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Thread: The Religion of Peace

  1. #61
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    Default Re: The Religion of Peaceâ„¢

    But wait... there so much more... this one is on a nationwide tour.

    What part of this do ordinary American's not comprehend?

  2. #62
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    Default Re: The Religion of Peaceâ„¢

    Well just let me say that we need to change this thread and rename it "The Religion of Violance" Mulisums have said nothing over the years about how sorry they are for all these attachs. I am really sorry for these people, but until they stand up and start acting like real peple and not like animals then we could start to talk.

    We have done everything in our power to try and understand what the hell they want and all we get from them is statements that we will kill you. Well since they all believe in the 72 A$$ in Heaven then we just need to help them get to that point.

    Our school are now letting them have they way with their praying 5 times a day, but when we ask to say the Lords Pray we are told we are taking away everythging from them and we are the people of HATE.

    I will be writting more on this later, by the way everytime I see a
    Mulisum I will tell them that they are the Religion of Hate, because I have not seen actions that prove to me they are PEACEFUL.

    What is that saying that you are Judged by your actions, who said that?

    [“I]f we continue to stay inert, they will become always more and more. They will demand always more and more, they will vex and boss us always more and more. ’Til the point of subduing us. Therefore, dealing with them is impossible. Attempting a dialogue, unthinkable. Showing indulgence, suicidal. And he or she who believes the contrary is a fool.”
    Last edited by falcon; September 20th, 2006 at 17:10.

  3. #63
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    This is an example of the religion of PEACE, drugs just bad news all the way around. And I am to be nice to these people.

    What has the muslim world given us over the years, except problems, they have never given the West anything good, why are we kissing there a$$. The left in this country just loves these types, plus all the Teddy and is buddies of Dem's. These peolpe are low lives and need to be put someplace and I mean all of them.

    The unholy past of the Muslim cleric demanding the Pope's execution

    Choudary: Refuses to discuss his dissolute youth

    At 39, Anjem Choudary should be a symbol of success for his peers. Born into the working-class family of a market trader in Welling on the outskirts of London, he has risen - thanks to the opportunities offered by the British education system - to become a qualified lawyer.

    But it is unlikely his old school will be inviting him to be guest speaker on prize-giving day. Their former pupil is not famous for his elegant oratory in court.

    Instead, the articulate Mr Choudary preaches hatred and murder in the streets of Britain to the next generation of young, impressionable Muslims.

    This week he stood outside Westminster Cathedral in central London to call for the execution of the Pope as punishment for 'insulting Islam'. He fulminated against Pope Benedict XVl, adding: "Whoever insults the message of Mohammed is going to be subject to capital punishment."

    It's a long way from his days as a medical student at Southampton University, where, friends say, he drank, indulged in casual sex, smoked cannabis and even took LSD. He called himself 'Andy' and was famed for his ability to drink a pint of cider in a few seconds.

    One former acquaintance said: "At parties, like the rest of us, he was rarely without a joint. The morning after one party, I can remember him getting all the roaches (butts) from the spliffs we had smoked the night before out of the ashtrays, cutting them up and making a new one out of the leftovers.

    "He would say he was a Muslim and was proud of his Pakistani heritage, but he did-n't seem to attend any of the mosques in Southampton, and I only knew of him having white girlfriends. He certainly shared a bed with them."

    On one occasion, 'Andy' and a friend took LSD together. The friend said: "We took far too much and were hallucinating for 20 hours."

    The only sign of religious fervour came in flashes of anger over Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses. A friend from that time said: "You didn't want to get him started on that. He would go on and on about the fatwa and he supported calls for the book to be banned. But he would have a glass of cider in his hand when he was carrying on about it."

    Choudary failed his first-year exams, switched from medicine to commercial law and did his final year as a law student at Guildford, from 1990 to 1991, before moving to London.

    There his legal career stalled briefly and he filled in his time by teaching English as a foreign language in one of the many colleges off Oxford Street.

    But eventually, he found a position with a firm of solicitors and began completing his qualifications to become a lawyer. His personal life blossomed too.

    In 1996, aged 29, he married Rubana Akhtar and started a family. The couple, who settled in East London, have a daughter aged eight, and sons aged six and one.

    Then he met the cleric Sheik Omar Bakri Mohammed at a mosque in Woolwich. Bakri, who is now banned from returning to Britain from Lebanon, had formed Al Muhajiroun, committed to the creation of a worldwide Islamic state, and Choudary quickly became a leading light in the group and its successor organisation, Al Ghurabaa.

    He is no longer a practising solicitor and has left his wife and children to concentrate on his extreme brand of Islam. It was Choudary who organised the Danish Embassy protests over the cartoons of the prophet Mohammed earlier this year, at which demonstrators dressed as suicide bombers and banners proclaimed: 'Behead Those Who Insult Islam'.

    He lauded the September 11 hijackers as 'magnificent martyrs' and praised Asif Hanif, the British suicide bomber who killed three in Tel Aviv in 2003.

    After the July 7 atrocities in London, he vowed he would not tell the police if he knew a terror attack was being planned and urged Muslims to defend themselves against perceived attacks by 'whatever means they have at their disposal'.

    His shocking pronouncements could be dismissed by some as the rantings of a mind clouded by religious fervour but Choudary has an audience and, at a time of increasing disaffection among young British Muslims, his activities are carefully monitored by Special Branch.

    A security source said: "He is not seen as premier league because he is so conspicuous. He is seen as an irritant but with a potential to inspire impressionable youngsters to go that one stage further."

    Despite his hatred of all things British - he says: "If British means adopting British values, then I don't think we can adopt British values. I'm a Muslim living in Britain. I have a British passport, but that's a travel document to me" - he and his family live on state benefits.

    Rubana is said by friends to claim £1,700 a month in housing benefit and income support while Choudary has also claimed £202 a month in income support.

    Yesterday, Choudary declined to talk about his past dissolute life, dismissing it as 'irrelevant'. He said: "I was born a Muslim and I have done my best to be a good Muslim all my life."

    And the drugs and alcohol? "That's not really part of what's happening in the world today. Anyway, it is all fabricated. It is complete nonsense.

    "My personal family situation and background is irrelevant to the situation in which we live. I can talk about politics and Islam but I don't want to talk about my personal life."

    He was too busy to answer any further questions. He now belongs to a sect he refuses to name and continues to deny any direct involvement in terrorism.

    In a recent interview, he said: "Do I know how to make liquid explosives? No, I'm not military-trained. I can make an omelette."

    A flippant remark from one whose extremism is so laced with threats of violence.

  4. #64
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    Receivede this via e-mail today.

    Can a devout Muslim be a good American?

    Have you ever thought: Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and a loyal citizen? Is Muslim-American really an oxymoron?
    I forwarded that question to a Friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:
    Theologically, no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, the moon god of

    Religiously, no. Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah
    except Islam (Quran, 2:256)

    Scripturally, no. Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of Islam
    and the Quran (Koran).

    Geographically, no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he
    turns in prayer five times a day.

    Socially, no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make
    friends with Christians or Jews.

    Politically, no. Because he must submit to the mullah (spiritual
    leaders), who teach annihilation of
    Israeland destruction of America,
    the great Satan.

    Domestically, no, because he is instructed to marry four women and beat
    and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran

    Intellectually, no, because he cannot accept the American Constitution
    since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be

    Philosophically, no, because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran do not allow
    freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co -
    exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or Autocratic.

    Spiritually, no, because when we declare "one nation under God," the
    Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as
    heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent
    names ..

    Therefore after much study and deliberation.... Perhaps we should be
    very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot
    be both "good" Muslims and good Americans. Call it What you's
    still the truth.

    Last edited by falcon; September 22nd, 2006 at 00:17.

  5. #65
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    Does this really surprise anyone?

    WND attributes this report to Department of Defense Counterintelligence Field Activity (DoD CIFA)

    Obviously the existence of the organization is verifiable.

    WND then claims the author of "Motivations of Muslim Suicide Bombers" is DoD CIFA.

    I can find no reference to verify that claim.


    Suicide bombers follow Quran, concludes Pentagon briefing

    Tasked with pinpointing motivation, analysts find terrorists 'rational actors' following 'holy book'

    Posted: September 27, 2006
    10:17 p.m. Eastern

    © 2006

    With suicide bombings spreading from Iraq to Afghanistan, the Pentagon has tasked intelligence analysts to pinpoint what's driving Muslim after Muslim to do the unthinkable.

    Their preliminary finding is politically explosive: it's their "holy book" the Quran after all, according to intelligence briefings obtained by WND.

    In public, the U.S. government has made an effort to avoid linking the terrorist threat to Islam and the Quran while dismissing suicide terrorists as crazed heretics who pervert Islamic teachings.

    "The terrorists distort the idea of jihad into a call for violence and murder," the White House maintains in its recently released "National Strategy for Combating Terrorism" report.

    But internal Pentagon briefings show intelligence analysts have reached a wholly different conclusion after studying Islamic scripture and the backgrounds of suicide terrorists. They've found that most Muslim suicide bombers are in fact students of the Quran who are motivated by its violent commands – making them, as strange as it sounds to the West, "rational actors" on the Islamic stage.

    Caption: Palestinian child pretends he's a suicide bomber.

    In Islam, it is not how one lives one's life that guarantees spiritual salvation, but how one dies, according to the briefings. There are great advantages to becoming a martyr. Dying while fighting the infidels in the cause of Allah reserves a special place and honor in Paradise. And it earns special favor with Allah.

    "Suicide in defense of Islam is permitted, and the Islamic suicide bomber is, in the main, a rational actor," concludes a recent Pentagon briefing paper titled, "Motivations of Muslim Suicide Bombers."

