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Thread: Disrespecting our military

  1. #1
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Disrespecting our military

    Woman on unpaid leave after taking disrespectful photo next to soldier's grave during work trip

    Lindsey Stone, 30, flipped the bird and pretended to scream despite the 'Silence & Respect' sign next to a soldier's tomb. The photo outraged veterans and prompted Stone's employer to take action.

    Comments (1) By Rheana Murray / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

    Wednesday, November 21, 2012, 8:33 AM






    The Facebook photo that has Lindsey Stone in hot water.

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    Should Lindsey Stone be fired over the Facebook photo?
    I'm not sure

    A Massachusetts woman who posted a Facebook photo of her disrespecting a soldier’s grave sparked uproar on the Internet and could lose her job.

    During a work trip to Arlington National Cemetery, Lindsey Stone, of Plymouth, squatted next to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, sticking up her middle finger and pretending to scream next to a sign that asked for “Silence & Respect.”

    The photo went viral after she posted it on Facebook, prompting outcry from veterans and a response from her employer, the Cape Cod-based nonprofit, LIFE, where Stone helped adults with disabilities.

    “We became aware that one of our employees had posted an offensive, inappropriate photograph on her personal Facebook page,” LIFE wrote Tuesday on its Facebook page.

    “This photograph in no way reflects the opinions or values of the LIFE organization, which holds our nation’s veterans in the highest regard.”

    Stone, 30, and another employee who took the photo have been placed on unpaid leave “pending the results of an internal investigation,” the company said.

    A Facebook group, "Fire Lindsey Stone," calls for LIFE to let her go permanently.

    Stone has since removed her Facebook page.

    Her parents say they know the snapshot is disgraceful and had warned their daughter about the dangers of posting personal photos online.
    “We’re totally beside ourselves,” father Peter Stone told CBS Boston. “We begged her not to put things like that on the site.

    “She had no intention of upsetting or offending anyone. It was poor judgment and she regrets every part of it.”

    Stone and her coworker released a statement of apology late Tuesday.

    “We sincerely apologize for all the pain we have caused by posting the picture we took in Washington, D.C. on Facebook,” they wrote. “While posted on a public forum, the picture was intended only for our own amusement.

    We never meant any disrespect to any of the people nationwide who have served this country and defended our freedom so valiantly. It was meant purely as a visual pun, intending to depict the exact opposite of what the sign said, and had absolutely nothing to do with the location it was taken or the people represented there.”

    Stone and her coworker went on to apologize to their employer, calling the photo “ignorant and distasteful.”

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  2. #2
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: Disrespecting our military

    I'll bet she's a big lib too.

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. GET A NEW JOB, YA C$%T
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  4. #4
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Disrespecting our military

    Heard about this yesterday on NRA News.

    My first thought was back in the day, folks could get into a fistfight with much less repercussion than there is today. If you mouthed off to insult someone or did something stupid, someone could punch you in the mouth without much fear of going to jail. Add to that corporal punishment was much more widely accepted for kids. Is it a coincidence society was much more polite back then?

    Maybe if this female (note I did NOT say "lady") thought someone might punch her in the mouth for being a "self-described douchebag' (left out of this article and, in my opinion, a huge cop out for poor social behavior and decision making skills) she would adjust her behavior and personality accordingly.

    It is just another symptom of the downward spiral and degeneration of our society.

  5. #5
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    Thing is, I only saw a couple articles on this too. Most of them sugar coated it. The one about her Dad being upset (I didn't post it here) was stupid too. The dad of course was livid with her, but being an apologist at the same time.

    Something about "People do stupid things sometimes" or words to that effect.
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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    In reference to my previous post, stupid hurts. Or at least it should...

  7. #7
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Update: Dumb bitch and her equally dumb coworker just hit the unemployment line.

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Good. It should be a lesson for all future nitwits.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  9. #9
    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    Default Re: Disrespecting our military

    +1 for her former employer.

  10. #10
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    So they did fire her then? hahaha.

