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Thread: Obama names CIA chief Panetta to Defense Secretary Linked to Communist Spies

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    Default Obama names CIA chief Panetta to Defense Secretary Linked to Communist Spies

    Obama to name CIA chief Panetta to Defense Secretary

    12:28 PM Wed, Apr 27, 2011 | Permalink
    News staff Email
    By John E. Mulligan
    Journal Washington bureau

    WASHINGTON -- With news reports forecasting the nomination of Leon Panetta, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, to replace Defense Secretary Robert Gates, a chapter may be about to close on the lively history of Rhode Islanders mentioned for the post.

    For the record, Democrat Jack Reed remains determined to continue serving as the senior senator from Rhode Island, his spokesman, Chip Unruh said Wednesday.

    That has been Reed's position whenever news accounts mentioned him as a prospective defense secretary -- a persistent line of speculation since Gates made clear that he would not serve for the entirety of President Obama's term.

    In fact, that was Reed's position during an earlier round of mentions: when speculation had him as a potential running mate for presidential candidate Obama in 2008.

    According to news reports, Pesident Obama is nominate Panetta to the post this week and will also nominate Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top American commander in Afghanistan, as director of the C.I.A.

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    Default Re: Obama names CIA chief Panetta to Defense Secretary Linked to Communist Spies

    The Trouble With Leon Panetta | Print | E-mail
    Written by Warren Mass
    Wednesday, 07 January 2009 15:31

    On January 5, the nation's new media learned that President-elect Barack Obama would nominate former congressman and Clinton administration official Leon Panetta as the next director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Obama's choice reportedly caught some veteran Democratic senators who had not been briefed of the decision off-guard, and some voiced their skepticism that that Bill Clinton's former chief of staff and director of the Office of Management and Budget possessed sufficient experience in the intelligence field to handle the job.

    The New York Times reported on January 7: "Mr. Panetta's lack of experience had drawn the sharpest criticism on Monday from Senator Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat who is chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and whose career in California politics tracked closely with Mr. Panetta's for years. After hearing directly from both Mr. Obama and Vice President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. on [January 6], Mrs. Feinstein seemed to soften her opposition slightly, but she did not indicate whether she would vote to confirm Mr. Panetta."

    Senator Feinstein complained publicly about the fact that, as chairwoman of the Intelligence Committee, she had not been informed about Panetta's appointment in advance and voiced skepticism about the wisdom of the choice. She reportedly expressed misgivings about Panetta not being "an intelligence professional."

    "I know nothing about this, other than what I've read," said Feinstein in a statement reported by AFP. "My position has consistently been that I believe the [CIA] is best-served by having an intelligence professional in charge at this time."

    Vice President-elect (and still Senator) Joe Biden phoned Feinstein to apologize on behalf of the incoming administration and told reporters in the Capitol: "I'm still a Senate man, and I always think this way. I think it's always good to talk to the requisite members of Congress."

    With some ruffled feathers apparently soothed, support for Panetta among senators seemed to be building just two days after the news was released. An article carried by Yahoo! News written by Glenn Thrush of Newsday's Washington Bureau and John Bresnahan, the capitol bureau chief of Politico, said that at least five members of the Senate Intelligence Committee were backing Panetta. Among these is Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), a member of the Intelligence Committee, who said in an interview, "Leon is a personal friend of mine. He is eminently qualified and capable to do any job in the U.S. government, including head of the CIA, so I support him."

    "Where the incoming administration goofed," continued Nelson, "was they should have reached out as a courtesy to the [chairwoman] of the Intelligence Committee. We have been so frustrated with the Bush administration and their unwillingness to be open and transparent for us to do our oversight job on intelligence. I think Dianne expected better of the new administration."

    The coverage of the Panetta selection found in most media, however, does little to shed substantial light on the former chief of staff's makeup. While it is acknowledged by supporters and critics alike that Panetta has no experience within our nation's intelligence community, some regard that characteristic as a plus. Former Representative Lee Hamilton (D.-Ind.), who once co-chaired the government's 9/11 Commission and now heads the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, said of his former House colleague in a statement reported by AFP: "He will be an outsider and I think the president wants an outsider's perspective on the CIA, I think Leon is a superb appointment. I've worked with him for decades. He's exceedingly bright, he's always well-informed."

    Another member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Russ Feingold, (D.-Wisc.), was quoted in the New York Times as stating that Panetta would offer "fresh leadership." Feingold said he hoped Panetta would "restore the rule of law after years of lawlessness" — an apparent reference to U.S. intelligence agencies having engaged in harsh interrogation techniques and warrantless wiretaps during the Bush administration.