    Suicide for Allah a 'win-win'

    "His actions provide a win-win scenario for himself, his family, his faith and his God," the document explains. "The bomber secures salvation and the pleasures of Paradise. He earns a degree of financial security and a place for his family in Paradise. He defends his faith and takes his place in a long line of martyrs to be memorialized as a valorous fighter.

    "And finally, because of the manner of his death, he is assured that he will find favor with Allah," the briefing adds. "Against these considerations, the selfless sacrifice by the individual Muslim to destroy Islam's enemies becomes a suitable, feasible and acceptable course of action."

    The briefing – produced by a little-known Pentagon intelligence unit called the Counterintelligence Field Activity, or CIFA – cites a number of passages from the Quran dealing with jihad, or "holy" warfare, martyrdom and Paradise, where "beautiful mansions" and "maidens" await martyr heroes. In preparation for attacks, suicide terrorists typically recite passages from six surahs, or chapters, of the Quran: Baqura (Surah 2), Al Imran (3), Anfal (8), Tawba (9), Rahman (55) and Asr (103).

    CIFA staffs hundreds of investigators and analysts to help coordinate Pentagon security efforts at U.S. military installations at home and abroad.

    The Pentagon unit is especially concerned about a new wave of suicide bombings hitting Afghanistan.

    Suicide bombings have killed more than 200 people in Afghanistan this year, up from single digits two years ago. On Tuesday, a suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest and killed 18 outside an Afghan government compound. Last week, a suicide bomber riding a bike killed at least four NATO soldiers. And earlier this month, a suicide car bomber rammed into a U.S. military convoy near the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, killing 16 people, including two American soldiers.

    500 suicide bombers in reserve

    The U.S. command in Afghanistan now warns that a suicide bombing cell is operating inside the Afghan capital. Meanwhile, the Taliban's top military commander told ABC News he has 500 suicide bombers at his disposal.

    "We have so many of them that it is difficult to accommodate and arm and equip them," Mullah Dadullah Akhund said. "Some of them have been waiting for a year or more for their turn to be sent to the battlefield."

    The emergence of a suicide cell in Kabul troubles military analysts because suicide attacks are the most effective weapon Muslim terrorists can use against the West. The Rand Corp. predicts they'll pose a serious and constant threat to the U.S. for years to come.

    The U.S. intelligence community is growing increasingly worried, as well.

    "Most jihadist groups will use suicide attacks focused primarily on soft targets to implement asymmetric warfare strategy," warns the just-declassified executive summary of the National Intelligence Estimate on the global terror threat. "Fighters with experience in Iraq are a potential source of leadership for jihadists pursuing these tactics."

    Many scholars and media pundits, however, insist Muslim suicide bombers are not driven by religion.

    "Beneath the religious rhetoric with which [such terror] is perpetrated, it occurs largely in the service of secular aims," claims Professor Robert A. Pape of the University of Chicago. "Suicide terrorism is mainly a response to foreign occupation rather than a product of Islamic fundamentalism."

    He says U.S. foreign policy is more a factor than faith.

    "Though it speaks of Americans as infidels, al-Qaida is less concerned with converting us to Islam than removing us from Arab and Muslim lands," Pape said.

    But what about the recent video by Adam Gadahn, the American al-Qaida, warning fellow Americans to convert to Islam before al-Qaida attacks again?

    "He never mentions virgins or the benefits Islamic martyrs receive in Heaven," Pape asserted.

    In fact, Gadahn notes 36 minutes into his speech that Allah reserves the highest rewards – "honors and delights" – for martyrs in Paradise.

    "[He] promised the martyr in his path the reward over and above the reward of the believer," Gadahn said. "He has promised them honors and delights too numerous to go into here."

    The 9/11 hijackers and the London bombers made martyrdom videos. In their last testaments, they recite the Quran while talking of their "love of death" and "sacrificing life for Allah." Seven martyrdom videotapes also were recovered by British authorities in the foiled transatlantic sky terror plot.

    Before the 9/11 attacks, the hijackers shaved and doused themselves with flower water in preparation for their weddings with the beautiful virgins in Paradise. "Know that the women of Paradise are waiting, calling out 'Come hither, friend of Allah,'" according to a four-page letter circulated among them titled "THE LAST NIGHT." "They have dressed in their most beautiful clothing."

    But are the virgins scriptural or apocryphal? French documentarian Pierre Rehov, who interviewed the families of suicide bombers and would-be bombers in an attempt to find out why they do it, says it's not a myth or fantasy of heretics.

    He says there's no doubt the Quran "promises virgins" to Muslim men who die while fighting infidels in jihad, and it's a key motivating factor behind suicide terrorism.

    "It's obviously connected to religion," said Rehov, who features his interviews with Muslims in a recently released film, "Suicide Killers." "They really believe they are going to get the virgins."

    He says would-be Muslim suicide bombers he's interviewed have shown him passages in the Quran "in which it's absolutely written that they're going to get the girls in the afterlife."

    Muslim clerics do not disavow the virgins-for-martyrs reward as a perverted interpretation of the Quran.

    And even Muslim leaders in the West condone suicide bombings. British scholar Azzam Tamimi recently told 8,000 Muslims in Manchester, England, that dying while fighting "George Bush and Tony Blair" is "just" and "the greatest act of martyrdom." Earlier, he said it's "the straight way to pleasing Allah."

    And the founder of an allegedly mainstream Muslim group in Washington – the Council on American-Islamic Relations – also has given his blessing to suicide bombings.

    Addressing a youth session at the 1999 Islamic Association for Palestine's annual convention in Chicago, CAIR founder Omar Ahmad praised suicide bombers who "kill themselves for Islam," according to a transcript provided by terror expert Steve Emerson's Investigative Project.

    "Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam, that is not suicide," Ahmad asserted. "They kill themselves for Islam."

    Osama bin Laden has encouraged "Muslims brothers" to defeat the U.S. and U.K. with suicide attacks.

    "I tell you to act upon the orders of Allah," he said in 2003, "be united against Bush and Blair and defeat them through suicide attacks so that you may be successful before Allah."

  6. #66
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    And so it begins.

    Well, actually continues.

    Any religion that forbids helping the disabled because of a dog just asks for condemnation.

    They will insinuate their whacko 'beliefs' into our life - one taxi at a time.

    Please note the sentence highlighted in red. Abdul Rasheed Majekodumni does not care that his act was illegal, and he states he will continue with his refusals.


    'Unclean' guide dog banned by Muslim cab driver
    Last updated at 09:25am on 6th October 2006

    A Muslim minicab driver refused to take a blind passenger because her guide dog was "unclean".

    Abdul Rasheed Majekodumni told Jane Vernon she could not get into his car with the dog because of his religion.

    Islamic tradition warns Muslims against contact with dogs because they are seen as impure.

    The case emerged as Jack Straw was embroiled in a controversy over Muslim women wearing veils and the row continued after a Muslim police officer was excused guard duty at the Israeli embassy. Today Mrs Vernon, 39, from Hammersmith, said: "This experience was very upsetting.

    "I was tired and cold and just wanted to get home but this driver made me feel like I was a second-class citizen, like I didn't count at all."

    Mrs Vernon, who works as a legal officer for the Royal National Institute for the Blind, added: "The owner of the minicab firm, Niven Sinclair, was also very insensitive, telling me that what had happened to me wasn't really very important, and I should have more respect for other people's culture. They have shown very little respect for my rights as a disabled person and have never once offered me an apology."

    Niven's and Co cab company, is contracted by the BBC and the minicab was sent to take her home from a studio after she was invited to appear on News 24.

    The driver's refusal resulted in a court case because the law requires all licensed cab drivers to carry guide dogs. Magistrates at Marylebone fined Mr Majekodumni £200 and ordered him to pay £1,200 for failing to comply with regulations set out under the Disability Discrimination Act. After the case Mr Majekodunmi remained defiant and insisted that he would continue refusing passengers accompanied by guide dogs.

    Bill Alker, who works with Mrs Vernon at the RNIB supporting other victims of discrimination, said: "Jane and I have worked together for about 16 months advising and supporting people who have suffered the same crime.

    "It is absolutely wrong and must stop. Many drivers, cab company operators and the authorities that provide licences are together flouting a good law that was introduced to help blind and partially sighted people get about more independently."

    Drivers who refuse to take a guide dog can lose their licence or get a fine of up to £1,000 but Mr Alker said cases rarely went to court.

    "Victims must have the support of the area licensing authority who have the power to bring a prosecution or discipline the driver," he said. "So many drivers flout the law and get away with it."

    Earlier this month Mrs Vernon supported-another blind woman who was refused a taxi ride take the case to court. Bernie Reddington, 37, had asked driver Basir Miah for a lift home after a hospital appointment at Great Ormond Street but he had refused, calling her dog "dirty".

    Horseferry Magistrates Court found him guilty of breaching the terms of his licence and fined him £150 plus £250 compensation.

    Mrs Vernon said: "We need to encourage other licensing authorities around the country to start taking these incidents more seriously.

    "Many blind people rely on taxis to get around. Not being able to get access to this kind of service is completely wrong and can affect their independence and confidence. In many cases this causes real problems in their work, educational and social life."

    Keith Porteous Wood of the National Secular Society, said: "The clash between religious rights and the human rights of other people will become increasingly an issue as the Government tries to include all forms of discrimination under the same umbrella.

    "Fortunately, in this instance, disability seems to trump religion."

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    Faith Freedom International is a grassroots movement of ex-Muslims. Its goal it to prove that Islam is an imperialistic ideology akin to Nazism disguised as religion, and to help Muslims leave it and join the fold of humanity. We strive for the unity of Mankind though the elimination of a major doctrine of hate.
    To visit our new active site please click here

    To access our massive archive please use the following internal links. Here is where you'll find the treasure trove of FFI.


