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Thread: Ex-CIA agent: Roswell, N.M., incident really happened

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    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Ex-CIA agent: Roswell, N.M., incident really happened

    Jul 10, 2012 Ex-CIA agent: Roswell, N.M., incident really happened

    By Melanie Eversley, USA TODAY
    Updated 2012-07-10 11:27 AM

    A former CIA agent is going on the record to say the alleged UFO incident on July 8, 1947, in Roswell, N.M., really happened, the Daily Mail and other news organizations report.

    By Jayne Clark, USA TODAY

    Chase Brandon, who worked 35 years with the CIA, said documents regarding the alleged landing of beings from outer space are locked up at the CIA's headquarters in Langley, Va.

    "It was in a vaulted area - there was one box that really caught my eye," the Daily Mail quotes Brandon as saying. "It had one word on it: Roswell. I rummaged inside it, put the box on the shelf and said, 'My God, it really happened.' "

    Brandon makes the comments during the 65th anniversary of the alleged incident, which military officials initially explained as the capture of "a disc," but later explained away as a weather balloon, according to the Daily Mail.

    "It was not a weather balloon - it was what people first reported," the news organization quotes Brandon as saying.

    The Huffington Post quotes Brandon as saying, "It was a craft that clearly did not come from this planet."

    Brandon worked as an undercover, covert operations officer in the CIA's Clandestine Service, where he focused on missions on international terrorism, counterinsurgency, global narcotics and weapons smuggling, according to Huffington. He spent his final decade with the agency as liaison to the entertainment and publication industries, and it was during this time - in the mid 1990s - that he walked into the vaulted Historical Intelligence Collection area at CIA headquarters, according to the news organization.

    Brandon said the box contained written material and photographs, according to Huffington.

    "That's all I will ever say to anybody about the contents of that box," Huffington quoted Brandon as saying. "But it absolutely for me was the single validating moment that everything I had believed and knew that so many others believed had happened truly was what occurred."
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    Default Re: Ex-CIA agent: Roswell, N.M., incident really happened

    Roswell UFO Was Not Of This Earth And There Were ET Cadavers: Ex-CIA Agent Says

    Posted: 07/08/2012 12:36 pm Updated: 07/11/2012 12:43 pm

    Happy anniversary, Roswell, N.M. It was 65 years ago today that the Roswell Daily Record blasted an infamous headline claiming local military officials had captured a flying saucer on a nearby ranch. And now, a former CIA agent says it really happened.

    "It was not a damn weather balloon -- it was what it was billed when people first reported it," said Chase Brandon, a 35-year CIA veteran. "It was a craft that clearly did not come from this planet, it crashed and I don't doubt for a second that the use of the word 'remains' and 'cadavers' was exactly what people were talking about."

    Brandon served as an undercover, covert operations officer in the agency's Clandestine Service for 25 years, where he was assigned missions in international terrorism, counterinsurgency, global narcotics trafficking and weapons smuggling. He spent his final 10 years of CIA service on the director's staff as the agency's first official liaison to the entertainment and publication industries. It was during this time, in the mid-1990s, that he walked into a special section of CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., called the Historical Intelligence Collection.

    "It was a vaulted area and not everybody could get in it," Brandon told The Huffington Post. "One day, I was looking around in there and reading some of the titles that were mostly hand-scribbled summations of what was in the boxes. And there was one box that really caught my eye. It had one word on it: Roswell.

    "I took the box down, lifted the lid up, rummaged around inside it, put the box back on the shelf and said, 'My god, it really happened!'"

    What exactly did the box contain that had such a powerful impact on Brandon?

    "Some written material and some photographs, and that's all I will ever say to anybody about the contents of that box," he said. "But it absolutely, for me, was the single validating moment that everything I had believed, and knew that so many other people believed had happened, truly was what occurred,"
    None of this comes as a surprise to Stanton T. Friedman, a nuclear-physicist-turned-UFOlogist, who was the original civilian investigator of the Roswell UFO incident.

    In the late 1970s, Friedman began to uncover former military eyewitnesses who had been involved with the original events that took place at Roswell in 1947.

    Despite the fact that the military changed its story overnight, saying on July 8, 1947 that a flying disk had been captured but claiming on July 9 that a weather balloon had been recovered, Friedman's early investigative efforts prompted many Roswell witnesses to come forward and tell their stories. Numerous researchers have dug up more facts in the years since.

    "It's been 65 years since things took place at Roswell," Friedman told HuffPost. "How much more widely known could it be -- everywhere I've spoken in the world, they ask about Roswell."

    "What we really need now is the Woodward-Bernstein of the UFO world to bring out the disclosure," said Friedman. "Maybe Chase Brandon is a foresight of something going on.

    "It's time for the retirement of the mythical part -- where we don't have all the pieces -- to be replaced by the true story of what happened, all the details, and we certainly don't have them."

    Watch this video from a 1989 episode of 'Unsolved Mysteries UFO Files: Roswell.'

    Brandon is currently promoting his book, "The Cryptos Conundrum," a science fiction story about the history of Earth, contact with extraterrestrials and imagined cataclysmic events on our planet.

    He remains steadfast about the pieces of the Roswell puzzle he's willing to share, and he emphasizes there's no internal CIA policy that prevents him from revealing any details of what he saw in that box at the agency headquarters.

    "Nobody tells any of us that we can't say anything about sources, methods, classified information having to do with working for the Central Intelligence Agency," Brandon said. "We all sign a secrecy agreement that says we understand we are forbidden to do that by law, and that is an inherent part of keeping and safeguarding what we do, how we do it, why we do it, out of national security concerns.

