Lib Radio Host Bill Press Tells Tebow: ‘S-T-F-U’ (Shut the F**k Up) About Jesus
December 16, 2011

Liberal radio pundit and former CNN host Bill Press has a message for Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow: “S-T-F-U” about Jesus.

The leftist commentator used this acronym (which stands for “shut the f**k up”) while speaking on his radio show this morning about his dislike for Tebow’s “in-your face” Christian faith.

“…And you know what I want to say, S.T.F.U. I’m tired of hearing Tim Tebow and all this Jesus Talk,” Press said. ”He better be praying hard this week, because he’s up against a real quarterback on Sunday — against Tom Brady and the New England Patriots.”

As if this weren’t rough enough, Press continued, saying, “Everybody wants to make him a hero. I think he’s a disgrace. I think he’s an embarrassment.” Listen to his controversial assessment of Tebow, below:

YouTube: Libtalker / Former CNN Host Bill Press- 'S-T-F-U Tim Tebow!'

Of course, Press wasn’t done there. He later turned to his web site, where he posted even more commentary about his opposition to Tebow. “Jesus said a lot of strong things. But one of the strongest things he ever said was: When you pray, don’t be like those hypocrites who like to stand on a street corner and pray, so everybody can see them,” he wrote. “Somebody ought to tell that to Tim Tebow.” He continued:
By dragging God into every football game, Tebow makes a mockery of Christianity – and trivializes religion. The truth is, God doesn’t care who wins an election, a bingo game, or a football game. Sorry, Tebow, Jesus is not a Broncos fan.

Now, if you’re one of the silly millions of Americans who loves Tebow’s in-your-face kind of Christianity, consider this. What if he were a devout Muslim, who bowed to Mecca after every touchdown and shouted “Allahu Akbar?”
Ironically, Press wrote a 2010 book called “Toxic Talk: How the Radical Right Has Poisoned America’s Airwaves.” To some, Press’ disparaging comments about Tebow would amount to “poison.” Others, of course, would disagree. Either way, these are certainly coarse words waged against a young football player who has done little more than speak openly about his Christian beliefs.

This isn’t the first time Press has made controversial remarks (and it probably won’t be the last).

(H/T: Radio Equalizer)