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Thread: The Overbearing EPA

  1. #81
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Overbearing EPA

    EPA-NASCAR Green Deal Covers Everything--But Racing!
    May 22, 2012

    President Obama’s eco-friendly EPA inked a green partnership deal with high-octane NASCAR Monday to promote recycling and environmentally-friendly products to the sport’s millions of fans.

    According to the Environmental Protection Agency, NASCAR will encourage fans to buy “sustainable concessions” at races, expand the use of “safer chemical products,” conserve water, reduce waste, promote recycling, push products approved by the EPA that have a small enviro footprint and encourage suppliers to get an “E3 tuneup” aimed at promoting sustainable manufacturing.

    Missing: any talk of greening races or race cars that consume about 450,000 gallons of gas a year and average five miles per gallon.

    “Yes, the focus is on suppliers and programs, not green cars,” said an EPA spokesman.

    Instead, it’s a first step to get fans and suppliers to think green while favorites like Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Tony Stewart lay down some rubber.

    “Because NASCAR is followed by millions of passionate fans and many businesses, it can be a powerful platform to raise environmental awareness, drive the adoption of safer products by more Americans, and support the growing green economy,” said Jim Jones, EPA’s acting assistant administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention.

    The agreement “is a great example of NASCAR’s commitment to green innovation and our role as a leader in sustainability,” said Steve Phelps, Chief Marketing Officer of NASCAR.

    Probably the furthest sport from the green movement, NASCAR for the past four years has nonetheless pushed an environmentally-friendly agenda in unusual ways. They even have a manager of “green innovation,” Michael Lynch.

    In a white paper issued last month, NASCAR reports that they will plant 10 trees every time the green flag is raised, which they claim will capture “100 percent of the emissions produced” in races. They also have largest recycling program in sports and last year starting using E15 fuel.

    Corrected March 23 to provide the accurate number of gallons NASCAR uses a year.

    “This partnership will provide new resources that will allow our industry to create innovative environmental education and awareness platforms while continuing to build on our strong momentum in reducing the environmental impact of our sport,” said NASCAR’s Lynch.

  2. #82
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Overbearing EPA

    Obama’s War On Coal Hits Your Electric Bill
    May 22, 2012

    Obama’s War on Coal has already taken a remarkable toll on coal-fired power plants in America.

    Last week the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported a shocking drop in power sector coal consumption in the first quarter of 2012. Coal-fired power plants are now generating just 36 percent of U.S. electricity, versus 44.6 percent just one year ago.

    It’s the result of an unprecedented regulatory assault on coal that will leave us all much poorer.

    Last week PJM Interconnection, the company that operates the electric grid for 13 states (Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia) held its 2015 capacity auction. These are the first real, market prices that take Obama’s most recent anti-coal regulations into account, and they prove that he is keeping his 2008 campaign promise to make electricity prices “necessarily skyrocket.”

    The market-clearing price for new 2015 capacity – almost all natural gas – was $136 per megawatt. That’s eight times higher than the price for 2012, which was just $16 per megawatt. In the mid-Atlantic area covering New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and DC the new price is $167 per megawatt. For the northern Ohio territory served by FirstEnergy, the price is a shocking $357 per megawatt.

    Why the massive price increases? Andy Ott from PJM stated the obvious: “Capacity prices were higher than last year's because of retirements of existing coal-fired generation resulting largely from environmental regulations which go into effect in 2015.” Northern Ohio is suffering from more forced coal-plant retirements than the rest of the region, hence the even higher price.

    These are not computer models or projections or estimates. These are the actual prices that electric distributors have agreed to pay for new capacity. The costs will be passed on to consumers at the retail level.

    House Energy and Power Subcommittee Chairman Ed Whitfield (R-Ky.) aptly explained: “The PJM auction forecasts a dim future where Americans will be paying more to keep the lights on. We are seeing more and more coal plants fall victim to EPA’s destructive regulatory agenda, and as a result, we are seeing more job losses and higher electricity prices.”