    A review of Leon Panetta's career from even before the time he served in the House, however, indicates that the California Democrat was most likely selected because his very liberal political record is in harmony with the new administration's objectives.

    Panetta began his career in politics in 1966 as a legislative assistant to Senator Thomas Kuchel (R.-Calif.), the Senate's Minority Whip, whom Panetta has called "a tremendous role model." Kuchel made himself a champion of the liberal Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party, when on May 2, 1963, he delivered a scathing speech in the Senate directed against conservative, anti-communist Americans, whom he labeled as "fright peddlers."

    Panetta served as the assistant to Richard Nixon's Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. Robert H. Finch, becoming the Director of the Office for Civil Rights. Apparently fining the Nixon administration to be too "conservative" for his tastes, Panetta resigned in 1970 to work as executive assistant for New York Mayor John Lindsay, who had been elected on a joint Republican and Liberal party ticket.

    Panetta became a Democrat in 1971 and practiced law until 1976, when he was first elected to the House. During his 16-year career in the House, Panetta achieved abysmally low scores in The New American magazine's "Conservative Index" (now called the "Freedom Index"). With 100 percent being a perfect constitutionalist score, Panetta's rarely scored above the low teens and sometimes fell to zero. This put him in the company of some of the House's most committed Leftists, such as Barney Frank, John Conyers, Barbara Boxer, and Ronald Dellums.

    In April 1985 Panetta joined with 13 of his leftist congressional colleagues — including Ron Dellums, Don Edwards, George Miller, Christopher Dodd, and Les Aspin — in sponsoring a 20th anniversary fund-raising gala for the pro-Marxist Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), which had been described by Brian Crozier, director of the London Institute for the Study of Conflict, as the "perfect intellectual front for Soviet activities which would be resisted if they were to originate openly from the KGB." The IPS was originally funded with millions of dollars from the Faberge perfume magnate and Communist Party member Samuel Rubin and his wife.

    On April 30, 1987, Rep. Panetta cast a highly suspect vote for one who would direct our nation's top foreign intelligence agency. On that day, he was one of 183 members of the House to vote against the withdrawal of Most Favored Nation (MFN) status for communist Romania. Romania, at the time, was run by Nicolae Ceausescu, one of the most brutal dictators in the entire Soviet bloc.

    Anti-communist publisher Phillip Abbott Luce started the hard-hitting newsletter The Pink Sheet on the Left to expose communist and other organizations or individuals working to increase the size and power of government. After the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, Luce changed the name of the newsletter to The American Sentinel, and changed the publication's emphasis to geo-strategic issues. However, beginning with the February 15, 1993 issue, the biweekly newsletter became The Pink Sheet on the Left again. Editor Lee Bellinger explained his reason for the change, "Consider 10 good reasons why we brought The Pink Sheet on the Left out of retirement: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Strobe Talbott, Albert Gore, Ronald Dellums, Donna Shalala, Ron Brown, Lawrence Walsh, Leon Panetta, and Warren Christopher." (Emphasis added.)

    Readers who recall the movement to impeach Bill Clinton remember that one of the charges raised by Clinton's critics was the conflict of interest created when individuals connected with the Chinese Overseas Shipping Company (COSCO) — such as John Huang, Charles Trie, and James and Mochtar Riady — helped funnel contributions to the Clinton reelection campaign. Afterwards, the Clinton administration lobbied for granting COSCO a 10-year lease on the former Long Beach Naval Shipyard in California. During a March 1997 edition of CNBC's Equal Time program, California Republican State Senator Dick Mountjoy noted that COSCO-linked arms dealer Wang Jun had been granted personal access to President Clinton, and that Wang's business associates had smuggled illegal assault weapons into California for delivery to street gangs by making use of a ship owned and operated by COSCO. Mountjoy then stated:

    The next thing you know, [then-Chief of Staff] Leon Panetta is down here negotiating that port for the Chinese. [Emphasis added.]

    There is much more to the COSCO-Long Beach connection than we have room for here, but a good summary of the threat the arrangement made to U.S. security may be found in an item inserted into the Congressional Record by Rep. Gerald B.H. Solomon on May 20, 1997.

    Even the most unbiased of observers may legitimately ask: Why on Earth is an individual who helped negotiate the turnover of the Long Beach Naval Shipyard to the communist Chinese, thereby creating the threat to U.S. national security described in the Washington Times article by Rowan Scarborough and inserted into the Congressional Record by Rep. Solomon, being considered for a top position at one of our nation's most critical intelligence agencies?

