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Thread: Impeach Obama

  1. #61
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    Default Re: Impeach Obama

    I'm convinced that the referenced 37% are

    a) either too mentally/emotionally impaired to be considered viable citizens
    b) or intellectually stunted beyond the capacity for human understanding
    c) and/or extremely dangerous individuals

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    Default Re: Impeach Obama

    you forgot:

    d) All of the Above
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    Default Re: Impeach Obama

    Impeach HIM NOW!

    'He’s just absolutely ignoring the Constitution': Republican Representative says there's 'probably' enough votes in the House to impeach Obama

    • Republican Rep. Lou Barletta said Monday that President Barack Obama would 'probably' lost an impeachment vote in the House of Representatives
    • 'He’s just absolutely ignoring the Constitution, and ignoring the laws and ignoring the checks and balances,' the Pennsylvania lawmaker told a local radio host
    • After the Democratic National Committee attacked Barletta, his communications direction revised and extended the congressman's comments and said that Barletta thinks taking a vote to impeach the president would be 'harmful'
    • ‘Could that pass the House? Probably. Would the Senate ever convict? Certainly not,' he said on behalf of his boss

    By Francesca Chambers
    Published: 12:29 EST, 17 June 2014 | Updated: 20:15 EST, 17 June 2014

    President Barack Obama has acted so unlawfully that he 'probably' wouldn't survive an impeachment vote in the House of Representatives, Republican Rep. Lou Barletta told a radio host on Monday.

    'He’s just absolutely ignoring the Constitution, and ignoring the laws and ignoring the checks and balances,' the Pennsylvania lawmaker told News Radio 910 WSBA personality Gary Sutton yesterday.

    'The problem is, what do you do?' Barletta continued. 'For those that say impeach him for breaking the laws or bypassing the laws — could that pass in the House? It probably could.'


    Rep. Lou Barletta, pictured here in 2011, told a radio host yesterday that President Barack Obama 'probably' wouldn't survive an impeachment vote in the House of Representatives

    'Is the majority of the American people in favor of impeaching the president? I’m not sure about that.'

    'I don't think so,' the Pennsylvania radio host can be heard telling Barletta in audio of their conversation captured by Buzzfeed's Andrew Kaczyinski.

    Barletta made the comments during a discussion on illegal immigration after Sutton argued that the president wasn't 'faithfully executing the laws of this country.'

    'Well we have a president that has taken this to a new level,' Barletta said of Obama's actions before explaining how he thinks impeachment proceeding would hypothetically play out in the House.


    After the interview Democratic National Committee spokesman Ian Sams told a Pennsylvania newspaper that 'while Republicans are confident a political vote as outrageous and ill-founded as this could pass, let’s not forget all the commonsense initiatives they refuse to even bring up for a vote.'

    The GOP ought to be focusing its efforts on passing legislation that would reform the country's immigration system, raise the minimum wage and make equal pay for women a legal requirement,

    Sams told the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader in an email.

    'Republicans in the House are clearly committed to playing politics and relying on outrageous rhetoric instead of doing the job they were elected to do – standing up for the interests of the American people,' he wrote.

    In the same article Barletta’s communications director, Tim Murtaugh, is quoted as saying his boss was not 'advocating or proposing' that the House impeach Obama.

    The congressman was merely relating one proposed way Congress could stop the president's 'consistent disregard for the law,' Murtaugh said.

    His 'full answer is this: ‘Could that pass the House? Probably. Would the Senate ever convict? Certainly not.'

    'There’s not the will nationally to remove the president, so would it be wise to pursue that? Or would it be harmful to the country? Surely the latter,' Murtaugh said.


    'He's just absolutely ignoring the Constitution, and ignoring the laws and ignoring the checks and balances,' Barletta said of the president, who is pictured here in Pittsburgh this morning

    In the radio interview on News Radio 910 WSBA, Barletta also cast aspersions on politicians who are perceived as abandoning their constituents.

    The embarrassing blow former House Majority Leader and Virginia Congressman Eric Cantor suffered last week when he lost his primary election would be the fate of other elected leaders across the country if they don't shape up, Barletta predicted.

    'If they don't feel that you're standing up for them, then they're gonna throw you out, and they're gonna throw somebody else in,' Barletta said.
    Cantor became the first sitting House Majority Leader to get kicked out of office since the position was created when he lost the Republican primary for his congressional seat a week ago today to a political novice he trounced in spending.
    Conservatives in Cantor's state denounced the seven-term representative after the election as being a power-hungry jet setter who had lost touch with the needs of his district.
    'There's a big message here that people in Washington better pay close attention to,' Barletta said.

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    Default Re: Congress May Impeach Obama

    South Dakota GOP passes Obama impeachment resolution

    By Jane C. Timm

    The South Dakota Republican Party passed a resolution this weekend calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama.

    Obama has “violated his oath of office in numerous ways,” the resolution states, citing his controversial decision to trade five Taliban prisoners for U.S. Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl and recent carbon emissions regulations, according to a report by the Argus Leader.

    “I’ve got a thick book on impeachable offenses of the president,” said Allan Unruh, the tea party activist and chiropractor from Sioux Falls who sponsored the resolution. He said the resolution would ”send a symbolic message that liberty shall be the law of the land.”