    The only thing that can stop this massive price hike now is an all-out effort to end Obama’s War on Coal and repeal this destructive regulatory agenda.

    The Senate will have a critical opportunity to do just that when it votes on stopping Obama’s most expensive anti-coal regulation sometime in the next couple of weeks. The vote is on the Inhofe Resolution, S.J. Res 37, to overturn the so-called Utility MACT rule, which the EPA itself acknowledges is its most expensive rule ever.

    This vote is protected from filibuster, and it will take just 51 votes to send a clear message to Obama that his War on Coal must end.

    Of course, Obama could veto the resolution and keep the rule intact, although that would force him to take full political responsibility for the massive impending jump in electricity prices.

    I have a form set up at to make it easy to contact your senators on this crucial issue.

  3. #83
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Overbearing EPA

    This is what Obama wants here...

    Germany Succeeds In Making Energy Unaffordable For 15% Of Its Population – 600,000 Households Disconnected Annually!
    May 1, 2012

    Every year 600,000 households (2 million people) are getting their power switched off in Germany because they can’t afford the skyrocketing electric bills. At that rate the country (population 80 million) will become blacked-out like North Korea by 2050.

    It’s one way of reducing carbon emissions – just catapult your population back to the Stone Age. Online German flagship daily Die Welt has an article on how skyrocketing electricity prices are making electricity unaffordable for a large number of Germans.

    Many people in Germany are no longer able to pay their electricity bills. And energy prices continue to climb – rapidly. The president of the VdK social association Ulrike Masche, accuses the German federal government “of having neglected the social dimension of the energy transformation”.

    Over 10 years ago Germany enacted the Renewable Energy Feed-In Act (EEG) which requires power companies to pay small producers of renewable energy exorbitant rates for their green power. The power companies in turn simply pass the higher prices on to their customers. Electricity prices rose 10% in 2011 alone!

    So far Germany has committed over 100 billion euros to renewable energy, all to be paid for by the consumer. Little wonder that today almost a seventh of Germany’s population is now living in “energy poverty”.

    The high costs are hitting the poor and retirees especially hard. Die Welt writes:
    Klaus Müller, Chairman of the Consumer Office in North Rhine Westphalia estimates: ‘Ten to fifteen percent of the population are struggling to finance the constantly rising energy costs.” Every year 600,000 households are getting their power cut off.’

    ‘Earlier energy poverty was a fringe problem. However in the meantime it has become an every day problem,’ said Müller.

    According to a survey by the consumer protection group, 600,000 households per year are getting their power cut off because of unpaid electricity bills. Foremost the rapid expansion of renewable energies has led to a 10% rise in electricity prices.”
    As utilities are forced to buy the exorbitantly expensive renewable energy, even when they don’t need it, they are forced to increase the prices they charge consumers.

    Die Welt writes that the prices are expected to rise unabated and that they likely will even accelerate. The feed-in tariffs will add up to 5.2 cents to the price of each kilowatt-hour.

    The greens, the architects of the energy feed-in act, deny they are responsible for the disaster, and blame Germany’s current conservative, liberal-democrat coalition government for the skyrocketing prices. The truth is that all the politicians zealously supported the feed-in tariffs, especially the conservative CDU led by Angela Merkel, who was duped and spurred on by crackpot scientists in Potsdam.

    Some leading politicians are beginning to return to their senses, however, and are calling for more coal and gas power plants.

    Well, they’d better hurry up. Otherwise expect the pubs and beerhalls to come alive with angry political talk – and soon.

    Happy May Day everybody!

  4. #84
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Overbearing EPA

    War On Coal: EPA Rule Could Shut Down One-Fourth of America’s Coal Plants
    May 11, 2012

    President Obama came into office promising to bankrupt the coal industry. Through the EPA he has followed up on that promise, and coal producers are warning that the agency’s latest rule may kill off a huge swath of their industry:
    It imposes a standard for emissions that is all but impossible for many plants to meet. It requires coal-fired plants to release no more than 1,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per megawatt hour.

