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Thread: World War Three Thread....

  1. #221
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    Maybe in the video the countries listed should read: Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Central America, invade the U.S.

    Remember, when you include Russia and China that also means all future members of their treaty organizations. The 3 currently are the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS) Alliance.

    That's more than ten countries as of today with many more poised to join these multifaceted organizations if America begins losing its superpower role in the future.

    In addition there is a Latin Anti-American Bloc called the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). A 33 nation bloc run by Venezuela, Chile and Cuba. Both China and Russia support this organization and see it as an effective tool to blunt U.S. influence in the region.

    The strike happens to neutralize our retaliatory follow up capabilities.

    Leading up to the strike America falls to a near 3rd world living status as China, Russia, Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia and much of the world financially isolates America outside with a new basket of currencies.

    America's influence is diminished and is financially forced to pull back out of regions they historically militarily supported. The Axis quickly fills the vacuum with their influence and power.

    America’s monetary system can no longer support or export her debt and this creates inflation, some local economic depression along with unemployment and food shortages, followed by riots.

    During this economic decline the thin veneer of decadence is peeled away exposing a selfish amoral society. The social fabric of a nation unravels as tensions rise and persecution increases.

    The Government has imposed enormous changes to the Constitution and Bill of Rights under forced socialist fiscal and economic policies. The founding documents have become outdated and no longer sustainable in an economic crisis by a Government in Socialism. Parts of the country begin to revolt and a revolution is started by the Communists.

    Efforts in the past to lower our defense spending for political purposes to reallocate defense budgets to social programs and cut our nuclear deterrents to appease our enemies has put the nation at a severe strategic disadvantage.

    During America's decline both Russia and China made strides in some technological advancements in its military weaponry. China has reverse engineered much technology it has gleaned from the West.

    Russia has also made advancements in newly acquired weapons technology to counter some of our limited but more advanced weapons systems.

    Russia, China and their allies have been formulating contingency plans to deal with the United States. Plans aiming at long range 'wearing down' of the United States that require close political, geopolitical, financial and military cooperation.

    Although they review the possibility of war, neither power wants to jeopardize an open confrontation until America poses little retaliatory threat. Both agree that the United States is not to be taken intact, but is to be destroyed and broken up after weakened.

    During America's prolonged decline, financially crippled and unable to purchase her foreign policy she becomes isolated from her allies.

    Through a coordinated effort the strongest assets of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Air forces are drawn out into an orchestrated and coordinated conflicts and dealt severe blows.

    After greater terror attacks and catastrophic disasters Russia preempts a strike.

    Some major cities are destroyed.

    Just before the Strike; Cuba, Mexico-Cartel-Hezbollah, Nicaragua with a coalition of multinational Latin American forces sends in special revolutionary assault teams. They coordinate with Islamic Militants to soften up the southern border states emergency responsiveness before the main invasion forces arrive.

    Simultaneously along our southern border, states military bases, ports of entry, airports, transportation and even some shopping areas are attacked to overwhelm our emergency first responders.

    These coordinated attacks start over a long holiday when most soldiers are off base visiting family.

    On this day, coming from Latin American countries are planes filled with military age adults (no children or elderly) all with carry-on luggage, filled with military weapons. Planes booked solid with paramilitary revolutionaries some of which are Russian trained all arriving at same time and at each terminal hub of the airport.

    They arrive at customs at a specific predetermined time and file through line until one gets pulled aside to inspect their baggage. A signal is given and they all open up their luggage full of automatic weapons and overwhelm the terminals and over take the airports.

    This happens consecutively across every border states International airports.

    Simultaneously, some strategic ports are taken by carefully timed cargo ships filled with military equipment along with some personnel while more are pre-positioned at the port. An overwhelming military force materializes within minutes and takes these ports.

    The border states larger military bases at the same time have Hispanic looking work crews with large customized mowers but with special built compartments such as retrofitted blade decks filled with military weapons venturing near the gates of these military bases. A signal is given and they quickly overtake the guard stations.

    Their goal is not to take over the base but prevent access to the Armory and stop traffic in or out disabling a military response.

    Some believe the Fort Hood attack by Nidal Hassan was not just random but an orchestrated attack by Al Qaeda to test the response time of one of the largest border state military bases.

    If the Armory is inaccessible they will have call outside for help as they did in the Fort Hood attack to retake the base. The goal is to cripple the response and delay any military recovery effort along the southern US border.

    At the same time coordinated attacks on soft targets commence to shut down strategic roads in port cities that lead in or out to strategic military bases. A signal is given and Islamic terrorist’s cells cause accidents at these choke points on major roads making it impossible to use the highways to send reinforcements. This stops the flow of traffic in or out of that area region of the state.

    Once grid lock is in place the Islamic terrorists move down the highway indiscriminately killing people in their cars expanding the gridlock.

    At nearly the same time at some selected malls several terrorist with large duffel bags with grenades and weapons start at opposite ends of the mall and begin walking by stores filled with shoppers while tossing grenades in the doors.

    This creates mass hysteria to overload the local emergency responses in place.

    Once the attacks begin and emergency responders have left their police stations, fire departments and hospitals these are also hit to further erode their ability to respond to the escalating threat.

    When the Border States defenses are overwhelmed, Cuba, Mexico-Cartel-Hezbollah, Nicaragua with a coalition of multinational Latin American main forces penetrates several locations from the South.

    After the nuclear strikes occur and the United States returns a hard punch at Russia; much to their surprise weathers the counter attack and invades with China and their allies within weeks.

    Russia has hit several places with nuclear devices but now refrains from over use of nuclear weapons. Russian amphibious and airborne troops invade the east coast of the United States at five points; two points North of New York City and three points south of New York City.