    “If anyone in this room cannot see the horrendous, traitorous scandals run by the Obama administration, I will pray for you,” Larry Klipp of Butte County said during the debate, according to the paper.

    Delegates voted 191-176, with the sizable minority criticizing the party for using impeachment as a political statement.

    “I believe we should not use the power of impeachment for political purposes,” one delegate from Beadle County, David Wheeler, said. “By doing this, we would look petty, like we can’t achieve our political goals through the political process.”

    Another, Larry Eliason of Potter County agreed with Wheeler, despite the fact that “the only thing [Obama’s] done the last six years that I approve of is when he adopted a pet.”

    The only South Dakota representative in the House of Representatives, where impeachment proceedings can be legally begun, isn’t in a rush to jump-start the process.

    “The congresswoman currently believes the best way for Congress to hold the president accountable is to continue aggressive committee oversight and investigations into the administration’s actions like the ongoing VA scandal, the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS, Benghazi, and the recent Taliban prisoner exchange,” a spokesperson for Rep. Kristi Noem told the Argus Leader.
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    Default Re: Congress May Impeach Obama

    Lt Col Peters: Obama Allowing a Caliphate Terror State to Form Is Grounds for Impeachment

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    Lt Col Ralph Peters: Obama Allowing A Modern Caliphate Terror State To Form Grounds For Impeachment

    on Breitbart TV 25 Jun 2014 162 post a comment
    Wednesday on Newsmax TV's "The Steve Malzberg Show," Fox News Channel military analyst Ret. Lt. Col. Ralph Peters said it would be grounds for impeachment if President Barack Obama allowed ISIS to create the first modern Islamist Caliphate state that would be used as a terrorism safe haven and planning ground.

    "If Obama allows the worlds first pure terror state to emerge on his watch, my God, if that's not grounds for impeachment I don't know what is," Peters said. "This is a real threat to the United States"

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    Default Re: Congress May Impeach Obama

    One Hundred Articles of Impeachment Against Obama

    Submitted by SadInAmerica on Tue, 05/07/2013 - 11:39pm.
    There is a growing groundswell within American Republican and Tea Party ranks that impeachment proceedings should be initiated against President Obama on a whole list of violations of the Constitution and the War Powers Act. ~ Peter Paton

    Congressmen Allen West of Florida (R-Florida) and Darrell Issa (R- California) have consistently and loudly criticized the president for overstepping the political mark and bypassing Congress’s approval on a whole range of dubious policies and issues: and the recent Obama attack on the Supreme Court of Justice and the Russian ” Open Mic ” gaffe on National Security, leads to one question...

    Is Barack Obama making his own case for impeachment? Obama did not become the Democratic nominee for President without the help of several leaders of the Democratic Party who knew that he was not eligible for office

    Listed below are the One Hundred Articles of Impeachment.

    1. Appointment of a “shadow government” of some 35+ individuals termed “czars” who are not confirmed by the Senate and respond only to the president, yet have overarching regulatory powers – a clear violation of the separation of powers concept. Obama bypassed the Senate with many of his appointments of over 35 “czars.”

    No congressional support for Libyan action (violation of the War Powers Act ). Obama lied to the American people when he said that there were no US troops on the ground in Libya and then later said they were only “logistical troops.” Obama violated the War Powers Act of 1973 by conducting a war against Libya without Congressional authorization.

    Betraying of allies ( Israel and Great Britain. Obama has placed the security of our most trusted ally in the Middle East, Israel, in danger while increasing funding to the Palestinian Authority (Fatah, just another Islamic terrorist group) whilst they have enjoined a reconciliation pact with long-standing terrorist group Hamas and the disclosure of British nuclear secrets to the Russians in the Start Treaty. Obama gave missile codes to British Trident missiles to Russia.

    Backdoor implementation of the DREAM Act which would grant 22 million illegals amnesty. Obama passed the Dream Act through an executive order, bypassing Congress again. DREAM is: Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors

    Telegraphing troop reductions to enemies – against the consult of his experienced field commanders – while embracing negotiations with our enemy, the Taliban, and recognizing another, the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Betrayal of Arizona. Obama brought a federal lawsuit against a sovereign state, Arizona, seeking to protect its citizens from this threat of mass illegal immigration

    Obama’s Failure to enforce U.S. law, the Defense of Marriage Act. He’s stripped America of its moral base by his support for homosexuality and the attack on marriage between a man and a women Obama allows the DOJ to refuse to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act.

    Support of an inept and incompetent attorney general who has failed to prosecute voter intimidation cases (New Black Panther Party), initiated a dangerous gun-smuggling program (Operation Fast and Furious) – which resulted in deaths to one of our own law enforcement agents.

    Obama allowed Operation Fast and Furious to occur, which allowed hundreds of Mexican nationals and Border Agent Brian Terry to be murdered with illegal arms given out by the ATF and DOJ.

    Increasing the regulatory burden on American business through bypassing the legislative process with his executive branch agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration.

    Failure to take the steps necessary to secure our borders and stem the flow of illegal immigration, termed as “repel invasions” in our United States Constitution in Article 1, Section 8 and Article 4, Section 4.

