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Thread: All things Zombies except for that other thread

  1. #41
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: All things Zombies except for that other thread


    Zombie Reports Track the Coming Undead Apocalypse

    Oct 29 by Ty Dunitz | no comments

    With Halloween a mere 36 hours away, sightings of unsavoury creatures of all manner will be on the rise, and it’s integral that the ballyhoo caused by their appearance is kept under control. Perhaps the greatest threat of all, though, is zombies.
    No, really. What, you thought it was vampires or something? Have you seen a zombie movie lately? They can run now, guys. If that isn’t terrifying, you do not exist. If you’re one of those zombie purists who don’t believe zombies can run, you’re going to be among the first to be eaten, and frankly, you just have fun with that. You’re on your own, hero.
    Luckily for those of us genuinely concerned about our safety, we have Zombie Reports, a service begun by intrepid members of the zombie resistance concerned only with the survival of our species. The website documents and maps all reported zombie incidents the world over, allowing a visual representation of the spreading plague and allowing a support network for those of us who’d rather not be turned into a mindless, slobbering creature of the night. Man, April was a bad month.
    It goes without saying that if you’ve witnessed a zombie incident in your neighbourhood, you should contact ZR immediately with the details. The entire human race is in this together.
    Happy Halloween, if you survive.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: All things Zombies except for that other thread

    10 Incidents of Cannibalism

    By Sami on July 29th, 2009
    10 Interesting Subcultures 5 Disasters That Could Have Been Avoided
    Most of the stories we grew up hearing about Africans, Polynesians, and other “savages” eating colonists were exaggerated blood libels used to justify enslaving them. The following are 10 incidents of cannibalism. They delve into the cultures that practiced it, tell the stories of a few murdering cannibals, and also of some extreme situations where people were driven to eat their fellow man in order to survive.
    1. Aghori

    The Aghori are Hindu sadhus who believe immortality is attainable by spending 12 years bringing oneself closer to everything that is unclean in society. Most sadhus are content to roam around India smoking hash, but Aghoris smear themselves with cremation ash, drink wine and urine from human skulls, and practice cannibalism. They collect corpses that have been ceremonially disposed of by family members in the Ganges and consume them after praying. Aghoris believe that the proper combination of prayer and cannibalism gives them powers such as levitation and the ability to control weather.
    2. Anyoto

    Also known as the Human Leopard Society, the Anyoto was an 18th century West African secret society that practiced cannibalism. Each member had to murder a loved one to join, and had to provide a fresh victim every four years thereafter. They believed that a victim’s body fat allowed wishes to be granted. Members dressed in leopard skins and attacked travelers with weapons resembling a leopard’s claws and teeth. The flesh of victims was cut from the body, distributed to members, and consumed in a ceremony. Edgar Rice Burroughs based Tarzan’s Leopard Men on the Anyoto.
    3. watuSimba

    Today, watuSimba (were-lion) stories are used to scare misbehaving children. But in the ’40s, the watuSimba were young women who had been enslaved by East African witch doctors. They were forcefully addicted to drugs to make them compliant, forced to live in tight cages, and had their foot tendons reshaped to give them the gait of a stalking lion. The witch doctors would then send them out as assassins. The watuSimba wore the skin of a lion and were outfitted with prosthetic claws while hunting. Most shockingly, they were primarily fed the meat of their victims. They killed approximately 300 people over the course of four years and continued to kill even after the witch doctors were captured and hanged.
    4. Fritz Haarmann

    Fritz Haarmann‘s victims were young refugees that he picked up at train stations in a post-World War I Germany. Similar to the watuSimba, Haarmann killed by gnawing through the throats of his victims until they were decapitated. He then sold their flesh as horse meat, ate what he couldn’t sell, and disposed of the bones in the Leine. In 1924, Haarmann was caught and charged with 27 murders after some local boys discovered human skulls while fishing. He was Germany’s first experience with a serial killer and it was just their luck that he would also be history’s most prolific cannibalistic murderer. Some investigators believe he killed many more people, with estimates reaching as high as 600 people in one year alone.
    5. Albert Fish

    Albert Fish was a pedophile who described the flesh of children as the “sweetest.” He claimed the idea came from a deck hand who described a trip to Hong Kong during a famine when children were being sold as meat. Fish was caught when he sent a letter to the mother of his final victim, a 10-year-old girl, six years after she vanished. In the letter he gave graphic details about using her body to make a stew, complete with bacon strips, carrots and onions. Fish spent the next nine days locked in his room, eating his stew and compulsively masturbating. Fish was a religious maniac who punished himself by inserting needles into his groin. These needles caused Sing Sing’s electric chair to short circuit during the first attempt to execute him.
    6. The Siege of Suiyang

    Fish wasn’t entirely off the mark when he claimed that the Chinese had resorted to cannibalism during a famine. He was, however, wrong about the time and place. In 757 AD, the Tang army was fending off a siege by the Yan army in the city of Suiyang. The Tang were vastly outnumbered and placed their hopes on outlasting the Yan. A local governor forced Suiyang to share supplies with surrounding fortresses, causing supplies to run out after a few months. Unwilling to give themselves up to the Yan, the people of Suiyang eventually resorted to cannibalism. A total of 20,000-30,000 people were eaten. In reference to this, The Old Book of Tang eerily states: “People always remained loyal.”
    7. The Siege of Ma’arrat al-Numan

    In 1098, the city of Ma’arrat al-Numan, in what is modern-day Syria, was besieged by a group of defeated crusaders who had run out of supplies. They massacred a large portion of the Muslim population after they surrendered, but quickly discovered that the city was not as rich as they had hoped. By winter, supplies were dwindling again and the crusaders resorted to cannibalizing the remaining Muslim population. One of the crusader commanders wrote to Pope Urban II: “A terrible famine racked the army in Ma’arra, and placed it in the cruel necessity of feeding itself upon the bodies of the Saracens.”
    8. Richard I of England

    The Siege of Ma’arrat al-Numan was not the last time crusaders resorted to cannibalization. Richard I of England, better known as Richard the Lionheart, was one of the main architects behind the Third Crusade, a move to reclaim the Holy Lands. But Saladin, the Sultan of Egypt and Syria, earned the crusaders’ respect by being too shrewd, organized, and powerful to defeat. The best Richard could do was to negotiate a peace treaty that gave Christians the right to visit Jerusalem’s holy places, and he remained very bitter about the defeat. In spite, he invited some of Saladin’s ambassadors to attend a banquet and reputedly dined on the curried head of a Muslim warrior in their presence.
    9. Idi Amin