    The U.S. Army fights hard and manages to contain the Russian invasion points, but because of the previous economic conditions the U.S. Army is weakened and cannot re-equip at the pace of the invading enemy forces. Our supplies dwindle in battles and losses are becoming difficult to replace. Then Russian troops land at Slaughter Beach Delaware, they move on into Philadelphia where no one is alive from multiple neutron bombs. The U.S. Armed forces are threatened from the rear and attempts to stem the Russian advance fail.

    The U.S. Army is pressed back, Washington D.C. a ruined city falls into Russian hands. The remaining Armed Forces retreat to a defense line being set up in the Appalachian Mountains.

    The President and Congress move west to re-establish the seat of government. The U.S. industrial base is largely destroyed although smaller factories are opening up in small towns everywhere.

    Japan, an uneasy ally at first is greatly encouraged by the course of the war. Japan moves quickly with China and a month after the Russian invasion of the east coast invades the west coast of the United States. The invasion happens at three widely separated points on California and Oregon coastlines.

    On the west coast the Chinese land and enter through Mexico with Mexican help. They also land in San Francisco and in Astoria Oregon with mainly Japanese personnel.

    The initial arriving troops are met with open arms by some survivors clinging for food, water and safety from the desperate living conditions and lawless gangs in the region. At first they are given some rations and safety but when their military superiors arrive they are ordered to take no prisoners and begin slaughtering all Americans they have encountered. The death toll becomes so large they begin bulldozing the bodies into open graves.

    The U.S. Armed forces send troops to stop one Chinese invasion beach-head near San Francisco. They wipe out the invaded forces in a historic battle with a notably smaller group of ground forces, but then the Chinese and Japanese regroup and crush the U.S. defense and sweep inland.

    Russia invades and annexes Alaska and much of the population is killed deliberately. From the Russian perspective Alaska is part of their country and needs to be re-unified with Russia.

    Hawaii surrenders to Japan intact and China jointly occupies with Japan.

    Most of our Air-Force's recent technical advances in air superiority have been consolidated and re-directed economically into drone warfare. Real pilots have been outsourced to remote simulators.

    Do to eroding defense budgets limiting the numbers of advanced manned aircraft available leading up to the war and without a full satellite constellation overhead, the U.S. Air Force is eventually outnumbered and out gunned. Although some of the most incredible air battles commence in the skies over the Western United States.

    The invading forces take over many air fields and land nearly a million personnel.

    The Russian and Chinese aircraft gradually control the skies over every battlefield. Much of the U.S. Navy is destroyed or surrendered.

    Supply lines are gradually cut and severe fuel shortages cripple every effort to mount a sustained resistance.

    The President tries to arrange peace terms, neither Russia nor China will respond and the war goes on.

    All now smell the blood of the United States as Axis Forces close in 'for the kill'.

    The EU; France, Germany, Italy, and with little choice Great Britain form a coalition alliance. The U.S. Armed forces are asked to leave Europe and they become loose allies in a mutual defense pact.

    Europe wants to avoid the conflict, they’ve suffered financially over international banking failures and being tied to the U.S. dollar. There is nothing to gain in taking sides, they elect to stay out of the war and remain neutral.

    North Korea attacks South Korea.

    China attacks Taiwan.

    During winter, Russia, China and their allied armies are stopped respectively in the Appalachian Mountain range and the Rocky Mountain range. The U.S. Army and the U.S. Air Force recover some strength and launch desperate attacks aimed at driving Russian armies out. The Russians hold the ground they have taken.

    In the spring, Russia, China and their allied armies launch coordinated attacks. Russia breaks through at two points in the north and south, while China and Japan break through at three points. Russia moves swiftly against bitter resistance, driving west and southwest.

    Attempts by the U.S. Army to establish a line of defense fail. Russians advance rapidly into Iowa-Missouri areas. Their deepest penetration happens in Kansas before the war ends.

    Fighting hard, the U.S. Army and government is encircled in the central United States and attacked without mercy. The invaders attack and slaughter much of U.S. Armed forces and the U.S. Army collapses.

    Many surrender and the government gives up. No official surrender is ever signed; there is a general collapse of organized resistance.

    Late spring into early summer all major fighting cease. Russian and Chinese soldiers with their allies celebrate for the United States is destroyed and occupied.

    Russia, China and Japan strips the land of industrial tools, machinery, and goods.

    There will be no slaughter in the mainland as in Alaska. Many soldiers and civilians of the United States are taken to Russia and Eastern Europe to work in labor camps rebuilding destroyed cities. China takes scientists and technicians.

    The occupying armies leave populated areas largely intact, using local people to extract raw materials and goods, such as are available.

    No effort to rebuild or restore the nation will be allowed.

    Russia, China and their allies emerge as the 21st century hegemony superpowers and become the multipolar world leaders.

    Last edited by vector7; May 12th, 2012 at 14:22. Reason: Links

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  2. #222
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    Discussion time ladies and gents. Below are the salient points that I am seeing. Plain, simple, and clear. All of the things below can be verified by each of you through your own sources. Basically, I can't come to only one conclusion from all of the stuff I've seen posted in the past few months.

    1) Russia and China are working to build fallout shelters - some to be in place as early as 2012.

    2) Iran is pressing very hard toward nuclear weapons capabilities and no one is trying to stop them (at the moment).

    3) Israel suddenly, and rather.. unexpectedly, started pushing to "fix the Palestinian" question.... after a meeting with Netanyahu and Obama....

    4) Word "on the street" is that Obama is stating privately that "Iran must not have the bomb". I can't get verification on this (has anyone else heard this or heard him say so?)

    5) North Korea has been in and out of the news of late - but today they are moving massive numbers of troops near their capitol city. Something is up. (Could be their idea of a response to US forces playing war games, or not) ( and

    6) Russia deployed the S-300 air defense systems on the outskirts of Georgia in the last two weeks.

