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Thread: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

  1. #361
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Chicago Police Brace for 'Flash Mob' Attacks
    June 9, 2011

    Police here are girding for another weekend of "flash mob" attacks after arresting 29 people in connection with a recent rash of assaults and robberies in and around the city's tony shopping and dining district.

    Twelve crimes involving large groups of young men were reported last weekend, in addition to others earlier this spring. The incidents are some of the first major problems confronting newly appointed Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy.

    The attacks have received wide attention in Chicago because they have occurred around the city's affluent north side, including near the "Magnificent Mile," a Michigan Avenue strip popular with tourists.

    The latest attack occurred early Thursday morning. A spokesman for the Chicago Police Department said the attack involved "multiple" perpetrators near an elevated train platform. Described in the police report as a "strong arm robbery," the group of assailants took the victim's iPad and money and punched him in the face. No arrests have yet been made in that case.

    The Chicago Tribune reported the victim was Jesse Andersen, the 35-year-old brother of Smashing Pumpkins front-man Billy Corgan. Mr. Corgan sent out a tweet Thursday morning saying: "My little brother Jesse was attacked and robbed this morning by 3 men. he's ok, but if you want to send him some love."

    Mr. Andersen couldn't immediately be reached for comment. The police spokesman said the department cannot confirm the identity of the victim.

    In another incident last Saturday evening, Krzysztof Wilkowski, after shopping on Michigan Avenue, was sitting on his scooter a couple of blocks away checking his phone for a restaurant when he got whacked in the face with a baseball.

    At first, he said, he thought it was a prank, but then he looked up and saw 15 to 20 young men approaching. "My first reaction was, 'I'm about to get robbed, what do I do?' " Mr. Wilkowski recalled in an interview.

    The 34-year-old insurance company employee from a Chicago suburb grabbed the keys from his ignition and held tight to his phone. A few of the attackers dragged him off his scooter and pulled him onto Chicago Avenue where they punched him, hit him with his helmet and tried to grab his phone.

    "The way we're attacking this is attack the crimes—not being satisfied locking up one or two of [the suspects], but identifying and arresting the entire group," Mr. McCarthy said in an interview.

    Mr. McCarthy, who was chosen to be the city's top cop by new Mayor Rahm Emanuel and confirmed by the city council Wednesday, said more than half of the 29 people arrested were picked up Saturday or Sunday.

    Six of the dozen incidents over the weekend were robberies, with five involving the same group of people, Mr. McCarthy said. Ten members of that group have been arrested. Another 19 people, mostly juveniles, have been arrested in connection with the nonviolent crimes comprising the other six incidents. In one incident, a group of 10 people robbed a student on a bus, Mr. McCarthy said.

    He said officers are monitoring train stops and other areas where groups might form. He is sending additional police officers to the downtown area and deploying undercover officers. Detectives and the gang unit are also assisting.

    Mr. Wilkowski said he was happy with the department's response to the 911 call he placed as soon as his attackers disbanded. He said he suffered a bruise on his face and scratches on his knees, wrist and elbow, but "not a single scratch on my phone."

    Mr. Wilkowski said he plans to keep coming downtown and he doesn't necessarily want to see too many police. To fully protect people, he said, "They'd have to have police on each corner like in '1984.'"

  2. #362
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Teenage Flash Mob Robberies on the Rise
    June 18, 2011

    The same technologies that for years have brought together the mostly benign and goofy "flash mobs," in which groups suddenly break into dance at a mall or stumble around like zombies at train stations, is being used to plan and execute bold robberies.

    Called “flash robs,” these crimes are being organized by young teenagers through various social media outlets, most notably Twitter. Police say the suspects select a time and place and enter the store in droves taking what they want and leaving before security or police can catch them.

    Some of the most brazen robberies take place in the light of day and on busy streets despite all the security cameras and the watchful eyes of workers.

    “Young people are risk takers; they do things in groups far more than adults do. A medium like Twitter plays into the characteristics of young person’s behavior,” Scott Decker, a professor of criminology at Arizona State University, told

    Because of these flash plots, police have begun to more closely monitor social media sites, reports the Chicago Sun Times.

    The pack mentality emboldens the thieves to strike fast, so fast that the store clerks don’t have time to react.

