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Thread: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

  1. #601
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    I know I'm beating a dead and rotting horse, but where are Jackson, Sharpton, et al to condemn the urban violence? This is unacceptable!

  2. #602
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Chicago is a mess. its just like DC. criminals from top to bottom run the city. Simply put Obama is just one of tens of thousands just like him in govt in chicago. chicago only exists to extort money from the citizens of illinois and finance all manner of vice and drugs.

    The violence is a biproduct and is necessary for the corrupt powers that be to do their business. They fear and hate guns in the hands of normal citizenry because that would challenge the criminal element they derive their power from. the days of Al Capone never ended, the names in charge just changed. the only real difference is the gangsters are in city hall behind a facade of legitimacy now. but the goals and motivations and the methods are the same.

    The police are no better than the street hoods there. Chicago itself is a giant criminal enterprise, and those who run it knowingly and willingly participate because it pays well, and offers much power to those who crave it above all else. The street crimes are a biproduct of what chicago is and will never get better only worse, until there are no good people left. Already huge portions of chicago are fleeing the city to the suburbs and where possible out of illinois altogether. and the crime is following to the suburbs from the city.

    guns in the hands of the people in the city mean they could fight back against the criminal element, and fight the powers that drive them, in city hall. that cant be allowed. and forcing the people to depend on the police, who are part and parcel to the street thugs and mostly just alike them, means the people remain at the mercy of those in city hall. it preserves the corruption and the power structure.

    Chicago will NEVER be cleaned up, and the city will ALWAYS be murder and crime capital within the United States.

    Anyone wanting to move there had better enjoy the idea of living in a prison they call a home, and living within a true war zone with no allies. That is life in chicago. I would know, i lived in illinois most of my life, with frequent trips to chicago on business.


  3. #603
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Quote Originally Posted by MinutemanCO View Post
    I know I'm beating a dead and rotting horse, but where are Jackson, Sharpton, et al to condemn the urban violence? This is unacceptable!
    I'll come right out and say it: none of those blacks were killed by whitey, so al sharpton and jesse jackson dont give a F. its that simple. they cant exploit it politically, so they dont give a darn. i know you knew that, but i felt like putting it on the record. given that its the truth, i see no harm in calling a spade a spade.


  4. #604
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Black mob violence hits Nordstrom's

    Hoodie-wearing suspects loot and flee upscale shopping mecca

    Published: 11 hours ago by Colin Flaherty

    Black mob violence has taken on a new note in Portland, Ore. It’s not the unsuspecting passersby or the corner convenience store that’s the target here.

    It’s Nordstrom’s.

    Just weeks ago, a group of 10-15 hoodie-wearing blacks allegedly stole clothing and raced out of the store. Their actions were captured on video.

    So far, the evidence makes it looks like just one more of the hundreds of episodes of racial lawlessness that have taken place in more than 60 cities over the last three years.

    But on a local forum, the reaction gave the situation a truly unique flavor:

    “As an employee of a Portland area Nordstrom I have to wonder why you think that we care?” said Jason Handleman. “Things like this make work interesting and I hold no ill-will toward anyone in this group. Our security personnel spend more time concerned with employees than clientele, and honestly most employees, at my store, would not help them if they were in an altercation.”

    A Nordstrom manager did not respond to a request for comment.

    But other Portland commenters joined in the forum. From an anonymous participant, “Rich white high school students wait, and grow up to flash mob our economy and legally manipulate our Congress with unregulated lobbying. They are taught by their rich white parents that they are helping grow the economy through deregulation and small government.

    “Funny, the Oregonian does not report on the rich old white guys who flash mob and are hijacking our economy and schools. It’s well reported in many respected and less corporate newspapers: Guardian, BBC, Aljazeera, Le Monde, and Democracy Now.”

    Nordstrom is located in the Lloyd Center mall, the site of two violent episodes over the last two years.

    In April of 2011, two black men were arrested for murder after shooting into a gang of black teenagers who had just left the mall, leaving one dead.

    The year before, 20 black men harassed the customer of a shoe store in the mall before shots rang out. No one was hit.

    “The past two weeks have seen four shootings tied to the African American gangs, the most recent an alleged attempted murder in an athletic shoe store at the mall Wednesday evening,” said the Oregonian, in a rare admission of the race of the alleged criminals.

    The Nordstrom theft was one of at least four recent “flash robs.”

    In April, a mob of 20 black people chased a white couple into a convenience store. The local papers described the ensuing assault and robbery as a “fight.” The mob left when one of the employees sprayed them with “bear spray.”

    All on video – almost identical to a crime from a few days before.
    In June, a bigger crowd attacked an Albertson’s grocery store, following the same play book: Theft, destruction, intimidation. And no arrests, despite the video.

    National Federation of Retailers says flash robs attacked one in 10 stores last year – half were hit several times.

    Read More:

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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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  5. #605
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    “As an a former employee of a Portland area Nordstrom I have to wonder why you think that we care?” said Jason Handleman. “Things like this make work interesting and I hold no ill-will toward anyone in this group. Our security personnel spend more time concerned with employees than clientele, and honestly most employees, at my store, would not help them if they were in an altercation.”
    There. Fixed it.

