I was just watching some stuff about Oakland (CA) and the rioting going on.

The "Occupiers" had shields made of some kind of high impact plastic (it appeared for what I could see).

Some of the shields has the old hippie peace symbol painted on them.

The others had the A for Anarchists symbol on those.

I would suggest strongly my friends the old saying that goes "Those who do not heed history are doomed to repeat it" (paraphrased of course).... should be understood by each and everyone here.

Around us, in all areas of the US and now part of the world, we are being attacked, besieged even by these Anarchists.

In 1759 the French Revolution began. For the most part, the Left Wing of France was behind it all. Eventually a Republic was declared and formed - it took about three years for the complete destruction of the "Right-Wing Monarchy" in France.

I realize we're not a Monarchy (yet) but it's close enough. Think about what we have here and the parallels.

France was run in those days by a Monarchy, the Church and an aristocracy. Most of those folks wound up executed.

In our time, we already HAVE a Republic that is run by and for the people. Yet, there is this underlying attack on Capitalism and our society by these so-called "Occupiers". They are being run by Leftists and they are using the Anarchists to promote violence as evidenced by what I saw today on the news.

This weekend the Occupiers tried to take over some public buildings and were asked a dozen times by the cops to disperse. They didn't. Cops opened fire with tear gas, and rubber bullets when the protesters started throwing rocks and bottles at them.

Now the protesters are whining about "police brutality".

For once... I'd say they need to start breaking arms and legs of these people and send them home.

They won't be back for a few weeks at least.

The parallels though between this and the French Revolution are striking.

I'll leave it to the readers out here to do your own reseach, but remember if we can't remember (or learn) history, we WILL repeat it.

I think we're about to repeat the French Revolution. I knew one would come to the USA some day, but I didn't expect our own government and the current administration to condone it.