    “Over 90 percent of crimes committed by young people are done so in a group,” Decker told

    Technology hasn’t just made it easy to plan and organize. It’s allowed the thieves to off-load their loot. A recent survey done by a leading retail industry group shows that technology has led to a spike in organized crime, mostly as thieves find it easier to sell stolen goods online.

    Of 129 retailers surveyed by the National Retail Federation, nearly 95 percent said they were victimized by organized criminals in the past year and 85 percent said the problem has worsened over the past three years.

    But Decker says these tech-savvy criminals could be in it for something more -- the fame. Seeing themselves on the security videos of the robberies that are uploaded on YouTube or shown on the nightly news can be a thrill to teenagers, he said.

    “It’s a way of bragging,” Decker said. “Not only can you show your friends, you can show the whole world. “

    Their brazen moves are matched by their high-profile targets.

    Chicago's Magnificent Mile has been targeted numerous times; Filene's Basement, The North Face and Express have all been robbed by these flash mobs, reports the Sun Times.

    These arrests and the rise of mob robberies in Chicago has prompted Police Chief Garry McCarthy vow to crack down on these robbing teens. “We can’t tolerate this stuff. ... We’re not going to let it go,” he told the Chicago Sun-Times.

    Here’s a look at some of the most recent robberies.


    Last week, four violent assaults and robberies occurred in Chicago’s upscale area of Streeterville. One man was dragged into the street and beaten by a group of 15 to 20 teenage males after a baseball was thrown so hard at his head that his motor-scooter helmet was knocked off. Another man was robbed of his cell phone and camera after being knocked off his bike and punched by a group of teenage males. Three teenagers were recently arrested due to their alleged involvement with these strings of flash mob robberies, four of which occurred within a 10-minute span.

    And on June 9, Jesse Andersen, the 35-year-old brother of Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan, was punched in the face as his iPad and money were stolen by multiple perpetrators.

    Washington, D.C.

    On April 25, G Star Raw, workers at a retail store in Dupont Circle were caught off guard as a group of about 20 teenagers swarmed the store, stopping to look through sizes, taking over $20,000 worth of merchandise and promptly exiting the building. Store Manager Gregory Lennon told that their staff has a heightened sense of awareness of customers who enter their store in large groups, but there is little they can do to protect themselves from another flab mob attack. D.C. was previously hit two weeks prior, when a store owner of a small T-shirt shop was pushed out of the way as she tried to protect her store from the 20 to 25 teenagers who robbed it.

    Las Vegas

    In May, 20 teens were caught on camera as they robbed a convenience store and stole about $600 worth of merchandise and the clerk's cellphone. They were in and out in a matter of minutes. "It became a feeding frenzy," store owner Jon Athney told KLAS-TV. "They were in the store for three minutes and 30 seconds. ... It's a pretty scary thing."

    Many of the employees of these stores were temporarily paralyzed by the scene, making this form of teenage robbery very effective. It's “tremendously anxiety-provoking and fear-provoking when a large group of people engage in a criminal act,” Fox News contributor Dr. Keith Ablow said. The workers likely were in shock, because “It takes time to realize what is going on.” The robbery was caught on tape and police are still investigating the crime.

    St Paul, Minn.

    On Feb, 19, 50 teenagers swarmed a busy convenient store causing confusion and panic among the store’s employees. They stole anything they could get their hands on, food, candy, soda, juice. Although police are not sure if the two events are related, shots were heard a few miles away from the robbed store, and two young people were rushed to the hospital with gunshot wounds. This is not the first time this has happened in St. Paul. A BP station was robbed by 20 teenagers four months prior. The clerk was assaulted, and the assailants fled the building in different directions.

  3. #363
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Metro Kansas City, MO Man Says Teen Mob Terrorized His Neighborhood
    June 16, 2011

    Roger MacBride says that he's used to looking out for trouble in his old Northeast neighborhood. But usually the problems involve prostitutes or drug addicts, and he says that he wasn't ready for what he calls a mob of young troublemakers who threatened his home and family.

    Witnesses say that a group of 25 to 30 young teens terrorized the neighborhood on Wednesday. MacBride says that the teens kicked in the door to a neighboring home and broke windows inside. He says when he yelled at the group to get out, they turned on him.

    "All of a sudden, this one kid with corn rows comes out and he's like yakety yak, (expletive), da, da, da. He's like we'll kick your (expletive) too you don't (expletive) own this neighborhood, and they are like, literally, 12 of them, start running over here," said MacBride.