  6. #606
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    Americans Are Being Prepared For Full Spectrum Tyranny

    Thursday, 28 June 2012 02:58 Brandon Smith

    Totalitarian governments, like persistent forms of cancer, have latched onto the long history of man, falling and then reemerging from the deep recesses of our cultural biology to wreak havoc upon one unlucky generation to the next. The assumption by most is that these unfortunate empires are the product of bureaucracies gone awry; overtaken by the chaotic maddening hunger for wealth and power, and usually manipulated by the singular ambitions of a mesmerizing dictator. For those of us in the Liberty Movement who are actually educated on the less acknowledged details of history, oligarchy and globalized centralism is much less random than this, and a far more deliberate and devious process than the general unaware public is willing to consider.

    Unfortunately, the final truth is very complex, even for us…

    One cannot place the blame of despotism entirely on the shoulders of globalists. Sadly, the crimes of elites are only possible with a certain amount of complicity from subsections of the populace. Without our penchant for apathy and fear, there can be no control. That is to say, there is no power over us but that which we give away. We pave the road to our own catastrophes.

    In the end, a tyrant’s primary job is not to crush the masses and rule out of malevolence, but to obtain the voluntary consent of the citizenry, usually through trickery and deceit. Without the permission of the people, subconscious or otherwise, no tyranny can survive.

    As with the oppressive regimes of the past, America has undergone a dramatic transformation, heavy with fear and ignorance. Our tradition of elections has been corrupted and negated by the false left/right paradigm, and the leaderships of both defunct parties now seek only to elevate a select minority of men bent on globalization. Our Constitutional liberties have been dismantled by legal chicanery. Our principles have been diluted by intellectual games of rationalism and moral relativism. Our country is ripe for conquest.

    Americans battle over whose side is most to blame; Democrat or Republican, while ironically being disenchanted with both entities. For some people, the thought of holding each party equally accountable, or accepting that they are essentially the same animal, never crosses their minds.

    While this irrelevant farce of a debate rages on, the true culprits plotting the demise of our Republic gain momentum, and implement policy initiatives that the public should and must take note of. In the past year alone, many blatant steps towards the Orwellian gulag have been openly administered. A carnival of peddlers and freaks and greasy popcorn overwhelms our senses, but the stench of this cheap circus still tickles our noses, and if we use our eyes for even a moment, certain dangerous trends reveal themselves. Here are just a few recent events that bear a dire warning; the ultimate assault on freedom in this nation grows near…

    Acclimation To Subservience

    Every totalitarian state worth its salt has its own goon squad. The Nazi’s had the “Brownshirts”, the Soviets had the “Militsiya” and the “Voluntary People’s Brigade”, the Communist Chinese have the “Chengguan”, etc. In America, however, all tyrannical measures are given innocuous bureaucratic labels to mislead and distract the masses. In this country, we have the Transportation Security Administration…

    The TSA has become the most hated alphabet agency in the U.S. in perhaps the fastest time on record. It has violated the personal rights of more people on a daily basis in my view than the IRS, DEA, and the ATF combined. Clearly, this slobbering demon child of the Department of Homeland Security is being molded for something quite terrible and grand.

    When confronted by the public on the use of irradiating and intrusive naked body scanner technology, the agency responded by allowing their blue handed ghoul army to molest our nether-regions. When confronted by state and local governments on their absurd tactics, the TSA threatened economic blockades and airport shutdowns. The organization then began expanding its jurisdiction to bus and train stations and even our highways when it introduced the VIPR program and implemented random roadside checkpoints in Tennessee last year. But, this behavior is nothing compared to what is next on the horizon: a compromise…

    Beware of government agencies bearing gifts. The TSA along with the International Air Transport Association has announced a new methodology of “less intrusive” passenger screening measures, in order to address the concerns of the public over pat downs and irradiating naked body scanners. This SOUNDS like a step in the right direction, and a proper response to the grievances of the citizenry. Instead, it turns out to be a refined example of totalitarianism in motion, and a perfect lesson in how the masses can be duped into handing over their inherent freedoms.

    Revamped security protocols call for biometric data collection, including fingerprint and retina scans, and a tunnel which combines multiple detection systems into one area (who knows how radioactive this will end up being):

    The mainstream article above makes this development sound like a win/win scenario for everyone, painting biometric data collection as a matter of convenience, but it also reveals the true design of the system; to illicit voluntary subservience:

    “The key to speeding up checkpoints and making security less intrusive will be to identify and assess travelers according to the risks they pose to safety in the skies. The so-called riskiest or unknown passengers would face the toughest scrutiny, including questioning and more sensitive electronic screening. Those who voluntarily provide more information about themselves to the government would be rewarded with faster passage…”

    They enforce destructive anti-personal rights policies then pretend to acquiesce by replacing them with a technocratic nightmare grid which requires the cataloging of our very genetic essence in order to function. The only remaining injustice left would be to apply this grid to the rest of the country outside of the airports and train stations, which I assure you, they plan to do.


    Last week, I covered the disturbing use of armored vehicles (APC’s or urban tanks) in open training regiments on the streets of St. Louis by the U.S Army, despite the fact that all of their exercises could have easily been accomplished on any number of military bases across the country. The action is an obvious attempt to condition the American populace to the sight of military units operating in a policing capacity:

    I received multiple letters from current serving military who stated that in all their years in the armed forces they had never seen such a brash mishandling of public relations or an overstepping of bounds when it came to the restrictions of Posse Comitatus. It was encouraging to hear from military men and women who did not agree with or condone this kind of psyop activity on the part of our government.

    Though the St. Louis event is not isolated, I believe it does represent an escalation.