    7) China is pressing very hard, so it seems for air craft carrier capabilities.

    8) A few days ago, a virus was discovered that can gain location information from hacked smart phones....

    That malicious program, discovered by Russian security company Kaspersky Labs, sends Short Message Service messages to a number that charges the phone’s user $5 a message, but it also could be used to expose location information.

    9) According to some economists, China is on the road to an economic melt-down, and North Korea has been-there-done-that.

    10) Defense Department has released a report on China's military build up and there is nothing whatsoever "optimistic" in the report. For instance: As President Obama has said, “[the U.S.-China] relationship has not been without disagreement
    and difficulty. But the notion that we must be adversaries is not pre-destined.”

    This leads one to believe that the President of the United States has thrown OUT the notion that an adversarial relationship with Russia and China are simply out of the question. He is throwing out the very facts that make up the thinking on the part of Chinese leadership.

    Furthermore, China itself states:

    BEIJING: The US is the greatest "perceived threat" to the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and cross-Straits relationship was the most likely subject to provoke a China-US war, a top Chinese military strategist has said.

    "The US is the only country capable of threatening China's national security interests in an all-round way," Rear Admiral Yang Yi, former head of strategic studies at the PLA's National Defence University, said last week to a group of visiting senior US officials.

    "Japan has no such ability, while Russia has no such motivation and India is more worried about China," Yang said while addressing delegates at the weeklong US-China Government Executive Global Leadership Course that concluded last Friday.

    This is an attempt to paint the US as the "bad guy" while leaving Russia on the side lines as a possible ally in any conflict.

    11) China has worked diligently to place itself in a position to hit Taiwan, and mitigate any instant US responses placing the US at a distinct disadvantage for the defense of Taiwan.

    12) Chinese military leaders have stated flat out that China and the US would be at war by 2015....,2933,42655,00.html

    I might have this wrong, it might have been 2013 - I'm searching for the reference and will add it to this message, and thread later if and when I find it.


    As I have been saying for many years, China is our greatest threat. They have the ability to bring nuclear war to our shores easily, albeit less accurately than the Russians can do, but in as great a spontaneous attack as can the Russians.

    Both countries have a vast amount to gain and little to lose by hitting us in the middle of the night, in one, fell swoop. While there will be retaliation of course against them, both countries are indeed preparing deep cover for their people.

    What have they to gain?

    A) The complete and utter take down of the Capitalist America they can't stand to be in power.

    B) Vast tracts of land which they can and will take by force after conquering the United States.

    c) Slave labor - the US people.

    D) Absolute, and final domination of the world and all third world countries, a communist economy and absolute communist rule of the world.

    What have they to lose?

    A) A few million people in a fiery nuclear world war - but who cares about a few million when the few in charge are preserved?

    B) ummmmm what else can they lose? Nothing I can think of at the moment.

    Libertatem Prius!

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  3. #223
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    Now... I posted this above message, and THEN I read Vector's remarks just above.

    It's appears that his scenario is very close to what I envision.

    If the Russians and Chinese do indeed hit us in the middle of the night, with a sneak attack, that is the most likely scenario.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  4. #224
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    if that were to happen no one would be able to stop them.

  5. #225
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    Posted by Matt in November 30th, 2010

    It’s hard for most people to even think about the possibility of nuclear war. They have completely lost their fear of nuclear war. It can’t happen! Unfortunately, that’s not true, and I’m going to show you why.

    How can one possibly know that nuclear war approaches? History provides the clues we’re looking for. Just like history informs us when a forest is susceptible to a major forest fire. The exact timing might be impossible to figure out, but we can know the season.

    Possible reasons for war:
    1. The rise of a power rival in the presence of a declining superpower has led to war six out of the last seven times. Today it’s China versus America.

    2. When a rival finds that it is incapable of keeping up militarily, then it may launch a preemptive strike before it is too late. Russia is now in danger of falling behind. This is the reason why Germany started World War I.

    The decline of a superpower is a very important historical sign of bad things to come. America is now in this situation.

    Another important historical sign is that when most people from the last big crisis have died then society becomes susceptible to another big crisis. The last big crisis was the Depression plus World War II.
    Here are three possible catalysts for war:

    1. A conflict in the Middle East involving Israel.
    2. A conflict on the Korean peninsula.
    3. A conflict over Taiwan.
    The use of nuclear weapons by any country could result in an an escalation.

    Introduction to Nuclear War – Signs 1 to 5
    1. Doomsday shelters making a comeback. Today a lot of people are starting to become concerned about events occurring in the world. Iran and North Korea are working hard to develop nuclear weapons. China and Russia are upgrading their nuclear forces. The US is letting its nuclear forces atrophy. What’s a regular person to do? Well, why not buy a doomsday shelter?
    Jason Hodge, father of four children from Barstow, Calif., says he’s “not paranoid” but he is concerned, and that’s why he bought space in what might be labeled a doomsday shelter.

    Hodge bought into the first of a proposed nationwide group of 20 fortified, underground shelters — the Vivos shelter network — that are intended to protect those inside for up to a year from catastrophes such as a nuclear attack, killer asteroids or tsunamis, according to the project’s developers.

    Doomsday shelters making a comeback
    If Everything Is Going To Be Okay, Then Why Is The Number Of Preppers [Preparing for End of World] In The United States Absolutely Exploding?
    Nuclear fallout shelters are making a comeback in other countries too: Japan and Israel.