    Idi Amin was Uganda’s military dictator from 1971 to 1979. (He is also a frequent subject on this site.) Over those eight years he managed to wipe out a fairly large portion of Uganda’s population for fairly tenuous reasons. Basically, if he hated you, you died. When he first rose to power he had the military leadership rounded up and decapitated. He then sat on a pile of their heads and chastised them while taking bites from their flesh. Amin was a member of the Kakwa tribe. They believed that if you ate a section of a man you killed then his spirit could not return to haunt you. Amin ate a lot of his enemies before switching to oranges.
    10. Joshua Blahyi

    In the ’90s, Joshua Blahyi was one of many Liberian warlords who killed thousands of people. What separated Blahyi from the rest was that went by the nickname “General Buck Naked” and believed his nakedness protected him from bullets. His group routinely performed human sacrifices that involved cannibalism before battle. A quote from Blahyi said:
    So, before leading my troops into battle, we would get drunk and drugged up, sacrifice a local teenager, drink their blood, then strip down to our shoes and go into battle wearing colourful wigs and carrying dainty purses we’d looted from civilians. We’d slaughter anyone we saw, chop their heads off and use them as soccer balls. We were nude, fearless, drunk and homicidal. We killed hundreds of people – so many I lost count.
    Blahyi now works as a minister, talk about an amazing career transition. There is a documentary about him in the works.
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    Default Re: All things Zombies except for that other thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Donaldson View Post
    Florida Congressman alleges "Cover up" in new book
    Posted: May, 28, 2007
    ZWN Senior correspondent: Jack Duffy
    Miami, FL. (ZWN)---
    ZWN has obtained an advanced copy of the soon to be published book 'Pandemic - Lies, greed, & the deceit of the American public' by Florida Congressman Nick Hamel. In it he claims to have uncovered proof that agents within the Federal Emergency Management Association, and Department of Homeland Security have drastically underreported the number of “Necro-Mortosis” outbreaks in the United States.
    Hamel representing the 10th Congressional District outside Miami, Florida, leveled a number of accusations and indictment at the present administrations handling of the undead plague within the US borders.
    Officially, the Center for Disease Control lists only one confirmed undead outbreak in the United States, 'the New Jersey Zombie Incident.' However, according to Congressman Hamel, “After pouring through thousands of pages of documents given to my staff by the General Accounting Office, there have been at lease 17 mortosis virus outbreaks in the United States since early 2006.”
    Most of the incidents listed by Hamel are small, three cases of “Necro-Mortosis” infected airline passengers attempting to enter the United States from foreign destinations, nine cases of infected Haitian refugees being intercepted at sea or on shore by the Coast Guard, including one report of a “zombie boat,” where the entire crew of 27 was found reanimated, 'the New Jersey Incident', and five previously unknown outbreaks:
    1. Kearny, New Jersey, outside Newark: One zombie rekilled during the 'New Jersey zombie Incident'. Investigators now believe a local man was keeping a separate reanimate (F) in a secluded lock-up garage, it is unclear at this time what his intentions were but it is considered to have had no contact with the public. No arrests have been made, and the owner of the garage is understood to have fled the area

    2. Fort Indiantown Gap Refugee Center, Pennsylvania:
    Six Haitian refugees reanimated and a further 12 infected, including two Pennsylvania National Guard soldiers. Unexplained incident of “Necro-Mortosis” infection appearing among recent Haitian refugees.

    3. Corolla, Outer Banks, North Carolina: Group of fishermen attacked by four Undead. No casualties. Reanimates believed to be members of local squatter community who possibly contracted virus through intravenous use of contaminated drug paraphernalia.

    4. Miami, Florida: Nine zombies rekilled in abandoned warehouse. Supposed Jamaican illegal immigrants who entered Florida by boat. However, Investigators debate on his matter since two of the victims where identified as Caucasian Americans.

    5. Albuquerque, New Mexico: The recent raid on an illegal 'zombie farm' in New Mexico. This led to the temporary escaping of two undead. Later recaptured and neutralized.

    Congressman Hamel says these findings are the result of a two-month investigation by his staff and the General Accounting Office into reports of the alleged outbreak on the outskirts of North Miami. “I had friends I have known for over 20 years calling me and saying they saw armed soldiers in trucks with bulldozers surrounding an abandoned warehouse district at the same time there were reports of a missing person from a local movie production lot, he is later seen on a surveillance tape, however, the authenticity of the tape is debatable.
    See 'The human race' archive reports: 1 'Cry zombie'
    and 2 'undead actor'

    Is this Actor Bobby Martini? missing since January
    “I was shocked to find nobody in Washington knew anything about it. Not the Pentagon, White House, CDC, Department of Homeland Security or even the FBI. I have been a vocal critic of the current Administration, and at first, I suspected they were withholding information from me. But, after several conversations with officials all the way to the Cabinet level, where they all appeared seriously alarmed at what I was saying, I realized they might actually not know about this incident.
    “With the cooperation of the Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, I had my staff review all 7,000 pages of reports on alleged Undead sightings in the U.S., and then again, there was nothing.
    “It was not until my staff reviewed the complete record of ‘Incidents,’ rather than ‘Outbreaks,’ that this information was found.”
    Under Federal guidelines, an outbreak is narrowly defined as “the direct person to person infection of the Necro-Mortosis virus that occurs within the United States involving two or more individuals in an uncontrolled setting.” Under this definition, people infected with the virus before entering into the United States and do not spread the virus to others, or who contract it while in jail or refugee centers, are not listed as being a part of an outbreak.
    An “Incident” is a far broader category. It can include the importation of Undead test specimens or body parts for scientific research, improper disposal of possibly contaminated tools or equipment, and the lose or mishandling of virus DNA, cultures, and test drugs. For instance, Congressman Hamel sites 37 cases of Necro-Mortosis virus sample labels actually falling off and the samples being rendered unidentifiable.
    “It is insanity to list actual mortosis victims in the United States in the same category as scientists forgetting to clean up after themselves,” continued Hamel. “Mid level bureaucrats are placing “It is insanity to list actual living zombies in the United States in the same category as scientists forgetting to clean up after themselves,” continued Hamel. “Mid level bureaucrats are placing schematics over common sense, and in the process, preventing vital information about the spread of this disease from reaching key decision makers. This is the same type of thing that caused 9/11.” The White House expressed “concern” over Congressman Hamel’s remarks, and Congressional leaders are promising hearings into the matter.
    “Mid level bureaucrats are placing schematics over common sense,"
    Jerry Snyder, of BurWatch, a bureaucracy watch dog group, says, “I don’t see how anyone could be shocked by this. The Federal bureaucracy is so large and controls so much information it is only inevitable that things get missed. Add in the fact that it is nearly impossible to reprimand, let alone fire a bureaucrat, no matter how grossly incompetent their actions, and you get what we see today. The bottom line is some federal employees just don’t care and there is nothing we can do about it. Maybe if the zombies where closer to where they personally lived, they would have put them into the proper category.”