    Remember the controversy over the Mayor of Toledo and his refusal to allow 200 Marines to conduct urban combat drills on the public streets of his city in 2008? The media clamored to crucify this public official; one of the few who had any sense whatsoever in his head:

    Or the tactical exercises using helicopters and combat troops over LA and Chicago early this year?

    During each one of these events, city officials and local media attempted to inoculate the public with claims that they were “simply exercises”. This argument misses the point entirely. Whether or not these are “exercises” is not the issue. The issue is that this training could be done ON BASE. Using public streets and running drills within cities is absolutely unnecessary given the vast resources already available to the military, unless, of course, the goal is to BE SEEN by the public and to influence them to view the sight of armed troops around them as “normal”.

    Add to this the fact that many of these military training exercises are being conducted in tandem with local police departments, and you have a recipe for the utter militarization of our society, turning peace officers into combat soldiers, and combat soldiers into law enforcement mechanisms; a juxtaposition that will soon lead to unmitigated disaster.

    Arms Race Against the People?

    When a country is quietly preparing for war, the first signs are usually revealed by a disclosure of armaments. If stockpiling is taking place without a warranted threat present from a legitimate enemy, there is a considerable likelihood of aggression on the part of that nation. America has gone well beyond the psychological process of militarization and has begun the extensive arming of particular agencies whose primary purpose revolves around the domestic.

    The DHS, for instance, placed an order for over 450 million rounds of hollowpoint .40 cal ammunition in April of this year:

    And it placed an order for over 7000 new semi-automatic combat rifles chambered in .223 (5.56 by 45mm NATO) immediately after:

    While local police through federal programs (like the 1033 Program) are being given millions of dollars in free military equipment, including body armor, night vision equipment, APC's, aircraft, first aid supplies, weapons, surveillance equipment, Kevlar helmets, gas masks and filters, vehicles, etc.:

    All of this equipment, though issued to state agencies, is still heavily tracked and regulated by the federal government, making it clear that these “gifts” come with strings attached:

    And finally, new FAA regulations will soon allow the dispersion of tens of thousands of predator drones with armament capability in the skies of the U.S. over the course of the next few years:

    Now, anyone with any logic would ask who it is that the government is arming itself and local police to fight against? Al Qaeda? Let’s not be naïve…

    The passage of the NDAA and its provisions for the indefinite detainment of ANY person, even an American citizen, under the laws of war has ended the debate over government intent in terms of domestic action. FBI Director Robert Mueller’s admission that he “did not know” if assassination programs would be used against American citizens also heaped evidence on the matter. The bottom line? Our government wishes to label and treat citizens as enemy combatants. Of course they would then organize armaments to follow through on their policy.

    Pulling The Trigger

    All despotic systems have another distinct similarity; they each began with a series of trigger events which opened the door to tighter controls over the population. The most immediate trigger event for the U.S. is the looming peril of a collapsing economy followed by inevitable civil unrest. With the EU currently in debt shambles, global markets are on the verge of a considerable breakdown. The Federal Reserve response will be predictable; QE3 and massive stimulus all around to mitigate the crisis. This time, though, the go-to Keynesian quick fix will not work in the slightest. In fact, it will make matters more untenable by placing the world reserve status of the dollar at risk.

    Everything that has happened so far in the markets this year has been easy to foresee. Alt-Market predicted the economic slowdown around the world and the collapse of overall demand using the Baltic Dry Index as a gauge back in January:

    We also predicted the accelerated turmoil in the EU in light of the recent election results in France and Greece:

    If alternative economic analysts can predict these developments despite the manipulated statistics spewed out by the government every month, then I think the government and our central bank has a tremendously transparent view of what is coming down the road in terms of financial distress. I believe the establishment is very well aware of a potential crisis event, economic or otherwise, that is barreling down upon the U.S. I believe the evidence shows that they are preparing for this eventuality in a command and control fashion, without alerting the public to the coming implosion. I believe they will use the despair that flows forth from the fiscal wreckage as an excuse to institute martial law.

    Call it "crazy". Call it “conspiracy theory”. Call it “coincidence”. Call it "fear mongering". Whatever you like. I find it far more insane to shrug off the strange and twisted behavior of our power structure, and simply hope that it’s all irrelevant to the future. Whenever I run into starry eyed historical romanticists who look back in astonishment at the tyrannies of the past and wonder out loud, “How could those people have not known where their country was headed?!!”, I think of where we are today…

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    this is why there won't be a revolution too.

    People are being "made used to it".
    Libertatem Prius!

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  8. #608
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    Smash Mob Causes Havoc At Jacksonville, Florida Walmart

    July 17, 2012

    Flash mobs are known across the United States as a group of people dancing, having fun and enjoying themselves while entertaining others.

    However, the Walmart off Lem Turner Road in Jacksonville fell victim to a mob of 300 people who entered the store and destroyed the security system as well as some merchandise.

    According to a police report, the group destroyed an electronic anti-shop lifting security scanner that costs about $1,500. The police report also stated the massive crowd could have arrived at the store after a party that was broken up on Sampson Road.

    YouTube video showed the teens throwing food and merchandise around the store.

    Channel 4 crime analyst Ken Jefferson said any sort of crime where there's hundreds of people involved is a dangerous situation.

    "You've got a large number of people going and coming at the same time they are throwing produce," Jefferson said. "They are stealing items, they are all over the store. You can imagine how fearful the customers were who were in there at that particular time."

    Police did not make any arrests after the mob of people took over the store. If caught, these teens could face criminal charges.