    Nervous Japanese Build Nuclear Bunkers
    Israelis Put Bunkers in Gardens

    Both Switzerland and Singapore have nuclear fallout shelters for everyone:

    Swiss Still Braced for Nuclear War
    Bomb Shelters in Singapore

    2. On November 8, 2010 a mystery missile was launched 35 miles off the coast of Los Angeles. Initially there were many reports that this so-called missile was actually a contrail from an airplane. After a few days many different experts weighed in on the topic by confirming that it was indeed a missile. It was a two-stage submarine launched ballistic missile. It was most likely China providing a warning to the United States. If you think about it for a second, you will realize that this act was absolutely outrageous and unacceptable. This is a nuclear challenge from China – stay out of our core interests, or prepare for nuclear war.

    3. China has completed in the last few years massive underground nuclear bunkers under many of its major cities. Why is this necessary?

    Shanghai Completes Massive Underground Bunker to Protect Citizens from Disasters

    4. In a report by Russia Today, the Russian government is hurrying to complete 5,000 underground nuclear bunkers in Moscow by 2012.

    What’s the rush? And why do you need them in the first place?
    Inside Russia’s magic mountain [This bunker is the size of a city]
    Russian bunkers against nuclear attack
    Russian fallout shelters

    5. In 2009 Russia announced that it reserves the right to use a preemptive nuclear strike if it feels its security is threatened. A couple of years earlier it announced that it reserved the right to use nuclear weapons in a preemptive nuclear strike to protect itself and its allies.

    But which countries are Russia’s allies? One such ally is Syria. This is the same Syria that is preparing for war with Israel, along with Hezbollah and Hamas. What would Russia do if Israel destroys Syria?
    Russia in a new review of its policy on use of nuclear weapons will reserve the right to undertake a pre-emptive strike if it feels its security is endangered, a senior Kremlin official told a Russian newspaper.
    Read More…
    I’ve just given you a short introduction to the possibility of nuclear war. This shows both Russia and China suggesting the possibility of nuclear war is real. Both countries are working hard to build underground nuclear bunkers. Both countries have brought up the use of nuclear weapons. But why would they want to attack America?

    Why World War I Started
    With the November 1912 announcement of the Russian Great Military Programme, the leadership of the German Army began clamoring even more strongly for a “preventive war” against Russia. Moltke declared that Germany could not win the arms race with France, Britain and Russia, which she herself had begun in 1911, because the financial structure of the German state, which gave the Reich government little power to tax, meant Germany would bankrupt herself in an arms race. As such, Moltke from late 1912 onwards was the leading advocate for a general war, and the sooner the better. Source: Wikipedia – Causes of World War I.

    World War I started as a preemptive strike before Russia, France and Britain could gain a clear military advantage over Germany. This provides us with a clue as to why Russia might launch a preemptive nuclear strike against America in current times. Russia’s economy and military are in decline. The Russian state could be at risk of defeat in the future.
    The key signs present right before the start of World War I:
    [1.] The first cause was imperial overstretch. By 1914, the British Empire was showing signs of being a “weary Titan,” in the words of the poet Matthew Arnold. …

    [2.] Great-power rivalry was another principal cause of the catastrophe. The problem was not so much Anglo-German rivalry at sea as it was Russo-German rivalry on land. …

    [3.] The third fatal factor was an unstable alliance system. Alliances existed in abundance, but they were shaky. …

    [4.] The presence of a rogue regime sponsoring terror was a fourth source of instability. The chain of events leading to war, as every schoolchild used to know, began with the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo by a Bosnian Serb, Gavrilo Princip. …

    [5.] Finally, the rise of a revolutionary terrorist organization hostile to capitalism turned an international crisis into a backlash against the global free market. …
    Sinking Globalization
    What about the signs today? Here they are:

    1. America is in decline.

    2. Both China and Russia are powerful rivals. China is on the rise while Russia is in decline.

    3. NATO’s direction is no longer clear.

    4. Terror sponsoring regimes: Iran and Syria are two terror sponsoring regimes.

    5. A revolutionary terrorist organization is Al Qaeda which is more like “Islamo-Bolshevists” than “Islamo-Fascists.”

    The first three signs represent the ability of a major war to take place.

    The last two signs represent a catalyst to facilitate a major war. They are all present today.

    The catalyst for a major great-power war exists in the Middle East surrounding Israel. Should a war in the Middle East involving Israel, Hezbollah, Hamas and Syria involve a large number of Arab deaths, then a great-power war could follow. If Israel were to use nuclear weapons against its neighbors then you should be very worried.

    The Attack on Pearl Harbor
    The attack on Pearl Harbor (or Hawaii Operation, Operation Z, as it was called by the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters) was an unannounced military strike conducted by the Japanese navy against the United States’ naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on the morning of Sunday, December 7, 1941 (Hawaiian time, December 8 by Japan Standard Time), later resulting in the United States becoming militarily involved in World War II. It was intended as a preventive action to keep the U.S. Pacific Fleet from influencing the war the Empire of Japan was planning to wage in Southeast Asia against Britain, the Netherlands, and the United States. The attack consisted of two aerial attack waves totaling 353 aircraft, launched from six Japanese aircraft carriers.

    The attack on Pearl Harbor was a preventive or preemptive strike to keep the U.S. Pacific Fleet from influencing the war the Empire of Japan was planning to wage in Southeast Asia. This suggests that in a future attack on America one should seriously consider a preemptive nuclear strike out of the blue.

    Why Would Russia and China Want to Attack America?

    There are two key reasons that Russia and China would want to launch a nuclear attack on America:

    6. Russia is in decline: Russia in Decline

    Russia’s military industrial complex will be unable to keep up with America’s technological innovations in the future. In the next 10 to 15 years Russia’s nuclear forces could be at risk due to America’s missile defenses and global strike capabilities.

    Russia’s military problems: Russia Military in Decline
    “The revival of Russia’s military might under Putin is merely a myth,” Stanislav Belkovsky, who head the Institute for National Strategy, said at a presentation of the report. “The Russian armed forces have degraded completely under Putin.”