    "I'm not reluctant to talk about it -- I won't talk about it. I'm telling you there was a box that had stuff in there having to do with Roswell, and I looked through it, and it validated everything I believed in, and that's all I have to say about it. I will go to my grave being mindful of the two hats that I wear: My personal one and the one that will forever reside on my head as a former CIA officer."
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    Default Re: Ex-CIA agent: Roswell, N.M., incident really happened

    He remains steadfast about the pieces of the Roswell puzzle he's willing to share, and he emphasizes there's no internal CIA policy that prevents him from revealing any details of what he saw in that box at the agency headquarters.

    This is not entirely true actually. The fact is if you have a clearance - and he likely had at least a Top Secret Clearance... when you leave out of certain organizations (White House Communications, CIA I know FOR SURE) you have to sign a form, a kind of waiver that says you will NOT reveal any classified information that you came in contact with your job for something like seventy-five years. I have been on this job 15 years, and just started my next five-year "update" (a re-investigation, single scope background check it is called) and have yet to "sign" anything.

    When I left WHCA however, I had to sign a form that basically stated I would have to send any books or material I wrote to the DIA for "review" for "classified material" and I was prevented from giving out specific classified information for a period of seventy-five years.

    At the time I KNOW the CIA had a similar form. I'm not sure they have anything like that now.
    Last edited by American Patriot; July 27th, 2012 at 14:55.
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    Default Re: Ex-CIA agent: Roswell, N.M., incident really happened

    A little research brought me to this guy as having written a science fiction story called "The Crypos Conundrum".

    He's trying to sell his book. So, he's probably flat out lying about this.

    On the other hand I can confirm I saw things too in my life when in DC that strongly indicate that Roswell "happened". Mine was an eyewitness flight over the alleged "crash site" in a helicopter in the 1980s (about 40 years after the fact) and from the air there was still evidence that the Earth had been plowed up, or plowed under.

    The other piece of evidence I've mentioned before in another thread and I won't go back into that at all now.
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    Default Re: Ex-CIA agent: Roswell, N.M., incident really happened

    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Ex-CIA agent: Roswell, N.M., incident really happened

    So glad you posted this at this time, Rick. Been watching UFO Chasers on Nat'l Geo, which I assume you've watched as well. The assertion, by two men formerly stationed there(not sure what base) that Eisenhower boarded one of "their' craft in, I believe, 1957, has stuck with me. Any time I waver in my beliefs, I reread some of the things you've said here and on the old board, so I'm curious as to your opinion, if you don't mind going there again.

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    Default Re: Ex-CIA agent: Roswell, N.M., incident really happened

    Interesting, Not sure if I buy this guys story of just walking into a room and reading info that is about the biggest subject in our lives. I would like to know what he actually believes that it confirmed for him.

    I have been looking into this subject at large alot lately not Roswell though so maybe I will give that more of a read. I personally believe whatever it was and whatever they are they don't come from space, light years away. Nice to know if this is true then they aren't so perfect after all.

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    Default Re: Ex-CIA agent: Roswell, N.M., incident really happened

    I don't really buy the story of "just walking in and reading" stuff in a box. Though, I suppose it IS possible given that classified stuff was handled differently even back when I was a young fella in the Air Force than it is TODAY. But, our CIA and FBI were certainly more "serious" in the old days (in the 1930s-1969 or so).
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    Default Re: Ex-CIA agent: Roswell, N.M., incident really happened

    MTStringer, I sent you a PM not sure if you seen that or not.

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    Default Re: Ex-CIA agent: Roswell, N.M., incident really happened

    ‘Alien’ in Roswell Slides is actually a mummified child

    Rob Waugh for 11 May 2015 8:22 am

    UFO enthusiasts gathered in Mexico to view the slides (Picture YouTube)
    Last week, UFO researchers claimed to have made a miraculous discovery – sixty-year-old slides showing a tiny alien being transported from the site of the Roswell crash in 1947.
    An arena full of people in Mexico paid to watch the unveiling of the Roswell Slides – and thousands more tuned in around the world.
    Billed as the big reveal which ‘proved aliens existed,’ the event created massive publicity around the world.
    This week, keen-eyed internet detectives applied an image processing programme, Smart Deblur to one of the images, and found a placard which seems to say, ‘Mummified Body of Two Year Old Boy.’
    Further down are words which seem to say, ‘San Francisco Museum’.
    This, as UFO researchers might put it, really is a ‘smoking gun’.
    Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, says, ‘The slides are genuine images of a museum exhibit that have been erroneously been linked to Roswell and aliens. It is a shame this has tarnished the reputation of all the so-called experts who attended this event.
    ‘This must be considered the lowest point UFO research has ever descended to, but it won’t stop some saying that this was deliberately staged to undermine ufology, or from others believing these are images of an alien whatever anyone says.’
    MORE: 50-year-old UFO riddle solved… and it’s even more sinister than aliens

    UFO sceptic site Bad UFOs said, ‘There is now no doubt whatsoever that the “Roswell alien” is, in fact, the mummy of a child, exactly as many researchers suggested.
    ‘Of course, Jaime Maussan, who orchestrated the Mexico City extravaganza, insisted that it could not be a mummy, and far too many people believed him.’
    The slides – on Kodachrome film – were shown off by a team headed by Dr Edgar Mitchell, an astronaut who walked on the moon.
    Many UFO enthusiasts believe that the U.S. government found a crashed alien vehicle at the site in 1947.
    The slides were supposedly taken by Bernerd A. Ray, an oil exploration geologist who worked near Roswell in the 1940s.
    Libertatem Prius!

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