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Thread: Muslim Youth Day -- New Jersey

  1. #1
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Muslim Youth Day -- New Jersey

    Amusement Park Apartheid-It's roller coasters and hijabs at today's Great Muslim Adventure Day. ^ | September 15, 2006 | Joe Kaufman

    Minarets tower over two of the tallest roller coasters in the world, on the flyer announcing today’s big event at Six Flags’ Great Adventure & Wild Safari. On this day, the park will be “transformed,” as thousands of Islamists from across the northeast come together in Jackson, New Jersey for "The Great Muslim Adventure Day." Regrettably, Muslims will be the only ones having fun, as non-Muslims have been told that they are not welcome.

    The event, which also goes by the name "Muslim Youth Day," is being sponsored by the New Jersey chapter of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a militant organization tethered to the Muslim Brotherhood of Pakistan, Jamaat-e-Islami. "Muslim Youth Day" has been celebrated since September of 2000, when the first one took place. At the time, it was heralded a huge success. As one paper put it, “More than 8,000 Muslims, both orthodox and non-practicing, jammed into the amusement park…”

    Speaking at the 2000 event were officials from numerous radical Islamist organizations. This included Yusuf Islahi, a high-ranking Jamaat-e-Islami leader. During his speech, he stated to the crowd, “The owner of the Six Flags Great Adventure never imagined even in his wildest dreams that a mere recreation area of this kind would be filled with Allah's praise; that speeches on the subject of Islam would be delivered; Dawah towards Islam be given; Allah would be remembered; the cries of Allahu Akbar would be heard everywhere.”

    The next "Muslim Youth Day," held on September 8, 2001, faired even better than the first, with 10,000 people attending. The momentum was soon to stop, though, as the organizer for the events, Tariq Amanullah, perished only three days later during the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. This was ironic, because just prior to the assault, he had been working on an ICNA website that was soliciting its viewers to give “material support” to Al-Qaeda, through one of the terror group’s main financing and recruiting sites, Jihad in Chechnya (

    Another "Muslim Youth Day" wasn’t to occur until three years later, in September of 2004. The flyer put out by ICNA for this event caused a lot of controversy. The upper right-hand corner read, “ENTIRE PARK ALL DAY, FOR MUSLIMS ONLY!” Another part of the flyer stated, “All rides FREE! NO long lines! 100’s of rides & shows! Muslims only!!” And sandwiched between the two statements was the Six Flags logo. It seemed to many that Great Adventure had become a bigoted park. People were outraged. And to make matters worse, the organization it was allowing into its gates was tied to radical activity overseas.

    Appearing on Fox News’ ‘Heartland with John Kasich’ was the Investigative Project’s Lorenzo Vidino. When asked about the 2004 event, Vidino stated the following: “The Islamic Circle is related to a radical Islamic party out of Pakistan that wants to overthrow the Musharraf government and [bring about] the creation of an Islamic state in Pakistan with Islamic law, and basically a radical Islamic theocracy. Members and leaders of ICNA have endorsed suicide bombings in Israel. They have said that the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 was a Zionist conspiracy and that Muslims were not behind it. They have endorsed jihad in Chechnya, even though they claim the word jihad might have a double meaning. They clearly say they want jihad (holy war) in Chechnya and Palestine and claim that suicide bombers in Israel and Palestine are not murderers.”

    Speaking at ‘Muslim Youth Day’ 2004 was Imam Zaid Shakir, a teacher at the Zaytuna Institute located in Hayward, California. At a speech Shakir had given at Northwestern University in Chicago, entitled ‘Jihad: A Just Struggle or Unjust Violence,’ he stated, “We’re not a people who believe in perpetual revolution. We’re a people who believe in perpetual peace, if that’s possible… But if that isn’t possible, then there are circumstances where we are justified to fight.” Also speaking at the event was Ingrid Mattson, the President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). In September of 2002, in an article about the effect of 9/11 on Muslims, Mattson is quoted as saying that it was “logical,” albeit wrong, for terrorists to attack the World Trade Center, since “Israel has attacked and oppressed Palestinians for decades, and Israel gets $3 billion a year in military assistance from the U.S. government.”