    If the current trends continue, the report warns, Russia’s nuclear arsenals would shrink from about 680 intercontinental ballistic missiles now to between 100 and 200 missiles over the next 10 years.
    Experts see decline in Russia’s military
    Russia today faces a similar problem as Germany did prior to World War I. If it does nothing then its chief adversary, America, will probably gain a clear military advantage in the future.

    7. If the new START treaty is not ratified by the US, then Moscow will be placed into a situation where it cannot keep up. The US will increase its missile defense capabilities over time, and gradually increase its global strike capabilities. Effectively, the defense of Russia will be put at risk with the failure of the new START treaty.

    America’s global strike capability in the future: Prompt Global Strike: World Military Superiority Without Nuclear Weapons
    Should Russia sit around and wait for the US to overwhelm Russia’s defensive capabilities, or should Russia strike the US while it still can? This is the choice Russia has.
    … If the arms control treaty fails, Moscow has no means to stop US progress either on missile defense or on enhancing its global strike program, perhaps the single most frightening military threat perceived by Moscow. …

    Moscow would also lose valuable potential and actual economic gains. Failure to ratify the treaty could undermine the entire edifice of the new cooperation like the treaty on civilian nuclear cooperation, Russian entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Obama administration’s efforts to bring about what has always been lacking in bilateral relations: a solid economic underpinning creating a community of interest on both sides to uphold and sustain ties through difficult times (The Moscow Times, November 8).

    These are among the fears expressed by pundits who have publicly registered their anxiety about the future course of the relationship (RIA Novosti, November 3;, November 3).

    Finally, failure of the ratification process confronts Russia with very difficult questions concerning the future course of its military policies and investments. If it cannot have mutual deterrence and arms control at more affordable levels as it spends huge amounts to modernize its army’s conventional weaponry, how would it react to that outcome? Certainly, there are those in the Kremlin who harbor unceasing suspicion of US interests, goals, and capabilities and those who would like to continue to place their priority on nuclear weapons in a strongly anti-US stance. Should the treaty fail to be ratified they would be emboldened, but can Russia afford both a sizable nuclear and huge conventional modernization? Therefore, the concern in the government and media about the outcome of the treaty is well founded because its failure will then confront Russia with a host of unpalatable situations that require major policy decisions in an environment of competitive foreign and defense policy agendas, leading to an outcome that no government looks forward to facing.

    Moscow Shows Anxiety Over Passing the New START Treaty – The Jamestown Foundation
    8. Russia doesn’t think nuclear war is out of bounds. In 2008 four-star Chief of the General Staff Gen. Yury Baluyevsky, has warned in the future there could be full-scale wars, even the use of nuclear weapons is not regarded as inconceivable. Watch this video about how Russia introduced medium range ballistic missile launchers (SS-21) capable of launching missiles with nuclear warheads in the Georgian war. The SS-21 missiles can be conventional or nuclear. The conventional warhead is not significant. This represented a threat of nuclear retaliation if America helped Georgia with precision guided conventional weapons.

    9. China is seeking a sphere of influence in its surrounding area. Currently, America is standing in its way. China has also defined an international body of water as its core interest – the South China Sea. America has so far not recognized this core interest.

    The Chinese people are not happy about a U.S. aircraft carrier so close to China while conducting naval exercises with South Korea.
    At this stage, China may not react through a show of force to the US fleet cruising into the international waters of the Yellow Sea. But it does not mean that the Chinese people will tolerate it. Whatever harm the US military maneuver may inflict upon the mind of the Chinese, the United States will have to pay for it, sooner or later. Just look at the thousands of messages Chinese readers have left on the Global Times Chinese-language website. More than 92 percent of them agree that the joint naval drill will be a huge threat to China. Many voiced their concerns, in lines such as: It’s a matter of the dignity of a big country; China has to grow even faster in order to avoid the bully and such shame; Don’t trust the United States any more.
    US has to pay for provoking China – GlobalTimes
    10. The conflict over Taiwan:
    A senior Chinese general has warned that his country could destroy hundreds of American cities with nuclear weapons if the two nations clashed over Taiwan.
    Major general Zhu Chenghu, a dean at the National Defence University, said he was expressing a private opinion, but his comments, the most inflammatory by a senior government official in 10 years, will fuel growing concerns in Washington about the rise of China.
    Chinese general warns of nuclear risk to US
    11. China is preparing for the “eventuality of a nuclear war.”

    Defense analysts for the British intelligence service MI6 believe China is preparing for the “eventuality of a nuclear war.” The conclusion follows evidence that Beijing has built secretly a major naval base deep inside caverns which even sophisticated satellites cannot penetrate, says a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

    In an unusual development, the analysts have provided details to the specialist defense periodical, Jane’s Intelligence Review, which published satellite images of the base location which is hidden beneath millions of tons of rock on the South China Sea island of Hainan.

    The Three E’s of War
    Historian Niall Ferguson discusses the three key factors present before wars in the 20th century.
    In The War of the World, I argued that three factors made the location and timing of lethal organised violence more or less predictable in the last century. The first was ethnic disintegration: violence was worst in areas where majorities lived uneasily side by side with religious or linguistic minorities. The second factor was empires in decline: when imperial rule crumbled, battles for power were most bloody.

    The third was economic volatility: the greater the magnitude and frequency of economic shocks, the more likely conflict was.
    The Axis of Upheaval
    The three E’s are present today: The American empire is in decline, the global financial crisis is causing economic volatility and the Middle East is set to blow up into a regional war sooner than we would like to think.

