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Thread: Will America Break Up?

  1. #701
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

    What Will It Take To Make You Understand And Accept That They Hate You?

    January 28, 2019
    By Kurt Schlichter

    You need to die because of your smile.

    That’s the position of our enemies, and we know it because they told us – openly, proudly, in the garbage public forum that is Twitter and elsewhere. Oh, they backtracked a little when the extent of their killing fantasies got exposed, scampering like their insect analogy, the roach, when someone flips on the kitchen light. But that kid in DC with the Frigidaireborne reefer ranger banging that drum in his baffled mug? They wanted that kid to die for having a Wrong Smile.

    Cue the excuse chorus: “That’s nonsense! We just wanted to pummel that kid and then destroy him, his family and and all his classmates! Don’t look behind the curtain at the woodchipper comments and bomb threats, you cisnormative monsters!

    Think of what they would do with real power…

    Accept that that kid was you, and me. If they’ll ice a kid for not having the right grin, they’ll waste you or me in a heartbeat. Murder is, after all, how leftists roll. The USSR, Red China, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba – that cadaver-strewn litany teaches what’s lurking at the bottom of the slope we’re sliding down. The Dems are spooning with socialism, and the goal of socialism is written in blood on the pages of history. The unapproved must be liquidated, and they are making no secret that you are unapproved.

    Understand that and accept it.

    I know it’s hard. It goes against everything you’ve been taught to believe to acknowledge that that a significant and influential group of other Americans – not that they identify that way – want you dead or enslaved. But they do. The Fredocons will scoff, but the conservaquisling collaborators’ actions speak louder than their weasel words – they’re currying favor with the enemy, betting that their abject groveling and supine submission will mean that they get the chop last.

    You better get your head in the game or you’ll find your head in a guillotine – definitely figuratively, maybe literally.

    You want to reject this reality, to dismiss it, to wave it off as crazy talk. But listen to what they say. Watch what they do. Have the strength to accept the harsh truth that is punching you in the face.

    They hate you for not submitting, for being an obstacle to their rule.

    The problem is that you are nice, and you project your niceness. Projection is human nature. So while leftist spittle-spewing sociopaths project their own shriveled morality when they shriek about how we’re all racist fascists of fascist racism when racist fascism is actually their jam, we Normals tend to project our decency when we assume that our opponents are just confused friends who are in the throes of a grievous misunderstanding about us that we can remedy with facts and evidence.

    That’s 100 percent wrong. Facts and evidence don’t matter because the trial is already over and you’ve already been condemned because of who you are. You can’t ever clear yourself with the left because they don’t hate you for what you did or will do, but for who you are. That’s where the babble about “white privilege” comes from – if you’re white and conservative you’re wrong, and if you’re not white and conservative, you’re even…wronger.

    It’s not about race or gender or orientation, but about power – they want to take yours, to strip you of your sovereignty and make you kneel. Their SJW posturing is all a lie and a scam. They don’t care about ending racism, sexism, homophobia, or any of the myriad other -isms and -phobias they blather about. Those poses are just weapons to be used to capture what they really want – total power over you. They seek to shame you into submission, and if that won’t work, then they’ll do whatever it takes.

    Do you think the Democrats of yesterday spent a lot of time weighing the evidence before lynching black men? Those Democrats murdered black men for two reasons – because they wanted to send a message to other black men about the price of resistance, and because they enjoyed doing it.

    Orwell wrote about the daily “Two-Minute Hate,” and how is this any different? These unloveable losers have nothing else in their lives, no connection with anything, so they find meaning by joining together with other misfit psychopaths so they can lose themselves in a frenzy of hatred where they get to play the role of righteous avengers.

    Think of what they would do with real power…

    And understand that they might get it. The Democrat Party is not just listening to them. It’s being transformed by them. Name the prominent Democrat politician who stood up and said, “This Covington Kid crucifixion is wrong!”

    Cue the tumbleweeds…

    Not one. Not one senior Democrat said that this was wrong. In fact, the big names joined in. Big Chief Lizzy tweeted about how these designated monsters from Kentucky, with their MAGA hats and audacity to march in support of their political beliefs, had disrespected a “Vietnam War veteran.” Even as this is written, and even after garbage outlets like the garbage Washington Post have had to confess their credulous reporting of Dick Blumenthal’s Saigon battle buddy’s garbage lies, Senator 1/1024th’s demonstrably false Twitter smoke signal is still up.

    Think of what they would do with real power…

    Do you think that a leftist Supreme Court majority won’t construe the First Amendment to exclude protection for “hate speech,” by which I mean any thoughts you might wish to express that they object to?

    Do you think they won’t turn the federal bureaucracy – including law enforcement – against their political enemies a thousand times harder than before, having been rewarded for the last decade of doing so?

    Do you think they won’t start tossing dissenters into prison? They do in England. You can go to jail for a tweet there – and do you think the left thinks that’s a bad thing, or a creative European innovation that needs to be imported?

    How about the Second Amendment? Are you kidding? The idea that our citizenry maintains the ultimate veto over tyranny drives them bonkers.

    Do you think they won’t use violence to make you conform? Hell, Democrat presidential candidate Eric Swalwell is willing to nuke you for not giving up your guns. We know that because he said so.

    It’s time to stop pretending that people who hate our guts don’t hate our guts, and that given the chance they won’t act exactly like people who hate our guts would act.

    The time to stop them is now, while we still can peacefully, before they quit tweeting about killing and start doing it beyond the occasional Bernie Bro at a ball field. We need to purge the weakhearts and Fredocons from positions of authority in our movement and be all-in for victory in 2020. In the meantime, we need to aggressively push our campaign to remake the courts. And it sure would not hurt to follow the Founders‘ advice to exercise our Second Amendment rights to reinforce the deterrent to tyranny that is an armed citizenry.

    Just remember to smile as you fight to keep your freedom, because that shows them that they don’t get to win.

    Now, if you want to see in more (action-packed and often hilarious) detail what will happen if they ever do get real power, check out my latest novel, Wildfire, and my earlier installments People’s Republicand Indian Country. Those 100 million corpses generated by socialism in the last century are not a hypothetical.

  2. #702
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

    Exterminating Whitey

    The end game of identity politics

    January 28, 2019

    In case anyone still needs confirmation, the rage and frenzy surrounding the supposed standoff caught on video last week between Covington Catholic High School students and an anti-Catholic, Native American activist demonstrates as nothing else has lately that the political left’s primary aim, the end game of identity politics, is the demonization of white Christian men.

    Covington student Nicholas Sandmann (pictured above) was the unfortunate epicenter of this tempest-in-a-teapot concocted entirely by the activist media, in which he and his classmates were falsely portrayed as racist bullies surrounding and taunting a frail Native American “elder,” Nathan Phillips. The truth – that it was the schoolboys who were verbally assaulted by Black Hebrew Israelite activists, and that Sandmann did and said nothing but stand his ground and smile in the face of Phillips’ provocation – swiftly came to light, but not before the entire country had squared off over the lie.

    It wasn’t that the news media got the story wrong, which would imply that they made a mistake, but that they didn’t care about getting it right. They didn’t care, because they saw an opportunity to dehumanize a white male wearing that triggering symbol of white supremacy, the “Make America Great Again” cap, and decided to run with a narrative that could be weaponized against President Trump and his “angry white male” supporters. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it,” master strategist Saul Alinsky once taught, and Catholic white boy Sandmann became the left’s target of the moment.

    Some media outlets gradually and quietly backed off from their original rush to judgment as more video and context emerged, but the damage was done, the political divide between Americans was widened, and the more fervent leftists clung to their bigoted view that Sandmann represents the toxic, Christian white male underbelly of an America that bears racism in its very DNA, as Barack Obama once declared.

    The media hurricane was reminiscent of the crazed spectacle of last October’s confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, a devout Catholic who was viewed as the poster boy for the left’s favorite bogeyman, “white privilege.” Based on a single, decades-old, evidence-free allegation, the Alinsky-trained left smeared Kavanaugh as a drunken sexual predator (and even pedophile) whose addition to the Court would hurl women into a misogynistic dystopia straight out of The Handmaid’s Tale.

    Sandmann is the left’s new Kavanaugh. On Twitter, BuzzFeed senior culture correspondent Anne Helen Petersen made that connection explicit by pairing Sandmann’s photo with one of Justice Kavanaugh’s smiling face and called their expressions “the look of white patriarchy.” Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, a University of Pennsylvania associate professor in education, tweeted that Sandmann represents “the smiling face of whiteness.” So “Smiling While White” is now essentially a hate crime. In fact, Smiling While White is not even considered a smile; it’s a “smirk,” and smirking is now seen as something only whites do. Has no one ever seen Barack Obama’s face?

    Last month Democrat Senators Kamala Harris and Mazie Hirono grilled Trump judicial nominee Brian Buescher over his membership in the Catholic fraternal organization, the Knights of Columbus. Both hard-left Senators referred to the KoC’s “extreme positions” and Harris complained that it was an “all-male” institution – because any Christian-based institution that is all-male must be a hotbed of rapey patriarchs. Last week, Dan Levin, a reporter from the New York Times, went on Twitter with the hashtag “ExposeChristianSchools” digging for dirt on Christian educators. The day after his confrontation with Covington Catholic students, Nathan Phillips and his drum-and-chant ensemble, who demand reparations from the Catholic Church for indigenous peoples, tried to disrupt a Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C.

    What all this comes down to is identity politics, the Marxist-inspired ideology of divide-and-conquer. It shrewdly posits that the dynamics of Western society can be reduced simply to the conflict between oppressor and oppressed, and thus the most effective way to resist and ultimately overcome the oppressor is to define and categorize people not by their individual character but collectively by the immutabilities of race and sex. In America as well as elsewhere in the Western world, the oppressor is seen as the Christian white male, and all other identities belong to one or more categories of the oppressed. The end game is not unity of the body politic, not e pluribus unum, but the overthrow of the oppressor.