    Today’s event will be no different. The park will be implementing the same exclusionary policy as before. This was confirmed by “Park Information” at Great Adventure. When asked if non-Muslims were allowed to attend, a park representative stated, “The public will be prohibited from entering.” The rep said it was “a special day.”

    The park will also be offering the same type of radical lecturers. Sheikh Yasir Qadhi, an instructor at Al-Maghrib Institute, is the featured speaker today. In a talk he gave in 2001 about how to deal with Jews, Qadhi stated that the Holocaust was a hoax and that “Hitler never intended to mass destroy the Jews.” He said that the vast majority of the world’s Jews are not really Jews. He stated, “As for 80 to 90 percent of the Jews in our times, they are Ashkenazi, i.e. Khazars, i.e. Russians, Turko-Russians. Look at them – white, crooked nose, blonde hairs – This is not the descendants of Yakub (Jacob)! These are not a Semitic people. Look at them! They don’t look like Semites, and they are not Semites.” He said that information concerning this conspiracy was being hidden from the world by Jews (“Yahud”) and Christians. One has to wonder if he will be mentioning any of this at the park.

    The latest roller coasters, a drive-thru Wild Safari, tiger and dolphin shows, Bugs Bunny, fireworks – Six Flags’ Great Adventure contains everything to make a child’s day a day to remember. But when one is dealing with the Islamic Circle of North America, a militant Islamist organization connected to radicals overseas who wish the world would convert to their beliefs, one can expect something else as well – something sinister. And no one else will be there to see, because they’re not being let in.

    According to ICNA, today, Great Adventure will be “transformed” into the Great Muslim Adventure Day. 15,000 people are expected to attend. The question is: Is ICNA using Six Flags’ facilities or is it the other way around? Or is that the near future? Why are we allowing this to happen?

    If you have any questions, please contact the park.

    Beila Rabinowitz, Director of Militant Islam Monitor, contributed to this report.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Joey Bagadonuts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Muslim Youth Day -- New Jersey

    This is UN-F-ing BELIEVABLE!

    Imagine people being told.....Sorry you can't come in here. This is for Christians ONLY....or Jews ONLY.....or....WHITES ONLY.


    “The public will be prohibited from entering.” The rep said it was “a special day.”
    Special day?.....It's a day that Six Flags management should hide in shame!
    And just HOW will you be verified as a muslim at the gate? A password or secret handshake? A test on religion? Will White people automatically be prohibited?

    This CAN NOT be allowed to continue in the Unites States. Why aren't there a few hundred thousand NON-islamic protesters there?

    The ACLU should get off their anti-American asses and sue Six Flags for this abomination....(but they won't, I'll bet).

    WE "Infidels" need to take action here. Boycott Six Flags! Lets finally stand up for OUR rights!

    ...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Muslim Youth Day -- New Jersey

    I won't go to Six Flags, ever now. And I've advised family to do the same. Most of them will follow my lead, AND they will pass it on to ten people, per person. That's about 12*10=120 people that will hear about this through word of mouth alone.
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    Default Re: Muslim Youth Day -- New Jersey


    ...organizer for the events, Tariq Amanullah, perished only three days later
    during the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. This was ironic, because just prior to the assault, he had been working on an ICNA website that was soliciting its viewers to give “material support” to Al-Qaeda, through one of the terror group’s main financing and recruiting sites, Jihad in Chechnya (


    First off, I never knew the above fact.

    Secondly, people need to wake up! A man who supported terrorism was throwing up a veil and organizing Mooslum fun days.

    Are people so f*cking blind that they can’t see?

    Insidious. Repeat that. If you don’t know the meaning, look it up.

    That is what the islamoterrorist threat is - and it’s right in your hometown, holding Recruiting un-PC of me to call them RECRUITING DAYS, instead of Fun Days.

    So... when is the white Protestant anglo saxon heterosexual God fearing gun toting American fun day?
    Last edited by Backstop; September 15th, 2006 at 23:56. Reason: Grammar

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Muslim Youth Day -- New Jersey

    Militant Islam

    Muslim Youth Day sponsors - Islamic Circle of North America and Muslim American Society linked to Al Qaeda & Jihad Camps
    September 19, 2004

    MIM: This is the original poster which appeared on the ICNA website in July 2004
    Militant Islam

    The Muslim Youth Day was organised by the Islamic Circle of North America, and the Muslim American Society, two militant Islamist groups linked to Al Qaeda . The Islamic Circle of North America's and Muslim American Sociey's stated mission is to bring Islam to North America impose shar'ia law in the US . The head cleric of MAS is Sheik Yusuf Qaradawi, who declared that :

    " We will conquer Europe, we will conquer America! Not through (the) sword, but through Da'wa," al-Qaradawi told members of the Muslim Arab Youth Association at the group's 1995 convention in Toledo, Ohio.
    Who is this Sheik Yusuf Qaradawi?

