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Thread: The Religion of Peace

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    Palestinian's rampage the work of `lone attacker,' police say

    By Dion Nissenbaum and Cliff Churgin, McClatchy Newspapers Wed Jul 2, 10:47 AM ET

    JERUSALEM — A Palestinian construction worker commandeered a construction vehicle and rampaged through central Jerusalem on Wednesday afternoon, killing three people in what police later described as the spontaneous act of a lone attacker.

    Dozens were injured as the front-loader flattened cars and flipped a crowded bus before its driver was shot dead by an Israeli soldier on leave who scrambled onto the vehicle.

    Though the attack evoked memories of the politically motivated suicide bombings that demoralized Jerusalem during the second Palestinian uprising, police said that the man appeared to have no ties to militant groups.

    "This appears to have been a spontaneous attack," Israeli Police Commissioner Dudi Cohen said.

    Three militant Palestinian groups claimed responsibility for Wednesday's rampage, but police officials dismissed all of them as groundless.

    Police identified the driver as Hosam Dwayyat, a married, 30-year-old father of two who lived in predominantly Arab East Jerusalem.

    Israel's Channel 2 reported that Dwayyat had served two years in prison for rape and attempted murder.

    Wednesday's rampage was the first such deadly assault in Jerusalem since March, when a Palestinian gunman from East Jerusalem entered a prominent Jewish religious school and killed eight people before being shot dead.

    The latest attack came during a period of relative calm marked by a tenuous, 13-day-old cease-fire in the Gaza Strip . Israeli leaders are hoping that the quiet will pave the way for a breakthrough in Egyptian-mediated talks with Hamas militants meant to secure release of Gilad Shalit , a young Israeli soldier whom Gaza militants captured more than two years ago.

    It also came as Israel is trying to broker a more substantial peace deal with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas .

    While Wednesday's attack prompted calls for immediate retaliation, it might not have a significant impact on negotiations with Palestinian leaders if the driver acted alone and had no political motivation.

    "Though this creates a very difficult atmosphere, I don't deny that, it does not have to be a direct threat to calm in the south," said one Israeli political official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the unfolding investigation.

    Palestinian Authority negotiators condemned the attack, while Hamas leaders called it a natural response to Israel's repeated military raids in the West Bank .

    The attack took place on Jaffa Road, one of Jerusalem's busiest streets, near the city's main open market. Shortly before noon, the driver lurched out of a construction site off Jaffa Road and began rolling over cars.

    Ami Dayan , a resident from Kiryat Gat in southern Israel , emerged from an office building to see the front-loader heading for a line of public buses on Jaffa Street.

    "It hit the first bus, then hit a second bus with the scoop with the people inside," Dayan said. "It turned it over and kept slamming into the bus over and over. Then it went on top of a car with a family inside."

    The attack created confusion and pandemonium as people scrambled for safety.

    Assaf Nadav , the driver of the bus that the front-loader flipped on its side, said he wasn't sure what was going on when he saw people running away from the construction vehicle as it headed toward him.

    "He hit me lightly and I rolled down my window to ask him what he was doing when I saw him lower the scoop and turn the bus upside down," Nadav said on Israel Radio.

    "Screaming would be an understatement."

    Two armed men and a police officer scrambled onto the vehicle, wrestled with the driver, then shot him, Israeli Police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld said.

    The men thought the attack was over, but the driver then lurched forward in a scene captured by nearby cameramen.

    In a video that aired on Israeli television, one person rolls out of the way of the Caterpillar as the three armed Israelis wrestle with the driver.

    A man in shorts and a T-shirt, later identified in Israeli news reports as 18-year-old Moshe Plesser , shoots the driver twice in the head, who then slumps in the seat.

    Plesser, an Israeli soldier who just finished basic training, said the man yelled "God is great" in Arabic before trying to continue with his rampage.

    "He yelled Allahu Akbar and hit the gas," Plesser told Israel's Yediot Ahronot newspaper.

    The police officer then fired a final shot in the back of the head of the now-lifeless driver.

    "To our regret the attackers do not cease coming up with new ways to strike at the heart of the Jewish people here in Jerusalem ," Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski said at the scene.

    The attack created new challenges for Israel's government.

    Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem usually have Jerusalem IDs that give them Israeli residency, but not full rights as citizens. The IDs allow them much greater freedom than Palestinians from the West Bank , who need permission to enter Jerusalem .

    Dwayyat and the man who attacked the school in March both had Jerusalem IDs.

    (Churgin is a McClatchy special correspondent.)
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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    Islam- The Devil’s Greatest Illusion