  8. #68
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  9. #69
    Senior Member Joey Bagadonuts's Avatar
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    The Quran does instruct the faithful to kill those who leave the faith but Muslim leaders have said that is not to be taken literally.
    Looks like the memo hasn't reached the killers yet

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++

    Muslim stabs wife when daughter becomes Christian
    'If children fail, the mother is at fault and will bear the brunt of the blame'

    Posted: October 14, 2006
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    © 2006

    A devout Muslim woman was attacked and stabbed to death, allegedly by her husband, after their 17-year-old daughter announced she was embracing Christianity, according to police and news reports.

    Officials say Dr. Muhammad Hussain, 48, remained in critical condition in the Gold Coast Hospital with knife wounds, under police guard, as authorities investigated the death from stabbing injuries of his wife, Yasmine, 41.

    According to Assist News Service, neighbors of the Australian family reported "blood curdling" and "terrifying" screams, along with cries of "Help me, help me, they're trying to kill me," on Monday night.

    Shortly after, the report said, Kaihana Hussain fled from the family's apartment, dressed in underwear because her clothes had been torn off, with blood splattered over her scratched and cut body.

    Police found the mother inside the apartment, dead, and the father seriously hurt. It was not immediately clear how the father was also stabbed.

    "From what we understand the daughter decided to tell her father of her radical plan to convert to Christianity which, in the eyes of most Muslims, is totally unacceptable and to be honest, sadly, many would react as he has done," a Muslim source told "The Gold Coast Bulletin."

    "It is the Islamic way that if a son or daughter does or plans to do something that is unacceptable or wrong for a Muslim then it is the mother who is automatically at fault and will bear the brunt of the blame," the source said.

    The mother and daughter apparently had arrived in the popular East Australia region only a few days earlier. The doctor apparently had been there for several weeks, establishing his medical practice.

    Elizabeth Kendal, of the World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Commission, told ASSIST that the tragedy highlights "the great and urgent need for rigorous, open debate on what Western religious liberty means for Muslim immigrants, and what Islam's rejection of apostasy means for Christians in terms of convert care."

    Reports said Hussain finished his medical training in Bangladesh in 1982 and in 2001 finished a masters in family medicine program in Australia. The family settled earlier in Adelaide, where the daughter attended a local nondenominational Christian school.

    Police indicated the religious dispute was being reviewed, but they couldn't confirm the details. Neighbors, however, supported that account.

    Neighbor Caitlin Dalton told The Australian that many people heard the screams as the girl fled the luxury apartment.

    She told the neighbors she had wanted to "convert from the Islam religion … and obviously her father didn't handle it very well," Dalton said.

    A police detective-inspector said the investigation would determine if charges will be filed.

    "This matter may end up in a criminal trial or may end up in a coroner's court. Before we know the full facts, I'm not willing to speculate," he said.

    Officials at Pembroke school in Adelaide, where the teen had attended, said the school is nondenominational and students are encouraged "to seek their own spiritual journeys."

    Students are not required to participate in Christian services, officials said.

    Pembroke principal Malcolm Lamb released a statement explaining the school's practice.

    "In the case of Islamic students the school is in principle and in practice very supportive of students observing religious customs, such as wearing the Hijab – this has happened in the past, observing fasting and the need for prayer rooms," Lamb said.

    The Quran does instruct the faithful to kill those who leave the faith but Muslim leaders have said that is not to be taken literally.

    ...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

  10. #70
    Senior Member Joey Bagadonuts's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Religion of Peaceâ„¢

    "Conversion by rape".....Yep, raping a 15 year old girl if she won't convert to the "religion of peace".

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++

    Teen escapes from Muslim kidnappers in Egypt
    Girl had been abducted from public bus to be 'converted' to Islam

    Posted: October 12, 2006
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    © 2006

    Lorans Emeel, threatened with rape if she denied Islam

    A 15-year-old Egyptian girl has escaped from a team of Muslims who kidnapped her and threatened her with rape if she did not convert to Islam, according to a new report from Voice of the Martyrs."

    The group, a Christian aid organization that has helped members of the persecuted Christian church worldwide since its founding in 1967, said it is for situations such as the recent one involving Lorans Wageah Emeel that it runs safe houses in various locations throughout the Muslim world.

    The teen, living in El Mahala Al Kobra, about 60 miles north of Cairo, disappeared from a public bus on Oct. 2, when a team of Muslims drugged her and threatened her with rape if she refused to embrace Islam, described by its supporters as a "religion of peace."

    Her parents were notified via text message that, "The girl is not accepting easily, but she will embrace Islam for sure." Another said, "Take the rest of your daughters and leave the city, or you will lose them one by one."

    The Compass Direct report provided to Voice of the Martyrs said it was the next night, about 10 p.m. on Oct. 3, when she was able to escape from a detention room where she was being held in Helwan, a suburb just south of Cairo.

    She fled while the terrorists were taking a break from a Ramadan fast, the report said. She was able to contact authorities, but was told then that if she did not deny the kidnapping had occurred, she would "never see her parents again."

    The kidnapping was reported only by the El Tareek, the sole Arabic Christian newspaper in the Middle East. It said that the abductors wanted the girl, a student at Saida Nafesa High School in El Mahala Al Kobra, to reject Christ and embrace Islam.

    Her family members had gathered at the El Mahala Al Kobra police station on the morning of Oct. 3 to plead with officers to find Lorans and return her to them. Her parents accused a Muslim man of kidnapping their daughter in a report filed at the police station.

    Voice of the Martyrs said the kidnapping of Christian teenage girls in Muslim nations has reached epidemic proportions. Other times, the girls themselves are lured away with promises of material wealth.

    The organization, for that reason, sponsors safe houses in various Islamic nations to protect Christian girls who face such threats, or who already have escaped from abduction, officials said.

    These Christian refuges are also places where young women learn job skills and receive spiritual training, the group said.

    ...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

  11. #71
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    Default Re: The Religion of Peaceâ„¢

    Let me tell you a story....

    Doing the late 1970s, we had people kidnapped from our Embassy in Iran. I'm sure most of you remember that or have read about it if you're younger.

    I was there in Egypt during that time period as a ground support troop for the failed mission to rescue them, but that isn't what this story is about.

    While in Egypt, myself and a couple dozen others took a tour around Luxor, Ancient Thebes and along the Nile. We spent a full day going around to different sites, in civilian clothing as "tourists".

    At one point during this tour, we noticed a few others from other countries, including one young lady from the UK. She was dressed in short pants, flip flops and a teeshirt... with apparently no bra on. I bring this up because she was definately "out of place" in that environment.

    Suddenly an old man, with a beard, jumped off a donkey cart and ran to this girl with his whip in his hand, and he started beating the crap out of her.

    We were not "allowed to touch" anyone --- so we, 20 or so of us placed ourselves between the young lady, and the assilant. Our bus driver, who was Egyptian tried to tell the man to stop before he was injured. He did get injured. One of the older men not liking at all what was happening took the whip from the Egypian male and and proceeded to give him a little of his own medicine.

    In walking the young woman back to her hotel we determined she was with a group of students, dressed no unlike herslef whom she had become separated. Fortunately, we managed to escort her back to her hotel with no further incidents.

    That afternoon, we ran into a bunch of Iranian women who yelled bad things at the American military males they saw and called us names (in English).

    This all happened around 1980.

    So, things haven't changed a bit there, and they never will. Unless we convert those people from Islam.

    Matter of fact. I think I wil start a movement to convert them...
    Libertatem Prius!

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  12. #72
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    You know, I have always been (and still am) a person who respected other people's faith/religion. I have always been open-minded when I listen to people explain why the believe what they believe. My best friends and I all share different religions: I'm a Catholic, one's a mormon, one's a Baptist and one's an atheis (sp?). They explain things to me and some of it makes sense and some doesn't. I do happen to work with Muslims and I must say that I cannot see their point of view. Being the person I am I ask them questions about their religion here and there and only one of them is actually willing to break it down for me. Some times just to kill time we joke around with each other, him and I. For a while I thought that people's opinion about Muslims were a bit bias.

    I can't tell you how wrong I was.

    I'm not going into detail what happend since it was too personal, but basically everything I heard was true. They cannot be trusted in anyway. The current book I am reading explains that it is okay for Muslims to lie and be deceitful to non-Muslims. I happen to learn of this hard way. It just blows my mind away that a religion demands to harm innocent people. I just will never understand evil.

    BTW, the book I am readings is "The Politcally Incorrect Guide to Islam (and The Crusades). It doesn't bring up anything new about the religion that hasn't already been said, but it does give some history.
    Where am I going and why am I in this handbasket???

    The only difference between martyrdom and suicide is the press coverage.

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    Some sobering lessons from Muslim taxi drivers

    By Dennis Prager
    Tuesday, October 17, 2006

    Understandably, those troubled by the contemporary Muslim world point to the amount of gratuitous violence emanating from it and the apparent absence of Muslim anger against it.

    In response, Muslim defenders of their faith -- and Western defenders such as Karen Armstrong and John Esposito -- inform us that the terror, suicide and cruelty that emanate from a portion of the Muslim world are all aberrations. We are assured that the average Muslim is as appalled as all other decent people are by Muslims who torture, decapitate and blow up innocent people.

    Some recent news items from Britain, Australia and the United States, however, suggest that we can make a more accurate assessment of contemporary Islam by looking beyond Islamic terror and beyond the lack of Muslim opposition to it.

