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Thread: Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya crisis: Benghazi

  1. #181
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    Default Re: Is Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya Facing Real Unrest or a Manufactured Crisis?

    Glenn Beck on Libya U.S. Consulate Attack: ‘You’re Being Set Up, America’

    On tonight’s episode of “The Glenn Beck Program” on TheBlazeTV, Beck stated that he believes, based on his research and analysis, U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens was murdered not as a result of a spontaneous riot over an anti-Muslim YouTube clip but rather as part of a coordinated and planned attack using the protests as a cover.

    “You’re being set up, America. Your freedom of speech is being set up and it’s being set up all over the world,” Beck said. “If you say somebody on YouTube can’t make a video that is offensive to somebody else, you stop everything, free speech is dead, the First Amendment is over. That’s what this is really all about.”

    Beck went on to analyze the U.S. consulate attack in Benghazi in depth, going point-by-point comparing the U.S. government’s explanation to what reality suggests.

    Watch the segment via TheBlazeTV here:

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    Default Re: Is Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya Facing Real Unrest or a Manufactured Crisis?


    Published: 2 hours ago
    by Drew ZahnEmail | Archive

    Claims violence over film proof constitutional protection 'benefits no one'

    "One of the world’s most influential Muslims is now calling on the United Nations – in light of the YouTube movie blamed for violent protests across the Mideast – to impose international restrictions on free speech, criminalizing any statement that impugns Islam.

    Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah, a professor at King Abdul Aziz University in Saudi Arabia, is a member of several international organizations, including the Centre for Studying the Aims of Sharia in the U.K., as well as serving as the vice chairman of the International Union of Muslim Scholars.

    The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre ranked bin Bayyah No. 31 on its list of the 500 most influential Muslims in the world for 2011.

    In a public declaration issued to several Islamic bodies, including the All Dulles Area Muslim Society, one of the largest Muslim mosques in the D.C. metro area and the U.S., bin Bayyah called upon “people of reason and understanding” to put a legal stop to statements that would offend Muslims and thereby threaten world peace."

    “We ask everyone to ponder the ramifications of provoking the feelings of over one billion people by a small party of people who desires not to seek peace nor fraternity between members of humanity,” bin Bayyah wrote. “This poses a threat to world peace with no tangible benefit realized. Is it not necessary in today’s world for the United Nations to issue a resolution criminalizing the impingement of religious symbols? We request all religious and political authorities, as well as people of reason to join us in putting a stop to this futility that benefits no one.”

    Bin Bayyah’s statement was titled a “Declaration Regarding the Offensive Video to Muslims,” a clear reference to the YouTube film, “Innocence of Muslims,” which has been widely – if controversially – blamed for inciting riots against embassies in the Middle East and the resulting death of four U.S. diplomats.

    The Obama administration had similarly asked Google, the parent company of YouTube, to review whether “Innocence of Muslims” violates its terms-of-use policies.

    Thus far, Google has refused to remove the video from YouTube, though it blocked access in some sensitive countries.

    Pundits from a wide spectrum of news outlets have agreed the video is protected by free speech rights in the U.S.

    Bin Bayyah’s statement continued, condemning the embassy attacks in the Middle East:

    “We implore you not to inflict violence upon anyone, whether foreign delegations or otherwise. You should not destroy property or flout the values and cherished principles that you defend, as attacking innocents, killing foreign diplomats and ambassadors contravenes religious and moral principles before it contravenes political ones.”

    Nonetheless, bin Bayyah reiterated the U.S. should make videos like “Innocence of Muslims” illegal, even while he claimed to back “free speech.”

    “To our Western neighbors … we are extremely concerned with a small active minority in your countries that seeks to perpetuate a state of conflict and war,” bin Bayyah wrote. “We estimate that such objectives do not serve the general interest. Therefore, it is our hope that you reconsider and criminalize the denigration of religious symbols, as such provocations do not serve the principles of free speech, principles that you and us both seek to uphold.”In a WND commentary, Diana West discussed other leading Muslims’ attempts to criminalize criticism of Islam.

    “Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt (who denies that al-Qaida attacked the U.S. on 9/11, by the way), directed the Egyptian Embassy in Washington to ‘take legal action’ against the movie’s producers,” West writes. “Morsi doesn’t seem to understand First Amendment protections.”