    In this worldview, if you are, say, black, then you are defined as an oppressed class regardless of what you think and believe, regardless of your economic stratum, regardless of your life experience. If you are a black who resents being lumped in with other blacks simply because of your skin color, and you resist the expectation to consider yourself a victim of white supremacy, then in the view of identity politics you aren’t really black. You are ostracized as a race traitor. Likewise for members of other designated victim groups.

    But for all the left’s obsession with victims, the demographic facing far-and-away the most open bigotry today is the oppressor class, white Christian men. Nowhere is this more evident than in the indoctrination mills of our universities, where entire Women’s Studies and Ethnic Studies departments extol the righteous victimhood of the oppressed classes, alongside proliferating programs on “deconstructing whiteness” and “toxic masculinity.” In response to the Covington controversy, Kevin Allred, a white man and purported educator who teaches a course in “Politicizing Beyoncé,” tweeted that “white people really are terrorists. whiteness is terrorism.” Substitute "blackness," "Jewishness," or "Muslims" for "white people" in that tweet and there would be a flood of hate speech accusations and a Twitter ban. But because the left has made it culturally acceptable to spew hatred at whites, Allred will face no consequences. Whites who object to this are dismissed by the left as whining snowflakes – proving the point that blatant bigotry against them is acceptable.

    None of this is new. Western civilization and the Christian white males with whom it is identified have been targeted increasingly for decades in the name of diversity and multiculturalism (recall Rev. Jesse Jackson in the 1980s leading Stanford protesters in the chant, “Hey ho, hey ho, Western Civ has got to go”?). As far back as twenty years ago, David Horowitz published a collection of essays called Hating Whitey about this dangerous phenomenon and its “growth industry” of anti-white activists and academics. Getting from hating whitey to literally exterminating whitey may be a bridge too far, but dismantling the purported white power structure by dehumanizing white males, inculcating a deep sense of guilt and self-hatred in them, and squeezing them out of positions of authority and influence is manageable and already underway.

    Especially with the onset of Trump Derangement Syndrome, the left has ramped up this offensive against the Christian white male “oppressors” such as 16-year-old Nicholas Sandmann who stand in the way of their “inclusive” Marxist utopia. And like Sandmann, we must stand our ground.

  3. #703
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

  4. #704
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post

    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.
    We won’t have to fight you."
    We’ll so weaken your economy until you’ll fall like overripe fruit into our hands."

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Fitting this lib-tard is on 'Russia Today'.

    He said "A lot of people think I'm an idiot" @7:30 mark...yeah, one of the 'USEFUL IDIOTS'!

    This guy is part of the Cloward and Piven infestation out to destroy America, a Russian strategy planned years ago to take down the West.

    Nikita Khruschev while visiting the United States in 1956 said to Vice President Nixon that his grandchildren would live under communism.

    Two months later while Nikita Khrushchev visited the United States he told U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ezra Taft Benson:

    “You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won’t have to fight you. We’ll so weaken your economy until you’ll fall like overripe fruit into our hands .”
    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Ezra Taft Benson-Warning

    This is a excerpt from a talk given at BYU in 1966 entitled "Our Immediate Responsibility" by former U.S Secretary of Agriculture, Ezra Taft Benson for eight years under President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

    Benson believed that a communist/socialist conspiracy was working within our country to subtly drive us, like cattle, into communism...

    Who said 'The US will fall without a shot being fired'?

    This quote is taken from a speech Nikita Khrushchev made before the U.N. in the early years of the Cold War. "America will fall without a shot being fired. It will fall from within."
    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    This falls into place, after Joseph Stalin became frustrated after FDR and the Progressives lost their hold on the Executive Branch. Nikita Khrushchev had to change the Soviet Strategy to take down the west, to 'Grind America Down' you have to erode it's strengths from within, the very pillars that made it great.

    The Communist Takeover of America: 45 Declared Goals

    Vice President Nixon and Soviet P Minister Nikita Kruschev, 1959
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    In light of the events in Ferguson and other cities, this video was brought to my attention.

    It is an hour and fifteen minutes long so be prepared to allot that time.

    Here's the description on the video:

    It is very worth the watch.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    Building on the original posting of this video with what has happened in South Carolina, fast forward to 31:22...
    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Five stages of Urban Guerrilla Warfare - 2016 Edition: A Two Front Assault on America

    In light of the recent Black Lives Matter turmoil, a repost seems appropriate.

    Originally published June 21, 2016.

    PZ Comments: The history of urban guerrilla conflict informs understanding of contemporary American political discourse and protest, which is exclusively done in urban areas as seen on your nightly news. Our founder and intrepid staff writer/researcher YTZ unearthed a RAND report by terrorism and security expert Brian Michael Jenkins from the dusty recesses of 1971 to highlight elements of this dynamic.

    To refresh your memory or to give context to those younger, in 1971 gas cost 40 cents a gallon, postage was 8 cents per stamp, the NASDAQ appeared and fresh turkey was 43 cents a pound.

    Vietnam was winding down, Apollo 14 made the 3rd moon landing, Nixon was President, the Weather Underground led by Bill Ayers (of Obama buddy fame) bombs the U.S. Capitol Building and the legal decision Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education establishes the failed federally mandated public policy of “busing”.

    Link to Jenkins' Full 1971 Rand Report (pdf)

    Into this volatile domestic political mix, Americans experienced riots, mass protests, the publishing of “The Pentagon Papers” and numerous signs that the American age was changing direction under the leadership of Richard Nixon. Interestingly, the reclusive RAND think tank issued this paper into that environment. Tellingly, it elucidated upon the failures of the Maoist rural rebellions and shone a light upon the emerging focus of guerrillas into the cities.

    What was forecast back then has become solid reality today – the Islamist massacres in Paris and Orlando, 2016 Marxist political mob riots in San Jose and Chicago and the urban core violence perpetrated by ethno-militias acting as the armed wing of the Progressives who now control the Democratic Party.

    Watch: Ferguson 2014: Stepfather of deceased Michael Brown exhorts the mob to "burn this bitch down"

    The upcoming convention of Republicans in Cleveland this summer likely will show this phenomenon in 1080i HD to a rapt audience. That the forces for such can assemble, perform actions on the objective and disperse with full media coverage should indicate to all but the densest that it is a coordinated, well funded effort at political intimidation.

    What characteristics do modern American political/guerrilla entities exhibit? How will you know them to recognize what is happening? YTZ has distilled the source document in her inimitable fashion to its essence, a politico-military bullion cube for some strong thought on your part. Let it steep and infuse your mind with the flavor of the times. Without further delay, for your review and consideration, here is YTZ's summation and contemporary spin on Jenkin's hypothesis:

    YTZ notes: I had found an old RAND report that according the footnotes

    "this paper was written originally for presentation to the working group on Military Operations in Urban Areas of the Military Operations Research Symposium at the Naval Postgrad school, Monterey, California, November 17th, 1970. Subsequently it was requested for use in course work by the United States Army Institute for Military Assistance, Fort Bragg, North Carolina".

    It has been my observation for quite some time now that we are under attack by an urban guerilla insurgency and that it is a two front war - the first is by Collectivists of the Progressive/Fabian flavor who seek to destroy the foundations of private property, free markets and individual liberty to impose their marxist utopia, headed by elite technocrats who know how to make the "best" decisions for everyone enforced in a unilateral, top-down manner. The pointy tip of the spear for this front is Black Lives Matter and Social Justice Warriors. The second front is an attack by Totalarian forces, who seek to weaken/threaten/intimidate the West to bring it under the umbrella of the worldwide Caliphate they are seeking to build. The shock troops for this front are Islamic jihadists and refugees funded by the Saudis and exported worldwide. The two groups for the moment are allies for the moment as a free and open West is their common enemy. Jenkins' paper lays out a foundation for action that both Progressives and Islamists within the West, and in particular, the US, are exploiting and "community organizing" around.

    Stage 1: Violent Propaganda Stage

    Publicity for the guerrillas is the key objective of the first stage.

    “The World is watching”. Consider that almost all guerrilla operations are really “armed propaganda” for mass consumption to convince a population to accept the "new consensus". Public relations "experts" and their handmaidens in the media craft a "narrative" that they relentlessly project through all channels of mass media. As a contemporary update, look at the "narrative" myth created by Ryan Julison that Trayvon Martin was an innocent, unarmed child ruthlessly gunned down by a white vigilante and to this day has resonance as "truth" in many communities. Everyone has a personal electronic device at this point and any event can make it onto the “news”.

    Targets are chosen for maximum propaganda effect. Most are symbolic of perceived "economic exploitation" or "oppression" (World Trade Center in '93 and on 9/11) and some meet other objectives for funding, resources, etc. In Latin America, several guerilla groups conducted bank robberies to fund their activities until they co-opted university students and gained access to student funds that were redirected to the "cause". Compare and contrast this with the recent Black Lives Matter occupation of university campuses, and their ever-escalating demands, usually centered around funding of "black only" faculty, support staff and "scholarships".

    Breitbart: 25 Nutty Demands from Black Lives Matter

    "We demand several black financial advisors whose sole purpose is to find and distribute scholarships and financial aid to and for black students specifically"

    I would post that the Black Grievance Industry is well past this checkpoint.

    I would further postulate that the Saudi financed Islamic hijra movement has reached this milestone as well, with the high resale propaganda value of the 9-11 attacks, as well as the Ft Hood massacre and other attacks on US soil designed to signal their presence and intent to "fundamentally transform" America and fold it into the arms of the worldwide caliphate they are attempting to build.

    Stage 2: Organizational Growth Stage

    Propaganda and delegitimization of the government or culture remains a key priority. The “Government” has taken it on as a mission to auto-delegitimize under the guidance of radicals, leftists and fellow travellers deeply embedded in the infrastructure of the current Regime and each day brings a fresh outrage to average citizens at a criminal and corrupt Administration that is out of control, out of touch and untethered to any chains that may have tied it to the precepts of the Constitution. "Sanctuary cities" are another example of Fabian propaganda and delegitimization at work.