    Environmentalists are praising the new rule as a vital defense against climate change.

    “We know what fossil fuel damages do to our public health, the health of our kids, our families,” said Brent Blackwelder at a recent gathering of Friends of the Earth. “We know the damage it does to crops and to buildings. And now the big damage all around the world is climate disruption.”

    But coal industry representatives believe they’ve made great strides in reducing emissions through the years — now capturing over 99 percent of particulate emissions released during the combustion process. The EPA’s proposed rule, they say, sets the bar too high and may force the closure of 20 to 25 percent of coal-fired plants across the United States.

    In a state known for its bare-knuckles politics, both men vying for the governor’s office have joined forces in fighting this and other EPA regulations that target the coal industry. Incumbent Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin plans to sue the EPA over the rule – a move that his Republican opponent Bill Maloney welcomes.

    “Last year at this time, we were looking for 2,000 coal miners to go to work. Now there’s 2,000 laid off,” Maloney said. “We’ve got six coal-fired power plants that are being shut. We’re losing our competitive edge, and it’s wrong.”
    In any debate between environmentalists and the US economy, when Obama has his say, the environmentalists always win. He scuttled the XL pipeline on their behalf, and is killing coal on their behalf — despite the fact that the earth hasn’t warmed in the last 15 years, and the global warming story has fallen apart like a Washington Post exposee.

    Not only will coal-fired power plants shut down under the EPA’s new rule, the loss of supply will drive energy prices up — they will skyrocket, as the president threatened they would. Families in West Virginia are looking at 30% hikes. Barack Obama is imposing an energy famine on the nation.

    He might be surprised, though, to find out how many coal producing states there really are in the US. According to the Institute for Energy Research, coal is not limited to Appalachia.

    That’s quite a few electoral votes to give away, waging war on coal.

    According to CountonCoal,

    133,533 direct jobs are created by coal with an average salary of $77,475 – 37% of which are in danger by the Obama Administrations war on energy. Average salary of a Solyndra employee: $0.00

    · 49 states have coal-based power plants
    · 46 percent of electricity is derived from coal-based power
    · 94 percent of U.S. energy supply is coal
    · There is a 249-year supply of energy in the U.S. coal reserves

    Against all of that, here is the Obama energy plan.

    No coal. The president is systematically killing off our energy supply, for purely ideological reasons. He does not seem to care what that does to jobs or energy prices, or ultimately to the economy and American families. Even after a felon embarrassed him in the West Virginia Democratic primary, it’s full speed ahead in the destructive Obama war on coal.

  5. #85
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Costco Settles Hazardous Waste Disposal Case For $3.6M
    June 5, 2012

    As part of a settlement with 29 district attorney's offices throughout the state, Costco will pay $3.6 million in penalties for violating laws related to the disposal of hazardous waste such as used batteries, aerosol cans and pharmaceutical products.

    The final judgment was signed Friday in Alameda County, where the case was filed. Santa Clara County, home to seven Costco outlets, will receive nearly $30,000 and be reimbursed $750 for legal fees.

    "It's very important that prosecutors work together on environmental investigations and prosecutions," stated Santa Clara County prosecutor Tina Nunes-Ober in a news release. "Environmental destruction does not stop at one county's border."

    According to the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office, the statewide probe began in San Joaquin County and concluded that Costco was improperly discarding pharmaceuticals, aerosol cans, used batteries and electronic devices.

    It also found that the stores were violating regulations regarding disposal of in-house cleaning products and did not properly train their employees on safe ways to discard hazardous waste.

    The violations occurred over five years, prosecutors said, and Costco quickly complied with hazardous waste management regulations when informed about the investigation.

    Prosecutors said CVS pharmacy recently settled a similar matter for $13.75 million.