    West continued, “Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Qandil asked for similar action ‘within the framework of international charters that criminalize acts that stir strife on the basis of race, color or religion.’ This is a direct appeal to hold Americans accountable to the U.N. blasphemy resolution Hillary Clinton, along with the Islamic bloc, has championed, despite its repressive controls on free speech.”

    West was referring a “defamation against religion” resolution the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has been pushing at the U.N. every year since 1999. Last year, Clinton worked with the OIC to pass a revised version, Resolution 16/18, which included both the usual condemnation of defaming speech and a paragraph affirming “the positive role that the exercise of the right to freedom of opinion and expression” plays in “strengthening democracy.”

    Critics of the defamation resolutions fear they could be used to outlaw valid and critical scrutiny of Islamic teachings, as some OIC states do through controversial blasphemy laws at home.

    The Clinton compromise version, though still roundly criticized, enjoyed more popularity at the U.N. itself and was adopted by consensus.

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    Egyptian PM explains how important it is that the West surrender all our basic freedoms and rights - 9/15/12

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    I'll let Gunney do the talking.

  5. #185
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  6. #186
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    Default Re: Is Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya Facing Real Unrest or a Manufactured Crisis?

    France to close embassies in 20 countries in wake of Prophet Mohammed cartoons

    French satirical weekly publishes cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed naked, fueling the anger of Muslims who are already incensed by a film depicting him as a womanizing buffoon.

    By Reuters Sep.19, 2012 | 2:01 PM

    Afghan protesters set a U.S. flag on fire during a demonstration against a film mocking the Prophet Mohammad, in Jalalabad province September 19, 2012. Photo by Reuters

    French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo's publisher, known only as Charb, grimaces as he presents to journalists, on September 19, 2012 in Paris. Photo by AFP

    Indonesian Muslim youths from the Prosperous Justice Party unfurl a U.S. flag during a protest in Jakarta and pelt it with eggs.
    Photo by Reuters

    The French government said Wednesday that it planned on temporarily shutting down premises including embassies and schools in 20 countries on Friday,after a French magazine ridiculed the Prophet Mohammed by portraying him naked in cartoons.

    The move threatened to fuel the anger of Muslims around the world who are already incensed by a film depicting him as a womanizing buffoon.

    Riot police were deployed to protect the Paris offices of satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo after it hit the newsstands with a cover showing an Orthodox Jew pushing the turbaned figure of Mohammed in a wheelchair. On the inside pages, several caricatures of the Prophet showed him naked.

    The French government had urged the magazine not to print the images.

    Reacting to the publication, Essam Erian, acting head of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, told Reuters: "We reject and condemn the French cartoons that dishonor the Prophet and we condemn any action that defames the sacred according to people's beliefs."

    Calling for a UN treaty against insulting religion, he added: "We condemn violence and say that peaceful protests are a right for everyone. I hope there will be a popular western and French reaction condemning this."

    The posting of a short film on You Tube last week that mocked Mohammed asa lecherous fool has sparked sometimes deadly protests in many countries.

    The U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were killed in an attack in Benghazi, and U.S. and other foreign embassies were stormed in cities in Asia, Africa and the Middle East by furious Muslims. Afghan militants said a suicide bombing that killed 12 people on Tuesday was carried out in retaliation for the film.

    One of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons, entitled "Mohammed: a star is born", depicted a bearded figure crouching over to display naked buttocks and genitals, a star covering his anus.

    A second cartoon, in reference to the scandal over a French magazine's decision to publish topless photos of the wife of Britain's Prince William, showed a topless, bearded character with the caption: "Riots in Arab countries after photos of Mrs. Mohammed are published."

    "We have the impression that it's officially allowed for Charlie Hebdo to attack the Catholic far-right but we cannot poke fun at fundamental Islamists," Charlie Hebdo editor Stephane Charbonnier, who drew the front-page cartoon, said.

    "It shows the climate - everyone is driven by fear, and that is exactly what this small handful of extremists who do not represent anyone want - to make everyone afraid, to shut us all in a cave," he told Reuters.

