Damn it... can't even read when you go to bed now.

Bad Impact Of Reading E-books During Bed Times

by Gilles Legault 0

There are many drawbacks of reading e-books especially during night it is too hazardous, many experts claimed on it. A research team from Harvard Medical School also started comparison on reading regular books via E-books before going to the bed. They found that these E-books have very bad impact on human health, the light that emits from E-books directly have a bad impact on aye-vision and it can also badly effect brain and cause problems like blur eye vision, feeling giddy, tiredness, and many other health factors. So, these devices directly impacts on overall health as compared to normal reading books, deficiency of sleeping is also caused by reading E-books during bed time which may cause deadly diseases like diabetes, obesity and sometimes also cancer.
Blood tests also proved diseases caused by reading E-books during night which can also reduce melatonin levels in the human body, it can also breaks psychological relationship of a person. So, it’s better to avoid excessive reading of E-books especially during bed time to avoid these severe health diseases.
Due to lesser melatonin levels, sleep is delayed with and it effects in people pleasing longer to fall asleep and consuming additional problems in wake up in the morning. Dr. Victoria Revell from the University of Surrey said ‘the study is an actual good one and is truly interesting’.

According to the latest research it is proved that these lights have very bad impact during evening and night times, so it should be an advised to avoid reading from these electronic devices especially in the evening as much as possible. Teenagers are specially requested not to use their cell phones, tabs, iPhone, laptops in the evening.