    Obama has failed to defend US soil in Arizona as Mexican troops bring illegals and drugs into the USA, crossing the border doing so. This is a direct violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution.

    Inappropriately commanding the release of strategic oil reserves and providing Brazil $2 billion for its offshore oil exploration.

    Illegally soliciting funds from within the White House ($5 dinner video fundraiser). The unalienable rights endowed to us by the Creator; life, liberty, and the pursuit (not guarantee) of happiness – are being threatened by the Obama administration.

    This current government has abridged the consent of the governed and that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends. It is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.

    Taking on the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review with a preemptive striking against justices who might contemplate an unfavorable ruling on ObamaCare.

    ”Open Mic ” gaffe in which he explained Russian President Dimitri Medvedev that he’d have more “flexibility” to sacrifice American security after his re-election

    Occidental College Transcripts Reveals Obama Claimed Foreign Citizenship to Get Scholarship?

    Obama’s secret back channel Nuclear deal with Iran, a sworn enemy of America and our Allies

    Obama’s offer of a seat at the table for our avowed enemy the Taliban

    Barack Hussein Obama’s Ineligibility to be POTUS because he was born in Kenya

    Obama and his Administration leaking previously classified information about our intelligence communities’ efforts to slow down Iran’s march to nuclear weaponry.

    Obama destabilized Western Ally Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, and allowed the Militant and Anti West Muslim Brotherhood to take over the Egyptian Regime, posing a mortal threat to our Ally Israel and our own Western assets and interests in the region. Obama instigated a revolution in Egypt against an ally in the War on Terror.

    Obama has appointed Muslim Brotherhood advisers, enemies of the State, to the White House. Aid and comfort to the Muslim Brotherhood is TREASON per Article 3 Sec III of the US Constitution..

    Obama bypassing Congress again by Executive Decree to allow Illegal Immigrants to remain and vote in America for partisan electoral purposes and reasons.

    Obama selling citizenship to criminals in direct opposition to Federal Law.

    Obama admin assisted Egypt in remilitarizing the Sinai, “something forbidden by the Camp David Accords”

    Obama has attempted to compel religious institutions to pay for abortion services — a clear violation of First Amendment rights

    Obama apologizing on 9/11 day to our sworn Islamist enemies, the Salafists, the same day these terrorists massacred the American Ambassador and three other American officials in the Benghazi Embassy, Libya. and ramsacked and looted the Cairo Embassy in Egypt.

    Obama spending billions in aid on America´s enemies, while disregarding the needs of the US.

    Obama is directly responsible for the many wars and murders of Christians in the Middle East

    Obama has financially ruined this country, and his actions are leading to the demise of the dollar. President Obama is either an idiot or he is purposely trying to destroy the American economy.

    Obama is hollowing out our military, and destroying our intelligence gathering capability.

    Obama, aka Barry Soetoro deliberately concealed his true illegal background to be POTUS, TRUTH out: why #Obama records sealed FOREIGN student ID Can we trust Pres. who games system – lies

    Criminal cover up by the White House over BengaziGate, where four Americans, including Ambassador Stevens were murdered by Islamic Extremists.

    #CANDYGATE Collusion with CNN Moderator Candy Crowley at the 2nd Debate to cover up BengaziGate The Candy-Obama Controversy : Get the Transcript’

    Obama’s Illegal Foreign Campaign money.

    Obama Administration defining the Fort Hood Terrorist Act as a Workplace Accident, which gave succour and comfort to our enemies.

    The Border-gate arms deal offense that resulted in the death of a border patrol agent as well as numerous innocent Mexican civilians.

    Suspected organized and widespread election fraud engineered by Agents of the Obama Regime at the November 6th Presidential Election.

    Obama and unrepentant terrorist William Ayers misappropriated over 300 million dollars in donations meant for the education of Chicago’s minority students. They routed the money to Obama’s community activist buddies who then tried to turn the students in radicals. The program was a total failure.

    Obama, as an Illinois State Senator, redirected tens of millions in Illinois tax dollars to Valerie Jarrett and Tony Rezko, to provide housing for low income families. They returned the favor with political donations. The housing units were built with cheap materials and labor and are uninhabitable after a mere 10 years of use.

    Obama accepted millions in illegal campaign contributions from foreign credit cards after the credit card filters used to screen out foreign money, was switched off. This also allowed domestic donors, who were over the legal limit, to contribute more.

    Obama attempted to move control of the Census Bureau from the Commerce Department to the White House, to be managed by then Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel.

    Obama had provided under the radar amnesty to illegal immigrants by allowing ICE Director John Morton to prohibit ICE officers from enforcing US immigration laws.

    Obama allowed USAG Holder to ignore the violation of US immigration laws in the sanctuary cities, i.e.,San Francisco, etc.

    Obama illegally fired the IG Walpin for investigating Obama’s buddy, Mayor Kevin Johnson (Sacramento), for fraud (850K) with AmeriCorps.

    Obama is in contempt of Federal court for his illegal oil drilling moratorium in the Gulf…

    Obama spent a month as the UN Security Council Chair in 2009, which raises the question of his conflict of interest between the US and the UN. This is also likely a violation of his Oath of Office as the UN conflicts with our Constitution on many levels, i.e., LOST, UN Small Arms ban, etc.