    The illusion of Islam lies with the presentation of Islam by the so called “moderate” Muslims here in the western world. The illusion is their attempt at a peaceful portrayal of Islam which unfortunately a huge majority of westerners actually believe to be true. The illusion is also the presentation of Islam as a religion while neglecting to properly identify it as an actual political system based in the so called religion. – Randy Taylor
    By Randy Taylor
    The 52 year old male pedophile watched the young six year old girl outside her home, playing with her dolls. He felt an overwhelming stirring in his loins and knew he was sexually attracted to her and he knew this in his entire being. He wanted to take away her innocence, and indulge himself sexually with the child. Would he get away with this perverse fantasy? What would the authorities do when he, a travelling salesman was caught?
    They would do nothing. The man was Mohammed and he was the authority. He married this young girl at the age of six and indulged himself with her sexually when she was nine. Her father basically traded her off for a high position in this new “religious” movement. His name was Abu Bakr and he later became the first Caliph according to the Sunni Muslims. The Shiites disagree. Its immaterial as he was swine either way.
    In today’s society this pedophile and her father would have been charged with sexual abuse and locked up. Back then this travelling salesman had people convinced that he was a prophet. He claimed that his pedophilia was Allah’s will. This pervert named Mohammed and his companions are the authors of the Qur’an and the person that established the “religion” and political ideology of Islam.
    The founding father of Islam, Mohammed, is no different than Adolph Hitler, Charles Manson, Reverend Jim Jones in Jonestown, David Koresh of the Branch Davidians, Marshall Applewhite of the Heaven’s Gate Cult, as well as other cult leaders who draw people into their following because people think the self appointed leader is the “enlightened” one whether because of political reasons or more sadly, religious reasons, or both. The common thread is the abnormal view of reality and the world around them.
    Each of these cult-like followings mentioned share some common characteristics.
    1. They use psychological and physical (often sexual) coercion to entice, recruit, and retain membership.
    2. The founder is self appointed, charismatic, messianic, holds no accountability and is usually sexually perverse or teaches sexual perversion as acceptable.
    3. In a non-conforming to their belief host society they form a society separate from, yet within society and choose to govern themselves according to their beliefs regardless of the laws of the host country.
    4. Death is the end goal of all their efforts and they welcome it as a pathway to their version of heaven or paradise and tragically, innocents always die with them or because of them.
    5. In the case of Islam and Nazism, the end goal is a total transformation of society to their twisted belief system. This requires an army of followers which is where the smaller cults fall short.
    This twisted ideology is the very founding of Islam. Right from the beginning, the validity of any teachings by Mohammed should have been ignored and discarded as he was nothing more than a dangerous fool. The similarities in the Qur’an that mirror only small portions of the Bible or the Torah can probably be attributed to the fact that Mohammed was a salesman involved heavily in trade, import and export. I’m sure in his travels he obtained copies of the Bible and the Torah, from which he derived some well known names such as Jesus, Noah, Moses and Abraham which would lend validity to his teachings as we all know, in every lie there is a certain amount of truth.
    As one researches the Qur’an you will note that there is no chronological order to the book. His early written ramblings seem rather peaceful yet later they become quite menacing and preach hatred and death to those outside of their belief system. One reason is that when Mohammed first started the Mein Kampf of Islam in Mecca, he was still nothing more than a pedophiliac salesman and trader, hardly a prophet by any standard. The Meccan tribes were hostile to him and his teachings, so he retreated with his followers to Medina. Later, in Medina as he gained a following which literally turned into an army his teachings became more forceful, hateful and very violent. He then returned to Mecca and interestingly enough, took over Mecca without much of a fight. Much like the Muslim organizations are attempting today in the United States and where they have been very successful in the UK. The strength of the Muslims lies in sheer numbers.
    Still notably, he wasn’t a prophet by any stretch of the imagination, anymore than Charles Manson is a prophet although his followers thought he was. Mohammed was merely dangerous because of the number of followers, much like Hitler was in 1930’s Germany. Refusal of Islam meant death. Each of these two particular historical tyrants hated the Jews and I would attribute that to envy in each case. The Jews are God’s chosen people and neither of these men could stomach that.
    As a side note, one remarkable similarity between Islam and one of the stated examples, Charles Manson for instance, is that the spokesmen such as Osama Bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri entice others to murder and die for the cause if need be, while they sit back and keep a hands off stance in the murders they order, just as Manson did.
    I as an American am 100% for Freedom of Religion and the liberty of Americans to worship the God of their choosing. However, in the case of Islam, the Muslims don’t want to just keep to themselves, worship their Allah and make the world a better place for mankind. No, instead they want to have ALL other religions and people to submit to their twisted Sharia system which is a combined ideology of politics and religious beliefs with absolutely no separation between the two. There is no place in western society for this dangerous ideology. Religions like Hindu, Buddhist, Baptist and Catholic do not call for the destruction and overthrow of western civilization as Islam does. This anti-government, anti-western, hate filled, murderous belief system in itself should call for the removal of the worship of Islam in western society. It doesn’t belong here as it contradicts the liberties and freedoms of western civilization, to the point of bloodshed. It is poison to mankind.
    There is no consistency in Islam teachings either which makes it even more puzzling that anyone would adhere to it. The so called “western, moderate Muslims” will quietly say to you that they don’t believe in the Qur’an in its entirety or that a few Radical Islamists have hijacked the religion. However, they won’t say that out loud in the company of other Muslims due to fear of what they may be accused of. I find this to be ridiculous that any religion has you in fear to voice an opinion or disagreement with the text of some ancient book. I can disagree with my pastor and don’t have to worry about being beheaded for my words.
    The illusion of Islam lies with the presentation of Islam by the so called “moderate” Muslims here in the western world. The illusion is their attempt at a peaceful portrayal of Islam which unfortunately a huge majority of westerners actually believe to be true. The illusion is also the presentation of Islam as a religion while neglecting to properly identify it as an actual political system based in the so called religion.
    The so called “Moderate” Muslims seek to spew forth only the “flowers and puppy dogs” versions of text while discussing Islam and insist that Islam is a religion of peace. That is a ridiculous statement in itself. Mohammed’s last statements and teachings are the true teachings and they are hate filled, violent and seek death for all non-Muslims. There is no peace in Islam. There is no “Qur’an, the Western Edition” book floating around out there that “moderate Muslims” can quote accurately and claim to be peaceful people and still be true Muslims. To even attempt to modify the Qur’an results in a death sentence. Just ask the two Afghans facing death right now because they modified the Qur’an into the Afghan language from Arabic. That doesn’t sound like “peace, Love and Tolerance” to me. Looks like freedom of thought and speech are out the window on that deal too. This is just another shining example of Democracy and Islam within the same government.
    The Muslims that claim to be moderate are not true Muslims. They cannot be true Muslims and be moderate at the same time. For example, the man who just beheaded his wife in New York was considered a “Moderate” Muslim, the owner of an Islamic TV station that sought to undo the “misunderstandings” about Islam here in the western world. No, he is a true Muslim and cannot be called moderate in his Islamic beliefs. And incidentally, he showed us the truest version of Islam.
    When it comes to religious teachings, as to a change of tone in teachings, you can say the same of the Bible to a very limited extent as it is a compilation of scriptures and accounts written by men, inspired by God. (Example is Old Testament says “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” while the New Testament says “Turn the other cheek”). The similarity stops there however. The Old Testament was harsher than the New Testament as the Old Testament was written before God made a new covenant with man, that covenant being the teachings in the New Testament. God’s gift of his only son Jesus being the symbol of his new covenant with man as his son died on the cross for our sins that all who believe in him can go to heaven.
    There is no new covenant with man in the Qur’an from their “Allah”. There couldn’t be a new covenant as the Qur’an isn’t inspired by God, nor is it recognized by God as the Muslims refuse to recognize Jesus as anything more than a prophet on a lesser level than Mohammed. This in itself is a mighty insult to God. To place a pedophiliac salesman as a higher prophet than Jesus is indeed an insult to almighty God and Christians worldwide.
    As you research the Qur’an, you will note that it is written in reverse order if anything as in the first Quranic texts; it was much more peaceful and accommodating of other religions and peoples. This changed as Mohammed gained followers because Mohammed was nothing more than a sinful man, a mere mortal, gluttonous and intoxicated on his new found power which once again makes him less than “Prophet” material. The newer, more violent text nullifies the older text therefore removing any peaceful intentions from the Qur’an and Islam itself. This tosses the “moderate” Muslim theory right out the window.
    Mohammed was nothing more than a con artist yet far more dangerous than some of the western religion con artists that we may have seen in pulpits or on television at one time or another. The danger is that Mohammed eventually sought the blood of non-believers of Islam. His methodology and the methodology of Islam are quite deadly. Refusal of his Islamic teachings means death to the unbeliever, the infidel. This is hardly a selling point in my opinion.
    Our western con artists just want your money, not your head.
    Western religions also seek to entice people to join with them yet do it in a different manner. They make their way appealing, attractive to where someone will listen to them and if they join them, it is of their own free will. Islam on the other hand says “Submit or die”.
    Once again, people often mistakenly refer to Islam solely as a religion when in fact it is actually a very diabolical political system based on their so called “religion”.
    Herein lies the problem in the western world as people who only see the religious aspect of Islam as an issue, not realizing it runs much deeper than just exercising ”rights to religious freedoms”. Islam has carefully presented their argument as a religious argument so that people in the western world will be tolerant, because if people fully understood Islam, they would refuse it. To put it in perspective, imagine a Nazi center flying a Nazi flag where every mosque is located, operating freely under the guise of “religious rights”. Would you tolerate that?
    It is similar to Nazism in every aspect as a totalitarian society model with no freedoms or liberties for its followers. It is a “Do as we say or die” type political system which leaves a wide path of death, murder and mayhem in every part of the world where it is the government model. Democracy and Islam cannot exist in the same government model. We have for instance, Republicans and Democrats. They go to the floor of Congress and the Senate and they argue back and forth, sometimes resolving the issue and agreeing, sometimes not. In Islamic government, if there is a disagreement, someone dies. Look at the Sunni’s and Shiites in Iraq and the way they settle their disagreements. They do it through bombings of each other’s mosques, assassinations and killing civilians according to their designation. Is this what America wants when there are disagreements in the House or Senate? Settle the differences by killing each other?
    If we keep letting people like Keith Ellison and other Muslims infiltrate our political system, you will eventually come to this type of government model. Look at Ellison for instance, that clown wasn’t in the office for even a few months and the Muslims went berserk in Minneapolis with Muslim cab drivers refusing to transport certain people and more notably the incident of the six imams who staged their Islamic charade on the airliner. Imagine the chaos if there were 100 Muslims as Congressional members or Senators.
    We are being infiltrated at all levels of western society by Islam. We had the acknowledged frontal attack on US soil on September 11, 2001to which there was no denying that the US had been attacked by Islam. Since then there have been other instances of Islamic terrorism on US soil, much of which are swept under the rug by the government. Yet more interesting and even deadlier are the back door attacks which have been underway for years.
    Let’s look at these closely. In some areas it started with Muslim footbaths in universities. Small, subtle change but still it serves as a deteriorating mark on our soil by allowing this. Better yet, this occurred with the Muslims demanding these footbaths. One could ask “how does this hurt anything?”
    The explanation is quite simple. The United States has slowly been drifting away from God in general in a feeble and self destructive method. The majorities of young people in the universities right now don’t come from Christian homes, don’t have a strong religious upbringing and are more interested in political correctness than doing what is right. Once the footbath issue comes up, it creates a curiosity point on the campus. The “moderate” Muslims are there, quick to spew their false version of Islam being a religion of peace, their religious rights and so forth. Typical college student hears all of this and either dismisses the footbaths as a “non-issue” and accepts the Muslims basing their acceptance on “freedom of religion”. The college student only accepts the issue at face value, not realizing that Islam isn’t simply a “religion” but instead a political system unto its own. It isn’t the college students here who hold the blame. It is American society as a whole because most Americans only see the Islamic issue as only a religious issue. So now the footbaths are in and Islam is visibly present on campus. This also leads to the potential of a student being curious about Islam and there are plenty of recruiters available to usher the student into the Islamic way of life.
    The wearing of hijabs and facial or head coverings on Muslim females is another Islamic issue they claim is their right due to freedom of religion. However, it has nothing to do with their religion. It is a cultural tradition yet if they manage to get us to accept these facial and head coverings, Islam will have won a small battle in a larger war. This will result in another visible Muslim marker on US soil. Considering the amount of terrorist that have been caught overseas disguised as women, I say the hijabs should be outlawed especially when it comes to photo ID pictures. Under no circumstances should a hijab be part of an official US government or US government contracted security uniform.
    The guise, the illusion that Islam uses for infiltration is that “Islam is purely a religious issue”. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is our downfall as a nation because we fail to recognize Islam for what it is. It is an entire Sharia based political system bent on destroying western civilization. Allowing true Islam into our system at any level is no different than allowing Nazism and Communism into the system. It is a Sharia political system based on a violent religious belief, not a “peaceful” religion as Muslims claim.
    Islam is very sneaky in their convert recruitment methods as well. It always starts out with the peaceful ramblings of the pedophile prophet. It preaches inner peace, self improvement, along with many selling points of any other religion. However, within a short period of time the Islamic political agenda enters the new convert’s lessons. It starts with perhaps the Palestinian issue and moves to the so called persecution of Muslims worldwide. The Islamic lessons are carefully orchestrated and before you know it, your son, daughter, nieces or nephews are caught up in this insane ideology which started as a “religious” thing and now is fully political in nature. Of course the political views are anti-US, anti-Christian and anti-Jewish. Before you know it you are hearing arguments from them about Islamic issues with the focus on political not religion.
    The majority of Muslim converts in the US are young people, inner city dwellers and prisoners. These are the disenchanted ones within our society and the young ones that don’t know much about life at 19 years old. Remember when you were 19? You had it all figured out. So did I. Then reality set in. Life came at us hard. Life brought us careers, spouse, kids, mortgage payments, car payments, economical setbacks, creditors, etc. We look back and realize that at age 19, life looked pretty rosy. We were open to things new and different and we were susceptible to most anything. Had Islam been as predominant then as it is today, chances are someone would have talked to us about Islam. These same kids they are recruiting today are the politicians of tomorrow. That is enough to keep you awake at night.
    The inner city dwellers, the disenchanted ones are ripe for recruiting to Islam. They feel they have nothing else and that the American system has let them down. They live in the ghetto and draw welfare and food stamps. However, Islam is quite generous with their inner city recruits. Before you know it there is a mosque nearby and you will notice improvements on the houses closest to the mosque. Most people don’t go into the inner city due to fear but I have on many occasions and in many different cities in the US. Islam owns many of those people now. They complain about slavery in the US some centuries ago yet willingly signed up to be slaves to Islam. They are still taking handouts but the paymaster is now Islamic. Islam is building an army of these people.
    Prisoners, well that goes without saying. Most Islamic converts in prison are black with nothing to lose. It’s called “jailhouse religion”. Problem is that most of these are repeat offenders and once on the street they will do whatever the Muslim paymasters ask them to do. That in itself is a dangerous group of converts. Now we have gang members, robbers and murderers on the Islamic payroll. Islam should be removed from the prisons considering the fact that it is a detriment to mankind and certainly shouldn’t be taught to criminals as a way of life. Islam is building an army of these people.
    Every step of this Islamic infiltration into our society was carefully planned by the Muslim Brotherhood several decades ago. The papers spelling out the plan were found years ago, written by the Muslim Brotherhood describing exactly what is currently happening and going to happen in the western world as to the Islamic invasion of our society and political system. Yet, we are too stupid to realize that we actually got our hands on the enemy’s playbook. What more could western civilization ask for than to be given the enemy’s formula for our destruction? Yet, we do nothing to stop it.
    The UK is further along in this Islamic invasion than we are yet the US is falling in much the same manner. Geert Wilders was only recently refused entry to the UK because of his anti-Islam beliefs and for the simple fact he doesn’t hide them from anyone. The travesty is that Free Speech in the UK when it comes to anything against Islam is apparently forbidden. Muslims have taken over entire section of various cities in the UK and non-Muslims fear to enter these areas because there have been vicious assaults by the Muslims against the non-Muslims. If Islam is such a “peaceful religion” as many moderate Muslims claim, then why are non-Muslims assaulted? I watched a video in January of this year where the London police in the UK actually ran from the Muslim protesters who were chasing them, hurling things at them and cursing them.
    This isn’t an issue of Freedom of Religion or the right to exercise religious beliefs. This is an organized takeover of our entire way of life, our government and our homes. I clearly remember Osama bin Laden telling us, the United States that Islam would use our own rights and freedoms to destroy the US.
    Are you starting to understand what he was saying?
    Be safe. Stay vigilant.

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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    Default Re: The Religion of Peace™

    ABC News Exclusive: Torture Tape Implicates UAE Royal Sheikh

    Police in Uniform Join In as Victim Is Whipped, Beaten, Electrocuted, Run Over by SUV

    April 22, 2009


    Must see video

    A video tape smuggled out of the United Arab Emirates shows a member of the country's royal family mercilessly torturing a man with whips, electric cattle prods and wooden planks with protruding nails.

    A man in a UAE police uniform is seen on the tape tying the victim's arms and legs, and later holding him down as the Sheikh pours salt on the man's wounds and then drives over him with his Mercedes SUV.

    In a statement to ABC News, the UAE Ministry of the Interior said it had reviewed the tape and acknowledged the involvement of Sheikh Issa bin Zayed al Nahyan, brother of the country's crown prince, Sheikh Mohammed.
    "The incidents depicted in the video tapes were not part of a pattern of behavior," the Interior Ministry's statement declared.

    The Minister of the Interior is also one of Sheikh Issa's brother.

    The government statement said its review found "all rules, policies and procedures were followed correctly by the Police Department."

    "If this is their complete reply, then sadly it's a scam and it's a sham," said Sarah Leah Whitson of Human Rights Watch.

    "It is the state that is torturing them," she said, "if the government does not investigate and prosecute these officers, and those commanding those officers."

    The 45-minute long tape was smuggled out of the country by Bassam Nabulsi, of Houston, Texas, a former business associate of Sheikh Issa.
    Nabulsi is now suing the Sheikh in federal court in Houston, alleging he also was tortured by UAE police when he refused to turn over the videos to the Sheikh following their falling out.

    "They were my security, really, to make my case that this man is capable of doing what I say he can do," said Nabulsi in an interview to be broadcast Wednesday on the ABC News program Nightline.

    Nabulsi says the video tapes were recorded by his brother, on orders from the Sheikh who liked to watch the torture sessions later in his royal palace.
    The Sheikh begins by stuffing sand down the man's mouth, as the police officers restrains the victim.