    I am referring to news reports not about Muslim terrorists but about the far more mundane group of religious Muslims who happen to be taxi drivers. In Britain and Australia, Muslim taxi drivers refuse to pick up passengers who have a dog with them -- even when the passenger is blind and the dog is a Seeing Eye dog. Nearly all religious Muslims believe that Islam forbids them to come into contact with dogs.

    Therefore, Muslim taxi drivers will even drive by a blind person standing in the cold, lest they come into contact with the dog.

    And in Minneapolis, Minn., Muslim taxi drivers, who make up a significant percentage of taxi drivers in that city, refuse to pick up passengers who have a bottle of wine or other alcoholic beverage with them.

    This is significant. We are not talking here about Muslim fanatics or Muslim terrorists, but about decent every day Muslims. And what these practices reveal is something virtually unknown in Judeo-Christian societies -- the imposing of one's religious practices on others.

    Now, many of those with a graduate degree in the humanities, and others taught how not to think clearly, will object that religious Christians do exactly this sort of thing when they try to impose their religious views on abortion, for example, on society.

    But there is no analogy between a Muslim not allowing a non-Muslim to bring a bottle of wine or a dog into a Muslim-driven taxi and Christians trying to convince a democratic society to outlaw most abortions.
    There is no comparing ritual prohibitions with moral prohibitions.

    Christians argue that taking the life of a human fetus where the mother's life is not endangered is immoral. And so do religious Jews (and Muslims) and many secular individuals -- because the issue of abortion is a moral issue. Contact with dogs, on the other hand, is a ritual issue, not a moral issue. Which is why non-Muslims do not consider it immoral -- unlike the many non-Christians who consider most abortions immoral.
    And Christians and others who deem abortions immoral when the mother's health is not threatened have as much right to argue for passing laws banning most such abortions as other citizens do to pass laws banning racial discrimination.

    Ah, the skeptic may argue, but what if Muslims deem human contact with a dog (except, according to Muslim jurists, for security purposes, farming and hunting) an immoral act, not just a ritually prohibited act for Muslims?
    If indeed such were the Muslim argument, we would have an example of an unbridgeable difference between a Muslim conception of morality and that of non-Muslims.

    There is then no analogy between Christians wanting to use the democratic process to ban a practice regarded by hundreds of millions of non-Christians as immoral and the Muslim ban on human contact with dogs, a practice regarded by no non-Muslims as immoral.
    The appropriate analogy to Muslim taxi drivers refusing to take passengers accompanied by a dog or carrying a bottle of wine would be religious Jewish taxi drivers refusing to take passengers eating a ham sandwich or Mormon drivers refusing to take passengers drinking alcoholic or caffeinated drinks.

    But such Jewish or Mormon examples don't exist (and if they did, religious Jews and Mormons would regard such persons as crackpots). They do not exist because Jews and Mormons do not believe that non-Jews are required to change their behavior owing to Judaism's or Mormonism's distinctive laws. Religious Muslims, on the other hand, do believe that wherever applicable, non-Muslims should change their behavior in the light of Islam's distinctive laws. And that difference is at least as important to Muslim-non-Muslim relations as the vexing issue of violent Muslims.

    As for the difference between fundamentalist Muslims and fundamentalist Christians, a Christian mailman in Denver called my radio show to say that despite his profound religious objections to pornography, he could not imagine objecting to delivering even the raunchiest porn to homes that ordered it. First, religious non-Muslims, especially in America, believe that liberty, too, is a religious value; that is why Christians put a quote about liberty from the Torah on the Liberty Bell. And second, they have no doctrine that holds outsiders bound to their religious practices.

    And that is why there may be more to be learned about the future of religious Muslims' relations with non-Muslims from Muslim taxi drivers than from Muslim terrorists.

    Copyright © 2006 Salem Web Network. All Rights Reserved.

    Accessed 17 Oct 2006,

  14. #74
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    Default Re: The Religion of Peaceâ„¢

    Quote Originally Posted by Bastastic View Post
    The current book I am reading explains that it is okay for Muslims to lie and be deceitful to non-Muslims.
    That is known as the Islamic practice of al-Taqiyya. Dissimulation.

  15. #75
    Senior Member Joey Bagadonuts's Avatar
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    the Islamic practice of al-Taqiyya
    How totally different that practice is from the NINTH COMMANDMENT of the TRUE "religion of peace'.

    Liberals are always talking about "understanding and respect and tolerance for others". Well where is the muslim respect, understanding and tolerance the western countries, and their host country...Great Britan?

    We would not dare go to a muslim country and expect DEMAND them change their laws and customs to suit us. WHY do we allow it in western countries? When they move here they have to be told that they WILL respect the laws and customs or they will be deported or jailed if they break laws. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!'s what I really came here to post. MORE "tolerance, peace and understanding" from muslims living in the U.K.:

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++

    British watchdog warns on veil debate

    By BETH GARDINER, Associated Press Writer Sun Oct 22, 11:07 AM ET

    LONDON - The heated debate over veils that cover the faces of some British Muslim women is growing ugly and could trigger riots, the head of Britain's race relations watchdog warned on Sunday.

    Britons are becoming increasingly polarized along racial and religious lines, and if they don't talk respectfully about their differences, tensions could fuel unrest, Commission for Racial Equality chairman Trevor Phillips wrote in The Sunday Times newspaper.

    In an interview with British Broadcasting Corp. television, he said he didn't want Britain to suffer the kind of violence that exploded in the deprived suburbs of Paris a year ago, when disaffected young people, many from immigrant backgrounds, rioted for three weeks.

    He warned there could also be a repeat of the rioting in several northern English towns in 2001 caused by racial tensions between white and mainly Muslim south Asian youths.

    "Only this time the conflict would be much worse," Phillips wrote in the Times.

    Muhammad Abdul Bari, secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said some violent attacks already have occurred against Muslims in the country. He said some women's veils have been forcibly pulled off, mosques set on fire and Muslims beaten by gangs of men.

    The debate over veils was set off earlier this month when former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, now leader of the House of Commons, said Muslim women visiting his office should remove their veils. A Muslim teaching assistant in northern England was then suspended from her job for refusing to remove a black veil that left only her eyes visible.

    The issue touches on growing anxieties about Britain's diversity and the alienation of young British Muslims like those who carried out suicide bombings on London's transit system last year, killing themselves and 52 commuters.

    Last week, Prime Minister
    Tony Blair said the country needed to talk about how minority communities could better integrate into the wider society while maintaining their cultural distinctiveness. He called the veil "a mark of separation."

    Phillips said he thought Straw's remarks had been polite and respectful, but he worried the debate had since grown ugly and rancorous. The commission he leads was created by law in 1976 to fight discrimination and encourage good race relations.

    In the interview with BBC, he said "what should have been a proper conversation between all kinds of British people seems to have turned into a trial of one particular community, and that cannot be right."

    "We need to have this conversation but there are rules by which we have the conversation which don't involve this kind of targeting and frankly bullying," he said.

    ...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

  16. #76
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    Here is the English language translation of Al-Hakaymah's Book 'How to Fight Alone'

    Covenant Followers Site

    Under the Supervision of Sheikh Mohammed al-Hakayma, may God protect him,

    In Collaboration with the Maddad al-Sooyoof Team [Sword’s Pen Team]

    How to Fight Alone?

    {Recommended Methods and Ideas}
    Sheikh Mohammed al-Hakayma, may God protect him


    In the name of God, most Gracious, most Merciful

    Praise God, peace and blessings on God’s messenger, his family, companions and those who follow him

    These ideas, methods and tools can be developed further and altered in different creative ways. When the method and tools are easier to use, the Islamic nation’s motivation to take part in this venture will be greater.

    We will mention the tools, ideas and methods that are currently available, and we will let our expert brothers bring about new methods, innovations and various tools. All I can say is that success comes from God.

    One: Killing with Simple Tools

    These tools are easy to use and available for anyone who wants to fight the occupying enemy. However, they require the following:

    1. Knowledge of which parts of the human body lead to death.
    2. Practice one sport, such as body-building, judo, or wrestling, at existing town clubs.
    3. Watch for easy targets that are suitable for such operations.


    1. Stabbing with daggers or knives.
    2. One gram of cocaine; one gram of heroin.
    [Translator’s Note: Number "3" is missing from the list in the source document]
    4. Air needle into the artery.
    5. Explosive device in a car engine, connected to the generator.
    6. Placing a snake inside the car.
    7. Severing the brake oil pipe.
    8. Placing a lead ball in the fuel tank; when there is not fuel left in the tank and there is friction between the ball and the iron, the remaining gasoline will cause the tank to blow up.
    9. Sniping from a distance, even with a poisoned iron arrow.
    10. Setting fire to homes or rooms at sleep time.
    12. Assassination with handguns.
    13. Luring and killing.
    14. Running over someone with a car.