  6. #86
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    Next from the EPA: Four-Gallon-Minimum Gas Purchases

    The Environmental Protection Agency is going to require all consumers to buy at least four gallons of gasoline from certain gas pumps after the new E15 ethanol-gasoline blend is introduced into the market.

    The new regulation was revealed in an Aug. 1 letter to the American Motorcyclist Association, which expressed concern that the vast majority of motorcycles and ATVs in use today aren’t designed to operate on E15 fuel and residual fuel from a pump that serves multiple blends might harm these tanks.

    “The use of E15 will lower fuel efficiency and possibly cause premature engine failure,” Wayne Allard, AMA vice president for government relations, wrote in a June 20 letter to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. “Use of E15 fuel voids many manufacturer warranties. In off-road engines, the effects can even be dangerous for users.”

    The EPA responded that it requires that retail stations with blender pumps either dispense E15 from a dedicated hose and nozzle if able or, in the case of E15 and E10 being dispensed from the same hose, require that at least four gallons of fuel be purchased to prevent vehicles and engines with smaller fuel tanks from being exposed to gasoline-ethanol blended fuels containing greater than 10 percent ethanol.

    This minimum mandate attempts to dilute residual amounts of E15 that will be left in the shared hose.

    “Not only do we find it unacceptable for the EPA to mandate that everyone — including our members — buy minimum amounts of gas, but the EPA answer simply won’t work because of the sizes of many motorcycle and ATV gas tanks and the fact that off-highway riders take containers of gas with them on their trips, and most times those containers are much smaller than four gallons,” Allard said.

    “The EPA has no business mandating how much gasoline Americans have to buy when filling up at the pump. What if a rider doesn’t have a motorcycle with a four gallon tank? Or if someone wants to fill a canister for their lawnmower or outboard boat engine, but it only holds 2 or 3 gallons?” Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) said today.

    “Or what if an American, struggling in this economy, just can’t afford 4 gallons of gas?” Sensenbrenner added. “This is just one more example of how problematic the EPA’s E15 partial waiver is. This is not a solution to misfueling risks — it’s a ridiculous and unworkable mandate.”

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  7. #87
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  8. #88
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    Default Re: The Overbearing EPA

    Fuck him.

    And his horse.

    What the fuck are those of us cutting grass supposed to do when we buy a 1/2 gallon of gas? Fill the tank? Fuck that
    Libertatem Prius!

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  9. #89
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    I'm sure Illegals will get a waiver...

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    Companion Thread: Obama pulling back on Nuclear Power while reducing Oil and Coal

    Obama Administration shutting down Nuclear Reactors when they come up for review

    Published on Aug 9, 2012 by dutchsinse

    This is a great development !! The USA is revoking NEW nuclear reactors, and cancelling permits for plants when the come up for review --- until the "nuclear waste problem is solved" !!!!

    Japan and Germany did the same thing this past year.... shut down the nuclear plants when they come up for review.

    I started a petition to have the plants shut down when they come up for review... started that petition at the whitehouse a few months ago.... got a few thousand signatures ....

    Move forward to today.. August 9, 2012 --- they announce ALL nuclear plants (new ones not being built.. current plants being shut )

    AMAZING !! Awesome victory !

    thanks to JoeyB613 for getting this out to the world:

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  11. #91
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    Default Re: The Overbearing EPA

    Wow. He calls that a victory?

    What's next?
    Libertatem Prius!

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  12. #92
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Overbearing EPA

    Higher energy bills? Less reliability? Thank the EPA

    August 13, 2012

    Local residents should expect steep rises in their electric bills as the U.S. Environmental and Protection Agency's new emissions standards, announced last December by EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, go into effect. The new rules are broader in their effect than any previous American energy regulatory scheme, and they are more stringent than Europe's rules -- even though the nation's air quality has been getting better, not worse.