    The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office said incident remains under investigation.

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    Too bad some folks didn't take up the baseball bats and beat the fuck out of them.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Angry Anaheim Crowd Threw Bottles At Police, Set Fires On Streets

    July 22, 2012

    Anaheim police were investigating a violent melee Saturday night between police officers and an angry crowd.

    Authorities said the crowd threw bottles and set fires at an intersection, and police used non-lethal force to disperse them.

    Sgt. Bob Dunn of the Anaheim Police Department said the incident started when two patrol officers tried to approach three men in an alley about 4 p.m. in the 600 block of North Anna Drive and the men fled.

    It was unclear why the officers first approached the men, but Dunn said they gave chase and one of the officers followed one of the men to the front of an apartment complex in the 700 block of North Anna Drive where the officer-involved shooting occurred.

    The man who was shot has not been identified and was pronounced dead at 7 p.m., authorities said.

    After the shooting, and while police were investigating the incident, Dunn said a group of people encircled the officers and began throwing things, including bottles and possibly rocks, at them.

    Police used non-lethal rounds and pepper balls on the crowd, Dunn said, and at least one person was detained.

    One harrowing moment was when a police dog somehow got free from an officer's car and went at several people. Dunn said it was unclear if anyone had been bitten or injured.

    "The officer was quickly able to get the dog back into the vehicle," Dunn said.

    Police were called back to the area later in the evening because a group had blocked the intersection of North Anna Drive and La Palma Avenue with trashcans.

    "We’ve been called back to the intersection because they’ve blocked the roadway and lit several fires there," he said.

    Residents said they are demanding answers from the Anaheim police chief about the shooting.

    "We were all waiting for him to come and talk to the community and give us an explanation. Why kill this man?" resident Yesenia Rojas told the Orange County Register, which also reported that some in the crowd said they were hurt by an escaped police dog.

    Saw some news footage that showed some of this and it sounds like a pot that has been boiling. It seems this is going under the radar due to the theater shooting coverage. If this blows up into something bigger, we'll start a new thread for it.

  11. #611
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Uh oh, another in Tampa. Lots of, "My baby d'int do nuffin," in the article.

    Tensions High After Tampa Police Fatally Shoot Teen

    July 23, 2012

    Javon Neal, the 16-year-old boy fatally shot by Tampa police Sunday, didn't have a criminal record.

    But police said they have known about the teenager for years, even before he was accused of pointing a loaded shotgun at police.

    "We've had multiple contacts with him in the past," police spokeswoman Laura McElroy said. "He's never been arrested, but there are reports of fights he's been in and him being armed."

    Cousin Janekia Hardwick said although Neal had a tendency to get into trouble, he was not a hardened criminal.

    "He was a great kid," Hardwick said. "Sometimes he got into trouble in school, but his mama would always talk to him and he would straighten right up."

    Neal got into a scrap last year with a boy in Robles Park after one of the boys threatened to shoot the other, according to a police report. It is unclear if it was Neal or the other boy who threatened to use a weapon.

    No gun was used during the fist fight and the boys were released to their parents, the report said.

    Hillsborough County school district spokeswoman Linda Cobbe confirmed that Neal was enrolled in classes last year, but she could not confirm what school, citing a district privacy policy. She also couldn't discuss any disciplinary issues that may have arisen during the year.

    Neal was enrolled in Stewart Middle School in the first half of 2011, according to a police report. But he started attending classes at the North Tampa Alternative School last year, Hardwick said.

    Hardwick said she knows her cousin has never been arrested, and she corroborated McElroy's account that police knew who he was.

    "He looked older than he was. He had dreads and all," Hardwick said. "He didn't do drugs, not that I recall. He was just a good kid. And he didn't have a gun."

    Police have a different account of what happened about 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the Central Court Apartments, 2510 Central Ave., where Neal and his family lived.

    Officers Gregory Pryor and Shannon Murphy went to the apartment complex after residents heard gunshots.

    The officers spotted someone who matched the description given in the 911 call and followed him to the south side of the complex, yelling for him to stop, McElroy said. But Neal kept going and ran up three flights on an outside staircase, stopped on the third-floor landing and began pulling something out of his pant leg, she said.

    The teen whirled around brandishing a pistol grip, pump-action shotgun and pointed it at the officers, McElroy said.

    "It was loaded," she said. "At that point, if the officers didn't fire, they wouldn't be here today."

    The gunman didn't fire, but police did. Neal was hit at least once, but McElroy didn't know how many shots the officers fired.

    The officers have been placed on administrative leave with pay until the investigation is completed.

    Records show one of the officers has been involved in a fatal shooting before.

    Pryor, 36, a five-year veteran, fatally shot Carlos Roberto Laboy in August. Laboy was a suspect in the attempted robbery of a convenience store. When officers approached Laboy, he refused to comply with orders and suddenly crouched, his hands moving toward his waistband, investigators said.

    Laboy was shot in the hip and later died at a hospital. Laboy didn't have any weapon in his waistband, police said.

    The State Attorney's Office ruled that Pryor's use of force was justified, and he returned to work after being placed on administrative leave. He has earned good marks in his evaluations, personnel records show.

    Murphy, 35, a nine-year veteran, has received solid reviews over the years, including excellent marks for "performance under stressful conditions," according to his personnel file.

    Members of the St. Petersburg/Tampa New Black Panther Party are disputing the police's account of the shooting. Member Michelle Williams said Neal put his hands in the air when officers told him to and that he wasn't reaching for a weapon.

