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Thread: The Obama World Apology Tour Continues

  1. #1
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default The Obama World Apology Tour Continues

    Family of Al Qaeda's Samir Khan Gets 'Condolence Call' From U.S. State Department
    October 11, 2011

    The U.S. State Department made a phone call to the family of Al Qaeda propagandist Samir Khan to offer the government's condolences on his death during a U.S. drone strike in Yemen, a department spokesman confirms.

    State Department spokesman Harry Edwards confirmed to that a "condolence call" was made to Khan's family in Charlotte, N.C., but declined to provide further details out of respect for the family.

    The phone call, which was first reported by the Charlotte Observer, happened last Thursday, a Khan family spokesman said.

    "It was a pretty quick call," family spokesman Jibril Hough told "They apologized to the family for not reaching out and contacting them sooner."

    Khan was killed along with cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, a leader of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, during a U.S. airstrike in Yemen Sept. 30.

    The 25-year-old Khan first grabbed the attention of authorities when he was seen meeting with two terror suspects on New York's Long Island between 2007 and 2009, according to U.S. Rep. Peter King.

    Khan, a Saudi-born man of Pakistani heritage who was a U.S. citizen, lived on Long Island before moving to Charlotte, N.C., where he began writing a pro-Al Qaeda blog from his parents' home.

    In 2009, he moved to Yemen to join the terror network in the Arabian Peninsula.

    Hough said the government's call came a day after the family released a statement condemning what they described as Khan's unjust "assassination."

    Hough said that while Khan's father, Zafar, was "receptive" to the government's phone call, he is "pressing for answers" on the "legality" of his son's death.

    He said the family wants to know why Khan was not captured and afforded due process.

    "I don’t think he was in a real position within Al Qaeda," Hough said. "He was a propagandist, but outside of that we don’t know to what extent he was involved."

    Hough added that he and the family tried intervention before Khan moved to Yemen, "trying to get him to use his talents in a more positive direction."

    The family said in a statement, "Being a law abiding citizen of the United States our late son Samir Khan never broke any law and was never implicated of any crime.

    "The Fifth Amendment states that no citizen shall be “deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law” yet our government assassinated two if its citizens. Was this style of execution the only solution? Why couldn’t there have been a capture and trial? Where is the justice? As we mourn our son, we must ask these questions."

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Obama World Apology Tour Continues

    Japan: Apologies Not Accepted
    October 11, 2011

    Leaked cables show Japan nixed a presidential apology to Hiroshima and Nagasaki for using nukes to end the overseas contingency operation known as World War II. Will the next president apologize for the current one?

    The obsessive need of this president to apologize for American exceptionalism and our defense of freedom continued recently when Barack Obama's State Department (run by Hillary Clinton) contacted the family of al-Qaida propagandist and recruiter Samir Khan to "express its condolences" to his family.

    Khan, a right-hand man to Anwar al-Awlaki, was killed along with Awlaki in an airstrike in Yemen on Sept. 30. We apologized for killing a terrorist before he could help kill any more of us.

    It's yet another part of the world apology tour that began with Obama taking the oath of office to protect and defend the United States and its Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, something he immediately felt sorry for.

    One stop on his tour was Prague in August 2009. There he spoke of "America's commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons," ignoring that before 1945 we lived in such a world and it was neither peaceful nor secure.

    Another stop on the tour was in Japan, where Obama in November 2009 bowed to the emperor, something no American president had ever done. It could have been worse if plans to visit Nagasaki and Hiroshima to apologize for winning the war with the atom bombs had come to pass.

    A heretofore secret cable dated Sept. 3, 2009, was recently released by WikiLeaks. Sent to Secretary of State Clinton, it reported Japan's Vice Foreign Minister Mitoji Yabunaka telling U.S. Ambassador John Roos that "the idea of President Obama visiting Hiroshima to apologize for the atomic bombing during World War II is a 'nonstarter.'"

    The Japanese feared the apology would be exploited by anti-nuclear groups and those opposed to the defensive alliance between Japan and the U.S.

    Whatever Tokyo's motive, Obama's motive was to once again apologize for defending freedom, this time for winning with devastating finality the war Japan started.

