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  1. #21
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost


    Thank you very much MagnetMan!!

    That new picture helps tremendously.

    I can now see that those boxes (the ones marked CV**)are not tombs as I had thought possible. Now, the question is, are the lables acronyms or Roman numerals?

    Cerberus = Black Smoke (a.k.a. the security system)???

    And indeed, what or whom is "MDG", "D.I.H.G.", "P.R.D.", and "Dharmatel"?

    Also, "Liberte Te Ex Inferus" = "Save Yourself From Hell"

  2. #22
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    New Lost tonight!

  3. #23
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    Last week's Hurley centric episode sure was "A Beautiful Mind"-ish…

    Seeing who we are lead to believe is Libby in the same loony bin with Hurley was pretty odd. Wonder where they will go with that? By the way, she looked pretty close to her mugshot that was taken when she was pulled over for DWI along with Michelle Rodriguez (Anna Lucia) after a party in Hawaii where they are filming.

    And we find out that "Henry Gale" did nothing when the timer reached zero. I wonder what his, or should I say their (the Others), rationale was for that? Speaking of "Henry", WTF did he mean with "God can't see this island any better than the rest of the world can."???

    Also, found some more stuff on the maps!


    4, 8, 15 are the first three numbers in The Numbers.

    Also, see this other version of the map MagnetMan posted with some additional info:

    Latin phrases from both maps:

    "Cognito Ergo Doleo" = "I think therefore I am depressed"
    "Sursum Corda" = "Lift up your hearts"
    "Malum Consilium Quod Mutari Non Potest" = "It's a bad plan that cannot be changed"
    "Credo Nos In Fluctu Eodem Esse" = "I think we're on the same wavelength."
    "Nil Actum Reputa Si Quid Superest Agendum" = "Don’t consider that anything has been done if anything is left to be done."
    "Hic Sunt Dracones" = "Here are dragons."
    "Ut sit magna, tamen certe lenta ira deorum est" = "The wrath of the gods may be great, but it certainly is slow."
    "Aegrescot Medendo" = "The treatment is worse than the disease."

  4. #24
    Senior Member catfish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost


  5. #25
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    I've got to say, I certainly didn't expect the ending that happened in last week's episode! That was a real twist! I'm betting that The Others promised Michael that if he brought "Henry" back, they would give him Walt.

    My prediction… While Ana Lucia is indeed dead, Libby is only seriously injured.

    My first thought when they shot both of them was, "Dang, I guess that is what you get for drunk driving," but, that really wasn't the motivation behind their shooting. See this:

    Why Did Lost Kill Ana Lucia? Lindelof/Cuse Tell All!
    Before we get to the shocking events of last night's Lost, I have a confession to make: I've known for weeks that Michelle Rodriguez was leaving the show and I said nothing about it in Ask Ausiello. No hints. No spoilers. Not even an asterisk quiz. And you're probably wondering why. Well, it's simple: I knew Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse wanted Ana Lucia's death to be a big surprise to viewers and I wasn't going to be the one to ruin that for them — or you. Plus, I knew if I kept my big trap shut, I'd stand a better chance of getting them to spill the beans about the shocking plot twist before it happened, and then be able to post it to my blog the moment the episode was over. All in all, I think it was a pretty fair trade-off. Oh, and you're probably wondering about the fate of Cynthia Watros' Libby since she too was gunned down by Michael last night. I'll have the full story on that next week. But first, let's get to the bottom of M.Ro's ouster.

    Ausiello: Was it always your intention to use Ana Lucia as a one-season character?

    Damon Lindelof: A lot of this is going to sound like spin, so all we can give you is our word that this is exactly what happened. Around late February of last year, we started throwing our respective lines in the water to find the leader of the tail section, who we knew was going to be a Latina woman and who would be conceived as a romantic foil for Jack. We wanted her to be in her mid-thirties and be a detective from the LAPD. So we started putting out feelers unofficially because we wanted her to show up in the penultimate episode of last year. That way, when we started our plan for Season 2, it wouldn't feel like we had pulled her out of our asses. So, right around that time...

    Carlton Cuse: I got a call from Michelle's agent saying, "Would you guys be interested in Michelle Rodriguez? But she's really only interested in being on the show for a year."

    Damon: So we basically said, "A year is not necessarily ideal for us, but let's bring in Michelle and have the meeting." And she came in and met with Carlton and I and then, in the last 15 minutes, J.J. [Abrams] happened to be across the way doing some Alias stuff and he came over and sat down with her and we just hung out with her and chatted. It turned out that she worked in Hawaii on Blue Crush and knew a lot of people down there. But she made it very clear in that meeting that she's sort of a nomadic spirit and she did not want to commit to doing any more than [one season]. She wanted to do one kickass arc, as she described it, and we basically started to wrap our brains around her energy and say, "Yeah, we'll bring you on the show and then we'll kill you off at the end of the year." And she was totally cool with it and we were totally cool with it, and we parted ways and talked amongst ourselves. Obviously, the network and the studio normally don't want to get into a situation where they're not making multiyear deals, but we assured them that this was in fact the plan, and that even if Michelle was a rocking sensation on the show, we were going to stick to the plan. So they signed off on it and made the deal accordingly.