    Two: Killing by Using Poison

    Toxins that can be quickly prepared:
    These are toxins whose ingredients are widely available, and that are cheap and effective. They include the following:

    1. Rotten meat toxins (botulinum)
    2. Castor oil seed poison (ricin)
    3. Cigarette toxin (nicotine)
    4. Potato toxin (chloro-glycol ethylene)
    5. Mushroom toxin (muscarene, amatyn)
    1. Rotten meat toxins (botulinum toxins)
    This toxin is considered highly potent. It is produced by bacteria called "clostridium botulinum." These bacteria grow in canned food products such as fruit and vegetables (e.g., beans, spinach, tomatoes, and olives), and in cheese, smoked fish, and meat. The toxins are protein-based and are broken down by heat. Raising the temperature to 100 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes is enough to destroy the toxin, but does not kill all types of bacteria. These only grow in places that do not contain oxygen. Botulinum toxins are considered among the most powerful and lethal toxins for humans, and they are deemed to be one thousand times more poisonous than nerve gases. They are classified as germ weapons, given that they are produced from germs or bacteria and are not found in nature other than in soil (in mud or at the bottom of the sea, where there is no oxygen). They sometimes live in fish entrails, including salmon, and look like the anthrax disease germ, as sacculations form around it, and this enables the germ to resist changes in the surrounding environment. For instance, these germs are able to resist boiled water up to six hours. Furthermore, they multiply in certain types of canned fruit, vegetables and meat, if a mistake is made in the canning process. When the air becomes suitable, this germ changes from the sacculated condition to a normal one, and it begins to grow and multiply in an environment without oxygen, then secretes its lethal toxins. If the food is taken from the can without heating, the toxin enters the human body. However, if the canned food is heated before eating, the toxins are destroyed. This germ’s toxins come in different guises. Until now, six types have been discovered, which are a, b, c, d, e, and f. The first two types are the most potent of the six toxins, since 12 micrograms of type (a) are sufficient to kill any human being. (A microgram, as is well known, is one-thousandth of a milligram.) Thirty milliliters of these toxins are sufficient to kill 60 million people. If 30 to 50 milliliters of these are placed in a ten-million gallon reservoir, anyone who drinks half a liter of the reservoir water will die. For your information, there is no effective antidote for this poison once its symptoms appear, and the body has no natural immunity against it.

    Lethal dose: 12-28 of one-millionth gram is sufficient to kill any human being in a period ranging between 3 and 6 days.
    Symptoms: These may appear 2 to 4 hours after ingesting the polluted food. Usually, symptoms appear 12 to 36 hours later, and include nausea, vomiting, and muscular paralysis resulting from the attachment of the toxin to the nerve endings where estylcolin secretion site. This leads to failing eyesight, widening of the eye’s pupils, and weakness in the neck’s muscles until the victim is unable to lift his head from a pillow. The patient’s temperature usually rises, and when the attack is severe, the victim will die from pulmonary paralysis and cardiac arrest within 2 to 6 days from the occurrence of poisoning. There are other symptoms, including fluid discharges from the mouth and the nose.

    Poison preparation steps:
    The instruments and ingredients that are required are the following: an iron or glass container, ground corn, pieces of meat, horse’s dung or cow’s dung dust, water, and a black bag.

    1. Fill roughly two-third of the iron or glass container with the ground corn.
    2. Place atop the ground corn small pieces of meat (about 2 spoonfuls).
    3. Place the dung or dung dust atop the meat (about 1.5 spoonfuls).
    4. Now pour water above the dung or the dung dust until the container is full and the water reaches the brim; wait a little while to make sure that the water has filled the whole container.
    5. Then close tightly the container and place it in a warm and dark place for ten days. You will notice that the container’s lid expands and that a small quantity of brown deposit has formed on top of the container, below the lid.
    6. This brown deposit layer is the resulting toxin (botulinum). Put on a pair of gloves and place a mask on your face, and be very cautious.
    7. Use the spoon in order to extract this poison from the container and place it in a plastic or glass box until it is time to use it. You should know that these toxins will be spoiled once they have been exposed to the air for twelve hours, as we have mentioned previously. (They can be kept for a long time if they are placed in oxygen-free containers.)

    Experiments and observations:
    1. After ten days brown pieces resembling coffee appeared in the container, above the high water surface and along the glass walls… This brown matter was removed and a small amount of it, about 0.1 gram or less, was dissolved in ethyl alcohol (about 5 ml). We took 1 ml of this solution and injected it into a stocky rabbit. The rabbit died within 18 (eighteen) hours after experiencing the above symptoms.
    2. In another experiment, 1 gram of toxin was dissolved in 5 ml of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO). We injected a rabbit with 1 ml of this solution, and the rabbit died 24 hours later after experiencing also the symptoms.
    3. In the following experiment a medium-built rabbit was injected 1 ml of the container’s water. The rabbit died ten hours later after experiencing the symptoms.
    4. The back of the rabbit’s neck was rubbed with the toxin dissolved in DMSO. The rabbit died 42 hours later after experiencing the symptoms.

    Important Remarks:

    1. When spraying these toxins to let the body absorb them through inhalation, their effect becomes one thousand times that of any other method of use.
    2. These toxins may be stored for long periods of time in oxygen-free containers. They are among the weapons that are most suited to be kept under control. If, God forbid, biological warfare breaks out, it is likely that these toxins will be the first weapons to be used.

    Castor Oil Seed Toxins


    Ricin toxin is considered among the widely used toxins. The reason is that castor trees are spread throughout the world. It does not raise any suspicion since castor oil seeds are used to extract castor oil, which is sold at pharmacies as a medicine to treat abdominal pains.
    Castor seed plants are considered among the superior plants that cause delayed inflammations in the stomach and intestines. One seed from the castor oil seeds may cause poisoning, as it contains 1 mg of Ricin.
    Lethal dose: 0.35 gm of pure toxin; that dose is contained in 3-5 seeds and is lethal to children only, given that children’s resistance is weak. However, the lethal dose for adults is contained in 20 seeds. The victim dies within 4 days at the most.
    Symptoms: Poisoning symptoms may appear early or late and include nausea, vomiting, intense abdominal pains, intense thirst, and severe diarrhea which may be accompanied by blood. These ailments are coupled with pain and burning in the throat. If the dose is high, other symptoms appear, such as weak pulse, dry mouth, convulsions, fainting, weight loss, drop in blood pressure, damage to the circulatory system, and death.
    Extracting the Poison:
    1. Prepare enough castor seeds in order to obtain a specific weight once you have removed the seeds’ two shells. You do this either by breaking the shells or extracting the seeds from these. If there are too many seeds, we place them in water to which we add sodium hydroxide according to the following proportions: 50 gm of castor seeds, 280 ml water, and two spoons of sodium hydroxide.
    2. Once you remove the shells, place the seeds in a blender or grinder with four times its weight of acetone. Grind well.
    3. Pour the resulting solution from the blender or grinder into a cup or plastic box and cover tightly for 72 hours.
    4. After 72 hours, filter the mixture. Put on medical gloves and squeeze the remaining paste in order to extract the greatest amount of acetone that contains non-toxic ingredients.
    5. Add a new quantity of acetone, which is equal to four times the paste’s weight, to the cup or box, and cover once more for 72 hours.
    6. After 72 hours, you may filter the paste to obtain the pure toxin following the drying process. (It is also possible to use the toxin dissolved in acetone in the assassination operation that uses ricin.)
    Experiments and observations:
    1. We placed 1 gm of ricin in 20 ml of DMSO. We stirred until dissolution. Then we injected a rabbit with 3 ml of the solution. The rabbit died after 24 hours.
    2. With 1.7 ml of ricin dissolved in acetone, the rabbit died after 16.5 hours.
    3. A small rabbit was administered 1 ml of ricin dissolved in acetone through the mouth. Shortness of breath symptoms appeared once the rabbit was given the solution. After going through some convulsions the rabbit died less than four hours later. We should note that there were discharges of foamy fluids from his mouth the whole time prior to his death.
    4. A rabbit was given 2 ml of toxin dissolved in acetone. (We should note that the rabbit is young and small.) After the second liquefaction and prior to the filtering process the rabbit died in less than two minutes.
    Remark: Please note that prior to death movements are almost normal; however, the rabbit refuses to eat and there are discharges of fluid from the mouth.
    Remark: When using double doses of this toxin, its effect takes place rapidly.

    Extracting Nicotine Toxin from Tobacco (Alkaline Toxins)