    Many Muslims consider any representation of Allah or the Prophet Mohammad offensive.

    French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius criticised the magazine's move as a provocation.

    "We saw what happened last week in Libya and in other countries such as Afghanistan," Fabius told a regular government news conference. "We have to call on all to behave responsibly."

    A Foreign Ministry spokesman said France was closing its embassies, consulates, cultural centres and schools in 20 countries on Friday as a "precautionary measure".

    Charlie Hebdo has a long reputation for being provocative. Its Paris offices were firebombed last November after it published a mocking caricature of Mohammad.

    In 2005, Danish cartoons of the Prophet sparked a wave of violent protests across the Muslim world that killed at least 50 people.

    The French Muslim Council, the main body representing Muslims in France, accused Charlie Hebdo of firing up anti-Muslim sentiment at a sensitive time.

    "The CFCM is profoundly worried by this irresponsible act, which in such a fraught climate risks further exacerbating tensions and sparking damaging reactions," it said.

    Richard Prasquier, head of the body representing France's Jewish community - Europe's largest - said religious censorship was wrong but added: "Publishing Mohammad cartoons at this time, in the name of freedom, is irresponsible".

    French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said the authorities had rejected a request to hold a march against the Mohammad film in Paris.

    "There is no reason for us to allow conflicts that do not concern France to enter our country," Ayrault told RTL radio.

    Social media had circulated calls for a protest on Saturday against the film, after police arrested about 150 people who tried to take part in an unauthorized protest near the U.S. Embassy in Paris last week.

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  7. #187
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    Default Re: Is Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya Facing Real Unrest or a Manufactured Crisis?

    "Alive, Alive"? Were they NOT trying to kill him? were they meaning just to beat him?

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Video Purports To Show US Ambassador Dragged From Benghazi Consulate - UPDATE

    YouTube user "Abdalgadar Fadi" has uploaded a video on the arabic language version of the video sharing site purporting to show US Ambassador Christopher Stevens dragged from the consulate in Benghazi.

    The translation of the text below the video reads: "Moment directed the U.S. ambassador before his death" and the headline translates to: “U.S. Ambassador and the people of Benghazi rescue attempt before his death.”

    The victim in the video appears to be wearing the same pants, belt and t-shirt seen in this photo of Amb. Stevens.

    The validity of the video and the accuracy of the description of the events it depicts are still under investigation, but through Twitter and Facebook the video has already taken a life of its own.

    UPDATE 9:15 PM ET

    Various tipsters have offered differing interpretations of what they hear and witness on this video. The shouts of "Allauha Akbar" are clearly heard and many assume that the cry is meant as a celebration of the attack on the consulate and Amb. Stevens.

    However, Arab-speaking readers have pointed out that they hear people saying “Lift him” and "bring him out." But they can’t discern why the crowd is cheering.

    Jenan Moussa, who identifies herself as a "Roving Reporter for Arabic Al Aan TV from Dubai" took to Twitter when the video first broke. Moussa claims that some men in the video were saying "he's alive" and "lift him" (referring to Amb. Stevens.) She writes that after reviewing the video she believes the crowd began cheering because the man was found alive.

    UPDATE 10:05 PM ET

    The New York Times now offers their translation to the events int he video:
    “I swear, he’s dead,” one Libyan says, peering in.

    “Bring him out, man! Bring him out,” another says.

    “The man is alive. Move out of the way,” others shout. “Just bring him out, man.”

    “Move, move, he is still alive!”

    “Alive, Alive! God is great,” the crowd erupts, while someone calls to bring Mr. Stevens to a car.


    (John Sexton and Morgen Richmond contributed to this report)
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    Al Qaeda, ex-Gitmo detainee involved in consulate attack, intelligence sources say

    Published September 19, 2012

    Intelligence sources tell Fox News they are convinced the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was directly tied to Al Qaeda -- with a former Guantanamo detainee involved.

    That revelation comes on the same day a top Obama administration official called last week's deadly assault a "terrorist attack" -- the first time the attack has been described that way by the administration after claims it had been a "spontaneous" act.

    "Yes, they were killed in the course of a terrorist attack on our embassy," Matt Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, said during a Senate hearing Wednesday.