    Then he fires bullets from an automatic rifle around him as the man howls incomprehensibly.

    Sadistic Torture by Sheikh

    At another point on the tape, the Sheikh can be seen telling the cameraman to come closer.

    "Get closer. Get closer. Get closer. Let his suffering show," the Sheikh says.
    Over the course of the tape, Sheikh Issa acts in an increasingly sadistic manner.

    He uses an electric cattle prod against the man's testicles and inserts it in his anus.

    At another point, as the man wails in pain, the Sheikh pours lighter fluid on the man's testicles and sets them aflame.

    Then the tape shows the Sheikh sorting through some wooden planks. "I remember there was one that had a nail in it," he says on the tape.

    The Sheikh then pulls down the pants of the victim and repeatedly strikes him with board and its protruding nail. At one point, he puts the nail next to the man's buttocks and bangs it through the flesh.

    "Where's the salt," asks the Sheikh as he pours a large container of salt on to the man's bleeding wounds.

    The victim pleads for mercy, to no avail.

    The final scene on the tape shows the Sheikh positioning his victim on the desert sand and then driving over him repeatedly. A sound of breaking bones can be heard on the tape.

    Sheikh Issa's lawyer, Daryl Bristow of Baker Botts in Houston, told ABC News "the tape is the tape."

    The torture victim was identified by Nabulsi as an Afghan grain dealer, Mohammed Shah Poor, who the Sheikh accused of short changing on a grain delivery to his royal ranch on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi.

    The UAE government, in its statement, says the matter was settled privately between the Sheikh and the grain dealer, "by agreeing not to bring formal charges against each other, i.e., theft on the one hand and assault on the other hand."

    Nabulsi says Sheikh Issa became increasing violent and sadistic following the 2004 death of his father, the UAE's first and only president until that time, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan.

    "It's like you flipped a switch and the man took a wrong turn in his life and started getting violent," said Nabulsi.

    Sheikh Issa is one of the country's 22 royal sheikhs but does not hold an official position in the UAE government.

    Man Says U.S. Embassy Officials in Abu Dhabi Knew of Torture Tape

    Nabulsi first met Sheikh Issa when he traveled to Houston for medical reasons. Nabulsi provided hotel and limousine services and their relationship grew into a business partnership, he says.

    Nabulsi, in his lawsuit, says he was falsely arrested on narcotics trafficking charges by Abu Dhabi police when he refused to turn over the tapes and mistreated in prison, where he was held for three months.

    "They would stick a finger up his anus and say, 'this is from Sheik Issa, are you going to give us the tapes,'" said Nabulsi's Houston lawyer, Tony Buzbee.

    "They would keep him from sleeping, deny him his medications, tell him they were going to rape his wife, kill his child. They made him pose naked while they took pictures," the lawyer alleges.

    The UAE government said its review "also confirmed that Mr. Nabulsi was in no way mistreated during his incarceration for drug possession."

    After a short trial, Nabulsi was convicted of having prescription medicine without a prescription from a local doctor. Evidence at the trail showed his doctor in Houston had prescribed the medicine.

    Nabulsi was expelled from the country and his passport is stamped with the notation "Not Allowed to Return to the UAE."

    Nabulsi says officials at the U.S. Embassy in Abu Dhabi were aware of the torture tapes but took no action to protest the Sheikh's action.

    The UAE is considered a stalwart U.S. ally in the region, with close cooperation in working against al Qaeda. The U.S. Navy has an important base outside Dubai.

    Nabulsi says he even showed portions of the tape to a Department of Homeland Security official stationed in Abu Dhabi to train UAE police, Bill Wallrap.

    Nabulsi says after the U.S. official watched the tapes, he advised Nabulsi to "gather your family and get out of the country as soon as possible for your own safety."

    A spokesman for DHS said neither Wallrap nor the DHS would have any comment on the torture tapes.

    In its 2008 Human Rights report, the U.S. State Department referred to "reports that a royal family member tortured a foreign national who had allegedly overcharged him in a grain deal." The State Department made no reference to the video tapes played for the U.S. official.

    Rep. McGovern Weighs In

    Other U.S. embassy employees did help, says Nabulsi, who credits them with keeping him alive by their visits to the prison.

    Asked why neither he nor his brother didn't report the torture he saw on the tape to authorities in the UAE, Nabulsi said, "I mean the whole government is all brothers. I mean the president is al Nahyan, the crown prince is al Nahyan, the foreign minister is al Nahyan, the foreign minister is al Nahyan. What can you do?"

    The co-chairman of the House Human Rights Commission, Rep. James McGovern (D-MA), said the existence of the tape requires the U.S. to take action.

    "Granted that they're strategically located in a key part of the world, but it's hard to imagine that we're going to keep going on as if it' business as usual when this kind of stuff happens," said McGovern. "My guess is that this is just the tip of the iceberg."

    Sheikh Issa's lawyer, Bristow, has moved to have the case, which also involves allegations surrounding their business dealings, transferred to courts in the UAE.

    Wherever it is heard, said Bristow, "You may be assured that in due course the one-sided "story" being told to ABC by the Nabulsi's and their lawyers will be completely addressed and the Nabulsi's will be discredited," he said in a letter to ABC News.

    The "'story that we think ABC is being told is grossly misleading; it is in large measure demonstrably untrue; and it is defamatory to Sheikh Issa."

    Bristow represented George W. Bush in the Florida recount case in 2000. Among the firm's partners is former Secretary of State James Baker.

    Click Here for the Investigative Homepage.
    Copyright © 2009 ABC News Internet Ventures

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    Never Talk About Religion in a Bar

    What started as an argument over religion at a bar escalated when one man shot another five times overnight, as the victim's sister watched in horror.

    Toni Simpson says she was waiting for her brother, Ernest McCullough, 29, in the 3800 block of Van Dyke Avenue at about 4:30 a.m. after a night of drinking at Nancy's Pub. She was listening to the pair argue over religion but never thought it would lead to what happened next.

    "He pulled up his shirt and it looked like a knife and it was a gun. He pulled it out and shot him,” she said.

    Simpson says she was so shocked that she blacked out after the first two rounds were fired. When she came around she saw her brother covered in blood.

    "I said ‘he shot you?’ And he said ‘yeah, he shot me’ and then he fell to the ground," Simpson said.

    The victim, who is Christian, was taken to Scripps Mercy Hospital in serious condition but is expected to be okay.

    The suspect, who Simpson says was of Muslim faith, remains at large.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: The Religion of Peace™

    'Is it permitted to eat the flesh of American soldiers?'
    Jihadist says slaughtering needs to be according to Shariah
    Posted: June 25, 2009
    9:20 pm Eastern

    © 2009 WorldNetDaily
    The Al-Falluja jihadist forum has featured a new discussion – on the slaughter and eating of U.S. soldiers, according to officials with the Middle East Media Research Institute.

    On the organization's Jihad Threat and Terrorism page, a subscription service of the nonprofit that monitors, interprets and reports on media developments in the Middle East, a report said the discussion was prompted by a new book from Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi, one of the most influential jihadist sheiks alive.

    The MEMRI report said a forum participant who identifies himself as "Al-Maqdisi's Student," wrote on June 13: "Is it permitted to eat the flesh of American soldiers? A quote from the illustrious Sheik Al-Maqdisi, may Allah preserve him."

    He recounted an exchange involving early Muslim commander Khalid b. Al-Walid and a Byzantine commander at the battle of Yarmuk, which is thought to have happened in A..D. 636 .

    "The Byzantine commander said to Khalid that the Muslims had only gone out from the land due to hunger, and offered to buy them off. Khalid responded, 'It was not hunger that drove us out of our land, as you say; we are a people who drink blood, and we know that there is no blood more delicious than Byzantine blood. That is why we came,'" the report said.

    The forum participant, the "Student," then follows up with the comment:
    "The mujahideen should inform their belligerent [infidel] and apostate enemies of this exceptional law so that they can bring it up and study it at their conferences on human rights, counterterrorism, and so on! Then they in turn can proclaim that our soldiers lick their lips [at the thought of] eating the flesh of their hamburger- and Pepsi-eating soldiers!"

    As with many forums, some of the responses were on varied topics, but on the issue of cannibalism, "Abu Hajir Al-Muqrin" wrote: "If we are forced to eat Americans, let's make them into a gunpowder-flavored kabsa with some hors d'oeuvres made of apostates."

    Another comment, "But the slaughtering needs to be according to the Shariah," from "Muhammad Al-Baghdadi."

    He added images to his post, stills from the video done by Islamic radicals who decapitated Nick Berg and wrote, "Perhaps this is the best way."
    The "Student" then returned to the threat, posting:
    "A true story: a group of mujahideen from one of the brigades was in the mountains during the jihad against the Russians. One of them was sent off on a mission; he went and came back, but he couldn't find any of the brothers. He saw a roasted calf leg that the brothers in the brigade left for him for dinner, and he ate of it until he was full. When he went back to the main camp, the brothers saw him and offered him dinner! He said: praise Allah, I already ate! They said: Where did you find dinner? He said: You left me roasted calf leg! They said: No, no, that wasn't calf, that was the leg of a Russian infidel! He answered: No matter, it's all Islamic slaughter!"
    WND reported earlier when MEMRI documented a segment on the Hamas terrorist organization's official television network proclaiming the Jews' "favorite cocktail" was Muslim blood mixed withi soda water.

    "You must drink from the blood of Muslims," says a Jewish father to his son during the drama.

    "But mix it with soda water," replies the son, whose name is Shimon.
    MEMRI also has documented extensively television training of children to be jihadists and martyrs.

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    Default Re: The Religion of Peace™

    By Frosty Wooldridge

    November 9, 2009

    Part1: Basic incompatibility of Western thought and Muslim theocracy

    “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims,” said radio talk show host Peter Boyles last week on in Denver, Colorado.

    Boyles’ remarks followed a horrific mass killing by Muslim U.S. Army Major Nadal Malik Hasan at Fort Hood, Texas. Hasan blasted away at 42 military personnel and civilians as they stood defenseless in line awaiting deployment processing for the Middle East. He screamed, “Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar!” while unloading his firearms into the bodies of U.S. troops.

    A female off-duty police officer waded into the chaos with her gun blazing until she brought him down with four shots. He lays in a Fort Hood hospital bed in critical condition.

    His condition stands a warning and a metaphor for the United States of America as it places itself in critical danger by importing millions from incompatible cultures and languages into America at breakneck speed. It reminds me of students in a chemistry class pouring unknown chemicals into a beaker and hoping it doesn’t boil over or blow up.

    This incident isn’t the first time. A U.S. Army Muslim sergeant threw a grenade into a tent at the beginning of the Iraq War, which killed three U.S. Army officers.

    The philosopher Emanuel Kant said, “Religion and language are the two great dividers of humanity.”

    First of all, Islam’s basic tenant means, “Submission.” Imams say that Islam remains a religion of peace, but they fail to tell listeners that peace will arrive only when Islam becomes the sole religion in the world. Its prime directive in the Koran reads, “...convert or kill all non-believers, starting with the Jews.”

    If you look at Islam in the modern world, its terror tactics began in Munich, Germany 1972 with the mass killings of Jewish athletes at the Olympics. From that point, every major mass murder, or killing attempt across the planet stems from Muslim terrorists at regional levels all the way to the 19 Muslims that brought down the World Trade Towers. Muslim terrorists brought down Pan American airlines at Lockerbie, blew up barracks filled with soldiers in Africa, bombed night clubs in Fiji, killed Theo Van Gogh, train bombings in Madrid, Spain; subway bombings in London, 9/11 and dozens of other killings or attempted bombings.