    Misdirection and forcing of resource allocation. Section 8 and the new HUD/DOJ diktats mandated "disadvantaged" groups be resettled into successful, stable majority white communities is one modern disruptor that is a 2016 spin on an old doctrine. Another contemporary example is the “1.9 Billon for Zika” and "Green Jobs" funding (Solyndra et al) ... pray tell, to do what with? Any emotionally tugging news story that is answered by vague Federal and State programs that cost Billions, with no elucidated realistic plan of action and milestones is, to put it bluntly, a mass extortion and graft scheme that enables selected groups and individuals to launder vast sums in a massive wealth redistribution scheme and further fund the American downfall.

    Make conditions intolerable in order to precipitate a coup by disaffected elements within the government. The purging of white, Christian heteronormative male career military especially within the intelligence and operations/combat arms elements and their replacement with ideologically pure “affirmative action” but not necessarily competent selections echoes the strategies of Leftist Latin American guerrillas. As an example of how the existing organizational structure of the military is exploited to conduct the actual takedown of the existing structure, Jenkins outlines in 1944 young Army officers worked directly with student groups to coordinate street demonstrations, sit-ins and occupation of radio stations and other key targets as a joint covert operation to overthrow the government by the military. The emplacement of loyal unquestioning partisans within the structure of the military, and specifically, intelligence and operations communities, is not by accident. Remember, unlike Latin guerillas, modern Fabians advance their agenda incrementally and with great patience. There is a reason the "turtle" is the unofficial symbol of the Fabian socialist ideology.

    Violence is also deployed as a means of coercing the government (or culture) into refraining from or emplacing policies and procedures, such as gun control, banning conceal carry rights, ending "Stop and Frisk" street searches, etc. Contemporary examples in Ferguson, Baltimore and other vibrant locales illustrate this exact point. The most recent example is the complaint of a co-worker of jihadist Omar Mateen that although complaints about him were lodged with HR, the company did nothing "because he was muslim". The rush to (over)charge in recent political trials (George Zimmerman, Baltimore PD) is deliberate in order to provoke riots, inflame already aggrieved minority communities and to disrupt the normal judicial process as well as delegitimize it. Heavy handed DOJ "civil rights investigations" compel local police departments to sign "Consent Decrees" making equal application of statutes untenable. The end to New York City's successful "Stop and Frisk" policy has caused gun violence to soar in the city.

    In this stage, to grow the organization, the guerrillas need access to money and weapons. This is interesting, as American small arms sales have increased year on year since Obama ascended into office. America is now flooded with arms, some of which are redirected by the Obama regime to arm their proxies (Mexican drug trafficking organizations, Islamic terrorists and urban thugs. See example of Fast and Furious BATFE arms smuggling and trafficking operation).

    This also explains the new emphasis on occupying university campuses with demands for funding for "blacktivist" services and students, which will be used as a giant slushfund for street operations of the wider campaign. The fact that student activity fees are mandatory and generated mainly from "white, privileged" students makes the confiscation and redirection even sweeter in the eyes of the guerillas - an updated racial Robin Hood scenario.

    In my view, the Black Grievance Industry has passed these milestones successfully.

    Reports that the Islamists have been smuggling and stashing weapons into both Europe and the US should give any rational person pause, once it is placed into the bigger picture/timeline. Mosques are used as indoctrination centers, weapons caches, logistics nodes and sources of funding for operations. They also insert agents into front line positions at airports for intelligence gathering.

    Stage Three: The Guerrilla Offensive

    Real, rather than symbolic targets become the objective. When Police Departments and other “control” points such as National Guard Armories start getting attacked, you know that you are in this phase. This has already happened in Ferguson, Missouri in a limited fashion.

    Armed assaults grow in frequency and intensity. Note the demographics of who is assaulting whom and that the absence of racial category information in mainstream news indicates that the perpetrators are not of a group that helps the progressive cause or advances the narrative. This is so common in the current year that it almost does not bear mentioning. That armed attacks happen notably in very restrictive zones for firearms hints that the real purpose of “gun free zones” and restrictive firearms legislation is paradoxically TO PROVIDE UNARMED VICTIMS that will drive fascist control efforts.

    *Update: As we were finishing this up to post, an Islamic jihadist attacked a prominent and popular "gun free zone" gay nightclub in Orlando, FL. The Mayor was quick to declare a "state of emergency" which fits with the template to force the state into over reaction and creation of discomfort for the innocent residents of the area attacked.

    Read: 50 Dead in Orlando, State of Emergency Declared

    Police and other security forces withdraw into garrisons, allowing the guerrillas to control the streets and begin to construct a shadow government-in-waiting.

    Controlling the narrative and communicating the guerrillas' long term aims to the masses becomes the main focus of propaganda. This happens DAILY in contemporary America by a fawning, collaborationist press.
    50 people are reported killed in the #PulseNightclub attack, making it the deadliest gun violence incident in US history.

    — Newsweek (@Newsweek) June 12, 2016

    Arms are stashed in anticipation of an armed uprising. Complementary to the guerillas' actions, middle class America is arming itself at a rate that boggles the uninformed mind but is perfectly logical in light of decades of progressive programs to dispose and disenfranchise them - a not irrational reaction to the insane policy choices made by our current radical Marxist, Islamic leadership. To paraphrase Bill Ayers, you don't need a weather forecast to tell which way the wind is blowing.

    Stage Four: Mobilization of the Masses

    Provoking repression becomes a key objective in order to generate mass support and momentum. This is also part of the aforementioned auto-delegitimization.

    They must force the government (or culture) to act as oppressor to convince others of the righteousness of their cause and that the government is no longer an ally but an enemy. This is the forcing of a Fort Sumter moment upon the people, who will be strongly encouraged to grant moral superiority to the guerrilla cause and all its minions. Think on this point with every “police brutality” incident or “dindu nuffins gets shot in da hood” news item.

    The judicial system is a core target. If documents can be destroyed, witnesses intimidated, evidence tampered with etc then the government is forced into extraordinary measures to carry out justice, giving rise to claims of repression, corruption, illegitimacy etc. Also consider the role of racial Balkanization within the Judiciary, particularly relevant to the current Judge Curiel/Donald Trump brouhaha. With radicalized, activist judges embedded within the structure, biased judgments to achieve political ends are ever more common.

    Continued violence directed at police to induce them to become “trigger happy” allow the guerrillas to claim that the police unilaterally brutalize the population without cause and goad the government into punitive measures such as curfews, which inflame the larger resident populations inconvenienced by such decisions. In Obamerica this has resulted in a rising toll of Police duty deaths as urban enclaves and whole cities relaxed any policy of policing deemed “racist” by the political charlatans that activate the guerrilla forces and other radical agitators.

    The guerrillas may launch waves of terror against their opposition and pin it on the governments internal security forces. This is a standard operating procedure in the Third World and is called a “false flag”. It also happens among allies and Western nation states. One need look no further than the “Years of Lead” in Italy perpetrated by Operation GLADIO operatives, and one may even suspect it in the FLQ Crisis (kidnap/murder of Pierre LaPorte).

    General strikes are called so that unoccupied workers may be converted into street fighters. Long term deliberate and systemic unemployment achieves the same ends. Consider that America's labor involvement of working age people shows 100 Million or so people who could work as out of the labor force, supplying a vast manpower pool as the guerrilla forces will require. A simple look at official vs actual unemployment illustrates the point that Americans are now the primary psychological operations target of their own “government”. Idle hands are the Devil's plaything.

    Riots occur with increasing frequency as a means of misdirection and to provide cover for the guerrillas so that they can carry out other operations, such as assassinations and armed assaults. The goal of riots is also to provoke the government into over reaction and taking heavy handed measures that affect the population at large, triggering discontent and anger. Paid agitators are deployed, and barricades are constructed so that the guerrilla forces can direct the mob and deny the government easy access to their own lines of supply. This template was carried out during the ongoing “Ferguson” manufactured unrest. Ponder when “riot” came to be something you were no longer surprised by. Note the year of your observation.

    Widespread riots quickly wear out the police, allowing the guerrillas greater freedom of action and movement. The police may even be driven out of entire areas of the city, ceding control to the guerrillas. The better organized guerrillas will move among the mob, further inflaming them and directing them to specific targets. Rioting is by nature "directionless" and requires intervention by guerrilla forces to keep them motivated and on target. That professional agitators are at work in contemporary riots is undeniable. Local governments act as professional agitators in their own communities for personal political aggrandizement at no cost to themselves- witness the shameful display of civic leaders in Baltimore in the wake of the Freddy Gray riots. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and her “space to destroy” ideology doomed the city.

    Even more recently, there was the shameful coordination of the Mayor of San Jose and the police forces to redirect Trump rally goers INTO the center of the mob.

    Stage Five: Full on Armed Urban Uprising

    The masses are armed. The guerrillas are in control of the media to give directions to dissidents, and in control of the Narrative. The guerrillas occupy or destroy key government facilities. The objective is take over of the government, with a shadow government already staffed and in place.

    Note before the final stage - full armed uprising and overthrow - that the shadow government already is in place. Let that sink in. The unhelpful bureaucrat at the DMV, the guidance counselor in your child's school, the Human Resources director at your firm. As the last vestiges of civilization retire or are forced to resign, those sympathetic to the guerillas will be free to overtly engage in what they up until recently had to accomplish on the down-low.

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  5. #705
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    Members Of An Antifa “Gun Club” Are Fishing For Death With This Fake Gun Stunt

    In March of 2017, Free Market Shooter exposed the “Phoenix John Brown Gun Club”, which, according to many observers showed anti-Trump “counter protesters” showing up to a pro-Trump rally in Phoenix, Arizona openly carrying what appeared to be fake firearms:

    The only reference to firearms training was in their “events” page, which had an event that took place on March 5th, titled “Introduction to Tactical Firearms”. It had 46 guests. There were no upcoming events, and the prior four events had absolutely nothing to do with firearms.
    Not much of a “gun club” at all, is it? Would you really be surprised to find out that many of their members didn’t even carry real firearms to an “open carry” demonstration against a Trump rally?