    Olsen echoed administration colleagues in saying U.S. officials have no specific intelligence about "significant advanced planning or coordination" for the attack.

    However, his statement goes beyond White House Press Secretary Jay Carney and Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, saying the Sept. 11 attack on the consulate was spontaneous. He is the first top administration official to call the strike an act of terrorism.

    Sufyan Ben Qumu is thought to have been involved and even may have led the attack, Fox News' intelligence sources said. Qumu, a Libyan, was released from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 2007 and transferred into Libyan custody on the condition he be kept in jail. He was released by the Qaddafi regime as part of its reconciliation effort with Islamists in 2008.

    His Guantanamo files also show he has ties to the financiers behind the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The declassified files also point to ties with the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, a known Al Qaeda affiliate.
    Olson, repeating Wednesday that the FBI is handling the Benghazi investigation, also acknowledged the attack could lead back to Al Qaeda and its affiliates.

    "We are looking at indications that individuals involved in the attack may have had connections to Al Qaeda or Al Qaeda's affiliates, in particular Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb," he said at the Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing.

    Still, Olsen said "the facts that we have now indicate that this was an opportunistic attack on our embassy, the attack began and evolved and escalated over several hours," Olson said.

    Carney said hours earlier that there still is "no evidence of a preplanned or pre-meditated attack," which occurred on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.

    "I made that clear last week, Ambassador Rice made that clear Sunday," Carney said at the daily White House press briefing.

    Rice appeared on "Fox News Sunday" and four other morning talk shows to say the attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans was "spontaneous" and sparked by an early protest that day outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, over an anti-Islamic video.

    "It was a reaction to a video that had nothing to do with the United States," Rice told Fox News. "The best information and the best assessment we have today is that this was not a pre-planned, pre-meditated attack. What happened initially was that it was a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in Cairo."

    However, that account clashed with claims by the Libyan president that the attack was in fact premeditated. Other sources, including an intelligence source in Libya who spoke to Fox News, have echoed those claims. The intelligence source even said that, contrary to the suggestion by the Obama administration, there was no major protest in Benghazi before the deadly attack which killed four Americans.

    A U.S. official did not dispute the claim.

    In the face of these conflicting accounts, Carney on Tuesday deferred to the ongoing investigation and opened the door to the possibility of other explanations.

    Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, called Wednesday for an independent review of the attack.

    "A State Department Accountability Review Board to look into the Benghazi attack is not sufficient," Collins said. "Given the loss of the lives of four Americans who were serving their country and the serious questions that have been raised about the security at our Consulate in Benghazi, it is imperative that a non-political, no-holds-barred examination be conducted."

    Fox News' Bret Baier contributed to this report.

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  9. #189
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    28% recidivism among gitmo detainees that get released. Leftists would have us release all of them.

    Recidivism rises among released Guantanamo detainees

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    By Mark Hosenball
    Mon Mar 5, 2012 7:15pm EST

    (Reuters) - The proportion of militants released from detention at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay who subsequently were believed to have returned to the battlefield rose slightly over the last year, according to official figures released on Monday.
    In a summary report, the office of the Director of National Intelligence said that 27.9 percent of the 599 former detainees released from Guantanamo were either confirmed or suspected of later engaging in militant activity.
    The figures represent a 2.9 percent rise over a 25 percent aggregate recidivism rate reported by the intelligence czar's office in December 2010.
    The increase in the apparent recidivism rate, while not large, comes at a delicate time for President Barack Obama, and could further complicate his attempts to negotiate a peace deal with Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    What the FUCK is wrong with this administration????????????? Releasing these guys and putting them back out there with knowledge of US operations, after having been incarcertated is about the stupidest fucking thing Obama has ever done.

    You know, this is NOT stupidity, this is PLANNED.

    The bastard wants America to fall.
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    Watch 2016 Obama's America and EVERYTHING makes sense including the return of the Churchill bust.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    I take it you saw it. I'll have to go see it. Maybe today. I'll see if I can find a theater. There wasn't one last time I checked in my area though (but that's been a couple weeks ago).
    Libertatem Prius!

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    It's a bit of a recap for us old salts but I had never put all the pieces together in that fashion.