    Nicotine is considered one of the most important tobacco ingredients. One filtered cigarette contains between 20 and 30 mg of nicotine. The effect of nicotine is relatively complex. It is a stimulant and a depressant. Sometimes, it boosts heart beats, which in turn increases the output of the heart and then the need for a larger quantity of oxygen. The resistance of the heart’s vessels decreases following that. Afterward, the arteries harden and blood pressure rises, while blood plates become stickier given the increase of fatty acids in the blood. This will lead to clotting. Moreover, nicotine causes cortisone blood level to rise, increases nausea by stimulating specific brain sites, and as a result bowel movements increase and may lead to diarrhea.
    Most of the nicotine is found in the marketplace. It is sold as nicotine sulfate, which contains 40% nicotine. We obtain it by treating nicotine with sulfur acid (71) to form nicotine sulfate, which is not volatile, while nicotine is very volatile. The molecular formula for nicotine sulfate is [C10 H14 N2 (H2SO4)]. Following are some of the methods for extracting nicotine.
    It is possible to extract nicotine from tobacco leaves by soaking them in cold water. Then we condense the resulting product and we obtain pure nicotine by adding a base and distilling the solution. We can also process tobacco leaves with petroleum ether and obtain pure nicotine.
    Lethal nicotine dose:
    Nicotine is considered a very toxic substance. The lethal dose of nicotine is equal roughly to 60 mg. It causes death within a few minutes after receiving it.
    Method of extracting the toxin:
    Ingredients and tools needed: Five cigarettes at least; a cup; aluminum sheet or a tight cover for the cup; isopropyl alcohol (it is used as a solvent, and it is called rubber alcohol; it is a colorless fluid and its composition is [(CH3)2 CHOH]; its boiling temperature is 82 degrees Celsius, and it is prepared from the hydrogenization of propylene; it is used as a stabilizer when dissolving oils and in drying electroplating paints in rubbing and polishing); an electric stove; filter papers.
    Work steps:
    1. Gather the fillings of the cigarettes and place them in the blender until they are finely chopped (or you could chop them manually after you slip on gloves).
    2. Collect these fillings in a glass container covered with aluminum sheet, after immersing them in an isopropylene solution.
    3. Heat and leave the mixture to boil, while being careful that it does not ignite (if it catches fire, cover quickly until the fire dies out). As the solution is reduced replace it and let the boiling go on for an hour (the tobacco’s leftover liquid must be filtered).
    4. After boiling the remaining solution, which contains the nicotine toxin, you can use the toxin that is dissolved in the solution or leave it on a container or a cup until the liquids evaporate and pure nicotine remains; following the experiment, we have a substance that has an olive-green color with brownish shades.
    5. We can refine the toxin by adding the solution to the nicotine, filtering it and then evaporating the solution once more; the substance that remains is pure toxin.
    Experiments and observations:
    1. We fed a medium-build rabbit with 5 ml of nicotine dissolved in isopropylene; he died within one minute (extreme toxicity).
    2. We gave 8 ml of nicotine dissolved in the solution (however, the concentration was small, as the solution was not boiled for an hour) to a well-built rabbit. Eight minutes later, the rabbit’s ears, mouth and eyes turned red, and eleven minutes later he starts breathing while making rattling noises; then, within 20 minutes he lost his balance and died 45 minutes later.
    3. We extracted nicotine toxin from 10 cigarettes, and we dabbed the back of the rabbit’s neck. Afterward, he had difficulties moving, and 11 hours later he dropped on the floor after struggling wildly. Then 10 minutes later he started kicking uncontrollably, became blind and died.
    4. Ethylene glycol potato toxin: The ethylene glycol toxin can be extracted from the green or rotten potato buds; this poison falls under the category of alkaloid toxins such as nicotine.
    Method of extracting the toxin and tools needed:
    We use the same tools and methods which were used to extract nicotine from cigarettes, replacing cigarette filling (tobacco) with green or rotten potato buds.
    Experiments and observations:
    After an hour of boiling and after filtering the remaining liquid:
    1. The test was done using the ethylene glycol toxin dissolved in the isopropylene and administering to the mouth of a well-built rabbit roughly a 5 ml dose of toxin with the solution. The rabbit screamed and his muscles softened; then he went through convulsions and died within one minute and ten seconds.
    Remark: The potato buds were heated in the solution for 40 minutes only.
    [TN: Numbering in source document skips the number 2]
    3. The test was done by injecting a rabbit with 3 ml of toxin dissolved in the solution. He fell three minutes later and could not move. He died within one hour.
    Remark: We noticed that the potency of this toxin depends on the quality of the buds, how many are dissolved in the solution, and the boiling duration. We realized that when the buds were green and were taken from potatoes whose color leaned to green and are not decayed, the more potent and more swiftly lethal were the effect. This was also the case if the potatoes were rotten, although this was less effective.
    Remark: The substance that is found in the green or rotten potato buds may be solatene, which is a toxic alkaline.
    5. Poisonous mushrooms
    Mushrooms are fungal plants that are widespread and well-known by all people. They are edible and delectable. They can be sold also in cans. However, some types of mushrooms, estimated at 5% of those that grow in the wild, are poisonous. They are characterized by their white color with black spots, or vice versa, or red with white spots and vice versa. They come in different forms, and the toxic varieties are mostly found in rotten areas, graveyards, dunghills, and especially in places where animals, in particular dogs, urinate.
    Lethal dose: 1 to 2 of any of the following types:
    Muscarine mushrooms: The Amanita muscaria mushrooms contain the muscarine substance in a 0.003% proportion. The Inocybe and the Clytocybe mushrooms contain a higher proportion of muscarine. This substance is not affected by cooking. Poisoning occurs 30 to 60 minutes after ingesting the mushroom.
    Toxic symptoms include profuse salivation, perspiration, nausea, vomiting, coughing, blurry vision, abdominal pains, diarrhea, narrowing of the trachea, diminishing pulse, drop in blood pressure, then passing out. The antidote consists in giving the victim 2 mg of atropine.
    2. Mushrooms that contain amatoxins: These poisons come in two types, which are Alpha and Beta amanitine, and they are found in mushrooms such as the Amanita verna, the Amanita virosa, and Amanita phalloides. Toxins come in the shape of a ring which consists of eight amino-acids, and they inhibit the messenger RNA, which entails the death of the cells, especially the cells along the lining of the digestive system, the liver and the kidneys. (Messenger RNA is a compound that is manufactured in the cell nucleus and it provides the cell with the necessary proteins.) Usually, poisoning symptoms appear late, and they include diarrhea and abdominal pain. Death occurs after 4 to 7 days, as a result of the deficient functioning of the liver and kidneys. The antidote consists of Thioiactio. There are other types of mushrooms whose symptoms appear 6 to 8 hours after ingesting them. These symptoms encompass abdominal pains and vomiting. They disappear two hours later, and the patient feels that he is fine and invigorated. Then after two or three days the patient experiences the same symptoms, but more intensely. This is followed by death.
    There are other types that are less important than the ones mentioned, such as P. Cilocybin. This is a hallucinogen, and its symptoms appear two hours after taking it. These include hallucinations, rising body temperature, fainting, and convulsions. There is another type called muscimole. Its symptoms appear 20 to 50 minutes after ingesting it, and these consist of drowsiness and convulsions.

    6. Drug Toxins

    Pure drugs can be used in specific doses for killing. Those drugs include morphine, heroin, codeine, and cocaine.
    The first three drugs are derived from opium. The latter is extracted from unripe poppy sacs. Once the leaves fall, their sac is torn and an active substance flows from it. These substances are dried and collected. They contain several alkaline products, such as morphine, codeine, heroin and others.
    Morphine: The amount of morphine present in opium is considered to be the largest, ranging between 9 and 14%. Its most important effects for humans are to the central nervous system. This occurs through its interaction with this system’s receptors. It stimulates some nerve sites, while inhibiting others. Its most medicinal use is as a painkiller; however, it causes addiction. It also narrows the eye’s pupils; hence, narrowed pupils are an indication that it is used. It also lowers body temperature and slows down bladder activity by stimulating the secretion of nasoprosene hormone. In addition, it inhibits breathing centers and disturbs the digestive system. Also, it causes smooth muscles to contract spasmodically, and slows down bowel movements and discharges.
    Usage: It is used as an analgesic for severe pains, especially following surgery and serious injuries, and for painful diseases such as cancer. It is also used in some cases of diarrhea.
    Lethal dosage: About 1 g of the pure type.
    Symptoms: Feelings of intoxication and elation, nausea, vomiting, narrowing eye pupils, which look like a pin’s head, dizziness, deep slumber, cold skin, drop in blood pressure, and then dilation of eye pupils immediately before death.
    Remedy for severe poisoning (applies in general to the three narcotics):
    1. Administer naloxone as an antidote; dosage should be 0.4 to 0.8 mg and given intravenously.
    2. Oxygen administration.
    Addiction treatment is done by giving a dose of methadone; it is gradually reduced over several days.


    Pure codeine is gray in color, and its lethal dose is 1 mg.
    Symptoms: Feelings of intoxication, difficulty in swallowing, numb mouth, increasing pulses, dilation of eye pupils, hallucination and cyanosis of limbs. In addition, the tongue’s color turns black and the nose bleeds until death occurs.


    Pure heroin is brown with yellowish hues.
    Lethal dosage: 1 gram of pure heroin or less can be lethal. The addict prefers it to other narcotics because it gives him feelings of euphoria, liveliness and giddiness, more so than other opium derivatives.
    Symptoms: Dilation of eye pupils, feelings of extreme euphoria, nausea with hallucination, sleeplessness and tremors until death occurs.
    Remark: If the person that must be killed uses heroin, this would be a good excuse to offer him a free present. The dose may be placed in the inhalation device.


    It is an alkaline substance which was first known in ffice:smarttags" />South America some 1,200 years earlier. It is extracted from the leaves of the Erythroxylom coca, which is a shrub that grows in the Eastern slopes of the Mountains. Their leaves are harvested several times throughout the year. Afterward, they are dried and stored away. These leaves contain coca, and the percentage in milligrams of cocaine that they contain ranges between 6.5 and 12%.
    Medical use: It was used in medicine as a topical anesthetic for eye operations. However, it has been replaced with new medications.
    Medicinal effect: Its effect stems from preventing norepinephrine from reaching the sympathetic nervous system endings. For this reason, it increases pulse speed, dilates the eye’s pupil, and causes tremors and perspiration.
    The lethal dose is 1 gm administered intravenously.

    Using Bombs

    Manufacturing Methods
    Fuse Manufacture

    Simplified method for making a fuse:
    Requirements: Nitrate potassium, which is an agricultural fertilizer whose color is white; regular sugar; regular water; a cord piece, such as a shoelace, provided it is made of cotton.
    Ratios: One cup of sugar; one cup of nitrate potassium; half a cup of water.
    Mix these ingredients well, and heat until boiling point. Place the cord in the mixture while it is heated and after it starts boiling. Leave for a short period of time, for instance five minutes. Continue to stir from the beginning of the operation until the end. Remove the cord from the mixture and dry it in the sun.
    The fuse will now ignite with fire, or with 75% of chlorate (potassium or sodium) + 25% of finely ground sugar. We mix the two ingredients and we obtain a flammable substance. We place this substance inside a straw (the one used when drinking Pepsi). We close both ends of the straw. Test it before using in order to know the timing involved. Be careful not to press the straw on the fragile substance, as it ignites if pressed.
    We may place sulfuric acid inside the capsule and place it on top of the mixture. Once the acid pierces the capsule, the mixture bursts into flame. We can use this for destroying civilian targets, and for setting fire to Jewish forests and farms. We will devote special lessons in civilian sabotage, which has been inactive domestically until now.
    The above can also be prepared in a different way. We place 20 grams of nitrate potassium inside a container. We add to it 50 grams of water and boil it over a fire. We place in it a shoelace and then remove it from the fire. We leave the shoelace inside for an hour and we stir every ten minutes. Then we take it out and dry it in the sun, at which time it will be ready for use.