    Former FBI agent Marty Waters, President of Allied Advanced Security (AAS) has additional concerns, “It is bad enough they aren’t classifying the information properly. But the level of investigations into these matters is shoddy at best. Just look at them, people catching the virus through contaminated drugs, boat people, the virus ‘mysteriously’ popping among refugees who had supposedly already gone through quarantine, and a zombie pet without an owner? And the case in Florida, two Caucasian zombies in American clothes but somehow they decide there’re Jamaicans? I’ve seen better conclusions on the back of a cereal box. Sounds to me like there is some kind of interdepartmental rivalry going on between the FBI and Homeland Security where they are trying to investigate these instances quickly to avoid bringing other agencies in.
    “Another thing that concerns me is the number of homeless people involved in these cases. There are already rumors that an outbreak around Ottawa, Canada very well might be based in the serious homelessness problem in that city. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that any disease could spread rapidly through these populations and we would never know it until too late. This is a very dangerous situation.”
    Congressman Hamel's book will be published by Carrigeway Press and is expected to be available mid june.

    LOL. What a bunch of bullshit.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Default Re: All things Zombies except for that other thread

    Friends of cannibal Rudy Eugene say he was not ‘a face-eating zombie monster' as police reveal first picture of homeless victim in bizarre Miami attack

    • AFP
    • From: AFP, AP, Daily Mail
    • May 30, 2012 10:18AM

    Ronald Poppo, left, was the victim of a horrific cannibal attack at the hands of Rudy Eugene, Miami police said Tuesday. Picture: Miami-Dade Police Dept Supplied

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    Naked man shot dead as he ate victim's face in Miami

    Miami police shot dead a naked man as he ate the face of another man police believe was homeless and lying down on the side of the road whe...


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    UPDATE: FRIENDS of a naked man shot dead after eating a homeless man while naked in a Miami street say their pal was "not a face-eating zombie monster".

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    The victim of the bizarre naked roadside attack was today named as homeless man Ronald Poppo, 65.

    He remains in hospital in critical condition after the 18-minute sudden and unprovoked act of cannibalism, by a man less than half his age who has come to be known as the Miami Zombie, according to reports.

    A drinker who had been shot once and arrested two dozen times, Poppo had been on the streets for almost four decades before his life changed forever on Saturday afternoon, the Miami Herald reports.

    The aggressor, Rudy Eugene, 31, - an ex-North Miami Beach High School football player who liked to smoke marijuana - was shot dead by police after devouring up to 75 per cent of Poppo's face.

    “Rudy was not a face-eating zombie monster,” his high school friend Victoria Forte told the Miami Herald.

    “The Rudy we know was a nice gentleman with a warm smile, and funny.”
    Both men are believed to have been naked at the time.
    US police released images of the pair in the hope of trying to understand what provoked the gruesome act.

    It comes as horrific photos emerged allegedly showing the remains of Poppo's badly mauled face.

    The pictures, which show a bloody face of a man with a beard receiving medical treatment, are too graphic to publish by the Herald Sun.

    Local reports said most of Poppo’s face was gone with his nose bitten, his eyes gouged, and his skin torn off. All that remains intact is his goatee, according to the Miami Herald.

    "We are expecting a report from our detectives to give more details to the media. We are also looking for more witnesses to this crime," a Miami police spokesman said.

    "The victim remains in critical condition."

    The bloody spectacle unfolded mid-afternoon on Saturday local US time in the shadow of the Miami Herald offices, when police were alerted by the public as the attack was being carried out near Miami's busy MacArthur Causeway, a low-slung bridge from the downtown area to nearby beaches.

    The newspaper's surveillance video reportedly shows Eugene shortly before 2pm, naked and in an apparent drug-fueled rage.

    He then straddles Poppo, punches him, tears off his clothes and gnaws at his face as at least four cyclists rode by .

    The carnage ended at 2.13pm, when Miami Police officer Jose Rivera ordered Eugene to stop, and then shot him at least five times.

    Television footage and news photos have shown the two men sprawled on the sidewalk side by side, with Poppo barely conscious and covered in blood.

    Police initially said the attack could have been provoked by an overdose of a powerful new form of LSD mixed along with "cocaine psychosis".

    Toxicology reports on Eugene’s body have not been completed.

    Reports however yesterday suggested Eugene was likely under the influence of the synthetic stimulant "bath salts" made with the active agent mephedrone, which produces an often aggressive, chaotic experience for users, coupled with intense hallucinations.

    Stunned friends and acquaintances also told local media that Eugene was known as easygoing, a good friend with a winning smile, and were unaware of him having any mental or drug problems.

    “He wasn’t homeless. He had a place to stay. He had a car, and he worked,” said Erica Smith, a close friend and former roommate of Eugene’s told the Miami Herald.
    “He had his ups and downs, but he was not an aggressive person. He was really sweet and giving.”

    Smith said Eugene went through a tough period about five years ago with a string of arrests and a broken marriage, but had recently got his life back on track.

    Eugene's most recent address was at a home in North Miami Beach.

    Current residents at that address said they didn't know Eugene, but neighbours remember him, CBS reports.

    "The only thing I remember was he was a quiet boy," said Micheline Barret.
    Barret said Eugene moved out several years ago, but she never forgot him the boy she used to give rides to when he needed it.

    Eugene reportedly had several previous run-ins with police, mostly for drug related offenses, trespassing and resisting arrest without violence.

    Ives Eugene, 55, said he was Rudy Eugene's uncle, and described his nephew as a "nice and hard-working" man who washed cars at a local dealership.

    In a telephone interview, Ives Eugene said his nephew had asked his girlfriend to borrow her car, but she said no.