    Muslims place ‘fatwa’s’, (a death threat for life) against writers, speakers and political leaders such as Hirsi Ali in Holland for standing up against Islam. Muslims do not tolerate free speech, free choice of religion and they do not tolerate women as equals.

    Two weeks ago, in Detroit, Michigan, 11 Muslims fought FBI agents with calls to create a separate Muslim state in Michigan under Sharia Law. Muslims rioted in Sweden this summer against Jewish tennis players playing in that country.

    Muslims rioted in November 2007 in France.

    Amil Imani , “Islam is Fire” , September 12, 2009, said, “The Islamic fire, fueled by immense oil income, is raging in certain regions of the world, smoldering in others, and is ready to ignite in yet other parts of the world. It is imperative for the free people of the world to abandon all illusions about Islam and put out its fire, once and for all. Multiculturalism, live and-let live, is a delusion of kind-hearted naïve people. Islam, as fractured as it is, is a non-compromising mono-culture; a cruel culture of a primitive people handed down by Muhammad some 1400 years ago.”

    Most American sit and watch with total oblivion of the march of Islam into America. In 1990, only 100,000 Muslims inhabited the United States. Today, over eight million spread across the country with over 1,000 mosques and growing. We import over 1,500 Muslims refugees every thirty days into America.

    They stand in diametrical opposition to a republican form of government and equal rights for women.

    At the same time, honor killings, female genital mutilation, violence toward women and hostility toward Americans accelerates.

    “Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands? Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system. Balkanization of the United States has begun.”

    For example, Muslims practice female genital mutilation (FGM). It’s 6th century Dark Ages barbarism alive in the 21st century. It occurs today in Detroit, Michigan, Freemont, California and Denver, Colorado, and wherever Islam grows in America. Seven years ago, hundreds of cases of little girls suffering from infected genitalia, after being slashed with razors and glass, landed in Colorado hospitals from the FGM ritual. Islamic practitioners, without sterile room technique or anesthesia, cut out the labia majora and minora as well as the clitoris of girls, usually less than nine years of age.

    Led by Colorado House Representative Dorothy Rupert, lawmakers passed a new law to halt it. The practice didn’t stop; it torpedoed underground. What happens when Muslim culture becomes the majority and votes it into legal practice?

    Have you seen a country devolve? In the Middle East today, Muslims stone women to death for adultery. They won’t allow women to drive. Women cannot go out in public without a male relative at their side. They demand separate swimming pool times for men and women. They make women hide their faces with a burka into ‘non-beingness’. They practice Sharia Law which proves harsh and diametrically opposed to parliamentary law.

    Don’t think it can happen in America? Fox News, July 25, 2008 reported a Muslim honor killing in Garrett, Texas when a 12 year old girl called 911, screaming, “My dad shot me; I am dying.” She died before an ambulance arrived. Reason: father didn’t like her wearing western jeans and blouses.

    In Clayton County, Georgia, July 10, 2008, a Pakistani immigrant father, Chaudry Rashid strangled his daughter for not accepting his choice of a husband. She wanted a divorce. She was 14 when she died.

    In New York, February 16, 2009, FOX News, Joshua Rhett Miller reported, “The estranged wife of a Muslim television executive feared for her life after filing for divorce last month from her abusive husband,” her attorney said — and was found beheaded Thursday in his upstate New York teleevision studio. Aasiya Z. Hassan, 37, was found dead on Thursday at the offices of Bridges TV in Orchard Park, N.Y., near Buffalo. Her husband, Muzzammil Hassan, 44, has reportedly been charged with second-degree murder. “She was very much aware of the potential ramification of her filing for divorce might have," said attorney Elizabeth DiPirro, whose law firm represented Aasiya Hassan in the divorce proceeding. "But she wanted to proceed despite the potential for it to erupt."

    Under Sharia Law in the Middle East, such an ‘honor killing’ remains accepted in Islamic society. Ann Curry on NBC hosted a news piece, “Honor Killings in America.” She reported on the astounding rise of honor killings in America by Muslim immigrants.

    Last week, in Glendale, Arizona, an immigrant father, Faleh Hassan Almaleki, ran down with his Jeep truck and killed his daughter Noor for being too “Westernized.” Her crime? She liked to wear jeans. A sane person might ask, “Why did he immigrate to America and why did he bring his daughter?”

    Worldwide, Muslim husbands and brothers kill 5,000 women every year, year in and year out?for disobeying thhem. (Source: Miami Herald, Leonard Pitts, November 8, 2009, “American dream doesn’t include this nightmare) And, they get away with it because Sharia Law condones honor killings. You see, Mohammed the prophet proved an illiterate tribal war leader who cut his enemies’ heads and fingers off if they disobeyed him. His barbarism remains with Islam today.

    As their numbers grow in host countries, they displace laws, culture, language and finally, take over. America will prove the last stand of humanity and Christianity against Islam’s onslaught. So, far, the USA is losing its language, customs and culture—to Islam. Of course, you see the same nightmare occurring in Sweden, United Kingdom, France, Austria, Norway, Holland, Belgium, Spain and Germany.

    Coming in Part 2: Three parts of ‘soft’ Jihad, political correctness and Robert Spencer

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    Default Re: The Religion of Peace™

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post

    AP - November 08, 2009
    Napolitano Warns Against Anti-Muslim Backlash

    Homeland Security secretary reassures Arab world that U.S. authorities were taking measures to quell anti-Islam sentiments after Fort Hood rampage.

    Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, center, prepares her papers before giving a speech at a conference at the Zayed University in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 8. (AP Photo)

    ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates -- U.S. Homeland Security officials are working with groups around United States to head off any possible anti-Muslim backlash following the shootings at Fort Hood in Texas, the agency's chief said Sunday.

    The comments by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano also appeared part of efforts to reassure the Arab world that U.S. authorities were taking measures to quell anti-Islam sentiments after last week's rampage by an American-born Muslim serving as U.S. Army psychiatrist.
    The Phantom Backlash

    by Robert Spencer


    Backlash fever is sweeping the nation: thirteen Americans are dead and thirty-eight wounded in a jihad attack at Fort Hood, and our government’s primary concern -- from the Chief of Staff of the Army to the Islamic pressure groups such as CAIR -- are focused entirely on ensuring that Muslims in the United States are not being victimized by a “backlash.”

    Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano declared: “We object to, and do not believe, that anti-Muslim sentiment should emanate from this. This was an individual who does not represent the Muslim faith.” She said that DHS was taking steps to “prevent everybody being painted with a broad brush.” Not “taking steps to prevent another jihad terror attack.” And she promised: “One of the things we’ll do is make sure that we’re reaching out to the state and local authorities within the US, because they often have better outreach to members of the Muslim community than we do.”

    Backlash in California: Muslim at mall kiosk tears crucifix from shopper's neck, shouts "Allah is power"

    Whoops, sorry -- this isn't backlash against the poor, innocent Muslims being terrorized and victimized by the thousands after the Fort Hood Nothing-To-Do-With-Islam attack. This is just the familiar Muslim backlash against non-Muslims, which will increasingly be a feature of American life in the coming years. Nothing to see here. Move along.

    "Man arrested for 'anti-Christian' mall disturbance: Kiosk employee allegedly tore a crucifix from someone's neck," by Emily West for the Danville Express, November 10 (thanks to Bob):

    Police arrested 22-year-old Abdul Walid Hamid of Hayward on the evening of Wednesday, Nov. 4, after he reportedly tore a crucifix from a person's neck and scared others at Stoneridge Shopping Center. Hamid, an employee at a mall kiosk near Starbucks, has been charged with battery, terrorist threats and grand theft.

    According to reports, Hamid was yelling "Allah is power" and "Islam is great" while holding a pen in a fist over his head. Witnesses said he shouted anti-Christian comments, said police.

    Lt. Mike Elerick of the Pleasanton Police Department said the man was not provoked and didn't threaten violence, but he committed robbery when he grabbed and broke a crucifix off someone's neck.

    Coworkers told police that Hamid's actions were out of the ordinary and that he had worked at the kiosk for years.

    You mean, he didn't do this daily? What a relief!

    Police also said they weren't aware of a prior criminal history for the man. "We had multiple people calling 911," Elerick said. "One female was crouching down and hiding from him. He definitely scared quite a few people."...

    Through an interpreter, Hamid requested a public defender and was scheduled to appear in court at 9 a.m. Thursday where he is expected to enter a plea.

    Through an interpreter? He worked at the mall and didn't speak English?

    Posted by Robert on November 11, 2009 10:31 AM | 76 Comments

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    Pakistani Christian burned alive, wife raped by police for refusing to convert to Islam

    The Qur'an says there is "no compulsion in religion " (2:256) but Islamic law and the Qur'an itself are actually full of subtle and not-at-all-subtle means of coercion of non-believers (e.g., dhimmi status, the jizya tax, and of course, warfare). Add to that a situation where authorities, steeped in hatred of unbelievers (cf. Qur'an 98:6) are not accountable, and this is what happens.

    "News Alert: Pakistan Christian "Burned", Wife "Raped", For Refusing Islam," from BosNewsLife, March 20 (thanks to DJM):

    RAWALPINDI, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- A Christian man was fighting for his life in Pakistan's Punjab province Saturday, March 20, after Muslim leaders backed by police burned him alive for refusing to convert to Islam, while his wife was raped by police officers, Christian and hospital sources familiar with the case told BosNewsLife.

    Arshed Masih was burned Friday, March 19, in front of a police station in the city of Rawalpindi near Pakistan's capital Islamabad, following apparent death threats from his Muslim employer Sheikh Mohammad Sultan, an influential businessman, and religious leaders, said the Rawalpindi Holy Family Hospital.

    His wife, Martha Arshed, was allegedly raped by police officers. Their three children -- ranging in age from 7 to 12-- were reportedly forced to witness the attacks against their parents.

    "Both [Masih] and wife were rushed to the Holy Family Hospital and are under treatment," the hospital said.

    He was listed in serious condition with about 80 percent of his body burned.

    Local police officials said they were "aware" of the attacks carried out by Muslim leaders and apparently at least some officers and added that an investigation was underway. No arrests were reported yet late Saturday, March 19.

    Sheikh Mohammad Sultan could not immediately be reached for comment and it was not clear whether he had been in contact with police Saturday, March 20.

    Before tensions emerged about their Christian faith, Masih worked as a driver and his wife as a maid for the Muslim businessman since 2005, Christians said.

    The couple apparently lived with their children in the servant quarters of Sultan's estate in Rawalpindi, a key trade and tourist destination. In January, religious leaders and Sultan allegedly asked Arshed to convert to Islam with his whole family. After he refused, the group reportedly threatened him with "dire consequences"

    Arshed offered to quit his job, but the businessman allegedly said he would "kill" him if he were to leave.

    He apparently also told Christian mediators that he would never allow the Christian family to live somewhere else.

    This week tensions raised after Sultan reported a theft of 500,000 Pakistani Rupees (5,952$), according to a document seen by BosNewsLife.

    The Christian family members were not named as suspects in the so-called 'First Information Report' from police.

    Sources familiar with the situation, who asked not to be identified for security reasons, told BosNewsLife that the businessman had offered the couple to drop the case if they convert to Islam or "else that both would not see their children again."

    However, "Arshed refused to convert and stood firm in his faith. Arshed`s wife was raped by the police and he was burned alive," Friday, March 19, local Christians said, speaking on condition of anonimity.

    The case comes at a time when church groups have complained about growing attacks against minority Christians by Muslim militants, often with the alleged support by local law enforcement officials and other authorities.
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    Not that Islam has been peaceful and uneventful for a whole year, but this is huge and isn't making the news much, so it needs to be out here...


    Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, April 3, 2011, 10:22 PM

    At least 1,000 Christians were slaughtered this week in at the Salesian Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus mission in Duekoue, Ivory Coast by Muslim troops loyal to Alassane Ouattara. The state-run media has been slow to report the story.
    More below…
    The conflict in Ivory Coast began in 2002. The country is divided between the Muslim north and Christian south.
    This is a conflict that has been brewing for years.

    Troops loyal to Alassane Ouattara, the Muslim opposition leader, moved south this past week. They slaughtered 1,000 civilians in Duekoue last week. The victims were mostly men who were shot as they fled the city.
    Business Week reported:
    Charity workers who reached Duekoue said it appeared the killings had taken place in a single day, shortly after the town fell to troops loyal to Alassane Ouattara, the man internationally-recognised as having won last year’s presidential election.
    The apparent massacre came despite the presence of United Nations troops and – if confirmed – will cast a shadow over Mr Outtara’s assumption of the Ivory Coast’s presidency after a four-month battle to oust Lawrence Gbagbo, the former president who lost the November election but refused to step down.
    William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, said he was “gravely concerned” by the violence and loss of life in Ivory Coast and added: “I am determined that all alleged human rights abuses… must be investigated and those responsible held to account…
    …The International Committee for the Red Cross said its staff discovered more than 800 bodies of people who were clearly local civilians. They were mainly men who had been shot and left where they fell, the organisation said, either alone or in small groups dotted around the town, which lies at the heart of Ivory Coast’s economically crucial cocoa producing region.
    The charity said it had been told by locals that intercommunal violence erupted soon after Mr Ouattara’s forces took control of the town on Monday. Thousands of people left their homes to escape the fighting and an estimated 40,000 sought refuge in a nearby Roman Catholic mission’s compound. The priests who operate it are running short of food, clean water and medical equipment to treat those they say arrived with gunshot wounds.
    The bodies are thought to be of those who did not reach sanctuary in time. They were killed despite 200 United Nations troops operating what it said were “robust” patrols from its base on the outskirts to protect civilians in and around the church.
    Caritas reported that the massacre took place in the ‘Carrefour’ quarter of town, controlled by pro-Ouattara forces, during clashes on Sunday 27 March to Tuesday 29 March.
    30,000 civilians are trapped in a Catholic church compound.
    On Tuesday two towns in the west, Daloa and Duekoue, fell to Mr Ouattara’s supporters after fierce gun battles.
    The fighting trapped 30,000 people in a church compound in Duekoue, missionaries said. Many reportedly had gunshot wounds but could not reach hospitals on the other side of the front line.
    Mr Ouattara’s supporters also captured Bondoukou in the east and were said to be advancing unimpeded south along the Ghanaian border towards Agnibilekrou. Mr Gbagbo’s camp confirmed that they had retreated, but vowed to fight back.
    UPDATE: Atlas has been predicting this.
    UPDATE: The Muslim troops slaughtered several hundred Catholics at at the sprawling Salesian Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus mission in Duekou.
    Herald Scotland reported:
    A massacre in a Roman Catholic mission compound in the heart of the Ivory Coast’s cocoa-producing region could come to be seen as a crucial moment in the West African state’s escalating civil war.
    Reports are mounting of atrocities by both sides in the conflict − those loyal to head of state Laurent Gbagbo, besieged in his presidential residence in Abidjan, Ivory Coast’s commercial capital, and those who follow northern leader and president-elect Allasane Ouattara.
    Events at the Italian Salesian Roman Catholic mission in Duekoue increasingly echo a notorious church massacre during the Rwandan genocide in 1994.
    Early reports suggested that more than 800 people, largely from the Gbagbo-supporting Gueré tribe, were killed in a single day at the sprawling Salesian Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus mission in Duekoue, 300 miles west of Abidjan towards the Liberian border. The attackers seem to have been largely soldiers descended from Burkina Faso immigrant Muslim families loyal to Ouattara.
    Late yesterday the Roman Catholic charity Caritas said more than 1000 people were massacred in Duekoue. A Caritas spokesman said Caritas workers visited the town and reported seeing a neighbourhood filled with bodies of people who had been shot and hacked to death with machetes.
    More at Libertarian Republican.
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    Islamic Jew Hatred: **GRAPHIC** Muslim Massacre Jewish family of Five, Three Year Old Stabbed in the Heart, Baby's Throat Slashed

    The Fogel family

    Three-year-old Jewish boy

    Father and 3-month-old infant, Hadas

    Three year old, Elad

    Eleven-year-old Jewish son, Yoav

    The family has given permission to show these photographs so that civilized men understand what the Jews face from their Islamic enemies. This is the first time the people of Israel have done this. The world ignores the Jewish dead; what choice did they have?

    Devout Muslims murder Jewish children and babies in their sleep, simply because they are Jewish. Forgive me for publishing these pictures, but we live in the modern age of the barbarian -- and the media, the political elites and the chattering class scrub, and in some cases glamorize, the savagery of these bloodthirsty anti-humans. One can only imagine the horror of the scene of the Islamic attack on a Jewish day school in Jerusalem back in 2008 that left six Jews slaughtered, which over 84% of the Muslims in Gaza supported. The OIC-driven UN failed to condemn that genocide as well.

    Muslims Celebrate Mass Murder with Passing Out Candy to Children'
    Israel: Muslim Slaughters Jewish Family of Five, including an 11-year-old, a 3-year-old and an infant — all stabbed in their sleep
    From reports:
    On Friday night at 10:30 pm the terrorists entered the house through the living room picture window. They did not notice the 6-year-old boy sleeping on the couch and continued on to the bedroom where they slashed the throats of the father and newborn baby who were sleeping there. The mother came out of the bathroom and was stabbed on its threshold. The evidence shows that she tried to fight the terrorists. They then slashed the throat of the 11-year old-son who was reading in bed. They did not notice the 2-year old asleep in his bed, but murdered the 3-year old with two stabs to his heart. After that, they locked the door, exited through the window and escaped.

    The 12-year-old daughter returned home at 00:30 and found the door locked. She asked a neighbor, Rabbi Yaakov Cohen, of the Itamar Yeshiva, to help her. He brought a weapon with him once he noticed tracks and mud near the house. The two woke up the 6-year old sleeping in the living room by calling through the window and when he opened the door, the Rabbi returned to his home. When she entered the bedrooms, the young daughter saw the horrific bloodsoaked scene and ran out of the house screaming. The neighbor ran back and fired several shots in the air to alert security personnel. Within a short time, large police and IDF forces arrived and began intensive searches to see if the terrorists were still in the community. At 03:30 a.m., military trackers discovered footprints leading to the Arab village of Avrata.

    CiF Watch: More photos of Gazans in Rafah celebrating deadly terrorist attack in Itamar H/T Israellycool
    Images from Gaza.

    A Palestinian man offers sweets to a woman in the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah on March 12, 2011 to celebrate an attack which killed five Israelis (Getty Images)

    A Palestinian man distributes sweets in the streets of the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah on March 12, 2011 to celebrate an attack which killed five Israelis (Getty Images)

    Islamic Antisemitism

    The Koran on the Jews

    “Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews…” (5:82).

    “Curses were pronounced on those among the Children of Israel who rejected Faith, by the tongue of David and of Jesus the son of Mary: because they disobeyed and persisted in excesses.” (5:78).

    “Is it ever so that when they make a covenant a party of them set it aside? The truth is, most of them believe not. And when there came to them a messenger from Allah [Muhammad], confirming what was with them [the Torah], a party of the people of the Book threw away the Book of Allah behind their backs, as if (it had been something) they did not know!” (2:100-101).

    “The People of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord. Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do” (2:143-144).

    “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” (9:29).

    “And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah. That is their saying with their mouths. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved of old. Allah (Himself) fighteth against them. How perverse are they!” (9:30)

    The Jews killed their prophets (2:61; 2:87; 2:91; 3:21; 3:112; 3:181; 3:183; 4:155; 5:70), and boast “we killed the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary” (4:157).

    “Allah hath heard the taunt of those who say: ‘Truly, Allah is indigent and we are rich!’ We shall certainly record their word and (their act) of slaying the prophets in defiance of right, and We shall say: ‘Taste ye the penalty of the Scorching Fire!’” (3:181)

    “Why do not the rabbis and the doctors of Law forbid them from their (habit of) uttering sinful words and eating things forbidden? Evil indeed are their works.” (5:63)

    “The Jews say: ‘Allah’s hand is tied up.’ Be their hands tied up and be they accursed for the (blasphemy) they utter. Nay, both His hands are widely outstretched: He giveth and spendeth (of His bounty) as He pleaseth. But the revelation that cometh to thee from Allah increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. Amongst them we have placed enmity and hatred till the Day of Judgment. Every time they kindle the fire of war, Allah doth extinguish it; but they (ever) strive to do mischief on earth. And Allah loveth not those who do mischief” (5:64).

    The Jews “strive to do mischief on earth” – that is, fasaad, for which the punishment is specified in 5:33: “they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land.”

    “Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors. They will do you no harm, barring a trifling annoyance; if they come out to fight you, they will show you their backs, and no help shall they get. Shame is pitched over them (like a tent) wherever they are found, except when under a covenant (of protection) from Allah and from men; they draw on themselves wrath from Allah, and pitched over them is (the tent of) destitution. This because they rejected the Signs of Allah, and slew the prophets in defiance of right; this because they rebelled and transgressed beyond bounds.” (3:110-112)

    “And because of their breaking their covenant, We have cursed them and made hard their hearts. They change words from their context and forget a part of that whereof they were admonished. Thou wilt not cease to discover treachery from all save a few of them. But bear with them and pardon them. Lo! Allah loveth the kindly (5:13).

    “Among the People of the Book are some who, if entrusted with a hoard of gold, will (readily) pay it back; others, who, if entrusted with a single silver coin, will not repay it unless thou constantly stoodest demanding, because, they say, ‘there is no call on us (to keep faith) with these ignorant (Pagans).’ but they tell a lie against Allah, and (well) they know it.” (3:75)

    “O Messenger! let not those grieve thee, who race each other into unbelief: (whether it be) among those who say ‘We believe’ with their lips but whose hearts have no faith; or it be among the Jews -- men who will listen to any lie -- will listen even to others who have never so much as come to thee.

    They change the words from their (right) times and places: they say, ‘If ye are given this, take it, but if not, beware!’ If any one’s trial is intended by Allah, thou hast no authority in the least for him against Allah. For such - it is not Allah’s will to purify their hearts. For them there is disgrace in this world, and in the Hereafter a heavy punishment.” (5:41)

    “There is a party of them who distort the Scripture with their tongues, that ye may think that what they say is from the Scripture, when it is not from the Scripture. And they say: It is from Allah, when it is not from Allah; and they speak a lie concerning Allah knowingly” (3:78).

    “Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: ‘This is from Allah,’ to traffic with it for miserable price! Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.” (2:79)

    “But because of their breach of their covenant, We cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard; they change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the message that was sent them, nor wilt thou cease to find them- barring a few - ever bent on (new) deceits: but forgive them, and overlook (their misdeeds): for Allah loveth those who are kind.” (5:13)

    “Many of the People of the Scripture long to make you disbelievers after your belief, through envy on their own account, after the truth hath become manifest unto them’” (2:109).

