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Thread: How the imams terrorized an airliner

  1. #1
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default How the imams terrorized an airliner

    So those 6 Imams removed from the US Air flight were up to no good. Deport them immediately.


    Muslim religious leaders removed from a Minneapolis flight last week exhibited behavior associated with a security probe by terrorists and were not merely engaged in prayers, according to witnesses, police reports and aviation security officials.

    Witnesses said three of the imams were praying loudly in the concourse and repeatedly shouted "Allah" when passengers were called for boarding US Airways Flight 300 to Phoenix.

    "I was suspicious by the way they were praying very loud," the gate agent told the Minneapolis Police Department.

    Passengers and flight attendants told law-enforcement officials the imams switched from their assigned seats to a pattern associated with the September 11 terrorist attacks and also found in probes of U.S. security since the attacks -- two in the front row first-class, two in the middle of the plane on the exit aisle and two in the rear of the cabin.

    "That would alarm me," said a federal air marshal who asked to remain anonymous. "They now control all of the entry and exit routes to the plane."

    A pilot from another airline said: "That behavior has been identified as a terrorist probe in the airline industry."

    But the imams who were escorted off the flight in handcuffs say they were merely praying before the 6:30 p.m. flight on Nov. 20, and yesterday led a protest by prayer with other religious leaders at the airline's ticket counter at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.

    Mahdi Bray, executive director of the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, called removing the imams an act of Islamophobia and compared it to racism against blacks.

    "It's a shame that as an African-American and a Muslim I have the double whammy of having to worry about driving while black and flying while Muslim," Mr. Bray said. <---RACE BAITING

    The protesters also called on Congress to pass legislation to outlaw passenger profiling.
    Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, Texas Democrat, said the September 11 terrorist attacks "cannot be permitted to be used to justify racial profiling, harassment and discrimination of Muslim and Arab Americans."
    "Understandably, the imams felt profiled, humiliated, and discriminated against by their treatment," she said.

    According to witnesses, police reports and aviation security officials, the imams displayed other suspicious behavior.
    Three of the men asked for seat-belt extenders, although two flight attendants told police the men were not oversized. One flight attendant told police she "found this unsettling, as crew knew about the six [passengers] on board and where they were sitting." Rather than attach the extensions, the men placed the straps and buckles on the cabin floor, the flight attendant said.

    The imams said they were not discussing politics and only spoke in English, but witnesses told law enforcement that the men spoke in Arabic and English, criticizing the war in Iraq and President Bush, and talking about al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.

    The imams who claimed two first-class seats said their tickets were upgraded. The gate agent told police that when the imams asked to be upgraded, they were told no such seats were available. Nevertheless, the two men were seated in first class when removed.

    A flight attendant said one of the men made two trips to the rear of the plane to talk to the imam during boarding, and again when the flight was delayed because of their behavior. Aviation officials, including air marshals and pilots, said these actions alone would not warrant a second look, but the combination is suspicious.

    "That's like shouting 'fire' in a crowded theater. You just can't do that anymore," said Robert MacLean, a former air marshal.

    "They should have been denied boarding and been investigated," Mr. MacLean said. "It looks like they are trying to create public sympathy or maybe setting someone up for a lawsuit."

    The pilot with another airline who talked to The Washington Times on condition of anonymity, said he would have made the same call as the US Airways pilot.

    "If any group of passengers is commingling in the terminal and didn't sit in their assigned seats or with each other, I would stop everything and investigate until they could provide me with a reason they did not sit in their assigned seats."

    One of the passengers, Omar Shahin, told Newsweek the group did everything it could to avoid suspicion by wearing Western clothes, speaking English and booking seats so they were not together. He said they conducted prayers quietly and separately to avoid attention.

    The imams had attended a conference sponsored by the North American Imam Federation in Minneapolis and were returning to Phoenix. Mr. Shahin, who is president of the federation, said on his Web site that none of the passengers made pro-Saddam or anti-American statements.

    The pilot said the airlines are not "secretly prejudiced against any nationality, religion or culture," and that the only target of profiling is passenger behavior.

    "There are certain behaviors that raise the bar, and not sitting in your assigned seat raises the bar substantially," the pilot said. "Especially since we know that this behavior has been evident in suspicious probes in the past."

    "Someone at US Airways made a notably good decision," said a second pilot, who also does not work for US Airways.