    Within three years, the new rules will force the closure of coal-fired plants that produce half of the electricity used in Maryland. They will also have a disproportionally adverse impact on Virginia's economy. That's the conclusion of "Economically Derailed," a study published earlier this year by the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, which accuses the EPA of waging "a war on the American standard of living."

    In particular, the EPA's Utility and Boiler Maximum Achievable Control Technology, or MACT, rules require a 91 percent reduction of certain pollutants from power plants and commercial and industrial boilers by April 16, 2015. "The standards are so stringent," ALEC notes, "that even recently permitted plants employing the best available technology cannot meet them ..."

    Maryland currently derives 54 percent of its electricity from coal-fired plants. The MACT rules will cost the Free State 6,873 jobs by forcing already high electricity prices up another 10 percent, the study found.

    The effect on Virginia will be even more profound, which is why both of the commonwealth's Democratic U.S. Senators, Mark Warner and Jim Webb, voted for an unsuccessful effort to block them in late June. Beginning in 2014, the MACT regulations alone will force the closure of six coal-fired power plants that currently generate 35 percent of the commonwealth's electricity -- enough power to heat and cool more than 2 million homes. When the plants are shuttered, electric bills will increase by up to 15 percent, more than 21,000 residents of the Old Dominion will become unemployed and the state will lose $2.9 million in revenue.

    But lost jobs and higher electricity bills are not the only problem. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation, or NERC, an industry group responsible for ensuring reliability of the nation's electric grid, warns that "environmental regulations are shown to be the number one risk to reliability over the next one to five years." So when things get bad, don't forget that there's still worse to come.

  13. #93
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    Nothing at all like letting a government agency manage... anything.

    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: The Overbearing EPA

    Court Blocks E.P.A. Rule on Cross-State Pollution


    Published: August 21, 2012

    WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court on Tuesday overturned a federal rule that laid out how much air pollution states would have to clean up to avoid incurring violations in downwind states.

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    David J. Phillip/Associated Press

    The rule was intended to address how to deal with states whose plants pollute air in other states.

    The decision sends the Environmental Protection Agency, and perhaps even Congress, back to the drawing board in what has become a long and paralyzing argument over how to mesh a system of state-by-state regulation with the problem of industrial smokestacks pumping pollutants into a single atmosphere.

    In a 2-to-1 ruling, a panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia said the E.P.A. had exceeded its authority in the way it apportioned the cleanup work among 28 upwind states.

    The agency was trying to address a problem that has vexed the air pollution control system for at least three decades: how to deal with states whose own air meets standards but whose power plants, refineries and other industrial plants emit sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide pollutants that — wind-aided — prevent neighboring states from attaining the level of cleanliness required under federal law.

    The rule thrown out on Tuesday, called the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, was the agency’s attempt to fix an earlier version, the 2005 Clean Air Interstate Rule, which in 2008 a court ordered the E.P.A to make changes in. Analysts suggested that it would take several years to rewrite the rule rejected on Tuesday.

    The appeals court said the E.P.A. had been authorized to set rules that would require upwind states “to bear responsibility for their fair share of the mess in downwind states.”

    Rather than apportion the reductions according to the amount of pollution that each upwind state was contributing, the E.P.A. was seeking to require cleanup according to the cost of the reductions, so that the work would get done in the places where the cost of capturing a ton of sulfur or nitrogen oxides was the lowest. The agency was seeking to create a trading system in which the states could buy and sell pollution credits, with the actual work being done in the places where it was easiest to do it.

    But the court said that under this scheme, the agency had improperly required states “to reduce their emissions by more than their own significant contribution to a downwind state’s nonattainment,” according to the opinion, written by Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh and joined by Judge Thomas B. Griffith.

    At the Bipartisan Policy Center, a nonprofit institution that specializes in energy and pollution issues, Joe Kruger, the director for energy and environment, said, “E.P.A.’s efforts to reduce the cost of cutting pollution by using market trading keep running up against the limitations of the statute.”