    MacBride says the teens surrounded his house, picking up rocks and throwing them at him. That's when he says in his eyes, the mob stopped being a bunch of kids and became a big threat. He says the teens were reaching for his door handle when the the sight of his Soviet rifle had an instant reaction.

    "I grabbed this and literally just came straight out the porch, came out just like this, and was like now, get the (expletive) out of here," said MacBride. "I literally come out that side door, and these two kids are like, hey, he's got a gun. And then everybody just woosh, they just dispersed totally."

    MacBride shudders to think what would have happened if he didn't have his gun. He says an elderly neighbor told him the mob terrorized her as she walked home. And MacBride claims a passing vehicle had a window smashed by the rowdy group.

    MacBride says police told him the teens had come from a nearby school, which dismissed early Wednesday, the last day of classes. Security apparently chased the mob off school property when they were causing problems there.

    Neighbors were quick to credit the military veteran for taking action to scare the kids away.

    "Anymore, that's probably the only solution we have. In order to protect our property and our families. These kids don't realize the tyranny they're bringing on the community. Instead of being a good productive citizen to this country, they want to be thugs," said neighbor Rick Juarez.

  4. #364
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Video on Facebook captures fight on Sylvan Beach
    June 16, 2011

    A video featuring a fight on Memorial Day posted on a social networking site has sparked the attention of many, including police.

    The video link was sent to Utica Daily News by a reader and facebook follower.

    Warning to readers: If you watch this video, be forewarned that it is extremely graphic, both in language and in violence. If you wish to watch the Facebook video, click here.

    The seven-minute and 13-second video shoots on a sandy knoll on Sylvan Beach on a sunny holiday marking the summer season. Honing in on a large, seemingly disorderly group, the video shows several males on the shore preparing for a fight. Some have towels thrown over their shoulders, hats on their heads, hair pulled back. Some look like they just want to leave the beach, with bags in tow as they head for a nearby parking lot.

    The group inches closer and closer to the place where the person recording the video stood, eventually brushing past him and his family to the parking lot bordering the beach line. Parents begin hurriedly grabbing their children by the arms and taking them away from the scene.

    One of the men in swim trunks gets rowdy, taking someone else's backpack and hurling it out of view. Then, as several other males begin a rooster-fight-close to one another, he jumps high, fist out, and that's when a male who looks no older than 15 falls to the ground unconscious. Another man comes into view and appears to stomp near the victim's head. Just beside the motionless victim on the ground, a group of men is struggling against one another, hitting into cars as they grab for each other's throats.

    "We need an ambulance!" yells one man. "This kid is really hurt! Check his pulse!"

    "Call the police! Did anyone call the police yet?" Yells another.

    A stroller comes into and out of view in the parking lot where the fight ended up. A child can be heard in the background crying. Utter chaos in the form of suntanned, beach-clad youth in tens wreaks havoc instantly.

    "Lay his legs out straight!" yells still another beach-goer who seemed like he might know something about first-responder situations.

    Five minutes and 30 seconds into that the video shows responding State Troopers out of the village. The barracks are just a few blocks up from the parking lot where the fight -- which unraveled at its climax in seconds -- took place. As the police show up, the guilty parties run away, a trooper not far behind on foot. He gets them to come back to the scene, where EMTs and other troopers are interviewing people there. The teen knocked unconscious has been brought to a sitting position; head slumped down, as medics begin to take care of him.

    The video ends.

    Throughout the video, the man recording reiterates that he's taping for the police -- as evidence.

    State Police Capt Frank Coots said there were several fights reported at Sylvan Beach on Memorial Day, and that he had heard about one in particular being videotaped. He was traveling on Thursday when he spoke with UDN, but planned to take a look at the video to follow-up with reporters about it.

    "We were able to capture some video recording of fights that occurred there over that weekend," he acknowledged, adding that without first looking at it, he couldn't confirm those involved.

    Coots also said that while he couldn't encourage or discourage a bystander recording an incident like the one displayed on Facebook, he hoped that anyone who recorded something like that would come forward to police with the tape.

    "Certainly, police don't have control over people videotaping these things or posting them," he said. "What I am encouraging is that (in the event someone does record an incident) they should turn it over to a law enforcement agency."

    Coots said that's because the videos can be used as evidence and could lead to the arrest and perhaps conviction of a suspect involved in something like a violent fight.