    A spokeswoman for US Airways declined to discuss the incident. Aviation security officials said thousands of Muslims fly every day and conduct prayers in airports in a quiet and private manner without creating incidents.
    Last edited by Malsua; November 28th, 2006 at 12:09.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: How the imams terrorized an airliner

    Major screw-up.

    They should not have kicked the imams off the acft at the terminal.

    Shoulda waited until they were cruising at 32K.

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    Default Re: How the imams terrorized an airliner

    Oops. meant to post this here on Nov. 22, but got sidetracked with other major issues. Better late than never...

    I went on a little data mining mission regarding the Imam Omar Shahin. In my probing I find that Arizona is quite prominent. Tucson, Arizona to be specific. 9/11 hijacker Hani Hanjour was a student at AU in Tucson. AQ purchased a Sabre-40 private jet in Arizona - according to the new details in "Triple Cross" by Peter Lance. (I have since learned this jet crashed in Sudan). Omar Shahin (a Wahabbi) knows Osama bin Laden. Met him in Medina, Saudi Arabia in the early 80s.

    The facts and details I have gathered tell a different story than what is currently being reported by any single source in the MSM. Sorry for the bold print and multiple colors but I have to use them to make my point.

    Here we go...

    The Imam's conference:

    Towards Improving Imams' Professionalism and Community Outreach
    Ramada Inn-Mall of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota (November 18-21, 2006)

    Apparently there exists an "eyewitness" who was attending a sales meeting in the same Ramada Inn hotel. He was in a conference room right next door to the room these imam's were using for their meeting.

    The six 'scholars' had been in Minneapolis for a conference of the North American Imams Federation. Those taken off the plane included Imar Shahin (Incorrect spelling, his name is Omar Shahin), the group's president.

    In the most recent case, six Muslim scholars were taken off a US Airways flight to Phoenix after a passenger reported overhearing them criticize the U.S. in Iraq and speaking angrily near the gate. The men said they had been praying.
    The flight's captain ordered the men off the plane... ( The police report said they got off the plane without incident )... and they were interrogated by the FBI and the Secret Service.

    They had to fly a different airline out of town on Tuesday after US Airways refused to let them on any of its flights.

    An airport police report said a US Airways manager said three of the men had one-way tickets and no checked baggage.
    Shahin eventually booked flights on Northwest Airlines -- to Phoenix for five of the imams from the Phoenix-Tempe area and to Los Angeles for the sixth, who was from Bakersfield, Calif.
    Omar Shahin
    "The police came and take us off the plane in front of all the passengers in a very humiliated way," Shahin said. "I never felt bad in my life like yesterday. It was the worst moment in my life when I see six imams, six leaders in this community, humiliated."
    Fear pushed some away, most came back

    "Those hijackers hijacked our freedom in America. We are not enjoying freedom and justice anymore because of what they have done."
    Omar Shahin