    Obama signed an EO in December 2009 that allows Interpol to operate in the US without oversight by Congress, courts, FBI, or local law enforcement.

    Obama and SecState Clinton misappropriated, er, used $23 million in US taxpayer funds to help Obama’s homeland of Kenya move to a communist nation where the freedom of speech, private property rights, and other rights are subservient to “social justice”.

    This includes the fact that the Kenyan constitution adopted Sharia Law, which violates the basic human rights of women.

    Obama was likely involved with then Governor Rod Blagojevich to try and sell his Illinois Senate seat, i.e., pay to play. Jesse Jackson Jr is under investigation for it and it appears that Valerie Jarrett might also have been involved.

    Obama ran a website that asked Americans to report on other Americans, in the area of ObamaKare, using and taxpayer money to do so. He repeated this with AttackWatch.

    Obama got onto the Indiana ballot through voter fraud in 2008.

    Obama sealed all of his records that would show that he is possibly an illegal president, that he is feloniously using a false SSN, that his draft registration number is false, that his Fulbright award was falsely awarded as Obama claimed foreign student status, and that his student aid was falsely obtained.

    Obama violated the Constitution by firing the GM CEO.

    Obama violated bankruptcy laws by forcing GM bondholders to accept millions of dollars in losses of money that they were legally entitled to.

    Obama violated bankruptcy laws by awarding the UAW with a share of GM and Chrysler during their bankruptcy proceedings.

    Obama bought votes for ObamaKare with acts like, “Cornhusker Kickback”, “Louisiana Purchase” and the DoI increasing water allocations toCalifornia’sCentral Valley. This brought in the votes of Dennis Cardoza and Jim Costa, both Democrat holdouts.

    Obama lied about Americans being able to keep their healthcare coverage if they wanted to. ObamaKare is already forcing them out of their current coverage.

    Obama attempted to bribe Joe Sestak with a job offer in order to get him to drop out of the Senate race against Arlen Specter.

    Obama bypassed Congress and told the EPA to set carbon emission standards.

    60. Obama forced BP to pony up a $20 billion slush fund to compensate Gulf Coast businesses and residents affected by the BP oil spill. It was administered by one of Obama’s political appointees and there is NO Congressional oversight.

    Obama did nothing to Holder (abetted a felony) when Holder refused to prosecute two New Black Panther Party members for brandishing weapons in front of a voting location in Filthadelphia. A direct violation of the voters Civil Rights.

    Obama bypassed the Senate with a recess appointment of Donald Berwick as the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Violates policy.

    Obama illegally fired Sherry Sherrod from the USDA over remarks she made at an NAACP meeting in March 2010. He violated her due process.

    Obama violated contractual law when his regime cancelled 77 oil field development contracts previously approved by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, under Bush 43’s administration. This keeps us from extracting from 2-3 TRILLION barrels of oil.

    Obama used the DHS to determine the political affiliation of Americans making FOIA requests about the Regime. This led to requests being stalled, lost, etc.

    Obama acted in April 2009, at the G20 meeting, to expand the Special Drawing Rights, that now gives the IMF more control over the US economy.

    Obama issued an EO on July 12, 2011, attempting to restrict the Second Amendment rights of US citizens in Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona.

    Obama’s allowed the FCC to assume authority over the internet, in direct violation of a federal appeals court that DENIED the commission that authority. In December, the FCC voted and passed the first federal regulations on internet traffic.

    Obama allows the DHS/TSA to routinely violate the 4th/5th Amendment rights of Americans at airports, train stations, and VIPER checkpoints.

    Obama allows the DOJ in 2009 to stop enforcing federal drug laws in regards to marijuana.

    Obama attempted to bypass Congress and raise the Debt Ceiling by “reinterpreting” the 14th Amendment.

    Obama just bypassed the Senate AGAIN by appointing Richard Cordray to a new unconstitutional agency, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Violates policy.

    Obama deprived the due process of two U.S.citizens, Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, by assassinating them via a CIA drone attack in Yemen on Sept. 30, 2011. This also raises the question of an act of war against Yemen for firing into a sovereign nation. Obama said in 2008:

    “No. I reject the Bush Administration’s claim that the President has plenary authority under the U.S. Constitution to detainU.S.citizens without charges as unlawful enemy combatants.”

    Obama allowed Education Secretary Arne Duncan to grant waivers to No Child Left Behind however, this is a law enacted by Congress and neither Obama nor Duncan have the authority to authorize that.

    Obama allowed the bailouts to grant money without the authority to do so. “No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.” Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7U.S.Constitution

    Obama allowed Operation Castaway to occur, which allowed firearms laws to be broken through coercion of legal gun dealers.

    Obama bypassed the Senate to appoint three people to the National Labor Relations Board. (Naturally, they’ll all be Obomobots) Violates policy.

    Obama twenty three illegal Executive Orders to impose a Gun Grab, which is a direct violation of the Second Amendment.

    Providing aid and comfort to the enemy by announcing the date for unilateral withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. Thereby providing the impetus for the escalation of the green on blue attacks

    Obama by announcing the date for unilateral withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan, thereby triggered the disintegration of the green respect that had been a goal of the training mission.

    Obama deliberately interfering in the elections of our chief ally in the Middle East, Israel to try and influence the result.