    "So he rode the bicycle, and he never came back home," Ives Eugene said.
    Rudy Eugene's ex-wife, who was not named, said the pair had a short-lived marriage that lasted a year and a half.

    "I wouldn't say he had [a] mental problem but he always felt like people was against him ... No one was for him, everyone was against him," she reportedly said.
    She added that she left the marriage because Eugene had been violent, and she had not been in contact with him for the past three years. They filed for divorce in 2007.

    In 2000, Eugene graduated from North Miami Beach High and moved around houses . He lived off and on with his mother and friends and did an assortment of odd jobs, from telemarketing to selling CDs to working at McDonald’s. He last worked washing cars at an automobile dealership, Smith told the Miami Herald.

    Authorities hope that Poppo, if he survives, could help explain what precipitated the grisly attack.

    Born in New York, Poppo lived for a time in the 1980s in New Orleans, records show. In 1983, he was arrested for sleeping in public, the Miami Herald reports.

    Court records also show that Poppo was treated for a gunshot wound at Jackson Memorial Hospital in January 1976. He listed his address at the time as a Salvation Army facility on Flagler Street in Miami.

    "We're hoping that he pulls through, for his well-being, but also so he can tell us what happened," said Sergeant Javier Ortiz, vice president of the Miami police union.
    "Only he knows."

    Police were forced to shoot the cannibal to stop him eating his victim. Picture: AP

    Yesterday, a cyclist described the terrifying moment he witnessed the naked man tear pieces of flesh from another man's face at the side of a freeway before being shot dead by police when he refused to stop.

    Larry Vega, from Miami, was cycling off the MacArthur Causeway on Saturday afternoon when he saw the savage attack, which he described as "the most gruesome, traumatic thing I have ever seen in my life".

    He told WSVN: "The guy was like tearing him to pieces with his mouth and I told him to get off. But the guy just kept eating the other guy away, like ripping his skin.

    "A police officer came over, told him several times to get off then climbed over the divider and got in front of him and said, 'Get off' but the guy just stood his head up like that with a piece of flesh in his mouth and growled."

    Images taken from a Miami Herald surveillance camera show the legs of the two men lying beneath a freeway underpass.

    Mr Vega described the crime scene - which he compared to a horror movie: "It was just a blob of blood. You couldn't really see, it was just blood all over the place.
    "It was one of the most gruesome things I have ever seen in my life in person. You know, you see these things in the movies but when you see it in person, it's pretty traumatic."

    There were no weapons found near the two naked men, leading them to believe that the attacker used his own strength to subdue his victim.

    "There are other ways to injure people," Sergeant Altarr William told The Herald.
    "Some people know martial arts, others are very strong and can kill you with their hands."

    MacArthur Causeway is a major route that connects downtown Miami to popular South Beach.

    Traffic clogged the area for hours as people used the route to descend into South Beach for Urban Beach Week, an annual festival dedicated to hip-hop music.
    - with the Daily Mail
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    Default Re: All things Zombies except for that other thread

    Zombies part of safety week messages

    Plan aims to make preparedness fun, an official says

    10:06 AM, May. 9, 2012 |

    Zombie Preparedness

    Rule # 4: Beware of Restrooms

    You are at your most vulnerable when you are in the restroom, so take care. Zombies seem to sneak up on people who are at their most vulnerable, although it probably just seems like this is the case. Zombies attack for no reason. Don’t be caught unaware. Restrooms present the greatest danger for injuries due to slips and falls.…. and zombie attacks.

    Rule #8 Know Your Way Out

    Nothing is worse than a poorly planned escape, especially when you are being attacked by a large mob of zombies. If you’re going to get out safely, it’s always a good idea to plan ahead. As the rule states….know your evacuation route!

    Rule #13 Maintain Your Tools

    Make certain to keep your weapons or tools maintained so they are ready for use at a moment’s notice. After all, you don’t know when a zombie may be waiting for an opportunity to have a meet-and-eat with you. This rule can also be a good reminder to check your first aid kit and other supplies to remove outdated items BEFORE you find the need to use them.

    Source: Oregon Housing and Community Services

    State workers this week are being urged to prepare for the imminent zombie apocalypse, in an attempt by Oregon Housing and Community Services to spice up its annual safety week messages.

    “We’re asking people to create a personal safety plan for your family if zombies show up in your neighborhood. Or if there’s an earthquake, or a hurricane or even a power outage,” said Sandy McDonnell, housing and community services administrative services manager. “If you’re prepared for a zombie apocalypse, you’re going to be ready for any of these other incidents to occur.”

    The agency plans to post and email safety suggestions every day this week, all based on the possibility that the dead soon will rise and walk the earth.

    “Zombies have a way of creating total havoc and chaos (although they are fun at a party),” McDonnell wrote in Tuesday’s message. “In a best case scenario, you will have your plan completed, tested, implemented and ready to activate when that first zombie shuffles up your sidewalk.”

    The effort by Oregon Housing and Community Services is part of Oregon OSHA’s Safety Break, an event taking place today to raise awareness of workplace safety.

    Tips provided to Housing employees include choosing a meeting place where your family can gather after a natural emergency — or a mass attack by zombies.

    “Pick two meeting places, one close to your home and one further away,” Tuesday’s note said. “Zombies tend to gather in mobs, so you may wish to move further away in the event the zombies choose to linger over lunch at your mailbox.”

    McDonnell said she got the idea from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which held a “Zombie Preparedness” campaign last year .

    “Safety is very, very important. We all realize the importance of it. But oftentimes it’s buried,” she said. “So this time we figured, let’s make it a little more fun.” (503) 399-6719 or follow on Twitter @DMThompsonJR
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    Default Re: All things Zombies except for that other thread

    “Rudy was not a face-eating zombie monster,”
    Yeah, well he was. Now he's just dead. He skipped undead and went straight to full dead.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  7. #47
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    Default Re: All things Zombies except for that other thread

    I think he was partially undead and not quite fully undead, but he sure as shit wasn't ALIVE if he was eating a face.
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  8. #48
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    Default Re: All things Zombies except for that other thread

    I can't imagine that the Poppo guy is going to pull through. 40 years on the streets means he's not in good shape and more importantly, doesn't have insurance.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  9. #49
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: All things Zombies except for that other thread

    Pictures of Poppo, post attack, are out there on the internet if you are adventurous enough to look for them.

    I did and let me just say, it is not pretty at all.