    Notice that Scarborough observed: "The Clinton administration seems to be going out of its way to help the most serious threat to American security, the so-called People's Republic of China."

    With so many Clinton administration staffers — including Leon Panetta — being recycled by Mr. Obama, can this administration be any different?

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    Default Re: Obama names CIA chief Panetta to Defense Secretary Linked to Communist Spies

    Panetta Hearing for SecDef on Thursday: Obama’s CIA Director Linked to Spies Through Communist Party Figure

    New research from writers and researchers Trevor Loudon and Cliff Kincaid shows that Leon Panetta, the CIA director being considered on Thursday for the position of Secretary of Defense, had a previously undisclosed personal and friendly relationship with Hugh DeLacy, a prominent member of the Communist Party USA. DeLacy visited such countries as China and Nicaragua and was himself a personal contact of identified Soviet spies Solomon Adler and Frank Coe and accused spy John Stewart Service.

    Panetta spoke at DeLacy’s memorial service, directed a series of letters to him personally as “Dear Hugh,” and placed a tribute to him in the Congressional Record.

    Former Washington State Rep. DeLacy, named by Communist Party lawyer John Abt as a fellow member of the party, remained a communist operative until his death in 1986.

    One “Dear Hugh” letter from then-Rep. Panetta to DeLacy offered a summary of a report on U.S. military operations that Panetta said was “unavailable for distribution.” Panetta concludes the March 24, 1977, letter, “If there is anything I can do for you in the future, Hugh, please feel free to call on me.”

    The Panetta SecDef hearing is being held June 9 by the Senate Armed Services Committee at 9:30 a.m. in open session in Room SD-G50 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building, with a closed session later in the day in Room SVC-217, the Office of Senate Security in the Capitol Visitor Center.

    Like DeLacy, Panetta shared a preference for communist regimes in Latin America, including the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. DeLacy had visited Nicaragua and had honored the Sandinistas, who were pawns of the Soviets and Cubans in Central America, while Panetta, as a member of Congress in 1983, strongly opposed President Reagan’s effort to undermine the Sandinista regime through CIA covert action. In addition, Panetta actively collaborated with the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), a Washington, D.C. think tank that provided a cover for Chilean Marxist and Cuban agent Orlando Letelier to conduct communist political influence operations in the nation’s capital. Panetta, a member of Congress from 1977 to 1993, was a vocal opponent of Chile’s anti-communist government. In 1986, Panetta publicly endorsed protests against Reagan’s “illegal and extraordinarily vicious wars against the poor of Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala.”

    “Panetta’s bias in favor of revolutionary Marxist movements in Latin America helps explain why the CIA has been spectacularly unsuccessful in stopping the advance of Hugo Chavez and his minions south of the U.S. border,” Trevor Loudon and Cliff Kincaid said in a joint statement. “His only apparent success as CIA director has been the killing of Osama bin Laden, an impressive operation that has nevertheless backfired in the sense of sending a nuclear-armed Pakistan into the arms of Communist China.”

    “It is astounding that Panetta was confirmed as Obama’s CIA director without any of this being considered by the U.S. Senate,” Loudon and Kincaid went on. “But now that Panetta is set to move on to another critical national security post — Secretary of Defense — with new Senate hearings being held on Thursday, it is time to get all of this information out in the open. One of the most important matters that deserves scrutiny is Panetta’s apparent failure to be forthcoming about his personal relationship with DeLacy. It is time for the Senate to investigate this previously undisclosed relationship.”

    Loudon and Kincaid, writers and researchers on national security issues, have assembled critical information about Panetta from important sources that have apparently been overlooked by Senate investigators and even FBI agents who investigated Panetta’s background. Among these sources, Loudon reviewed the Hugh DeLacy papers at the University of Washington, while Kincaid examined hearings conducted on “Communist Political Subversion” by the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities and “Un-American Activities in California” by the California Senate Fact-Finding Committee on Un-American Activities.

    “When this information is examined in context,” Loudon and Kincaid stated, “it is clear that Panetta, whose nomination to be CIA director was considered mystifying even to those in the intelligence business, has been a key component of a network of left-wing activists and socialist organizations for over two decades.

    These individuals and groups include not only Hugh DeLacy and his communist associates but the communist-dominated Progressive Party, Democratic Socialists of America and the neo-Marxist New American Movement. Panetta, in short, was a player in the network that sponsored the political career of a young Barack Obama in Chicago. This helps explain why Panetta was picked, seemingly out of nowhere, for the CIA job.”