    “And when there comes to them a Book from Allah, confirming what is with them, although from of old they had prayed for victory against those without Faith, when there comes to them that which they (should) have recognised, they refuse to believe in it but the curse of Allah is on those without Faith. “ (2:89)

    “For the iniquity of the Jews We made unlawful for them certain (foods) good and wholesome which had been lawful for them; in that they hindered many from Allah’s Way; that they took usury, though they were forbidden; and that they devoured men’s substance wrongfully; we have prepared for those among them who reject faith a grievous punishment.” (4:160-161)

    “Thou wilt indeed find them, of all people, most greedy of life,-even more than the idolaters: Each one of them wishes He could be given a life of a thousand years: But the grant of such life will not save him from (due) punishment. For Allah sees well all that they do.” (2:96)

    From Robert Spencer's book, "The Religion of Peace":
    The Koran puts forward a clear, consistent image of the Jews: they are scheming, treacherous liars and the most dangerous enemies of the Muslims. This theological tenet provides a basis for Islam’s deeply-rooted anti-Semitism. Regardless of the actions of Jewish individuals today, and regardless of what policies the State of Israel follows, the Koran justifies an unrelenting form of anti-Semitism that will be extremely difficult to root out from the Muslim world.

    And this is by no means confined to an “extremist” fringe. The Koranic impulse toward anti-Semitism is evident in the attacks on Jews emanating from Islamic preachers and scholars worldwide. Take, for example, “Jews as Depicted in the Qur’an,”an article posted in 2004 on the website Islam Online. The website’s founders include the prominent Islamic theologian Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who is hailed as a moderate reformist by Western Islamic apologistsThe article, written by Sheikh ‘Atiyyah Saqr, formerly of Al-Azhar University, copiously cites the Koran in depicting the Jews as a gang of corrupt, deceitful cut-throats.

    The Jews, he says, “used to fabricate things and falsely ascribe them to Allah.” Supporting this, he quotes the verse condemning Jews for claiming Allah’s hand was fettered (5:64) and another asserting that some People of the Book say “we have no duty to the Gentiles” and in doing so, “speak a lie concerning Allah knowingly” (3:75). He adds a third verse in which some Jews, asked for money, scoff that “Allah, forsooth, is poor, and we are rich!” (3:181)

    The Jews, continues Saqr, “love to listen to lies.” This is essentially a straight rendering of the Koran’s claim that the Jews are “men who will listen to any lie” (5:41). They also spread them: “There is a party of them who distort the Scripture with their tongues, that ye may think that what they say is from the Scripture, when it is not from the Scripture. And they say: It is from Allah, when it is not from Allah; and they speak a lie concerning Allah knowingly” (3:78). They dare to distort “Divine Revelation and Allah’s Sacred Books. Allah says in this regard: ‘Therefore woe be unto those who write the Scripture with their hands and then say, ‘This is from Allah,’ that they may purchase a small gain therewith. Woe unto them for that their hands have written, and woe unto them for that they earn thereby’” (2:79).

    Saqr also notes that in the Koran Allah says the Jews have broken “their covenant,” and consequently he has “cursed them and made hard their hearts” (5:13). Indeed, says Saqr, “they never keep their promises or fulfill their words” – to demonstrate this, he quotes this Koranic passage: “Is it ever so that when ye make a covenant a party of you set it aside? The truth is, most of them believe not.” (2:100).

    The Jews also refuse to believe in the prophets Allah has sent them, even Moses, telling him: “O Moses! We will not believe in thee till we see Allah plainly” (2:55). They are hypocrites (2:14; 2:44) who “grow arrogant” before the messengers of Allah, refusing to believe in some and killing others (2:87). They are so arrogant and haughty that they “claimed to be the sons and of Allah and His beloved ones” – a fault they share with the Christians: “The Jews and Christians say: We are sons of Allah and His loved ones” (5:18).

    All that represents damage the Jews do to their own souls, but Saqr -- and the Koran itself – doesn’t stop there. The Jews also wish “evil for people” and try to “mislead” them. “This is clear,” says Saqr, “in the verse that reads: ‘Many of the People of the Scripture long to make you disbelievers after your belief, through envy on their own account, after the truth hath become manifest unto them’” (2:109). They “feel pain to see others in happiness and are gleeful when others are afflicted with a calamity,” as is demonstrated, according to Saqr, by this verse: “If a lucky chance befall you, it is evil unto them, and if disaster strike you they rejoice thereat” (3:120). The Koran, Saqr points out, accuses them of “taking usury when they were forbidden it, and of their devouring people's wealth by false pretences” (4:161).

    Even worse, “it is easy for them to slay people and kill innocents,” for “nothing in the world is dear to their hearts than shedding blood and murdering human beings.” Saqr grounds this on the Koran’s assertion that the Jews “slew the prophets wrongfully” (2:61). The Jews are characterized, says Saqr, by “cowardice. . . . To this, the Qur’an refers when saying: ‘Ye are more awful as a fear in their bosoms than Allah. That is because they are a folk who understand not. They will not fight against you in a body save in fortified villages or from behind walls” (59:14). Saqr also excoriates the Jews for their “love for this worldly life” – as does the Koran: “And thou wilt find them greediest of mankind for life and (greedier) than the idolaters” (2:96).

    Saqr concludes on an optimistic note, voicing hopes that some day Muslims will be able to mete out punishment to their enemies; “Almighty Allah told us that He’d send to them people who’d pour on them rain of severe punishment that would last till the Day of Resurrection. All this gives us glad tidings of the coming victory of Muslims over them once Muslims stick to strong faith and belief in Allah and adopt the modern means of technology.”

    One should consider Saqr’s interpretation in light of Iran’s feverish attempts to acquire a nuclear bomb, alongside the repeated vows by Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to wipe Israel off the map. For Ahmadinejad and his ilk, eliminating the Jewish state is not just a foreign policy goal; it is a religious imperative.

    Jewish apes and pigs

    Oddly, Saqr is silent about the famous Koranic passages in which Allah transforms disobedient Jews into apes and pigs (2:63-66; 5:59-60; 7:166). The practice of calling the Jews of today “apes and pigs” has become a staple of jihadist discourse. Although Saudi authorities promised after 9/11 to revise textbooks that taught hatred against Jews and Christians, as late as 2006 Saudi texts still referred to Jews as “apes” and Christians as “swine.”

    And in April 2008 a British employment tribunal awarded 70,000 pounds to a teacher who had been fired from a Saudi-funded Islamic school for exposing the fact that the school used textbooks that spoke of “the repugnant characteristics of the Jews” and asserted: “Those whom God has cursed and with whom he is angry, he has turned into monkeys and pigs. They worship Satan.”

    In March 2004 Sheikh Ibrahim Mudayris, speaking on official Palestinian Authority television, railed against “the Jews today taking revenge for their grandfathers and ancestors, the sons of apes and pigs.”

    And during the swine flu scare in May 2009, Sheikh Ahmad 'Ali 'Othman, the superintendent of da'wa [Islamic proselytizing] affairs at the Egyptian Ministry of Religious Endowments, declared, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute, that “all pigs are descended from the Jews whom Allah transformed into apes, swine and worshippers of Satan, and must therefore be slaughtered.” Othman based his argument on Koran 5:60, one of the notorious “apes and pigs” passages of the Koran.

    An Egyptian imam, Muhammad Hussein Ya’qoub, in January 2009 delivered a televised sermon in which he insisted that Muslim hatred of Jews had nothing to do with Israel, and everything to do with the Koran: “If the Jews left Palestine to us, would we start loving them? Of course not. We will never love them. Absolutely not. The Jews are infidels – not because I say so, and not because they are killing Muslims, but because Allah said: ‘The Jews say that Uzair is the son of Allah, and the Christians say that Christ is the son of Allah. These are the words from their mouths. They imitate the sayings of the disbelievers before. May Allah fight them. How deluded they are.’ [9:30]

    It is Allah who said that they are infidels.” He also quoted Koran 5:82, the verse that says that the Jews are the Muslims’ worst enemies. His peroration: “As for you Jews – the curse of Allah upon you. The curse of Allah upon you, whose ancestors were apes and pigs…. Allah, we pray that you transform them again, and make the Muslims rejoice again in seeing them as apes and pigs. You pigs of the earth! You pigs of the earth! You kill the Muslims with that cold pig [blood] of yours.”

    Saqr, for his part, asserted that because Jews “revolted against the Divine ordinances … they found no warm reception in all countries where they tried to reside. Rather, they would either be driven out or live in isolation.” Moreover, “Almighty Allah told us that He’d send to them people who’d pour on them rain of severe punishment that would last till the Day of Resurrection.”

    Those people would be, by Saqr’s own account and that of other Islamic clerics, the Muslims.
    Islam: Instigator, Originator, Collaborator of the Final Solution

    Harry de Quetteville, “Christians still ‘swine’ and Jews ‘apes’ in Saudi schools,” Telegraph, June 25, 2006.

    Alexandra Frean, “Teacher accuses Islamic school of racism,” The Times, April 15, 2008.

    “PA Supervised Sermon:Jews the sons of apes and pigs,” IMRA, March 15, 2004.

    “Egyptian Religious Endowments Ministry Official: The Pigs Living Today Are Descended from Jews – And Must Be Slaughtered,” Middle East Media Research Institute Special Dispatch No. 2359, May 15, 2009.

    “Egyptian Cleric Muhammad Hussein Ya’qoub: The Jews Are the Enemies of Muslims Regardless of the Occupation of Palestine,” MEMRITV Clip No. 2042, January 17, 2009.

    John Esposito, “Practice and Theory: A response to ‘Islam and the Challenge of Democracy,’” Boston Review, April/May 2003; “Al-Qaradawi full transcript,” BBC News, July 8, 2004.

    ‘Atiyyah Saqr, “Jews as Depicted in the Qur’an,” Islam Online, March 23, 2004.
    And from the world's leading scholar of Islamic antisemitism, Bat Ye'or:

    Society was sharply divided along ethnic and religious lines, with the Arab tribes at the top of the hierarchy, followed by the Berbers who were never recognized as equals, despite their Islamization. Lower on the ladder came the mullawadun and, at the very bottom, the dhimmi Christians and Jews. -- Bat Ye’or, Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis. Teaneck, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005, page 166

    As the dhimmis were forbidden to possess arms, they became totally dependent on the occupying power. In certain rural areas, the servile character of the dhimmi's condition worsened with the passage of time. In 1884 Charles de Foucauld described areas in southern Morocco where the Jews and their families belonged body and soul to their Muslim master and were unable to leave him. Here the condition of serfdom was determined by religion and was passed on from generation to generation: these people were part of the master's inheritance in exactly the same way as his lands and livestock. As late as 1913, the Jews of Dadès in the Greater Atlas of Morocco were serfs, the property of their Muslim master. -- Bat Ye'or, The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians Under Islam. Teaneck, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1985, pages 52-53

    It is reported that, in 1033, between five and six thousand Jews were massacred in Fez, and in 1066 about three thousand in Granada. In Yemen the Jews were forced to choose between death and conversion in 1165 and 1678. The Almohad persecutions (1130-1212) in the Maghreb and in Muslim Spain put an end to what remained of the Christian population of North Africa. The Jews, who had been forced to accept Islam, formed a mass of "new converts" who practiced their former religion in secret. The Almohad inquisitors, doubting their sincerity, took away their children and raised them as Muslims.

    A similar law also existed in Yemen, where every Jewish orphan child had to be converted to Islam. Abrogated by the Turks during their brief occupation of the country after 1872, it was reintroduced by the Imam Yahya in 1922 and confirmed again in 1925....Records concerning Morocco, Algeria and Yemen reveal that during changes of reign and times of instability, the Jewish quarters were regularly pillaged, some of the menfolk massacred, and many women abducted and held for ransom by the soldiery or by tribes from the surrounding regions. Eyewitnesses have described the destruction of the Jewish quarter at Fez in 1912 at the beginning of the French protectorate, and at Sana'a in Yemen as late as 1948, after the assassination of the Imam Yahya. Such ordeals, over the centuries, resulted in many conversions to Islam. Thus a number of Judeo-Berber tribes of the Atlas, and Muslim families in Fez, are known to be descended from Jews who accepted Islam to save their lives in 1165, 1275, 1465, and 1790-92.