    Bomb Manufacturing

    First Method

    1. Two flasks;
    2. A 24-volt electric transformer;
    3. A water bucket;
    4. A small amount of salt.
    Preparation: We fill the two flasks with water and place them inside a bucket filled with water. We set the electric transformer to 24 volts. We separate the negative pole from the positive one. We place each pole inside a flask and we sprinkle salt.
    With this method, electricity will separate oxygen from hydrogen, and the two flasks will be emptied of water. Remove them from the water after sealing tightly. Tie them together with an adhesive tape, and then place them in another container filled with
    gasoline and close. Remove the fuse from that. If you want to kill with these, place early on sharp nails inside the two containers when they are full with water, that is, before emptying them.
    The volume of the flask should be one liter in order for the explosion to be powerful. We can blow up a large car with that.
    Remark: Make a long fuse and stay far away from the explosion site. Test it with a smaller size first.

    Another Method that is Similar to the Previous One

    Simple and Powerful Bomb

    This bomb can be prepared with gasoline and two flasks filled with oxygen and hydrogen. All the ingredients are placed in a solid container tightly sealed. Make sure that there are no holes in the container so that the two gases do not leak out. These two gases alone, when mixed and ignited, can cause a powerful explosion, so imagine if gasoline is used. In a first experiment, hydrogen alone was ignited and it caused a loud explosion.
    The method and ingredients are as follows: Gasoline; car battery (in a small experiment we can use a 4.5-volt battery); a plastic container containing 2 liters of water; 30 grams of table salt, or laundry soda; two flasks; two insulating cables with stripped tips; metal container; a detonator; and some patience.
    Preparing the oxygen and hydrogen gases: We fill the two flasks with the solution (water and salt), and then you put your finger on the opening of the first flask and you turn it inside the solution that is in the plastic container, so that the flask is standing on its head. Once the flask is placed on its head, enter the tip of the cable inside the flask while its other end is connected to the battery’s positive pole. This should occur while the flask is full and inside the solution.
    You do the same with the second flask. However, the tip of the second cable will be inside the flask while its other tip is connected to the negative pole of the battery. Thus you will have two flasks that are completely similar except for their shape and position.
    Once you finish the operation, you will see that gas bubbles start to rise to the top of the flask. This shows that the water is being broken into its two parts, oxygen and hydrogen. You will notice also that the volume of gases rising in one of the flasks is greater than the other. This shows that this is the hydrogen flask while the other, with the smaller volume, is the oxygen flask. The experiment will take some time until the two flasks are filled.
    When you empty the water from the bottle, and gas replaces it, take a plug and close the opening of both bottles while they are inside the solution so that gas is not leaked and time is wasted… If you want to check on the operation, take a matchstick and move it closer to the hydrogen opening. A crackle will be heard. And for the other flask, light a
    thread and throw it in. The thread will glow in an unusual way. The reason is that oxygen is a great fire catalyst.
    Anyway, we take a container and fill two-third of it with gasoline. We place the two flasks, tied to each other, and we bore a small hole in the plugs of the two bottles; then we quickly close the container so that gas does not leak out. We make sure that there is only enough space for the detonator wire. We place wax or something similar around this hole so that gas is not wasted. The result will be a huge explosion, God willing.

    Third Method

    Ingredients: Detergent ("Flash") used for cleaning toilets; tin sold at building materials stores; empty bottle; a set of small screws and nails (not necessary, but that increases casualties).
    Method: We place a small quantity of tin in the form of small pieces up to one-fourth of the bottle; we add one-fourth of the bottle with the "Flash" detergent; we shake the bottle vigorously five times in order to speed up the reaction. Throw the bottle immediately to the farthest distance possible. The result will be an explosion within a 10-meter diameter circle.
    The advantages of this explosive is that its preparation is fast and simple. The disadvantages are that this explosive cannot be stored for later use. It blows up one second later at the most. You should be careful and take precautions. It is used against individuals and in closed rooms only. It can be used in a region that is empty and remote region.
    If you are a beginner, use a small bottle and hide behind a barrier to see the result. Take precautions during execution.

    Fourth Method

    Take a glass bottle in which you place gasoline, heavy fuel oil, soap powder and red sulfur. Seal tightly and stick in the opening a skewer sprinkled with heavy fuel oil and gasoline. Throw the explosive after lighting the skewer. The skewer ignites the interior ingredients when broken.
    This explosive is made of calcium hydrocarbon (pool disinfectant h.t.h.). The "nivea" detonates (detonating gasoline = bathing) the gasoline, wherever it is possible to blow up this charge with a detonator.
    Ingredients needed:
    1. Calcium hydrochlorate 7% (swimming pool disinfectant);
    2. Gasoline;
    3. Container for mixing;
    4. A stick for stirring;
    5. Solid metal tube;
    6. Detonator.
    Method of preparation:
    1. Add 32 gm or 27 parts in weight of calcium hydrochlorate to 1 gm or 1 part in weight of gasoline inside the container, then mix and stir the container’s contents by using a wooden stick or a glass.
    Method of use:
    1. The mixture is placed inside the solid metal tube, and the tube is tightly sealed. The explosive becomes powerful when we add shrapnel to it.
    2. Place the detonator inside the pipe and close the tube; remove the fuse with the [TN: Unintelligible word; transliterated as "ghaka"].
    Remark: Do not put pressure on the mixture at the bottom of the tube, and do not turn over the tube while the explosive is inside.

    Last Method

    Simple and very effective method for preparing the explosive:
    1. Two flasks;
    2. A 24-volt electric generator;
    3. Water bucket;
    4. A little bit of salt.
    We fill the flasks with water and we place them inside the bucket that is also full of water. We set the electric transformer at 24 volts, and we separate the negative pole from the positive one. We place each pole inside the flask and we sprinkle salt. This way, the electricity will isolate oxygen from hydrogen, and the two flasks will be emptied of water. Remove them from water after sealing tightly. Tie them with an adhesive tape. Place them in another container that is full of gasoline and close. Pull a fuse from it. If you want to kill someone with these, place early on sharp nails in the flask while they are full with water, that is, before emptying them. The volume of the flask must be one liter in order to have a powerful explosion. We can blow up a large car with that.
    Remark: Make the fuse long and stay away from the explosion site. Try this with a small volume first.
    The branch chlorate charge or others inside the car trunk must be closed, and the electric or branch fuse is placed inside the explosive. It is recommended to place around the explosives barrels of heavy fuel oil or gasoline in order to boost the blaze.
    The individual charge is surrounded with nails. There are tiny explosives that are placed in a cigarette pack or a cassette box or otherwise. The explosive belt charge of 5 to 8 kilos is placed at midlevel like a belt. Market explosives are placed inside cars or inside a can of margarine or others. Car explosives when the car is full of gasoline. Tossed charges of 1 kilo.
    Every charge should be tightly sealed and the detonator must be inside. Timing for detonators is used according to size, time and place. Test the detonators with a lantern before tying the real detonator to ensure that the job is done.
    Say: Can you expect for us other than one of two glorious things [martyrdom or victory]? But we can expect for you that either God will send His punishment from Himself, or by our hands. So wait. We will be waiting with you. [Innocence: 52]
    God Almighty said: And those who strive in our Cause, We will certainly guide them to Our paths… [Koranic Verse]
    Our last prayer is to praise God, the Lord of the universe.
    Last edited by Sean Osborne; October 24th, 2006 at 16:02.

  17. #77
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    Default Re: The Religion of Peaceâ„¢

    Wednesday, October 25, 2006

    ISNA Survey: Paranoia, Conspiracy Theories, Support for Violence

    At the annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America (a radical Islamic front group that has been the subject of numerous LGF posts), a survey was taken of 307 attendees on their attitudes toward America—with very disturbing results: Survey Conducted At 2006 ISNA Convention. (Hat tip: saywhat?)
    1. Are you a U.S. Citizen? (If no, then don’t fill out survey.)
    YES - 307
    NO - 0

    2. Do you consider yourself to be a Muslim first, an American first, or both equally?
    MUSLIM FIRST - 214

    3. Is the American government at war with the religion of Islam?
    YES - 208
    NO - 79
    UNDECIDED - 20

    4. Can a good Muslim be a good American?
    YES - 292
    NO - 11

    5. Did Muslims hijack planes and fly them into buildings on 9/11?
    YES - 117
    NO - 139
    UNDECIDED - 51

    6. Did the U.S. government have advance knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, and allow the attacks to occur?
    YES - 200
    NO - 70
    UNDECIDED - 37

    7. Did the U.S. government organize the 9/11 attacks?
    YES - 106
    NO - 151
    UNDECIDED - 50

    8. Are the tapes of Osama Bin Laden, claiming responsibility for the 9/11 attacks and threatening future attacks, real or fake?
    REAL - 126
    FAKE - 129
    UNDECIDED - 52

    9. Did Muslims commit the July 2005 train and bus bombings in London?
    YES - 140
    NO - 104
    UNDECIDED - 63

    10. The Canadian government says it stopped a plot by Canadian Muslims in June 2006 to attack targets in Canada. Do you believe there was a real plot by Muslims?
    YES - 61
    NO - 202
    UNDECIDED - 44

    11. The British government says it stopped a plot by British Muslims in August 2006 to bomb planes flying to America. Do you believe there was a real plot by Muslims?
    YES - 66
    NO - 191
    UNDECIDED - 50