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    Default Re: Obama names CIA chief Panetta to Defense Secretary Linked to Communist Spies

    Leon Panetta and the Institute for Policy Studies | Print | E-mail
    Written by Christian Gomez
    Saturday, 11 June 2011 18:00

    On Thursday, June 9, the U.S. Senate conducted confirmation hearings on current CIA Director and former U.S. Congressman Leon E. Panetta (D-Calif.), who has been nominated by President Barack Obama to replace Bush-era appointee Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense. Obama's nomination of Panetta was originally announced on April 28, when the President announced that he would be making changes to his National Security team.

    Receiving very little opposition and easy questions regarding troop deployments and withdraw dates for Afghanistan and Iraq, the Senate overlooked Panetta's past record, which puts into question the eligibility of Panetta as Secretary of Defense.

    Careful observation of former Rep. Panetta’s record in the U.S. House of Representatives reveals a history of votes perceivable as in contrast with U.S. national security objectives, which if confirmed as Sec. of Defense may compromise U.S. national defense.

    As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Rep.
    Panetta voted in the following manner on Defense issues:

    NAY on the reaffirmation of the Mutual Defense Treaty with Taiwan.

    YEA on continuing foreign aid to the Sandinista government of Communist Nicaragua.

    YEA on extending most favored nation status to the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact states.

    YEA on ceding control of the Panama Canal to the pro-Soviet Panamanian government.

    In addition to his voting record, in 1986, Rep. Panetta publically opposed what he called President Ronald Reagan’s “illegal and extraordinary vicious wars against the poor of Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala.” This, Panetta said, as he pledged his support for the Soviet satellite government of Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua as well as other KGB and DGI (Cuban intelligence) backed Marxist paramilitary groups throughout the Western Hemisphere in Latin America.

    Panetta’s solidarity with these communist-backed forces may have been in part due to his close affiliations with the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), a Marxist think-tank in Washington D.C. In a 1978 article in National Review, Brian Crozier, director of the London-based Institute for the Study of Conflict, described the IPS as being the "perfect intellectual front for Soviet activities which would be resisted if they were to originate openly from the KGB."

    The IPS was founded in 1963 by Richard Barnet, a former Sovietologist for the U.S. State Department's Arms Control and Disarmament Agency during the Kennedy Administration, and by Marcus Raskin, who briefly served as a member of the Special Staff of the National Security Council and as a national security affairs aid to National Secuirty Advisor McGeorge Bundy, also during the Kennedy Administration.

    Both men became disillusioned with U.S. disarmament policies toward the Soviet Union, fearing that the United States was not disarming as much as it should. As a think-tank, the IPS has stated that is a "source of radical scholarship." However, even its director has admitted that its "scholarship" is not "academic," but rather seeks to influence policy by the use of film strips, documentaries, articles, books, and other visual aids presented to members of Congress — primarily liberal members of House and Senate in both the Democratic and Republican parties.

    The subversive nature of the IPS has been recognized as a subversive revolutionary communist front by former prominent members of Congress, including Rep. John Ashbrook (R-Ohio), Rep. John Rarick (D-La.), and Rep. Larry McDonald (D-Ga.), who was also a member and eventual leader of The John Birch Society.

    According to the Congressional Record, on September 26, 1977, Congressman Larry McDonald said the following of the IPS:

    The Institute for Policy Studies is a consortium of Marxist New Leftists organizing for a 'new economic and political world order' and an American neutralized as a world power through a variety of tactics. Among these tactics have been an organized attempt to dismantle and cripple the U.S. foreign and domestic intelligence capability; organize violent street demonstrations such as the 1971 Mayday riots in Washington, D.C., to shut down the Government in support of the Vietcong; organize an alternative program for State and local public officials which places them in contact with their counterparts in foreign Communist governments and parties; and a sort of direct lobby of subversion from the top in which IPS attempts to gain influence in Congress and the administration through seminars for staffers and direct contacts with officials and lawmakers.

    Among those congressmen the IPS gained influence over was then-Representative Leon Panetta. In an article published in the November 1983 issue of the American Opinion (precursor publication to The New American), entitled “Moscow’s Friends at The Institute for Policy Studies,” the author, Dr. S. Steven Powell, PhD., writes:

    The congressional supporters for the Institute for Policy Studies included many of those who biennially commission I.P.S. to produce an “Alternative” Budget that dramatically cuts defense spending while increasing the spending for social welfare to levels only dreamed of by Karl Marx. In this pact of I.P.S. intimates [are] such luminaries as ... Leon Panetta (D.-California), Chairman of the Budget Process Task Force.