    By James Kelley
    Arizona Daily Wildcat
    September 11, 2002

    In the days following last year's attacks, fear and rumors ran rampant among the Arab and Muslim communities.
    As a result, at least 53 students from other countries went home.
    One year later, most of them have returned.
    While officials are not sure exactly how many students who fled the university after the Sept. 11 attacks returned, they agree most have come back.
    The exact number is still being calculated and will not be known until Sept. 16, when the UA will report its final enrollment to the Arizona Board of Regents.
    Kirk Simmons, executive director of international affairs, said about 80 or 90 percent of students who left came back.
    Those who didn't return either transferred to another school, had parents who weren't ready to let them go or stayed home or wanted to but could not get visas, said Joanne Lagasse-Long, director of international student programs and services.
    Sharon Kha, spokeswoman for the university, said, quoting an October 2001 report, 65 students withdrew in connection with the Sept. 11 attacks. Twelve were U.S. citizens, and 11 of those students had military obligations.
    Initially, it was feared that Tucson Muslims would be particularly targeted by hate crimes because one of the suspected suicide bombers,
    Hani Hanjour, was a former UA student.
    bin Laden's chief of logistics, Wa'el Hamza Jelaidan, is believed to have been president of the Islamic Center of Tucson in the 1980s.
    "Rumors, they were spreading very wide that we are here being attacked and accused and insulted, which made parents worry, so they called them and begged them to come home and disregard their studies and philosophies. They just wanted their kids to be safe," said Omar Shahin, imam and director of the Islamic Center of Tucson.
    International students who withdrew were from Bahrain, Kuwait, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which had the most with 34, Kha said.
    All the students from the United Arab Emirates came back except for two, Shahin said.
    Last year there were about 3,800 international students, 2,800 of whom were here on temporary visas, Kha said.
    With the United States tightening security, students from Saudi Arabia, Osama bin Laden's place of birth and the former home of 15 of the 19 suspected Sept. 11 hijackers, represent one of the largest groups of students who were denied visas.
    Despite this, Tucson Muslims feel safe, said Shahin, who knew Osama bin Laden in 1981 or 1982 while he was studying in Medina, Saudi Arabia.
    "I think it could be worse but so far I think we are doing OK. They are a few crazy people ÃÃ*’ƒÃ‚· very, very few," Shahin said. "The whole Muslim people have been suffering since Sept. 11. Those hijackers hijacked our freedom in America. We are not enjoying freedom and justice anymore because of what they have done."
    "I was talking today with a guy I know; he'd been at a suburban hotel for an annual company sales meeting. The regional manager was having a difficult time speaking, since the party in the next conference room was praying about as loudly as is humanly possible (150 screaming Imam's is very loud), and had followed the prayers with a speaker who expressed in rather . . . forceful terms the depth of Muslim oppression in America." (This may be where a reference to "jihad" originated)
    "The six were returning from a conference in Minneapolis of the North American Imams Federation, said Omar Shahin of Phoenix, president of the group."

    Hooper said the meeting drew about 150 imams from all over the country, and that those attending included Rep.-elect Keith Ellison, D-Minn., who just became the first Muslim elected to Congress. Shahin said they went as far as notifying police and the FBI about their meeting in advance.

    Omar Shahin speaks to the news media after the imams' removal.
    Last edited by Ryan Ruck; November 28th, 2006 at 22:57. Reason: Fixed font color

  4. #4
    Repeatedly Redundant...Again
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    Default Re: How the imams terrorized an airliner

    Sean, that's kinda hard to read. Or is it only my computer with a blue background trying to read black letters?

  5. #5
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: How the imams terrorized an airliner

    There, fixed the color of some of the font as it had come out black.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: How the imams terrorized an airliner

    These aged eyes thank you.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: How the imams terrorized an airliner

    Thanks for fixing the above Ryan... I'd have gotten to it this evening at some point.

    Anyway... I just received the following from a good friend. This is a rare treat for forum readers.

    Joint Homeland Security Assessment
    Office of Intelligence and Analysis
    Federal Bureau
    of Investigation
    Terrorist Use of “Dry Run” Tactic May Be Tip-Off for Imminent Terrorist Attack
    29 November 2006
    : Federal Departments and Agencies, State Homeland Security Advisors, State Emergency Managers, State and Local Fusion Centers, Law Enforcement, Tribal Governments, Information Sharingand Analysis Centers, and the Sector Coordinating Councils.

    The purpose of this Joint Homeland Security Assessment is to provide readers with DHS and FBI analysis of terrorist use of dry runs before initiating an attack.
    The assessment describes tactics used in previous operations and gives law enforcementpersonnel indicators to detect them. DHS and the FBI currently have no credible
    intelligence that terrorist organizations are using these tactics in attack planning against the Homeland.

    Key Findings

    Terrorists use dry runs during the final stages of operational planning to simulate the actual terrorist act.

    Dry runs expose strengths and weaknesses in an attack plan and allow terrorists to adapt their plans to the actual operating environment. Dry runs also help the terrorists to visualize the attack and prepare psychologically in order to suppress any fears they may have going forward.

    Law enforcement and homeland security personnel should be aware that every practice run provides an opportunity for officers to detect terrorist operational planning. Increased awareness of suspicious incidents that are similar and bear the marks of operational planning could be a key in detecting the next attack.

    Dry Runs Used in Previous Terror Plots

    Unlike preoperational surveillance—which can occur months or even years before the attack—a dry run is similar to a dress rehearsal and usually indicates that an
    attack is imminent. Terrorists use dry runs to note layout, security procedures, and timing, and to modify their plans accordingly. Dry runs in previous terrorist operations

    August 2006 plot to blow up airliners using liquid explosives: Suspected terrorists discussed a dry run in order to test airport security procedures.