    The group has appeared to respond to criticisms of “LARPing” with fake guns by releasing a YouTube video entitled “Phoenix John Brown Gun Club – Range Day”. But this video ends up exposing not only the group’s laughable lack of experience with firearms, it all but confirms the (even more difficult to deny) accusation that their “open carry” demonstration did include several fake firearms.
    The video (still up on YouTube when this article was published) is below:

    The shooting “range” in question during this video appears to be a spot in the desert. The “range” is littered with trash, as it appears PJBGC doesn’t bother to pick up after themselves. With a maximum distance of about 50 meters, most shooting takes place at what appears to be about 50 feet, if that… including the rifle “shootout” segments of the video.

    Bear in mind, the US Army Field Manual on marksmanship indicates that the weapon is zeroed (sighted) at 25 meters, with qualified training taking place at 50 meters or further, and a maximum scored distance of 300 meters. Then again, even at the shorter distances, PJBGC doesn’t even seem particularly concerned with zeroing their weapons at all.

    This is evident in their “shootout” starting at 2:09. I counted a number of shots completely missing the targets, at a distance that was no greater than 25 meters, most likely much closer than that. Bear in mind what the US Army Manual states on 25-meter “zeroing”:

    After completing Phases I and II, the Soldier conducts a firing event (Table 7-29) to zero or confirm the zero on his weapon and reinforce the fundamentals of marksmanship. This firing event will be conducted on a 25-meter range. If the Soldier cannot zero within 18 rounds, the trainer recommends retraining, retesting, or possible removal from the course. After the weapon is zeroed, any additional rounds will be fired and the coach will observe the Soldier for deficiencies in his marksmanship fundamentals.

    But don’t worry, certainly the PJBGC has other marksmanship qualifiers outside of the US Army Manual, right?

    Take a closer look at two of the people who participated in said “shootout”:

    The one on the left appears at many points throughout the video, including a bayonet “intimidation” charge which will be discussed later. He appears to be the same man who appeared in the above photos from the March rally in a blue shirt, and can be seen wearing what appear to be the same pants, shoes, bandana and accessory pouch at the PJBGC “Range Day” as he did in March, only with a white shirt this time.

    What’s different about him this time besides the shirt? The firearm, of course… because at no point in the video does any “drum” magazine appear to be used at all, by anyone. In fact, the “blue shirt” man in question from the top “counter protest” photo (on the left) appears to be using the wooden SKS-style rifle carried by the guy on the right of the first photo throughout the entire “Range Day” video.

    As for the one circled on the right? She is seen firing an AK-style rifle during the video, and when her rifle appears to jam, she appears to not only perform several “dry” trigger pulls, she also appears to have no idea how to clear the jam. Which is hardly surprising, as she is seen later in the video at 4:21 firing a completely different rifle, under supervision of a man in camo gear, who appears to supervise nearly all of the “Range Day” participants.

    Yes, the SKS appears to be the one of the only real rifles from the entire group that appeared in the March photos above, as the others made no appearance whatsoever at the PJBGC “Range Day”. The only other exception is the large scoped AR-derivative rifle (note the ultra-lite stock) which would likely be designed for ideal use at 100+meters… being fired at a distance at no more than 10 meters. It appears to be fired by the dreadlocked red bandana girl from the above photos which also appears to be the rifle she she toted in March, at 1:08:

    Notice: not only does she need to fire said rifle with supervision from the man in camo overlooking; just seconds earlier, the same exact rifle with the low-profile stock in question was seen being carried by another participant at the “arming table”, while she was standing right next to the person

    …and the rifle in question is later seen appearing to be fired by the above girl in red stripes during the other “shootout” at 5:14. If this is indeed a real rifle, it is almost certainly not owned by the woman who toted it at the open carry “counter protest”, even if the owner let her fire off a few rounds for appearance’s sake.

    In fact, with the exception of the aforementioned SKS, and the scoped AR with the low-profile stock, none of the other weapons pictured at the “counter protest” appear anywhere in the “Range Day” video. While there are clearly many real rifles sprinkled into the group, three out of four of the “fake ones” in the second photo of the “counter protest” have all but confirmed to be fake after all, including the one carried in March by Mr. Bayonet Charge…

    …who is the aforementioned “white shirt” guy who toted a fake gun at March’s “counter protest”, this time executing a “bayonet charge” on a thoroughly shot-up “Pepe the Frog” target with the SKS he is seen shooting earlier… of course, with supervision:

    Do not take this the wrong way – there is absolutely nothing wrong with first-time and/or beginner shooters learning how to both handle firearms and the proper fundamentals of marksmanship. In fact, you’ll notice most shooters welcome first-timers to shooting ranges, and teach them how to handle firearms properly and safely… which appears to be the one thing PJBGC gets right – safe usage of firearms under controlled conditions. The more people who understand safe operation of firearms, the better off we all are.

    Still, it was clearly far too easy to expose the inexperience and overall lack of firearms proficiency this “gun club” chooses to assign to itself, all while shooting a video intended to intimidate its adversaries. These are clearly beginners, with a glaring lack of general marksmanship skills, masquerading as a trained combat-ready group, openly carrying firearms in an attempt to show pro-Trump supporters just how tough they are… or in this case, aren’t.

    Take note, PJBGC… real “gun guys” are not fooled. It is rather easy to see how capable (or incapable) you are with a firearm after watching your “intimidation video”. You can strap up and act tough, but you better be careful if you plan on making yourself a target… when the bullets start flying, that firearm you’re toting isn’t going to do you much good (beyond putting a big bulls-eye on your back) if you can’t fire it accurately. Of course, that all assumes the gun is even real in the first place, and not one of the fake ones exposed being carried in March.

    But, good luck trying to explain that to PJBGC… in spite of the negative response they’ve received to this video, it is rather difficult for you to explain that to them – they made sure to disable comments for the video.

    Antifa “Gun Club” Responds To Fake Gun Critics With Laughable “Range Day” Intimidation Video

    The group has appeared to respond to criticisms of “LARPing” with fake guns by releasing a YouTube video entitled “Phoenix John Brown Gun Club – Range Day”. But this video ends up exposing not only the group’s laughable lack of experience with firearms, it all but confirms the (even more difficult to deny) accusation that their “open carry” demonstration did include several fake firearms.

    The video (still up on YouTube when this article was published) is below:

    It was clearly far too easy to expose the inexperience and overall lack of firearms proficiency this “gun club” chooses to assign to itself, all while shooting a video intended to intimidate its adversaries. These are clearly beginners, with a glaring lack of general marksmanship skills, masquerading as a trained combat-ready group, openly carrying firearms in an attempt to show pro-Trump supporters just how tough they are… or in this case, aren’t.

    Take note, PJBGC… real “gun guys” are not fooled. It is rather easy to see how capable (or incapable) you are with a firearm after watching your “intimidation video”. You can strap up and act tough, but you better be careful if you plan on making yourself a target… when the bullets start flying, that firearm you’re toting isn’t going to do you much good (beyond putting a big bulls-eye on your back) if you can’t fire it accurately. Of course, that all assumes the gun is even real in the first place, and not one of the fake ones exposed being carried in March

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  6. #706
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    I love seeing these Commies with their guns!


  7. #707
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    The Young Turks' Hasan Piker: Redistribution of Wealth Is Coming, "By Policy Or By Pitchforks"

    Posted By Ian Schwartz
    On Date February 7, 2019

    'The Young Turks' commentator Hasan Piker explains why 'billionaire' is a dirty word and warned that a more equitable redistribution of wealth is coming, "by policy or by pitchforks."
    HASAN PIKER, THE YOUNG TURKS: Technological advances have rendered globalism an unstoppable force so we have to adapt to it. One immediate way of doing that is through drastic wealth redistribution and that starts with banning billionaires. Part of the point of having a society, of having government is to "promote the general welfare." Welfare -- it's literally right there in the preamble in the Constitution.

    Yet for some reason, we've been propagandized into believing that the purpose of the government is to clear the path for individuals to acquire and hoard ungodly amounts of wealth, regardless of the consequences to the rest of us or the health of the society as a whole. And now people all around the world are waking up. They are coming to the realization that this is no way to run a society and perhaps that's why 'billionaire' is becoming a bad word.

    Look, this may scare you. But a more equitable distribution of wealth is coming, whether it is by policy or by pitchforks. So it's up to you guys. Which one is it going to be?
    Last edited by vector7; February 8th, 2019 at 00:13.

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  8. #708
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

    This just came across my Facebook feed. Not sure how I missed it in September since I try to keep an eye on TTAG.

    The Violent Left Says They Want a Civil War: Antifa Forming A ‘Red Army’

    September 1, 2018

    A year ago, I wrote about the left’s civil war heating up in America. Since then, Antifa and company continue their armed marches against freedom and liberty. Initially, Antifa groups got away scot-free, beating Trump supporters bloody while, of course, calling them fascists and Nazis. More recently though, Antifa’s masked thugs have been the ones suffering the thumpings in direct confrontations.

    In response, radicals have ramped up their efforts to form what they’re calling a “Red Army.” Why? To “annihilate” their enemies, of course.

    Really. From one of the Red Guards Austin manifestos, posted August 19th and still online:

    Oppose the Counterfeit! Antifascism Must Take On a Paramilitary Character!

    …The fact that no fascists were harmed in the making of this “counter-protest” only proves that the main organizers have no stomach for antifascism—for us antifascism is concrete—it does not mean simply voicing a disagreement it means stopping fascists in their tracks and hurting their efforts to the point where they stop organizing.

    …On the basis of our principled united front work, fascists and their collaborators can be drowned out, run out, routed, beaten bloody, and even annihilated. These are our principles and we aim to hold them to the very finish.