    Essentially, Obama was forged in a communist, anti-colonial crucible and all his decisions and actions are to put the USA back where it was in the 1500s in relation to the rest of the world. He doesn't believe we have the "right" to be as prosperous as we are and we should simply be one small voice among others. Further, we should be forced to repay all the wealth we've stolen. In essence, he wants our country broken and ruined and it's people pushed into poverty and suffering as we've inflicted around the world. The USA is the problem and without the USA, the rest of the world would be better off. He wants us in the dark shivering and suffering for our crimes. He wants to oversee the deconstruction of the United States.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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    He needs to go then.


    Far away.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Somewhat rhetorical question... Why is a jackass like Obama anywhere even close to the white house? The answer is a scary one, having to do with the level of common sense, logic and patriotism of America's citizenry. At least half of our nation's people are either morons or neo-marxists.
    Last edited by MinutemanCO; September 20th, 2012 at 18:55.

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    I saw something on facebook a bit ago...

    "It's not where he was born, it's where he lives NOW"
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Sep 20, 2012 White House: Libya was 'terrorist attack'

    By David Jackson, USA TODAY
    Updated 27m ago

    Mohammad Hannon AP

    A White House spokesman today said it is apparent that last week's attack in Libya that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans was an act of terrorism.
    "It is self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack," said White House spokesman Jay Carney."Our embassy was attacked violently and the result was four deaths of American officials."
    Carney also noted that the killings are still under investigation, and, "we have no information at this point to suggest that this is a significantly pre-planned attack."
    Asked about the Libyan attack during a forum in Miami, President Obama said: "We're still doing an investigation ... I don't want to speak to something until we know all the information."
    Carney spoke as CNN and others, citing unnamed sources, reported that slain U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens had "worried about what he called the never-ending security threats in Benghazi and mentioned his name was on an al Qaeda hit list."
    The White House spokesman also cited testimony from National Counterterrorism Center director Matthew Olsen, who told a Senate hearing yesterday: "I would say, yes, they were killed in course of terrorist attack on our embassy."
    U.S. officials initially attributed the death to protests over an anti-Islam that got out of control.
    The attack "was the result of opportunism, taking advantage of and exploiting what was happening as a result of the video which was found to be offensive." Carney said.
    The investigation also concerns security at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, officials said.
    At a White House briefing Wednesday, Carney said that President Obama "is absolutely concerned that we take the necessary measures to make sure that those who killed Americans are brought to justice.
    "And he has been focused from the beginning on ensuring that adequate security reinforcements be brought to bear at embassies and consulates and diplomatic facilities where that's deemed necessary," Carney added.
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    Default Re: Is Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya Facing Real Unrest or a Manufactured Crisis?

    Al-Qaeda claims torture death of Ambassador Stevens was revenge for Al- Libi


    "We encourage all Muslims to continue to demonstrate and escalate their protests ... and to kill their (American) ambassadors and representatives or to expel them to cleanse our land from their wickedness," said the statement from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, according to one CNN report.

    In a statement, al-Qaida in the Land of the Islamic Maghreb praised the killing of Christopher Stevens, the US ambassador to Libya, in an attack on the US consulate in Benghazi on September 11 2012.

    See article: Ambassador Stevens tortured before his death

    See video: Libya : U.S. Ambassador killed by Al-Qaeda Muslim Brotherhood in Benghazi, Libya (Sept 11, 2012)

    Al-Qaeda threatened attacks in Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Mauritania, and condemned the United States for "lying to Muslims for more than 10 years, saying its war was against terrorism and not Islam."

    The group urged Muslims to pull down and burn American flags at embassies, and kill or expel American diplomats to "purge our land of their filth in revenge for the honor of the Prophet”, see article: Al-Qaida calls for attacks on US diplomats ).
    Al-Qaeda has said the death of its second-in-command, Abu Yahya al-Libi has been avenged by the killing of the US ambassador to Libya earlier this week (see video: Al-Qaeda: US ambassador is vengeance for Al-Libi ).

    Abu Yahya al-Libi born Mohamed Hassan Qaid, was an Islamist terrorist and leading high-ranking official within al-Qaeda, and an alleged member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.