    7 July 2005 London bombings: The perpetrators rehearsed the attack on 28 June 2005 while on their respective routes in the London subway system. They wore backpacks during the dry run, as they did when they executed the attack. The backpacks allegedly were empty during the dry run.

    11 September 2001 attacks: In the months preceding the attacks, several of the hijackers made dry runs on transcontinental flights to observe security procedures. The terrorists, who were trained as pilots, obtained operational information by flying onboard passenger planes similar to the ones they later hijacked.

    “Operation Bojinka” plot: In 1994 Ramzi Yousef planned to simultaneously bomb multiple airplanes while they were in transit over the Pacific Ocean. His group conducted two dry runs to test the effectiveness of the explosive devices in simulated environments—one on a Manila movie theater chair similar to an airplane seat and another on the seat of a Philippine Airlines
    flight bound for Japan.

    Security Indicators
    Terrorists may carry out single or multiple dry runs before the execution of a terrorist operation in order to identify flaws and unanticipated problems in an attack plan.
    Law enforcement and homeland security officials should be aware that dry runs are opportunities for officers to detect the operation. Evidence left from the Bojinka plot dry
    runs could have revealed the plot, the subjects, and their possible tactics. The explosive device that was tested in the movie theater bore similarities—to include similar electronic components—to the device later detonated on the Philippine airplane. The two dry runs were viewed as isolated incidents, however, and were not linked.
    Possible Indicators of Dry Runs

    Individuals with unusual or prolonged interest in security measures or personnel, entry points and access controls, or perimeter barriers such as fences or walls.

    Individuals monitoring police radio frequencies and recording emergency response times.

    Individuals exhibiting unusual behavior such as staring or quickly looking away from personnel or vehicles entering or leaving designated facilities or parking areas.

    Individuals displaying anxious behaviors such as retracing steps.

    Individuals observing security reaction drills or procedures.

    Individuals mapping out routes or timing traffic lights and traffic flow.

    Individuals questioning security or facility personnel.

    Individuals attempting to gain a position near crowded areas.

    Individuals wearing disguises to elude detection or gain access to restricted areas. Disguises may include military, medical, firefighter, or police uniforms, a woman claiming to be pregnant, or a man posing as a woman.

  8. #8
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: How the imams terrorized an airliner

    Day before yesterday, I made a report of a suspicious vehicle, which was actually off base, near a gate. He was taking pictures of vehicles leaving and entering the base.

    In the past security forces would be backed up by Sheriff's dept personnel and confront the person to determine what they were doing and whether they were a threat.

    Monday, the SF contacted the person and he claimed to own the land around the area and was photographing it because he plans to sell it.



    The guy has been seen by multiple people, several times doing the same thing in the same area. How many photos does one need of a large, open field area to give the impression that it is a "large, open field area"????

    Give me a break.

    Nothing else was done.

    I start carrying my photography equipment with ME today, and I'm going to be taking my OWN pictures of the bad guys. I'm sick of this shit and all the lacadasical attitude security personnel have.

    When this place takes a hit, I'm going to be yelling from the roof, "I TOLD YOU SO"
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: How the imams terrorized an airliner


    Was a TALON issued as a result of this activity? If not then there's NO WAY the JPEN system can work as designed and somebody is derelict in their duty.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: How the imams terrorized an airliner

    Imams Gone Wild!

    By Paul Sperry

    November 30, 2006

    The Council on American-Islamic Relations is demanding Congress investigate US Airway's removal last week of six imams from one of its flights. The Muslim-rights group claims the imams, who were behaving suspiciously, posed no threat.

    It's "very, very inappropriate to treat religious leaders that way," a spokesman fumed.

    According to CAIR, imams are as harmless as Buddhist monks and deserve no less respect. Tell that to flight attendant Kimberly Banducci.

    According to police reports I've obtained, the Delta Air Lines veteran was assaulted by a Muslim cleric in a bizarre attack aboard a flight from Miami International Airport three years ago. The wild scene, which involved Federal Air Marshals and local police, was never reported in the media.

    Here's what happened: On Oct. 23, 2003, Sheikh Ahmed Hamman Mahmoud Hamman claimed he needed assistance as he boarded Delta Flight 1586. Banducci, who was flight coordinator that day, escorted the Egyptian imam, dressed in a flowing robe, to his seat. As she helped him get seated, Hamman remarked in heavily accented English how good she smelled and asked her name.