    The twisted minds of these radical leftists view their unlawful, unprovoked violence against their political enemies as self-defense. In reality, their “self-defense” looks a whole lot like textbook fascism. In other words, using force and violence to suppress opposing points of view.

    One thing seems perfectly clear. If the authorities do not stop and prosecute this sort of political violence, peace-loving American gun owners will. The will have no choice but to protect themselves, as is their right.

    Looking back to the 2016 elections, the radicals in Antifa and their Black Bloc BFFs freely “drowned out, run out, routed, beaten bloody, and even annihilated” their fellow Americans. Local cops, some ordered to stand down, allowed the political violence to go effectively unchecked.

    Or worse yet, cops in some places acted in concert with the violent left. In San Jose, Ninth Circuit appellate court justices have allowed a lawsuit against the police to proceed. Cops there not only failed to protect Trump supporters at an organized rally, but actually routed them into a mass of violent “counter-protesters.”

    How did these Antifa types get away with this for so long? Sympathetic local government leaders, coupled with Americans’ reluctance to settle political disagreements via violence allowed this to happen.

    It goes without saying that Antifa has no reservations about using violence to achieve their political goals. In fact, these masked thugs who fancy themselves anti-fascists live by Alinski’s Rules for Radicals.

    “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.”
    “Never go outside the expertise of your people.”
    “Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy.
    “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
    “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
    “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
    “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
    “Keep the pressure on.”
    “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
    “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”
    “If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside”
    “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
    “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

    Particularly when it comes to violence, the left loves Rule #4 by counting on their fellow Americans not to risk possibly breaking the law to defend themselves. The left knows that everyday Americans will avoid resorting to violence, sometimes even when attacked. Since childhood, our society has taught people to eschew, and not embrace violence. And decent, well-adjusted, civilized people do indeed avoid violence.

    Couple the reluctance to fight back with Rule #9, “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself,” this allows bullies to make threats to bully and intimidate others into silence. In other words, using the threat of violence is enough to suppress opposing viewpoints. That’s fascism.

    Antifa never really believed that conservative Americans might actually answer violent attacks…with violence. It’s one thing for bullies to intimidate through force of numbers. It’s another when bullies see and taste their own blood.

    This past summer, the right has organized and successfully pushed back against masked troublemakers. In most cases, it hasn’t gone well for the true fascists. Masked toughs don’t respond well when their intended victims don’t run, but fight back instead. In fact, masked tough guys tend to break and run pretty quickly when faced with violent resistance.

    Take Mr. Masked Antifa, who tried to wield an expandable baton in Oregon earlier this summer. One punch and he was down for the count. Here’s the video.

    In the streets where I live, attacking someone with a baton – with or without a mask – carries the risk of getting shot and taking the room temperature challenge.

    Speaking of Portland: the battle of Portland his summer resulted in a near complete rout for the Black Bloc.

    At another Portland event, an Antifa member’s crash course in kung fu got him knocked out cold. He learned that going hands-on carries risks. Especially when the other person is not intimidated by a group of Black Bloc bullies.

    So faced with these humiliating defeats, the Antifa crowd now apparently is seeking an arms race.

    From that same Red Guards Austin manifesto:

    …we encourage the formation of paramilitary organizations on two levels. The first being those who are mainly unarmed but are prepared and trained to carry out fist fighting or using blunt weapons like axe handles or flagpoles as well as shields and basic armoring. The second level is the more advanced embryo of a Red Army, which is trained militarily and operates as soldiers all the time, engaging in production and mass work among the proletariat and the oppressed nation’s people.

    I know from experience participating in and teaching Appleseed shoots that gun ownership doesn’t make a skilled marksman any more than piano ownership makes a skilled musician. At the same time, we know that bad music won’t kill innocent people.

    Hopefully this is nothing more than fanciful talk from the radical left and will go nowhere. However, they have already demonstrated a willingness to tool-up and to use violence to suppress opposing viewpoints. If and when these “Red Guards” put their two acts together, they may win the first round of bloodshed.

    Shortly thereafter, sanity will prevail and they will learn first-hand what Americans are willing to do to defend their freedom.

  9. #709
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post

    A Vandalized Valley

    While the elites make excuses, citizens cope with theft and destruction.

    Victor Davis Hanson
    December 21, 2011

    I am starting to feel as if I am living in a Vandal state, perhaps on the frontier near Carthage around a.d. 530, or in a beleaguered Rome in 455. Here are some updates from the rural area surrounding my farm, taken from about a 30-mile radius. In this take, I am not so much interested in chronicling the flotsam and jetsam as in fathoming whether there is some ideology that drives it.

    Last week an ancestral rural school near the Kings River had its large bronze bell stolen. I think it dated from 1911. I have driven by it about 100 times in the 42 years since I got my first license. The bell had endured all those years. Where it is now I don’t know. Does someone just cut up a beautifully crafted bell in some chop yard in rural Fresno County, without a worry about who forged it or why — or why others for a century until now enjoyed its presence?

    The city of Fresno is now under siege. Hundreds of street lights are out, their copper wire stripped away. In desperation, workers are now cementing the bases of all the poles — as if the original steel access doors were not necessary to service the wiring. How sad the synergy! Since darkness begets crime, the thieves achieve a twofer: The more copper they steal, the easier under cover of spreading night it is to steal more. Yet do thieves themselves at home with their wives and children not sometimes appreciate light in the darkness? Do they vandalize the street lights in front of their own homes?

    In a small town two miles away, the thefts now sound like something out of Edward Gibbon’s bleaker chapters — or maybe George Miller’s Road Warrior, or the Hughes brothers’ more recent The Book of Eli. Hundreds of bronze commemorative plaques were ripped off my town’s public buildings (and with them all record of our ancestors’ public-spiritedness). I guess that is our version of Trotskyization.

    The Catholic church was just looted (again) of its bronze and silver icons. Manhole covers are missing (some of the town’s own maintenance staff were arrested for this theft, no less!). The Little League clubhouse was ransacked of its equipment.

    In short, all the stuff of civilization — municipal buildings, education, religion, transportation, recreation — seems under assault in the last year by the contemporary forces of barbarism. After several thefts of mail, I ordered a fortified, armored mailbox. I was ecstatic when I saw the fabricator’s Internet ad: On the video, someone with an AK-47 emptied a clip into it; the mail inside was untouched. I gleefully said to myself: “That’s the one for me.” And it has been so far. But I wonder: Do the thieves not like to get their own mail? Do their children not play Little League? Do they not want a priest at their funeral? Would they not like to drive their cars without worrying about holes in the street? Or is their thinking that a rich society can cover for their crimes without their crimes’ ever much affecting them — given that most others still do not act as they do?

    I know it is popular to suggest that as we reach our sixties, everything seems “worse,” and, like Horace’s laudatores temporis acti, we damn the present in comparison to the past. Sorry, it just isn’t so. In 1961, 1971, and 1981, city street lights were not systematically de-wired. And the fact that plaques and bells of a century’s pedigree were just now looted attests that they all survived the Great Depression, the punks of the 1950s, and the crime-ridden 1970s.

    A couple now in their early 90s lives about three miles away from me on their small farm. I have known them for 50 years; he went to high school with my mother, and she was my Cub Scout leader. They now live alone and have recently been robbed nine, yes, nine, times. He told me he is thinking of putting a sign out at the entrance to his driveway: “Go away! Nothing left! You’ve already taken everything we have.” Would their robbers appreciate someone else doing that to their own grandparents? Do the vandals have locks on their own doors against other vandals?

    There is indeed something of the Dark Ages about all this. In the vast rural expanse between the Sierras and the Coast Ranges, and from Sacramento to Bakersfield, our rural homes are like stray sheep outside the herd, without whatever protection is offered by the density of a town. When we leave for a trip or just go into town, the predators swarm.

    Last summer several cars drove into my driveway, the surprised occupants ready with all sorts of innocent-sounding inquiries: “We just are looking for a rental.” “Do you have scrap for sale?” “We’re having car trouble.” And so on.

    All this serves as a sort of red/green traffic light: If someone comes out from the house, the driver poses the question and then abruptly leaves; but if no one appears, he strikes quickly. I remember three or four intruders I confronted this year who had trucks as nice as or nicer than my 2006 Toyota. Two had sports apparel more expensive than my jeans and sweatshirt. All were heavier than I. In other words, malnourishment, the desire for basic transportation, the need for clothing on their backs — all the classically cited catalysts for stealing — are not what is driving these modern vandals.

    At a local gathering last week, lots of farmers — of a variety of races and religions — were swapping just such stories. In our new Vandal state, one successful theft begets another — at least once deterrence is lost. In my case, one night an old boat in the barn was stripped. Soon, the storage house was hit. Ten days later, all the antique bolts and square nails were taken from the shop. Usually — as is true with the street lights — the damage to the buildings is greater than the value of the missing items. I would have given the thieves all the lost items rather than have had to fix broken locks and doors.

    I just spoke with another group of farmers at a rural fairground. Every single person I talked to has had the copper wire ripped out of his agricultural pumps within the last two years. The conduits taken from my own 15-horsepower and 10-horsepower pumps were worth about $200 at most. The repair bill was $1,500.

    Most farmers have lost any steel or iron lying around their barnyards, whether their grandparents’ iron wagon hardware or valuable replacement furrowers and discs. Stories of refuse piled in their vineyards and wrecked cars fished out of their orchards are monotonous. Did the thieves never eat raisins, a peach, an almond? And did they not appreciate that if we did what they did we would all starve?