    “Without Congressional intervention,” he said, “we will be left with more pollution in the near term as well as a higher cost of mitigation in the long run.”

    The court said the E.P.A.’s rule also violated the Clean Air Act because it did not let the states submit their own plans to comply and imposed a federal plan instead. The statute left it to the states to decide how they would meet federal standards.

    Judge Judith W. Rogers dissented from the ruling. She said that the states had filed their challenge late and that the court had no authority to consider it. She said the court should “give deference to E.P.A.’s permissible interpretations” where the Clean Air Act was “silent or ambiguous.”

    Several power companies had challenged the E.P.A. rule, and were supported by more than a dozen states, mostly in the South and Midwest. North Carolina supported the rule, along with several Middle Atlantic and New England states.

    The adversaries and the arguments have become familiar. Since the 1980s, the downwind states have been suing upwind polluters, and sometimes the E.P.A., to try to force cleanups. The relationship is complicated, though, because the upwind states are often suppliers of electricity and other products whose manufacture creates the pollution.

    Many big environmental or health groups, including the Sierra Club, the Environmental Defense Fund, the Clean Air Task Force, the American Lung Association and the Natural Resources Defense Council, supported the E.P.A.’s position and were joined by downwind states and cities.

    At the Sierra Club, Mary Anne Hitt, director of the group’s Beyond Coal Campaign, said in a statement, “Americans have been waiting for the clean air they deserve for decades, and the court’s ruling today further delays the Clean Air Act’s promise of safe, breathable air for our children.”

    She estimated the rule could have prevented 34,000 premature deaths a year.

    But Scott Segal, director of the Electric Reliability Coordinating Council, an electric utility group, pointed out that the ruling leaves the previous Clean Air Interstate Rule in place. That, he said, along with other provisions of the Clean Air Act, “ensures adequate protections remain in place to handle interstate air pollution.”

    Republicans reacted by sounding a familiar theme, saying the E.P.A. had gone beyond what Congress or reason dictated, and ascribing the cleanup costs as too high.

    The chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Representative Fred Upton, Republican of Michigan, said in a statement, “This is a win for American families, who, because of this rule, faced the threat of higher power bills, less reliable electricity and job losses.”
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: The Overbearing EPA

    Alpha Closing 8 Mines, Cutting 1,200 Jobs In All

    September 18, 2012

    Coal producer Alpha Natural Resources said Tuesday it was cutting production by 16 million tons and eliminating 1,200 jobs companywide, laying off 400 workers immediately by closing mines in Virginia, West Virginia and Pennsylvania.

    The mine shutdowns start Tuesday, while the rest of the layoffs will be completed by the end of the first quarter after Alpha fulfills current sales obligations, Chief Executive Officer Kevin Crutchfield said. In all, the layoffs amount to nearly a tenth of Alpha's 13,000-person workforce.

    Alpha said it was closing four mines in West Virginia, three in Virginia and one in Pennsylvania. They are a mix of deep and surface mines, and all are non-union operations.

    Company spokesman Ted Pile said most of the displaced workers may eventually be rehired, either assigned to new jobs in other locations or replacing outside contractors. Only 150 workers in West Virginia and three in Pennsylvania will not have any other employment opportunities with the company, he said.

    Though some miners will stay on to seal the operations, most will either be reassigned or laid off immediately.

    Support positions will also be cut proportionally as Alpha reduces its operating regions from four to two, Crutchfield said, and two executives will retire Nov. 1.

    It wasn't immediately what other states would be affected by the still looming layoffs.

    Crutchfield said the shutdowns and layoffs are a necessary part of ensuring Alpha survives in what has become a difficult U.S. market, where coal companies face a dual challenge: Power plants are shifting to cheap, abundant natural gas, while companies like his face "a regulatory environment that's aggressively aimed at constraining the use of coal."