    While Obama envisions a world without nuclear weapons, and moves steadily toward unilateral disarmament of our nuclear arsenal, we envision a world without tyrants and thugs willing to use them against us. We do not fear nuclear weapons in the hands of Britain or France, countries that share our love of freedom and democracy.

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    Senior Member catfish's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Obama World Apology Tour Continues

    I love that second article, the overseas contingency operation known as WWII, that's classic. Can you believe the nerve of this guy? We are sorry we nuked you and you didn't surrender and we had to nuke you again. What a puke.

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    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Obama World Apology Tour Continues

    Libertatem Prius!

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    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Obama World Apology Tour Continues

    Gingrich blasts Obama’s apology to Karzai

    By Olivier Knox | The Ticket2 hrs 58 mins ago

    Republican White House hopeful Newt Gingrich has angrily denounced President Obama's apology to Afghan President Hamid Karzai over the burning of Korans at a U.S. military base.

    The former speaker took to his Twitter feed to condemn Obama's letter to Karzai, saying: "It is an outrage that on the day an Afghan soldier murders two American troops, Pres. Obama is the one apologizing."

    The incident at Bagram Air Base triggered a violent response from Afghans, with 14 dead over three days of protests. Two American soldiers were shot dead when an Afghan soldier turned his weapon on them at their base in Khogyani in eastern Nangarhar province, district governor Mohammad Hassan told AFP.
    Obama's apology mirrored that given by then-President George W. Bush in April after an American sniper in Afghanistan shot a Koran, peppering the Muslim holy book with bullet holes. At the time, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino had emphasized that it was important to show that the US president "knew that this was wrong."

    Ahead of Gingrich's vitriolic comment, Obama spokesman Jay Carney told reporters aboard Air Force One that the apology was "wholly appropriate, given the sensitivities to this issue, the understandable sensitivities."

    "His [Obama's] primary concern as Commander-in-Chief is the safety of American men and women in Afghanistan, of our military and civilian personnel there," said Carney. "And it was absolutely the right thing to do."

    Asked whether Obama was concerned that Republicans might seize on the letter to reinforce their charges that Obama too-easily apologizes for the United States, Carney replied: "That's a fully false, fallacious and ridiculous narrative that is not borne out by any facts."

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  6. #6
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Obama World Apology Tour Continues

    Oh, shut up Gingrich, this administration is doing it's best to apologize to everyone, we should "just leave them alone"

    Libertatem Prius!

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    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Obama World Apology Tour Continues

    Michael, at the risk of repeating myself repeatedly and redundantly....

    Why the FUCK should we "leave them alone" again?

    Specifically Iran.

    Explain to me WHY we should leave them alone?

    Your turn to answer questions.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: The Obama World Apology Tour Continues

    Michael, you have not explained it. You have insisted (and stated it, I cant find it right now) that I'm an "Israel Firster".

    Then you continually ask me why we should NOT help them.

    Then you won't actually give any reasoning for your thinking.

    The fact is, I have also explained many times in several threads why we SHOULD be helping Israel and you blow it off as if unimportant.

    The fact you state above that "no faction" is important enough to "waste a human life" tells me volumes about your beliefs.

    You see Michael, myself and many others have fought and defended this country in ways you can't apparently even comprehend. The very FACT that Israel IS contrary to your BELIEVE a free and westernized country is one reason alone to help them.

    The fact you somehow don't believe in the Bible you profess to believe in, call me names like you have several times makes you without any doubt in my mind, about as Anti-Semitic as Hitler himself.

    The fact you try to claim you are not is bullshit.

    Trying to attribute some of the evil that Muslims pull to the Israelis is nothing more than an attempt on your part to make them something they are not.

    I've worked with the Israelis before. I've worked with Egyptians before. I've worked with Iranians before.

    There is a DIFFERENCE and whether you choose to believe so or not is your problem, not mine.

    Michael, I call things like I see them. You are a hateful person, you hate the Jews and you would love to see them destroyed. I'm not the only one that sees through you.

    I don't pull punches, as you ought to know by now, and I'm not backing down because you get pissy or threaten to quit the site, or whatever the fuck you wish to do.