    Obama supplying the Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt with F16 Jets and 220 Abram Tanks, sworn enemies of the USA and our Chief Ally Israel.

    Obama nominating a Muslim John Brennan to be Director of the CIA,when America is at War with Radical Islamic Terrorists.

    Obama nominating Chuck Hagel, a sworn enemy of our Chief Ally Israel, to be Secretary of Defense

    Obama and Holder breaking Constitutional Law, by introducing Drone attacks on Americans.

    Obama is using his Executive Decree to allow 80,000 Muslims to enter America next year, and 100,000 Muslims for the next five years.

    The Obama administration failed to enforce a century-old law meant to prevent immigrants from taking root in the U.S. only to live on the government dole

    The Obama administration’s release of hundreds and potentially thousands of illegal-alien criminals from U.S. detention centers

    The sequester is actually a plot by Obama to cut defense spending and transfer money to “ACORN-like” groups that would help elect Democratic candidates.

    The Obama administration’s allegedly revealing his political opponents’ private tax information to the media.

    Obama allowing the third Saudi Bomber in Boston be deported to Saudi Arabia – Arch Terrorist Osama Bin Laden’s son

    Obama Will Not Charge Boston Jihad Bombers as Enemy Combatants

    White House Link to Illegal Taping of Sen. McConnell

    Allowing Islamic Terror Group the Taliban to flourish and operate on American soil.

    The Obama Government has been caught promoting the delivery of taxpayer-funded welfare benefits to foreigners – “These disclosures further confirm the fact that the Obama administration cannot be trusted to protect our borders or enforce our immigration laws. And the coordination with a foreign government to attack the policies of an American state is contemptible,”

    Agents of the Obama Regime conspired in 2008 to get Obama’s name illegally put on the Indiana Primary Ballot.

    Obama Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel Involved In Massive Vote Fraud Scandal?

    TREASON…Obama Government Hired Al Qaeda to Defend the Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi?

    Obama Military Considers Stopping Christians from Proselytizing

    . Obama and SecState Clinton’s efforts to bring the US under the UN’s Small Arms Treaty are direct violations of the Second Amendment of the US Constitution.

    How many exact other violations of his Oath of Office.

    “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

    Updates as needed...
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    Default Re: Congress May Impeach Obama

    PA Pundits – International
    "the relentless pursuit of common sense" A Variety of Opinions From Various Writers

    Boehner’s Suit Not Enough + More – Daily Digest

    Posted on Thu 06/26/2014 by papundits

    The Patriot Post ~

    “[A] mere demarcation on parchment of the constitutional limits of the several departments, is not a sufficient guard against those encroachments which lead to a tyrannical concentration of all the powers of government in the same hands.” –James Madison, Federalist No. 48, 1788

    Boehner’s Suit Not Enough

    House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) announced Wednesday he plans to sue Barack Obama because “the president has not faithfully executed the laws.” Boehner said, “What we have seen clearly over the last five years is an effort to erode the power of the Legislative Branch.” He also noted, “On one matter after another during his presidency, President Obama has circumvented the Congress through executive action, creating his own laws and excusing himself from executing statutes he is sworn to enforce – at times even boasting about his willingness to do it, as if daring the America people to stop him.” While all of those things are painfully true, suing Obama is an empty half-measure. Rather than impeach lawless administration officials – as distinctly proscribed in our Constitution – Boehner sets a precedent of turning to unelected judges to settle these sorts of disputes. The judiciary has been hesitant to intercede in the legislative process and has no power to enforce its rulings, as it is not superior to the executive branch. Besides, Obama would just dismiss a contrary ruling, after it took years to reach one. Congress has real and better options if only the GOP had the spine to use them.

    Rebuking ‘Recess’ Appointments

    On Thursday morning, the U.S. Supreme Court yanked Barack Obama’s supposed authority to define a congressional “recess” in order to make political appointments. The case involved the National Labor Relations Board, which Obama filled with three “recess” appointments in January 2012, despite the fact the Senate had not declared itself in recess. The Court ruled unanimously that Congress, not the president, can determine when Congress is on recess. The Senate sessions were indeed pro forma and intended merely to frustrate the president’s plan, but Obama’s default is to do what he wants whenever and however he wants. The Court said that ain’t gonna fly.
    IRS’s Bombshell Concession

    The IRS’s targeting of conservative groups isn’t the only scandal rocking the federal behemoth. Several years ago, allegations surfaced that agency officials intentionally leaked tax documents belonging to the National Organization for Marriage (NOM). The Daily Signal explains, “In February 2012, the Human Rights Campaign posted on its web site NOM’s 2008 tax return and the names and contact information of the marriage group’s major donors, including soon-to-be Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.” In a bombshell concession, the IRS came clean this week, admitting to providing the confidential information. According to the Signal, “[U]nder a consent judgment [Tuesday], the IRS agreed to pay $50,000 in damages to the National Organization for Marriage as a result of the unlawful release of the confidential information.” Curiously absent is the mainstream media. Imagine the uproar if the IRS deliberately released a leftist group’s confidential information. We’re glad truth prevailed, but if $50,000 is the only “punishment” inflicted, justice and accountability have not been served. More…
    Lerner’s Reach