    "I believe people have a civic duty to turn that over to law enforcement," he said, "especially when the facts so merit an arrest."

  5. #365
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Detroit Police Need More Money, Not Less
    June 16, 2011

    The budget for the City of Detroit has been in the news for weeks. One of the departments facing a huge cut is Detroit Police.

    However, as city leaders go back and forth about how much money is in the pot, FOX 2's Charlie LeDuff shows you firsthand what Detroit Police officers are forced to deal with on a day-to-day basis.

    According to LeDuff, this is the most serious story he can bring you. He says we're not coming back as a people unless Detroit comes back, and the city is not coming back until crime is under control, period.

    Every city leader has a report that shows while cops have been getting cut, crime has been going up.

    LeDuff recently spent some time in the Eastern District where they're holding it together with bailing wire. It's a threat to both the cop's life and yours.

    LeDuff: Detroit Police Need More Money, Not Less:

  6. #366
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Peorians Living In Fear
    June 25, 2011

    This eye-witness account is from Paul Wilkinson, president of the Altamont Park Neighborhood Association:

    Tonight, around 11 p.m., a group of at least 60-70 African American youth marched down one of the side streets (W. Thrush) to the 4 lane main drag (Sheridan). They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill all the white people around here. They were physically intimidating anyone calling for help from the police. They were surrounding cars. Cars on the main drag had to slam on their brakes to either avoid the youth blocking not only all four lanes, but a large section of the side street as well. (Umm... Why stop?) fights were breaking out among them. They were rushing residents who looked out their doors, going on to porches, yelling threats to people calling the police for help.

    Cars were doing U turns on the streets just to avoid the mob, mostly male. One youth stated his grandfather was white and several assaulted him on the spot. One police officer answered the call. The youth split into two large groups, one heading north, the other south. They were also yelling racial threats to the police officer but he was outnumbered. Another police car did not show up until after the youth finally dispersed and the patty wagon (van) also eventually showed up.

    Residents are very shaken, both black and white alike. This is the fifth large mob action in about a month with smaller groups of 10-12 are out threatening children and adults a few evenings a week or later into the night. The times vary, even occuring during the day. In talking to the police officer, they are short staffed. Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors. In other words buckle down, it’s not even safe to sit on your porch or go into your yards.
    “The fifth large mob action in about a month.” Wow. This is really outrageous. Why is this neighborhood having to put up with this? “Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors”? Seriously? That’s the best we can do for our fellow citizens’ safety?

    This needs to be addressed, and quickly.

  7. #367
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Group Accused of Severely Beating Man in 5 Points
    June 23, 2011

    Columbia police are searching for a group of males accused of beating and robbing an 18-year-old in Five Points Monday morning.

    Officers say an 18-year-old was jogging through a parking lot in the 1900 block of Blossom Street just after midnight when he was assaulted.

    Police say surveillance video shows four of the eight suspects running toward the victim. Investigators say they beat the victim and stole his cell phone.
    The victim made it to Edisto Avenue, where someone passing by found him nearly two hours after the attack. He was taken to the hospital where he remains in critical condition.

    A relative of the victim told police that he required emergency brain surgery to remove a clot. He also must have reconstructive surgery on this face.

    "The City of Columbia Police Department will not tolerate violent behavior," said Columbia Police Chief Randy Scott in a written statement. "This teenager was minding his own business, trying to make his curfew when he was brutally attacked and robbed. We have officers working hard to identify these suspects. I am confident that the public will do the right thing and assist us by calling police if they know who these individuals are."

    Anyone with information should call Crimestoppers at 1-888-CRIME-SC, or e-mail a tip in to Crimestoppers of the Midlands. You can also text information in by texting "TIPSC" plus your message to CRIMES (274637). Either way you choose, your identity will remain anonymous, and you could be eligible for a cash reward.

  8. #368
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    [VIDEO] Fatal Shooting and WWE-Style Brawl Taint DC’s Caribbean Festival
    June 27, 2011

    This past weekend, Washington, D.C. held its annual DC Caribbean Festival, which bills itself as “one city, one parade, one love.”

    Except the 2011 variety was anything but.

    Two separate incidents marred the weekend festival. One man was shot and three others were injured after gunfire broke out between rival gangs near the festival’s parade route. Then, in an unconnected event, a brawl broke out at Howard University during the parade.