    Here’s what the Muslim American Society says about him:

    The Islamic American University is an institution for education, training, Da'wa and studies in the fields of Islamic Shari'a, its fundamentals, linguistics, and sciences. The Islamic American University is a subsidiary of the Muslim American Society (MAS); it is one of MAS main projects.

    IAU aims at grooming distinguished scholars, activists, leaders, and teachers who are well-rounded in Islam as well as in the different facets of American life. The IAU board of trustees is headed by internationally renowned scholars such as Sheikh Yusuf al-Qardawi who serves as chairman and Dr. Jamal Badawi who serves as vice chairman. Its academic programs were prepared with participation of a great number of renowned Islamic scholars and experts in Da'wa and education. In addition to courses and degrees, the IAU offers workshops and seminars to Muslim communities covering various areas of Da'wa and Islamic studies.
    And here’s what the Anti-Defamation League says about him:

    Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi: Theologian of Terror

    Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi is often referred to as the most influential contemporary Sunni scholar. His fatwas (legal opinions) regarding democracy, women's participation in politics, music and other social issues are considered relatively progressive and he has condemned the 9/11 attacks. Many Muslims and some Western scholars argue that he is a moderate who represents a credible alternative to the radical Islam associated with Al Qaeda.

    Even while he condemns the murder of civilians in the abstract, however, Qaradawi is also a radical supporter of terrorism. He has called for targeting American forces and civilians in Iraq, and provided religious justification for the use of suicide bombers against Israeli civilians. His fatwa authorizing the use of women in suicide attacks – an ironic reflection of his "advanced" conception of women's capabilities – provided religious sanction for Hamas when it began enlisting female "martyrs."

    Qaradawi's statements and affiliations demonstrate his conspiratorial anti-Semitism, his encouragement of terrorism, his efforts to undermine both a peaceful resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and, more broadly, reform and democracy in the Middle East.

    Qaradawi's endorsement of the assassination of American civilians in Iraq has drawn some criticism from within the Muslim world. For example, the general manager of the Dubai-based television news station Al-Arabiya sharply criticized Qaradawi in a widely cited May 2004 newspaper article.

    "How could this Sheikh face the mother of the youthful Nick Berg, who was slaughtered in Iraq," the official asked. "How can we believe him when he tells us that Islam is the religion of mercy and peace while he is turning it into a religion of blood and slaughter?"

    In September 2004, a United Arab Emirates paper, Al Ittihad, charged that the beheading in September 2004 of two American hostages in Iraq happened "in direct response to Qaradawi's fatwa and incitement which permits the killing of American civilians."

    Qaradawi's long-time advocacy of violence led the U.S., in 1999, to ban him from entering the country.

    * * *
    Qaradawi (b. 1926) is an Egyptian; he graduated from Al Azhar University in Cairo and was arrested several times by government authorities between 1949 and 1961 because of his activity in the Muslim Brotherhood, an outlawed Islamist group. In 1961 he moved to Qatar, where he has resided since.

    Qaradawi exercises his influence through a wide network of associations and his adept use of various media. He is the founder and dean of the Sharia (Islamic Law) College at Qatar University and chairman of the European Council for Fatwa and Research, an organization that seeks to become the official religious authority for European Muslims. His teachings are exported to Europe and North America through several organizations sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood.

    The Internet and TV have been crucial to establishing his worldwide appeal. He was relatively quick to take advantage of the Web, launching a site in his name in 1997. He is also chairman of IslamOnline, a popular site supported by the government of Qatar, and he is a regular guest on Al Jazeera, the satellite TV network (also based in Qatar). His Friday sermons at the Umar bin al-Khattab mosque, a government-sponsored mosque in Doha, are regularly broadcast live on Qatar television.