    I don't like your attitude, I don't like your behavior and I don't like people that HATE the Jews. Why not? Because one would SUPPOSE that someone of your alleged religious upbringing would actually understand the crap in the Bible and if you BELIEVED as you profess to do, you'd have a better understanding of the people over there

    Everyone here knows I'm not particularly religious and God and me are gonna have a private and personal conversation someday about the loss of a baby daughter, man to man.... but I've read the Bible, more than once. I DO have a grasp of it.

    I don't believe you do.

    Not any more
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: The Obama World Apology Tour Continues


    I am not and was not drunk when I wrote that.

    Michael has an ability to say things to piss people off. He doesn't get it that I don't take shit off people.

    Sometimes we all say things that we might (and do) later regret.

    I'm going to say this clearly here - as clearly as I can.

    I DO believe in God. I do read and believe in the Bible. I do NOT believe in "Bible Prophecy". Yes, I separate the two. That's MY right, opinion and it's what I do.

    When I say "Bible Crap" I'm talking about the stuff people are continually "interpreting" in such a way as to make it appear they are predicting the future, or applying things to Russia or other countries.

    It is a waste of time to do this. It doesn't apply to current events. I defy anyone to prove it does.

    Jesus said, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

    MEN wrote the Bible. They don't know. You don't know. Don't predict. Just live life and let others live the way they wish.

    Michael, I'm pretty sure you won't read this, but in public I'll tell you honestly and clearly that anything I say here on the site is TRUE.

    EVERYTHING I say to you or anyone else is an attempt to give you a CLEAR understanding of where I stand on a subject.

    I don't "project" my feelings and beliefs on others at all. I read what I see and if you're being clear, then there is little to be said for your own actions.

    I hope you do NOT forget my remarks Michael. But for clarity I didn't COMPARE you to Hitler. I said you took his SIDE.

    I'm damned sick and tired of people taking the side of Muslims. They are BARBARIANS. I have seen the videos of men beheaded. I've got a lot of friends who've see even worse.

    YOU, Michael, took the article posted by Vector that compared the Jews to Hitler. Not me. YOU did it. Go back and READ what you wrote Michael.

    If that is not what you meant then why did you say it?

    Sorry folks but if you don't like what I've got to say, if it is "too close to home", if you find it "insulting", or you take issue with it - either contact me privately to discuss your issues, or don't read what I write.

    I'm not trying to be deliberately "insulting" to anyone - but bet your ASS if you insult me, I'll fire right back.

    I never throw the first punch, but I'll damned sure end the fight.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: The Obama World Apology Tour Continues


    Brother, you don't me half as well as you think you do. In fact, you know a lot less about me than you imagine.

    I don't "bulldog" my way through anything, and I rarely "get my way". On the other hand, it's not just me you piss off.

    It IS what you say, not that you disagree with me.

    You present stuff all the time as "facts" and yet you utterly refuse to back things up. When pressed, you change the subject.

    In short, you have always been and still are a troll on this site.

    Your last sentance sums up just how wrong you are....To oppose your opinions is to ask for a fight, a fight that doesn't end until the other person agrees with you, or shuts up, or leaves the Forum.
    I see you and Backstop are talking.....

    This is not true. And in fact, you and several other people who've "locked horns" with me all know you're all full of shit and you're just fighting to be fighting.

    "Opposing my opinions" is FINE, as long as you can provide substantiation for your own, and that mine are WRONG. You simple have not, can not, and will not even try.

    You are more insulting than I've ever been, and honestly, you're only here to cause problems.

    Finally, Michael, I don't give a SHIT if you're on the site or gone. In fact, the truth is I don't like the way you continually troll through the site and make smart assed snide comments and then refuse to answer when called on them.

    Case in point "the so-called Conservatives" you still haven't named....

    At this point your own opinion is based on conspiracy theory, bullshit you've gleaned from the internet and some kind of hatred for the Jews and anyone that thinks they should be supported.

    So - there is zero value in your opinion for me at this point.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  11. #11
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Obama World Apology Tour Continues

    Here's the viral apology. It runs a bit long for my taste, but she's right.