    12. Currently America is in economic decline, while China’s economy is on the rise. In the last 7 times that a global empire was challenged by a rival power, war has occurred 6 times.
    America in Decline
    America is vulnerable.
    Will the rise of China lead to conflict with the US?
    Great power rivalries in history:

    1. Spain versus Holland in the 16th century. [War]

    2. Holland versus England in the 17th century. [War]

    3. Britain versus France in both the 18th and 19th centuries. [War]

    4. France and Britain versus Germany in the 20th century. [War]

    5. Germany versus Russia in 1914. [War]

    6. Germany versus Russia (Soviet Union) in 1941. [War]

    7. Soviet Union versus the US and its allies in the Cold War after 1945. [No War]
    Economic Volatility and Social Unrest

    13. The signs of social unrest are just starting to appear in Russia due to Putin’s incompetence and the global financial crisis. This type of economic volatility is one reason for war.
    Russians have good reasons to despise the increasingly neo-Soviet regime that Putin, a proud KGB spy, has created.

    And despite the shameful lack of support from Barack Obama and other craven Western leaders, they have good reason to be brave enough to challenge him.

    When he came to power two years ago, Russia’s so-called “president” Dmitri Medvedev (in reality nothing more than Putin’s puppet) promised that he would bring a new level of fairness to Russia’s infamously corrupt electoral process. But exactly the opposite has happened. A Russian court has totally banned Russia’s most salient opposition party, Yabloko, from taking part in the next round of elections in the Russian regions. The court upheld the actions of local political leaders who rejected electoral petitions simply because they “just looked false.”

    A revolution is brewing in Vladimir Putin’s Russia
    Russian social unrest
    14. China is experiencing problems because of its rapid growth. Due to the rapid growth in real estate prices, widespread property seizure by the government has become a big problem:
    The Chinese government has moved to calm huge public anger over the widespread seizure of property, an issue that has driven three people to set themselves on fire in as many months.

    A large proportion of China’s estimated 100,000 or so public protests each year are driven by rage over compulsory evictions. Over the past decade, hundreds of thousands of Chinese have been forcibly evicted from their homes to make way for one of the greatest property booms of all time.
    China moves to calm unrest over property seizures – Telegraph
    15. Russia believes that a war with NATO is possible.
    “This is very significant. Right now the present Russian leadership believes that a war with Nato is very much possible,” Pavel Felgenhauer, a Moscow-based defence analyst, told the Guardian. “This is the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union that the Russian military is actually preparing for an all-out nuclear war with America.”

    He added: “I believe we [the Russians] are sending the west a serious message. The message is treat us with respect, and if you don’t go into our backyard we won’t go into yours. Russia wants to divide the world into spheres of influence. If not, we will prepare for nuclear war.”

    Felgenhauer said Russia’s military was old but still effective.

    “Our military is backward in its development. But we still have a sizeable nuclear potential. It can kill a hell of a lot of people,” he said.
    Russia challenges west with nuclear overhaul | World news | The Guardian
    16. China is thinking about a cold war and a hot war.
    Now almost 55% of those questioned for Global Times, a state-run newspaper, agree that “a cold war will break out between the US and China”.

    An independent survey of Chinese-language media for The Sunday Times has found army and navy officers predicting a military showdown and political leaders calling for China to sell more arms to America’s foes. The trigger for their fury was Obama’s decision to sell $6.4 billion (£4 billion) worth of weapons to Taiwan, the thriving democratic island that has ruled itself since 1949.

    China’s hawks demand cold war on the US
    17. Demographic problems in Russia and China.
    The West’s problems are, however, nothing compared to the social and economic catastrophe shaping in China.
    The one-child policy has, in its own harsh terms, worked: reducing births by between 300 and 400 million. But it has induced a premature, and alarmingly rapid, ageing process.

    China has given itself a rich country’s problem before it has become rich: for all its economic performance, Chinese incomes are still nowhere near as high as those in Western societies at the point when they started to age.
    China’s future will be hobbled by old age
    18. Tension between between mainland China and Taiwan is building.
    A senior Taiwanese official has told a defense forum in the United States that despite rapidly warming commercial relations with Taipei, China’s military threat against the island is growing, Taiwanese media reported Tuesday.

    The reports call into question the efficacy of China’s efforts to use its huge financial resources to convince Taiwanese both in and out of government that political union with the mainland is in the island’s interest.

    Deputy Defense Minister Andrew Yang told a U.S.-Taiwan Business Council meeting in Maryland on Monday that despite considerable progress on commercial ties, the mainland is continuing to deploy more and more sophisticated weapons against the island, according to reports Tuesday from opposition and pro-government newspapers and the government-owned Central News Agency.
    Taiwan official says China threat growing: reports
    Category: Taiwan
    19. A regional Middle East war approaches. This war will be unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Thousands of missiles will rain down on Israeli cities. Syria and Lebanon have missiles with chemical warheads which they might use on Israeli cities. The response from Israel could include nuclear weapons.
    A new report based on extensive conversations with regional decisionmakers, released Monday, Aug. 2, by the International Crisis Group, the respected mediation organization of former diplomats, warns of the possibility of war. “The situation in the Levant is … exceptionally quiet and uniquely dangerous, both for the same reason,” the Crisis Group warns. “The buildup in military forces and threats of an all-out war that would spare neither civilians nor civilian infrastructure, together with the worrisome prospect of its regionalization, are effectively deterring all sides.” But while Hizballah and its regional backers, Syria and Iran, believe that the buildup in the Shi’ite militia’s arsenal and capabilities is deterring Israel from launching attacks on any of them, Israel views the acquisition by Hizballah of a missile arsenal capable of raining destruction on Israeli cities as an intolerable threat. “As Hizballah’s firepower grows,” the Crisis Group notes, “so too does Israel’s desire to tackle the problem before it is too late … What is holding the current architecture in place is also what could rapidly bring it down.”
    Read More…
    Middle East Regional War Approaches
    20. Bible prophecy suggests that something big is about to happen. If the end times started with the arrival of modern Israel, then something big is up.