    There really seems to be little of his face left. I imagine if he does pull through (thanks to the free medical care he's going to get) he'll closely resemble that lady that had her face ripped off by that chimp.

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    Default Re: All things Zombies except for that other thread

    I can't imagine either looking, wanting to look or even thinking about looking.

    I feel bad for the guy... but I am not donating anything.... I need my face where it is!

    in case *I* get attacked by a Zombie.
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    zombie apocalypse

    Zombie Apocalypse Draws Nearer As Baltimore Man Eats Another Man’s Brain, Heart

    by Robb Stark on May 31, 2012 at 3:15pm - 15 comments

    As if yesterday's zombie hysteria wasn't enough, it looks like we've got another one on our hands. Two in a matter of days seems like a bit of a trend, don't you think? From the Baltimore Sun:
    A 21-year-old Morgan State University student told investigators that he ate the heart and portions of the brain of a man whose dismembered remains were found in his Joppa home, according to a grisly account from the Harford County Sheriff's Office.
    The case comes on the heels of shocking incidents in cities like Miami, where a naked man believed to be high on bath salts ate another man's face, and New Jersey, where a man disemboweled himself and reportedly threw his intestines at police officers. Police there say they aren't sure whether the man, Wayne Carter, was on drugs or suffering from mental illness.
    Don't say we didn't warn you. And make sure to stock up on them twinkies.

    [H/T: Buzzfeed]

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    Morgan State Univ. Student Charged With 1st-Degree Murder In Cannibalism Case

    May 31, 2012 11:18 PM

    Reporting Meghan McCorkell

    Filed under Local, News, Syndicated Local

    JOPPATOWNE, Md. (WJZ)— A chilling story unfolds in Harford County where family members find the chopped up body parts of a missing man. And now, the suspect admits to committing acts of cannibalism on that body.

    Meghan McCorkell has the stunning twist to this murder investigation.

    Both the suspect and the victim were students at Morgan State University. But it was inside a Joppatowne home they shared where police say an unimaginable crime occurred.

    Behind the door of a townhouse on Terrapin Terrace in Joppatowne, a house of horrors. It’s here police say 21-year-old Alexander Kinyua confessed to eating the heart and parts of the brain of a missing man.

    Police say Kinyua’s brother went down to the laundry room of the house and saw a blanket on a box. He pulled off the blanket and saw two metal tins. Police say he opened them and saw a head and two hands. When Kinyua’s brother confronted him about this, police say Kinyua said they were animal remains and not human.

    The brother then got his dad. The dad went downstairs and the items were gone.

    Kinyua’s brother called police.

    “Human remains, specifically a head and hands, were recovered on the main floor of the residence,” Sheriff L. Jesse Bane of Harford County said.

    Police believe they belong to 37-year-old Kujoe Agyei-Kodie, a family friend who was living at the house.

    The rest of Kodie’s body was found in a church dumpster on Trimble Road just blocks away.

    Two days before the murder, Kinyua was released on bond for another assault.

    WJZ has learned Kinyua was in the process of being expelled from school after he attacked another student with a baseball bat in the dorms.

    A student who didn’t want to be identified tells WJZ: “I just heard it was a random attack on a student, a student here. He was just walking down and stairs and boom! He just hit him.”

    That student suffered a skull fracture, fractures in the arm and shoulder and was also blinded in the left eye.

    Kinyua was out on bond when he was arrested for Agyei-Kodie’s murder. His parents were trying to raise funds for his defense in the assault case, holding a fundraiser at a community church in Northeast Baltimore.

    Friends say Kinyua had a drastic personality change after he was kicked out of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program in January for disciplinary reasons.

    “I heard he may have been a bit out of the ordinary at times,” Damete Roberts, a sophomore at Morgan State, said.

    The victim was also a grad student at Morgan State. Agyei-Kodie– a native of Ghana– held several master’s degrees.

    He’d lived in the house with the Kinyua family for six months.

    “It’s very scary. Especially knowing that it’s so close to home,” neighbor Melinda Kraft said.

    A grisly murder and still no motive.

    Detectives say that so far, the suspect has shown no remorse for the attack. They say that while he is cooperative and has confessed, he would not reveal why he did it.

    According to published reports, he recently posted online statements about cults, ethnic cleansing and school shootings.The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is helping in the investigation.

    Kinyua was represented by a public defender in court on Thursday.

    Police have not ruled out the possibility of more arrests.

    “By no means is the investigation over. We are looking at every angle. We are looking at is there a possibility that there are other suspects?” Verzi said.

    The lead detective told WJZ he has no reason to believe that Kinyua was lying about eating the victim’s body parts.

    A judge denied bail for Kinyua on Thursday. He’s charged with first-degree murder.

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  14. #54
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    CDC Reassures The Public That Zombies Don't Exist
    June 1, 2012

    People eating people seems to be happening a lot of late, and other people are unnerved. In the past, the Centers for Disease Control has winkingly published zombie survival guides. But the recent spate of snacking on our fellow man has caused some to half-jokingly wonder if a zombie apocalypse is about to descend upon us. Fear not, for the CDC announced today that there is no known zombie virus. "CDC does not know of a virus or condition that would reanimate the dead (or one that would present zombie-like symptoms)," CDC spokesman David Daigle said. Guess it's safe to leave our bunker now.
    Exactly what they would say... Guess all the publicity of the outbreak in Miami has caused the need for some damage control.

    And my non-medically trained self disagrees with the part in green. While I don't think actual reanimation of the dead is very likely, I do think that something that causes a chemical imbalance that results in a predilection to violence such as in the movies 28 Days/Weeks Later and The Crazies is entirely possible.

  15. #55
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    Prions. The very tiny contagion commonly found in diseases referred to as Mad Cow, for example. They tend to cause a lot of havoc to a body and brain and are not curable. 100% mortality.

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    Default Re: All things Zombies except for that other thread,114.169922

    The above is a google map page setup tracking the various incidents.
    Last edited by Phil Fiord; June 2nd, 2012 at 21:57. Reason: map embed was flawed

  17. #57
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    Some assclown in court the other day was supposedly biting his lip or inside of his mouth and spitting blood at the cops inside. It was on television. They made everyone wear masks in the court room.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Why didn't they just put a hood on the prisoner?

    They make special ones expressly for spitters...