    Williams said she doesn't think Neal was carrying a shotgun and that to her, it seems the weapon appeared on the ground floor of the apartment building.

    "Something in the milk is not clean," said Williams, who organized a rally today outside of the police's District 3 substation on North 22nd Avenue. About a half-dozen people spoke through megaphones and held up signs demanding justice for Neal when the rally began at 9 a.m.

    "I want the answers," Williams said, "I'm demanding the answers."

    McElroy said Neal never stopped running away from officers and never put his hands in the air. The conflicting account stems from a witness on the second floor landing of the staircase, a man who Neal — and the officers — ran past during the chase up the stairwell, she said.

    It was that witness who put his hands up because he thought the officers were shouting at him, McElroy said.

    The shotgun was on the ground level because it fell from Neal's hands when he was shot, she said.

    "The facts are he was armed with that weapon," McElroy said. "It was his actions that decided the course. The sad fact is he pulled out the gun."

    McElroy said the shooting was not racially motivated. Neal is black, and McElroy said one of the officers is black.

    "Race did not play into the equation," she said.

    There were three other incidents Sunday at the complex that police investigated before Neal was fatally shot. The first two were fights. The third happened about 4 p.m., when a man was shot in the shoulder and taken to a hospital, police said.

    Investigators are still trying to determine if Neal had any connection to that shooting, McElroy said.

    Tensions ran high Sunday night at the apartment complex as detectives investigated the crime. Angry residents were cat-calling police and nearly disrupted a news conference.

    The mood had become somber today as those who knew Neal gathered to sign posters on a makeshift memorial and to remember the boy they knew as "Jay Jay."

    One memorial was on the ground near the stairwell where police said Neal ran from them. On the third floor, where the teen died, was another, with candles and posters duct-taped to the wall.

    Neal's family was in mourning, sequestered in their apartment in Central Court.

    Resident Rodney Jones said Neal was a close friend.

    "He was working, taking care of his mom with bills, as much as he could," Jones said. "Ask anyone. He may have gotten into a fight or two in school, but as far as run-ins with the law and getting in trouble, no."

  12. #612
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    "He was working, taking care of his mom with bills, as much as he could,"
    16YO breadwinner. I suppose he had a part time job at McD?
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    I dunno. When I was 15 I had a job. When I was 16 I had a job. When I was 17 I had a job. At 18 I was in the military.

    I lived in Detroit. It was a ghetto then. Maybe.....

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    Hundreds protest over Anaheim police shootings, city officials call for investigation

    Published July 25, 2012
    Associated Press

    ANAHEIM, Calif. – City officials voted unanimously Tuesday to ask the U.S. attorney's office to investigate recent police shootings, including one of an unarmed man over the weekend, that have sparked four days of protests and a fiery clash between residents and officers.
    Police stepped up patrols and some donned riot gears as hundreds demonstrated outside City Hall while many more packed the council chamber inside to discuss the shootings that have stoked anger over a spike in police shootings in the city. On the street, protesters tossed rocks and bottles at police and ignored warnings to disperse, forcing officers to form skirmish lines and fire pepper balls at the crowd.
    At least two people were arrested, police Sgt. Bob Dunn said. At one point, police shut down a gas station when protesters were seen filling cans with gas, Dunn said.
    The killing of Manuel Diaz, and another man Sunday, have taken the tally of shootings by police officers in this Orange County city to six so far this year, up from four a year before. Five of the incidents have been fatal.
    On Tuesday, Diaz's family filed a civil rights lawsuit seeking $50 million in damages from the city of Anaheim and its police department, claiming he was shot while running away, said lawyer James Rumm.
    Mayor Tom Tait said a description from court papers relayed to him by a reporter that Diaz had been shot in the leg and in the back of his head was "unsettling."
    Theresa Smith, whose son was killed Dec. 11, 2009, by Anaheim police officers at a Walmart store, said she went by the scene of Saturday's shooting and was astounded by what she saw.
    "There were pieces of brain on the ... darn grass, in front of all these children, in front of all these people," Smith said. "This traumatizes people and these people are angry."
    The Anaheim police union issued a statement Tuesday defending the officers involved in the shootings and said both men killed were gang members who had criminal records.
    The union also said that just before Diaz turned toward officers during Saturday's confrontation, he pulled an object from his waistband -- a common place where gang members hide guns.
    "I believe that the independent investigations by the Orange County district attorney's office into both incidents will show no wrongdoing by these officers," said Kerry Condon, the police association's president.
    Anaheim is a city of contrasts that ranges from upscale, hilltop homes to packed, gritty apartment complexes. The city 25 miles southeast of Los Angeles is known as home to the Angels baseball team, and above all, to world-famous Disneyland.
    As California's Hispanic population has grown, so has the city's, hitting nearly 53 percent in 2010, census figures show.
    Residents' concerns about the use of police force in the city aren't new. Last month, Anaheim decided to look into hiring an independent investigator to review shootings by police amid protests by relatives of those killed in officers' gunfire.
    But Latino activists say that isn't enough and want federal officials to probe the Saturday shooting of an unarmed man in broad daylight who police say was a gang member.
    Benny Diaz, state director of the League of United Latin American Citizens in California, said he wants a citizen review commission to keep tabs on the police department, officers to undergo sensitivity training and federal officials to investigate.
    "People are saying, `you know what? We have to stop this,"' said Diaz, adding that residents' past requests for a probe of officer shootings have gone nowhere. "As an organization we are trying to find peace but there comes a point where you have to stand up strong."
    Tait, who has called for state and federal agencies to investigate the shooting, urged the community to remain calm and said he wanted to address any concerns in the Latino community.
    "If the Latino community is saying there is a rift, then there is rift, and we need to address that," he said.
    Manuel Diaz's death sparked three nights of protests. On Saturday, angry demonstrators hurled rocks and bottles at officers who were securing the scene for investigators, and police responded by firing bean bags and pepper balls at the crowd.
    On Sunday, protesters swarmed police headquarters during a morning news conference and later set fire to a trash bin and pushed it into the street outside the apartment complex. On Monday night, Diaz's mother was joined by the relatives of others killed in police shootings in a march near where her son was shot.
    Police Chief John Welter said Saturday's incident occurred after two officers approached three men who were acting suspiciously in an alleyway before running away. One of the officers chased Diaz to the front of the apartment complex.
    The chief would not say what exactly led the officer to shoot Diaz. But he failed to heed police orders to stop and threw something on the roof of the complex that contained what officers believe to be heroin, Welter said.
    Both officers were placed on paid leave pending an investigation.
    The second shooting occurred Sunday when anti-gang officers spotted a suspected gang member in a stolen sport utility vehicle. A brief pursuit ended when three people jumped from the vehicle and ran. One suspect fired at an officer and the officer fired back, killing the gunman, who was identified as 21-year-old Joel Mathew Acevedo, authorities said.
    Both incidents were under investigation by the county's district attorney office, which asked witnesses to come forward with information or video footage of Saturday's shooting.
    The FBI is conducting a review to determine whether a civil rights investigation is warranted, said agency spokeswoman Laura Eimiller.