    Stupid bitch.
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    I am reminded of a judge declaring I don't know what obsenity is but I know it when I see it, to paraphrase. From my viewpoint this should be considered a felony. Perhaps this woman would enjoy wearing a full lenght burka? Stupid is as stupid does. To me this is as offensive as the American Nazi party, but I am told this is what makes the United States of America the greatest country in the world.
    "Still waitin on the Judgement Day"

  12. #12
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Disrespecting our military

    Veteran Monuments Defaced At County Park

    November 14, 2012

    The memorial monument for Marine Corporal Daniel Swaim, a Yadkin County resident, who was killed in the Iraq War was defaced sometime last week. The monument is located at the Yadkin County Park and sits outside the entrance to the playground that is dedicated in Swaim’s name. County officials are asking for any information regarding the damage.

    A memorial monument dedicated to the memory of Marine Cpl. Daniel Swaim and portions of the Veterans Memorial, both located at Yadkin County Park, have been defaced.

    According to Jason Walker, Parks and Recreation Department Head, park officials found the damage while cleaning and maintaining the property earlier this week.

    Pieces of Corporal Swaim’s monument had been broken off, and scratches are covering the face of his picture.

    Walker said that he believes the damage took place sometime last week.

    Aaron Church, County Manager, said that the county park will be monitored very closely and anyone caught doing damage to county property or memorials will be dealt with firmly and swiftly and punished to the full extent of the law.

    Anyone with information about this damage is asked to call Jason Walker at 679-4228.

  13. #13
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    I hope they catch the little twerps that did this and "re-educate" them.... little baby liberals.
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  14. #14
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Disrespecting our military

    Keith Olbermann: Iraq Vet, Amputee An Embarrassment To The Military

    December 3, 2012

    Keith Olbermann slammed wounded Iraq War veteran J. R. Salzman on Twitter Monday, saying that his behavior on the social media site "embarrasses the military."

    The slam came about in response to Salzman's tweet about comments made by NBC's Bob Costas on Sunday regarding the right to keep and bear arms.

    "Getting 2nd Amendment advice from Bob Costas is a bit like getting career advice from @KeithOlbermann," Salzman tweeted.

    "You could benefit from my career advice, Son. I've lasted 33 years and made millions. You?You have a bad avatar and Grade D humor (sic)," Olbermann tweeted in response.

    Salzman, however, wasn't intimidated.

    "I too hope to one day be so successful I'm sacked from my multimillion dollar job(s) for acting like a petulant child," he responded.

    That's when Olbermann slammed the veteran who lost an arm while serving in Iraq in 2006.

    "I'm sure you'll accomplish the second half of that if you haven't already. Your conduct on twitter embarrasses the military," Olbermann said.

    Twitchy reported that a number of people stood up for Salzman.

    "[L]et us veterans decide what does and does not embarrass the military. Effete liberals like you don't have a say," said "pigswithwings."

    "@keitholbermann called an Iraq war veteran and wounded warrior an 'embarrassment' to the military...this is what's wrong with America," added "Amy Kellems."

    "Bill in San Diego" said that he would like "EVERY Vet supporter to clog @keitholbermann feed with feed back for calling a Vet amputee an embarrassment (sic)."

    Salzman weighed in, saying that Olbermann defended calling conservative columnist Michelle Malkin a "punched up bag of meat with lipstick" in his first tweet.

    Olbermann is nothing if not a misogynist pig. And now he is insulting wounded warriors while defending the anti-gun zealot Bob Costas," Twitchy added.

    "Remember this, Keith Olbermann. You may have millions, and I may only have one arm. But I'm twice the man you will ever be," Salzman finally said.

    In addition to being an Iraq War veteran and a blogger, Salzman is a champion log roller who ESPN said is "among the preeminent outdoors athletes” of the last decade.

    In 2005, Salzman won an ESPY Award for Best Outdoor Sports Athlete and has won eight world titles at the Lumberjack World Championships between 1998 and 2010.

    “Regardless of my injuries, I can still log roll, I can still win, I can still accomplish things and I’m alive, I’m still here, I’m going to enjoy life,” he said after winning his seventh logrolling championship in 2009.

    "I want to be like Keith Olberman," said nobody, ever. On the other hand, I wish I was 1/10 the guy this guy is...

  15. #15
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    I want to meet Olberman. He needs to be bitchslapped. Since he's an Obama Bitch.
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