    Qaradawi's other activities have included serving as an advisor on Islamic law to several Gulf-based financial institutions. He advised – and was a major shareholder in – the Bahamas-based Al Taqwa Bank, which was designated a terrorist entity by the United States following 9/11.
    According to the U.S. treasury department, Al Taqwa was "financing and
    facilitating the activities of terrorists," including Hamas and Al Qaeda.
    Here are some of his affiliations:

    Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi: Affiliations

    Muslim Brotherhood Qaradawi is a major figure in the brotherhood, an Islamic movement founded in Egypt in 1928 that has spawned several contemporary terrorist groups (including Hamas and Egyptian Islamic Jihad, which was absorbed by Al Qaeda). Since the 1980s – after several crackdowns in Egypt and Syria – the group has generally refrained from violence while remaining dedicated to enshrining Islamic teaching as civil law. Its ideology includes strongly anti-Semitic elements; in his 1950s essay "Our Struggle with the Jews," the group's highly influential ideologist Sayyid Qutb argued that Jews had always been enemies of Muslims and in modern times used secular Western culture to corrupt and ultimately destroy Islam.

    In early 2004 Qaradawi declined an offer to serve as the group's leader, a position he said had first been offered 28 years earlier. His prominence was underscored when he and two other brotherhood leaders met with Syrian President Bashar Assad in May 2004 in an effort to improve the group's relations with Assad's government.

    European Council for Fatwa and Research Qaradawi is chairman of this Dublin-based group, which he founded in 1997 with the idea of establishing a central religious authority for European Muslims. During its annual conference in 2003 the council issued a fatwa supporting suicide bombing operations against coalition forces in Iraq as well as against Israelis. In April 2004, in response to the mutilation of the bodies of security contractors in Iraq, IslamOnline published a fatwa permitting such acts. In the fatwa, the Council's deputy, Faisal Mawlawi, stated that "it is permissible to mutilate the dead only in case of retaliation... Muslim[s] are allowed to take vengeance for their mutilated dead mujahids [fighters]."

    Two weeks after the fatwa was published, the body of a Spanish officer, who died during a raid on a terrorist cell associated with the March 11 Madrid bombing, was disinterred and burned.

    The council supports the fight against American troops by Iraqi insurgent forces, including former members of Saddam's party. Mawlawi, for example, stated: "It is not permissible to help them (the Americans) arrest any Iraqi, whether he was a Baathist or not….U.S. troops are not in a legal or neutral position to try Baathists….The Americans are nothing but occupiers." According to IslamOnline (May 31, 2003): "Mawlawi also said it is not permissible for Arab countries to cooperate with the so-called American war on terror, noting that in most cases what is dubbed terrorism by Washington are in fact 'Jihad and legitimate right,' such as resistance operations in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan."

    International Association of Muslim Scholars Qaradawi is founder and president of the association, which was officially launched on July 11, 2004, in London. Defining itself as a "pan-Muslim body," the group's leaders include Ayatollah Muhammad Ali Taskhiri, an advisor Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and Ahmad bin Hamad al-Khalili, Grand Mufti of Oman.

    In May 2004, Taskhiri said on Iranian TV: "We must support this [Palestinian] uprising as much as we can so it will realize its goals and cut off the treacherous Zionist hands and the American hands standing behind Zionism and supporting it." He has also called the U.S. the "mother of international terrorism."

    In December 2003, Taskhiri, Qaradawi and Khalili met in Khartoum at a government-sponsored conference. Qaradawi and others who attended emphasized the importance of suicide bombings.

    In early September, the association sent a delegation to Sudan to fact-find and help mediate between the government and rebel forces in Darfur. Qaradawi, who led the delegation, predicted on IslamOnline that "the IAMC delegation will have a first-hand experience in Darfur and know where the truth lies to figure out whether or not human rights are being violated as claimed by western media, which often make too much fuss about nothing.

    "The western media also want to drift the attention away from the situation either in the occupied Palestinian territories and Iraq," said Qaradawi.

    Following the tour of Darfur, the association's secretary general, Dr. Mohamed Saleem al-Awa, denied that genocide had taken place in the region; he also insisted that reports of widespread rapes and other atrocities were false. He alleged that Muslims in the region were being victimized by a Zionist conspiracy.