    As I write, I am looking out the window toward my barn at a strange new trash pile that, presto, appeared overnight while I slept: all the accouterments of an old car — seats, dashboard, outside moldings, etc. — are heaped together, along with household garbage. What am I to do with it? I can’t burn it. (Believe me, an environmental officer would appear out of nowhere at the rising of the toxic smoke to fine me, as surely as he is absent when the garbage and refuse are tossed on the roadsides outside of town.) There is too much of it to pile into my $100-a-month Waste Management bin, where I put the plastic garbage sacks tossed by the mailbox each week. It would take two trips in my pickup to haul it to the distant county dump. So for now, the problem is mine, and not that of the miscreant who tossed it. Was he thinking, “Mr. Hanson has more time, more money, more concern over trash, or more neuroticism of some sort, and therefore is more likely to deal with my trash than I am”? — as if to say, “I can live in a neighborhood where wrecked car parts litter the road; he obviously cannot.” So are these tossers simply comfortable with refuse on our streets, or are they not, but, like irked toddlers with soiled diapers, expect someone else to clean up after them?

    And is not that the point, after all? Behind the easy criminality of stealing metal or driving outside of town to toss your garbage is an implicit mentality, as frightening as it is never expressed. Someone will indeed take the garbage away. And someone indeed will have copper wire for others to harvest for their needs. And someone will pay the taxes and costs associated with the commission of the crime, efforts at prevention, and rare apprehension of the criminal. And lastly, someone most certainly should. In our crude radical egalitarianism, the fact that one has more, and another less, is de facto wrong, and invites popular remedies. Now, for every crime committed, a new sociology will arise to explain away its commission. We are back to the bankrupt French philosophers who asserted: “Property is theft!”

    In the last 20 years, several vehicles have zoomed off the road and plowed into my rather short stretch of roadside vineyard. The symptomology has always been the same: The driver fled; no proof of registration or insurance was left behind. The cost of replanting the vines and replacing the stakes remained all mine. Even the car was towed away and impounded by the state for its fees. As I drive these days across the valley, I play a game of looking at vineyards abutting the road to spot newly replanted vines and fresh stakes; these car-induced blights are quite common. Occasionally, I see the Catholic version of the Orthodox iconostases so common on Greek roadsides — commemorative crosses and shrines erected to mark the spot where one driver did not survive the zoom into the vineyard or orchard.

    I just asked a neighbor how many times he has been rammed at a rural intersection, with the other driver fleeing the scene and leaving the car behind (my tally: twice). He laughed and said, “None, but I can top you anyway. Last month a hit-and-run driver swerved off the road, hit the power pole next to my farm, and fled as the high-voltage cables fell onto my grape arbors — and smoked ten acres of overhead vineyard wire.”

    I agreed that I could not top that. Who could imagine electrified grapes? I wonder how much in taxes the hit-and-run driver has paid this year to make up for the cost of a utility pole, and the repair of downed wires and a vineyard’s trellising system? Even more frightening are the thousands in our society — journalists, politicians, academics, activists — who get up each morning more concerned about the fleeing driver who destroys power and vines than the victims who pay for the carnage.

    The immediate reaction of the victimized in rural central California is predictable and yet quite strange. As in 5th-century North Africa, farmers feel that civilization is vanishing and they are on their own. The “authorities” of an insolvent state, like petty Roman bureaucrats, are too busy releasing criminals from overcrowded jails to want any more. The stories of cyclical releases are horrific: Criminals are not arrested and let go just twice a year, but five and six and ten times. Sometimes we read of the surreal, like this week’s story in my local Selma Enterprise of one criminal’s 36 arrests and releases — and these are only for the crimes we know he committed and was caught for:

    Chief says: Jail revolving door hurting Selma

    Crime is Topic No. 1 in Selma, which makes the story of Adam Joshua Perez worth telling. Selma Police have arrested Perez 24 times since he turned 18 in October 2004. Charges against the Selma man have included burglary, theft, possession of narcotics, and weapons-related offenses, according to interim Police Chief Myron Dyck. In that time period, the Fresno County Sheriff’s Department also arrested Perez eight times, and the Kingsburg Police took him into custody four times, Dyck said. Fresno Police also were looking at him for some car thefts, Dyck added.

    He calls Perez (born Oct. 23, 1986) a career criminal who’s getting the benefit of a broken criminal justice system. And there are other people like Perez on Selma’s streets, Dyck said.
    Yes, there are.

    There is also an unspoken acknowledgment of how state and local law enforcement now works, and it is predicated on a cost-to-benefit calculus. Reporting to the local police or sheriff a huge pile of refuse in your yard — even when the address of the tosser can be found from power bills or letters — or the theft of a tool from the barn is simply not worth the effort. It is not even worth the cost and trouble of activating a high-deductible farm-insurance policy. I guess the reasoning is that you in fact will replace the stolen item, and even if the criminal were apprehended, the costs of arrest, trial, and incarceration — even without the entrance of immigration authorities into the matrix — are too steep for a bankrupt state.

    Indeed, farmers out here are beginning to feel targeted, not protected, by law enforcement. In the new pay-as-you-go state, shrouded in politically correct bureaucratese, Californians have developed a keen sense of cynicism. The scores of Highway Patrol cars that now dot our freeways are looking for the middle class — the minor, income-producing infractions of the generally law-abiding — inasmuch as in comparison the felonies of the underclass are lose–lose propositions.

    If I were to use a cellphone while driving and get caught, the state might make an easy $170 for five minutes’ work. If the same officer were to arrest the dumper who threw a dishwasher or refrigerator into the local pond among the fish and ducks, the arrest and detention would be costly and ultimately fruitless, providing neither revenue from a non-paying suspect nor deterrence against future environmental sacrilege. We need middle-class misdemeanors to pay for the felonies of the underclass.

    The state’s reaction to all this is a contorted exercise in blaming the victim, in both the immediate and the abstract senses. Governor Brown wants to raise income taxes on the top two brackets by 1 to 2 percentage points, making them over 11 and 12 percent respectively. That our schools are near dead last in test scores, that many of our main freeways are potholed relics from the 1960s, that we just passed the DREAM Act to extend state financial support for college-age illegal aliens, and that the overtaxed are fleeing the state do not register. Again, those who in theory can pay, should — and should keep quiet about why they must suddenly pay a 12 percent income tax that was not needed, say, in 1991, 1971, or 1961, when test scores were higher, roads better, and communities far safer.

    There is, of course, a vague code of silence about who is doing the stealing, although occasionally the most flagrant offenders are caught either by sheriffs or on tape; or, in my typical case, run off only to return successfully at night. In the vast majority of cases, rural central California is being vandalized by gangs of young Mexican nationals or Mexican-Americans — in the latter case, a criminal subset of an otherwise largely successful and increasingly integrated and assimilated near majority of the state’s population. Everyone knows it; everyone keeps quiet about it — even though increasingly the victims are the established local Mexican-American middle class that now runs the city councils of most rural towns and must deal with the costs.

    Out here in the Dark Ages we depend instead on truth from the oral tradition, in the manner of Homeric bards. Rural folk offer their stories of woe to help others deter crime, cognizant that official accounts in the media are either incomplete or censored to reflect a sort of Ministry of Truth groupthink.

    Poverty, racism, class oppression, an uncaring society, government neglect, exploitation, greed — cite them all endlessly, as our coastal lawmakers, academics, and bureaucrats largely do. But most of these elite groups also seek to live as far away as possible from rural central California, the testing ground where their utopian imaginations become reified for distant others.

    The influx of over 11 million illegal aliens has had a sort of ripple effect that is rarely calibrated. Sixty percent of Hispanic males in California are not graduating from high school. Unemployment in rural California runs about 20 percent. There is less fear now of arrest and incarceration, given the bankruptcy of the state, which, of course, is rarely officially connected even in small part to illegal immigration. Perhaps because illegal immigration poses so many mind-boggling challenges (e.g., probably over $20 billion lost to the state in remittances, the undermining of federal law, the prejudice shown against legal immigration applicants, ethnic favoritism as the engine of amnesty, subterfuge on the part of Mexico, vast costs in entitlements and subsidies), talking about it is futile. So most don’t, in fear of accusations of “racism.”

    For those who do not leave the area, silence for now remains the norm. We pick up the litter from our farms on the implicit logic that the vandal — and, indeed, the state as well — expects us to, given our greater worry that his garbage would be likely to attract rats, flies, and other historical purveyors of illness. Dead cats, dirty diapers, used needles, baby carriages, shattered TVs, chairs, sofas, rotting lumber, broken windows, concrete blocks, tree limbs, used paint cans, household poisons, bags of used toilet paper and tampons, broken toys, fast-food boxes, toddler’s pools, tires, rotting chickens and dogs — anything that does not have easily detachable clean steel or copper — I’ve picked them all up from my vineyard and driveways.

    I do not (yet) move wrecked Winnebagos and trailers onto my single-family-zoned rural parcel to garner rental cash, as do many of my neighbors. After all, some must not, if the careful zoning work of a century is to survive. When one dog in four is not licensed and vaccinated out here, we have a problem; when four out of four will not be, we should expect a 19th-century crisis. When there are three outdoor privies used daily behind a neighbor’s house, the local environment can still handle the flies, the odor, and the increase in the chance of disease; but if there were to be 100 in a half-mile stretch, civilization itself would break down.

    Cynicism is the result. We pay no attention to news accounts of new state measures to check the source of metals presented at recycling centers, because we know these efforts are futile — as futile as the “seminars” in which we are told to fence everything in, to buy huge guard dogs, to install video cameras in trees, and to acquire electric gates — as if we were not so much being protected but being held prisoner.

    I stay here, however, because I now ask: Why should we change our way of life rather than demanding that those who are changing it should look inward and themselves change?

    I imagine this is what it looks like when a society starts to crumble.
    It's spreading.

    Seattle is falling.

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    It's spreading.

    Seattle is falling.

    Wow, these spreading Socialist Utopian Sanctuaries are scary.

    Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco Values In Action

    by Stacey Lennox Read Profile arrow_right_alt

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said San Francisco values were what she and her party were about. In a video that was posted and since removed from YouTube, she said the following to campaign volunteers in 2018:

    “I don’t mind when they say things about me like I’m a liberal, I like that, I like that. But when they say San Francisco liberal, as if to make it sound like it’s something negative, them’s fighting words. Don’t attack my city. Don’t attack my city,” she said. “But San Francisco values, that’s what we’re about.”
    “Nancy Pelosi’s closing message: ‘San Francisco values, that’s what we’re about'”
    Naomi Lim, Washington Examiner, November 5, 2018

    Now there is some more insight into where those values lead. And it is certainly not where we should lead a nation.

