
To become the top dog, you have to kill the other top dog. If not kill it, cow it. Wolves have a pack mentality and they will step aside for a younger, stronger animal when the time comes. Usually the elderly will be run off or killed, but occasionally they are allowed to travel with the pack for mutual protection, as long as they are unable to fight the younger boss dog.

In humans, as in animals, we have fallen by the wayside. We (the American people) have allowed Russia and it's leader to step to the forefront and become 'powerful'. The Russians haven't been in this position since the mide 1970s or late 1960s. They will NOT step back, they will NOT back down, they will NOT let us step back up and they will do whatever they must to prevent us from coming back into power.

Obama is a puppet of the Russians and Marxists. Those who somehow believe Putin was some Christian savior for Russia have it all wrong.

America is at a crossroads in history - and Russia has proven that it is ready to take the world on the Big Stage and push the United States into history.

We will fall, as the Soviet Union and the Wall did in 1989. Our fall however will not be at the behest of a leader like Reagan, but at the hands of a Marxist regime and that regime is already in place.