    Let’s start with the gunfire first and then get to the brawl. Here’s what we know so far.

    The incident took place a few minutes after 5 p.m. on Gresham Place NW, near Georgia Avenue NW. That was the parade’s major thoroughfare. Though the parade had ended around 4 p.m., many bystanders were still in the area by the time, according to the WaPo.

    Police insist that the shooting was a neighborhood matter and that unfortunately, three bystanders got caught in between. “We believe three of the four are innocent bystanders,” Assistant Police Chief Diane Groomes said, reports Fox News. Two males and one female were amongst the injured. One of them is believed to be in critical condition.

    Police have identified Robert Foster Jr., 43, of Alexandria, VA, as the man who was shot and killed Saturday afternoon. No arrests have been made, but police did recover the weapon used in the killing.

    “I don’t understand the violence. I don’t know the purpose. I’ve always been anti-gun,” said Anita Foster, the deceased’s mother. It is believed that Foster was not the intended target in the killing, but happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    According to WAMU:

    Council Member Jim Graham says sources close to the investigation have told him the intended target in Saturday’s shooting was also the target of a shooting earlier this year in Columbia Heights that left a 18-year-old girl dead.

    Police believe that intended target was among those injured in Saturday’s shooting, Graham adds.

    “For the second time in how many weeks or months, you know you have an intended target and you have innocent bystander dead,” says Graham.

    Graham says he wants to know what the intended target was doing back in D.C. The council member says the target was under court supervision and was sent to New York for treatment following the shooting in February.
    Incredibly, police are also saying there was an unrelated stabbing incident that occurred just a few blocks away. An arrest has been made in the stabbing.

    Further, at Howard University there aren’t too many details on the brawl that broke out, except there is excellent video footage, courtesy of World Star Hip Hop.

    You’ll definitely want to stick this video out, which does get boring in some places, but right around the 3:25 mark turns into a full scale WWE-style wrestling bout, complete with steel chairs getting lowered onto people’s heads.

    YouTube: Caribbean Festival Fight Washington DC 2011

    All of this is to say that if DC continues to host the Caribbean Festival, which began in 1993 and over the years has grown into a 25-band, 300,000-participant spectacle, you better believe that security will have the entire event on lockdown. Granted, it doesn’t appear that the shooting or stabbing was connected to the festival (until more information is revealed you might even be able to make the case that the brawl was unrelated as well), but big events like these only need to have the appearance of a connection for authorities and politicians to make sure their city is never tainted like that again.

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

  10. #370
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    We're already disintegrating from within...this is a well fed community with Government checks promptly in the mail.

    When our dollar goes down and inflation hits not buying what it used to or checks not showing up on's going to get a lot worse.

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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  11. #371
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    I think a lot of politicians know this. That is why the military is always on the chopping block before the welfare leaches.

    When the "gubmint cheeze" stops flowing, the cities start burning.

  12. #372
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    Yep. The mob will grow to an out of control monster, as is the natural progression of such things, and demand their "leaders" heads. As long as they can keep the beast sated, they can retain their "power" and "prestige".

  13. #373
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    Peoria Mob Yells “Kill All The White People”

    Peoria, Illinois

    HT: N.I.M. Busters

    A mob of African-American male youths terrorized White residents of Peoria, Illinois as they shouted “kill all the White people” while rioting in the downtown area late Saturday night

    Eyewitness Paul Wilkinson, president of the Altamont Park Neighborhood Association, wrote the following account in the Peoria Chroncile. For some reason, the online version of not only the article but the entire website has been taken down, possibly by hackers. Here is a full reprint of Wilkinson’s account:
    Tonight, around 11 p.m., a group of at least 60-70 African American youth marched down one of the side streets (W. Thrush) to the 4 lane main drag (Sheridan). They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill alll the white people around here. They were physically intimidating anyone calling for help from the police. They were surrounding cars. Cars on the main drag had to slam on their brakes to either avoid the youth blocking not only all four lanes, but a large section of the side street as well. fights were breaking out among them. They were rushing residents who looked out their doors, going on to porches, yelling threats to people calling the police for help.

    Cars were doing U turns on the streets just to avoid the mob, mostly male. One youth stated his grandfather was white and several assaulted him on the spot. One police officer answered the call. The youth split into two large groups, one heading north, the other south. They were also yelling racial threats to the police officer but he was outnumbered. Another police car did not show up until after the youth finally dispersed and the patty wagon (van) also eventually showed up.

