Quote Originally Posted by Peterle Matteo View Post
He's a BABY!

22 years old.

He dont know...

I bet he was using Windows outlook.
Peterle... I would advise you to be careful at this juncture. Here is WHY.

1) I JOINED the USAF at 18. I worked for the President of the United States when I was barely 23 or 24 years old. I had a LOT of clout then. I might have been a "baby" but I was trained well.

2) Emails on military installations are ALL captured and examined daily. My email at work, my web browsing history, ALL of it. I work on a base too and so do several others here.

3) You will NOTE that I am VERY careful about saying certain things. I won't ever give anyone classified information. I won't give troop movements and I RARELY say "something just happened" unless it is something I know for a fact isn't CLASSIFIED.

This young man said something in email to Mom that was likely interpreted or was classified which brought the wrath of the FBI down on him.

Therein lies the issue. If it AIN'T classified, then it might be sensitive troop or equipment movements. We simply do NOT discuss that from work, or anywhere else because it can put the hurt on military members and their families (from terrorists) and secondly the folks on this SITE do not discuss such things open either.

We might post NEWS articles pointing to something everyone knows, but we NEVER speak about what we know personally.

Don't assume we don't know more sometimes, Peterle and just because a military member in the US is young doesn't mean you should discount his knowledge.