    Earlier that year, on June 5, 1983, the IPS gave a video presentation of a film entitled Target Nicaragua, accusing the CIA and American-backed anti-Sandinista freedom fighters, or “Contras,” of committing atrocities against innocent Nicaraguan citizens. The one-sided propaganda film omitted any mentions of the atrocities committed by the communist Sandinista government and neglected to inform the viewer of the government’s role as a Soviet proxy in the Western Hemisphere, fully backed by Moscow and Havana. The film was presented to the IPS' liberal allies in Congress.

    The following month, on July 19, 1983, on the floor of the House, Rep. Panetta condemned the “U.S.-sponsored covert action against Nicaragua,” stating that it was “among the most dangerous aspects of the [Reagan] administration’s policy in Central America.” Panetta complained that “the U.S.-backed anti-Sandinista guerrillas now outnumber the Communist rebels in El Salvador by almost 2-to-1.”

    Saying nothing of the Soviet Union’s imperialist interventions to communize Latin America, Rep. Panetta went on to urge his colleagues to join him in supporting H.R. 2760, the Boland-Zablocki bill to terminate U.S. efforts to resist communism in Nicaragua. It should be noted that the Boland-Zablocki bill was also supported by the IPS.

    Panetta was also a key supporter of the IPS. According to S. Steven Powell in his authoritative book Covert Cadre: Inside the Institute for Policy Studies (1987), pages 249-250: “April 5, 1983, IPS threw a large twentieth-anniversary celebration to raise funds." On the fundraising committee for the event were 14 then-current members of the U.S. House of Representatives, including “Leon E. Panetta (D-Calif.), chairman of Budget Process Task Force of the House Committee on Budget (chairman of Subcommittee on Police and Personnel, Ninety-ninth Congress).”

    Panetta's ties to subversive individuals or groups is not limited to the IPS. In 1984, Panetta inserted into the Congressional Record a statement of praise for Lucy Haessler, a veteran member of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), which along with the IPS was another Soviet-front organization. Unsurprisingly, the WILPF defended the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and was opposed to installation of U.S. intermediate-range ballistic missiles in Western Europe to counteract the imbalance of Soviet missile strength in Eastern Europe.

    The State Department has cited the WILPF as a Soviet “front,” which it describes as a “nominally independent organization controlled by the Soviets, usually through the International Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU [Communist Party of the Soviet Union].” When asked by Human Events about his praise for a leading member of the WILPF, Panetta said that although he had not “done a check on that league [WILPF],” Haessler’s activism in the WILPF was of no consequence in his decision to praise Haessler and mention her involvement in the organization.

    Of course, regardless of what Panetta might say, activism in subversive groups such as the WILPF is consequential — and Panetta's own IPS ties are very consequential, particularly considering he is now the CIA Director and wants to be Secretary of Defense. Nevertheless, neither Panetta's IPS ties nor the voting record outlined above were brought up by any Senators during the confirmation hearings this past week.

    A vote on whether to confirm Panetta as the next Secretary of Defense is expected to occur soon.

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    Default Re: Obama names CIA chief Panetta to Defense Secretary Linked to Communist Spies

    Panetta Report 1: Leon Panetta Paid Tribute to Two Longtime Communists

    Submitted by Trevor on June 14, 2011 – 6:41 am EST17 Comments

    Leon Panetta

    In 1983, then Congressman, Leon Panetta, placed a tribute in the Congressional Record to two of his Santa Cruz, California constituents.

    The couple, Hugh DeLacy and his wife Dorothy Baskin DeLacy, both had long histories with the Communist Party USA and were very active in the Santa Cruz “progressive” movement that had helped nurture Congressman Panetta’s career.

    Phrases like “social justice” and “dark forces of McCarthyism” rolled from Rep. Panetta’s pen, in a piece that would not have been out of place in the Communist Party’s Peoples Daily World.

    Panetta makes it very clear he sympathizes with his constituents’ world view in the last paragraph.
    The struggle of the DeLacy’s, their commitment and their integrity, reinforces our own faith and conviction that the cause of social justice will triumph in the end. I commend their work, and i join in their hope and their belief in a better world tomorrow for all of us.

    The DeLacy’s were not merely Panetta’ s constituents – they were close personal friends. Hugh DeLacy was also a longtime correspondent with whom Panetta regularly discussed defense and foreign policy issues.
    The DeLacys were also not mere Communist Party hacks, or low level time servers.