    Residents are very shaken, both black and white alike. This is the fifth large mob action in about a month with smaller groups of 10-12 are out threatening children and adults a few evenings a week or later into the night. The times vary, even occuring during the day. In talking to the police officer, they are short staffed. Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors. In other words buckle down, it’s not even safe to sit on your porch or go into your yards.
    Saturday’s incident follows a string of Black-on-White hate crime attacks over the last several weeks. Three African-American teens were arrested on June 10 for assaulting two White teenagers earlier that week, reports The Chicago Tribune. The three arrested were part of a larger group that went on a wilding spree responsilbe for four attacks on Tuesday night.

    Kryzysztof Wilkowski was hit in the head with a baseball bat

    One victim, Krzysztof Wilkowski, told The Chicago Tribune he was hit so hard in the head with a baseball bat that it knocked the motorscooter helmet he was wearing off.

    The weekend before, at least 20 African-American youths were arrested in connection with robberies and disturbances involving multiple people in the Near North District, police said.

    UPDATE (6/27/2011): The Peoria Journal-Star has quoted two area residents who claim the reports of anti-White racism by the Black mob are false; Peoria City Councilwoman Barbara Van Auken claims Wilkinson has a history of “wildly exaggerating” reports, many of them involving race, and police are well aware of it.

    However, Peoria Pundit over on Free Republic claims to also know Wilkinson, and decsribes him as “the most straight forward person I’ve met.”

    “He has no need to embellish or to lie,” Peoria Pundit wrote. “That means this is true and it’s an outrage. I hope Mr. Jackson of the local NAACP reads this and responds. That will be interesting. This is nothing more than hate and race war against whites.”

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    (Peoria) Altamont Park Mob Action Makes National Headlines
    June 26, 2011

    Peoria is making national headlines tonight for a large mob action in the Altamont Park neighborhood.

    Witnesses say these streets were filled with more than 70 African American young adults Friday night.

    The neighborhood association president, Paul Wilkinson, says they were making threats and yelling quote kill the white people, end quote.

    Wilkinson says this is the fifth mob action in the neighborhood this month, but by far the largest.

    He says residents are worried for their safety and for their homes.

    "We've had people beating up on each other, and making threats toward each other, but not towards other people or bystanders, things like that. And there's been no other indication of any inappropriate racial comments until this incident," said Wilkinson."

    Wilkinson credits the police as being helpful and responsive.

    Saturday morning, police placed one of the nuisance abatement vehicles at the coroner of Thrush and Sheridan to try to quiet the area down.

    In the meantime, residents have been advised to be cautious in the coming days.

  15. #375
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Here's one that happened about a week ago in Peoria.

    Police Break Up Large Fight
    June 21, 2011

    Peoria police responded to a large fight at 1738 N. Great Oak Rd. Monday afternoon.

    At least 30 people were involved in the dispute, which took place in the parking lot of the Pierson Hills Apartment complex.

    One person was transported to OSF Saint Francis as a result of what police are calling a "mutual altercation".

    The fight is believed to have started elsewhere and moved to the apartment's parking lot, where others eventually joined in.

    Police say witnesses gave conflicting reports as to who started the brawl and stated that both parties had "ample time to go their separate ways."

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Pedestrians Hurt In Philly Mob Attack
    June 27, 2011

    A woman suffered a broken leg and several other people were hurt when a large group of teenagers assaulted pedestrians in Philadelphia, police said.

    Philadelphia police responded to reports of pedestrians being attacked by a band of young people late Saturday along Broad Street, the Philadelphia Daily News reported.

    Emily Guendelsberger, 27, a city editor for the Onion satirical newspaper and Web site, said she was walking with friends when they were accosted.

    Guendelsberger was "jumped" by 30 to 40 men who punched and kicked her, a police report said.

    Guendelsberger's leg was broken in the assault.

    A friend with Guendelsberger at the time of the attack said that when she and her group tried to run, about 20 teenagers pursued them.

    "They were kicking kids down and punching them when they were down," Molly Eichel said.

    Two other friends went to local hospitals for treatment of facial injuries, she said.

    The attacks came two days after a "flash mob" of dozens of teenagers raided a Sears store in neighboring Upper Darby, Pa., stealing thousands of dollars' worth of merchandise, the Daily News reported Monday. Sixteen suspects were arrested in that incident.