    Please note that I have provided one possible interpretation of Bible prophecy. Others are possible.

    a. Nebuchadnezzar’s statue suggests that the old Roman empire will rise again. Later another empire rises with 10 parts or zones. Where is America, Russia and China? How could a weak Roman empire (the EU?) rise again to dominate the world unless America, Russia and China were greatly weakened or eliminated?

    The scenario outlined below is about Israel’s destruction of its neighbors and the subsequent retaliation on America by Russia and China.

    b. Amos 1: Provides the timing for the destruction of Israel’s neighbors, and informs us that this is God’s judgment. They all arrive at three wars with Israel at different times, but gather together in the fourth war. It will be in the fourth war that they are destroyed. They are now at or near the third war.

    c. Isaiah 17: Discusses the destruction of Damascus, Syria. Who cares about Damascus, Syria? Is it a sign?

    d. Isaiah 18: A powerful friend of Israel is going to be destroyed. Pay attention to when Israel destroys its neighbors with nuclear weapons in the summer. By the following spring there will be sign: This powerful friend brings gifts to the new Jewish temple on the Temple Mount. The destruction of this powerful friend could begin at any time after the gifts are delivered.

    Find out how Islam takes over the world: Could Islam really take over the world? After the videos is an article on Isaiah 18.

    21. How significant American wars follow a cycle of 80 to 100 years. These are the wars that plunge the entire country into a crisis. A new 20 year crisis period starts about the time that most people who directly experienced the last crisis have died off. There was the Revolutionary War, Civil War and Depression plus World War II. The current crisis period runs from 2005 to 2025.
    Thus might the next Fourth Turning end in apocalypse – or glory. The nation could be ruined, its democracy destroyed, and millions of people scattered or killed. Or America could enter a new golden age, triumphantly applying shared values to improve the human condition. The rhythms of history do not reveal the outcome of the coming Crisis; all they suggest is the timing and dimension.

    Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning
    Winter is coming. Are you prepared?

    Americans see time as their enemy. Most Americans have bought into a view of the past and future as linear. When you observe the world in linear way and things are going well, the population is happy and confident. If you view the world in a linear way and things are going badly, the population sees nothing but terrible times ahead. This linear outlook of history and the future is not rational or supported by facts. I’m convinced that world history is not on a linear path towards Armageddon and the Rapture. This belief is preached by many of the mainstream religions, but the truth is that we’ve seen this movie before and it doesn’t end in the 2nd Coming of Christ. The American belief in a destiny of never ending progress will undergo its 3rd major crisis period since its founding. The resolution of this crisis is 10 to 20 years in the future. The outcome will remain in doubt until the definitive resolution.

    Read More (Part 1)…
    Read More (Part 2)…
    The Cycles of War
    22. What nuclear gaming tells us about the START treaty.
    The results of the gaming exercises are clear. Pursuing nuclear disarmament in a proliferated world without employing missile defense and maintaining credible nuclear deterrence increases instability, which can lead to nuclear war. Moreover, it is likely that New START will fail to protect the U.S. and its allies from attack, to provide verification of existing programs, and to prevent nuclear proliferation.
    Pursuing an arms control strategy of “protect and defend”—in other words, fielding missile defenses and maintaining a modernized, credible nuclear deterrent—appears to be the best option for pursuing arms control and nonproliferation policy while limiting the potential for conflict.
    Read More…
    23. The mathematics of war. Wars and attacks within wars precisely follow a power-law distribution. The longer you go between wars or attacks then the bigger they will get which is contrary to the thinking of most people. Most people think that the longer you go since a major war like World War II, then the less likely a major war will happen. The mathematics of war shows that this thinking is not true.

    24. Let’s not forget Iranian nuclear weapons.
    Former U.S. Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger says that unless civilized nations act soon to thwart Iran’s nuclear ambitions “the world’s going to go to war over this.”
    His remark came in reaction to the news that Russia has announced it will begin loading nuclear-fuel rods into an Iranian nuclear reactor on Aug. 28.

    “When you’re as old as I am,” he told Cavuto, “if you remember how much this sounds like the workup to WWII, when everybody was letting things go by, letting things happen, and nobody was doing anything to stop what was clearly a track toward war. And we’re doing it again, we’re doing it again.

    Eagleburger: World’s Going to War Over Iranian Nukes
    25. The 1930s – An Era Strikingly Similar to Our Own
    Paul Johnson’s Churchill recalls an era strikingly similar to our own.

    Johnson notes that when Hitler and the Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, most Europeans failed to recognize either the nature or the gravity of the threat. Winston Churchill — retired soldier, popular writer, not very popular politician — was the exception. He understood that unless free peoples acted decisively, they would come under attack, sooner or later.

    Churchill was derided as an alarmist, or even a “warmonger.”

    Nineteen-Thirty-Something by Clifford D. May on National Review Online
    Tag: The 1930s
    26. Could the conflict between North Korea and South Korea spiral out of control and involve America and China? N. Korea: Exercises bring war ‘closer’ –

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  6. #226
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    Hodge bought into the first of a proposed nationwide group of 20 fortified, underground shelters — the Vivos shelter network — that are intended to protect those inside for up to a year from catastrophes such as a nuclear attack, killer asteroids or tsunamis, according to the project’s developers.
    Like this one?:

    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  7. #227
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    The article above is implying that Russia and China are in danger of extinction. I don't buy that. Is anyone else a bit skeptic about that?
    Domine, dirige nos.