    Jim Forest

    Dorothy Baskin, served as a Party organizer in Missouri, Colorado and allegedly California. In Missouri she was sentenced, in 1952, to three years jail under the Smith Act, for conspiring to overthrow the US government by force.

    Dorothy DeLacy’s first husband, Jim Forest, was a high level Party functionary in several states. he too was jailed in Missouri and spent some time behind bars, before all the Smith Act convictions were eventually overturned. From 1969 to 1974, Forest toured the world on the Kremlins’ rouble as a Secretary of the Soviet front World Peace Council, before settling back into Communist Party work in San Francisco.

    Hugh DeLacy, 1940s

    Hugh DeLacy was a covert Communist Party member from at least the early 1940s, including through his 1944-46 term as a Democratic Congressman from Washington State. He went on to work for the Party in Ohio and California, well into the late 1960s.

    It is not known when, or if, Hugh DeLacy ever left the Communist Party. In the 1970s, he was close to a network of former Party members who went on to form the neo-Marxist and pro-Chinese New American Movement. In the 1970s and 1980s, Hugh DeLacy traveled to Communist China, Sandinista controlled Nicaragua and to Lisbon, to meet with senior officials of the Portuguese Communist Party.

    Hugh Delacy also maintained contact with several “former” Soviet spies, two of whom who had gone on to work for the Communist Chinese government. He certainly remained a committed Marxist-Leninist up until his death in 1986.

    If a Republican appointee had even a whiff of ties to the Ku Klux Klan, or a white power group, he would be quite rightly hauled over the coals by the US media and the Senate.

    Yet Leon Panetta is in line for one of the most important jobs in the United States government, and has yet to face one single question over his extensive communist and socialist connections.

    What are the consequences if Leon Panetta has in some way been compromised by past associations, or indiscretions?

    Should the guardians of the Republic, in the US Senate and the media, allow such questions to go unasked and unanswered?

    Panetta Report 2: Leon Panetta Paid Tribute to Pro-Communist Peace Activist

    Submitted by Trevor on June 16, 2011 – 11:49 pm EST13 Comments

    Leon Panetta

    While a Southern California based congressman in the 1970s and ’80s, CIA director and Obama Secretary of Defense nominee Leon Panetta, was close to a pro-communist, Santa Cruz based “peace activist” named Lucy Haessler.

    In spite (or perhaps because of) Haessler’s involvement with the Women’s International Democratic Federation, Panetta placed a tribute in the Congressional Record, April 11, 1984, to mark Haessler’s 80th birthday.
    Panetta noted that Lucy Haessler attended several conferences of the East German based organization in France, the Soviet Union, Poland and East Germany.

    He did neglect to mention however that the W.I.D.F. was a well-documented Soviet front.

    Congressman Panetta also commended Haessler for her activism in opposition to the Vietnam War and the deployment of US Cruise and Pershing II missiles in Europe. Haesslers activism in the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and Women Strike for Peace, are also noted. Both organizations were also affiliated with another Soviet front, the World Peace Council and were heavily infiltrated by the Communist Party USA and its allies.

    Congressman Panetta rounded off the tribute by hoping that Mrs. Haessler would “continue her valiant efforts, and with her help, we may yet realize her 80 year old dream: Peace on Earth.”

    This tribute raises an important question. In the context of the time, in what was effectively the height of the “Cold War,” why did Congressman Panetta consider it appropriate to praise an activist so clearly sympathetic to the “other side?” The Soviet affiliations of the Women’s International Democratic Federation were well known at the time. Given Panetta’s close ties to the Santa Cruz left, including to long time communist Hugh DeLacy and his own leftist views, it is inconceivable that Panetta did not understand the significance of Haessler’s activism.

    When confronted about the tribute by Human Events magazine in their May 12, 1984 issue, Panetta pleaded ignorance of the far left nature of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, but indicated that if he had known, it wouldn’t have mattered anyway.

    Said Panetta, “Let me tell you something. I dont know if you know about Santa Cruz, but Santa Cruz is a center for people who’ve been activists in all kinds of organizations. If I started doing those kinds of checks on people who help out… I’d never stop. Its that kind of place.”

    Panetta also described Lucy Haessler as, “An activist in Democratic politics, and worked in the campaigns ever since I’ve been running.”

    Lucy Haessler organized the 1979 national Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Biennial Conference at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Haessler invited three main speakers: Communist Party affiliated scientist and “peace” activist Linus Pauling, Randall Forsberg, founder of the thoroughly socialist infiltrated Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign and Rep. Leon Panetta.