    Former-IRS official Lois Lerner’s emails may have taken the one-way trip to lost email land, but it doesn’t mean all the evidence is destroyed. In 2012, Lerner threatened to use her position to audit Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and an un-named organization (the specific organization was redacted in the email) because the organization invited Grassley to speak at an event. The email exchange, which was released this week, shows how far Lerner was willing to go. The Federalist’s Sean Davis writes, “In other words: even if Lerner’s laughably ignorant legal assertion was accurate, the audit threatened by Lerner would have to include an audit of Grassley’s personal tax returns. More perplexing, though, is that it took another staffer to explain to Lerner – the head of IRS enforcement of non-profit organizations – how basic tax laws actually work.” Not even a senator was safe from Lerner’s political witch-hunt. More…
    The Liberal Climate Plot

    Barack Obama took another swat at anthropogenic global warming skeptics during an address to environmentalists Wednesday as he tries (again) to pivot away from the Iraq kerfuffle and the various scandals plaguing his administration. “Folks will tell you climate change is a hoax or a fad or a plot – a liberal plot,” he alleged. “I’m not a doctor … but if a bunch of doctors tell me that tobacco can cause lung cancer, then I’ll say, ‘OK.’ It’s not that hard.” Weren’t a bunch of alarmists prescribing fixes for climate cooling just decades ago? For that matter, weren’t doctors just telling us that fat was bad? Well, not any more. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) once said, “In questions of science the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.” No words are more pertinent today. Those who insists the “science is settled” are seeking to centralize power and control. Conservatives meanwhile believe in individual Liberty – so yes, Mr. Obama, this entire debate is “a liberal plot.” More…
    For more, visit Right Hooks.
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    Default Re: Impeach Obama

    Watch. Boehner's suit will be the ultra-lame attempt to make all the issues with Obama go away. The suit will not be successful and all with throw their hands in the air and say, "Oh well, we tried."

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    Default Re: Impeach Obama

    This suit is a waste of time, oxygen and money.

    Impeach Obama or go home!
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    Default Re: Congress May Impeach Obama

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post

    Lt Col Peters: Obama Allowing a Caliphate Terror State to Form Is Grounds for Impeachment

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    Lt Col Ralph Peters: Obama Allowing A Modern Caliphate Terror State To Form Grounds For Impeachment

    on Breitbart TV 25 Jun 2014 162 post a comment
    Wednesday on Newsmax TV's "The Steve Malzberg Show," Fox News Channel military analyst Ret. Lt. Col. Ralph Peters said it would be grounds for impeachment if President Barack Obama allowed ISIS to create the first modern Islamist Caliphate state that would be used as a terrorism safe haven and planning ground.

    "If Obama allows the worlds first pure terror state to emerge on his watch, my God, if that's not grounds for impeachment I don't know what is," Peters said. "This is a real threat to the United States"

    Follow Pam Key On Twitter @pamkeyNEN
    ISIL is the very reason for the plot to elect Obama President and to re-elect him in 2012, I firmly believe that. He's no Communist, but a creature of the Saudis and the other Sunni Oil Sheikdoms.
    "God's an old hand at miracles, he brings us from nonexistence to life. And surely he will resurrect all human flesh on the last day in the twinkling of an eye. But who can comprehend this? For God is this: he creates the new and renews the old. Glory be to him in all things!" Archpriest Avvakum

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    Default Re: Impeach Obama

    I tend to agree with that assessment.
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    Default Re: Impeach Obama

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    I tend to agree with that assessment.
    I mean, he's not acting like your daffy, well-meaning typical liberal; he seems to know that his policies will have the effect that they do. If i'm right, he'd ally with the Liberal coalition, but his real efforts, even domestically, seem designed to weaken the United States while at the same time demoralizing friends and antagonizing enemies or not-so-friendlies needlessly without having any kind of strength to back anything up, unless it's to covertly support Sunni Islamists overthrowing secular regimes in the Middle East and making the world safe for the growth and expansion of militant Islam in general.
    "God's an old hand at miracles, he brings us from nonexistence to life. And surely he will resurrect all human flesh on the last day in the twinkling of an eye. But who can comprehend this? For God is this: he creates the new and renews the old. Glory be to him in all things!" Archpriest Avvakum

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    Default Re: Impeach Obama

    Quote Originally Posted by Avvakum View Post
    I mean, he's not acting like your daffy, well-meaning typical liberal; he seems to know that his policies will have the effect that they do. If i'm right, he'd ally with the Liberal coalition, but his real efforts, even domestically, seem designed to weaken the United States while at the same time demoralizing friends and antagonizing enemies or not-so-friendlies needlessly without having any kind of strength to back anything up, unless it's to covertly support Sunni Islamists overthrowing secular regimes in the Middle East and making the world safe for the growth and expansion of militant Islam in general.
    Malsua has pointed out several times that the Liberals that end up causing the downfall will be some of the first people put to the firing squad at the end of it all.
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    Default Re: Impeach Obama

    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    Malsua has pointed out several times that the Liberals that end up causing the downfall will be some of the first people put to the firing squad at the end of it all.
    Yes, the 'Useful Idiots' that provide the necessary camoflauge for Militant Sunni Islam in the initial phase of their takeover of the United States. That's why i'm not so sure they'd want an NBC atack to happen here that would be traceable to them. They will want American converts, people who would go for their brand of Islam in a spiritual vacuum, and those with the fewest ties to the United States would be the best of all for them.
    "God's an old hand at miracles, he brings us from nonexistence to life. And surely he will resurrect all human flesh on the last day in the twinkling of an eye. But who can comprehend this? For God is this: he creates the new and renews the old. Glory be to him in all things!" Archpriest Avvakum

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    Default Re: Congress May Impeach Obama


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    Default Re: Congress May Impeach Obama

    Congress better take action, before his own people do....

