Companion Thread:

Number of Muslims in the U.S. doubles since 9/11

Immigration and conversion are the driving force behind the rising number…

Immigration and conversion are the driving force behind the rising number of Muslims in America. >

Immigration and conversion are the driving force behind the rising number…

Number of Muslims in the U.S. doubles since 9/11

Thursday, May 03, 2012

A new survey reveals the dramatically changing face of religion in America, with the number of Muslims in the U.S. soaring 67% in the decade since the 9/11 attacks.

Data released Tuesday from the 2010 U.S. Religion Census shows Islam was the fastest growing religion in America in the last 10 years, with 2.6 million living in the U.S. today, up from 1 million in 2000.

Mormonism too saw remarkable growth, with a 45% increase in adherents. It added nearly 2 million members since 2000, bringing their number in the U.S. to 6.1 million.

"Both of these groups entered more than 200 counties that they weren't in 10 years ago," said Dale Jones, data analyst and mapping specialist for the Religion Census. The findings represent religious people who attend services. Census surveyors collected data on congregational adherents of 236 religious groups, including full members, their children and others who regularly attend services, with a 5% margin of error.

In the Midwest and parts of the South there are now more Muslims than Jews for the first time. Immigration from parts of the Muslim world and a small rise in conversions are the driving force behind the growth, researchers said. Jones also speculated that the burst of anti-Islam sentiment after the 9/11 attacks could have done more to grow the religion's presence in the U.S. than slow it. Those on the fence about converting to Islam may have decided to do so on principle.

"Persecution is sometimes good for a religious group — in the sense of being able to attract more followers, for some reason," Jones said. "Rarely is opposition a very effective tool in stopping the growth of a movement."

Dr. Ihsan Bagby, associate professor of Islamic studies at the University of Kentucky, agreed that any negative sentiments against Islam has only built up resilience in the Muslim community. "You get stronger with resistance,” he said. “If everything is just peachy keen, it's hard to grow. I think the anti-Muslim atmosphere in certain segments of the public square have actually made Muslims more religious.”

The Mormon faith, formally called Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, spread beyond the "Mormon Corridor” of Utah, Idaho and parts of Nevada and Arizona, the study also found.

Christianity and Catholicism both saw a small decrease in membership, while the number of Americans who don't identify with any organized religion grew considerably, the report showed.

More than 158 million Americans fell into the “unclaimed” category — more than triple the amount of even the most popular religions in the country.

The data was collected by the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies and released by the Association of Religion Data Archives. The full report and detailed maps are available on the ARDA website.

Islamic flood coming to America? How many tens of millions?


Related Topics: Terrorist, Israel, Palestinian, Obama

Read all 242 opinions

I want to call your attention to a serious issue.

We all know that Obama and the Democrats want to issue a mass amnesty to all illegal aliens and we know that includes a lot of people from Mexico and South American countries.

We also know that many of these illegals are anti America, criminals and in fact many are terrorists.

But.. there's something else looming on the horizon and.. it makes me wonder if this whole scenario might not have been planned...

"Israel National News recently reported that the Obama administration has decided to
allow Islamic professor Tariq Ramadan to enter the United States.
Ramadan, an Egyptian who currently lives in Switzerland, is a leading
member of Europe's Muslim Brotherhood branch and is the grandson of the
movement's founder. He was invited to teach at the University of Notre
Dame in 2004, but the Bush administration revoked his visa because
of donations he made to a blacklisted charity.

However, the Obama administration has now decided to lift the ban and
possibly allow Ramadan and Adam Habib, another Muslim professor, onto
U.S. soil.

"I'm sure you've heard many times that Washington, DC, is now flooded with
Muslims in very high positions in the U.S. administration, and these
Muslims already control the gates," notes Avi Lipkin,
an Israeli scholar and author who has traveled throughout the U.S. to
warn Americans about the threat of Islam. "The floodgates are open. The
Muslims are coming in in tremendous numbers into the U.S."

But he warns that the floodgates will only get worse when illegal aliens gain their amnesty.

"What we will be seeing, I'm afraid, will be an amnesty for the illegal
immigrants in America," Lipkin laments. "Once the amnesty takes place
for the Latin Americans, then they will get ready for the next wave of
illegals, which will be the tens of millions of Muslims who are going to
be flooding into the U.S., especially Egyptians and Palestinians."

Meanwhile, the State Department has declared that it no longer considers Ramadan or Habib to be a threat to the United States."

Is that the same State Department that just sent the NYC Imam on a tour of Muslim countries with our tax dollars?

The same State Department that is spending millions of our tax dollars to renovate mosques around the world?

We all know Obama is exempting huge segments of the population from his "Obamacare". Those of us who know a little math already realize that Obamacare cannot be funded. It is just impossible.

We also know that Obama has exempted big groups, Muslims, of course, from being subject to Obamacare.

So every day, there are fewer and fewer of us who will be paying for the tens of millions of new voters the Democrats are currently lusting after.

We've seen France crippled by the millions of Muslims to whom they gave sanctuary. Most of these Muslims live on welfare and drain the funds from the working French.

We've seen the crimes the Muslims commit, especially against non-Muslim women who don't cover up to suit them.

When Obama said hope and change... we never knew how much change he meant. This country could change into something we no longer even recognize.

Ten of millions of Muslims and other foreign nationals from Mexico and Latin America will completely alter the United States, forever.

All this, added to the fact that we already know the Federal government will not protect us and does not want to allow us to protect ourselves... what is happening in Egypt could very well be happening here within a year or two.

Please... act now while you still can.

Insist that there be no amnesty for illegal aliens and... do everything you can to stop the flood of Muslims into this country.

Blog suggested by RG.