    As she began to recoil from the bearded man's passes, he suddenly grabbed her face with one hand and wouldn't let go. Banducci told him he was hurting her and asked for help from passengers in the immediate area. She was able to pull away, but then His Most Holiness grabbed both her breasts and again would not release his grip. Banducci yelled at him to let go, but he refused, squeezing even harder. Only after she screamed for help and two air marshals broke cover did the man back down.

    As authorities questioned him, Hamman acted like he couldn't speak any English. The Miami-Dade Police Department took him into custody where he was booked the next day for felony battery, the police report says. Delta did not press charges, however, and kept the incident from the press.

    US Airways, which has been flooded with positive calls from customers for its stand against the six obnoxious imams, is poised to take over Delta in a proposed merger, making it the nation's largest carrier.

    A local Muslim leader bailed the violent groper sheikh out of jail. Authorities say a man named Sofian Abdelaziz (aka Sofian Zakout, aka Sofian Abdelaziz-Zakout, aka Sofian Zakkout) representing the American Muslim Association of North America, or AMANA, posted bond for the 35-year-old Hamman, who was visiting Florida during Ramadan. Abdelaziz-Zakkout, a Kuwaiti native, was his trip sponsor.

    He's also a radical Islamic activist who is a close personal friend of the notorious Shukrijumahs of South Florida, a Saudi family whose son, Adnan, is an al-Qaida operative thought to be in line to head an encore attack on America. The FBI calls him "the next Mohamed Atta." His late father was a local Wahhabi imam on the Saudi payroll.

    Not surprisingly, Abdelaziz-Zakkout recently defended an accused al-Qaida confederate of Adnan Shukrijumah at his trial. He also opposed the U.S. strikes on Afghanistan after 9/11, and the U.S. assassination of al-Qaida terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq.

    Back to the Saintly Six imams kicked off US Airways Flight 300. Their ringleader Omar Shahin whined, "What happened to us is terrible." No, what happened on 9/11 is terrible, and airlines and their passengers will be damned if they'll tolerate any more treacherous tricks from packs of truculent Muslim men on board their flights.

    Shahin knows of such shenanigans. At his former mosque in Tucson, Ariz., he ministered to two college students removed from an America West flight after twice attempting to open the cockpit. The FBI suspected it was a "dry run" for the 9/11 hijackings, according the 9/11 Commission Report. One of the students, Hamdan al-Shalawi, had trained for attacks in Afghanistan, the report says. The other, Muhammed al-Qudhaieen, became a material witness in the 9/11 investigation.

    Even so, the pair filed racial-profiling suits against America West, now part of US Airways. Defending them was none other than Shahin, the public face of the Slighted Six imams who returned to the US Airways ticket counter at the Minneapolis airport to scold agents before the cameras, and then staged a protest at Reagan International Airport in Washington.

    In an "Arizona Republic" interview after the 9/11 attacks, he acknowledged once supporting Osama bin Laden through his hardline Saudi-backed mosque in Tucson. FBI investigators believe bin Laden operated a cell there. Hani Hanjour, the hijacker who piloted the plane that hit the Pentagon, attended the Tucson mosquealong with bin Laden's one-time personal secretary, according to the 9/11 Commission Report. Bin Laden's former chief of logistics was president of the mosque before Shahin took over.

    "These people don't continue to come back to Arizona because they like the sunshine or they like the state," said FBI agent Kenneth Williams. "Something was established there, and it's been there for a long time." And Shahin, a native of Jordan, appears to be in the middle of it.

    Shahin now heads the North American Imams Federation, which is affiliated with the innocuous-sounding American Open University, where he teaches Islamic studies. The radical Islamic school, known by law enforcement as "Wahhabi Online," has raised a number of red flags at the FBI, including the fact that:

    -- It's founder and chairman, Jaafar Idris, is a Sudanese radical on the Saudi payroll who was recently deported for visa fraud and spreading extremism in America.

    -- A co-founder, Salah As-Sawi, is a professor at Al-Azhar in Egypt, a bastion of the dangerous Muslim Brotherhood. In fact, American Open University is a fully accredited satellite campus of Al-Azhar. As-Sawi worked with Idris at the Institute of Arabic and Islamic Sciences in Washington, a propaganda center set up by the Saudi Embassy to spread Wahhabism in America. It was raided after 9/11 and is still under surveillance by federal authorities.