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    A History of 'Real' Zombies

    Analysis by Benjamin Radford
    Mon Jun 4, 2012 07:05 PM ET

    Zombies are all the rage these days -- on television, in movies, books and now in the news. Of course zombies aren’t new -- they were co-opted decades ago by pop culture, especially in George Romero’s 1968 classic zombie film Night of the Living Dead.
    Or were they? Actually, notes Blake Smith, zombie aficionado and co-host of the monster-themed MonsterTalk podcast, “Though many people think of Night of the Living Dead as being all about zombies, Romero never called them zombies; he wanted them to be ghouls. The public called them zombies, so the name stuck.”
    NEWS: Did Zombies Roam Medieval Ireland?
    Though many people treat the current “zombie apocalypse” as a fun pop culture meme, it’s important to realize that some people believe zombies are very real. Haitian culture -- like many African cultures -- is heavily steeped in belief in magic and witchcraft. Belief in zombies is related to the Voodoo religion, and has been widespread throughout Haiti for decades. The existence of zombies is not questioned, though believers would not recognize the sensational, Hollywood brain-eating version that most Americans are familiar with.
    Unlike today's malevolent movie zombies, the original Haitian zombies were not villains but victims. They are corpses who have been re-animated and controlled by magical means for some specific purpose (usually labor). Historically, fear of zombies was used as a method of political and social control in Haiti. Those people believed to have the magical power to zombify a person -- mainly witch doctors called bokors -- were widely feared and respected. Bokors were also believed to be in service of the Tonton Macoute, the brutal and much-feared secret police used by the oppressive Duvalier political regimes (1957-1984). Those who defied authorities were threatened with becoming the living dead—a concern not taken lightly.
    DNEWS NUGGETS: Zombie Prankster Almost Shot
    In popular fiction there are several ways to destroy zombies (decapitations or gunshots to the head are popular), though according to Haitian folklore the goal is to release the person from his or her zombie state, not to outright kill the person. There are several ways to free a zombie; one is to feed the zombie salt; others say that if a zombie sees the ocean its mind will return and it will become self-aware and angry, trying to return to its grave.
    So are zombies real? Many believe so, but evidence is scarce. There are a few supposed cases of real zombies, including a mentally ill man named Clairvius Narcisse, who in 1980 claimed that he had “died” in 1962, then become a zombie and forced to work as a slave on one of Haiti’s sugarcane plantations. He offered no evidence of his claims, and could not show investigators where he had supposedly worked for almost twenty years.
    Scientific Evidence for Zombies?
    Outside of Haiti (and a few other places where belief in Voodoo exists), zombies were widely assumed to be nothing more than a legendary boogeyman, not unlike werewolves and vampires. However this changed in the 1980s when Wade Davis, a Harvard ethnobotanist, claimed to have discovered a secret “zombie powder” while doing field work in Haiti. The main active ingredient was said to be a neurotoxin which could be used to poison victims into a zombie-like state.
    NEWS: Deadly Fungus Turns Ants Into Zombies
    Voodoo magic was an unlikely source of zombies—but could science and medicine explain them? Davis wrote several books on the topic, including The Serpent and the Rainbow, later made into a horror film by director Wes Craven. Though the book was a public success, many scientists were skeptical of Davis’s claims, suggesting that they were exaggerated and that the amounts of neurotoxin in the powder samples he found were inconsistent and not high enough to induce the zombifying effects. While in theory the zombie power might work under certain ideal conditions, in the real world it would be very difficult to create a zombie with it; too little of the toxin would have only temporary effects, and too much could easily kill its victim.
    Pharmacological doubts aside, there are other reasons to doubt the claim that people had for decades been turned into zombie slave labor. For one thing, the very process that would turn people into zombies (assuming it didn’t kill them) would leave them brain-damaged, uncoordinated, and slow -- in other words, hardly ideal farm workers.
    Furthermore, the economics of zombie-making don’t make sense: Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, with no shortage of very cheap labor to work farms and plantations. In a country where the average annual income is less than $2,000 there are plenty of able-bodied, non-zombified people willing to work for almost nothing. Unpaid zombie workers would still need to be clothed, housed, and fed, negating most of the potential profit from using them. And, of course, the sugar plantations allegedly filled with fields of zombies have never been found.
    HSW: How Zombies Work
    With the main reason for creating zombies pretty well debunked, the question remains -- even if Davis’s zombie powder is all he claims it is -- why anyone would bother to make a zombie in the first place. It would be a lot of time and effort to abduct someone, fake their death, get the toxins just right, revive them, and put them to work.
    There are easier ways to give someone brain damage, and even if it worked there’s no guarantee that the person would be docile or compliant; it’s just as likely that they would be left in a vegetative state. While zombies are infesting television and film (and, some cases, news headlines), true zombies remain an unproven myth.
    Image: A women dressed as a zombie in Sydney, Australia at The annual Zombie Walk which raises money for the Brain Foundation. Credit: Getty
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    Default Re: All things Zombies except for that other thread

    NEWS: Deadly Fungus Turns Ants Into Zombies

    A new type of parasitic fungus takes control of ant by burrowing in their brains.

    Thu Mar 3, 2011 12:22 PM ET
    Content provided by Darren Osborne, ABC Science Online


    • Four new species of fungi that turn ants into zombies have been discovered in the Amazon.
    • Ants become infected when they come into contact with spores released by the fungus. Within a week the ant enters a "zombie-like" state.
    • The fungus then grows out of the head of the ant, releasing spores into the air.

    An ant has succumbed to the deadly fungus in this photo. Click to enlarge this image.

    Why are these ants walking to death in this YouTube video?

    Researchers combing the rainforests of Brazil have uncovered four new species of fungi that turns ants into zombies.

    Although it is not the first time the fungi has been seen affecting ants, the discovery of four distinct species in close proximity highlights the level of biodiversity in the Amazon.

    Their study appears online in the journal PLoS One.

    The research, led by Assistant Professor David Hughes of the University of Pennsylvannia, identified and described the parasitic fungus Ophiocordyceps unliateralis living on four species of carpenter ant (Camponotini sp.) in the Zona da Mata region of Brazil.

    Ants become infected when they come into contact with spores released by the fungus. Within a week the ant enters a "zombie-like" state.

    "This so-called zombie or brain-manipulating fungus alters the behaviors of the ant host, causing it to die in an exposed position, typically clinging onto and biting the adaxial surface of shrub leaves," the study authors write.

    The fungus then grows out of the head of the ant, releasing spores into the air, which rain down onto unsuspecting ants and the forest floor.