    According to a headline in the San Francisco Chronicle:
    San Francisco — where drug addicts outnumber high school students
    Phil Matier, January 30, 2019

    Yes, you read that correctly. According to the article, the number of injection drug users in the city has increased since the last assessment in 2012.

    There are about 24,500 injection drug users in San Francisco — that’s about 8,500 more people than the nearly 16,000 students enrolled in San Francisco Unified School District’s 15 high schools and illustrates the scope of the problem on the city’s streets.
    Phil Matier, January 30, 2019

    Problems with drug use in public have been highlighted with stories about people injecting at BART stations in the city and needles being left in public places.

    The city’s clean needle program, which is intended to reduce disease transmission among drug users, gave out 5.8 million needles last year. That is an increase of nearly half a million from the year before.

    The Chronicle also reports that the city has spent $1.8 million cleaning these needles up from public places. It is so bad that it was an issue in the last mayoral race.

    The city “thinks” the problem is getting better. One clean up area saw a decrease of 27 needles during a recent cleaning. So there were only 123 found in the restrooms at Victoria Manalo Draves Park in 2018. Just 123. However, calls regarding discarded needles have risen nearly a third.

    The city is also where the SnapCrap app was born. It allows users to report piles of human feces to a municipal team whose job it is to clean it up.

    Issues like these have been partly to blame for disease outbreaks in San Diego and Los Angeles. Thyphus, the disease plaguing Los Angeles is flea-borne and was common in the Middle Ages. Its reach has extended outside the homeless population. San Diego saw an outbreak of Hepatitis A, a fecal-borne disease.

    California and it’s major cities are run exclusively by Democrats. Democrats promise Utopia. I bet you wouldn’t have guessed Utopia had such a basic sanitation problem.

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    The Left's Socialist Utopian Dream Unfolding...

    Bartell Drugs says it will not open any more stores in downtown Seattle after violent assaults on employees

    Posted 5:41 PM, March 25, 2019, by Hana Kim, Updated at 08:26PM, March 25, 2019


    SEATTLE -- The CEO of Bartell Drugs Kathi Lentzsch has been in her role for about year.

    She moved from San Francisco to take the job in Seattle, and frankly she says she is surprised over the number of incidents and the violence she is seeing in Seattle.

    Surveillance videos inside Bartell Drugs have captured countless shoplifting cases. In one incident, video shows a man in one aisle quickly running off with up to $700 worth of skincare products.

    Lentzsch says many times the criminals are bold and many of them are repeat offenders.

    “They will stand in front of our staff with a basket full of products and tell them we know you can’t come after us and walk out the door,” Lentzsch said.

    It’s costing the company a lot, but the CEO didn’t sit down with Q13 News to talk about shoplifting.

    “We've had too many cases of employees ending up in the hospital or with very serious issues,” Lentzsch said.

    Multiple employees have been rushed to the hospital because of violent assaults.

    Sometimes it’s shoplifting that escalates to assaults or just unprovoked attacks. The situation is concerning enough that the company is rethinking their future in the downtown core of Seattle.

    In one case, cameras captured a pharmacist stumbling back with a broken nose. The company says he asked a shoplifter if he could help them pay for the items he had witnessed the suspect stealing.

    “We have an individual who had two surgeries in December from being assaulted,” Lentzsch said.

    Most of the times there is nothing employees can do but just pick up the pieces, like the time a man lashed out and trashed the store. He appeared to be going through a psychotic episode.

    “My heart goes out to my store team, they are tough and yet compassionate and try to do the best they can,” Lentzsch said.

    The company says they have off duty police officers at two of their downtown Seattle branches.

    In one of those branches a woman tried to come after an employee despite a police officer standing in front of the worker. It took multiple officers to subdue the woman.

    “Where we would like help is the violent offenders, it was startling to me how different the city had become,” Lentzsch said.

    The company would like to hire more off-duty officers, but it's already costing hundreds of thousands of dollars to have officers in just two of the branches.

    “Frankly we are losing money in some of those stores because of the cost of putting after hour policemen,” Lentzsch said.

    She worries about the livelihood of the existing chains in Seattle, and for the time being the company has decided not to open any more stores in the downtown core.

    Lentzsch says for things to get better, city leaders and community members have to work together.

    She wants to be at the table to talk solutions and she hopes city leaders are actively working on new ways to tackle the problem right now.

    She doesn’t blame any one entity for the complicated situation. She says mental illness, drug addiction and homelessness all play a role in the uptick in violence.

    The CEO also says police officers are doing the best they can and that the problem is bigger than them. The company says they do not call 911 over shoplifting cases, only when there is a disruption or a dangerous situation. The company also says employees are told not to physically engage with shoplifters for their safety.

    Lentzsch says this is not a Bartell Drug problem because her competitors are facing the same issue and so are many other businesses across Seattle.

    In 71 Percent White King County, Washington (Home to Seattle), 85 Percent of Firearm Violence Is Committed by Non-Whites

    Paul Kersey
    • March 24, 2019

    Imagine living in Seattle, Washington. You are a citizen of King County (renamed to “honor” Martin Luther King Jr. in 1986, because William Rufus DeVane King – who it was originally named after – was a slave owner). It’s a 71 percent white county.

    Two years ago, the 2017 King County Firearm Violence report: , published by the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office – Crime Strategies Unit, was released.

    It matter-of-factly states:

    83 percent of the shooting victims are non-white (55.19 percent being black)
    85 percent of those charged were non-white (53.85 percent being black)
    King County is roughly six percent black.

    Whites, who represent the vast majority of the citizens of Seattle and King County, are a peaceful, docile people. Gun crime in Seattle and King County has a color, and racially speaking, it isn’t white.
    Last edited by vector7; March 28th, 2019 at 22:49.

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    America's Second Civil War Has Already Begun

    March 1, 2019

    In an excellent article by Jeff Lukens here on American Thinker, he asks the question, “Is a second civil war coming?” In reply, I say that America’s second civil war has already begun. Its opening shots were fired by Barack Obama when he stated, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

    Most of this country is center-right and never considered America a place that needed transformation. Most people can think of things they would change but few believe the nation needs to be torn down and rebuilt. Obama failed but the left soldiers on in its quest for a new America remade in their own image.

    When Obama went on his world apology tour, he wasn’t apologizing for America, he was apologizing for Americans. This is the essence of this second civil war. Leftists are demi-gods who believe they are America and that anyone who does not believe in them cannot lay legitimate claim to this country as their own.

    Yes, this war has begun. The opening skirmish was the Obama presidency itself, which history will see as a failure, despite what the media want us to believe in the here and now. Sure, he passed ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank, overregulated, and ruled by executive diktat to great media acclaim. Yet, ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank have been whittled away by legislation and judicial rulings, while Trump has prioritized deregulation and reversed many of Obama’s illegal executive orders.

    The war’s second battle was the 2016 presidential election when Hillary Clinton, Obama’s chosen successor, lost to a television personality whom very few took seriously as a candidate. Trump won despite the Obama administration conspiring with the Clinton campaign to steal the election and has remained as president even as that conspiracy fundamentally transformed into a failed coup attempt to depose him.

    Trump’s presidency has been the third battle and with his string of successes, the battle is being won. This, despite near-universal acrimony and condemnation among the media, the Democrats, and the left.

    But, “what difference, at this point, does it make?” because these victories are pyrrhic. As the eminent Michael Walsh said of the left, “they never stop, they never sleep, they never quit.” Democrats are chipping away at this nation with their policies. This is a war of attrition and we Americans are being attrited.

    For example, their “open borders” policy is effectively importing a new electorate -- one guaranteed to vote for them. The left agrees with Obama, there is nothing wrong with America, it’s those damn Americans, so they are going to drown the conservative vote with new Democrats. It’s the same with their policy of “everything should be free.” Why vote for someone who promises equal opportunity when someone else promises a better outcome?

    Nuclear winter became global warming became climate change became “we want total control over everything.” The reason why Democrat candidates for the presidency so quickly signed on to my congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal is its promise of comprehensive control over every aspect of our lives. Eliminating planes, trains, and automobiles will keep us close to our homes and jobs or for those “unwilling to work” in their basement enjoying their “universal basic income.” Dependent people without mobility are easier to control.

    The 2020 election looms as the next battle and it will be hard fought because Democrats have myriad policies that may sound great but are really about control. They have always been masters of micturating down our leg and telling us it is raining.

    Yet, they don’t need to trick us into acquiescence, because even should Trump win, without a complete reversal by the Democratic Party, a renewed free and fair media, and a return to the principles upon which this nation was founded, this war will continue, and it is only a matter of time before the left again wins the Presidency, or the House, or the Senate -- or all three.

    When that happens, this civil war will become hot because the Democrats are going to come for our guns. An armed citizenry is a free citizenry, and they can’t have that.

    The third most populated nation with 330,000,000 people, America has an estimated 350 million guns in circulation; any effort to seize them will call for the total mobilization of our armed forces, city and state police, and the National Guard.

    People are not going to turn in their guns and politicians who think they will do so are being naïve. Fighting will surely ensue as the forces of the regime go door to door to try to take them.

    Many of those empowered to confiscate weapons won’t obey orders. Defections will be common and there will be fighting in the streets, limited at first, but it will soon break out into open rebellion. The regime will become increasingly strident and many states will refuse to comply. Using Democratic-run “sanctuary cities” as an example of state nullification of federal law, talk of secession will become rife.

    The ruling leftists will, of course, be surprised, and orders will be given to the remaining loyalist forces to put down the rebellion. In the end, the death toll will far exceed the 620,000 people who died in our first civil war.

    To people who say it can’t happen here, I say history is replete with examples of places that no longer exist where people believed “it can’t happen here.”