    -- Alumni of the "university" include convicted members of the Virginia Jihad Network.

    -- The school has received funding from a suspected al-Qaida front that has expressly advocated suicide attacks and using airliners as weapons. The Islamic Assembly of North America, or IANA, is bankrolled by the Saudi religious minister who stayed at the same Washington-area hotel as the hijackers the night before they attacked the Pentagon. (He feigned a heart attack when FBI agents tried to question him and was subsequently evacuated with other Saudi officials on White House-approved escape flights after 9/11.)

    A former CAIR official, Bassem Khafagi, headed IANA. He pleaded guilty to terror-related charges and was deported.

    CAIR, which is listed as a partner organization to Shahin's North American Imams Federation, insists American imams are peace-loving "patriots."

    Oh? Would that include Omar Abdul-Rahman, the blind sheikh serving life for plotting to blow up several New York landmarks?

    Or Imam Ali al-Timimi, a native Washingtonian, also behind bars for soliciting local Muslims to kill fellow Americans?

    Or fugitive cleric Anwar Aulaqi, the U.S.-born imam who prepared some of the 9/11 hijackers for martyrdom?

    How about imams Mohammed al-Hanooti and Siraj Wahhaj (a CAIR and NAIF board member), both unindicted co-conspirators in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing conspiracy?

    Perhaps CAIR is referring to other imams in New York who were recently busted for buying shoulder-fired missiles.

    Or the one in Lodi, Calif., who planned to build an al-Qaida terror camp there, and on and on.

    Yup, they all wear halos all right. Or is that orange jumpsuits?

    Oh, that's right, they're all so misunderstood and mistreated. Boo-hoo, somebody call the wha-a-a-a-ambulance.

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    Default Re: How the imams terrorized an airliner

    Somewhere I have a SMLM card - pronounced 'smell-em' - from my first trip to Europe.

    In the fall of 1978 or 1979, I identified and reported a van outside Rhein Main that was taking photos.

    (IIRC that letters in that acronym are correct - the pronounciation is.)

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    Default Re: How the imams terrorized an airliner

    Quote Originally Posted by Backstop View Post
    Somewhere I have a SMLM card - pronounced 'smell-em' - from my first trip to Europe.

    Roger that.

    Just so you know... from the former cell phone SMLM card to the current SIM card -- that technological base of systems - they're separated by a decade and a half of very significant technological advancement (i.e.: miniaturized bombs). The islamofacists are making extremely powerful bombs that look like stuffed monkey dolls and teddy bears.

    The islamojihadi's are very technically savvy - their state sponsors would have it no other way.

    A fact.

    That is to say -- todays terrorists are more state-of-the-art than anything ever seen to date.

    Most Americans are totally oblivious. Totally oblivious.
    Last edited by Sean Osborne; December 1st, 2006 at 12:31.

  13. #13
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: How the imams terrorized an airliner

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Donaldson View Post
    Day before yesterday, I made a report of a suspicious vehicle, which was actually off base, near a gate. He was taking pictures of vehicles leaving and entering the base.
    Just chuck a Molotov cocktail at his car and dump a mag out of your AR as he exits the burning vehicle.

    Then he might get the hint...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    Just chuck a Molotov cocktail at his car and dump a mag out of your AR as he exits the burning vehicle.

    Then he might get the hint...
    HAHA! Ryan, we think alike.

    Let me know Rick - I'll bring some 5.56 - rather than that underpowered .223 junk.

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    Default Re: How the imams terrorized an airliner

    All of this nonsense, and I mean the absolute garbage coming from certain American muslims like Imam Omar Shahin, from CAIR, etcetera, etcetera, about the so-called radicals who are not "true Muslims" or "have nothing to do with true Islam" is all an absolute crock.

    When they talk about the "true Islam" they are talking about Shari'a Law as it comes from the Qur'an.

    They are talking about Islam as it is seen in the video in the link below. This is the Islam as preached by Imam Omar Shahin, by CAIR, and as adopted by freshman Congressman Keith Elliott. This is the Islam as they wish it to be practiced in America and in the whole world.

    Make no mistake, this is the true Islam. There is no difference between this Islam and that of Al Qaeda and the rest of the so-called "radical Muslim's". Islam is Islam is Islam.

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