    Ausiello: And then the DUI...

    Carlton: Then she got this DUI and Damon and I looked at each other and we were like, "Oh, great. Everybody is going to think we're killing her off because she got a DUI." But there really wasn't anything we could do about that. I mean, the story was set. We had made plans. With Lost, we think it out well ahead of when we actually shoot it. We thought about altering our plan, but [this] was in fact what was best for the show. The fact that she got a DUI would come and go and what would live on would be the show, and our plan was still the best plan for the character. Ironically, we actually thought about changing it the other way around once [the DUI] happened, but it really was the best story. We wanted to tell the best story.

    Damon: And obviously that decision was further mitigated by the fact that Libby is shot at the same time as Ana Lucia. Basically then we said, "Oh, s--t. Both Michelle and Cynthia were busted the same night for DUI and we've got this story point coming up where they essentially both get shot at the same time, so it's going to look like this is the Lost producers attempt to say, 'Don't drive drunk!'" But as Carlton says, all it created in us was [the thought that], "Maybe we shouldn't do the plan now, 'cause people are going to think this is a reaction to [the DUIs], as opposed to this [plan] existing prior to that event."

    Carlton: As you'll see, everything that happens for the rest of the season all sort of falls from this event. And we're not doing ourselves or the fans of the show or the show itself any service by altering those plans because of Michelle's extracurricular activities.
    Damon: Not to mention that we didn't even know if that option would be available to us. We were still functioning under the auspices of that meeting, which was Michelle saying, "I want to do a year and then move on."

    Ausiello: Did you meet with Michelle to make sure everyone was still on the same page?

    Damon: Michelle happened to be [in Los Angeles] and she came by to see us. We basically said to her, "So we’re going to stay on course." And at that point, Michelle was kinda like, "Hey, I'm living in Hawaii...." She might have been able to wrap her brain around [staying] a little bit longer on the show, but she did not say, "I want to stay on the show!" She was basically like, "Yeah. That's a good plan."

    Carlton: And once we told her what was happening, she was incredibly supportive. She thought it was sort of a kickass way to go, and she got very on board with the idea of how she was going to be exiting the show.

    Ausiello: Rumor has it she was a hard-ass on the set and everyone hated her. Care to set the record straight?

    Damon: We're not in Hawaii on the set so all we can speak to is our working relationship with Michelle and what we have heard from the other actors and directors on the show, and we never heard anything remotely resembling that she was a hard-ass. You know, she's Michelle. She's got a very playful spirit. But she's totally professional and got along well with all the other actors. We get calls over the course of our career about difficult actors. We did not get those calls about Michelle.

  6. #26
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    And get this… It looks like the makers of Lost are really going all out!

    'Bad Twin' Is 'Lost' In Translation
    Can fans of ABC's Lost (Wednesday, 9 ET/PT) find clues in Bad Twin, a just-published novel with mysterious links to the hit TV show?

    Maybe. And if so, it boosts the popular fan theory that the island on which the cast is stranded is purgatory. Fueling the supposition: The author's name, Gary Troup (a nom de plume), is an anagram for "purgatory."

    But buying the book might simply be buying into a marketing campaign by ABC sister company Hyperion Books. The novel is obviously a creation that ties into the hit drama — and the fervent fan base that searches for clues to the castaways' predicament. But it is not known whether the show's writers or producers helped craft the tale and whether it has substantive links to the series.

    The publisher isn't talking; requests to discuss Bad Twin over the past few months have been deflected. But the Lost ties can be tantalizing nonetheless.

    In the Feb. 8 episode, the character Hurley is seen reading the Bad Twin manuscript, found among the wreckage of Oceanic Air Flight 815.

    On the cover of the new book, under Troup's name, it reads "His Final Novel Before Disappearing on Oceanic Flight 815." On the back is a note from Hyperion explaining that Troup has been missing since the jetliner disappeared and that "reason tells us that the author and his fellow travelers cannot have survived this disaster."

    The book jacket also lists another Troup book, The Valenzetti Equation, apparently about a mathematical equation that can predict the apocalypse. The Valenzetti Equation can't be found for sale, but the equation is discussed on, a site that links to the website for the fictional Oceanic Air (

    The plotline has no apparent link to Lost. It is a traditionally told mystery about private detective Paul Artisan hired by the wealthy Cliff Widmore to find his missing twin, Zander. There are, however, details of interest to Lost fans:

    • There is a reference to the 17th-century British philosopher John Locke, who shares a name with one of Lost's main characters.

    • A sloop in the novel is named "Escape Hatch." "The hatch" is a mysterious bunker where part of Lost's action takes place.

    • Much of Bad Twin takes place on islands real and imagined: Manhattan, Cuba, Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef and the fictional Peconiquot Island.

    • At one point, Manny Weissman, Artisan's mentor, says, "Life is complicated ... It isn't like a string of numbers, you add them up, there's only one solution." A string of numbers — 4, 8, 15, 16, 42 — and what they might stand for is one of Lost's mysteries.