    The affected West Virginia operations are the Alloy deep mine near Powellton, the Alloy surface mine near Boomer, the Premium highwall mine near Gilbert and the White Flame Surface Mine near Wharncliffe. The Virginia mines are Guest Mountain deep mines No. 8 and No. 9 near Norton, and the Twin Star Surface Mine near Hurley. In Pennsylvania, Alpha will close its Dora deep mine in Jefferson County.

    Bristol, Va.-based Alpha will cut production 16 million tons by early 2013 and reduce overhead by $150 million as it shifts away from thermal coal used in domestic power generation to concentrate on metallurgical coal used in steelmaking overseas.

    Globally, "there remains a structural undersupply" of metallurgical coal, Crutchfield said, and Alpha expects to see demand grow by more than 100 million tons by the end of the decade.

    Alpha's $7.1 billion acquisition of Massey Energy helped create "one of the most valuable met coal franchises in the world," Crutchfield said, effectively doubling its production potential. It has 25 million to 30 million tons of export capacity through the East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico, giving it the ability to scale up exports quickly, he said.

    About 40 percent of Alpha's production cuts will come from high-cost eastern mines "that are unlikely to be competitive for the foreseeable future," Crutchfield said, while about half will occur in the Powder River Basin, the largest coal-producing region in the U.S. The basin is located in northeast Wyoming.

    Alpha's Wyoming operations, Alpha Coal West, consist of the Eagle Butte and Belle Ayre surface coal mines. Together, the mines have about 650 employees and produce about 50 million tons of coal a year, according to the Wyoming Mining Association. The number of layoffs that might occur there was unclear.

    "We're still trying to figure out, with the reduction in production, what our operations will look like," said Mike Lepchitz, spokesman for the Belle Ayre Mine.

    Crutchfield said "the elimination of jobs on this scale is something I take very seriously."

    "Unfortunately," he said, "we think we have to do it to set the company on the right foot going forward."

    In the long run, the new strategy will create a leaner, more agile company that can readily adapt to changing market circumstances, he said.

    Politicians — mostly Republican — across the coalfields were quick to pounce on the announcement as further evidence that President Barack Obama's administration is waging a "war on coal" through new air-pollution standards, but many U.S. power companies have long planned to close or convert some of their aging, inefficient coal-fired plants.

    "A group of government bureaucrats have decided the coal industry isn't something that they like, so they're going to try to force it out of business," said U.S. Rep. Morgan Griffith, R-Va. "This is appalling and it must stop."

    In West Virginia, fellow Republican Rep. Shelley Moore Capito said her constituents want to stay in their home state and raise their families, "but the president's extreme policies are cripplingly entire towns and making it harder for workers to find jobs."

    The federal Mine Safety and Health Administration said the number of mining jobs in West Virginia fell by about 1,300 in the second quarter as other coal companies laid off workers and idled operations or shifted resources.

    Chris Hamilton, vice president of the West Virginia Coal Association, said layoffs are likely to continue through the end of the year and into the first quarter as operators struggle with both regulations and the loss of traditional customers such as power plants.

    "There's no sign of that easing up anytime soon," he said. "We're clearly on the valley floor here of the cyclic nature of the industry."

  16. #96
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Overbearing EPA

    Republicans Criticize Four-Gallon EPA Gas Purchase Mandate

    September 14, 2012

    With prices at the pump worrying Americans, Republicans have railed against the Environmental Protection Agency’s new gas mandate that requires consumers to buy at least four gallons when purchasing from stations with hoses containing 10 percent and 15 percent ethanol-blended fuel.

    On Monday, Republicans on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology sent a letter to Environmental Protection Agency Chief Administrator Lisa Jackson criticizing the agency’s approval of the sale of gasoline containing 15 volume percent ethanol.

    Specifically, the EPA will require that consumers purchase a minimum of four gallons when buying from a gas station that sells gasoline containing 10 percent ethanol and 15 percent ethanol — also known as “E15″ — out of the same gas pump.

    Gas stations may also have a dedicated hose for selling E15.