    Leon Panetta might claim that Lucy Haessler was just another Democratic Party activist. However in 1966, Lucy Haessler and her then husband Carl Haessler, a Detroit United Auto Workers official and former Socialist Party USA member, sponsored an event that put them firmly in the Communist Party camp.

    April 28, 1966, Carl and Lucy Haessler were sponsors of the Herbert Aptheker Testimonial Dinner, held on the occasion of the Communist Party USA’s senior theoretician, Herbert Aptheker’s 50th birthday, the publication of his 20th book and the 2nd anniversary of the American Institute for Marxist Studies. The event was held in the Sutton Ballroom, The New York Hilton, Avenue of the Americas, 53rd to 54th Street, New York City. Almost all speakers, organizers and sponsors were known members or supporters of the Communist Party USA.

    Note that Mr. and Mrs. Haessler’s names appear on the sponsors list right above that of then Communist Party USA Chairman Gus Hall.

    It is quite possible that Leon Panetta was not aware of the depth of Lucy Haessler’s Communist Party affiliations, he might just not have known of all of his close friend Hugh DeLacy’s communist background.

    It seems strange however, that both of the Panetta Congressional Record tributes we have identified so far, were awarded to Communist Party affiliates.

    As Director of the CIA, and probable US Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta is entrusted with the responsibility of safeguarding US National Security. Should it then be of concern that Panetta has been on such friendly terms with clear enemies of that security? Is there a hint here of the fox guarding the chicken house?

    The US Senate needs to do its job. Before he is approved for the most important defense post in the nation, Leon Panetta needs to do some explaining to the American public.

    Which of the 100 Senators sworn to protect the Constitution of the United States of America has the courage to put personal popularity to one side and begin asking Leon Panetta some very probing questions?

    Panetta Report 3: Leon Panetta and the Santa Cruz Socialists

    Submitted by Trevor on June 18, 2011 – 3:37 am EST10 Comments

    It is now fairly well known that President Barack Obama enjoyed a close relationship with the socialists, Trotskyites and “former” communists, who made up the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America.

    It is less well known that while a California Congressman, Obama’s Secretary of Defense nominee Leon Panetta also worked closely with Santa Cruz based members of the US’s largest Marxist organization.

    Hugh DeLacy

    A key point of contact was Hugh DeLacy, Panetta’s friend and correspondent from at least 1976, until his death in 1986. DeLacy was a long time Communist Party USA member who worked closely with members of the California Communist Party splinter group, who then went on to form the pro-Chinese New American Movement, which in turn joined with the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee in 1982 to form Democratic Socialists of America.

    Santa Cruz New American Movement, and later Democratic Socialists of America, effectively took over the Santa Cruz City Council after NAMers Mike Rotkin and Bruce Van Allen joined with DSOCers Mardi Wormhoudt and John Laird to form a majority on the Council in 1981.

    Another local DSAer, former Trotskyite Gordon Haskell, served on the Santa Cruz Democratic Party Central Committee for many years, while several other comrades held senior posts in the local party.

    On September 6, 1986, Leon Panetta addressed a memorial service for Hugh DeLacy at the Louden Nelson Center in Santa Cruz.

    Some of the names on the list above indicate the circles that both DeLacy and Panetta were moving in at the time.

    Mardi Wormhoudt

    Presenter Mardi Wormhoudt was a member of the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee, who became a Santa Cruz City Councilmember in 1981 and went on to serve three terms as town Mayor. Wormhoudt, a supporter of Nicaragua’s Marxist-Leninist Sandinista regime, was a delegate on the Let Nicaragua Live Tour for the Coalition for Nicaragua in 1986. She was also a member of a 1987 Sister City Delegation to Alushta in the Soviet Union.

    Jack Berman was a life long leftist activist, a veteran of the Communist Party led Independent Progressive Party and an affiliate of the New American Movement. In the 1960s, Berman worked with Hugh DeLacy in support of United Farmworkers founder Cesar Chavez – a disciple, like Barack Obama, of the Chicago based father of “community organizing’ Saul Alinsky.

    John McTernan

    John McTernan was a Los Angeles lawyer and a several decades veteran of the Communist Party USA. McTernan later joined the New American Movement and eventually the Democratic Socialists of America. In 1974, Hugh DeLacy applied to the Chinese government for a free trip for a delegation that would have included McTernan and several other communists, but the Chinese government ended up only paying for DeLacy and his wife. As a member of D.S.A., McTernan was on a list of wealthy leftists marked as possible funders of D.S.A. programs in Southern California. Others on the list included DSAers Ed Asner and Stanley Sheinbaum (later a supporter of Progressives for Obama), and entertainment figures Casey Kasem, Martin Sheen, Jackson Browne and
    Danny Goldberg (also Progressives for Obama).