    In 2009, Hughes led a team of researchers studying "zombie-ants" in Indonesia. They found the infected ants consistently attached to leaves 25 centimeters (9.8 inches) above the ground in an environment with 95 percent humidity -- perfect conditions for the fungus to grow.

    In the current study, Hughes and colleagues found each species of fungus was different in size and shape, and adapted to live only in one particular species.

    Two of the species of fungus have also adapted to grow secondary spores, doubling their chances of finding a new host.

    Steve Shattuck, an entomologist with CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences says there are records of the fungus existing in Australia, but its range is limited to tropical regions of Australia.

    "It's hard to find. Exactly how common it is, who knows? But obviously if it was too common it would kill all the ants and then go away," says Shattuck.

    He says, while there are many examples of ants living in symbiotic relationships with other organisms such as bacteria and other types of fungi, none are as invasive as Ophiocordyceps.

    And despite the fungus' ability at destroying a whole colony of ants, Shattuck says its potential for use in pest control is very limited.

    "What the paper found was that the fungi were species specific," he says. "So unless one of ants was your pest it doesn't do you any good."

    It also means the possibility that the fungi will turn our 2000-odd species of Australian ant into a zombie army is highly remote.

    "It would be very unlikely," says Shattuck. "If the fungi did get here it wouldn't have anything to live on and would just die out in all likelihood."

    According to Hughes' website, his team plan to study the zombie-inducing fungus in Colombia, Guyana, Brazil, Peru, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and Australia.

    Not to take this thread too far off topic but...

    So that's how the fire ants from South America were under control.

    I had heard there was a fungus that grows locally to keep the population down.

    Red Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta)

    What is it? The red imported fire ant (RIFA) is a small reddish brown ant from South America . There are six known species of fire ants (Solenopsis spp.) in the United States, three of which are found in Arizona. These three species are the southern fire ant (S. xyloni), and two species of desert fire ant (S. aurea and S. amblychila). RIFA has not established in Arizona, but is present in the bordering states of New Mexico and California. It was discovered near Yuma, Arizona but was exterminated.

    Adult red imported fire ants. Photo: USDA APHIS PPQ Archives, .

    RIFA workers marked with wire bands.
    Photo: Bart Drees
    RIFA are small but highly aggressive. They inject a necrotising, alkaloid venom when they sting. The stings result in painful, itchy, and persistent pustules, and sometimes in severe allergic reactions. Five million people are stung each year in the southeastern United States. About 25,000 of these people require medical consultation. When a fire ant mound is disturbed, workers boil to the surface, run up any legs, arms, etc. in the vicinity, grab the victim's skin in their mandibles and sting synchronously in response to the slightest movement. The attacks are coordinated and dozens or even hundreds of workers sting in unison.

    Fire ants swarming boot after mound disturbance. Photo: Bart Drees.

    Pustules from RIFA stings. Photo: Murray S. Blum, The University of Georgia,
    Fire ants live in colonies that may have 100,000 to 500,000 ants. The queen of the colony can lay from 1500 to 5000 eggs per day, never leaves the nest and can live for many years. Worker ants take care of the queen and her eggs, build the nest, defend the colony, and find food. Preferred food of fire ants consists of protein-rich sources such as insects and seeds. Winged male and female ants fly from the colony in the spring and summer to mate in the air. The males die and the females become queens that start new colonies.
    Only the red imported fire ant has a median clypeal tooth and a striated mesepimeron; these may be difficult to see at first. RIFA also have an antennal scape that nearly reaches the vertex, a post-petiole that is constricted at the back half, and the petiolar process is small or absent. Of the native fire ant species, the southern fire ant (Solenopsis xyloni) looks the most like the red imported fire ant. It can be identified by its brown to black color, well-developed petiolar process, and no median clypeal tooth. Desert fire ants (Solenopsis aurea and S. amblychila) are both yellowish-red to reddish-yellow and have a well-developed petiolar process. RIFA can also be identified by the proportion of large to small workers in disturbed mounds. If half the workers in disturbed mounds are large and dark, it is RIFA. If only a few large ants appear relative to hundreds of small ants, it is non-RIFA.

    Median clypeal tooth can be seen here on head above the mandibles. Mandible has 4 teeth. Photo: Carl Olsen

    Side view of adult RIFA worker. Photo: USDA APHIS PPQ Archives,
    Table: Characteristics of RIFA and RIFA mounds



    # of node segments 2
    # of sizes of workers Many (polymorphic)
    Size of workers 3 – 7 mm
    Shape of thorax Uneven
    # of antennal segments 10 with two-segment club at tip
    # pairs of spines in thorax None
    Color Reddish brown, abdomen darker
    Stinger Present, inflicts pain, leaves white pustule (pustule is not an allergic reaction)


    Material Formed from excavated soil
    Size Wider than a dinner plate at its base
    Shape Amorphous, often oval shaped like a mountain cone
    Visibility Above ground, 4” to 24” tall
    Entrance None visible, ants access mound through subterranean tunnels that spoke out from the central mound
    Texture Has a fresh-tilled appearance, especially after a rain

    Size variation in RIFA worker ants and queen on the right. Photo: S. Porter.

    RIFA mounds have a fresh tilled appearance. Photo: Bart Drees.
    Why is it a Threat?
    RIFA colonies are extremely destructive. They dominate their home ranges due to their large numbers and aggressiveness. The lack of natural enemies results in population booms in areas they invade.
    RIFA alter the composition of the ecological communities in the areas they invade. They outcompete and frequently eliminate native fire ants. They also compete with other animals for food and alter abundance of prey species. RIFA attack eggs and young of many bird and reptile species. In areas of high infestation, RIFA have significantly reduced northern bobwhite quail populations (Allen et al. 1995) and may completely eliminate ground-nesting species from a given area (Vinson and Sorenson 1986). They also attack small mammals such as rodents and have been known to attack and sometimes kill newborn deer and cattle. Due to a 10-20 year lapse before bird population reductions are observed, it is suggested that actual effects of RIFA on animal populations may be underestimated (Mount 1981). Natural plant ecosystems could potentially be impacted as well. RIFA predates upon solitary bees that are pollinators of certain plants (Vinson 1997) and move and feed on large quantities of seeds.

    Tricolor heron chick being attacked by fire ant workers. Photo: Bart Drees.

