perhaps had no CLUE what it was about, wouldn't you simply throw it in the trash? (Perhaps not you, me or most folks here - but the MAJORITY of Americans are gonna just be pissed someone was littering their lawn or front porch.)

Personally, if someone leaves crap on my front porch I don't expect, I throw it in the garbage and don't even look to see what it is. I'm sure people might find that funny, but I don't take chances with opening things.

If I saw "Secret" on it, I'd do my job and secure the document and turn it over to the appropriate authorities. In my case, I have people to do that with and I'm cleared on enough levels to probably take a gander and not worry about debriefing. On the other hand, if I found something on MY porch I'd be damned dumb NOT to find out who put it there and WHY.

In the original finder's case, why would someone drop it on his doorstep?

That's part of the issue.

He was (if I remember rightly) a UFO hunter. So therefore, why him?

It's called "Conspiracy" and it's called "Fraud". Most LIKELY he made it up himself.