Quote Originally Posted by Malsua View Post
What are you worried about? You keep posting that he can't win, therefore, no big deal.
I kind of made my last post on the run and wanted to expand on it some more...

I think what infuriates me the most about this whole election is that it didn't have to be like this. Even if Ted Cruz was not the nominee!

We had a great bench of candidates of whom, at least, a half dozen I and a lot of others wouldn't have had any problem voting for. Maybe not as enthusiastically as I would have for Ted Cruz but I could have very easily voted for Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and yes, even Marco Rubio.

Hell, we're getting Rubio's (old) immigration plan anyway, we might as well have nominated someone who polled against Clinton immeasurably better and actually had a chance to win!

And on top of that, more than half of those candidates were ones who could have handily taken the racist or sexist cards out of play for the Dems.

Instead the cult of personality/WWE crowd wins out and we allow open primaries to be sabotaged by Dems.

A lot of people like to say, "Well, Trump is a wild card. You may not know what you're going to get with him but we know how bad Hillary is!"


Trump is not a wild card. He has a clearly demonstrable past and track record that we are seeing play out right now in this immigration flip flop, just like many, many people warned over and over he would.

To add insult to injury, we now have the personality cultists pissing down our necks and expecting us to believe it's just raining, explaining away this immigration flip flop, instead of just admitting they were hoodwinked by a snake oil salesman and saddled us with a real loser who seems to be doing everything he can to throw the election to his long time buddies, the Clintons.

That's why this election is dildos.