    RIFA feeding on plant nectar. Photo: S. B. Vinson.
    Stings from RIFA create health problems for many humans. Fire ants sting repeatedly and venom is injected from the poison sac with each sting. RIFA venom has a high concentration of toxins that cause an intense burning and itching that lasts for an hour and is followed by a blister that becomes a white pustule. Broken or scratched pustules can result in secondary bacterial infections and permanent scars. In some individuals, severe allergic reactions can occur resulting in anaphylactic shock and even death (Dowell et al. 1997).

    RIFA worker biting and stinging human. Photo: Texas Department of agriculture file photo.

    Secondary infection following RIFA sting on hand. Photo: Texas Department of Agriculture file photo.
    RIFA cost the US billions of dollars a year in damage to agricultural crops and equipment, livestock, wildlife, public health, and electrical equipment such as air conditioners, traffic signal boxes, electrical and utility units, telephone junctions, airport landing lights, electric pumps for oil and water wells, computers, and even car electrical systems. Control methods for RIFA are extremely costly.

    Fire ant mound in electrical utility housing. Photo: S. B. Vinson.

    RIFA in traffic control relay switch box. Photo: Bart Drees.
    RIFA are native to South America and were brought to the US sometime around the 1930's. They now occupy more than 275 million acres of land in the US and are found in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, South Carolina, North Carolina, Texas, Louisiana, Tennessee, New Mexico , Oklahoma, and California. They invade via transported nursery stock, honeybee colonies, and on empty trailers and trucks. Cold temperatures may limit the northward spread of RIFA in the US and the westward spread may be limited by drier conditions. Natural dispersal occurs on flowing water. Areas with seasonal flooding are vulnerable to RIFA invasion.

    RIFA colony floating in flood water. Photo: Bart Drees.

    RIFA colony emerging from flood water. Photo: Bart Drees.

    Habitat In infested areas, colonies are common in lawns, gardens, school yards, parks, roadsides, and golf courses. Nests generally occur in sunny, open areas and are most common in disturbed and irrigated soil. RIFA mounds are 4 to 24 inches tall and have no visible surface entrance. Mounds are accessed through subterranean tunnels that spoke out from the central mound. Non-RIFA mounds rarely exceed an inch or 2 in height. RIFA mounds have a fresh-tilled appearance, especially after a rain.
    Typical RIFA mound. Photo: USDA APHIS PPQ Archives, .
    Profile diagram of RIFA mound. Photo: Texas Cooperative Extension file photo.


    RIFA are believed to have arrived in the southern United States around the 1930's on ships from South America as ballast waters were dumped or goods were unloaded. Their range expanded rapidly and today they occupy 13 US states and Puerto Rico.

    What can be Done
    RIFA is a regulated species in Arizona. To keep RIFA out of Arizona, the Arizona Department of Agriculture has been conducting surveys at high-risk sites such as nurseries, parks, truck stops, etc. In 2004, all samples collected were negative for RIFA. The drier climate in Arizona is a limitation for this species, however, as we irrigate more lawns, agricultural fields, and golf courses, we increase our chances of a successful RIFA invasion. Once RIFA has established in an area, the chances of eradicating it are slim and control becomes the primary means of fighting its spread. It is vital that we prevent the spread of this species. RIFA very easily travel in potted plants and soil and in our vehicles. If RIFA is detected, citizens should contact the Arizona Department of Agriculture for confirmation and eradication.

    Eradication methods are complex due to the life cycle of the species and should be conducted by trained individuals.

    Links Arizona Department of Agriculture Red Imported Fire Ant Update – a gateway to Federal efforts concerning invasive species
    Texas Imported Fire Ant Research and Management Project
    University of Florida Red Imported Fire Ant Site
    US Department of Agriculture APHIS Imported Fire Ant Information


    Allen, CR, Lutz RS, and Demarais S. 1995. Red imported fire ant impacts on northern bobwhite populations. Ecological Applications 5(3):632-638.
    Dowell, RV, Gilbert, A, and Sorenson J. 1997. Red imported fire ant found in California . California Plant Pest and Disease Report 16(3-4) June-September: 50-55.

    Mount RH. 1981. The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as a possible serious predator on some southeastern vertebrates: direct observations and subjective impressions. Journal fo the Alabama Academy of Science 52:71-78.

    Vinson SB. 1997. Invasion of the Red Imported Fire Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Spread, Biology, and Impact. American Entomologist 43(1):23-29.

    Vinson SB, Sorenson, AA. 1986. Imported Fire Ants: Life History and Impact. The Texas Department of Agriculture. P.O. Box 12847 , Austin , Texas 78711 .

    Potential United States Range Expansion of the Invasive Fire Ant

    1 - U.S. Map
    2 - Arizona
    3 - Arkansas
    4 - California
    5 - Hawaii
    6 - Maryland
    7 - Nevada
    8 - New Mexico
    9 - North Carolina
    10 - Oklahoma
    11 - Oregon
    12 - Tennessee
    13 - Texas
    14 - Virginia
    15 - Washington
    U.S. Map
    State Maps (click on a name at the right to view the state map):

    This map predicts areas in the United States that are susceptible to invasion by the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. Predictions are based on climate and current northernmost distributions of red imported fire ants.

    To generate these predictions, a dynamic model of colony growth was developed which depended on daily maximum and minimum soil temperatures. Temperature records at 4,537 meteorological stations within the current and potential range of S. invicta were obtained from NOAA's National Climatic Data Center. At each station, a colony was allowed to grow and reproduce. The map of reproducing colonies was then compared with the current fire ant distribution. After calibration to the current northernmost extremes in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Oklahoma, four zones of colony success were defined: certain, possible, undemonstrated, and improbable. An annual precipitation limit was selected to indicate regions where arid conditions may prohibit growth in non-irrigated areas. Results of the model predict that red imported fire ants will likely move 50-100 miles north in Oklahoma and Arkansas. They will also likely continue expanding into portions of Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware in the east and New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Nevada, and maybe even Washington and Utah in the west.

    This study was a joint project of the University of Arkansas at Monticello and the USDA-ARS lab here in Gainesville, Florida. For more information see:

    Korzukhin, M. D., S. D. Porter, L. C. Thompson, and S. Wiley. 2001. Modeling Temperature-Dependent Range Limits for the Red Imported Fire Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Solenopsis invicta) in the United States. Environ. Entomol. 30: 645-655.

    The Hawaiian map was provided by M. Korzukhin and E.VanGelder, USGS/BRD, Haleakala Field Station, Makawao, Hawaii.

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