  8. #228
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    The Polish remnant Catholic press reports that there are roadblocks being set up in four Polish cities/towns along the major 280 km North-South S7/E77 highway from Warsaw to Cracow. These include protests in Radom, Jedrzejow, Kielce and Skarzysko. Protesters who include local MPs and other local opposition politicians block the traffic, tying it up for hours. They protest that the money in the national bugdet is being withdrawn from this particular v. busy N-S route and moved elsewhere indefinitely (or into future budgets several years away). Could it be that polsheviks are going to be improving highways to Polish border with both Germany and Ukraine? MSM in Poland is silent on this topic. Only local papers (today's "Echo Dnia" from Radom above) and Catholic remnant press have the reports. Is the polshevik government of Donald Tusk & Bronislaw Komorusski already following orders issued from the basement of the Russian embassy in Warsaw, or is there a more benign explanation?
    Last edited by Kosciuszko; February 15th, 2011 at 16:59.

  9. #229
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    If they are protesting, they have a reason. if the reason is something that can be seen and felt in the economy, then something's up that the rest of the world is blissfully unaware.
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  10. #230
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    Default Re: World War Three Thread....

    If they are protesting, they have a reason. if the reason is something that can be seen and felt in the economy, then something's up that the rest of the world is blissfully unaware. (???)

    Polish divided highway network. Existing sections in green, under construction in red, dashed lines mark planned sections.

    Last edited by Kosciuszko; February 15th, 2011 at 19:25.

  11. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by michael2 View Post
    It's to make the Russian forces way easier into Central Europe when They invade, is my guess.
    You are absolutely right. To add insult to injury, Poland is building all these tank superhighways with EU money, oblivious to EU environmental laws!

    EIB to finance Polish motorway construction


    The European Investment Bank (EIB) is to lend EUR 1.2 billion to Poland for the construction of the remaining section of A2 motorway leading to the German border on the way to Berlin.

    It is also to provide EUR 565 million for the Warsaw ring road. In the former investment project the loan is to cover 70% of the cost, while in the latter – 50%.

    This is the first case of EIB’s crucial involvement in a private or concession project in Poland. EIB is the main creditor but talks with commercial banks concerning the outstanding amount are also in progress, TVN24 reports.

    A contract amendment was signed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Autostrada Wielkopolska Company. The new document gives the company additional time till June 30 for negotiating with banks crediting the construction of Świecko - Nowy Tomyśl section of A2 motorway. The over one hundred kilometre stretch is to be ready in 2011. The construction is to be launched in Q3 2009.

    The Warsaw bypass construction project is to involve additional EU and Polish Roads Fund funding.
    Last edited by Kosciuszko; February 15th, 2011 at 20:23.

  12. #232
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    Explosives room or service room?
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  13. #233
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    This is a secret....

    Or was. Until Peterle found the internet. LOL
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  14. #234
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Never heard of any such thing on US roads. Then again, maybe that's the point...

    But seriously, the South Koreans know what to do. They have tank traps, blockades, and choke points built into their road system.

  15. #235
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    een cut, a number of interchanges and exit ramps built (see below) razem możemy zdziałać zdecydowanie więcej!

    Forests have been cleared, some interchanges already built, the issues discussed in public forums, and perks promised to the electorate in several elections, including the last one that elected polshevik Komorusski to the presidency. The most recent budget for the period 2011-2015 takes the previously alotted money for the N-S route and transfers it into the two divided highways to nowhere (A2 & A4). All the economic, social and cultural consideration aside (S7/E77 ties Gdansk in the North with Zakopane/Rabka in the South), there will not be EU money available in past 2015 to continue building, because the EU fund transfers will dry up. S7 is now a single lane highway dating back 80 years. It handles heavy 18-wheeler traffic during the week. Folks try to get to the mountains in the South and Baltic sea in the North during the weekends. Traffic-jams and accidents along the whole route are legenday. Death toll from accidents is notorious. People in the know will do anything, i.e. take a train or fly in order to avoid getting stuck or killed by the roadside.

    In the meantime, Polish medical facilities are being "streamlined" not only along the route but all over Poland. Hospitals along the S7/E77 h-wy do not have adequate facilities as of now. For instance, the bankrupted municipal hospital in Skarzysko got 9 million Euro from th EU to open 4 new modern operaring rooms. It ran out of money and the OR block has been sitting empty for years now. No money to equip or staff it. Beginning in March/11 NFZ (the gov. agency funding healthcare) is going to reduce by 40% all the urgent care facilities in Poland from 813 walk-in centers all over Poland now down to 491. In the Warszawa region alone (i.e. in Mazovia) 69 centters will remain open (mostly in and around Warsaw) out of the present-day 100. Physicians in the trenches are predicting chaos. The list of the walk-in centers to be closed to "save money" has not yet been published.

    Last edited by Kosciuszko; February 17th, 2011 at 17:54.

  16. #236
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    I think that when roads were being built across Europe after WWII the US had a hand in it, and with an eye to protecting against the Soviets they helped to design this stuff in.

    I'm sure there is some documentation of all of this, but I certainly have read about it in historical military stuff. I just can't give you exact references right now.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  17. #237
    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    I have no idea if the US has such designed traps and explosive setup areas, however, I can say many places in Penn and New York States and points north are not friendly to any large or tall vehicle.

  18. #238
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    The US doesn't really have anything like that. I'm pretty familiar with a lot of interstates in the US. LOL

    I have seen these things in Europe, but not in the US
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  19. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Donaldson View Post
    The US doesn't really have anything like that. I'm pretty familiar with a lot of interstates in the US. LOL

    I have seen these things in Europe, but not in the US
    Do you think EU insisted that they put tank defences in the Polish East-West motorways? We would be deluding ourselves to think that is the case!

  20. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Fiord View Post
    I have no idea if the US has such designed traps and explosive setup areas, however, I can say many places in Penn and New York States and points north are not friendly to any large or tall vehicle.
    Well...out on Long Island, there was a reason for the low bridges...

    They wanted to make sure that Buses couldn't make it packed with low income people headed out to the eastern end of LI to wreck the beaches.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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