    It can’t happen here? Open your eyes, it has already begun.

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    Original Seattle video is dead.

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    Sailer: What Is This?

    Posted on April 14, 2019 | 32 Comments
    CBS' The Good Fight encourages Political Terrorism


    It is the Communist media and its entertainment wing pushing at least the hot-flashing hordes of hopeless cat ladies that still watch CBS streaming clitcoms to accept anti-white violence.

    The Reds are on the move.

    Normies are enstupefied by sportsball and other panem et circenses.

    And many of the anti-Reds?

    CBS 'Punch a Nazi' Show Incites Violence (14:21)

    Interesting comments from Bracken on this today.

    Matt Bracken | April 14, 2019 at 09:24 | Reply

    The Left is gearing up for genocide against whites. Before every genocide, the targeted scapegoats are demonized in the media.

    Turkey/Armenians, USSR/Kulaks, Germany/Jews, China/landlords, Cambodia/intellectuals, Rwanda/Tutsis etc etc etc.

    The message being sent by this show is clear: the “white nationalist” scapegoats are evil monsters, “irredeemable deplorables,” and what can you do with irredeemables but do away with them? The social approval of the pre-genocide scapegoat message has a clear purpose, it’s psychological battle-space preparation.

    This is why the globalist/communist Left is conflating Nazism with “white nationalism,” which is their term for heritage American patriots.

    The problem for the Left is that heritage American patriots are armed to the teeth, and won’t be disarmed short of a bloody civil war, which the Left will probably lose, and lose badly.

    People living in glass houses should not throw stones, and people who live by the millions jammed into blue hives where every drop of water, box of food, gallon of fuel, and watt of electricity must be imported from the hostile heritage American hinterland should not instigate a civil war.

    Last edited by vector7; April 14th, 2019 at 22:29.

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    FBI Investigating Antifa For Plotting To Buy Guns From Cartel For ‘Armed Rebellion’

    April 29, 2019

    The FBI is investigating anti-fascist activists for an alleged plot to buy guns from a Mexican cartel in order to “stage an armed rebellion” at the southern border, according to an unclassified document obtained by The Chicago Tribune.

    The FBI document, from December of 2018, warns of militant antifa activists planning to “disrupt security operations” at the U.S.-Mexico border. The group allegedly planned to buy guns from a Mexican cartel associate known as Cobra Commander, in order to “stage an armed rebellion at the border.”

    The source who provided it to the San Diego Tribune asked the outlet not to publish the six-page document because the investigation is ongoing, and the outlet cited two additional law enforcement officials who confirmed the news. The FBI has warned dozens of law enforcement agencies in both Mexico and the United States of the alleged plot.

    Two of the men named in the report told the San Diego Tribune the allegations are absurd.

    “It doesn’t make any sense that someone from the United States would purchase guns in Mexico,” Ivan Reibeling, the man known as Cobra Commander, told the outlet. “And the Hondurans certainly didn’t bring money to buy guns. It doesn’t make any sense; in fact it’s extremely absurd to say the Hondurans wanted to attack the United States at the border.

    The FBI sent the report marked “priority” to agencies including the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the CIA and the National Security Administration.

    Antifa is known for using violent means, including in protests against peaceful conservative speakers, free speech advocates and even journalists. The well-documented instances of violence include a protester repeatedly punching a man in the face, throwing water bottles and launching fireworks at police officers and starting fires on a college campus with Molotov cocktails. The Daily Caller News Foundation’s reporting led to the arrest of an Antifa leader who stands accused of accosting and assaulting two Marines in Philadelphia.

    Former Vice President Joe Biden launched his campaign for president by praising the group. He referred to a group of protesters who gathered in Charlottesville, VA, and violently confronted white nationalists “a courageous group of Americans.”

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    Ex-CIA Counter Intelligence Officer, Kevin Shipp – Arm Yourself, Dark Left Violence is Coming

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  18. #718
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

    California May Go Dark This Summer, and Most Aren't Ready

    May 12, 2019

    A plan by California’s biggest utility to cut power on high-wind days during the onrushing wildfire season could plunge millions of residents into darkness. And the vast majority isn’t ready for it.

    The plan by PG&E Corp. comes after the bankrupt utility said a transmission line that snapped in windy weather probably started last year’s Camp Fire, the deadliest in state history. While the plan may end one problem, it creates another as Californians seek ways to deal with what some fear could be days and days of blackouts.

    Some residents are turning to other power sources, a boon for home battery systems marketed by Sunrun Inc., Tesla Inc. and Vivint Solar Inc. But the numbers of those systems in use are relatively small when compared with PG&E’s 5.4 million customers. Meanwhile, Governor Gavin Newsom said he’s budgeting $75 million to help communities deal with the threat.

    "I’m worried," Newsom said Thursday during a budget briefing in Sacramento. "We’re all worried about it for the elderly. We’re worried about it because we could see people’s power shut off not for a day or two but potentially a week."

    Six of the 10 most destructive wildfires in California history have come in the last 18 months, killing 123 people, and often shutting down large sections of the state’s electrical grid.

    The wildfire season usually starts around June and runs through December, exacerbated by strong winds that race through the state and dry conditions that turn brush and plants into tinder.

    PG&E has warned the city of Calistoga that it could cut service as many as 15 times this fire season, said Chris Canning, mayor of the Napa Valley town scarred by wildfires two years ago. But in an interview, the company’s vice president of electric operations, Aaron Johnson, said the number will depend on how extreme the weather is.

    The utility also plans to set up dozens of so-called “resiliency centers,” Johnson said by telephone, where backup generators can be brought in to run essential services. An initial pilot center is being built near Calistoga, he said.

    Canning said his community is working on its own solution. He’s looking at developing a small network of microgrids consisting of solar panels and batteries, which would allow his community to function when PG&E pulls the plug.

    Streetlights Dark

    The Calistoga mayor started seriously exploring the option after PG&E, fearing wildfire risk, cut power for nearly two days last fall, plunging his town into darkness. The outage meant assisted living facilities were crippled, streetlights were dark and gas pumps wouldn’t work. At the time, hardly anyone in the town had a backup generator, he said.

    "If this is the new normal, we have to accommodate for it,” Canning said.

    The Camp Fire in November, along with fires from the prior year, exposed PG&E to an estimated $30 billion or more in claims from blazes, hastening its January bankruptcy. Since then, the utility giant has been under pressure to better ensure that its equipment won’t spark fires. Earlier this year, PG&E said it would widen the scope of its power shutoffs to include high-transmission power lines, potentially impacting nearly 10 times the number of customers compared to an earlier plan.

    The state’s other investor-owned utilities also have shutoff programs, but on a smaller scale than PG&E.

    ‘Challenging Program’

    “It’s a very challenging program and not a decision that we take lightly given the safety risks that exist on either side,’’ PG&E’s Johnson said. It’s also part of a larger utility program designed to reduce the likelihood of wildfires including stepped up tree trimming, inspections, grid repairs and hardening, he added.

    PG&E has been holding meetings and planning exercises with local and state officials as part of its preparations, Johnson said.

    The utility aims to give at least two days warning about a shutoff and has embarked on a public awareness campaign including mailing letters to customers and is working to identify vulnerable residents. It also will be working to get power restored in a day after a shutoff, though its customers could be out for as many as five days, according to Johnson.

    State regulators, meanwhile, have said they’re developing shutoff notification guidelines for PG&E and all of the state’s utilities, requiring them to coordinate with state and local agencies. They want PG&E to use shutoffs as a last resort.

    Solar-Battery Combinations

    At the same time, the prospect of power outages is driving up interest in solar-battery combinations, said Sunrun Chief Executive Officer Lynn Jurich in an interview this week.

    ‘‘Wildfire outages are going to continue to happen," she said. “It’s not just a this-year thing.”

    Melvin Hoagland is already sold. He lost power for seven days at his home on the edge of Sonoma, California from the 2017 wildfires. All the food in the house rotted, causing a terrible smell that lasted for months. So he had Sunrun install a 9-kilowatt system comprised of 27 solar panels and one battery for his 2,100 square-foot home.

    The system will power four rooms for about 8 to 12 hours during a power outage, according to Sunrun.

    In 2016, less than 400 homeowners had a home battery system, according to BloombergNEF. Almost 10,000 units were in place last year. The average cost: About $16,400 with incentives.

    Hoagland said he opted for a zero-down, 20-year home-solar and battery-service agreement. He’s glad he did, given PG&E’s blackout warnings.

    “We were interested in becoming more independent,” he said. “It’s a very insecure feeling when they’re going to cut power off.”

    I sure hope they have enough power to send out video footage of the riots.

  19. #719
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    Default Re: Will America Break Up?

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Ex-CIA Counter Intelligence Officer, Kevin Shipp – Arm Yourself, Dark Left Violence is Coming
    What you have with the American ''Deep State'' are literal Communists like Brennan and Comey-who voted for the CPUSA candidates back in the 80's!-who are in charge of preparing the ground for an American version of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. And like the God-hating Bolsheviks back then, there will be destruction and death for their enemies unless they are ruthlessly dealt with early on.... Which I doubt.
    Don't like Fascists of any kind, Marxist, Islamist, red white black or brown, they can all take a long walk off a short pier.

  20. #720
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    The escalation continues...

    Masked Group Vandalizes DeKalb County Government Complex

    June 3, 2019

    DeKalb County Police say a group of people, wearing masks, vandalized the Maloof Administrative Building in Decatur overnight.

    The group was captured on security camera about 9:30 p.m., investigators say. As many as 26 people could be seen canvassing the area, breaking windows and spray painting the building.

    In the video, the vandals used hammers, pickaxe, and spray paint to cause serious damage to the building.

    Officials say the damage is "significant." FOX 5 News saw crews working on the property Saturday morning.

    While police haven't determined why the group targeted the building, some officials think it could be connected to recent protests at the Gwinnett County Jail.

    Anyone with information about the group is asked to call DeKalb County Police at 404-577-TIPS.

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