    There are Muslims in Tripolitania and elsewhere who are the descendants of Jews forcibly converted at different periods. The Jews of Tabriz were obliged to convert in 1291 and 1318, and those of Baghdad in 1333 and 1344. -- Bat Ye'or, The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians Under Islam. Teaneck, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1985, page 61

    A brief survey will illustrate the traditional condition of dhimmitude in Persia at this period. In 1866, the head of the Hamadan Jewish community was imprisoned, put in chains, and threatened with death. The same year in Balforuch (a province of Hamadan), the disappearance of a young Muslim provoked the forced Islamization of Jews: eighteen were killed and two burned alive. In Hamadan in 1875, a fanatic mullah preached the slaughter of the Jews; one of them, accused of blasphemy, was burned alive by the mob. In Teheran on 16 May 1877, the Jewish quarter was invaded and its inhabitants attacked, while a mullah published a fatwa forcing Jews to wear a distinctive badge.

    In Isfahan in 1889 a ritual murder accusation unleashed several days of anti-Jewish violence and threats of extermination. On 10 August 1889 in the same town, Muslims accused Jewish pilgrims of throwing stones, of attacking a kadi, and of profaning a mosque with brandy. The mob immediately broke the hands and legs of some hundred pilgrims and injured all the others. Isfahan Jews were attacked in the streets the next day and had to hide in their homes; two who ventured out were killed. Their corpses were dragged through the streets and dumped in the Jewish quarter when night fell. On the morrow, some women were raped and the kadi signed a petition for the Jews to be exterminated. The shah's son, Prince Zil-Sultan, hastened to protect the victims but the brutality continued. Two months later, on 5 October, a Muslim who had struck a Jew then accused him of the same offense; Jews were immediately beaten up and their quarter plundered. Only the arrival of Prince Zil-Sultan prevented a general massacre. This report also mentions efforts by "Christian priests," Mirza Norollah in particular, to help the Jews, thereby saving a large number and constantly assisting them. -- Bat Ye'or, Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide, Teaneck, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2002, p. 125.
    The victims of the brutal murders at Itamar, in Samaria, Friday night are Rabbi and IDF tank unit officer Udi Fogel, his wife Ruth, 11-year-old Yoav, four-year-old Elad pictured) and three-month-old Hadas. Rabbi Fogel taught at the Itamar post-high school yeshiva, whose senior rabbi is former IDF Chief Rabbi Avi Ronsky.

    One can only imagine the horror of the scene of the Islamic attack on a Jewish day school in Jerusalem back in 2008 that left six Jews slaughtered.
    UPDATE: PA TV glorified terrorist who killed 3 in 2002 terror attack in the town of Itamar
    by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

    A Palestinian Authority video TV tribute to "Martyrs" three weeks ago included the terrorist who killed three Israelis in a 2002 terror attack in the West Bank town of Itamar. Itamar was the scene of Friday's terror attack, in which Ruth and Udi Fogel and their three children were murdered.
    UPDATE: The Fogel family massacre by Caroline Glick

    It took Youtube and Facebook all of two hours to remove this film.


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    Default Re: The Religion of Peace™

    Palestinian Authority incitement to terror
    prior to the murders in Itamar

    For more information call
    Palestinian Media Watch at +972 (0)2-625-4140

    by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

    In the period prior to the murders of Ruth and Udi Fogel and three of their children in the Israeli town Itamar, the Palestinian Authority continued to encourage terror by glorifying terrorists as heroes and role models and through calls for violence. In addition, in an act that sent a clear message of support for terror, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas awarded $2000 to the family of a terrorist who attacked and tried to kill Israeli soldiers - just 2 months ago.

    The following are some examples of terror promotion in the period leading up to the terror attack in Itamar on the West Bank two days ago in which terrorist(s) murdered five members of an Israeli family:

    Abbas awards $2000 to family of terrorist
    In December, a Palestinian terrorist carrying two pipe bombs ran towards the soldiers at an Israeli checkpoint, screaming "Allahu Akbar" - "Allah is Greater". The soldiers shot him before he could detonate the bombs.

    Palestinian Authority Chairman Abbas granted "the relatives of the Shahid" $2000:
    "The governor of the Jenin district, Kadura Musa, has awarded a presidential grant to the family of the Shahid (Martyr), Khaldoun Najib Samoudy, during a visit that took place yesterday in the village of Al-Yamoun. The governor noted that the grant is financial aid in the amount of $2000 that the President [Mahmoud Abbas] is awarding to the relatives of the Shahid, who was recently killed as a Martyr at the Hamra checkpoint by the Israeli occupation forces."
    [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah) Jan. 25, 2011]

    A day before the terror attack in Itamar:
    "Advisor to President Mahmoud Abbas... The weapons must be turned towards the main enemy [Israel]"
    "Advisor to President Mahmoud Abbas and under-secretary of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, Sabri Saidam, delivered a speech... He emphasized that the weapons must be turned towards the main enemy [Israel] and that internal differences of opinion must be set aside. Saidam noted the awful living conditions of the families of Shahids [Martyrs], in the country and outside of it, and as proof he said that the allowance to the family of Shahida [Martyr] Dalal Mughrabi [leader of the bus hijacking in 1978 in which 37 civilians were murdered] is a mere $123. He demanded of the Palestinian people to treat the problems of the families of these Shahids seriously, and emphasized that the anniversary of Dalal's Martyrdom-seeking (i.e., her terror attack) should be amplified by inaugurating a square in her name in the city of El-Bireh."
    [Al-Ayyam, March 10, 2011]

    During the week of the terror attack in Itamar:
    PA newspaper advertizes football tournament named after the first female suicide bomber

    "The administration of the Al-Amari youth center [in Ramallah] has announced its plans to launch a youth tournament (for 19-year-olds) to be named 'Shahida (Martyr) of Honor, Wafa Idris [tournament].' The Al-Am'ari administration is maintaining contacts with the Palestinian Football Association for permission."
    [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 6, 2011, p. 1]

    Note: Wafa Idris was the first Palestinian female suicide bomber. She blew herself up in Jerusalem, killing one and injuring more than 150 on Jan. 27, 2002. As a volunteer for the Palestinian Red Crescent, she was able to bypass Israeli security and enter Jerusalem in a Palestinian ambulance.

    Fatah movement lauds suicide bombers
    "The Fatah movement commemorated at the Deheisheh [refugee] camp some of the Shahids (Martyrs) from the camp who fell in March, 2002, during the Al-Aqsa Intifada [i.e., the PA's five-year terror campaign 2000-2005]. The movement organized a procession which set off from opposite the camp's youth center to the home of the Shahid Muhammad Daraghmeh, who carried out a detonation operation [i.e., a suicide bombing in which he killed 9 Israelis] in Jerusalem.

    The movement publicized an announcement denouncing the crimes of the occupation [i.e, Israel] and commemorating the Shahids whom it referred to as 'the stars of March'. Along with Daraghmeh they include Saed Sa'ud Abu Amar, Jad Mahmoud Atallah, Issa Zakri Faraj, and Ayyat Al-Akhras."

    Note: Al-Akhras, at age 17 the youngest female suicide bomber, killed 2 Israelis in her suicide attack in March, 2002.
    [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 4, 2011]

    In the presence of Abbas's representative:
    "The [Fatah] movement exploded models of buildings in settlements...

    Abbas's representative: "Fatah... wrested its right to use all means of resistance in order to achieve its aim"

    "Azzam Al-Ahmed, member of the Fatah Central Committee, said during a gathering on the 46th anniversary of the establishment of Fatah, held in the village of Turah, south-west of Jenin, that Fatah is determined to achieve the aims for which it was established....The Jenin branch of the Fatah movement held a gathering... attended by Azzam Al-Ahmed, member of the Fatah Central Committee, representing President Mahmoud Abbas... The ceremony opened with a reading of the first military announcement by the Al-Asifa movement (PLO unit), noting the commencement of self-sacrifice activity in Palestine [i.e., terror attacks in Israel]. This was followed by some military demonstrations and scouts performances, and some members of the [Fatah] movement blew up models of buildings in [Israeli] settlements... Azzam Al-Ahmed said: 'We emphasize today the aims for which the Fatah movement was established...'. He added that Fatah is a mass movement which believed in popular revolution and wrested its right to use all means of resistance in order to achieve its aim."
    [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 2, 2011]

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  13. #133
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    Media misrepresents massacre in Israel


    By Jared Fusia
    Published: Thursday, March 31, 2011
    Updated: Thursday, March 31, 2011 23:03

    With the horrific event of the Itamar massacre two weeks ago, one would reasonably think that such a crime of immense brutality and cold ruthlessness would be treated with humanity and the utmost consideration.

    Perhaps the biggest outrage is the media's lack of outrage and compassion for the untimely deaths of an innocent Jewish family. On the contrary, what little coverage the media has given this tragedy has been within the context of the debate over Jewish settlements and the alleged problems they cause in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The New York Times reported on the tragedy under the headline, "Suspecting Palestinians, Israeli Military Hunts for Killers of Five West Bank Settlers."

    Firstly, this invokes the military plays in the flawed narrative known as the "cycle of violence." It is the suggestion that this latest vicious attack on Israelis is part of a perennial conflict between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian militants.

    The New York Times went on to normalize the massacre as just another part of Palestinian actions by claiming that "Palestinians have often justified the killing of Israeli civilians, especially settlers, as a legitimate response to the Israeli occupation of territory conquered in the 1967 war, or in the case of radicals, as part of a broader struggle against Israel's existence."

    The fact The New York Times nearly rationalizes the killing of Jewish settlers as a permissible act is sickening enough, but to explain that fighting against Israel's very existence is a radical act is beyond the pale. In addition, the term "five settlers" hardly captures the hideous reality of the butchered, desecrated bodies of a 3-month-old infant and her 3- and 11-year-old brothers.

    Do these children count as "settlers" simply because they grew up on territory claimed by Palestinians? Some Palestinian groups declare that every square inch of Israel belongs to them. In that regard, every Israeli and every Jew qualifies as a settler worthy of death.

    BBC coverage was equally as callous.

    Not only did they not report the names of the family members — instead they were simply described as a "Jewish settler family" — but the circumstances of the massacre were also totally slanted. Itamar was identified not as a flourishing community, but as a presumably problem-causing settlement. The BBC description of the massacre was minimized: "The family — including three children — were stabbed to death by an intruder who broke into their home, Israeli media reported."

    The family members are simply dead Jews and barely human. It should come as no surprise, then, that BBC used the rest of the article as an opportunity to editorialize against Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. Also, the terms "settler" and "settlement" do an injustice by misleading the general public about the thriving, productive communities that have bloomed in Judea and Samaria. Itamar, established in 1984, is an industrious hillside town, for instance. Residents have made the land flourish. Designating them as "settlers" provides an inaccurate picture of their middle class suburban lives.

    Of course, The New York Times and other media outlets' main concern has been the Israeli government's approval of the construction of 400 to 500 housing units in Maale Adumim, Gush Etzion, Modiin Illit and Ariel. Most media reports have indicated the same sentiment — that adding housing to well established communities presents more of a threat to the dim peace process than Palestinian terror attacks on Jews. Nevertheless, Benjamin Netanyahu's proclamation — "They shoot and we build" — affirmed Israel's refusal to submit to the brutality of terrorists and their sick, Nazi-like will in which the land of Israel should one day be Judenrein-Jew free. When will there be an end to this kind of bloodshed?