    Mike Rotkin

    Mike Rotkin had been a member of Students for a Democratic Society. He later went on to become a leader of the New American Movement. Using community-organizing techniques developed by Saul Alinsky, Cesar Chavez, ACORN and Chicago’s Midwest Academy, Rotkin built up a power base on Santa Cruz’s West Side through agitation for a community health center in the area. In 1979, the Westside NAMers sought and obtained the endorsement of then Congressman Leon Panetta for their project. That support was re-affirmed in 1981. Rotkin used this power base to take over the Santa Cruz City Council, where he and his comrades used their power to pass such essential Council initiatives as calling for the withdrawal of all U.S. military and Economic aid to El Salvador and declaring Santa Cruz a nuclear free zone.

    Leon Panetta was no stranger to the other speakers at DeLacy’s memorial - he had worked with them for years. When Panetta first entered Congress in 1976, his campaign included staffer Don Lane, a future DSAer and Santa Cruz Mayor.

    John Laird

    A member of Panetta’s campaign committee that year was John Laird, a Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee member and yet another future Santa Cruz Mayor.

    Leon Panetta would later work closely with John Laird in a successful campaign to stop oil drilling off the California Coast. Laird was recently appointed California Secretary of Natural Resources by incoming leftist Governor Jerry Brown.

    In the late 1970s, Hugh DeLacy was effectively the California agent for the Chicago based socialist journal In These Times, a project of the New American Movement and the far left “think tank,” the Institute for Policy Studies. Congressman Leon Panetta incidentally served on the Institute for policy Studies’ 20th Anniversary Celebrations Committee in 1983. In 1999, Barack Obama was himself summoned from Chicago to New York to help establish an I.P.S “partner” organization, the leftist non-profit Demos.

    James Weinstein

    In These Times was run by DeLacy’s friend, a former Communist and New American Movement founder named James Weinstein. In 2002, James Weinstein and his friends Carl Davidson and former NAMer Marilyn Katz, organized an anti-Iraq War rally in Chicago’s Federal Plaza. They invited a then obscure little known Illinois state Senator to speak. Barack Obama used the opportunity to rail against the War, making his first mark on the national stage. The rest is history.

    All these connections are of course mere coincidence.

    President Obama chose Leon Panetta to head the CIA and serve as Secretary of Defense (despite zero intelligence and only two years military experience), because he was the best man in America for both jobs.

    To think anything else would be paranoid… Possibly even racist.

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    Default Re: Obama names CIA chief Panetta to Defense Secretary Linked to Communist Spies

    Companion Threads

    Stunning: Defense Sec. Panetta – NATO, the UN, and foreign law trump both congress and the Constitution

    Jeff Sessions is flabbergasted, and rightly so, at Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s repeated insistence that, essentially, President Obama need never seek the consent of congress for any military action anywhere for any reason, and furthermore, that the U.S. Constitution can be ignored at Obama’s discretion. The only consent that the President need ever solicit, he clearly believes, is that of the UN, NATO, or whatever foreign entity the president, and the president alone, decides he wants to militarily assist.

    SenatorSessions on Mar 7, 2012 - WASHINGTON, March 7—Under question from Sen. Sessions at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing today, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey indicated that “international permission,” rather than Congressional approval, provided a ‘legal basis’ for military action by the United States.
    Hotair‘s Allahpundit writes:
    Via, stick with this until at least 2:40, when things start to heat up, through 3:30 when the absurdity is fully revealed. His point about international approval is mundane: If we decide to act in Syria as part of a coalition, then there needs to be some sort of joint international resolution laying out the scope of the mission. To which Sessions replies, how come there didn’t need to be a resolution passed by Congress approving American intervention in Libya? We all know the answer to that, as does Panetta, which is why he’s reduced to mumbling here about maybe “informing” Congress of their plans if and when the time comes. The One doesn’t recognize the War Powers Act — even though his own lawyers do. If he wants to bomb Syria, he’ll bomb Syria, and Congress will get a heads up about it at some point and that’s that. Sessions is trying to get the SecDef to commit to seeking an AUMF before our next excursion but he simply won’t do it because he knows his boss doesn’t operate that way. Why hand the GOP a useful soundbite when he can take a dump on Congress’s prerogatives over warmaking instead?

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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