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    DALLAS RIOT: Angry crowd forms after Dallas police shooting

    • Associated Press
    • Posted July 24, 2012 at 9:44 p.m.

    DALLAS (AP) — Dozens of angry residents gathered on a sweltering southeast Dallas street after a fatal police shooting of a suspect spread through the neighborhood.

    The incident happened sometime after 5 p.m. Tuesday in a neighborhood about three miles southeast of downtown Dallas. Police Chief David Brown says 911 operators received a report of a five Hispanic men dragging a black man into a house. Brown says later investigation found no Hispanic men in the neighborhood.

    When officers arrived, four men fled the house, one taking a gun off a table with him. Brown says officers didn't know who had the gun.

    Veteran Officer Brian Rowden chased James Harper in a pursuit punctuated by three fights. Rowden says Harper finally told him that the officer would have to kill him. The officer, believing his life in jeopardy, shot the man. Another man surrendered.
    Aerial video showed onlookers shouting at officers in riot gear but eventually dispersed. No arrests were reported among the onlookers, though.
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    Angry crowd forms after Dallas police shooting

    Wednesday, July 25, 2012

    DALLAS, TX -- Dozens of angry residents gathered on a sweltering southeast Dallas street after reports of a police shooting of a suspect spread through the neighborhood.
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    The incident happened sometime after 5 p.m. Tuesday in a residential neighborhood about a mile southeast of Fair Park and about three miles southeast of downtown Dallas.

    Details are sketchy as to what prompted the confrontation with police in riot gear. Aerial video showed some fist fights breaking out among onlookers as temperatures hovered around 100 degrees. No arrests have been reported as tactical squad officers arrived to support dozens of officers standing riot shield to riot shield.
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    July 25, 2012 4:41 AM

    Riot police, protesters clash in Anaheim for 4th night over police shootings

    Play CBS News Video

    (AP) ANAHEIM, Calif. - Riot police fired bean bag rounds and pepper balls into a crowd of protestors late Tuesday outside City Hall as councilmembers inside voted unanimously to ask the U.S. attorney's office to investigate recent officer-involved shootings, including one of an unarmed man.
    The back-to-back weekend shootings have sparked four days of protests. A crowd of protesters who were shut out of the council meeting because there was no more room grew violent, tossing rocks and bottles at police and ignoring warnings to disperse.
    Officers formed lines to try to contain the crowd as residents set fire to trash cans, loudly taunted police and swarmed a Starbucks, breaking windows.
    Police helicopters hovered from above as colorful fireworks from nearby Disneyland lit up the sky.
    At least two people were arrested, police Sgt. Bob Dunn said. At one point, police shut down a gas station when protesters were seen filling canisters with gas.
    CBS station KCAL reports that some of the people in the crowd were trying to hold a peaceful demonstration, but others began chanting, swearing and yelling at police officers.
    A protester screams at police blocking the doorway to Anaheim City Council Chambers, July 24, 2012.
    (Credit: AP)
    "We want a peaceful demonstration, but when the cops are pushing us off because they want to show that they have control, then they start hitting us with their batons," one demonstrator told CBS2/KCAL9 reporter Louisa Hodge.
    "They hit a woman when we were just standing there voicing our opinion," he said.
    Scroll to the bottom of this page to see report on Tuesday night's clashes from CBS2/KCAL
    The killing of Manuel Diaz and another man on Sunday have taken the tally of shootings by police officers in this Orange County city to six so far this year, up from four a year before. Five of the incidents have been fatal.
    Diaz's family on Tuesday filed a civil rights lawsuit seeking $50 million in damages from the city of Anaheim and its police department, claiming he was shot while running away, said lawyer James Rumm.
    Mayor Tom Tait said a description from court papers relayed to him by a reporter that Diaz had been shot in the leg and in the back of his head was "unsettling."
    Theresa Smith, whose son was killed Dec. 11, 2009, by Anaheim officers at a Walmart store, said she went by the scene of Saturday's shooting and was astounded by what she saw.
    "There were pieces of brain on the ... darn grass, in front of all these children, in front of all these people," Smith said. "This traumatizes people, and these people are angry."
    The police union issued a statement defending the officers involved in the shootings and said both men killed were gang members who had criminal records.
    The union also said that just before Diaz turned toward officers during Saturday's confrontation, he pulled an object from his waistband — a common place where gang members hide guns.
    "I believe that the independent investigations by the Orange County district attorney's office into both incidents will show no wrongdoing by these officers," said Kerry Condon, the police association's president.
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Wow. These idiots in CA rioting 4 nights in a row now.