    The United States targeted him with a drone strike on June 4, 2012 in Mir Ali where he was killed. His death was later confirmed by al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in a video released in September 2012 to coincide with the 9/11 anniversary (see article: Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri confirms the death of his deputy Abu Yahya al-Libi ).
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Is Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya Facing Real Unrest or a Manufactured Crisis?

    Gohmert nauseated upon hearing reports of what they did to Ambassador Stevens

    “I come over here nauseated today upon hearing reports about--and I pray God they're not accurate--about what may have happened during the 8 hours or so the body of our great ambassador was missing", said Congressman Gohmert of Texas.

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    In a speech on September 14, 2012 before the U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Gohmert bluntley stated: “I come over here nauseated today upon hearing reports about--and I pray God they're not accurate--about what may have happened during the 8 hours or so the body of our great ambassador was missing.” (source: Congressional Register for September 14, 2012 ).
    His remarks seem to confirm other reports that Ambassador Stevens was beaten and tortured before his death in Libya (see article: Ambassador Stevens was tortured in Libya before his death ).

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    See also: U.S. Ambassador savagely murdered and dragged through the streets in Benghazi
    In related statements Congressman Gohmert said: “But, we also know, well, gee, the Embassy in Cairo released a statement and they were basically condemning anybody that would produce a provocative film that might offend Muslims. Good grief. How many movies have been produced that provoke and insult those of us who are Christians? Thank God that most of us, as Christians, understand that that does not justify going and killing people and burning people and burning up buildings.”
    It is not know is he was referring to Ambassador Stevens as one of the people who was “killed and burned” in this case, but it makes you wonder.
    Congressman Louie Gohmert is serving his fourth term in the United States House of Representatives.
    He represents the First District of Texas which encompasses over 12 counties stretching nearly 120 miles down the state's eastern border.
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    Default Re: Is Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Libya Facing Real Unrest or a Manufactured Crisis?

    It's Always Our Fault...

    Revisiting the "Stockholm Syndrome"