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  14. #134
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Thanks for updating me on these sad events.

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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  15. #135
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    Remind me again why it's called the Religion of Peace.

    Jewish Synagogue Vandalized with Muslim Graffiti and Swastika

  16. #136
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    Pretty much.

    Far as I remember, Islam means voluntary submission to God.

    Or they'll lop your head off...

  17. #137
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    The following companion posts can be viewed
    here and here:

    The Islamic duty for Muhammad, Islam and Muslims

    Studies show that at least every three minutes is a Christian is tortured in the Muslim world and that in 2009 alone, more than 165,000 Christians have been killed, mainly in Muslim countries due to their Christian faith. (Keep in mind, that was long before this Administrations Arab Spring.)

    There are a number of organizations that report about this, but the cases are still greatly hampered by the power of the lefti's journalistic elite,that does not support that the truth comes out.

    Here you can find more information about this.

    Islam and Muslims are terror targeting all non-muslims or Kafir's, but with especially extermination priority on Jew's and Christians since they represent the first and only true GOD(Jesus) who is and was widely widespread long before Islam came. Islam came with Muhammad 2000 years after the Judaism and 600 years after the Christianity by trying to take over and corrupt the word of GOD(Jesus).

    The Islamic founder, Muhammad and his false Allah attempted and is still is attempting to destroy by corrupting, twisting and falsify the word of GOD(Jesus) in a way that is totally inverted from the meaning of GOD(Jesus) words.

    ISLAM's true agenda toward Christians

    To do this, the founder of Islam, Muhammad had to copy, twisting, falsify and plagiarism from the Bible:
    Muhammad The Thief copying from The Bible:

    Later we clearly see that Muhammad that Muhammad's mission was en is to demolish,corrupt and destroy the message of GOD(Jesus) to guide people to Hell, trough killings,suppression,damage, deceiving and lies etc. Mohammad is the Antichrist:

    Also See part 1-22 here:

    Mohammad's pick and choose from the Bible:

    2000 years after Judaism and 600 after Christianity Mohammad had also to make false claims or references to selected parts of the Bible to be able to invent their false prehistory that have never had occured or had never had any truth in it,except for the lies in the Quran. Therefor Mohammad was disliked in Mekka amoung jews and Christians before he went brutal and barbaric on Jihad from Medina and ever since.

    Other part that Mohammad could not accept to fit in his his Islamic ideology was the most important part. That Jesus died on the cross, and he was the son of GOD etc.

    So Mohammad's picked and choose what I liked and what he thought would protect Islam.


    To demolish,corrupt and destroy the message of GOD(Jesus), Mohammad had to turn everything upside-down to distance himself from the real GOD, and to make Islam superior to all other religions

    So Mohammad sent out his followers, the Muslims Satan worshippers to follow his orders in the Quran as a duty for all Muslims:

    Mohammad told en still tells Muslims through the Quran to appreciate death in the afterlife more than the life on earth:

    Mohammad told en still tells muslims through the Quran to deceive and lie to protect Islam false satanic messages:

    and here:

    Mohammad told and still tells muslims through the Quran to kill other muslims that wants to leave islam to protect Islam:

    Mohammad told and still tells muslims through the Quran to kill non-muslims and how to to it in more than 61% of the Quran:

    Take a good look at Mohammad's fabricated Allah's signs compared with the true signs of GOD(Jesus).

    While God(Jesus) compare the sign's of darknes(black) as the signs of devil,satan and compare the light(white) with the signs of GOD.

    Mohammad tells muslims to worship a black stone in Mekka(the sign of devil), and to stone Islams symbol of devil,symbolized as a white stone.

    When the real GOD(Jesus) tell oss to love life and each others, Mohammad tells muslims to love death and kill non-muslims.

    There are unlimited more signs that Mohammad is the Antichrist or the messenger of devil :

    Bible tell us about false prophets:

    Matthew 7:15:

    "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves."
    And more:

    Luk 12:4:

    And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body[muslims], and after that have no more that they can do.

    Luk 12:5:

    But I will warn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, who after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.

    And much much more evil.

    In more than 1400 years, muslims have killed much much more than 270 million people:

    And from all other belief systems as well. Even amoung muslims themself for Allah(love) to make people go to hell.

    There is no worse,evil than Islam in the world and therefor we know that Islam and muslims represent devil satan with more than certainty than we need.

    This is the true wisdom in perspective from GOD(Jesus) delivers to people who wants to be wise by reading and seeing the wisdom.

    I am lucky for seeing this.

    The Bible say:

    Daniel 12:10:

    Many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but they that are wise shall understand.

    Matthew 7:13 - 15:

    Enter ye in by the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many are they that enter in thereby.

    For narrow is the gate, and straitened the way, that leadeth unto life, and few are they that find it.

    Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves.

    So when Mohammads vision or mission is to make everyone muslims in this world by killing all others than surelly, muslims represent the Wide broad gate that leadeth to destruction(hell).

    And god(Jesus) say's:

    Matthew 24:9:

    Then shall they deliver you up unto tribulation, and shall kill you[Christians]: and ye shall be hated of all the nations for my name's sake.

    Luke 21:17:

    And ye[Christians] shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.

    But there are comming a judgment day from the only GOD(Jesus)

    Revelation 22:12:

    Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to render to each man according as his work is.

    Revelation 22:13:

    I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

    So muslims, remember you satanic verses in Quran will always find some truth in it since it was copyed from the Bible, but it is clearly only to corrupt the real message of GOD(Jesus).

    You can kill all the people you want in the world, but there is nothing more you can do cause GOD wisdom and words will always speaks through people.

    Remember: Them that kill the body[muslims], and after that have no more that they can do.

    Luke 12:4:

    And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body[muslims], and after that have no more that they can do.

    Therefor Mohammad was never able to do any miracles in his short 64 years lifetime,except from lying and deceiving, by promising a life in Hell camouflaged as a bordello and other thing like win which he denys muslims on earth to fool his followers(muslims) easier to Hell

    So wake up muslims and all all people to get saved.

    GOD is Christ(Jesus),the light,the truth, Mohammad and Allah is false.

    Mohammad is the Antichrist (the spirit of the devil,satan).

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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  18. #138
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    Bet that don't stay up long, or the author is hunted down....
    Libertatem Prius!

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  19. #139
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    These people are absolute pigs.

    Taliban says it shot ‘infidel’ Pakistani teen for advocating girls’ rights

    Sherin Zada/AP - A wounded Pakistani girl, Malala Yousufzai, is moved to a helicopter to be taken to Peshawar for treatment in Mingora, Swat Valley, Pakistan on Oct. 9, 2012.

    By Haq Nawaz Khan and Michele Langevine Leiby, Tuesday, October 9, 7:49 AM

    PESHAWAR, Pakistan— A 14-year-old Pakistani activist who won international acclaim for speaking out for girls denied education under the Taliban was shot Tuesday on her way home from school, authorities said.
    The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack on ninth-grader Malala Yousafzai, who officials said was shot in the neck by at least one gunman who approached a school bus in Mingora, a city in the scenic Swat valley in the country’s northwest.


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    Yousafzai, who was taken to a military hospital in Peshawar, was expected to survive, doctors said. A seventh-grade girl was shot in the leg, local police said.
    Taliban insurgents controlled Swat for two years until a massive military operation drove them out in May 2009, but sporadic attacks have continued in the area.
    Yousafzai became known in early 2009, when she wrote a diary about Taliban atrocities under a pen name for the BBC’s Urdu service. In 2011, the Pakistani government awarded her a 1 million rupee ($10,500) prize and a peace award for her bravery in raising her voice for children’s rights and girls’ education when few others in Pakistan dared to.
    Yousafzai also was nominated for the International Children’s Peace Prize in 2011.
    The seventh-grader who was wounded in the leg said she and her classmates were leaving school when the attack occurred.
    “Two bearded armed men stopped our school van and asked for Malala and opened fire from behind the van,” the girl, named Shazia, said from the hospital where she and Yousafzai were first taken.
    Ihsanullah Ihsan, chief spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban, said in calls to the media that the militant group targeted Yousafzai because she generated “negative propaganda” about Muslims.
    “She considers President Obama as her ideal. Malala is the symbol of the infidels and obscenity,” Ihsan said.
    Political leaders condemned the attack.
    “We have to fight the mind-set that is involved in this. We have to condemn it,” Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf told the Pakistani Senate. “Malala is like my daughter and yours, too. If that mind-set prevails, then whose daughter would be safe?”
    Yousafzai also is an advocate for literacy in the Swat valley. She started her diary when the Taliban banned girls’ education and bombed hundreds of schools, mostly those for girls, in Swat.
    Her father, Zia Uddin Yousafzai, is an educator and a member of Swat’s peace jirga, or tribal gathering.
    “She is all right,” he said in an interview. “Please pray for her early recovery and health.”
    After being forced out of Swat, Pakistani Taliban fighters relocated to the Afghan border region near the eastern Afghan provinces of Konar and Nurestan. They are blamed for attacks on Pakistani forces from across the border.
    “This is a highly condemnable act of terror and an attempt to silence a brave voice,” Mian Iftikhar Hussain, a spokesman for the northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government, said.
    In her diary, Yousafzai wrote about her fears and growing Taliban influence. One morning, she wore her favorite pink dress. “During the morning assembly we were told not to wear colorful clothes as the Taliban would object to it,” she wrote.
    In another entry, she wrote: “On my way from school to home I heard a man saying ‘I will kill you.’ ” I hastened my pace and after a while I looked back if the man was still coming behind me. But to my utter relief he was talking on his mobile and must have been threatening someone else . . . .”
    Libertatem Prius!

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  20. #140
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    Child Bride In Yemen Dies Of Internal Bleeding On Wedding Night

    September 10, 2013

    An eight-year-old Yemeni girl died of internal bleeding on her wedding night after marrying a man five times her age, a social activist and two local residents said, in a case that has caused an outcry in the media and revived debate about child brides.

    Arwa Othman, head of Yemen House of Folklore and a leading rights campaigner, said the girl, identified only as Rawan, was married to a 40-year-old man late last week in the town of Meedi in Hajjah province in northwestern Yemen.

    "On the wedding night and after intercourse, she suffered from bleeding and uterine rupture which caused her death," Othman told Reuters. "They took her to a clinic but the medics couldn't save her life."

    Othman said authorities had not taken any action against the girl's family or her husband.

    A local security official in the provincial town of Haradh denied any such incident had taken place. He did not want to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the press.

    But two Meedi residents contacted by Reuters confirmed the incident and said that local tribal chiefs had tried to cover up the incident when news first broke, warning a local journalist against covering the story.

    Many poor families in Yemen marry off young daughters to save on the costs of bringing up a child and earn extra money from the dowry given to the girl.

    A U.N. report released in January revealed the extent of the country's poverty, saying that 10.5 million of Yemen's 24 million people lacked sufficient food supplies, and 13 million had no access to safe water and basic sanitation.

    Human Rights Watch urged Yemen's government in December 2011 to ban marriages of girls under the age of 18, warning it deprived child brides of education and harmed their health.

    Quoting United Nations and government data, HRW said nearly 14 percent of Yemeni girls were married before the age of 15 and 52 percent before the age of 18. The group said many Yemeni child brides-to-be are kept from school when they reach puberty.

    Discussions on the issue were shelved by political turmoil following protests against President Ali Abdullah Saleh in 2011 that led to his ouster.

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