    Breaking out windows in Starbucks...
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    24 arrested at police protests in Anaheim, Calif.

    Updated 11m ago

    ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) – Authorities remained on alert Wednesday after protesters set fires, smashed windows and threw rocks at officers in a fourth day of violent protests over deadly police shootings, ending with 24 arrests and several injuries.

    • By Paul Rodriguez, AP
      A man is arrested by police in Anaheim, Calif., Tuesday night July 25, 2012, as police attempt to disperse the unruly crowd.


    By Paul Rodriguez, AP
    A man is arrested by police in Anaheim, Calif., Tuesday night July 25, 2012, as police attempt to disperse the unruly crowd.

    As many as 500 demonstrators and 250 police from several Orange County cities were involved in seven hours of confrontations that ended around 2 a.m., Sgt. Bob Dunn said.
    Most protesters were peaceful, but officers used pepper balls and beanbag rounds after some became violent. Police remained on tactical alert Wednesday morning.

    The clashes followed a City Council meeting Tuesday in which city leaders voted to ask the U.S. attorney's office to investigate weekend officer-involved shootings that killed two men and prompted a $50 million civil-rights lawsuit.

    The council chambers were packed with people and about 100 protesters were unable to get inside, Dunn said.

    They chanted and held a peaceful rally outside. But the crowd swelled and when some people pushed on the windows, police came out and pushed them back, Dunn said.

    Demonstrators marched to police headquarters and back to City Hall, but violence didn't erupt until around 6:30 p.m. when police detained a demonstrator who reportedly had a gun, Dunn said.

    It turned out the man did not have a weapon, but some in the crowd began throwing rocks at officers, Dunn said.

    While most protesters were peaceful, some appeared to be outsiders who "were prone to violence and wanted to incite" both the crowd and police, Dunn said.

    Some demonstrators took over an intersection, and a splinter group walked to the scene of one police shooting and back, throwing rocks, vandalizing cars and throwing a Molotov cocktail that damaged a police car, Dunn said.

    Throughout the night, knots of protesters spread through downtown, setting fires in trash cans and smashing windows of businesses, including a Starbucks, Dunn said. There also were reports that a T-shirt store was looted, he said.

    A gas station was shut down after reports that some protesters were seen filling canisters with gas.

    Police used pepper balls and beanbag rounds. Twenty adults and four minors were arrested, Dunn said.

    About five people were hurt, including a police officer, two members of the media who were struck by rocks, and some protesters who may have been injured by police or during a fight between demonstrators, authorities said.

    None of the injuries was believed to be life-threatening.

    It was the fourth day of violence in the wake of two deadly officer-involved shootings.
    The family of Manuel Diaz sued the city and the Police Department on Tuesday, claiming he was shot and killed Saturday while running away, lawyer James Rumm said. The family is seeking $50 million in damages.

    The second shooting occurred Sunday when officers spotted a suspected gang member in a stolen sport utility vehicle. A brief pursuit ended when three people jumped from the vehicle and ran. Joel Mathew Acevedo, 21, fired at an officer and the officer shot and killed him, authorities said.

    The back-to-back deaths took the tally of shootings by officers in this Orange County city to six so far this year, up from four a year before. Five of the incidents were fatal.

    Police Chief John Welter said Diaz was shot after two officers approached three men who were acting suspiciously in an alley before running away. One officer chased Diaz to the front of an apartment complex.

    The chief would not say what led the officer to shoot Diaz. But Welter said Diaz failed to heed orders to stop and threw something on the roof of the complex that contained what officers believe was heroin. Both officers were placed on paid leave pending an investigation.

    Mayor Tom Tait said a description from court papers relayed to him by a reporter that Diaz had been shot in the leg and in the back of his head was "unsettling."

    Anaheim is a city of contrasts that ranges from upscale, hilltop homes to packed, gritty apartment complexes.

    The city 25 miles southeast of Los Angeles is known as home to the Angels baseball team, and above all, to world-famous Disneyland.

    As California's Hispanic population has grown, so has the Anaheim's, hitting nearly 53 percent in 2010, census figures show.

    Residents' concerns about the use of police force in the city aren't new. Last month, Anaheim decided to look into hiring an independent investigator to review police shootings amid protests by relatives of those killed in officers' gunfire.

    Latino activists say that isn't enough and they want federal officials to investigate the Saturday shooting.

    Tait, who has called for state and federal investigations, said: "If the Latino community is saying there is a rift, then there is rift, and we need to address that."