    IslamOnline Qaradawi is the chairman of this highly popular Muslim Web site, heading a committee of scholars that oversees the site's content. Launched in Qatar in 1999 with support from that country's royal family, it often features comments and religious rulings by Qaradawi or his European Council on Fatwa and Research. It features a link to the anti-Semitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

    Islamic American University Qaradawi is on the faculty of the Michigan-based Islamic American University, a subsidiary of the Muslim American Society. Until June 2003 he was also the chairman (in abstentia) of the board of trustees of the institute (he may still hold this position, but relevant information is no longer available online). Several of the university's board members have ties to Middle East extremist groups, while the university's founder and president, Salah Sultan, has fomented anti-Semitism and terrorism, saying that "the text of the Talmud says: 'If you come across a non-Jew kill him!'…I want every child to sleep on the wound of Palestine and the action of martyrdom."

    Islamic Society of Boston Qaradawi was amember of the society's board of directors according to its tax returns from 1998-2000. According to the Boston Herald (March 7, 2004), Qaradawi was featured on ISB's Arabic-language brochure endorsing a new building project for which the Society was raising money. The brochure, which was published in 2003, states that Qaradawi is one of "several international Islamic personalities who are working to support the project." Qaradawi also appeared in a video that was shown at a November 2002 fundraiser for the ISB project in Boston.

    Nonetheless, the group has said that Qaradawi "has never played any role in the ISB," according to the Herald.

    ISB's founder and first President was Abdurahman Alamoudi, a prominent Muslim-American community leader who pleaded guilty to accusations that he had illegal dealings with Libya and that he took part in a plot to assassinate Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah.

    Al Taqwa Bank This Bahamas-based financial institution concealed terrorists' holdings, according to U.S. intelligence, including those of Al Qaeda. Qaradawi was one of the institution's largest shareholders, according to a 1999 shareholders list. He also served on the bank's Sharia Board, overseeing its adherence to Islamic law.

    First Islamic Investment Bank of Bahrain and Qatar Islamic Bank Qaradawi served as chairman of these banks' Sharia boards. He stepped down from the post of the Bahraini bank in 2002, when his association triggered a popular boycott of Caribou Coffee, a U.S. chain in which First Islamic had a large share. Qaradawi is a member of Qatar Islamic Bank's Shariah board.
    And here are his own words:

    Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi: In His Own Words

    "O God, make Islam's word the highest, and the word of the enemies of Islam the lowest. O God, support us against your enemies, the enemies of Islam wherever they may be. O God support us against the treacherous, usurper, oppressive, and arrogant Jews and against their allies, the plotting rancorous Crusaders… O God, make fate turn against them and send affliction in their way and stop their domination of your land. Don't let them dominate any of your faithful subjects. O God, unleash your might on them; the might that cannot be faced by criminal people. O God… defeat them and give us victory over them. O God, support our brother mujahidin for your sake in the land of Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Kashmir, the Philippines, and all Muslim lands…."
    June 10, 2005, sermon on Qatar television
    (BBC Monitoring, June 13, 2005)

    "[In my ceremonies] I say: 'Allah, [harm] the oppressive, aggressive, and deceiving Zionists and Jews.' They must be labeled, because I do not curse every Jew and every Christian. I say 'the hostile Crusaders,' and I mean 'the aggressive Americans who lean towards Israel'…
    January 16, 2005, Al -Jazeera TV (MEMRI)

    "Fighting American civilians in Iraq is a duty for all Muslims… Americans in Iraq are all fighters and invaders. There is no difference between a civilian and a military American in Iraq."
    August 31, 2004, address to the Journalists Syndicate in Cairo (Associated Press, September 2, 2004)

    "Women's participation in the martyrdom suicide operations carried out in Palestine - given the status of the land as an occupied territory, in addition to a lot of sacrilegious acts perpetrated by the Jews against the sanctuaries – is one of the most praised acts of worship…

    "I think the committed Muslim women in Palestine have the right to participate and have their own role in jihad and to attain martyrdom."
    May 25, 2003, fatwa (The Jerusalem Post, May 25, 2003)

    "The Israelis might have nuclear bombs but we have the children bomb and these human bombs must continue until liberation."