    "Uncle Sam" Busted For Obama Threats

    Alabama man's Facebook videos triggered Secret Service arrest

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    Obama Death Threats

    • Obama Death Threats

    JULY 8--An Alabama man who wore an Uncle Sam top hat while recording a video threatening President Barack Obama’s life was arrested yesterday by Secret Service agents.

    Deryke Pfeifer, 54, was busted on a felony complaint charging him with making threats against the president. Pfeifer is locked up in advance of a hearing at which prosecutors will argue that he should be detained in advance of a criminal trial.

    Federal agents allege that Pfeifer has threatened Obama’s life in a series of videos posted to his Facebook page, as well as in calls to the Federal Protective Service, which provides security for government facilities.

    In a July 3 video, Pfeifer--who is wearing a hat with stars and stripes--claimed that he was “speaking for God” and was “going to kill Obama for turning on him.” He also threatens to blow up a Social Security Administration building.

    A prior Facebook video shows Pfeifer with “what appears to be a Glock pistol in his lap,” according to a U.S. District Court criminal complaint. “Obama, sir, you feel all that heat, Obama?” Pfeifer asks, apparently in reference to the handgun. “I just let you see that to let you know that I got it it,” Pfeifer noted, adding, “Constitution give me the right to bear arms, sir.”

    On one of his videos, Pfeifer refers to his military discharge and an ongoing dispute with the SSA over benefits.

    Pfeifer was busted last Wednesday by Alabama cops on an outstanding warrant for misdemeanor menacing. During a post-arrest interview with Secret Service Agent Marcus Shumack, he said that, “God told him that God was going to destroy Obama and everything around him.” Pfeifer added that he “often channels God’s words in his videos on Facebook,” Shumack reported. (3 pages)
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    Default Re: Congress May Impeach Obama

    Ah... the bottle neck.

    #AceNewsGroup 09:52 on July 9, 2014 Reply | Follow

    ‘ John Boehner Say’s he Does Not Support Impeachment of Barack Obama ‘

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    #AceBreakingNews – UNITED STATES (Washington) – July 09 – House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Wednesday said he doesn’t support calls from members of his party to impeach President Obama.
    Asked about former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s comments that Obama should be impeached over the influx of child migrants illegally crossing the border, Boehner said, "I disagree."
    Then asked about members of the House GOP who have also urged for impeachment, Boehner repeated, "I disagree."
    By Cristina Marcos @ The Hill

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    Default Re: Impeach Obama

    Seriously, time for Obama to get the fuck out of Dodge.

    Muslim Brotherhood Group That Met With Obama Officials Calls For Jihad Against Israel…

    Posted on July 9, 2014 | 1 Comment

    Weasel Zippers
    A few years ago this might have shocked us, not so much these days.
    Via Breitbart:
    The head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), a Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated group, called upon fellow Islamists and Arabs to declare holy war against Israel “for the sake of Palestine.”
    According to a translation provided by the Center for Security Policy:
    Dr. Ali Al-Qaradaghi – the Secretary General of the International Union of Muslim Scholars – called on the Islamic and Arab peoples to rise up in all parts of the world for the sake of Palestine and Jerusalem since it is the central issue of the nation, and therefore pressure must be placed on the governments and institutions to carry out their duty towards stopping the Zionist terrorism that is occurring in the land of Palestine, stressing that the peoples are more powerful than they imagine and that they are capable of making the difference if they were to act to support the Umma’s just causes.
    In June 2013, Bin Bayyah, the Vice President of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, met with members of the White House National Security Council. According to Bayyah, it was not his organization but the Obama administration that had initially reached out and sought a meeting. “We asked for this meeting to learn from you, and we need to be looking for new mechanisms to communicate with you and the Association of Muslim Scholars,” Gayle Smith, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director of the National Security Council, reportedly said about IUMS.
    Keep reading…
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    Default Re: Congress May Impeach Obama

    All about power of the office, folks.

    I go back to my original idea. FIRE THEM ALL!

    Hard-right House lawmakers oppose Obama impeachment

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    By Peter Schroeder - 07/09/14 02:23 PM EDT
    Staunch House conservatives are quashing calls for President Obama’s impeachment.
    They argue an impeachment trial would be a doomed effort in a Democratic Senate that could hurt Republicans in the midterm elections.