    By Leslie J. Sacks · September 20, 2012

    I've been following the sad news out of Benghazi. The late ambassador Stevens was a courageous man committed to uplifting the Libyan people who, together with the Egyptians, are our new "allies." Seeing photos of his corpse being dragged like garbage through the streets of the city by those who demand the niceties of Sharia Law, those who wish to establish the worldwide Muslim Caliphate and enforce the subjugation of women -- I had nothing pithy left to say, only sadness to feel.
    Yet it took the American Embassy in Cairo, Hilary Clinton and the Vatican to raise my hackles. The embassy tweeted: "we condemn the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims"; whilst Hilary, parading the endemic White House political correctness, called the obscure video by a crackpot "reprehensible" saying "we absolutely reject its content and message." The Vatican's Father Lombardi did not condemn the killings in Benghazi; rather he condemned "provocations against the sensibilities of Muslim believers."
    Yet, the attack in Benghazi was more an act of war than a spontaneous protest -- 400 showed up with mortars and RPGs.
    Why? Why does the most powerful government in the world apologize to a rioting rabble, murderers of ambassadors, avowed followers of Bin Laden, pillagers of sovereign American property, whilst at the same time equating the obnoxious and isolated video with the iniquitous violence, as though the two were in any way comparable? The allure of the freedoms guaranteed by our Bill of Rights seems lost to the White House; the integrity of moral judgment has become clouded amongst our leaders.
    Yes, this obscure and largely unseen video may indeed hurt the feelings of some devout Muslims, and may inflame some habitual anti-American hatred. But so will every Hollywood movie, every porn site, every political statement that's deemed impure and insulting to the Islamists who have zero tolerance to Western mores and traditions. This 14-minute video by some Egyptian Copt in California about the prophet Muhammad, "Innocence of Muslims," has been on YouTube since June -- yet the propagators of these riots waited until September 11th, that infamous anniversary, to fan the flames. (On September 8th a major Egyptian TV station aired this largely ignored short film).
    The real question is not the volatility of millions of Middle Easterners taught from birth to hate America and to despise Israel (as any excuse is usually enough). The real question is why we feel the need to pander and apologize to the most radical, violent and intolerant extremes around the world, to let them set the tone; a tone designed to stifle all criticism of Islam, to declare as blasphemy any attempt to reform radical Islam. (To Islamists, free speech does not extend to defamation of Islam and democracy merely another avenue to implement their 7th century theology).
    There were indeed in the past other isolated incidents -- Geert Wilders' "Fitna" movie in Amsterdam, the now infamous cartoons in the Jyllands-Posten newspaper in Denmark, a few pages of a discarded Koran burnt in error in Afghanistan. In the whole scheme of things, it's remarkable that there are not many more of these criticisms of Islam as we experience some of its radical manifestations today.
    When Saudi citizens murdered 3000 innocents on 9/11, no embassies were burned in America, no ambassadors murdered, no riots started. Yet a video of no value seems to bother the Muslim World more than these 3000 victims. Apologies seem to go only one way -- that is the real quandary. We are irrevocably always the Infidels, and they are always the revered protectors of Muhammad.
    Ignored yet more relevant is the proliferation, by contrast in the Middle East, of daily anti-West, anti-Semitic propaganda. It's everywhere, all the time -- it's the staple of much of the media, the education system, the Madrassas and the Mosques.
    A 41 episode series (Horse Without a Horseman) -- based on the forged Protocols of the Elders of Zion -- has been running on Egyptian TV presenting the Jews as a cabal of conspiring demons taking over the world.
    In Syria, a government-supported TV series trotted out the ancient blood libel, that of Jews murdering Muslim children, then using their blood to bake Passover Matzos. Strange also, since Kosher laws expressly forbid blood residues from meat.
    Hamas and the Palestinian Authority regularly equate Jews with the sons and daughters of monkeys, deserving of death and banishment. The PA pay convicted and jailed suicide bombers $3,000 per month using American government subsidies.
    Ahmadinejad talks of destroying Israel. Huge crowds danced, celebrated and handed out sweets in the Middle East capitals on 9/11.
    The list is endless as are the calls to violence, rage and vengeance.
    Does anyone from that world apologize for these daily genocidal exhortations? Does anyone from the West demand it? None that I have heard. Why? At MSNBC a consensus from a talk show advocated jailing the videographer as an accessory to murder, but not jailing the murderers themselves, not any lynch mobs. The murderers are granted victimhood in our upside-down world.
    US Ambassador to Egypt, Anne Patterson, had forbidden the embassy's security to carry live ammunition -- talk about a misguided attempt not to antagonize the Muslim Brotherhood, after all, talk about a more direct accessory to murder.
    Where's the outrage when in the Middle East homosexuals are tortured, women stoned, acid thrown into the faces of young girls, Coptic Churches burned, IQ deficient kids used as suicide bombers? The silence is more than deafening.
    We now apologize for our unique freedom of speech, the core bastion of our society; we apologize for the words, cartoons and photos of a few independent individuals exercising their inalienable right to free expression, to differing opinions for which we have no control over or responsibility for.
    Our ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, and White House spokesman, Jay Carney, insist unwaveringly, against all evidence, against the findings of the Libyan and Egyptian authorities, that the violence was not premeditated, that it was entirely due to the obscure YouTube video. Reports also note that the brother of Al Qaeda's current leader, namely Mohammed Zawahiri, was instrumental in the Cairo attack.
    Yet we seem to take the hate speech in the Middle East for granted, including beheadings, kidnappings, rapes, murders, and suicide bombings. We cowardly choose to respond by subsidizing these supremacist and fanatical leaders, these anti-American entities. We now show every variation of weakness and pandering, any apology we can muster in spite of the immutable reality that the Middle East only respects the strong horse and mocks the weak horse. Logic and morality be damned.
    We, and our ambassadors, should not be anywhere in which we cannot engender respect or elicit appreciation. Skype as an alternative really works very well nowadays. The White House ignores the green revolution in Iran, that hugely deserving opposition to a viciously anti-American regime, in a country of people primarily pro-American. Yet this same White House supports Egyptian President Morsi who demands the release of the first World Trade Center bomber, blind sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman. This same White House supports the Muslim Brotherhood, who has refused to recognize the State of Israel and whose leaders reaffirmed Jihad on Israel.
    We apologize when we should stand firm; strangely, we draw our enemies close and alienate our friends.
    I don't understand -- do you?
    Libertatem Prius!

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