    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  12. #12
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Obama World Apology Tour Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by michael2 View Post
    You never cease to not amaze, Rick. And I haven't talked to 'backstop' in months...Another fine man you ran off, that while I didn't agree with 100%, he and I had a basic respect that decent and civilized men share when discussing matters, even when they disagree.
    Michael, Backstop left for his own reasons - yes they were regarding me, no he was WRONG in his reasoning and it had little to do with this site. While he has (as have you) accused me of the same God Damned thing (shoving my opinion down folks' throats) you're BOTH wrong as damnation.

    I STATE MY opinions, and I have a RIGHT to them. Just like you do. Where you have failed CONSISTENTLY is to back up what you have said. ALMOST EVERY TIME.

    Backstop and me will discuss this one day over a beer. One of these days you, he and a few others are going to actually realize that I've been right on a lot of things you chose to ignore.

    You always fall back and accuse me of trolling when all else fails, when you have no intelligent rational reply, you fall back on accusations of 'conspiracy theory'. Example;
    I am not "falling back" on anything. I am flat out not "accusing you" of jack shit, I stated QUITE clearly, YOU'RE A TROLL. Plan and simple. It's pretty damned obvious you spend a little time picking and choosing what to say, when to say it and to whom to say it.

    Secondly, almost everything you bring to bear here is BASED on Internet Conspiracy. You don't think I spent 10 years on Anomalies NOT investigating the majority of the stuff I saw there - and much of which is still passing today for "facts" do you?

    God, how wrong you are.

    Still no reply on Jonathan Pollard huh? He is an example of a traitor for Israel. He isn't conspiracy theory, but a man convicted for spying for Israel in the heart of our National Security establishment. No reply on the 'Lavon Affair' either. How about LAKAM stealing American defense secrets and selling them to the highest bidder? No, you can have your 'Ally' Israel, i'm sure you'll be screwed over like every other 'friend' they've ever had.
    I remember the conversation and I certainly know who Pollard is. I know he isn't a "Conspiracy" Michael, but I also know there are a lot of American Spies as well, Chinese, Russian and many others who've been arrested. Some haven't been caught yet, but we will get them.

    I'm tired of it, truly tired. You're going to get your way I think, but it's not going to turn out so well for anyone; Israeli, American, Iranian, many others.
    What is it you're "tired of" Michael? Me? Is that why you can't send me a private message and talk to me like I've done with you numerous times about personal issues like this? Is that why you shove shit at the rest of the staff to get them on "your side"? We don't play that shit. Each of us is perfectly capable of handling ourselves.

    Are you tired of America "helping Israel"? That's pretty God Damned funny too, because last I checked we haven't lifted a finger to help them. The Obama Administration has been rude and unhelpful since he got in office. He's a damned Muslim. He don't like Jews. You read too much bullshit from the kooks out there who run down the Jews and believe they are the Illuminati or some such crap.

    I don't care much about what happens to Israel. I care what happens here, but Israel is the one small thing in the Middle East we can point to and say "When Israel falls, America will be the next target". THAT Michael is what National Security is all about.

    I don't know about you, but I want an America great, free, and neutral. Friends with all and enemies to none, unburdened with fighting other nation's wars and defending herself alone. This was the vision of our forefathers, and if you want to be an enemy to their ideal, then this really isn't the forum for me.
    Neutral is for sissies Michael, and losers. We aren't NEUTRAL. We are Capitalists. That is different from Socialism, Communism and several other isms out there. We're a JUDEA-CHRISTIAN country even if you wish to disbelieve so, and we are NOT Islam.

    (And for the record, you mentioned I interchange Arab and Muslim - Umm no I DO NOT, I used the words where they were intended to be used. Arab COUNTRIES and Muslims are two different things, however, the vast majority of Arab countries just happen to be MUSLIM. If people living there are not, they are killed and worse)

    In fact, you 'win' Rick. I'm out of here for good. I really wish you well, and It's a shame that this is such a 'zero-sum' game to you that we couldn't be friends, because in spite of everything I still like you. Your attitude is toxic, though, and I'm better then having to put up with that.
    Michael, MY country is more important to me than anything else.

    I don't give a flying fuck about offending people any more. MY COUNTRY has a place in this world that can NOT ever be "neutral", "apologetic" and "weak".

    Right now, we are. We're doing all of those things. There are too many people who fucking live here in this country who want to be "nice" and "play nice".