    12. Is Al Qaeda a real organization, operated by Muslims who are trying to attack America?
    YES - 149
    NO - 109
    UNDECIDED - 49

    13. Is Al Qaeda attacking America because Al Qaeda hates American freedoms?
    YES - 17
    NO - 269
    UNDECIDED - 21

    14. Is Al Qaeda attacking America because Al Qaeda hates American involvement in the Muslim world?
    YES - 228
    NO - 54
    UNDECIDED - 25
    There’s more. Most of the respondents think our attack on Afghanistan after 9/11 was not justified.
    25. Was America justified in invading Afghanistan after 9/11?
    YES - 51
    NO - 248
    And large numbers also believe Muslims have the right to commit violence against Americans, both overseas and in this country.
    26. Is violence by Muslims against American civilians acceptable, in retaliation for the American government’s actions in the Muslim world?
    YES - 23
    NO - 274
    UNDECIDED - 10

    27. Is violence by Muslims against the American military overseas acceptable, in retaliation for the American government’s actions in the Muslim world?
    YES - 134
    NO - 154
    UNDECIDED - 19

    28. Is violence by Muslims against the American military in the U.S. acceptable, in retaliation for the American government’s actions in the Muslim world?
    YES - 73
    NO - 211
    UNDECIDED - 23

    29. Is violence by Muslims against American government officials acceptable, in retaliation for the American government’s actions in the Muslim world?
    YES - 51
    NO - 231
    UNDECIDED - 25

  18. #78
    Senior Member Joey Bagadonuts's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Religion of Peaceâ„¢

    Looking at those can anyone still argue about the validity of the concept of...'if we don't fight them there...we'll have to fight them here".

    That is EXACTLY what they'd love. Bombings...killings...snipers...IED's....why hell...they'd feel right at home!'s a couple of older pics from the "Religion of Peace-ers" protest outside Wstminster Cathedral in London.

    Can't ya just feel the love and peace there?

    ...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

  19. #79
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    Default Re: The Religion of Peaceâ„¢

    A "Religion o' Peace" video presentation entitled:

    'Springtime for Mohammed'

  20. #80
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    Not sure if I have posted this article before, but not a bad to bring the new guys up to date.
    The Arab/Muslim Nazi Connection

    Left: A picture taken in 1943 of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin el-Husseini reviewing Bosnian-Muslim troops - a unit of the "Hanjar (Saber) Division" of the Waffen SS which he personally recruited for Hitler.

    Arab leaders and media outlets have long been addicted to comparing Israel to the Nazi regime, while at the same time demeaning the extent of the Holocaust. This obsession with defaming and antagonizing the Jewish people and state was on full display in recent months and reached a crescendo – or rather nadir – the day before Pope John Paul II visited the Temple Mount during his Holy Land pilgrimage. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, just hours before hosting the Pope, gave a series of press interviews, first telling the AP: "The figure of 6 million Jews killed during the Holocaust is exaggerated and is used by the Israelis to gain international support… It's not my problem. Muslims didn't do anything on this issue. It's the doing of Hitler who hated the Jews," asserted the acid-tongued Mufti – a figure appointed by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. "Six million? It was a lot less," Sabri repeated for an Italian newspaper. "It's not my fault if Hitler hated the Jews. Anyway, they hate them just about everywhere." The Mufti finished the day with Reuters, charging, "We denounce all massacres, but I don't see why a certain massacre should be used for political gain and blackmail." However, as a matter of record, there was a well-documented, thriving relationship between the Arab/Muslim world and Nazi Germany, with perhaps the most significant figure linking Hitler to the Middle East being none other Sabri's very own predecessor, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin el-Husseini. Here is a brief review of that dark, overlooked chapter in history.
    The Führer's Mufti: After World War I, the Great Powers of Europe jockeyed for influence in the Middle East's oil fields and trade routes, with France and Britain holding mandates throughout most of the region. In the 1930s, the fascist regimes that arose in Italy and Germany sought greater stakes in the area, and began courting Arab leaders to revolt against their British and French custodians. Among their many willing accomplices was Jerusalem Mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini, who fled Palestine after agitating against the British during the Arab Revolt of 1936-39. He found refuge in Iraq – another of Her Majesty's mandates – where he again topped the British most wanted list after helping pull the strings behind the Iraqi coup of 1941. The revolt in Baghdad was orchestrated by Hitler as part of a strategy to squeeze the region between the pincers of Rommel's troops in North Africa, German forces in the Caucuses and pro-Nazi forces in Iraq. However, in June 1941 British troops put down the rebellion and the Mufti escaped via Tehran to Italy and eventually to Berlin.
    Once in Berlin, the Mufti received an enthusiastic reception by the "Islamische Zentralinstitut" and the whole Islamic community of Germany, which welcomed him as the "Führer of the Arabic world." In an introductory speech, he called the Jews the "most fierce enemies of the Muslims" and an "ever corruptive element" in the world. Husseini soon became an honored guest of the Nazi leadership and met on several occasions with Hitler. He personally lobbied the Führer against the plan to let Jews leave Hungary, fearing they would immigrate to Palestine. He also strongly intervened when Adolf Eichman tried to cut a deal with the British government to exchange German POWs for 5000 Jewish children who also could have fled to Palestine. The Mufti's protests with the SS were successful, as the children were sent to death camps in Poland instead. One German officer noted in his journals that the Mufti would liked to have seen the Jews "preferably all killed." On a visit to Auschwitz, he reportedly admonished the guards running the gas chambers to work more diligently. Throughout the war, he appeared regularly on German radio broadcasts to the Middle East, preaching his pro-Nazi, anti-Semitic message to the Arab masses back home.
    To show gratitude towards his hosts, in 1943 the Mufti travelled several times to Bosnia, where on orders of the SS he recruited the notorious "Hanjar troopers," a special Bosnian Waffen SS company which slaugh-tered 90% of Bosnia's Jews and burned countless Serbian churches and villages. These Bosnian Muslim recruits rapidly found favor with SS chief Heinrich Himmler, who established a special Mullah Military school in Dresden.
    The only condition the Mufti set for his help was that after Hitler won the war, the entire Jewish population in Palestine should be liquidated. After the war, Husseini fled to Switzerland and from there escaped via France to Cairo, were he was warmly received. The Mufti used funds received earlier from the Hilter regime to finance the Nazi-inspired Arab Liberation Army that terrorized Jews in Palestine.
    The Arab Embrace of Nazism: Husseini represents the prevalent pro-Nazi posture among the Arab/Muslim world before, during and even after the Holocaust. The Nazi-Arab connection existed even when Adolf Hitler first seized power in Germany in 1933. News of the Nazi takeover was welcomed by the Arab masses with great enthusiasm, as the first congratulatory telegrams Hitler received upon being appointed Chancellor came from the German Consul in Jerusalem, followed by those from several Arab capitals. Soon afterwards, parties that imitated the National Socialists were founded in many Arab lands, like the "Hisb-el-qaumi-el-suri" (PPS) or Social Nationalist Party in Syria. Its leader, Anton Sa'ada, styled himself the Führer of the Syrian nation, and Hitler became known as "Abu Ali" (In Egypt his name was "Muhammed Haidar"). The banner of the PPS displayed the swastika on a black-white background. Later, a Lebanese branch of the PPS – which still receives its orders from Damascus – was involved in the assassination of Lebanese President Pierre Gemayel.
    The most influential party that emulated the Nazis was "Young Egypt," which was founded in October 1933. They had storm troopers, torch processions, and literal translations of Nazi slogans – like "One folk, One party, One leader." Nazi anti-Semitism was replicated, with calls to boycott Jewish businesses and physical attacks on Jews. Britain had a bitter experience with this pro-German mood in Egypt, when the official Egyptian government failed to declare war on the Wehrmacht as German troops were about to conquer Alexandria.
    After the war, a member of Young Egypt named Gamal Abdul Nasser was among the officers who led the July 1952 revolution in Egypt. Their first act – following in Hitler's footsteps – was to outlaw all other parties. Nasser's Egypt became a safe haven for Nazi war criminals, among them the SS General in charge of the murder of Ukrainian Jewry; he became Nasser's bodyguard and close comrade. Alois Brunner, another senior Nazi war criminal, found shelter in Damascus, where he served for many years as senior adviser to the Syrian general staff and still resides today.
    Sami al-Joundi, one of the founders of the ruling Syrian Ba'ath Party, recalls: "We were racists. We admired the Nazis. We were immersed in reading Nazi literature and books... We were the first who thought of a translation of Mein Kampf. Anyone who lived in Damascus at that time was witness to the Arab inclination toward Nazism."
    These leanings never completely ceased. Hitler's Mein Kampf currently ranks sixth on the best-seller list among Palestinian Arabs. Luis Al-Haj, translator of the Arabic edition, writes glowingly in the preface about how Hitler's "ideology" and his "theories of nationalism, dictatorship and race… are advancing especially within our Arabic States." When Palestinian police first greeted Arafat in the self-rule areas, they offered the infamous Nazi salute - the right arm raised straight and upward.
    The PLO and notably Arafat himself do not make a secret of their source of inspiration. The Grand Mufti el-Husseini is venerated as a hero by the PLO. It should be noted, that the PLO's top figure in east Jerusalem today, Faisal Husseini, is the grandson to the Führer's Mufti. Arafat also considers the Grand Mufti a respected educator and leader, and in 1985 declared it an honor to follow in his footsteps. Little wonder. In 1951, a close relative of the Mufti named Rahman Abdul Rauf el-Qudwa el-Husseini matriculated to the University of Cairo. The student decided to conceal his true identity and enlisted as "Yasser Arafat."
    Writers: Paul Longgrear, Raymond McNemar
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