    Their efforts are providing cover and support to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and other party leaders who have sought to contain the chatter for impeachment.Boehner, who on Wednesday said he disagreed with calls for Obama’s impeachment, has said the House will vote this month on legislation to bring a lawsuit against Obama over his use of executive actions.
    “Harry Reid’s going to block anything we do in that regard,” said Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.), a dyed-in-the-wool conservative who in February said he would vote to impeach Obama.
    “We’d like to do more, the problem is the avenues are just not available,” said Rep. John Fleming (R-La.). “Even if impeachment was to pass in the House, it wouldn’t remove the president from office.
    “It’s one of those things that if you can’t see an end solution, why even get into that debate?” Fleming said.
    Talk of impeaching Obama has been stirred up by several conservative voices outside Congress.
    Sarah Palin, the GOP’s vice presidential candidate in 2008, on Tuesday said Obama should be impeached because of the immigration crisis at the border. She lambasted Boehner’s proposal to sue Obama, arguing Republicans who backed the plan lacked the “cajones” for impeachment.’s Eric Erickson similarly wrote that the lawsuit was “political theater” and called for Boehner to “man up” and take tougher action against the president.
    The Drudge Report also stirred impeachment sentiment with a poll inviting visitors to vote on whether Obama should be impeached. Predictably, sentiment at the conservative site showed more than 70 percent backed impeachment.
    Other voices in the Republican Party have pushed back at calls for impeachment, including conservative commentator Pat Buchanan.
    Within the House, many conservative Republicans say they have a strong case that Obama should be impeached. Their reason for not pursuing it is that it would be a futile effort that could blow up in their face.
    “There are a number of colleagues that would like to see an impeachment proceeding go forward against the president,” said Broun. “I’m not sure our leadership would allow that to happen ... we’ve got to focus on what we can do.”
    Over the years, several Republican lawmakers have suggested impeaching Obama, or at least sounded open to the idea on a range of issues, including immigration and the Benghazi attacks.
    In November, Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) sent a book outlining the case for impeaching Obama to all congressional offices. And in June, Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pa.) said the House “probably” has the votes to impeach Obama, although he said he opposed impeachment himself and noted public opposition to the idea.
    Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), who has said he is a personal friend of the president, said in August that Obama was “perilously close” to committing impeachable offenses. That same month, Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas) said there likely was enough support in the House to impeach Obama.
    Republicans seeking to tamp down the talk are reminding their colleagues of the House vote on former President Clinton’s impeachment, which backfired badly on Republicans.
    Republicans ended up losing seats in the 1998 midterm election, something that rarely happens in such a political cycle for the party that does not control the White House, as impeachment made headlines and Democrats talked of GOP overreach.
    Democrats believe the new round of impeachment talk is good for their party, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee cited Palin’s comments in a fundraising email sent Tuesday, calling her comments and the lawsuit “ugly attacks on President Obama’s legitimacy.”
    Boehner signaled his wariness of the talk with his comments on Wednesday, in which he twice said he disagreed with calls for impeachment.
    Separately, Iowa GOP Senate candidate Joni Ernst disavowed comments she’d made in January that seemed to back impeachment.
    “To be clear, I have not seen any evidence that the president should be impeached,” Ernst said in a statement released Tuesday.
    Republicans have high hopes that Ernst can win the retiring Sen. Tom Harkin’s (D) seat in Iowa, a state Obama carried in the presidential elections of 2008 and 2012.
    Leadership allies within the House acknowledge there are many lawmakers like Broun who would like to see Obama impeached.
    “Yeah, there are a few guys talking about that,” said Rep. Charles Boustany Jr. (R-La.), a leadership ally who is not shy to criticize the House GOP’s right flank.
    He insisted the lawsuit — not impeachment — would be the best way to channel conservative anger at Obama, and added that trying to throw out Obama would not only be ineffective but would distract the party months before the midterm elections.
    “If somebody were to file impeachment proceedings — well, the fact is we know that’s going nowhere in the Senate,” he said. “And it’s going to be a major, major distraction from actually getting results, which means rolling back some of his power relative to Congress.”
    When Boehner announced the lawsuit, he said: “This is not about impeachment.
    “This is about his faithfully executing the laws of our country,” he said.
    —Bernie Becker contributed to this story.
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    Default Re: Congress May Impeach Obama

    My wife read something about this to me yesterday. I didn't get the whole story, and I'm sure the media hasn't covered it AT ALL.

    Apparently, a whole bunch of Vets showed up to wave their flags. When Obama's car went by, they turned their backs to him.

    Veterans show Obama how they turn their backs on him, as he has done to them

    July 19, 2014 by Amanda Shea 199 Comments
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    Angry veterans protested President Obama’s visit to Delaware to show their disdain for how the administration has treated them.

    The 25 protesters — led by Martin Nicholson, a veteran Marine – lined the street and turned their backs to the president’s passing motorcade.

    “We feel he’s turned his back on us veterans, so we’re going to turn our backs on him as he drives by on his motorcade to show our appreciation that he does not care about us veterans,” Nicholson told

    Obama was in Delaware to discuss a recently damaged bridge, a topic the protesters call a waste of Obama’s time when much bigger issues demand his attention, including the Veterans Affairs scandal and the invasion of illegal immigrants.

    “Take care of your own first,” protester John Stroud told BuzzPo. “There are Americans that need help first. I think there are more important things you could be doing than coming to Delaware to look at a bridge.”

    The Delaware bridge began to tilt after an unknown party dumped 50 tons of soil next to it. Repairs are expected to cost taxpayers $20 million, according to
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