    "Calling for peace at this time is treason."
    April 28, 2002, Al Jazeera program "The Islamic Law and Life" (BBC Monitoring, April 30, 2002)

    "If the enemy of Islam invades a Muslim country, Jihad becomes an individual obligation upon the people of that country…As for Muslims living beyond the territories [that were invaded] they are required to back the wronged with all means possible."
    October 10, 2001, fatwa supporting resistance to American forces in Afghanistan (Islam Online)

    "Israeli society is a military society, and every person is either a soldier in the Israeli Army or a reserve soldier. This society must be intimidated, until they return to the countries from which they came. When they feel afraid and fearful, they will not feel secure in the country, and we must intimidate and frighten them."
    April 11, 2001, interview with Al Jazeera (Web site, Israeli Foreign Ministry)

    "The processes of normalization with the Zionist regime are prohibited and unacceptable from the Shariah [Islamic law] standpoint. This normalization necessarily involves recognition by Arabs and Muslims of Zionist sovereignty over the lands that they usurped and arrogated from the Muslims….

    "The Islamic resistance in Lebanon and Palestine represents the glorious face of the Muslim Umma and serves as an example to that effect. As for the martyrs, I have issued a religious edict blessing the martyrdom operations in which a given Muslim fighter turns himself or herself into a human bomb that casts terror in the hearts of the enemy….

    "If we can't carry out acts of Jihad ourselves, we at least should support and prop up the mujahideen financially and morally so that they will be steadfast until God's victory….

    "I see that the future belongs to this 'wasati' [moderate] Islamic movement, because the Islamic umma is inherently a moderate umma as indicated by the Qur'an."
    August 1999 interview with Gaza-based Islamist weekly Al Istiklal (published by Palestine Times, a pro-Hamas Web publication)
    And a piece from Jihad Watch:

    A towering new mosque soon to join the Boston skyline has the secret endorsement of a radical, anti-Western cleric who preaches Muslims will one day "conquer'' the United States.

    The endorsement of the $22 million mosque and cultural center project in Roxbury by the cleric, Dr. Yusuf Abdullah al-Qaradawi, appears prominently in an Arabic-language brochure published last year by the Islamic Society of Boston, which is the group Mayor Thomas M. Menino has approved to construct the mosque.

    Al-Qaradawi's enthusiastic backing of the project is nowhere to be found in the group's English-language brochure.

    After the backers of the mosque denied any connection to the radical sheik in October, the Herald obtained a copy of the Arabic brochure, had it independently translated and discovered al-Qaradawi's endorsement of the project.

    The influential Qatar-based cleric is best known for his public support of the terrorist group Hamas and his religious rulings applauding suicide bombings, positions which caused the U.S. State Department in 1999 to bar him from entering the United States.

    Beyond that, however, al-Qaradawi also promises that eventually Islam will prevail over all other religions and a single Islamic state will rule the world.

    Al-Qaradawi says some countries will fall to the armed Islamic jihad, but in others, such as the United States, victory will come through Da'awa - the teaching of Islam to non-Muslims - which will trigger Westerners to convert to Islam ``in droves.''

    "We will conquer Europe, we will conquer America! Not through (the) sword, but through Da'awa,'' al-Qaradawi told members of the Muslim Arab Youth Association at the group's 1995 convention in Toledo, Ohio.

    In its Arabic language brochure, the Islamic Society of Boston states that al-Qaradawi is one of ``several international Islamic personalities who are working to support the project.''
    It took just a little time for me to find this info - it’s all available online.

    Allowing this deceit to continue here spells nothing but trouble for the U.S.

    I encourage everyone to continue reading at the links beyond what I posted.


    If we don’t wake up, we’ll surely die in our sleep.

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    Default Re: Muslim Youth Day -- New Jersey

    Below you will find a link, picture and quote from a memorial site, specifically an area for Tariq Amanullah.

    Azzamallah ajarokum, innalilla wa inna ilaihi rojiun.
    Allahumma firlahu warhamhu wafuanhu.
    Anyone know of an online translation site that'll work for this?

    The article Rick posted stated: “he had been working on an ICNA website that was soliciting its viewers to give “material support” to Al-Qaeda, through one of the terror group’s main financing and recruiting sites, Jihad in Chechnya (”

  7. #7
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Muslim Youth Day -- New Jersey

    I guess irony takes many forms....
    Libertatem Prius!

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