    “The EPA has no business telling Americans how much fuel they must purchase,” the letter from Republican committee members Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin and Chip Cravaack of Minnesota.

    “Furthermore, EPA’s first-ever fuel purchase requirement appears to have been made outside the normal rulemaking process, seems antithetical to free markets, and highlights the flaws in the agency’s hasty decision to grant partial waivers for E15 prior to comprehensive scientific evaluation and assessment,” the congressmen continue.

    The concern comes over a letter between the EPA and the American Motorcyclist Association regarding E15 waiver implementation.

    In the letter, the EPA said that “in the case of E15 and E10 being dispensed from the same hose” the agency would require people to purchase “at least four gallons of fuel” in order to prevent vehicles with smaller fuel tanks from being exposed to fuel blends greater than 10 volume percent ethanol.

    “What if a rider doesn’t have a motorcycle with a four gallon tank?” Sensenbrenner asked in a statement. “Or if someone wants to fill a canister for their lawnmower or outboard boat engine, but it only holds 2 or 3 gallons? Or what if an American, struggling in this economy, just can’t afford 4 gallons of gas?”

    “This is just one more example of how problematic the EPA’s E15 partial waiver is,” he continued. “This is not a solution to misfueling risks- it’s a ridiculous and unworkable mandate.”

    The EPA told the Daily Caller News Foundation they will review the letter and would respond accordingly.

    Under the Clean Air Act, the EPA must grant waivers to approve new fuel blends. After requests from 54 ethanol manufacturers, the EPA decided to authorize waivers for fuels blends of up to 15 percent ethanol, according to the EPA.

    The EPA granted the first of two partial waivers for allowing E15 blended fuel in model year 2007 and newer vehicles in October 2010.

    In January 2011, the EPA granted the second partial waiver for E15 for use in model year 2001-06 vehicles.

    Then this June, the EPA gave the final approval for such blends to be sold in the U.S. for cars and light trucks built after 2000.

    Automakers have heavily criticized the decision to introduce E15 fuel into the automobiles.

    “Ford does not support the introduction of E15 into the marketplace for the legacy fleet. … Fuel not approved in the owner’s manual is considered misfueling and any damage resulting from misfueling is not covered by the warranty,” the Ford Motor Company said last year.

    It has been reported that the American Petroleum Institute estimates that more than five million vehicles on the road could be harmed by E15 fuel.

  17. #97
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    Default Re: The Overbearing EPA

    September 22, 2012
    Report: Over 200 Coal-Fired Generators To Be Shut Down

    Fire it up

    AP File

    Within the next three to five years, more than 200 coal-fired electric generating units will be shut down across 25 states due to EPA regulations and factors including cheap natural gas, according to a new report by the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE).

    “This is further evidence that EPA is waging a war on coal, and a war on affordable electricity prices and jobs. EPA continues to ignore the damage that its new regulations are causing to the U.S. economy and to states that depend on coal for jobs and affordable electricity,” said Mike Duncan, president and CEO of ACCCE, in a statement.

    However, ACCCE notes that EPA policies may have played a role more than 4,800 megawatts of announced closures not included on in their report which would bring total shutdowns to 241 coal generator in 30 states — more than 36,000 MW of electric generation or 11 percent of the U.S. coal fleet.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  18. #98
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Overbearing EPA

    When President Romney takes office, he is going to have to overturn the EPA shit causing this or we really will be in a new Dark Age.

  19. #99
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    Default Re: The Overbearing EPA

    I just heard an ad on the radio a few minutes ago for a local furnace place. They are talking about some kind of new EPA reg that is requiring a certain type of furnace now... and it's almost 2 grand MORE than anything else on the market.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  20. #100
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Overbearing EPA

    Yeah, word is a lot of alternate heating sources are going to be banned with these new EPA regs. Alternate heating sources like outdoor wood fired boiler. Like the type I'm planning on getting in my future home.

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