    Fuck that shit.

    This is the United States of America, the greatest country on this planet and the greatest country that ever has existed in many ways. People aren't trying to move to RUSSIA or Afghanistan to "get out".

    They are TRYING to LEAVE those shit holes and come here. By hook, crook, legally or illegally. Don't matter. They are trying to come HERE. Why? BECAUSE this is the best country in the world.

    The only people who don't want to come here to live are the fucks trying to destroy us.

    Every time someone like you says "We should be NEUTRAL" or "we should remove ourselves from the problem" in the Middle East, some God Damned Muslim cheers.

    Yes, I agree we should have gotten the HELL out of those hell holes a long time ago.

    Yes I BELIEVE we shouldn't be there letting our guys die for no reason.

    But you know what? We ARE THERE NOW and every time they stop some fuck from blowing himself up here in America, they are saying American Lives.

    So if you're "out" that's too bad. I've never stopped you from saying your opinion. I've only ever asked you to prove your suppositions...
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: The Obama World Apology Tour Continues

    Well... my remarks stand.

    Neutrality, in our case is weakness. We are the one and only remaining Superpower in this world. We ARE the good guys, not the bad guys. You don't let bullies walk the streets without stopping them. To do so is to show weakness and the Muslims (in fact the entire Arab population of the Middle East SEE this as weakness).

    It isn't "dishonorable" to use our military to STOP terrorists. Don't put words in my mouth.

    We are IN those countries now. Yes, we should get out. I have friends over there who don't believe that staying there is helpful.

    But if there is a chance to keep them bottled up in their own countries, then by God that's the right thing to do. Unfortunately, that becomes your so-called "invasion".

    We don't need that either. But sometimes the easiest solution isn't the best one.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Obama World Apology Tour Continues

    I suspect Rick was using a bit of hyperbole to mock those who try to blame every bad thing that happens on Israel. Like this...

    Now, to try and get this thread back on topic.

    Krauthammer Embarrassed by Scale of U.S. Apology for Koran Burning, Asks When Islamic Nations Will Apologize for the Killing of Christians
    February 25, 2012

    Appearing on Fox News’ Special Report Friday, conservative Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer was blunt in his opinion of U.S. Defense and White House officials emphatically apologizing to Muslims for the burning of Korans that took place on a NATO base early this week.

    “That was embarrassing what we saw. We have gone from apology here to abject self-debasement and groveling, and groveling to whom? To the mob,” Krauthammer said in reaction to remarks made by acting Assistant Defense Secretary Peter Lavoy Friday. ”We should have had a single apology coming from the commander on the ground and that’s it. Not from the Secretary of Defense, not from the President of all people”

    Thousands of angry Afghans have been protesting since Tuesday when word spread that the Islamic holy book and other religious materials were inadvertently burned by U.S. forces at a NATO military base in Afghanistan. Since the anti-U.S. demonstrations began Tuesday, hundreds have been wounded and at least 28 people have been killed, including two Americans.

    Krauthammer cited the hypocrisy in the immediate apology to Muslims all over the world for the accidental yet inappropriate disposal of Korans, compared to the unequal reaction from Muslim leaders to atrocities committed against Christians in the name of radical Islam:
    “This is a world in which nobody asked the Islamic Conference, a grouping of the 56 Islamic countries, to issue an apology when Christians are attacked and churches are burned in Egypt or in Pakistan. And had we heard a word from any Islamic leader anywhere about the radical Muslims in Nigeria who are not only burning the churches, but burning women and children who are in the churches, when I hear that, I’ll expect my president to start issuing apologies.”
    Mediaite video of Krauthammer’s reaction and discussion with Fox News Panelists Tucker Carlson and Kirsten Powers:

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    Default Re: The Obama World Apology Tour Continues


    I'm sorry isn't enough. How about we shove a fucking grenade up your collective asses and pull the pin you fucks?

    Obama should NOT have apologized and if he causes these guys to be prosecuted there'd better be a letter from everyone on this site writing to him to tell him to fuck off too.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: The Obama World Apology Tour Continues

    Well, Peterle, you're not the only one that understands them; I've spend enough time in various Arabic counties to know better....

    Libertatem Prius!

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