    Similar mass attacks and thefts have been reported in Chicago recently.

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    Mob Loots Sears Department Store In Upper Darby, PA
    June 27, 2011

    Police are looking for dozens of suspects after a robbery at a Delaware County department store.

    Investigators say about 40 people broke into the Sears in Upper Darby last Thursday.

    Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood says the group of young males from West Philadelphia gathered at 69th and Market and made their way to the store.

    "We call them a flash mob that was out to steal and rob and pillage," said Chitwood.

    Once there, the group entered the store en masse.

    "Sears security saw them walk in and immediately called 911," Chitwood said.

    They grabbed everything they could get their hands on. Sneakers, socks and wristwatches were among the items taken by the group.

    "We got one guy with a backpack that had six pairs of sneakers in it that were stolen from Sears," said Chitwood.

    Police got some of the merchandise back when they caught 16 of the suspects. All but one of them were underage, ranging in age from 11 to 16. They were all charged with retail theft.

    "Where's the parents when an 11-year-old can travel three or four miles and nobody knows nothing," Chitwood said.

    The mother of the 11-year-old spoke to Action News off-camera.

    "It's not the parent's fault. Your children go outside to play you don't know if your child's always on 69th Street," she said.

    Investigators say that adult, 19-year-old Kyree Marsh, is believed to be the ringleader. He is not only charged with retail theft but also with corrupting the morals of a minor.

    No one was injured.

    "Nobody tried to stop them because there were so many of them," said Chitwood. "Once again you see this 'flash mob mentality' that people think is cute or funny. It's not... it's a crime," Chitwood said.

    "This could have exploded into someone getting hurt."

    They also say the young people's parents should also be held accountable.

    "Some parents were very supportive of the police activity," Chitwood said. "Others could have cared less."

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    I couldn't find a date on this but I believe it is pretty recent... By the way, the original YouTube video at the link was pulled down.

    New Video Shows Flash Mob Violence

    New Video Shows Flash Mob Violence:

    Disturbing new video posted on You Tube shows violence during last week’s teen flash mob on Philadelphia’s South Street.

    The video shows teens beating up other teens, seemingly at random.

    Only a handful of arrests were made, and most reports indicated that were not injuries during the organized teen gathering.

    The video, if it is authentic, shows obvious violence during the melee.

    Hundreds of teenagers swarmed South Street Saturday night.

    Police were alerted a tip call from a parent saying that a large group of teenagers and young adults were planning to meet on South Street.

    Cops from districts throughout the city and some special units were sent to the area to help maintain control. There were multiple arrests for disorderly conduct, aggravated assault, and obstructing a highway.

    On Wednesday, Philadelphia officials are expected to announce a crackdown on teen violence and flash mobs.

    Proposed measures include jail time for the parents of teens convicted of crimes, and a potential teen curfew.

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Don't know if this has been posted or not but I searched so, if it has, apologies.

    Van Jones Predicts ‘Potential Nightmare Scenario’ of Social Unrest
    December 5, 2010

    St. Louis blogger Adam Sharp has posted a series of videos from Van Jones’ recent talk at Washington University. The most exciting clip was when they decided to toss Adam out of the event! But his subsequent posts have been revealing on a number of fronts, including Jones comparing Fox News to Satan.

    Today Sharp Elbows adds one more clip into the mix. Many of you have followed Glenn Beck‘s analysis of how desperate progressives will begin to drive wedges in this country that may trigger the kind of trouble we’ve watching unfold across Europe. It seems Van Jones is now predicting just that. Jones is unwavering that the U.S. is “going to go into a tough period.” A “potential nightmare scenario” he calls it.

    Jones sees two trends. A country that is growing more diverse. And one that he is certain is going to be “less and less economically prosperous.” He repeats his forecast. Makes you wonder – what intel does he have that he can be so confident of American economic demise?

    These trends, says Jones pointing us to history, make up a recipe: “That is not a recipe for common ground, that’s a recipe for a battleground.”

    Sharp entitles his video with a question: Is Van Jones Predicting a Civil War?

    Bonus Van Jones flashback: While looking for pictures to help with this post I came across an old favorite. This isn’t new — it was much discussed a year ago. It takes us back to 2003 when Van Jones served as the grass roots political director for then California gubernatorial candidate…Arianna Huffington:

  20. #380
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Yep, sure was.

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