    • Weissman also talks about purgatory in Dante's Divine Comedy: "The stakes could not be higher. There's suffering, but unlike on earth, the suffering isn't senseless and random. It has meaning and purpose ... Destinies balance on a knife edge. The slightest slip dooms you to perdition."

  7. #27
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    So, they found a new hatch in last week's episode…

    I don't think that this "Pearl" hatch is the question mark on Locke's map though.

    Also, did anyone else notice that "Dr. Marvin Candle" went by a new name in "The Pearl" hatch's orientation film?

  8. #28
    Senior Member catfish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    I was at the library and read the latest issue of EW, it had a good article on Lost. Turns out Libby/Cynthia Watros character will be back for the last show and also in some next year, in flashbacks only. In the season ending she is in Desmond's flashback, he being the guy that ran out of the bunker. He is returning and will possibly be joining the castaways next season.

    Supposedly we will also find out what inputing the numbers into the computer is for and what will happen if it isnt done.

    Now I cant remember all the details of this next one but it had something to do with the others not being the enemies that they thought. Almost as if there was another greater enemy or something. Remember last week when Walt said they are not who we think they are? Probably has something to do with that.

    Basically it sounded as if most of the questions we all have will be answered in this last show of the season. If that is true then look for a whole bunch of new questions to be asked. All in all it sounds intriguing and I cant wait to see it.

  9. #29
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Hate Lost Repeats? ABC's Solution Is To Take It Off The Air
    It's a plight that Lost fans know all too well — you tune in on a Wednesday night praying for a new episode only to find a random repeat from nearly a season earlier, or else a lengthy and unexpected clip show. ABC is hoping to eliminate that experience.

    Following a format somewhat resembling Fox's successful treatment of 24, ABC revealed its new fall schedule on Tuesday, vowing to dramatically reduce Lost repeats. The plan calls for Lost to begin the season in its standard Wednesday 8 p.m. CT time slot, but just when the show would typically move into a rerun cycle in the winter, ABC has an alternative up its sleeve.

    "We really wanted to just say to the audience, 'Listen, it's going to be on for this block here and then we'll bring it back and it will run straight through,'" explains ABC Entertainment President Stephen McPherson. "So yes, the plan is that Lost will come on in the fall in the first or second week of the season, run for seven episodes and then Day Break will launch into that period and Lost will come back in January or early February and run straight through for the remainder for the season."

    That way, instead of wondering why Shannon and Boone suddenly seem to be alive again and why the castaways are still scratching their heads over the contents of the mysterious hatch, viewers can follow Taye Diggs as he relives the same day over and over again trying to avoid being framed for murder.

    "I think it's the best role he's ever played," McPherson says of Diggs and his Day Break character. "He just explodes off the screen and really is a TV star. I think that like Lost, it's a challenging area, but we really feel like in the drama world that's what we do well and we want to take those chances."

    McPherson wouldn't rule out the possibility that Lost repeats might still air in different time periods, including the 8 p.m. hour before fresh content. He also refused to leak any information on new cast members.

    "There are no new people at this point," he hedges. "All the cast are returning except the people we shot on Lost."

    Although convention wisdom holds that a schedule loaded with new programming and low on repeats is an expensive schedule, McPherson urges pundits not to cry for either ABC or Lost.

    "It's an extremely profitable show for everyone," McPherson reassures the masses. "There's DVDs that'll be out, there's the dotcom, there's going to be a lot of content ... The thing to keep in mind is that it won't be three-on/one-off/two-on/one-off. There will be no break in the aired episodes. Much like 24, you will be able to come into that experience and stay with it week after week after week."

    McPherson explains that it's all just part of a changing television landscape in a medium which is offering viewers more options than ever before.

    "It's a more expensive schedule, but I think the audience is more demanding right now," he says. "I think that the audience has so much choice, is so sophisticated, is so demanding now that we have to work into our schedule more and more original programming and I think that giving the audience what they want is something we're charged with doing."

  10. #30
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost


    Got my kindle fire yesterday. I get 1 month of Kindle Prime free.

    Watching lost. Saw the two beginning shows, and have watched the two first season shows.

    I feel better already. (Been sick, stayed home today, coughing my head off )

    Anyway, so far, damned fantastic.
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  11. #31
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    Jeez... Talk about a zombie thread!

    Was a pretty decent show. I thought the way they ended it was a bit underwhelming.

  12. #32
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    Don't disappoint me damn it, I'm on "White Rabbit" and I actually have started to feel better.

    The bald guy, "Colonel Lock"... is that one of the guys from Survivor? He's bloody familiar.
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  13. #33
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lost

    The first season was great.

    It starts to get really confusing after that.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  14. #34
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    I don't watch TV, Peterle.
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  15. #35
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    Default Re: Lost

    Well, I got through all six seasons of the series.... except the last three.

    Then my free, one-month of "Amazon Prime" ran out. LMAO. Right in the middle of the 3rd from the last one.

    That just pisses me off. LOL

    So I can chose to spend 1.99 for each show, or I can spend the $79.00 for a whole year (and waste time watching other things). hehehe
    Libertatem Prius!

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