    The police union issued a statement defending the officers involved in the shootings and said both men killed were gang members who had criminal records. The union also said that just before Diaz turned toward officers, he pulled an object from his waistband — a place where gang members commonly hide guns.
    The FBI is conducting a review to determine whether a civil rights investigation is warranted, agency spokeswoman Laura Eimiller said.
    Last edited by American Patriot; July 25th, 2012 at 14:58.
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    Anaheim's Long, Hot Summer: The Police vs. the Latino Community

    By Jens Erik Gould / Anaheim Wednesday, July 25, 2012

    Protesters clash with police during a demonstration to show outrage for the shooting death of Manuel Angel Diaz, 25, at Anaheim City Hall on July 24, 2012 in Anaheim, California.

    The city of Anaheim is best known as the home of the Angels baseball team, the Ducks professional hockey team and Disneyland, the "happiest place on Earth." But on Tuesday, only four miles away from Mickey, Minnie and Peter Pan, hundreds of angry protesters swarmed the streets of downtown holding signs that read "Stop Killer Cops" and "They Smell like Pigs." Outside a city council meeting at City Hall, demonstrators threw rocks, started fires, spray-painted walls of businesses and shattered storefront windows. Police in riot gear responded with pepper balls and beanbag pellets. In the evening, a journalist was struck with a rock while other reporters tweeted that they were ducking between cars to avoid non-lethal projectiles fired by police.

    It was the fourth day of protests in the city following the fatal shootings of two Hispanic men by police officers over the weekend. Residents are livid at the officers' use of lethal force; and the tension has exposed a rift not only between the haves and have nots, but also between police and the city's large Latino community. "I'm furious. I'm mad," 19-year-old Gaby Pea said at Tuesday's protest. "This is a racial issue. They're unjustly killing Latinos." (WATCH: Police Clash With Protesters in Anaheim)

    The chaos began on Saturday afternoon when an officer fatally shot 25-year-old Manuel Diaz, who was unarmed, as he attempted to flee from police. Family members and neighbors claim he was first shot in the back, fell to his knees, and was then shot in the back of the head. Video by a bystander shows officers walking around Diaz as he lay face down in the grass with his arms handcuffed behind his back. Police have so far declined to detail the reasons for the shooting, only alleging that Diaz was a known gang member.

    Hours later, angry residents took to the street and were met with pepper spray and bean bags. A video shot by a local news camera showed officers pointing projectile rifles at crowds that included women and children and a police dog rushing toward a woman and her child. "There were a lot of little kids there when they started to shoot," says Maria Gonzalez, 35, who watched police break up the protest. "They're abusing their authority." Later that night, demonstrators set fire to dumpsters and blocked the street.

    The following day, in an unrelated incident several miles away, police shot and killed 21-year-old Joel Acevedo after he and two others reportedly tried to flee from cops in a vehicle that was allegedly stolen. Neighbor Petra Perez, who says she watched the shooting, says her community is becoming more and more afraid of officers. "We can't trust the police anymore," Perez says. "There's a lot of racism. They don't have any respect for us."

    While the police shootings are horrific and the near riots disturbing, the greater question is whether the events in Anaheim are isolated or an indication of a growing trend of police brutality and possible public retaliation across Southern California. It's only July and the number of officer-involved shootings in Anaheim this year has already surpassed last year's total. But this city is not alone. Neighboring Fullerton was thrust into the national spotlight last year when police brutally and fatally beat a schizophrenic transient. An unarmed former high school football player was shot and killed in Pasadena in March. And the Los Angeles Times reported that killings by officers in Los Angeles County jumped nearly 70% last year compared with 2010, even as the total number of homicides fell to historic lows. (MORE: Anaheim Demonstrators Clash with Police After Fatal Weekend Shootings)

    "What we're starting to see with these cases is a high incidence of questionable shootings and a lack of transparency from authorities, and that can generate a reservoir of distrust," says University of Southern California law professor Jody Armour, an expert in criminal defense and prosecution and racial profiling. He says parallels can be drawn with the early 1990s, when tensions boiled under the surface before the Rodney King verdict sparked the L.A. riots. "A lot of times, you have a triggering event that can cause a rapid escalation of tension," he says. "Right now, if the concerns of the community in Anaheim aren't addressed, we'll have festering resentment that could be vulnerable to a spark."

    Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait is trying to stop that from happening. He's called for a federal and state investigation of the Diaz shooting. "I'm asking for people to come together," he told a handful of reporters in his office before Tuesday's protest. "If the Latino community is saying there's a rift, then there's a rift and we need to address that." The police department also says it's trying to mend its relationship with residents. "Of course they're concerned and we understand that they're concerned," spokesman Sgt. Bob Dunn said. "We're willing to have a dialogue."

    Yet police chief John Welter angered residents with recent comments at a news conference on the Diaz shooting. "When an officer faces someone and says Police! Stop, don't move,' and they keep running, and throwing and reaching for things, I can't speculate what happened," he said. Meanwhile, Diaz's family has filed a civil-rights lawsuit against the police department, seeking $50million.

    And relations seemed only to worsen on Tuesday. Prayer candles at a memorial for Diaz were overshadowed by homemade signs that read, "Stop Killing. Start Protecting," and, "Beware of cops. They kill your kids." And on the street where he was killed, a group of Latino residents were giving the finger andyelling obscenities at police officers who were responding to an unrelated incident in the area. "Don't turn your back on them or they'll shoot you," one person said. Another shouted words that can't be printed here, and then yelled, "Get out of here, you pigs."
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